Association e-Library Service

Who Would Benefit

 Associations or not-for-profit organizations who want a cost-effective way of maximizing their performance by providing their employees leading-edge insights into the areas of economic trends, organizational performance and public policy

What You Get  Electronic access to all Conference Board Research (from 1998 forward) for all employees in your organization. This convenient, one-stop source for information with balanced, independent perspectives on economic trends, public policy issues and organizational performance delivers in-depth insights into the most pressing issues of the day.

Economic Analysis reports and recordings—practical information that keeps you up-to-date on key economic indicators and helps you to make timely business decisions. Our economic research covers these areas:  Canadian  International  Provincial  Consumer and Business Confidence  Metropolitan  Travel and Tourism  Industry Sector Economics  Leading Indicators of Industry  Territorial Profitability

Organizational Performance and Public Policy expert research on the following areas of interest:

 Human Resources Management  Compensation and Benefits  Organizational Excellence  Marketing  Corporate Social Responsibility  Innovation and Technology  Governance  Energy, Environment and  Risk Management Transportation Policy  Security and Safety  Health and Health Care  Leadership  Trade and Investment Policy  Corporate Finance  Education and Learning  Health and Wellness  Immigration  Canada's Socio-economic Performance More details on specific services and what is included:

Human Resource Management Reports and Recordings—delivers a Canadian perspective on future trends in human resources through our regular outlook reports and strategic information on current human resource management challenges.  Industrial Relations Outlook—our annual assessment of emerging labour-management issues, to help you respond to the bargaining environment in the coming year.  Learning and Development Outlook—a biennial survey, to help you benchmark your corporate T&D expenditures and policies.  Human Resources Trends and Metrics—aims to help organizations and HR professionals: understand human capital trends and challenges, as well as their potential impact on HR management in Canadian organizations; access key metrics and benchmark data to support business and strategic planning; evaluate key HR practices and outcomes using a talent management framework; and position HR as a strategic partner, playing a critical role in organizational growth and productivity.

Compensation and Benefits Reports and Recordings—delivers a Canadian perspective on future trends in compensation and benefits through our regular outlook reports, including a benefits survey, and strategic information on compensation, benefits and reward challenges.  Compensation Planning Outlook—an annual compensation survey, to help compensation planners and human resource professionals understand the overall environment.  Canadian Directors’ Compensation Practices—a biennial report, to allow you to benchmark your organization on compensation levels and practices of boards of directors in Canada

Organizational Excellence Periodicals—strategic information on how organizations are becoming more effective and insights into emerging management challenges and next practices. Our OE periodical is:  The CEO Challenge—annual survey from The Conference Board Inc. as well as a Canadian version from The Conference Board of Canada that presents the views of CEOs, chairmen and founders on both current forces in the marketplace and the trends they expect to face.

Governance Periodicals—better understanding of how roles and responsibilities are allocated among directors, CEOs, and shareholders and exploring why and how to champion good governance. Our Governance periodical is:  Canadian Directors’ Compensation Practices—a biennial report, to allow you to benchmark your organization on compensation levels and practices of boards of directors in Canada.  Risk Watch: Thought Leadership in Risk and Governance—a tri-annual journal that presents original articles by leading global thinks and practitioners on risk management and corporate governance. Authors have a mandate to express opinions and ideas that test readers’ assumptions. The formats for our research ….

Reports—in-depth, timely, objective presentation of the issues that matter to you, such as case studies of best practice organizations that you can emulate, and analysis of public policy issues that give you a better understanding of the implications for your industry and for Canada

Briefings—short research pieces that encapsulate what you need to know about a particular topic or issue

Executive Action Reports—timely six- to ten- page documents that tackle current and pressing challenges with a global focus, with content from both The Conference Board, Inc. and The Conference Board of Canada

Recorded Webinars—30 to 90 minute webcasts delivered via your desktop featuring industry experts and practitioners who share knowledge on critical, in-demand business issues

Annual Fee*: $75 per full-time employee (The regular price for these e-Library services is over $100,000 annually)

* Minimum fee for this service is $2,650

Take advantage of some of The Conference Board of Canada’s other services:

e-Data—our economic data delivery service, which offers your organization access to economic databases and key indicators of top major trends and developments in today’s fast- paced economy

Executive Networks—executives from your organization can participate in a range of networking-only councils, full-service centres and research-based working groups. Each provides learning opportunities through the exchange of new ideas and best practices.

Conferences, Seminars and Workshops—learn from best-practice organizations and industry experts by taking advantage of more than 40 events per year, held in different venues and on various topics. Check out our Conference Calendar at:

Niagara Institute—programs for effective leadership development, team-building and change implementation, which can be customized for your organization’s needs

Custom-ordered Research—leading-edge research, customized for your needs, which will help you to anticipate and respond to specific challenges April 2015 Prices in effect until May 31, 2016

Association Order Form

Customer Information Name:


Organization name:

Street address:

Postal address:

City: Province: Postal code:

Telephone: Fax:

E-mail address:

Website: Billing Address (if different from above) Street address:

Postal address:

City: Province: Postal code: Chief Executive Officer Name:


E-mail address: Renewal Contact Name:

Title: E-mail address: Payment Method

Credit card (we will e-mail you a link to our secure system for payment) Cheque (payable to “The Conference Board of Canada”)


Please mail, fax or e-mail this form to:

The Conference Board of Canada, 255 Smyth Road, Ottawa, ON K1H 8M7 Fax (613) 526-4857 [email protected]