The Day School at Cahaba Bend
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New 2 You Consignment Sale – Fall 2016 The Day School at Cahaba Bend
The Day School at Cahaba Bend’s New 2 You consignment sale will provide the community with a great source for gently worn children’s clothing, toys, furniture, and maternity items at reasonable prices. Sellers receive 70% of their proceeds while the remaining 30% will go to support The Day School at Cahaba Bend. The sale will be held at The Church at Cahaba Bend. The church is located across from the Intermediate School on Hwy 52 in Helena.
In order to run a successful sale we will need lots of sellers, shoppers, and volunteers. There are 100+ total shifts that must be covered by workers – if you can volunteer, please sign up on our website, /sale. It would be terrific to have some men and youth volunteer for set-up/break-down times! Remember volunteers are given access to the special preview sale !!
AND as an extra incentive- those that volunteer first on any shift (excluding DSCB teachers and committee members) will receive a “FAST PASS”. Additional opportunities for a “FAST PASS” will become available as warranted by shift needs. “FAST PASS” shopping will be on Thursday at 3:45! Watch our FaceBook page for updates on “FAST PASS” opportunities.
Seller Information: In order to become a seller you must register for a seller number and sign up for a check- in time for your items by registering at our website Registration for consignor numbers is currently being offered online and will continue to be offered until 120 Sellers are registered for this sale.
****************PLEASE READ***************
The online program will be available for Registration and Tagging until Sunday, October 2nd at noon. At that point the program will be inaccessible to all Sellers as the Consignment Sale Team will begin importing all the information entered and preparing for Consigner Receiving that day.
If you have any questions please contact [email protected].
Seller registration fees will be deducted from the Consignor’s check after the completion of the sale. You will not have to pay a seller registration fee online!
The Registration Fee to be paid is as scheduled: o You must have a minimum of 10 items o Registration fee is $10.00 (to be taken out of seller’s check at the end of sale). You do not have to pay the registration fee online or at consignor check-in. Consignment Sale Schedule Thursday, October 6th Volunteers shop 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm Consignors shop 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm PREVIEW Sale Thursday, October 6th Volunteers shop 3:45 pm FAST PASS SHOPPERS ONLY PREVIEW Sale Friday, October 7th Public Sale Open to Public 9:00 am – 7:00 pm Saturday, October 8th Public Sale- Most Items ½ off Open to Public 8:00 am – 1:00 pm Saturday, October 8th $$$DOLLAR DASH$$$ Open to Public 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm Saturday, October 8th Pick Up Unsold/Not Donated Items **5:00 pm – 6:00 pm** **Please Note- Any unsold items not picked up by 6:00 pm will be donated- NO EXCEPTIONS** $$$See more information below on the Dollar Dash$$$
Consignor Drop-Off Schedule Sunday, October 2nd 4:00 pm – 9:00 pm Check in time every 30 min Last drop off time is 8:30 pm Monday, October 3rd 9:30 am – 12:30 pm Check in time every 30 min Last drop off time is 12:00 pm Monday, October 3rd 4:30 pm – 8:00 pm Check in time every 30 min Last drop off time is 7:30 pm Tuesday, October 4th 9:30 am – 12:30 pm Check in time every 30 min Last drop off time is 12:00 pm Tuesday, October 4th 4:30 pm – 7:00 pm Check in time every 30 min Last drop off time is 7:30 pm
Sale Instructions
Please read and carefully follow all instructions. If your items are not labeled and hung on the hanger correctly, we will ask that you organize your items before you can check-in.
You must have a minimum of 10 items to receive a seller number. We welcome the following:
1. Fall and Winter clothing only: We will pull out any items that are out of season.
New and gently worn Children’s clothing and accessories sizes 0-3 months thru Junior girls and Junior boys.
New and gently worn Ladies clothing and accessories. Please remember that we will only accept items that are up to date and in style. Due to limited space we must be a bit pickier about Ladies items.
We do not accept diapers, panties, underwear, or training pants. However, diaper covers and bloomers are accepted.
REMEMBER!! Neatly pressed items have more buyer appeal and sell MUCH better.
2. Shoes and Accessories: Fall and Winter Shoes IN EXCELLENT CONDITION ONLY. Please secure shoes together if they have ties or loop straps (place in Ziploc bags if not). Secure tag to the sole of the shoe so as not to cover the view of the shoes.
Socks and accessories should be placed in Ziploc bags and taped shut. Do not use clear packing tape on your tags because we need to be able to remove that tags without tearing them.
Ladies shoes IN EXCELLENT CONDITION ONLY. Please secure shoes together if they have ties or loop straps. Attach tags to the soles of shoes. Shoes can be placed in Ziploc bags or shoe boxes. Shoes must somehow be secured together.
All shoes not in sufficient condition will be returned at the time of check-in.
3. Maternity clothing and Nursery Accessories:
New and Gently worn Fall and Winter maternity clothes.
Baby furniture such as changing tables, cribs, rockers/gliders. Use clear tape to attach tag. These items sell better if fully assembled. Place all extra hardware in an attached Ziploc.
Cribs must have been purchased no more than 5 years ago and must have all pieces.
Nursery items such as high chairs, potty chairs, diaper disposal systems, exersaucers, bedding, strollers, etc. must be CLEAN AND ODOR FREE and in good condition.
4. Toys:
It is also illegal to sell any product that has been recalled. Please be sure your items are safe by checking the CPSC website: for information on recalled products.
We discourage the sale of monster (or any scary) toys and toy weapons as well as any item that may be frightening or offensive to children.
We will accept Nintendo Systems, Sega systems, or any other “gaming” system in good working condition ONLY. We will accept games for these systems.
Toys that require batteries MUST have working batteries in them. Items must work and will be checked at check-in before being accepted.
Toys must be CLEAN and ready to play with. No sticky or dirty toys will be accepted.
Toys and games must have all pieces. Toys with pieces should have pieces sealed in Ziploc bags that are taped shut. Please make sure to secure pieces to the toy.
Small toys may be combined and sold in “lots” in Ziplocs that are taped shut.
We will accept videos/DVDs that are rated G or PG only (at our discretion). All need a label on the spine (or in original packaging).
We reserve the right to reject any item that may be inappropriate for this sale. Inventory Sheets:
Please use only official New 2 You inventory sheets on white, letter-sized paper. No other tags from other sales will be accepted.
Please bring Inventory Sheet with you at your appointed time for Drop-Off. There will be a $2 fee to print an Inventory Sheet for you at the time of Drop Off due to limited time.
Please print your inventory sheet with items listed in numerical order, Item 1, Item 2, etc. This is very important for receiving and break-down processes. Please try to group nursery items, toys, shoes, etc. together and list after clothing on the inventory sheet. As you bring your items in, please have them in numerical order. This helps the check-in process go smoother and faster so please keep them in numerical order when you bring them in for check- in.
Please leave a basket or tote with your seller # visibly marked on it for any unsold items to be returned to you at Check-In and Unsold Item Pick Up.
Miscellaneous Items
Items must be priced at $1.00 or above, in whole or half-dollar increments. Smaller items may be sold together. Either bag items together and/or pin sets together.
All items not picked up by the designated time will be donated to charity. NO EXCEPTIONS. Tagging Your Items- PLEASE READ THOROUGHLY AND CAREFULLY
Please visit our website /sale.
Click on “Work with Consigned Inventory”
Click “Work with My Consigned Items (Active Inventory)”
Enter your inventory.
Once all inventory is entered, click “Print All Tags”.
Then click “View/Print an Inventory Report”
o Be Sure to bring an Inventory Report with you to Check In
Pin tags with safety pins only to the front left shoulder of the garment as shown below. Please do not use straight pins or staples. Any item without a tag will not be sold.
All clothes must be hung on hangers – we encourage wire hangers due to space, however any kind of hanger is fine. Make sure the hanger hook is turned away from the tag you’ve pinned on. Also, place items such as comforters and bumper pads on a hanger. If your clothes are turned the wrong direction on the hanger you will need to correct this before check –in. Pin sets together with a safety pin.
Attach tags to boxes or Ziploc bags with tape. If you use clear packing tape, please do not cover the entire tag. The tags need to be able to be removed by us at check-out time.
Please make sure all items are properly and securely tagged.
Completing the Tags
Make sure your seller number is on each tag. This is necessary for us to pay you when the item sells.
Make sure the item number is on each tag.
Make sure that when you cut your tags that you do not accidentally cut the bar code off of the tag. This makes it impossible to scan your item at check-in as well as at check-out.
Use the drop down menu for the size of each clothing item.
Give a description of the item by stating the brand, color, design, etc. Mention if it is shirt, pants, skirt, etc. Description on the tags must match the description on the inventory sheet. This will help us locate lost items.
Check the appropriate category for BOY, GIRL, or OTHER. All children’s clothing must be marked with a gender. “Other” should be limited to maternity, toys, games, furniture, etc.
Maternity and Ladies items should be marked “OTHER” and have the words “Maternity” and “Ladies” as the first word in the description. Saturday is ½ price day. If you want your items to be sold at ½ price on Saturday, indicate so when filling out your inventory sheet. If you do NOT want your item to be sold for ½ price, use NO on the inventory sheet and tags.
Items to be donated to charity at the end of the sale should be marked “yes” DONATE on the inventory sheet and tags. These items will not be returned to you at the end of the sale.
Price your items so they will sell quickly. A good rule of thumb is ½ of the new price if it’s in very good condition and 1/3 of the new price if it’s in fair condition. There are likely to be more potential buyers on Thursday and Friday than on ½ price Saturday. The best rule of thumb is “would you buy it at that price and in that condition”.
$$$DOLLAR DASH$$$ (Please read carefully)
Any items not sold during the sale that are marked as “Donate Yes” will be sold in our Dollar Dash. The proceeds from the items sold during the Dollar Dash will go directly to the TWEEN ministry at The Church at Cahaba Bend- note only the items sold in the Dollar Dash will go to the TWEEN ministry at 100%. All other items marked for Donate that are not sold during the Dollar Dash will go to a mission organization that we have donated to every year in the past.
This will not affect the sale of any of your items during the regular sale times.
Proceeds from the Dollar Dash will go to support the Church at Cahaba Bend’s Tween Ministry- to help send our Tweens to summer camp. REMINDERS:
*WE WILL COMPLY WITH THE LAW FOR ALL RECALLED ITEMS! Please check this complete list of items @ PLEASE DO NOT BRING THESE ITEMS TO OUR SALE. All recalled items will be disposed of.
Ladies Shop: please do not bring in Ladies items that are out of style or out of season or have any odor. We will not accept these items.
Note to anyone selling a crib: ALL CRIBS MUST BE NO MORE THAN 5 YEARS OLD AND MUST BE ASSEMBLED PRIOR TO THE SALE. We prefer to see a manufacturer date on these as well.
While we are checking in your items, we request that you remain in our foyer – we’ll do our best to be timely with our receiving process. Please be patient with us as some consignors take less or more time depending on the various number of items.
Please remember that under our fluorescent lights you can see stains that may not normally be seen under home lighting. We reserve the right to refuse any items. In the event that we are short on volunteers there is a possibility that we will not have checks available the same day that you pick up unsold items. We will however mail your check to you in the week following the sale. So please be sure we have your correct address.
**********You have 2 weeks from the end of the sale to address any outstanding issues**********