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MA 72. THE NATIONS IN TURMOIL - Millennium Alert APRIL 2016




“Look! I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to everyone according to what he has done.” (Revelation 22:12) “The night is almost gone, and the day is at hand.” (Romans 13:12) “ Let us exhort and encourage one another - and all the more, as you see the Day approaching.” (Hebrews 10:25) THE BAD NEWS IS THAT THE NATIONS ARE IN A DEATH SPIRAL! The nations are in an uproar. The political leaders are in confusion; the economic leaders are destitute. The Bible asks:

1 “WHY DO THE NATIONS RAGE, and the people devise a futile conspiracy?

“The kings of the earth take their stand, and the rulers take counsel together against YHWH and against His Anointed - His Messiah. ‘Let us break Their chains,’ they say, ‘and throw off Their cords from us!’ ” The LORD replies: ‘Kiss and do homage to the Son, lest He becomes angry, and you perish in the way, when His wrath is kindled just a little.’ How blessed are all who trust in, and take refuge in Him!” (Psalm 2:1-3, 12) We might also ask, “Why are the majority of the nations so bitterly opposed to the Word of the ALMIGHTY, the Creator and Ruler of the Universe. Why do they persist in rejecting the LORD OF GLORY – Y’shua, Jesus Christ, and embrace that which is clearly promoted by Satan? Why do they reject the Narrow Way that leads to Life, and choose the Broad Way that leads to eternal destruction?

The fact is that the nations are at war against Yahweh, the one true God who so greatly loves the human race that He made. And although Yahweh sent His Son to save the perishing population, the majority take an aggressive stance against the righteous precepts of God. Instead of kissing the Son, they spit in His Face, and seek to eliminate His followers. There is a fierce spiritual battle going on – evil against righteousness; Satan again the LORD OF GLORY.

“We know … that the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.” (1 John 5:19) And we are told to ... “Be on the alert, for your adversary, the devil, prowls about like a roaring lion, seeking whoever he can to devour. But resist him, standing firm in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are being experienced by your brethren who are in the world.” (1 Peter 8:9) The 21st century has become an era of the fiercest persecution since the Roman Empire fed Christians to the lions. Today almost all nations are persecuting followers of Y’SHUA THE WAY in varying degrees.

In the West believers are being persecuted for standing up for the Truth and the Bible. In the East they are being imprisoned and starved. In the Middle East they are being beheaded and slaughtered. But there’s some good news - see report later in this Millennium Alert ...




2 * Sunnis against Shi’ites. * Russia against Turkey. * Turkey against the Kurds. * Kurds against ISIS. * ISIS against everyone who does not join them. * Iran against Saudi Arabia. * Saudi Arabia against the Syrian regime. * The Gulf States against Assad. * Assad against Muslim Brotherhood. * Muslim Brotherhood against General Sisi. * General Sisi against both Muslim Brotherhood, and Assad. * Both Obama and Hamas back Muslim Brotherhood. * But Hamas is both anti-Israel, and anti-US, while Obama “supports” Israel. * Russia is against Ukraine. * The US and NATO against Russia. * Hizb’ollah (Lebanon) against Israel. * Israel & the Palestinians against each other. * Armenia against Azerbajan. * North Korea against the US and its neighbours. * Conflicts in many parts of Africa. * Upheavals and uprisings in South America.

Underlying the turmoil of the nations are the OIL & ECONOMIC WARS.

In the midst of all this criss-cross turmoil stands Israel with few friends, and with many enemies. And the United Nations with its great number of Islamic members, is increasing against Israel.


“O God, do not keep silent! For look, Your enemies are roaring; and those who hate You have raised their heads. They craftily plot against Your people, and conspire against Your hidden, treasured ones. They say: ‘Come, and let us destroy them as a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.’ “ The tents of Edom and the Ishmaelites; Moab and the Hagarites; Gebal, Ammon, and Amalek; Philistia with the inhabitants of Tyre. Assyria also had joined with them; they have been a help to the sons of Lot.” (Psalm 83: 1-4, 7-8) These enemies mentioned are all Arabs. Some are somewhat friendly at present, but eventually they will all turn against Israel.


GAZA’S MODERN “PHILISTINIANS” The Palestinians are not actually descendants of the ancient Philistines, but the name is derived from the old Gazan territory of Philistia. (Remember the Philistine Giant Goliath?) Philistia in the early 20th century became known as Palestine, and was used to identify the territory of ancient Israel. Historically there has never been a State of Palestine. The modern Palestinians are a perpetual thorn in Judah’s side! Even when they talk “peace”, their war cry is: “Death to Israel”! And the Iranians join in the chorus. HAMAS’ TUNNELS TONS OF CONCRETE BEING IMPORTED INTO GAZA

Millions of dollars’ worth of concrete is allowed to cross into the Gaza Strip every day - more than enough of what is needed to rebuild the homes and cities. Much of this cement is being used to build terrorist tunnels, to wage war and death on the Jews of Israel. The Palestinians in Gaza are digging more tunnels under the borders and under Jewish Communities, in preparation for a full-fledged attack on Israel. Recent tunnels have become longer and wider. Some allow for vehicles to drive along the tunnels. Many Israelis are living in a nightmare knowing that at any minute, terrorists may emerge into their yards. Recently a number of tunnels have collapsed – destroyed by Egypt and/or Israel. Hamas begs Egypt to stop destroying its tunnels, arguing that it is not “us” who are attacking Egyptian forces in the Sinai.

4 “UNDERGROUND IRON DOME” TO TARGET TERROR TUNNELS Western sources have reported that a new weapon, dubbed the “Underground Iron Dome,” can detect a tunnel, and then send in a moving missile to blow it up. Israel has started testing the secret new weapon that is aimed at defeating the tunnel systems which Hamas is busy digging for surprise attacks against Israel. TOP HAMAS OFFICIAL SLAMS HIS OWN HAMAS MOVEMENT “Baldness has come upon Gaza.” (Jeremiah 47:5) APRIL 2016. A top Hamas official has strongly criticized his Hamas movement, holding it responsible for the harsh and tragic situation inside the Gaza Strip. Ahmed Yousef, who previously served as advisor to former Hamas PM, Ismail Haniyeh, made his criticism in an article published last weekend. Yousef lashed out at Hamas’ mosque preachers, saying they were using the podiums to sound meaningless words. He called upon the preachers to “live the bitter reality and stop deluding people by claiming that we are living in the reality of a utopia. Everyone is shocked because of the reality we are living in, and people don’t stop talking about the pain and tragedy,” the Hamas official said. He said that Hamas rulers have failed to improve the living conditions of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. “ We have waited 10 years to see the Virtuous City that some promised us,” Yousef said, referring to the decade-old rule of Hamas over the Gaza Strip. “But unfortunately, conditions have worsened and the poor have become even poorer.


We are all aware that a new force of evil has arisen – a force that has left

even many Muslims aghast and appalled. Some call it the Death Cult; and it has greatly added to the world of turmoil. ISIS is bitterly opposed to Christians, to Israel, to the Shia Muslims, to Russia, Iran, to the West, to all infidels, and to anyone, or any group or nation that opposes, or that does not give allegiance to the Islamic State. The head of ISIS is Abu Bakr al- Baghdadi. (pic above) ISIS has even executed more than 420 of its own fighters, for crimes such as attempting to defect, spying for foreign countries or fraternising with the enemy.

You have heard, read and seen accounts of its brutal beheadings and executions; but what about this? …


JAN 7. An Islamic State militant executed his mother in Public, in the Syrian city of Raqqa, because she had tried to persuade him to leave the group.

The Syrian Observatory reported on Dec. 29, that Islamic State had executed more than 2,000 Syrian civilians in the 18 months since it declared its "caliphate" over the territory it controls in Syria and Iraq. They included people killed on the grounds of “practicing magic and apostasy.” They have executed or enslaved thousands in Iraq also.


The boy, Ayham Hussein, in Mosul, was discovered by ISIS henchman as he was listening to a portable compact disc player.

“ Indeed, all who desire to live godly in Messiah, Y’shua, will be persecuted. But evil men and imposters will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.” (2 Timothy 3:12-13)

Just when you thought Islamic State had reached its limit of barbarity, it manages to outdo itself.

This baby will be shot if the parents do not renounce their faith, and embrace Islam.


A 12-year old girl, under the control of the Islamic State, became the brutal terror group’s latest executioner.

A local source in Nineveh said: “On the evening of March 2, a 12-year-old Islamic State girl, in Mosul, Iraq, executed five women, including a doctor who refused to take care of ISIS fighters who were injured during an air strike conducted by the international coalition.

6 This was considered to be the first time ISIS used a young girl as an executioner.”

ISIS IS USING CHEMICAL WEAPONS FEB 2016. CIA Director, John Brennan, has warned that the leaders of the Islamic State are actively engaged in producing chemical weapons and in using them on the battlefield. Brennan said that the use of WMD by the terror state is limited for now. But, “ISIS appears to be trying to figure out how to use poison gas on a much wider scale.” It’s "a threat that keeps him awake at night,” he told CBS.

APR 9. It is reported that the U.S. Air Force has now deployed B-52 long-ranger bombers in the Middle East, for the first time in 25 years (since the Gulf War ended), to conduct strikes against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.

MILLIONS OF ISIS’ DOLLARS DESTROYED ISIS has been called the richest terrorist organization in the world, but it has been the target of a campaign which aims to expose its inner economic workings, and to stop its campaigning through social media.

In Jan. 2016, the international coalition destroyed a cash storage facility used by ISIS’ jihadists in the Iraqi city of Mosul. It was estimated that the bombs destroyed hundreds of millions of dollars of cash.

The impact of the targeting of the group’s cash flow can be seen in reports that ISIS has had to cut salaries paid to its fighters, sometimes by as much as half.

ISIS PUSHES CHILD SOLDIERS TO THE FRONT LINES AMID A WAVE OF ISLAMIC STATE DEFECTIONS MAR 15. The Islamic State group, struggling to retain its fighters, has increasingly relied on an army of child soldiers.

ISIS SLOWLY BEING DISMANTLED IN SYRIA Thousands of Islamic State fighters including 160 of its leaders, have been killed by Russia, the U.S. and their allied military operations in Syria and Iraq over the past 18 months.

As ISIS is pushed out of areas in the Middle East, however, it pops up in other areas such as Libya, Afghanistan, Yemen and Indonesia. In Europe a network of up to 600 armed terrorists is operating! ISIS creating fear and crisis.

The European Union is in great disarray because of the millions of refugees who have fled from the Middle East and are seeking refuge in EU countries.

The situation is more dangerous because of thousands of jihadists who have gained entrance as a “Trojan Horse” under the guise of being refugees. European leaders have allowed a ticking time bomb into their midst.

SYRIA - A LAUNCHING PAD AGAINST ISRAEL 7 The 5-year long civil war in Syria is basically a chapter in the centuries-long Sunni-Shia conflict to gain supremacy in the Muslim world. In this chapter Sunni Saudi Arabia has aided the rebels in their attempt to oust the Alawi Shia dictator in Syria, Bashar Assad.

Shia Iran has been supporting Assad, and wants a wide Shi’ite caliphate, which is opposed to Mecca in Arabia. Iran wants to use Syria as a launching pad in its goal to annihilate Israel, and to establish a Shia Islamic caliphate with its capital in Jerusalem.

ISIS is believed to have 100 members in Israel!


The air forces of 14 nations have begun operating in Syrian airspace as a result of Operation Inherent Resolve, the air coalition against ISIS. The air forces of Syria, Russia, Israel, the US, Jordan, Australia, France, Britain, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Canada, Qatar and Bahrain have all been operating within the Syrian airspace. Damascus has been partially destroyed, but now, with Russia air strikes, Assad has been able to retake control of the capital.

Isaiah 17:1 will be fulfilled sooner or later ... ‘The oracle concerning Damascus. Look! Damascus is about to be removed from being a city, and it will become a heap of ruins.”


Sunnis and Shias are ideological enemies. Their estrangement and conflict began soon after the death of Mahommed. The present Civil War in Syria is essentially a battle involving four would-be caliphates in the Middle East. … ARABIAN, PERSIAN, TURKISH & ISIC “Free Syria rebels,” backed by Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, Kuwait, Pakistan and other Sunni Muslim countries, have been attempting to overthrow Assad, as they want a caliphate based in Mecca. Most Sunni Muslim nations oppose Assad because he is an Alawi (Shi’ite) Muslim with Islamic beliefs dominated by Iran. Sunni groups, including the Islamic State, reject Shi’ites as apostates. 8 BATTLES FOR SYRIAN CITIES Syria’s largest city, ALEPPO, had been besieged by ISIS, and some 70,000 people, having fled from the city, are sheltering in refugee camps on Turkey’s border. The Assad-Russian forces have recently retaken a big part of the city. But much of Aleppo is in ruins. RUSSIAN-SYRIAN MILITARY PUSH FOR ALEPPO A Russian news report says the Syrian military is preparing a major operation along with the Russian air force, to regain full control of the embattled city of Aleppo. Another current conflict is around the town of DARAA, near the Israeli Golan Heights and Jordanian borders. This conflict has forced about 50,000 Syrian refugees to flee to Jordan and Israel. Both Iran and Hizb’ollah are involved. ISIS is also in the area. (see map below.)


The war in Syria has had major consequences for its southern neighbours, Jordan and Israel. The entire country of Syria has been affected by the war, and estimates say around four million people have fled from Syria as refugees. Another 5 to 6 million have been forced out of their homes and are refugees inside their own country. Jordan has received more than 600,000 of the Syrian refugees, and King Abdullah warns of disaster unless the country receives aid from abroad. Jordan has been dragged into the war because it is threatened by ISIS. Last year, after Jordan joined the international offensive against ISIS, one of its planes was shot down. The pilot bailed out but was captured by ISIS forces, and later burned alive inside a cage. IRAN’S RISING POWER IN SYRIA Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Ya’alon says: “Israel is very concerned by the strengthening of Iran in Syria as this will lead to a strengthening of the Shi’ite axis which could lead to a renewal of the Iranian terror front on Golan.” Both Iran and Hizb’ollah are positioned on the border of the Golan Heights of Israel.


Tehran, flushed with cash from sanctions relief, will give slain Palestinian attackers’ families financial compensation.

If the attacker has been killed, the family will receive $7,000. If the attacker’s house is demolished, the family will receive $30,000. The Palestinian Authority says that direct financial assistance by Iran to Palestinian < terroristsIRAN would be unacceptable, and it calls for such funding to be directed through the PA. Mahmoud Abbas wants a slice! < HIZB’OLLAH


FEB 14. Hizb’ollah has deployed advanced Russian air defence systems that threaten to end Israel's air advantage. The radical Islamic terror organization is laying the foundation for a comprehensive anti-air network.

IDF officials revealed that Israeli aircraft are now being tracked by Hizb’ollah’s advanced radar systems.


“Lebanon has a nuclear bomb,” Hassan Nasrallah said. He went on to admit that his statement was a slight exaggeration. “We don't really have a nuclear bomb,” he said, laughing. But the threat is from “several missiles” launched from Lebanon onto ammonia storage depots in the Israeli port city of Haifa, that would “lead to the same impact as a nuclear bomb.” Nasrallah claimed that blowing up 15,000 tons of the toxic gas in a densely populated region of 800,000 people would lead to tens of thousands of casualties.

Syrian and Iranian engineers and technicians are developing the chemical weapons for Hizb’ollah’s arsenal, and foreign experts were hired from outside the Middle East to help build radioactive weapons - DEBKAfile Good neighbours, eh?


10 “Do not be still, O God! For look, Your enemies are roaring; and those who hate You have raised their heads. They craftily plot against Your people, and conspire against Your hidden, treasured ones. They have said, ‘Come, and let us destroy them as a nation, that the name of Israel may be remembered no more.’ For they have conspired together with one mind; they make a pact against You.” (Psalm 83:1-5)


Iran became an extreme Shia republic, in 1979, after a revolution that deposed Shah Pahlavi, and that brought Ayatollah Khomeini to power. Khomeini was succeeded by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.


Both believed they were called to prepare the way for the promised Iman Mahdi. (Islamic Messiah). Both have been extremely anti-US and anti-Israel, and have called for the destruction of both. They have referred to the US as the Great Satan, and to Israel as the Little Satan.


This program was challenged by the international community. After years of talks a nuclear deal was struck in July 2015. Iran agreed to scale back some of its nuclear program, and the Nations agreed to lift the economic sanctions they had imposed on the renegade nation. This was fulfilled in early 2016, and since then, billions of dollars have been flowing into Iran’s coffers.

11 Iran’s nuclear deal, however, is far from clean and clear-cut. It has been reported that Tehran is “cheating” on the agreement, and is pressing ahead with producing missiles to carry nuclear weapons. There have been talks on the possibility of the US imposing economic sanctions on Iran once more. Iran has warned that if that should happen, the deal is OFF! After years of economic sanctions and international isolation, the Islamic Republic is now poised to become a very rich country, and its potential for profit goes far beyond oil production. It stands to make an estimated $700 billion off its vast deposits of minerals – such as copper, iron ore, zinc and lead. But Iran is not about to become a capitalist nation. Iran is possessed by its Islamic goal of establishing a Shia-dominated global caliphate. It’s hatred of the United States and Israel continues, and its clandestine nuclear program continues, as the nation builds up its military strength in preparation for the big war that “everyone” knows is ahead. APR 10. Iran’s foreign minister said the Islamic Republic’s ballistic missile program is “not open to negotiation” with the United States, seemingly spurning an overture from Secretary of State John Kerry. APR 11. Now, Tehran and Moscow have started talks on the supply of the Russian-made Sukhoi-30 fighter jets to Iran. Iran has also begun to take delivery of an advanced Russian S- 300 surface-to-air missile defence system. See picture of system below.

Russian S-300 surface-to-air missile defence system.



GULF STATES SEEK THEIR OWN NUKES TO COUNTER IRAN FEB 17. Several Persian Gulf states are seeking nuclear weapons to counter the "bad guy" Iran. They have held clandestine meetings with Israel despite not having official ties with Tel Aviv. Israel’s Defence Minister Moshe Ya’alon said at the Munich Security Conference in Germany: "We see signs that countries in the Arab world are preparing to acquire nuclear weapons, and they are not willing to sit quietly with Iran on the brink of a nuclear or atomic bomb.” Can you imagine many nations firing off nukes? I can – in the world war that Revelation 6 talks about.


“Then another horse, a fiery red one, went forth. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to cause men to slay one another. A huge sword was given to him. … I looked and saw a pale, ashen horse; and he who sat on it had the name “Death”; and Hades (the realm of the dead) was following close behind him. And authority was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with famine, with plague and pestilence, and by the wild beasts of the earth.” (Revelation 6:4, 8)


The Kurds have descended from the Ancient Medes. They are at present situated in S E Turkey, N Syria, N Iraq, and Southern Iran. In N Iraq they have been granted a semi-autonomous state. In N Syria, due to the war, they have declared a type of Kurdish autonomy. In S E Turkey, the Kurds have been at war with the Turkish government for several decades. Two years ago they brokered a peace deal with the Government, but that deal broke down in 2015. Turkish PM Ahmet Davutoglu blamed a Syrian Kurdish militia fighter, working with Kurdish militants inside Turkey, for a suicide car bombing that killed 28 people in the capital Ankara, and he vowed retaliation in both Syria and Iraq. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said his country has the right to launch operations in Syria against “terrorist organizations.”

AHMET DAVUTOGLU (left). RECEP TAYYIP ERDOGAN (right) Turkey now continues to attack and kill Kurds, in Turkey and Syria and Iraq.


The Kurds have proved to be a formidable fighting force against ISIS. Kurdish women also are trained as combatants, and are very effective, as ISIS believe the edict that if any soldier is killed by a woman, he will never enter paradise. So when they face female soldiers, the fierce ISIC fighters flee away as fast as they can. What a comedy!



“Sharpen the arrows, fill the quivers! YHWH has aroused the spirit of the kings of the Medes, because His purpose is against Babylon to destroy it; for it is the vengeance of Yahweh, vengeance for His temple.” (Jeremiah 51:11)


President Barack Obama decided earlier this year, much to the surprise of Washington insiders, to open a third anti-terror front - in Libya to eradicate the Islamic Front’s tightening grip on the country. The Obama administration will be going into Libya for the second time in four years – only this time, up front and on the ground – with three objectives: 1. Control of Libya’s oil and gas fields. 2. Stripping ISIS of its jumping-off base for terrorizing Europe, especially Italy, across the Mediterranean. 3. Saving Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco from the noose that ISIS and Al Qaeda are pulling around them from their backyard.


In early February, Saudi Arabia floated the idea of sending 150,000 ground troops into Syria "to fight ISIS." In response, a member of the Russian Parliament publicly stated that “If any foreign troops enter Syria without permission from the Syrian government, Russia will consider that a declaration of war.”

Saudi Arabia and Turkey threatened to invade Syria in support of the Free Syrian Army (called “the rebels”), in an attempt to blunt Russia’s offensive, and to bring down Bashar Assad’s Shia regime.


On Feb 10, Saudi Arabia and 25 of its "allies" began massing 350,000 troops in northern Saudi Arabia. The Saudis transported 20,000 tanks and 2,450 warplanes to northern Saudi Arabia. 460 military helicopters were en route as well. The Saudis then declared the airspace in the northern section of the country to be "closed." Saudi Arabia claimed this was all part of an "exercise” which would take 18 days - up to February 28. When this information came out, Russia repeated its warning that any foreign troops entering Syria without permission would mean a declaration of war.

RUSSIA WARNS OF “NEW WORLD WAR” IN SYRIA FEB 12, 2016. Russia warned of "a new world war" starting in Syria after a dramatic day in which Gulf states threatened to send in ground forces.

Foreign and defence ministers of the leading international states backing different factions in the war-torn country, met in separate meetings in Munich and Brussels following the collapse of another round of peace talks on Syria.

Both Russia and the US have demanded ceasefires in the long-running civil war, so that the fight could be concentrated against ISIS - but each has their own, conflicting terms and agenda.


MAR 5. Saudi Arabia was preparing to supply Syrian rebel groups with anti-plane and anti-tank missiles in an attempt to stall Russia's military efforts to extend Bashar Assad's days in power. Saudi Defence Minister, Prince Mohammed Bin Salman is preparing this

latest Saudi intervention in the Syrian war. He plans to arm Syrian rebel militias with missiles capable of striking the new Russian T-90 tanks which were shipped directly to the Syrian army recently. So far, the threatened invasion by the Saudi and Turks has not taken place. But there have not been any reports of their massive troops being withdrawn from Northern Saudi Arabia. Russia’s threat to use tactical nukes, if necessary, may have held back the massive Sunni offensive. Maybe the West’s unwillingness to back the Saudi plan may also have helped to hold them back. But the time is not yet ripe to unleash World War 3 – the Biblical war prophesied in Ezekiel, Daniel, Zechariah and Revelation. But there are a number of conflicts that could develop into very big wars, such as the crises between Russia-Turkey; Russia and NATO; between Hizb’ollah and Iran on the Golan Heights against Israel; between Egypt and ISIS in Sinai; Libya and ISIS; and between Hamas and Israel, as well as the economic crises and regional conflicts in many parts of the world.

16 The prophecy in Daniel declares: “The end of it will come like a flood. There will be war until the end; and desolations have been decreed.” (Daniel 9:26) Now look at the Ezekiel war scenario: “O Gog, chief prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal; I will turn you around, put hooks into your jaws and bring you out with your whole army – your horses and horsemen all fully armed … “ In the latter years you will invade the land that has recovered from the sword, whose people have been gathered from many nations to the mountains of Israel which had long been desolate ... to plunder and loot, to turn your hand against the resettled ruins and the people gathered from the nations.” (Ezekiel 38:3,4,8,12)



Syria has mostly been a military ally of Russia. And Russia has a deep water port on the west coast of Syria which is very important to the Russian Navy.

When it became clear to Russia that Syria was going to fall to “the rebels,” Russia announced they were coming to the aid of their ally. But more than helping Bashar Assad, Vladimir Putin has wider goals !!!!


Nations are in distress with perplexity. The global financial powers are in disarray. The international stock exchanges appear to be set for a massive collapse. News reports, for some months, have informed of the many intrigues of the oil industry.

The cost per barrel has been tumbling since Saudi reduced its prices. Many "experts" believe that the oil-rich nation's royal family, in unison with the US, cut oil prices to undercut Russia's upsurging involvement in oil production and sales around the world.


The ruble fell sharply, and although the value of the Russian currency has risen, Vladimir Putin's empire continues to suffer. And while he and his country suffers, he remains resolute in 17 presenting the image of being able to project power in the manner of the Soviet regime at the apex of its being able to threaten the world. Despite great concerns that Putin indeed has the military resources and other assets to truly threaten his neighbours, and the rest of the world, experts with first-hand knowledge of Russia's capability provide an interesting perspective to the contrary. Bill Browder, a former champion advocating for Vladimir Putin, now believes the Russian president is leading a nation in great peril and a likely collapse could mean danger for the world. He says: “Russia is in severe recession and could very soon descend into chaos if money in Russia runs out. And when they run out of money, that's when the real trouble begins. “You can’t imagine how bad the situation in Russia is, with oil below what the budget needs to survive, as well as sanctions from the West. Russia is in a very serious economic crisis." - Rapture Ready News, 22 Jan 16

This could be a major reason for Putin’s forays into the Middle East –self-

survival through conquering oil and gas wealth, and fulfilling superpower globalist goals. Russia’s economic crisis could also be a reason for Putin’s sudden decision to withdraw troops from Syria. PRESIDENT PUTIN’S SURPRISE ANNOUNCEMENT

On March 14, Vladimir Putin said a “substantial amount” of Russian forces would begin leaving Syria “tomorrow” - Tuesday 15th. He said the Russian intervention in Syria had largely achieved its objectives. “I consider the mission set for the defence ministry and the armed forces on the whole has been accomplished.”

What did Russia achieve in Syria in 6 months? The Russian Defence Ministry said: * Russian aircraft flew more than 9,000 sorties. * Destroyed 209 oil production and transfer facilities. * Helped Syrian gov. troops to retake 400 settlements. * Helped Damascus to regain control over more than 10,000 sq km of territory. * Succeeded in keeping Assad in power. * Enabled Assad's forces to expand control over Syrian territory.

There are many reasons behind its “withdrawal.” To start with: Vladimir Putin evidently believes that this is not the right time for a war with Saudi Arabia, the Gulf States and Turkey over Syria. And he does not want to be financially

18 exhausted by current events. And he needs to conserve, and to strengthen his position, because there is a much bigger world war scheduled. Intelligence sources say there have been rifts between Russia and Tehran, and also with Assad over his future. The US and Russian foreign ministers, have sketched out a “federal” future for Syria. It seems that Putin may favour the idea that the Alawite-dominated Latakia region in the west, and Damascus, stay in Moscow-friendly hands, while the Syrian Kurds in the north are given a form of self-government. The Kremlin has already promised the Syrian Kurds support for autonomous govt.


Just days after withdrawing many of his forces from Syria, Vladimir Putin was quietly redrawing the Syrian map on “federal lines,” and planting Russian influence in its first semi-autonomous region — Kurdistan. DEBKAfile's intel sources report that Putin’s hand was behind the establishment of the Syrian Kurdish federal region on March 17, at a meeting of Kurdish Democratic Union Party leaders in the Syrian town of Rmeilan.


"We don't support self-ruled, semi-autonomous zones inside Syria," the State Department said, after Kurdish parties established a federal system in areas they control in northern Syria. The spokesman said: "Whole, unified, non-sectarian Syria - that's the goal." In the Sunni parts of Syria, Russia says it is ready to join the US in attacking ISIS headquarters in Raqqa. As for Bashar Assad, he has no intention of playing along with Putin’s plans for

him to step down and to hand over rule in Damascus in stages. Assad does not intend to quit at any time! But Putin’s “withdrawal” is a warning. Assad must reach some sort of agreement with the opposition because the massive Russian aid he has been receiving is not going to continue for long. The brutal and bloody civil war now enters its 6th year. Mr Putin said that Russia's air base in LATAKIA, and its Mediterranean naval base at TARTUS, will continue to operate as normal.

From the start it was clear that Russia’s objective was not to restore all of Syrian territory to Assad's control, but to create an independent entity – an Alawite Emirate – in northwest Syria, 19 on the Mediterranean coast and the NW mountain ranges, allowing Russia to use the ports located there – Latakia, Tartus and Banias – and the nearby airports for Russian military purposes. To maintain a strategic foothold in the Middle East.

By the “withdrawal” Putin is giving a warning to Iran and Hizb’ollah that if they want to keep Assad in power, they will have to continue fighting and spilling their blood for his sake.

Iran, after losing a big number of its troops in Syria, withdrew many of its forces. And Hizb’ollah relocated some of its fighters to Yemen.

Putin believed that Iran and Hizb’ollah were hoping to force him to place his infantry men on the ground in Syria. So by removing his forces, Putin has indicated that he has no intentions of doing so!

He is taking the fighters out of the country, and placing the responsibility for keeping Assad's regime alive, on the broad shoulders of Iran and Nasrallah.

Putin’s “withdrawal” was also a message to the USA and Europe, who thought, or at least hoped, that Russia would do the dirty work for them, and engage in an all-out war to destroy Islamic State.

In removing his forces from Syria, Putin was telling the West that he does not intend to do anything serious to rid the world of Islamic State, and if Obama and his friends want to eradicate the caliphate they will just have to begin acting seriously, intensively and efficiently before ISIS takes over more territory in the Middle East and exports its ideology and modus operandi to other places in the world.

MAR 18. The main aim of the campaign, Mr Putin said, had been to “stop the horrible global evil, and to prevent terrorism from spreading into Russia.”

Putin praised his military for its $645 million bombing campaign in Syria saying that it had “opened a road to peace,” while warning that … Russian forces could return within hours!

Within days of its “withdrawal,” Russia’s air strikes recommenced, which enabled Assad’s forces to retake Palmyra, the city that ISIS captured in 2015. It was a historical city with a great tourist attraction which had drawn 150,000 visitors a year .

ISIS, being bizarrely anti-everyone else’s religion, destroyed the ancient pagan Temple of Baal. All that was left standing was the arch.

20 Ruins of Temple of Bel (Baal) in Palmyra

To the delight of modern pagans, two 48ft tall replicas of this arch have been made, to be erected on April 19, in London’s Trafalgar Square and Times Square New York.

Child sacrifice was carried out in the temple of Baal. But is ISIS any better when they slaughter small children? And how is the UK and the US, or India and China, any better when they slaughter millions of unborn children each year? They are all going the way of Baal. “’As I live!’ declares the Sovereign Master, Yahweh ... ‘Turn back, turn back from your evil ways! For why should you die?’” (Ezekiel 33:11) IS PUTIN REALLY WITHDRAWING FROM SYRIA? MAR 30. No! On the contrary, as a Reuters' analysis reveals: after Putin announced the withdrawal of its ‘main force,’ Russia is shipping even more equipment to Syria. The naval icebreaker Yauza, a main supply vessel for Russian forces in Syria, did not return to its Arctic Ocean port after the “withdrawal,” but went to a Russian port in the Black Sea, and later sailed for Tartus, Russia's naval facility in Syria, carrying very heavy cargo. A PROPHETIC VIEW An all-out Russian war with Turkey does not sit square, as Turkey is included as a strong ally in the Confederation of Rosh. (Beth-Togarmah – Ezekiel 38:6). But we can expect a conflict through which Putin will bring about the downfall of the Islamic Recep Erdogan, so that he can then bring Turkey under Russia’s wings. I wonder … was Russia’s 6-month offensive in Syria, a “live” military exercise – a practise run, testing latest weapons, and the reliability of its own troops and its allies. And a display of its power. ?? Well, let’s now look at the present conflict between …


Confrontation between these two became heated after Moscow “invaded” Syria in support of Bashar Assad’s Shi’ite regime. Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, a Sunni, is opposed to the Assad regime, and therefore, to Russia’s intervention in Syria. Erdogan wants to rebuild a Turkish Islamic caliphate. Erdogan is particularly irked because over the past several years, Turkey has had to provide shelter for a million+ Syrians who have fled from Assad’s bloody 5-year war.

In November, Turkey warned Russia of flying over its territory. Shortly after that . . .


claiming it had breached Turkish air space. Russia then threatened Turkey with economic sanctions, and also warned that any Turkish vessel or plane entering Syria will be destroyed.

Turkey threatened to close the Dardanelles and the Strait of Bosporus, between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean. The Russian fleet is based in the Black Sea, and the only way out is via the Bosporus.

This Turkish threat could lead to a war between the two. If Russia attacks Turkey, Erdogan could call on NATO to come to its aid, as Turkey is a NATO member. And then - a NATO-Russia conflict. — [email protected] ! * # * > * !!!

RUSSIA ACCUSES TURKEY OF BEING AN ISIS ALLY Turkey has been enabling ISIS to sell the oil it has stolen from the areas it has conquered. The contraband oil is transported from the wells in Iraq and Syria, and taken by convoys of Turkish trucks to Turkey, where it is dispersed for sale at cheap prices on the black market - as low as $20 a barrel - half the current price of oil on the world’s markets. This black market selling brings in over $1 million per day for ISIS, keeping it equipped and supplied. The trucks form a continuous chain from Syria to Turkey. But Russia has already bombed and destroyed “hundreds” of these Turkish trucks.

PUTIN ENCIRCLES TURKEY WITH TROOPS Russian President Vladimir Putin's plans in the Middle East are becoming clearer. In a bid to exact revenge on Turkey, and in an attempt to split the NATO alliance, Russia is rapidly building up pressure on NATO's southern flank. The new Russian “satellite state” of Armenia, on Turkey's north-eastern border, is now hosting a massive Russian troop build-up of 7,000 men, after the recent signing of an air defence agreement between Russia and Armenia. This is seen as a threat to NATO and America’s interests in Europe. In Ezekiel 38:6, Turkey (Beth-Togarmah) is listed as a part of the Northern Confederation of Rosh (Russia). Turkey is of strategic importance to Putin because of its geographical position, and also because of the Bosporus/Dardanelles. So watch! We may soon see Erdogan being removed.


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FEB. 13. The world had plunged into a “new cold war,” the Russian PM Dmitry Medvedev said, as East-West tensions over Ukraine and Syria took centre-stage at a gathering of world leaders in Germany. “We have slid into a new period of cold war,” the PM told the audience at the annual Munich Security Conference. “Almost every day we (Russians) are accused of making new horrible threats either against NATO as a whole, against Europe or the US or other countries.”

FIGHTING WORDS US Sec of State, John Kerry said, sanctions against Russia would continue until it implemented all aspects of the Ukraine peace deal reached in Minsk last year. “Russia has a simple choice: fully implement Minsk or continue to face economically damaging sanctions,” he said.


"Woe! Woe! Oh! the great city, Babylon, the strong city! For in one hour your judgment has come. The merchants . . . who became rich through their business with her, will stand at a distance because of the fear of her torment, weeping, mourning and crying: "Woe! Woe! Oh! the great city, clothed in fine linen, in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold, precious stones and pearls; for in one hour such great wealth has been laid waste."

FEB 11. It has been reported that Hal Turner, Former National Security Intelligence Asset with the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force has written. “The government in the US, and those in Europe, 23 need a diversion to shift the public's attention away from the coming economic collapse ... “ Right now, banks throughout Europe are on the edge of collapse from their bad loans, speculation and corruption. In Germany, for instance, Deutsch Bank has seen more than 50% of its stock value get wiped out, with 40% of that fall since January 1. People are pulling money out in droves. The banks are becoming unstable. If (or when) Deutsch Bank collapses, they are exposed to "Derivatives" worth $50 TRILLION.

When the bank fails, the $50 TRILLION hits the rest of the banks, and they collapse also.

“In the USA, the ‘too big to fail’ banks are now also heading into collapse because instead of changing when they needed bailouts in 2008, they kept right on doing what they were doing! Now they are all bigger and in worse debt! The governments do not have the credit or the cash to bail out the banks again, so when the banks go under -- and they will – the governments need to divert people's attention from the fact that their life savings and retirement moneys have been wiped out . . . a limited nuclear war is just what they need to shift people's attention away from losing their life savings!”

WORLD ECONOMY IN “DEATH SPIRIAL” The world economy seems trapped in a “death spiral” that could lead to further weakness in oil prices, recession and a serious equity bear market, Citibank strategists have warned.

“A RETAIL APOCALYPSE” is sweeping the nations.

Closing stores has become the “hot new trend” in the retail world, and “space available” signs are going up in mall windows all over the United States. 13 of the Biggest Retailers in US are closing a total of 1746 stores at present. The Japanese economy is really struggling right now. The dominoes are starting to fall in Europe. In Asia, economic chaos is beginning to prevail as well.


In VENEZUELA inflation has hit 720% hyper-inflation. Food and basic supplies are in short supply and crime is completely out of control. The markets expect Venezuela to default on its debt in the very near future. The country is basically bankrupt.

BRAZIL IS COMPLETELY IMPLODING Brazil is in its longest recession since the Great Depression of 1930s. In 2015, the Brazilian currency lost 24% of its value against the U.S. dollar. How did this happen? 1. During the “boom years” governments and businesses in South America absolutely gorged on debt. Many of the loans were in US dollars, and now it is taking far more of the local currencies to service and pay back those debts. 2. Collapsing prices for oil and other commodities have been absolutely brutal for South American economies that rely very heavily on exporting commodities. The global share-market now has grave fears that the world is headed for a serious banking crisis.


MAR 1. To bolster its cooling economy, China’s central bank has loosened the rules on banks’ cash reserves. By cutting the reserve requirement ratio - the amount of cash that banks must hold as reserves - the People’s Bank of China has in effect injected $100bn of long-term cash into the economy. CHINA PLANS DIGITAL CURRENCY China's central bank wants to launch its own digital currencies to cut the costs of circulating traditional paper money and boost policymakers' control of money supply. “Come now, you rich, weep and wail because of the miseries that are coming upon you. Your wealth has become rotten, and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver have corroded, and their corrosion will testify against you and will consume your flesh like fire. You have hoarded wealth in the Last Days!” (James 5:1-3) The digital financial system gets closer every day, and it will bring in the “mark of the beast.” The world is on the brink of the Great Tribulation and the Reign of the Beast.


* On the Brink of the Day of the LORD! * On the Brink of the Great Tribulation! * On the Brink of World War! * On the Brink of Economic Collapse!

This could come to a head in the near future! Some experts are saying the economic collapse, and the world war, have already begun. It is not for us to set dates, but to discern the signs of the times. And as the Messiah Y’shua has said: “But when these things begin to take place, straighten yourselves and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.” (Luke 21:28) IT IS WRITTEN: “God now commands all people everywhere to repent , because He has fixed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness through a Man (Y’shua the Messiah) whom He has appointed, having furnished proof to all by raising Him from the dead.” (Acts 17:30- 31) “I am YHWH (Yahweh) who speaks, and whatever word I speak will be performed. It will no longer be delayed, for in your days, O rebellious house, (Israel), I will speak the word and perform it, declares the Sovereign Master, YHWH.” (Ezekiel 12:25)


“Look! I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me to give to everyone according to what he has done.” (Revelation 22:12) “ Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that He is near, right at the door.” (Mark 13:29) 25 URGENT WORDS TO HEED

“ Awake, sleeper, and arise from the dead!” “Be ready!” “Be careful how your walk!” “Redeem the time because the days are evil.” And “be filled with the Holy Spirit.” (Ephesians 5:14-18) And “Do not throw away your confidence which has a great reward … For in just a very little while, the One who is coming will come, and He will not delay.” (Hebrews 10:35, 37) Baruch Ha Shem! Bless His Name. AMEN !




We were warned by Jesus that just as He was hated, so would we be hated because of our faith in Him.

From the time that Stephen, the first official Christian martyr, was stoned to death in AD 36, Christians have been laying down their lives for the One who gave His life for them.

AFTER ministering in two separate locations in northern Jordan for months, Pastor R and another brother took a chance and crossed into Iraq, taking the remaining handful of Bibles to distribute. As they shared Jesus with the people, a work began that grew like no one could ever have expected. It was primarily Brother O who nursed the fledgling church along until more Bibles and more help could be sent. God blessed the work, and the number of people being reached began to multiply – especially during the annual Muslim observance of the month of Ramadan. Every single year, as the Muslim people fasted and prayed to Allah, Jesus interrupted these prayers, appearing to many of these people and making Himself known to them through dreams and visions. Week after week, month after month passed. Hundreds more were reached by the love of God. At the same time, many Christian missionaries were brutally murdered by Muslim extremists, most often by ISIS jihadists. Bro O was leading a group of approximately 60 believers in worship during a teaching session. As they had their hands raised in worship, without warning, a group of ISIS terrorists attacked the gathering, splaying them with machine gun fire. Twenty-three were killed on the spot, with five more badly shot and left for dead. The rest managed to crawl out of sight or flee. The five critically injured men included Bro O, who had multiple gunshot wounds. All five were taken to a hospital for emergency surgery to repair extensive internal injuries including torn livers, stomachs, etc. All five recovered. In late February, Bro O and his wife were robbed of thousands of dollars they had in their tent that was intended to be used for purchasing much needed Bibles, and were brutally murdered. The person that found them said it was a sight no one should ever have to see. As this is going on in Iraq, Kurdistan, and Iran, Sister M continues her work with widows, ministering healing to the war injured. Each and every one of those ministered to also prays the 26 sinner’s prayer, asking forgiveness for sin, and asking Jesus Christ to become Lord of their lives. People across the Mideast who are being raised up in the things of God are also taking communion. HalleluYah!

WHY MUSLIMS ARE EMBRACING CHRIST? “Y'shua answered them, ‘I tell you the absolute truth, everyone who practises sin is a slave of sin. … If then the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed’.” (John 8:34,36) THE GREAT CONTRAST

The message of God’s love for the human race through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is in such contrast to Islam that Muslim people are committing themselves to the Lordship of Jesus in great numbers. Whereas Islam teaches that the infidel must be forced to bend the knee to Allah and his prophet Muhammad or be beheaded, the Lord Jesus in the Bible said that we are to love our enemy and pray for those who spitefully use us. Whereas Islam teaches the right of vengeance, the Bible says, “Vengeance is mine,” says the LORD. Whereas women and children are considered possessions for a Muslim male, God shows a man what treasures he has in his wife and children! How can any other belief system compete with such good news straight from the heart of God? Because of this, and due to the huge number of new believers, there is a seemingly unending line of people very much desiring to learn more about God – the real God, and His teachings! In Fallujah and the surrounding areas, brother A and those assisting him, are setting up locations so that at least 1,000 can go through a School of Ministry at a time.

This still leaves thousands waiting their turn, but the missionary teachers will teach them as soon as they can possibly work them into the teaching schedule.

At this time, House of Blessing is trying to get Bibles together so that there are at least enough for the people to share as they go through their intensive course of study.


APR 2016. Iran may have taken the 9th spot in the 2016 Watch List of most severe persecutors of Christians but this has not deterred thousands to become Christians and join underground house churches, despite being illegal in the country. According to Open Doors spokeswoman Emily Fuentes, the number of people who have joined these house churches has reached close to one million people. It would be safe to say that Iran has the fastest growing evangelical population in the world. "The house churches are causing such rapid growth in conversions it is unmatched by any other country in the Middle East," she said.


My dear reader, maybe you are a little confused about “becoming a Christian” and about being set free. You might say you are “free enough” as you are without being deeply attached to 27 Christ.

First, let me tell you what you need to be free from. ...

You need to be free, and saved from:

1. The burden of sin you are carrying and the guilt that it inflicts. 2. The penalty of your sin. (“The wages of sin is eternal death – separation from God.”) 3. You need to be free from any religious demands that put a weight on you, and yet does not provide you with true spiritual eternal life. 4. You may need to be free from a wasted or meaningless life. 5. You may need to be free from confusion, fear and despair as you face the future. 6. You may need to be free from passion and pride and from any crippling addiction. 7. You do need to be free from any false way.

What is the TRUTH you need to know? 1. The truth is in the Person of Y’shua, Jesus, who said: “I am the Way, the TRUTH, and the Life; no one comes to the Father except through Me.” (John 14:6)

2. The Truth is taught in the Bible, which is the Word of God. And that Word is revealed by the Lord Jesus who is also called, The Word. He is the author of the Bible as He inspired the prophets, apostles and men of God to write these life-giving Scriptures.

The truth you need to understand is in the following Scripture verses.

MAN’S BEGINNING “ God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; (perfect and sinless), male and female He created them.” (Genesis 1:27) THE ENTRANCE OF SIN In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve sinned. (Genesis 3:6-7) “Just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, so death spread to all men, because all sinned.” (Romans 512) “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23) THE PENALTY FOR SIN “The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in the Messiah, Y'shua our Master.” (Romans 6:23) THE DESIRE OF GOD 'As I live!' declares the Sovereign Master, YHWH*, 'I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn back, turn back from your evil ways! For why should you die?” (Ezekiel 33:11). (*YHWH — Yahweh — is the original Name of the one true Almighty God, as in the Hebrew Bible.) “YHWH the LORD is not slow concerning His promise, as some understand slowness, but

28 is patient toward you, not wanting anyone to perish, but for everyone to come to repentance.” (2 Peter 3:9) RETURNING TO GOD “Seek YHWH while He may be found. Call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts. Let him return to YHWH, and He will have compassion on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon.” (Isaiah 55:6-7) THE GREAT LOVE OF GOD "For YHWH, the Almighty God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten, His one-and-only eternal Son, so that whoever believes in Him (Y’shua), should not perish, but have eternal (everlasting) life." (John 3:16) HOW CAN GOD FORGIVE SINNERS? “The Messiah died for sins once for all, the Righteous on behalf of the unrighteous, so that He might bring us to God. He was put to death in the body, but was brought to life by the Spirit.” (1 Peter 3:18) MESSIAH DIED FOR US “Just as it is appointed for men to die once, and after that the judgment, so the Messiah, the Anointed One, having been offered once to bear the sins of many.” (Hebrews 9:27-28) MESSIAH SAVES US The truth is … “By grace you are saved, through faith - and this is not of yourselves, it is the gift of God – it’s not as a result of works, lest anyone should boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9) He saves us … “not because of righteous works that we have done, but because of His mercy. He saved us through the washing of regeneration (a new spiritual birth), and through the renewing power by the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out upon us abundantly through Y'shua the Messiah our Saviour, so that, having been justified by His grace, we should become heirs having the hope - the assured expectation - of eternal life.” (Titus 3:5-7) OUR NEEDED RESPONSE “The Word of faith which we are proclaiming is that if you confess with your mouth Y'shua as your Master and LORD and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart man believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.” (Romans 10:8-10) SALVATION AVILABLE FOR EVERYONE “There is no distinction between Jew and Greek, (or between Christian and Muslim, Hindi and Buddhist); for the same Master, the Master of all, is rich to all who call upon Him, for WHOEVER WILL CALL UPON THE NAME OF the LORD (Y’shua/Jesus) WILL BE SAVED.” (Romans 10:12-13) ASSURANCE "He who believes (has faith), in the Son (and receives Him as Saviour), has eternal life; but he who does not believe in the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him." (John 3:36) So friend, if you have never received Y’shua, Jesus as your personal Saviour, why don’t you receive Him today while He is calling you? You can do so, by sincerely praying in words like those in the following prayer.

PRAYER FOR SALVATION 29 ALMIGHTY GOD, I come to You just as I am, a sinner, seeking Your

forgiveness and salvation. I believe Your Son, Yeshua (Jesus) died on the cross in my place, and paid the penalty my sins deserved. I believe Jesus rose again from the dead, and that He is indeed the living Saviour. I believe Your promise, Father, that if I call upon the Name of the Lord Jesus, I will be saved. So I call upon You in His Name, in faith, today. I place my trust in the Lord Jesus, and I am now deliberately inviting Him to be my personal Saviour. And by Your grace and power, I will follow Him all the days of my life. Lord Jesus, I give my life to You. Fill my life with Your power and holiness I pray, and make me Your true disciple. Thank You, Father, for hearing me, and for receiving me, for Your salvation and for forgiving my sins. Thank You for making me Your child. Thank You for the assurance that You will save me from the Great Tribulation, and from a lost eternity. Thank You, Yeshua/Jesus, my Saviour and my Master. Thank You. Thank You. Amen.

Signed ...... Date ......

If you have prayed this prayer, sign your name and date, and keep this page with you as a reminder of your decision, and remember this date. It is your spiritual birthday. Now my brother or sister, rejoice in your Saviour!

And I will be glad if you could write to me, Don Stanton, (at one of our MRC addresses on our inside front cover) and tell me of your decision. We will rejoice with you in your decision, and pray for your spiritual growth. And will send you a free booklet to help you in your new faith.

For now, to help you in your new life, here are a few points: 1. Feed on (read regularly) the Bible, starting with the New Testament. 2. Pray — talk regularly to your Heavenly Father (Yahweh) and your new Master (Yeshua).

3. Take a stand for your Heavenly Master. Live for Him, and tell others about Him.

4. Have fellowship with other believers.

May the LORD bless you and keep you.



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