Minnesota Association of Songwriters Evaluation Form

Song Title: ______Writer(s): ______

Reviewer: ______Date: ______

TITLE MELODY  Interesting  Good melody in verse  Memorable  Good melody in chorus  Is also the hook  Memorable motif  Unique  Uses repetition and variation ------ Interesting chords or progression  Used previously  Singable  Doesn’t appear in song  Builds and releases tension  Doesn’t repeat enough in song ------ Repeats too much in song  Verse/Chorus sound too similar  Not the object of the song  Too long between variations  Melody wanders LYRICS  Too repetitive  First line makes me want to hear more  Conversational STRUCTURE  Chorus stands on its own  Conventional, well-structured  Rhymes well  Unconventional, works well  Innovative rhymes  Good contrast between sections  Rhyme scheme varies  Interesting key or tempo changes  Interesting or innovative hook ------ Hook is placed in a strong position  Unusual or hard to identify structure  Unique subject or approach  Entire song longer than comfortable  Engaging, or develops a story  Little contrast between sections  Good use of imagery  Intro too long or too repetitive  Combines internal and external objects  Could use a bridge  Communicates emotion to listener  Cohesive, hangs together well RATING  Uses alliteration or assonance (10=best) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10  Words fit meter and melody well Lyrics            Has a payoff or resolves issue Melody           ------Overall            Lacks focus  Too abstract or too hard to understand Viable            Awkward phrasing for commercial use?  Too many clichés  Mainly common, one-syllable rhymes Ready            Too predictable to present to a publisher?

Comments: ______


