Ashley, Darby, Phoebe, Mila, Connor, Bryson, Andrew

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Ashley, Darby, Phoebe, Mila, Connor, Bryson, Andrew

A2 Justifications

Ashley, Darby, Phoebe, Mila, Connor, Bryson, Andrew A2 27:the answer is B because a wagon that is being pulled downhill at a constant velocity. if a wagon is being pulled downhill the force pulling the wagon downhill is greater that the force of gravity. 29: the answer is D a good place to watch a dog running are all good answers because you can observe a dog running from a tree, the ground etc. as long as you are not moving because that could make it look like the dog is still or not running 30:D winds and breezes are named in the direction that they come from 34:A The motion of the molecules always speed up because that is what causees heat Human body 32: D, carbon dioxide is replaced for oxygen, because in the respotory system you have to breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide making it be changed. 28. A, The SMALL INTESTINES absorbs most of the water and most of the nutrients, and the colon's job is to absorb the rest of the water . Basically, the colon's function is to absorb any REMAINING water that the small intestines doesn't absorb. Cells and Heredity 34. D (DNA) because DNA controls everything you do. DNA has everything you will ever do programmed into it so it will direct everything. 35. A (The growth of an organism is the direct result of cell division.) This is true because when cells divide, they make two cells the same size as the parent cell. This means that in the past there was one, and now there are 2 the same as the old one, doubling the space it takes up (not of the human, but of the parent cell) 39. D. they do not live as individual organisms, because they travel and live in big colonies. 40. 44. 44 is C because the cell wall of the plant is visible. You can see the cell wall as well as a small dot that is the nucleus. 45. The answer is C because the reproduction in a plant occurs in the flowers. The pollen goes into the flowers and down the style into the egg cell and fertilizes it. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Human Body 25. If we didn’t have valves we would not have any blood pressure because the valves hold the blood and allows blood to defy gravity. 26. Platelets don’t carry oxygen because white blood cells do. 27. If you look at blood under a microscope and the blood is full of oxygen thn the blood sample was brobably taken from arteries because arteries carry blood with oxygen from the heart to the rest of the body

This color is ashley This color=Andrew Montambo -_- :)-(: this color Bryson Barron (@: this color is Mila (- NAEM is This color is Darby Bevis :D

Cells and Genetics: 10. A, Traits are least likely to be inherited if them come from mutations in muscles in skins cells because your skins cells mutate and develop as you grow, and it takes time for that to happen. A2 Justifications

11. D, A zygote is made when two sex cells (sperm and egg) with the same amount of chromosomes combine to fertilize and create an embryo. 13. A, When diseases reproduce, they change to adapt. Also they adapt to survive when the bacteria is still living to become more drug resistant, penicillin would have to change to be effective to the new and evolved disease. 14. Ultraviolent radiation changing the DNA sequence within the sex cells of some flowers on a tree would affect future generations of maple trees the most. It would affect them because the sex cells are the cells that reproduce and make new trees. The new trees would be affected if the sex cells within the tree were harmed. 15. If a disease that damaged the mitochondria affected cells, there would be a decrease in energy. Energy obtained from food molecules would be reduced because the mitochondria is the “powerhouse” of the cell and is the source of energy. 16. C: In telophase the cytoplasm splits into two leading into cytokeneisis where two new cells are made.

Weather: 7.) The answer for # 7 is C (lowers the freezing point of water). Salt lowers the melting point of water due to its atomic level of sodium and Chlorine. 8.) The answer for # 8 is D (Tsunami). This is because Tsunamis are caused by underwater earthquakes from an underwater fault line and in the atlantic oceans there are no dangerous fault lines that could cause a Tsunami 13.) The answer for # 13 is C (Gulf of Mexico). This is because in the Gulf there is moist hot air, and with those conditions weather formations occur there.

Human Body: 6.) A Plasma carries hormones and nutrients out of your blood 7.) A Carbohydrates begin to breakdown in the salivary glands. Saliva breaks down materials with the chemicals in it. 8.) Small intestine because it has little linings in it and absorbs the content available. 10.) B because in the digestive system things get broken down into nutrients and such. These nutrients go into cells for energy.

Force and motion: 16.) The kinetic energy at A and its potential energy at B are the same because when the pendulum swings down from point A, it is using kinetic energy while gaining potential at the same rate. This is because the stored energy (kinetic energy) is being released while the pendulum is gaining potential energy. A pendulum keeps on going by transferring that energy so that is why the kinetic and potential energy are the same. 17.) The rock and the stone are falling at the same speed because of gravity. Gravity accelerates everything at exactly the same rate. You already know that gravity has a heavier pull on heavier objects and a lighter pull on lighter objects. This is why in the end objects fall at the same rate because gravity equals out the the acceleration by adjusting the amount of pull needed for the weight. You may notice how sometimes things don’t fall at the same rate; this would be the effect of things like air resistance that would cause some objects to fall at a slower rate than others. A2 Justifications

Science questions Group Members- Chloe B, Nicole B, Alexis S, Samara P, Rachel S, Mary G and Amelia G Block- A2 Table: 1

Force and motion : 13.) Question: A locomotive starts at rest and accelerates at 0.12 meters per second squared to a speed of 2.4 meters per second in 20 seconds. This motion could be described as……… Answer: C-Constant acceleration and increasing velocity.Because as the speed increases so do the seconds. Then once the car starts and begins to go from 0.12 to 2.4 it doesn’t go up as a constant speed it just accelerates all at once.


D: It’s kinetic energy increase is equal to it’s potential energy increases……… Because when it swings back and forth the potential energy is being decreased while when swinging the kinetic energy is being used to swing down to position C.

Human Body: 1.) Question- The movement of blood from the legs to the heart goes against gravity. Which structure prevents backflow of blood? A2 Justifications

Answer- C, valves in the veins because valves inside the vein open and close with the beat of the heart that pushes the blood thru the veins. With one beat the valve opens and one it closes with the closing of the valve the blood cannot backflow.

3.)Question- which organ diagram makes gastric juice? Answer- B, In the stomach, there is gastric acid that breaks down food.

4.)Question: In Humans, the period of development before birth is known as…. Answer: B, gestation because this is the only answer choice that is related to the development of something over a period of a time, which is what the question is asking.

5.) Question: In animals that reproduce sexually, which is the correct sequence for the development of a new organism? Answer: D. Because a gamete is unfertilized and once it is fertilized it becomes a zygote that implants itself in the embryo.

Weather: 3. A2 Justifications

Answer: C. because in the map the weather is moving from the left to right. Also warm fronts bring thunderstorms and cold fronts bring rain.

4.) Question: Which conditions in the atmosphere would cause smoke from a campfire on a beach to blow towards the ocean? Answer: C. because low-density air is colder and since the smoke is blowing toward the ocean it would have to be a land breeze because land breezes blow towards the ocean because the air over the land is colder than the land over the ocean.

5.) Question: If Hurricane Gilbert follows a typical storm track, it will move toward the: Answer: A-Northeast. Because the diagram of the storm track shows the tornado moving northwest, but once it touches the land it turns and heads in a straight line towards the northeast.

Cells and Genetics: 1. Question: A human zygote is produced from sex cells that have the same….. Answer: C. Because you can not create a zygote with sex cells that have different numbers of chromosomes.

3) Question: In the process of meiosis, sex cells are produced. After meiosis, which process restores the normal 2n chromosome number of the species for the next generation? Answer: C. Because fertilization combines the chromosomes from the two sex cells to create one full set of chromosomes for the next generation

4) Question: Randoseparationon of a pair of homologous chromosomes (putting one each in different cells occurs during.....

5. Question: The photograph shows a stained specimen of onion skin as seen through the high power objective of a microscope. Which structures can be seen? Answer: The cell wall and nucleus, because on the outside of the diagram there is a cell wall, and the big circle structure inside the diagram is the nuclei.

6. Question: Where does sexual reproduction occur in a plant? Answer: C-The flowers. Because the flowers have different gender parts of the plants. Such as the male parts of the flower, the anther, the filament and the stamen. A2 Justifications

The female parts, the stigmal, the pistil, the ovul, the style and the ovary. Since the flowers have all of these sexual parts, that’s the way that they can reproduce.

7.) Question: Which sequence shows the most complex structure to the least complex structure? Answer: Chromosome-gene-DNA, is in the right order, because the chromosome is the structure that holds the dna and the information for the gene.

Force and Motion 19. B because the graph shows the distance in the amount of time the cars went so it is trying to calculate the speed of the cars. 23. - C- The answer is C because the graph is counting by 1’s therefore the car can’t skip numbers because the graph doesn’t and that’s why it can’t be .4, 2 and 4. Human Body 11.B disease, because disease is the thing that is changing the structures and breaking them down. 18.C homeostasis, because homeostasis maintains body heat 19. Cassidy Vik - Answer: C - The answer is C because fertilization is when the sperm and egg combine, giving half of their chromosomes to the zygote. 21. Cassidy Vik - Answer: D - The nephron is the basic unit if the kidney. If you look closely at the kidney, you see little tiny tubes and those are called nephrons. The nephrons move the blood throughout the kidney to keep blood flowing. Weather 14. A- because weather starts in troposphere 15. C because since the ocean has higher air pressure the molecules can’t all stay compact they have to travel to a place with less air pressure for more space. Cells and Genetics 17. C- The answer is C because they both have cells, and without them they wouldn't be able to grow and reproduce. 19. Cassidy Vik - Answer: A - The answer is A because the organism would produce sex cells with 46 chromosomes. This is because during mitosis duplicates and this makes the number of chromosomes doubled. The # of chromosomes would not be 23 because the parents give half of their chromosomes but that wouldn't happen in this situation. 22. A because the offspring is more than half of the gene that the individual possesses. 23. D- because the offspring can not get a recessive trait if none or only one of the parents have a recessive trait 24. Holland Dowdy D.-Males normally have sex linked disorders more than woman. This is true because girls have a dominant trait XX and males carry the recessive trait XY. 25. Holland Dowdy B.- 25% because the male has a recessive trait which means that it is possible for baldness. 27. Holland Dowdy D.- Type B and Type AB because Mr. Magee has type AB blood and Mrs. Magee has type B blood.

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