The Board of Education

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The Board of Education



Record of Proceedings Regular Meeting January 10, 2017 Mrs. Willerup called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Board of Education Conference Room.

Roll Call: Members present: Mmes. Tara Willerup and Susan Salina. Messrs. Mike Goman, Todd Burrick and Tom Doran

Members absent: Mrs. Lydia Tedone. Messrs. Tom Frank and Jeff Tindall.

Also present: Superintendent Matt Curtis, Assistant Superintendent Erin Murray, Assistant Superintendent Sue Homrok-Lemke, Business Manager Burke LaClair, Director of Personnel Neil Sullivan, Student Representative Emily Sullivan and Recording Secretary Katie Wilde.

PUBLIC AUDIENCE Public Audience None

BOARD AND ADMINISTRATIVE COMMUNICATIONS Communications Andy O’Brien, SHS Principal, announced that Emily Sullivan has been selected as one of two CT delegates to the United States Senate Youth Program in Washington, D.C. He noted the prestige of this award and Ms. Sullivan’s accomplishments during high school

Ms. Sullivan reported on activities at the high school. She noted the MLK Day event occurring at the First Church of Christ with many high school participants.

Ms. Salina provided an update on the December Curriculum Committee meeting. There was discussion about a new Unified Arts program at the high school, redesign of the HJMS schedule, and the new math program.

Ms. Lemke reported that Community for Care is meeting tomorrow to plan their March program for families impacted by drug use. SEPTO will meet next on January 18th. Mr. Sullivan reported that the School Security and Safety Plan update has been completed, distributed throughout the district, and submitted to the state.

Ms. Murray stated that during the January 20th professional development the focus will be on curriculum at the grade level and content areas. She stated that the first meeting of the STEM Lab Advisory Committee was today and noted the makeup of the committee. Mr. LaClair stated that the Public Building Committee approved the HJMS Phase II specifications.

Mr. Curtis briefly reviewed the current year reductions to ECS funding from the state. He stated that reductions next year could have a larger impact as there is discussion about the state using a new funding formula. Mr. Curtis noted that the administration is looking at ways to free up funds this year for use next year. He pointed out a letter from Fred Ostern that was distributed to board members, relative to the positive impact of staff members in special education. Page 2

Ms. Willerup noted that the CREC Legislative Breakfast is January 26th at the state capitol and board members are welcome to attend. She stated that the MLK event at the First Church of Christ is open to the public and she briefly discussed the program for the event.


A. Approval of Minutes of December 13, 2016 Meeting Approval of Minutes of Mr. Doran: MOVE to approve the minutes of the December 13, 2016 meeting. December 13, 2016 Meeting Ms. Salina: Seconded. So moved. Mr. Goman abstained.

B. Approval of Final Plans and Cost Estimate for HJMS Renovation Project – Approval of Final Phase II Plans and Cost Estimate for Jennifer Mangiagli, architect with Kaestle Boos Associates, presented the scope of HJMS work for Phase II of the HJMS project. Mr. LaClair stated that the Public Building Renovation Committee has approved the project, and he expects the final sign-off by Fire Project Phase II Marshal Kevin Kowalski and Building Official Henry Miga this week. He noted the total cost of for the project is estimated at $2,456,000 and is on the Priority B list for state grants. Ms. Mangiagli reviewed the eligible and ineligible costs as well as the add-on recommendations.

Mr. Burrick: MOVE that the Board of Education approves the final plans and the project manual as prepared for bidding along with the professional cost estimate for the Henry James Renovation Project – Phase II.

Mr. Goman: Seconded. So moved.


A. 2017-18 Budget Overview 2017-18 Budget Overview Mr. Curtis stated the during the tri-board meeting the BOF indicated a budget guideline of 2%. He provided information relative to budget context included per pupil expenditure, prior budget increases and enrollment. Mr. Curtis noted important factors to consider such as the state deficit in the current year and future years, the loss of tax revenue from The Hartford facility, and the fact that taxes will need to increase this year.

Mr. Curtis reviewed the fixed costs in next year’s budget. The 4 personnel contracts total an increase of 2.1% over the current budget. In addition, a significant increase in health insurance is anticipated resulting in an additional 1.53% increase. Other insurances are expected to increase 0.04%. Total increase is 3.69% which will be offset by 6 known certified staff retirements, bringing the budget increase to 3.47%. Mr. Curtis noted that there will be additional savings related to enrollment reductions. He explained the reason for the increase in health insurance cost.

Mr. Curtis reviewed the staffing requests for 2017-18. He stated that these were requested during budget meetings with building principals, and the administration supports three staff related requests: An additional Social Worker K-6, a Math Coach Page 3 K-6, and staffing to support a block schedule at HJMS. Adding these positions would increase the budget by .46%. The goal is to offset these staffing costs within the current staffing FTE allocation, thereby not adding FTE to the budget.

Mr. Curtis discussed areas where potential reductions are under consideration. These include professional development, technology, textbooks (math implementation), equipment and supplies. Potential reductions may be found through the class size analysis Mr. Sullivan is completing; tightening current year spending to increase funding in the non-lapsing account; some flexibility in insurance premiums; increased revenue with a 4% Open Choice enrollment; and a review of all vacancies.

Mr. Doran asked if there are any large unknowns that could affect the budget. Mr. Curtis responded that there is nothing significant. A hard analysis of staffing and programming will be completed.

B. Special Education Program Report Special Education Ms. Lemke provided an overview of the presentation. Nancy Forsberg, District Program Report Supervisor of Special Services, reviewed student performance data for students with disabilities compared with regular education students and towns in DRG B. She noted that, as with regular education students, further work needs to be done in the area of Math grades 3-8. Ms. Forsberg reported that Simsbury met all CT requirements for 2014-15 in special education.

Ms. Lemke provided data on special education student enrollment versus districtwide enrollment. She noted that although the number of students has decreased, the number of students with special needs has increased. Ms. Lemke reviewed the staffing supports that were added in 2015-16 and 2016-17. She stated that all of the elementary principals have asked that an elementary social worker be added in the 2017-18 school year.

Ms. Lemke addressed some of the factors that need to be considered when budgeting for special education. She stated that although the number of outplaced students has decreased, the amount of tuition for those who are outplaced has increased. Currently 21 students are outplaced and the tuition cost totals $2,641,160. In addition, the cost for special education transportation is projected at $1,363,079 for fiscal year 2016-17.

Ms. Lemke discussed the transition from Birth to Three into the Simsbury school system. She pointed out that children transition upon their 3rd birthday so there is not just one time of year when these students come into the system. Ms. Lemke reviewed the transition process. She noted that unanticipated 1.44 FTE in Pre-K para support was added this year. Ms. Willerup asked what the incident rate for special education is in Simsbury. Ms. Lemke responded that the current rate is 13%. She stated that the incidence rate is shared with Mr. Curtis and building principals on a monthly basis. Ms. Lemke noted that the rate at the elementary level is less than 10%, the rate at HJMS is 12.5%, and the rate at SHS is higher. She stated that the state average is 12.5%, and Simsbury is not an outlier in DRG B.

Ms. Forsberg reviewed the Special Education Big Five: Achievement Gap, dyslexia, mental health, transition and service delivery. These are the areas of long term focus and continuous improvement within the department. Page 4

Lisa Abel, HJMS Band Director and Kristina Nordell, Special Education teacher, talked about United Sound, a peer mentoring program. This is a student led program in which regular education students assist special education students in playing band instruments. SHS senior Jake Ostern spoke about his experiences in the special education program. He spoke specifically about the GATES (Growth, Academics, Transition, Employment) Program that was started by special education teachers Matt Spector and Dan Bergman. Jake discussed how Simsbury High School and GATES have helped him to be a better advocate for himself, learn academic strategies, go outside of his comfort zone, and get into college. He briefly talked about his plans for the future.

PUBLIC AUDIENCE Public Audience None


Mr. Doran: MOVE to adjourn at 8:40 p.m.

Mr. Goman: Seconded. So moved.

______Todd Burrick Katie Wilde Secretary Recording Secretary

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