Campbell, Neil, Robin Heyden, and Brad Williamson. Biology: Exploring Life. Pearson Prentice

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Campbell, Neil, Robin Heyden, and Brad Williamson. Biology: Exploring Life. Pearson Prentice

Biology and Honors Biology Syllabus

Vision: Mission Statement: Mary E. Phillips High School will be the highest per- Mary E. Phillips will significantly increase achievement for all forming high school in Wake County. students regardless of background or societal factors by devel- oping a caring respectful environment and creating a culture of excellence through a rigorous and relevant 21st century curricu- lum that fosters relationships and produces responsible global citizens.

Course Description: In biology course we will be studying LIFE. We will be learning about such things as the chemical make-up of life, the cell, genetics, plant and animal life, and ecology, to mention just a few. Biology is a very interesting topic and I hope that you will enjoy learning about the world of life around you. **Honors biology includes additional assignments/projects and a more in depth learning of concepts. Students should be prepared for a more challenging presentation of this course. Instructional Approaches: Daily Agenda: Every day as you come into class, you will find the agenda on the board. Included will be topics to be covered, labs/activities, and homework *Student Board Meetings/Group Work assignments. Please refer to this board for important announcements! *Content Lecture/Notes Interactive Notebook: *Video You will need a composition notebook (one for the fall semester and one for *Digital Simulations the spring semester) for this class. It should be brought to class EVERYDAY *Labs and should be kept neat, organized, and up to date! Please do not use a spiral notebook due to the amount of handouts you will receive. Your notebook will *Research have a specific order in which it is to be kept. There will be periodic checks of *Projects your notebook to be sure that you are keeping up with your notes – these may *Peer Teaching come in the form of quizzes or specific assignments related to your notes (poem, song, or project)

Modeling Activities: We will be doing a great deal of modeling the concepts of the course where students will be leaders of discussion and engage in hands on activities. This allows for further understanding of content and mastery of concepts. Attendance and participation are extremely important.

Prefix-Suffix Quizzes (Biology Only): One of the important skills to studying science is to memorize prefixes and suffixes to understand the importance that they have in scientific knowledge. Every Friday through the fall semester you will have a quiz on prefixes and suffixes. Each week’s words will be marked, so that you know which to study for each quiz.

100 Significant Facts of Biology: I have compiled the 100 most important facts that you will need to know to do well on the Biology EOC. Every Friday throughout the Spring semester, you will have a quiz on these 100 facts. I understand that this will seem overwhelming at first, but with time is will become easier. Quizzes will be cumulative with previous units of study. We will also be making note cards to help us study our 100 Facts. Ms. Leavell’s Class Meeting Dates, Times, L.I.F.E. Period 1 7:25-7:50 Locations: Physical Science Period 2 7:53-9:08 (Earth Science in Spring) Honors Biology Period 3 9:11-10:26 Biology Period 5 1:10-2:25

Faculty: Shawnda Leavell

Telephone: 919-856-7710

Email: [email protected] Website: Office Location (Planning Period Location): 2112

Office Hours (Planning Period): 10:29-1144

Administrative Contact: Daniel Colvin, Principal Phone: 919-856-7710 Email: [email protected]

Needed Materials: Text: 2 composition notebooks (no spiral notebooks) Campbell, Neil, Robin Heyden, and Brad Williamson. Biology: 2 highlighters Exploring Life. Pearson Prentice Hall. 2006. Pens and Pencils *Classroom Biology Textbooks for Support

Biology Essential Standards

Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:

Essential Standard 1 1.1 Understand the relationship between the structures and functions of cells and their organelles. 1.2 Analyze the cell as a living system. Essential Standard 2 2.1 Analyze the interdependence of living organisms within their environments. 2.2 Understand the impact of human activities on the environment. (one generation affects the next). Essential Standard 3 3.1 Explain how traits are determined by the structure and function of DNA. 3.2 Understand how the environment, and/or the interaction of alleles, influences the expression of genetic traits. 3.3 Understand the application of DNA technology. 3.4 Explain the theory of evolution by natural selection as a mechanism for how species change over time. 3.5 Analyze how classification systems are developed based upon speciation. Essential Standard 4 4.1 Understand how biological molecules are essential to the survival of living organisms. 4.2 Analyze the relationships between biochemical processes and energy use in the cell.

Grading and Evaluation Methods:

Prep Work/Homework: Prep work will be assigned. I expect it to be completed as it serves as reinforcement of preparation for upcoming assignments or activities. Prep work may be graded on completion or used for class discussions or activities. Prep work will only be accepted the day that it is due.

Classwork/Participation/Work Ethics: Your participation in class discussions and activities is vital to the course. If you choose not to participate, your grade will reflect it. In class work may include but is not limited to daily journals, warm-ups/exit passes, worksheets, concept maps, writing assignments and presentations. Your work will be graded on completeness and accuracy. Test/Quizzes: Tests/Quizzes will be announced at least a week in advance. They may include multiple choice, matching, short answer and essays. There will be at least one quiz given per week. During the fall semester students will be given Prefix-Suffix quizzes every Friday. The spring semester will consist of 100 Facts quizzes every Friday.

Papers/Projects: Projects will focus on concepts covered in class and will ask you to be creative with the factual material we are learning. While some class time may be provided to work on projects, you will also be required to work on them at home. Projects may be assigned to groups of students or individuals upon the teacher’s discretion. Rubrics will be used for all projects. Use the rubric—your grade is not meant to be a surprise.

Labs: Lab experiences are serious learning experiences in which you will be able to see some of the things we are discussing in class. They are not periods for playing, talking, or unnecessary movement around the room. Those behaviors result in inattention to the work in progress and could result in injuries to yourself/others. Any kind of inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated. You will be removed from class and given a zero. If you are absent during a lab, please make arrangements to make up the lab on your own time.

Test Corrections: Students are able to earn back half of the points missed on any TEST by coming in during their free time to correct their tests. Test corrections need to be done in a different color from the original answers (do not erase mistakes – I need to be able to see the corrections). You are able to look at any of your homework, class work, and the textbook to find the correct answers. Students are able to come in before school or during seminar. Students should discuss available times with the instructor. To receive credit, test corrections are due before the next test is given.

Grading Rubric: Grading Percentages: Tests: 30% A 93-100 Papers / Projects: 25% B 85-92 Participation / Classwork / Lab: 20% C 77-84 Quizzes: 15% D 76-70 Prepwork: 10% F 69 and below **BIOLOGY HAS AN END-OF-COURSE EXAM. **You final class average only counts for 75% of your final grade STUDENTS ARE REQUIRED BY THE STATE OF for biology. NORTH CAROLINA TO MAKE A 3 OR 4 ON THIS EXAM IN ORDER TO PASS THE COURSE. EOC: 25% of your FINAL Biology grade

Make-up or Late Work:

Make-Up Work: There will be a folder designated for each student in the classroom. When you are absent I will put all of the work you miss in your specific folder. It is YOUR responsibility to check your folder and turn in all late work. Make-up work will be submitted to the specific make-up work folder in the classroom in order to be graded.

You will have until each unit test to turn in interactive notebook assignments. 5 school days (from your return to school) to make-up any missed work without a penalty. If you are absent on the day of a quiz, test, or project/paper/lab due date you will take the assessment (or turn in the project) the day that you return to class. Late Work: If you fail to turn in an assignment on time, you will only be given 5 school days to turn it in. For every day the assignment is late, 5 points will be deducted. The assignment will not be taken after 5 school days. This includes homework, papers, projects, and labs.

Attendance, Tardiness:

Attendance Procedure: Student attendance is very important in the success of this course. Student is expected to request make up work from their teachers and is responsible for making up that work within five school days. If absences are consecutive, more time may be allowed at the teacher’s discretion. This will be evaluated on a case by case basis.

Absences allow for build-up of work and excessive absences cause students to fall behind. Every effort should be made to be in class.

Parents will be notified should absences pose as threat of possible denial of course credit. The administrative team along with parent and student will create a plan for attendance improvement. Tardy Procedure: Please see the student handbook policy on tardy occurrences. **Note: 3 tardies equal to 1 absence

Instructor-specific expectations: Classroom Conduct  Seats will be assigned. Reassignments may occur throughout the course. You are expected to be in that seat and ready to work when the class begins. If you are not in your seat when class starts, you are considered TARDY.  Always come to class prepared, meaning have your interactive notebook, computer, a writing utensil, and any other required materials (Please only write in pencil, or black / blue ink). Please take care of sharpening your pencil BEFORE class starts.  You are expected to participate, be alert and attentive during class discussions, videos, and lectures, etc. You may not put your head down during class.  Show respect for yourself and others. Please raise your hand when you want to speak and wait to be recognized. Do not talk while others (other students and I) are talking.  This is a science class - DO NOT EAT IN CLASS. Water is permitted, unless we are working on lab activities.  Please take care of personal business during class changes. If you have a medical condition that should cause you to need special consideration, please make me aware of it.  Use the restroom BEFORE coming to class. You have enough time between class changes to go. Bathroom privileges will be very limited.  Only the teacher can dismiss the class! Please remain seated until the class is dismissed by the teacher.  Do your best! Put forth your best effort and you will succeed! Course Overview (topics/unit sequence is tentative and subject to change per instructor)

Unit 1-Experimental Design

Unit 2-Classifying Life

Unit 3-Evolution

Unit 4-Energy

Unit 5-Cell Structure and Function

Unit 6-Growth and Reproduction

Unit 7-Heredity

**Students can expect district benchmark assessments which will be announced #Students will have a biology midterm in December to determine content retention. I have read and understand the guidelines for Biology.

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(Cell) If you have any concerns about what you have read in the syllabus – please feel free to write me a note on the back of this sheet and I will respond as soon as possible

Thanks and I hope you have a wonderful school year! Ms. Leavell

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