Second Level Professional Higher Education Study Programme

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Second Level Professional Higher Education Study Programme


Second Level Professional Higher Education Study Programme

Tourism Management

( index 458120 )

A Pack of Accreditation Documents

Programme Director : Mg. paed. I. Grospiņa Confirmed at the Senate sitting of the LAP on May 20 2002 Protocol record no. 9 Chairperson of the Senate ______Assoc. Prof. A. Samusevica Contents

I. Goals and Objectives of the Study Programme ………………………………………… 3 II. Self - Evaluation Report ………………………………………………………………… 5 1. Structure of the Study Programme ………………………………………………….. 5 2. Practical Implementation of the Programme ………………………………………... 6 3. Educational Facilities and Management …………………………………………….. 9 4. Foreign Contacts …………………………………………………………………… 10 5. Field Research in the Study Process ……………………………………………….. 11 6. Feedback and Maintaining Quality ………………………………………………… 12 7. Development of the Study Programme …………………………………………….. 13 III. Description of the Study Programme …………………………………………………... 15 IV. Study Programme ………………………………………………………………………. 17 V. Descriptions of the Study Courses ……………………………………………………… 21 VI. Teaching Staff Involved in the Implementation of the Programme …………………….. 36 VII. References to Appendices not enclosed in the Accreditation Pack …………………….. 43 VIII. References of the External Experts

2 I Goals and Objectives of the Study Programme

The higher professional study programme “Tourism Management ” introduced in the Liepaja Academy of Pedagogy ( LAP ) is a higher professional study programme ( Education Classification of the Republic of Latvia - index 45 8120 ), which got its licence in 27 September 2002. After completion of the study programme “Tourism Management” graduates are awarded a qualification - a company manager in the field of tourism ( Classification of Professions of the Republic of Latvia, index No.1229 08 ) and Bachelor in tourism and organising entertainment activities. 170 full - time and part - time ( correspondence ) students are involved in the study programme.

Goals : 1. To train highly professional specialists in the field of tourism by focussing on the needs of the Kurzeme region and its further development. 2. To provide opportunities for students to acquire a broad scope of knowledge, skills and abilities which would guarantee acquisition of professional qualification and further creative growth, as well as foster their competitive ability in the changing social economic conditions and in the international labour market.

Objectives : 1. To acquire the basic theoretical knowledge related to the tourism branch - from the cycle of humanitarian, social, and natural sciences, information technology, management and tourism - this would lead to students’ professional competence. 2. To develop students’ ability to strategically and analytically define and creatively deal with matters in the branch of tourism. 3. To perfect the skills and abilities needed in labour market of today - to work in a team, to do research and work independently, to design projects and realise them in practice, to develop communication skills, the ability of critical thinking and of taking responsibility, as well as to perfect knowledge in foreign languages.

3 4. To strengthen students’ motivation for further education and systematic in-service training. 5. To develop co-operation with tourism agencies, state and municipal institutions, as well as non-governmental organisations.

4 II Self - Evaluation Report 1. Structure of the Study Programme

The higher professional study programme “Tourism Management” was introduced in the Liepaja Academy of Pedagogy in 1998. The value of the programme is 160 credit points ( CRP ). 1 CRP corresponds to 16 lessons. Duration of studies is 4 years.

The content of the programme is organised in three parts : 1. Compulsory Part A ( 58 % - 94 CRP ) 2. Required option Part B ( 38 % - 60 CRP ) 3. Elective subjects Part C ( 4 % - 6 CRP ).

The study programme has been compared to the study programmes in Vidzeme College of Higher Education and Business School “Turiba”. The study programme “Tourism Management“ at the LAP is compatible as regards its content, structure and volume to the programmes for acquiring similar qualifications in other higher education institutions of Latvia. The structure of the study programme is in agreement with the programmes of Stavanger ( Norway ) and Klaipeda (Lithuania) hotel and tourism higher schools.

The suggestions of international tourism experts taken into consideration, the following changes have been introduced into the programme.  The programme has been extended to include the study courses suggested by the experts and which are needed for educating a manager - management theory, financial management of a company, strategic management, legislation in tourism etc.  The value of credit points in Economic Theory has been increased from 4 to 6.  The value of credit points for qualification exam has been increased from 8 to 12.  The arrangement of the content has been changed - from 2 parts ( A and C ) to three parts ( A, B, and C ).  In conformity with the status of the professional programme the value of the practice has been increased from 11 CRP to 26 CRP.  Qualification of Economics and Management lecturers has improved.

5 2. Practical Implementation of the Programme Enrolment and Matriculation

The study programme in Tourism Management is advertised during meetings with school leavers, teachers, school principals and heads of School Boards from Liepaja, from the region, as well as from other towns of Latvia. The main advertising activities of the programme are “information days” in the Academy, participation in the activities connected with further educational opportunities for secondary school students. The main forms of disseminating information about the study programme are :  Information about the content of the study programme, about getting a qualification of a manager in the tourism branch and job and further education prospects;  Dissemination of informative material, i.e. prospectuses, posters, entrance requirements etc. among people concerned;  Advertising the study programme on the INTERNET and through mass media;  Participation in the exhibitions “School 99”, “School 2000”, “School 2001”, “School 2002”;  Information about new developments of the study programme in the periodicals of the Academy, in the media of the town, the region and the Republic.

Enrolment for the full-time study programme is organised on competition basis; the results of the entrance examinations are taken into account. During the entrance examinations the applicant should do a general-type erudition test in speciality and should go for an interview aimed at evaluation of his/her professional motivation and suitability. In case of equal score the decisive factor is the average mark in the school leaving certificate. Every second year admission to the correspondence course takes place. Applicants are not supposed to take an entrance examination but a competition of motivation for the choice of the present qualification and diplomas is organised.

Every year 25 students are admitted to the programme “Tourism Management” for studies in state financed groups ( Agreement between the Ministry of Science and Education and the LAP, 14 Feb. 2002 ) and fee - paying students - fees are paid by physical persons or legal

6 entities. The stable competition testifies to the fact that the programme is very popular - in the state-financed sector the competition has been 10-11 applicants per one place all four years.

Methods Used in the Teaching / Learning Process

Doing the courses envisaged in the study programme takes place in a form of lectures, seminars, practical classes, consultations, during practices, as well as by doing individual study work. Besides the traditional forms of study ( lectures and seminars ) such interactive methods of studies as group work, co-operative learning, discussions of different type, problem oriented teaching, role plays and methods of creative individual work are practised. Much emphasis is laid on students’ individual and research work. During the study process students work at reports, annual projects, at itineraries, do project works and write a diploma paper. Practice ( 26 CTP ) is regarded to be an essential part of the programme; therefore its content and organisation are systematically analysed and perfected. Field practices are divided into three blocks.  Within the framework of the practice students go on excursions ( as part of their practice ) seeing both the most interesting sights of Liepaja and natural beauty spots and places relating to history and culture in the Kurzeme region, also trips as part of the students’ field practice have been organised to foreign countries - France, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Italy.  Practice in ecotourism is organised as a camp, during this time students learn the practical skills needed for ecotourism and active forms of tourism.  Field practice takes place in a company related to tourism or tourism business, for example Lejaskurzemes Tourism Information Centre, tourism agencies “Ap Sauli”, “Makss”, “Ligo” and others. Practices are organised to comply with the study programme and the regulations for practice. Within the framework of Leonardo da Vinci programme a contract has been concluded concerning field practice in tourism companies of Great Britain and Germany. To extend the range of practice places a co-operation with French Embassy in Latvia has started, this activity has resulted in a joint project with Business school “Turiba”, Vidzemes

7 College of Higher Education and the University of Latvia concerning mobility for the students of the programme “Tourism Management”.

System of Assessment

Student knowledge is systematically tested throughout the course of study in accordance with the programme of each study course. The main forms of testing the knowledge are test papers, seminars, problem discussions, project works etc. Students’ knowledge is assessed also at the end of the study course - mainly during sessions twice a year. Correspondence students come for several sessions. The main forms of testing during sessions are credits and examinations. Assessment is made both in written and oral form. Assessment is based on a ten - point system ( regulations No. 481 of the Cabinet of Ministers, 20 Feb 2001 ). The final assessment of the work is based on a cumulative system - it forms gradually from the evaluation of several students' works every year. The lecturer and the student enter into contact both during the classes and individual consultations with lecturer, on separate occasions also through e - mail. The study programme envisages elaboration of a project each academic year, the defence of the project takes place in front of the audience at the end of the year. At the end of the study course students take a state examination. The supervisor, opponents and a commission evaluate diploma theses.

8 3. Educational Facilities and Management

Elaboration, development and implementation of the study programme in Tourism Management are co-ordinated by the Department of Natural Sciences and the programme Director M. paed. I. Grospina ( Diploma of the Galilee College, Israel on Economic Development & Management: Tourism Planning ). Management of the study process is realised through co - operation with the Board of the Faculty of Educational Science, Council of the Department of Natural and Social Sciences and Management supervising study programmes, Department of Natural and Social Sciences, the Council responsible for study work of the LAP and the Senate. The programme Director and the academic staff of the main department systematically follow the course of study, get acquainted with the student opinions about the study process, are well-informed about the reasons of leaving the Academy ( drop - out ) and depending on the reason look for opportunities to support each individual student. Teaching staff from other departments, from other higher education institutions of Latvia and foreign countries ( Germany, Norway, Canada, Netherlands, Belarus, Sweden and others ), as well as specialists involved in tourism business are involved in the realisation of the programme ( see the appendix “The Teaching Staff Involved in the Realisation of the Programme” ). Economics and Management lecturer involved in the programme has improved her skills - by completing a Master’s course in Economics and Management and taking up Doctorate studies.


Educational facilities and equipment available at the Academy are sufficient to successfully supervise the study process. At disposal of the students are the buildings of the LAP with their classrooms, purpose-equipped study rooms and computer rooms. Available for students is also a sports complex. The library of the LAP is of vital importance in providing for the programme. At present the library is being modernised. It has a lending department (including international interlibrary loan), a reading-hall, a periodicals room, free access to computers and facilities for copying. The library operates the integrated information system “Alise” connected to the local computer network, the library is connected to the INTERNET and EBSCO on-line database. Database of informative documents is available. The library has considerably increased it stocks with 169 9 different books on tourism and in the fields related to business management. These are books in marketing, general and tourism management, economics etc. 4 new CD-ROM databases relating to tourism have been purchased. The materials are bought both in Latvia and in foreign countries. The library has subscribed to different periodicals in Latvian, English, German, French and Russian, several of them have a most direct relation to tourism, such as “Celotprieks”, “Бизнес туризма", "Туризм и Образование" etc. The members of the teaching staff together with the head of the library provide for purchasing the latest books for studies. The printing department of the LAP plays an essential role in providing the study programme with the necessary study materials.

4. Foreign Contacts

In 2001 an agreement was concluded within the framework of Krišjāņa Barona programme on mutual exchange of students and teachers between the Vidzeme College of Higher Education ( Valmiera ) study programme “Tourism Organisation and Management” and the study programme of the LAP “Tourism Management”. This year a student exchange took place within the framework of the agreement. In co - operation with the Liepaja Town Council an agreement was concluded concerning student training in Norway Stavanger, the Norwegian School of Hotel Management. After completing the course one of the students was entitled to continue a Master's course in New Zealand. In co-operation with Hildesheim University in Germany one student from the programme “Tourism Management” was given an opportunity to take a 3 months’ course in Germany. Two students from the programme “Tourism Management” have been given an opportunity to go on a study trip to the USA. In order to support the students’ wish to study also in other higher education institutions, the earned credit points can be transferred after the student returns. Several members of the teaching staff have worked in a foreign country, such as Lithuania, The USA, Denmark etc.

10 5. Field Research in the Study Process

All the members of the academic staff are involved in doing research working at different themes. The lecturers teaching in the programme take part in scientific conferences, go on scientific missions sharing experiences, participate in exchange programmes and are engaged in different projects. In the academic year 2000 / 2001 the Department of Natural Sciences organised an international conference “Man and the Environment”, one of the working groups discussed tourism. Also students involved in the programme of tourism management took an active part. During their study process student's work at different projects, write reports and annual papers. At the end of the course they write and defend their diploma paper. A proof to students’ research activities is their participation in different conferences, such as in the international conference in Riga ”Sustainable Tourism Development in the Baltic Region” ( 1999 ), in the international conference in Hanover “European Conference on Sustainable City and Towns” ( 2000 ), in the international seminar “Industrial Heritage and Societies in Transition. New Life to Industrial Areas - Theories, Methods and Knowledge” ( 2001 ), in the joint project of the Liepaja town Council, the Free Economic Zone ( SEZ ) and the LAP “We for Karosta”( 2001 ), in the seminar organised by the Environmental Protection Club “Public Participation and Involvement of Non - governmental Organisations in the Process of Decision Making and Integration into the European Union”, in co-operation with Geothe Institute and the State Cultural Heritage Protection Inspection the project “Karosta’s Prison Project” ( 2001 ), in the joint project of the Liepaja Town Council, Rutgers University of the USA and the LAP “To Develop the Collaboration among the Municipality, the University and Non-governmental Organisations” ( 2001 ), in the joint project with “The Ecotourism Association of Latvia” and the Department of the Environment of the Liepaja Council “The Year of Ecotourism in Liepaja” ( 2002 ).

11 6. Feedback and Maintaining Quality

The self - evaluation process of the programme is of vital role in providing feedback and maintaining study quality; a method for improving the quality of higher education based on the model of European Foundation of Quality Management ( EFQM ) is used to perfect the programme. Using this method within the context of inner and outer quality management at different level self-diagnosis was made and the items to be perfected defined. During the process of perfection and evaluation of the work done the programme from a process-oriented has entered the next stage - a system - oriented study process, in which teaching has become a promoter of the learning process. The lecturer is manager of the student’s learning process. Much attention is focused on students’ individual work. Evaluation of the programme takes place in the course of the study process through co- operation between the teaching staff and the students. The Programme Director regularly meets with the students, surveys of student opinion are carried out, as well as discussions, and student representatives are members of the Board of the Department of Natural and Social Sciences responsible for study programmes. The supervisors of the practice in their references do evaluation of the students' field practice in tourism agencies and companies. Co-operation with the Liepaja Town Council and Tourism Information Bureau of Lejaskurzeme is developing during the study process. The programme Director is a member of the permanent tourism development committee of the Liepaja Town Council and together with students participates in elaborating the tourism strategy in town. Providing conditions for field practice and realisation of different projects is carried out in co-operation with the Tourism Information Bureau of Lejaskurzeme, Town Council, the hotel “Amrita” and “Liva”. The co - operation with the Kurzeme Tourism Association has resulted in opening a training centre in tourism in Kuldiga. Together with the “Green centre” of Liepaja students participate in different activities and projects.

12 With the support of the Tourism Department of the Ministry of Environment together with the Swedish company of environmental protection “ENVIVE” a Baltic resource centre Ltd “Viking” was founded, training population engaged in tourism. To develop links with the study material learned in the classroom and the practical research a non-governmental organisation “Association of Ecotourism in Latvia” was founded, it is based in the LAP and the LAP is one of the founders of the organisation.

7. Development of the Study Programme

During the process of developing the study programme the suggestions made by the foreign experts were taken into consideration. Flexibility of the study programme makes it possible to react swiftly to the needs of the market in the country, the region and the town. for example developing tourism strategy in Liepaja. It serves as a stimulus to include new study courses into the programme, to focus on students’ creative individual and research work. Students get involved in different types of research work, in international and local projects. Through co -operation with potential employers, non-governmental organisations and the Town Council research in the field is carried out. Closer contacts have been developed with higher education institutions of the same profile both in Latvia and abroad. For example, co - operation is developing with the business school “Turiba” concerning continuation of the project “Jūras vārti” in “Dzintara taka”; academic staff and student mobility of the study programme “Tourism Organisation and Management” of the Vidzeme College of Higher Education and the LAP programme “Tourism Management” within the framework of Krišjāņa Barona programme and others. Field practice has been perfected, due to the increase of its volume and mobility. However, during the process of self -evaluation some aspects were highlighted, solution of which should be focussed on.  Co - operation partnerships - with higher education institutions should be developed and expanded.  Foreign professors should be involved more actively.  Student research work should be intensified.  Participation in purposeful building up of the library stocks.

13  To perfect organisation of the field practice and to work at improving its quality.  To seek opportunities for developing student mobility, by doing field practice in foreign companies related to tourism.  To enhance regular in-service training of the academic staff and their participation in theoretical and field research which would lead to improvement of the quality of the study programme “Tourism Management”.

Description of the Study Programme

Aim To train highly professional specialists in the field of tourism by focussing on the needs of the Kurzeme region and its further development.

Objectives : 1. To acquire the basic theoretical knowledge related to the tourism branch - from the cycle of humanitarian, social, and natural sciences, information technology, management and tourism - this would lead to students’ professional competence. 2. To develop students’ ability to strategically and analytically define and creatively deal with matters in the branch of tourism. 3. To perfect the skills and abilities needed in labour market of today - to work in a team, to do research and work independently, to design projects and realise them in practice, to develop communication skills, the ability of critical thinking and of taking responsibility, as well as to perfect knowledge in foreign languages.

14 Length of study : 4 years The value of the programme: 160 credit points The way of implementation of the programme: second level professional higher education study programme as full-time and part-time studies Programme Director : Ilze Grospiņa, M.paed. Entrance requirement : a secondary school certificate Entrance examinations : comprehensive test and an interview. Qualification to be acquired : manager of a tourism enterprise and a professional Bachelor in tourism and organising leisure activities Structure of the programme : cycle of humanitarian and social sciences courses / courses developing basic social, communicative and organisational skills 20 CRP, courses in Information Technologies 5 CRP, basic theoretical courses in the field - 31 CRP, professional specialisation courses 60 CRP, elective courses 6 CRP, practices - 26 CRP.

Qualification requirements : fully covered study programmes, successfully developed and presented annual projects, writing and defence of a diploma paper.

Practices : first year - tourism information - 2 CRP second year - ecotourism and organisation of camps - 4 CRP third year - tourism management fourth year - pre-diploma practice - 12 CRP

Diploma paper : fourth year - 12 CRP

15 16 Content of "Tourism Management" Study Programme

Form of Total No. Subject Year examination Lecturers CRP 1 2 3 4 5 6 Courses in Humanitarian and Social Sciences / Courses for Developing Basic Social, Communication 20 and Organisational Skills 1. Philosophy 1. 2 Test Dr. phil. Z. Graumanis 2. Political Science 4. 2 Test Ā. Orlovskis 3. History of Civilisation 1. 2 Test A. Medveckis 4. Sociology 3. 1 Test V. Kriķe 5. State Rights and Civil Rights 3. 2 Test M. Jansone 6. Personnel Management 4. 1 Test V. Kriķe 7. Standard Language 2. 2 Test Dr. philol. L. Lauze, Mg. philol. S. Okuņeva 8. Communication Psychology 1. 2 Test Dr. psych. J. Mihejeva 9. Ethnopsychology 4. 1 Test Dr. hab. paed. D. Lieģeniece 10. Civilised Manner of Management and Psychology 3. 4 Test, examination Mg. psych. V. Zēlerte, Z. Kudums 11. Conflict Management 4. 1 Test Dr. paed., asoc. prof. A. Samuseviča

Courses of Information Technologies 5 12. Applied Informatics 1. 2 Test Dr. paed. Ē. Būmeisters 13. Information Systems in Enterprises 4. 2 Test Mg. sc. comp. Dz. Tomsons 14. Office Equipment 1. 1 Test V. Egliens 1 2 3 4 5 6 Basic Theoretical Courses in the Field 31 15. Theory of Economics 1. 6 Test, examination Mg. oec. D. Līduma 16. Marketing 2. 2 Examination Mg. oec. D. Līduma 17. Tourism Marketing 3. 2 Examination I. Leitāne 18. Entrepreneurship 3. 2 Test V. Opelts 19. International Economics 4. 1 Test V. Opelts 20. Management Theory 1.,2. 4 Test Mg. oec. D. Līduma 21. Strategic Management 3. 2 Test Z. Kudums 22. Project Management 4. 1 Test Mg. philol. Z. Gaile 23. Book-keeping 3. 2 Test K. Jansone 24. Secretarial Work and Business Correspondence 4. 2 Test Mg. philol. A. Klestrova 25. Economic and Social Statistics 4. 1 Test Dr. paed. R. Veits 26. Quantitative Methods in Management 3. 2 Test Mg. paed. B. Bērztīse 27. Civil Relationship in Tourism Transactions 4. 2 Test L. Vēbere 28. History of Latvia and Tourism 3. 2 Examination Dr. hist. Ā. Kolosova

Specialisation Courses in the Field 60 29. Tourism Management 2. 2 Examination Mg. oec. D. Līduma 30. Tourism and the Environment 2. 4 Test, examination Dr. biol. M. Zeltiņa, Mg. paed. V. Kulmane 31. Tourism Geography 1. 4 Test, examination Mg. paed. I . Grospiņa 32. Tourism Geography in Latvia 2. 2 Examination Mg. paed. I . Grospiņa 33. Fundamentals of Tourism 1. 2 Examination G. Silakaktiņš 34. Tourism Information 1. 1 Test A. Maisiņš 35. Tourism Infrastructure and Service 1. 1 Test A. Maisiņš 36. Ecotourism 2. 2 Test Mg. biol. I. Eistere, A. Junkurs 37. Tourism and Health 2. 1 Test Dr. paed. O. Glikasa 38. Techniques of Active Tourism 2. 2 Test G. Kalniņš

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 39. Methodology of a Guide's Work 3. 2 Test M. Neimane 40. Organisation and Management of Tourist Groups 3. 2 Test V. Lāce 41. Hotel Service 3. 2 Test I. Sūriņa 42. Organisation and Management of Tourist Camps 2. 2 Test G. Kalniņš 43. Rural Tourism 3. 1 Test A. Maisiņš 44. Urban Tourism 3. 1 Test G. Silakaktiņš 45. International Tourism 4. 1 Test G. Blunavs 46. Advertising Strategy 4. 1 Test Asoc. prof. A. Kļaviņš 47. Foreign Language I 1., 2. 12 Test, examination Mg. paed. L. Petre, Mg. paed. I. Muižniece 48. Foreign Language II 1., 2. 12 Test, examination Mg. paed. L. Petre, Mg. paed. I. Muižniece 49. Annual Project 1., 2., 3. 3 Test

Field Practices 26 50. Tourism Information 1. 2 Test 51. Ecotourism and Organisation of Camps 2. 4 Test 52. Tourism Management 3. 8 Test 53. Pre-diploma Practice 4. 12 Test

State Examination ( Diploma Paper ) 4. 12 Examination

Part C - Elective Courses 6 54. The French Language 6 Test V. Vanaga 55. The Russian Language 6 Test Dr. paed. V. Kaļiņina 56. The Norwegian Language 6 Test N. Bistrova 57. Quality Management 1 Test A. Ruperts 58. Religious Phenomenology 1 Test Z. Graumanis 59. History of Art 2 Test G. Rjabkova 1 2 3 4 5 6

3 60. Regional Folklore 1 Test Mg. philol. V. Trumsiņa 61. Regional Literature 2 Test Mg. philol. L. Zulmane, Mg. philol. A.Kuduma 62. Peculiarities of the Regional Language 1 Test Hab. dr. philol. B. Laumane 63. Environmental Psychology 1 Test Mg. paed. V. Kulmane 64. Financial Management of an Enterprise 2 Test Mg. paed. L. Ābele 65. Demography of the Population in Latvia 1 Test Dr. geogr. I. M. Markausa 66. Nature Heritage in Latvia 1 Test G. Eniņš 67. World Tourism Monuments 1 Test Dr. arch. M. Urtāne 68. Sustainable Development and Economics 1 Test Mg. biol. I. Eistere 69. Landscape Architecture 1 Test G. Silakaktiņš 70. Work with a Client 1 Test A. Ruperts

4 5 Course Descriptions for the Study Programme “Tourism Management” Courses in Humanitarian and Social Sciences / Courses for developing basic social, communication and organisational skills

1. Philosophy Aim - To develop a systemic notion about development of philosophical thought in the world and Latvia. To foster the ability to comprehend the nature of philosophy and its role in society. Content - General characterisation of philosophy. Links of philosophy with mythology, religion and science. Peculiarities of comprehension of the philosophical world in the eastern countries. General characterisation of antique philosophy. Medieval philosophy. Philosophical characterisation of the Renaissance period. Empirism and rationalism of the New Times. Enlightenment. The beginnings of philosophical thought in Latvia. Basic tendencies in the philosophy of the late 19th and the early 20th centuries. Marxism-leninism. Life philosophy. Philosophical aspects of psychoanalysis.

2. Political Science Aim - To form comprehension of principles and ideals of democracy, by using examples from the political practice in the world and in Latvia. To impart knowledge of civic society - parties, movements, groups of interest. To analyse differences of democratic political regimes compared to authoritarian and totalitarian regimes. Content - Politics, its content. Nature of democracy. Political regimes. Civic society. Political involvement and political parties. Groups of interest. Social movements. Political ethics. Rights. Constitution and human rights. Social rights. Rights of nationalities and ethnic groups. State apparatus and bureaucracy. Municipalities. International policy. Conflicts and co-operation. International organisations.

3. History of Civilisation Aim - To study the basic issues of culture today, by fostering systemic understanding of the development of the world culture since the most ancient times to the present day, forming awareness of possibilities of alternative versions for research into the given field, which reveal the diversity of cultural theories. To promote perfection of the skills and abilities at integrating the acquired knowledge ( literature, philosophy, religion, history etc. ) into the History of Civilisation. To link studies of the History of Civilisation with the cognitive process in the chosen speciality. Content - The themes included in the course History of Civilisation and representing the basic methodological viewpoints give a depiction of historical - cultural processes at different periods of history in a certain cultural environment in a variety of manifestations, by respecting the basic principles of historicity, of problem-oriented thematic and regional division. Cultural theories, History of Civilisation, its subject. Nature and culture. Specific features of cultural evolution. Periods of cultural evolution and basic principles of their classification. The most ancient forms of culture. Ancient Eastern culture. Cultural region of India. China and Japan. Antique culture. Byzantine culture. European culture of Middle Ages. Renaissance. Reformation and culture of the New Age. Culture of the Enlightenment period. West European culture of the 19th and the 20th centuries. Typology of the world culture today. Cultural regions. Course of the cultural-historical development on the turn of epochs from the most ancient times to the present day in Latvia. Students do an in-depth study by writing papers independently which are based on the theory linked with the practical cultural-informative material in tourism.

4. Sociology Aim - To foster understanding of the nature of sociology and collecting social data, their organisation and analysis Content - Sociology, its subject and its place among other sciences. The principal notions : a social system, function, integration, a group, organisation, an institution, values etc. Scientific research into the society. Methods of sociological research: qualitative and quantitative. A body of information and selection. Interpretation and application of the obtained data.

5. State Rights and Civil Rights Aim - To impart knowledge of the origin of a state and rights, of reflection of their interaction. Creating a notion about the rights of an individual as such and do an in-depth study of the field of civil rights. To master the basic principles of civil rights and the structure of civil law. Content - Comprehension of the three most characteristic basic elements ( population, area, and the mechanism of public power - rights and responsibilities ). Strongholds of a law-based state - delegating power, supreme command of laws, principles of pluralism of opinions, strengthening the role of the judicial system and publicity. Notion and nature of civil rights basic principles of the subbranch and sources. The general part of the civil law. Liability law, its general part, particular transactions. Constitutional rights. Right to work. Family rights. Inheritance rights. Administrative rights. Criminal law. Legal procedure. Ways of managing controversies and procedure in the field of civil rights.

6. Personnel Management Aim - To acquaint students with the social and psychological aspects of personnel management. To practically learn the skills the manager needs to recruit, manage and supervise the staff. Content - Management of the personnel and human resources. Features characterising the personnel. Description of jobs, personnel recruitment, training and evaluation. Secretarial work related to personnel management. Factors influencing the work of the personnel: cultural relations in the company, stress, conflicts, styles of management etc.

7. Standard Language Aim: To study the norms of the literary language and to develop skills at choosing linguistic means complying with the style, the situation and the purpose. Perfection of the verbal and written forms of the language as well as of communicative skills. Content: Concept of standard language. Literary language. Functional styles of the language. Deviations from the norms of the literary language. Choice of the ways to address people. Business writing. Notion of a public speech. Structuring a speech. Division of speeches. Basics of argumentation. Speaking technique. Verbal and non-verbal communication.

8. Communication Psychology

2 Aim - Study of regularities in communication with the aim of their optimisation. To enhance development of students’ psychological behaviour. To optimise teachers' psychological readiness. Content - Communication, its characterisation, its notion, communication and activity. Verbal communication. Non-verbal communication. The human spectrum of expressing oneself. A person’s social-psychological interpretation according to his/her non-verbal behaviour. Formal or business communication. Persuasion in communication. Conflict managing communication, types of conflicts and ways of their management.

9. Ethnopsychology Aim - To acquaint students and enhance development of their comprehension and their competence about: the different psychological characteristics of ethnic differences within the cultural context; peculiarities of cross-cultural and non-verbal communication; practical use of ethnopsychologic knowledge in order to live in a democratic society. Content - Ethnopsychology as an integrated psychological science. Its links with the notion “culture”. The history of the origin of ethnopsychology and its development. Notions characterising different phenomena in ethnopsychology: ethnic groups, minorities, national character, ethnocentrism, mutual exchange of ideas and opinions in a multicultural environment. Research on ethnic identity. Research on Russian national character (after V.Kocetkov). Comparative studies on social behaviour in different cultures. Psychological aspect of co- operation of people from different cultures. Styles and differences of communication, verbal and non-verbal communication in different cultures. Educational programmes to prepare people for short stays in a foreign country.

10. Civilised Manner of Management and Psychology Aim - To impart theoretical knowledge of the basic elements forming civilised manner of management and possibilities of perfection. To form a systemic notion about the nature of morality and values, by focussing on the topical issues of ethics of today. To enhance mastering of the basic theoretical ideas of ethics, combining them with aesthetic education. Content - Fundamental principles of civilised manner of management, the environment and national differences. Civilised manner of management as seen by clients, employees, business partners and owners. The main elements of civilised management - civilised working environment, working tools and processes (technologies), civilised interpersonal relations (communication), civilised manner of management, and civilised behaviour among the employees.

11. Conflict Management Aim - To develop the skills of prospective professionals to efficiently manage conflict situations and find effective solutions of conflict situations during communication process. Content - Conflicts in different social structures. The close mutual contact and dependence on each other in tourist groups. Differences between tourists with regard to their individual character traits, motivation and social status. Factors creating conflicts of different nature in tourism management. Classification of conflicts: inner (individual), outer (interpersonal or between groups) and their characterisation. Destructive strategies of conflict management and their professional analysis. Traditional patterns of behaviour in conflict situations. Significance of achieving the aims and maintaining smooth relationships when working with tourist groups. Constructive strategies of interpersonal and group conflict management. Civilised behaviour and ethics in case of communication with interpersonal conflict in tourism management. Creative approach to conflict solving: problems or new opportunities? 3 Courses in Information Technologies

12. Applied Informatics Aim - To develop a notion about the impact of information and communication technologies on social life and educational processes. To consolidate and deepen the school knowledge and skills in Informatics and Computer Science. Content - Society of information age, its nature and processes inside it. Information, its notion and information processes. Basic elements of computer structure. Software, its classification and application. Word processors. Multimedia applications. Table processors. Ergonomics. Computer networks and their use. E-mail. Ethical aspects of using the INTERNET. Copyright issues. Data safety. Problems caused by computer viruses. Graphic presentation systems. Www homepages for information retrieval. Basic principles of information search and selection in databases. Ethical aspects of using extensive information systems. Designing electronic teaching/learning aids. Possibilities of computer use in learning and teaching different subjects.

13. Information Systems in Enterprises Aim - To impart knowledge of the major notions of information systems and their applications. To form the basic skills at designing information systems. To create a notion about the organisational, psychological and economic aspects of information systems. Content - Basic notions of information systems. Role of computers in information systems of an office or an enterprise. Database as a central element of the information system. Introduction to Microsoft Access database administration system. Work with Lotus Notes communication and administration system.

14. Office Equipment Aim - To get acquainted with office equipment. Content - To learn to handle and use the following office equipment: computer, fax, printing equipment, copying equipment, modem, multifunctional systems, overhead projector, video. Basic Theoretical Courses in the Field

15. Theory of Economics Aim - To acquaint students with basic problems in economics, to impart basic knowledge of functioning of market economy, by developing comprehension of the interaction between the factors influencing the market, consumers, manufacturers and the state in the market. Content - Basic issue of economics. General basis of functioning of market economy. Supply and demand, market balance, flexibility. The customer and the manufacturer in the market. Types of markets, competition and maximisation of the profit. Role of the state in economics. Macroeconomic instability. National system of settling accounts. Fiscal and monetary policy. Economic integration, its basic trends and processes.

16. Marketing Aims - To elucidate the basic concepts, the objectives and the key strategies of marketing, by emphasising their significance in determining the market potentials and their perfection.

4 Content - Marketing, its definitions, activities, conceptions. Market research and segmentation. Marketing mix. Marketing strategies. Marketing planning.

17. Tourism Marketing Aim - To impart knowledge of basic principles of tourism. To foster comprehension of the competitiveness of an enterprise in tourism market and learn to organise marketing activities in an enterprise. Content - Within the framework of the course marketing development in tourism sphere is studied. Specific features of marketing strategy and marketing management strategy. Marketing elements, their use and specific character in tourism.

18. Entrepreneurship Aim - To acquaint students with prerequisites and principles of entrepreneurship, by giving knowledge of the inner and outer factors influencing the process of entrepreneurship, their interaction, as well as to form comprehension of methods to be used in practical entrepreneurial management. Content - Economic substantiation of entrepreneurship and legal prerequisites. Macro- and microenvironment in an enterprise, their practical evaluation. Process of functioning of an enterprise, its constituent parts, structure, preconditions for activity and evaluation.

19. International Economics Aim - To form a notion about the developmental trends of world economy and economic relations between countries. Content - Students acquire the necessary knowledge of globalism, seek understanding of the interconnection of economic processes throughout the world and the place of Latvia in these processes. Further in-depth improvement of knowledge in economics, implementation of theoretical and practical ideas in the economic practice of the countries all over the world. Students analyse the most essential advantages of Latvia in the world market, in the economic zone of the Baltic Sea, in Europe, Asia, in the world.

20. Management Theory Aim - To impart basic knowledge of the basic management principles, methods and functions, which can ensure reaching certain goals in entrepreneurship. Content - Organisation, its nature and administration process. Four management functions: planning, organisation, motivation, and control. Management standards and styles. Efficient instruments of management.

21. Strategic Management Aim - To acquaint students with significance of planning in an enterprise or an office management, and with different types of planning. To give knowledge of project management. Content - What is planning and types of planning. Aims of organisation, their hierarchy. Evaluation of the present condition. Alternative strategies. Links between the goals of the organisation and planning. Types of planning. Budget as a planning instrument. Strategic planning, its nature and role. Project management. 22. Project Management Aim - To acquaint students with the basic principles of project management, and norms. To impart basic theoretical knowledge of planning a project and its management; to practically design a project application and its planning; to obtain theoretical knowledge and learn practical skills at presenting a project. 5 Content - Introduction to project management. History of project management. Characteristic features of a project. People involved in the project, their responsibilities and functions. The initial stage of the project. Writing an application for the project. Feasibility study. Designing the project. Structural plan of the project. Implementation of the project. The final stage of the project. The form of evaluating the project.

23. Book-keeping Aim - To learn the basics of bookkeeping. To learn to draw up financial accounts complying with the basic principles of bookkeeping. Content - The environment controlling accountancy in Latvia, role of book-keeping, financial and managerial book-keeping; financial accounts; the purpose and nature of balance; the purpose and character of calculating the profit and the losses; the role and nature of the account of cash turnover, making records into monological and synthetic registers; capital assets, stocks, settlement of accounts with customers, clients, suppliers and employees.

24. Secretarial Work and Business Correspondence Aims - To give an insight into the basic principles of secretarial work, to acquaint with the rules of preparing documents and their classification, validity of documents. To teach to draw up the main documents of the administration documentation system. Content - Concept of secretarial work. Document, its validity. Electronic documents. Document formats, forms. Filing documents according to certain features. Constituent parts of administration document, rules of drawing them up. System of administration documentation. Registration of documents. Organising control over circulation of the documents and work with them. File nomenclature. Making files. Classifying the documents and preparing them for further storing.

25. Economic and Social Statistics Aim - To give basic knowledge of mathematical statistics, to form a notion about statistical data relating to economic and social phenomena, methods of their evaluation and processing, to form understanding of the use of statistical methods in decision making. Content - Statistics, its notion and nature. Average values. Dispersion. Frequency sets. Graphic presentation of data. Method of selection. Statistical checking of hypotheses. Analysis of dispersions. Correlation and regression. Time-series analysis and prognosticating. Solution of practical assignments on computer.

26.Quantitative Methods in Management Aim - To form a notion about use of mathematical methods in management. Content - Elements of set theory. Combinatorics. Elements of probability theory. Elements of mathematical statistics. Calculation of capital, calculation of deposit time, calculation of interest rates. Graphic presentation of data. Use of mathematical methods for processing information on computer.

27. Civil Relationship in Tourism Transactions Aim - To form students’ general notion about the nature of legal transactions, the ways of their formation, constituent parts, about issues of civil relationship and civil liability, with a special focus on transactions related to tourism. To acquaint with the legislation regulating tourism in interconnection with its dual character - simultaneously being part both of the sphere of private rights and public law. International law.

6 Content - Private rights, their notion and nature. Liability law emerging from legal relationship in tourism. The most essential components of a civil transaction. Relationships based on law and relationships based on a contract and the different consequences. Analysis of separate types of civil transactions ( contract transferring the ownership, contract of authorisation, service contracts, labour contract, corporate contracts etc. ). Civil losses. The consumer and the client in tourism transactions, his/her rights and responsibilities, international principles of protecting consumer rights. Tourism as a service, its notion National legislation in this field and the main international laws regulating international co-operation in the field of tourism, international requirements set for tourism. Institutional system of the tourism branch. Normative regulation of some tourism services. Introduction to commercial law ( the concept - a businessman and transactions ). The procedure of resolving disputes, resulting from civil relationships in tourism transactions.

28. History of Latvia and Tourism Aim - To get acquainted with the main periods and problematic issues in the history of Latvia. To apply theoretical knowledge in historical study of a particular region and a town. To learn the necessary skills and abilities at collecting material. Content - Sources of history of Latvia and historiography. Periodisation of the history of Latvia. Institutions doing historical research in Latvia. Creating a database, encyclopedias in computer format. Role and place of local lore studies in historical research in Latvia. The most important periods in the history of Latvia, their characterisation. Problematic issues, possibilities of their solution. Specialisation Courses in the Field

29. Tourism Management Aim - To impart basic knowledge of the basic management principles, methods and functions, which can ensure reaching certain goals, as well as to teach understanding of the nature of the organisation and the main processes of planning, motivating, organising and control in entrepreneurship and service industry. Content - Organisation, its nature. Administration process. Four functions of administration, planning, organisation, motivation and control. Decisions, decision taking process.

30. Tourism and the Environment Aim - To acquaint students with the interaction processes in the environment, evaluation indicators of sustainable development and the aspects of legislation to be respected in tourism planning. Content - Factor ecology. Environmental factors, their impact on human health. Ecology of ecosystems. Influence of tourism on the environment. Ecology of populations. Species introduced in Latvia. Global environmental problems. Tourism and natural areas under protection. Research into environmental problems and decision making. Components of biological diversity, the influencing factors and evaluation criteria. Basic issues of environmental policy, principles and instruments in the context of Europe, the Baltic Sea basin and Latvia. Characterisation of the EU directives and legislation. Sectors concerning environmental protection in the EU. Structure of environmental legislation in Latvia - horizontal and sectorial level. Introduction of legislation for planning sustainable tourism development in actual practice. Indicators of sustainable tourism development.

31. Tourism Geography

7 Aim - To give the basic theoretical and practical knowledge and develop the skills at tourism geography. Content - History of tourism geography. Natural and cultural-historical tourism resources in the world. Natural factors influencing tourism - geological, climatic, hydrological and related to landscape. The main tourism regions and countries of the world.

32. Tourism Geography in Latvia Aim - To discover the circumstances and factors influencing tourism development in Latvia. To consider the issue of natural resources in Latvia and the opportunities they present in tourism development, as well as impact of tourism on the environment. Content - Influence of the geographical position of Latvia on tourism development. Geological objects in tourism, possibilities in Latvia. The Baltic Sea as a significant factor in tourism development in Latvia. Climate of Latvia, its seasonal influence on tourism, inland waters as tourism attractions. Areas under protection in Latvia.

33. Fundamentals of Tourism Aim - To understand the role of the concept of tourism in the economic and mental life of the human being. To enhance understanding of a modern tourism model. To enhance comprehension of tourism development, industry and future prospects in Latvia. Content - Tourism, its types, characterisation. Tourism industry - motivation, its products and infrastructure. Geography of the branch and its place in the economic world. International tourism. Role of tourism, its types and structure in Latvia. Resources of tourism industry today and in future in Latvia. Tourism policy and statistics in Latvia. Legislation of the EU. World tourism organisations.

34. Tourism Information Aim - To acquaint students with the specific character of work of tourism information centres. Content - Structure, types and financing sources of tourism information system. Types of tourism information centres, organisation of work at a bureau. Work with clients. Co-operation with institutions of tourism infrastructure. Ways of storing and disseminating information. Designing advertising materials. Advertising packages. Summarising statistical data and their analysis.

35. Tourism Infrastructure and Service Aim - To study the nature of infrastructure and its constituent parts. Content - Tourism infrastructure, its constituent parts: transport, accommodation, catering industry, organisations involved in tourism service, sightseeing and places of entertainment, tourism information centres. Services of infrastructure branches and their levels. Activity of tour operators, travel agents. System of making reservations. Role of the state sector in the development of infrastructure. Planning development of tourism infrastructure.

36. Ecotourism Aim - To give an insight into conceptual understanding of ecotourism, its principles, and preconditions of its development; to give motivation for ecotourism and guidelines for further practical application both in practice and professional activity. Content - Concept of ecotourism and its role. Characterisation of ecotourism. Ecotourism motivation and its role in tourism organisation centres. Guidelines of ecotourism and putting them into practice. The role of ecotourism and its developmental potentials in Latvia. Ecotourism 8 as an indicator of sustainable tourism development. Protection of landscape as a principle of ecotourism. Strategies and actions in ecotourism.

37. Tourism and Health Aim - To enhance understanding of prerequisites of physical, mental, emotional and social health. To impart theoretical knowledge of and teach practical skills at prophylactic safety measures and giving emergency aid in case of accidents. Content - Holistic interpretation of the health concept. Health as physical, psychic and social welfare. Factors influencing the health. The skill to take care of one’s own and other people’s health. Healthy lifestyle: healthy food, physical exercise, rest, bad habits, drugs, nicotine and alcohol, sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS. The tasks of giving emergency aid. Determining the condition of the victim. Dangers, wounds, burns, combustions and electric dangers, frostbite, poisoning. Emergency help. Acute condition of abdominal cavity. Purposeful action. Bites of venomous snakes and insects. Aid. Methods of rescuing drowning people. Emergency help. Foreign bodies in ears, nose, eye, respiratory organs. First aid.

38. Techniques of Active Tourism Aim - To master the elements of active tourism techniques. Content - Preparing for the active part (hiking) of the tour. Equipment. Clothing and footwear. Food. Topography and orientation. Tactics for the active part of the hiking tour. Ways of hiking and overcoming natural obstacles. Rest and shelter for the night. Safety measures during the hike. Rescue work. First medical aid. The final phase of the tour and visual information.

39. Methodology of a Guide’s Work Aim - To learn tour guiding techniques. Content - Choice of the theme for the tour, its duration. Constituent parts of a tour: introduction, narrative, and conclusion. Compiling material for the tour and writing down the text. Specific features of different types of trips. Types of tours (for school-students, groups with special interests, pensioners, disabled people). The spoken word - the language, emotions, and length of the narrative. Visual materials. Conduct of the group manager, duties and rights. Co- operation between the group manager, the driver and the head of the tourist group.

40. Organisation and Management of Tourist Groups Aim - To master the basics of organisation and management of tourist groups. Content - Principal duties of the group organiser, co-operation with the tourism company, personnel, and members of the group. Requirements the group organiser should comply with.

41. Hotel Service Aim - To develop an idea about the nature of hospitality industry and about the basic principles of work of guest receiving services at hotels. Content - Introduction into hospitality industry. The product of the hotel and the guest. Hotel management. Guest receiving service. The service cycle: period before arrival, arrival, stay, departure. Work after departure. Electronic guest receiving service. The most topical issues in hospitality industry.

42. Organisation and Management of Tourist Camps Aim - To form a group of qualified organisers of tourist camps in order to provide high quality of work in camps. 9 Content - General principles of organising camps concerning the following aspects: a project of the camp, choice of the activities, planning the day, workshops, games, report of the work of the camp, documentation, finances. The basic principles of designing the plot and the scenario, the existing legislation concerning opening a camp and co-ordination. The way to process an application for a camp, substantiation of the project etc.

43. Rural Tourism Aim - To learn the basic principles of rural tourism. Content - Development of rural tourism in Latvia. Adjusting country houses to the needs of tourists. Making a place for a camping-site. Additional service available in rural tourism.

44. Urban Tourism Aim - To acquire theoretical and practical knowledge of towns as a stage of formation and development of a cultural - historical tourism product. Content - While doing the programme students get acquainted with the technical paremeters of buildings, the materials used, basic principles of how town infrastructure was formed. During practical classes students analyse the sights of the town and do a written assignment - choose places for placement of groups and information centres.

46. Advertising Strategy Aim - To form awareness of the role of advertising in the present situation. To master the principles of designing up-to-date advertising materials. Content - Developmental history of advertising. Role of advertising and visual communication in economics, basic principles of advertising strategy, producing effective advertising material and its practical application. Language of the advertisement (elements, forms of design, conception). Psychological aspects of advertising (motivation, impact). Theoretical and practical aspects of an advertisement (types, functions and means).

47. Foreign Language I Aim - To consolidate, extend and perfect the speaking and writing skills and abilities. To work at pronunciation, to enlarge the vocabulary. Content - All language aspects - listening, reading, speaking and writing. The main themes: population, countries, nationalities, tourism objects.

48. Foreign Language II Aim - To develop speaking and writing skills and abilities. To further develop pronunciation. To learn basic grammar. To expand the vocabulary. Content - All language aspects - listening, reading, speaking and writing. The main themes: population, countries, nationalities, tourism objects. Field Practices

50. Tourism Information Aim - To acquaint students with the work of tourism information centres. To learn the principles of producing advertising materials.

10 Content - To get acquainted with the work of a tourism information centre. To get acquainted with the information available in a bureau. To develop skills at working with clients. To design an advertising brochure. To make a layout of an advertising brochure.

51. Ecotourism and Organisation of Camps Aim - To use the obtained theoretical knowledge in practice. To learn an ecotourist group management techniques in practice. To map out the optimal route for ecotourism and object planning for a particular explored area. To give a landscape evaluation of the practice area. To learn the skills at organising a camp. Content - Landscape evaluation of the area. Analysis of ecotourism resources. Evaluation of the use of infrastructure of ecotourism resources. Mapping out ecotourism routes. Designing a draft of functional objects on the ecotourism route.

52. Tourism Management Aim - To learn the skills of a tourist group organiser and at methodological planning the route. To learn the working skills needed at a tourism enterprise. Content - In a methodologically correct way to prepare an excursion/trip and guide it. To get acquainted and analyse the model of the given tourism enterprise.

53. Pre-diploma Practice Aim - To collect material for writing the diploma paper. Content - Work in an enterprise related to tourism.

Part C - Elective Courses

54. The French Language Aim - To acquire the basic knowledge of the language. Content - Within the framework of the course students start learning a foreign language as beginners with its phonetic peculiarities, grammar forms. They build up their vocabulary. Much attention is paid to listening exercises. Students develop their speaking skills and abilities working with foreign language texts.

55. The Russian Language Aim - To perfect speaking and reading skills and abilities in Russian. Content - The work is based mainly on a text (oral and written form). The chosen themes: population, countries, nationalities, towns, travelling, art, current developments in the world and Latvia.

56. The Norwegian Language Aim - To form and develop speaking skills. Content - By using different forms of work and techniques to teach Norwegian grammar (parts of speech, syntax, phraseology), to form correct sentences and to teach to speak about the given theme in real life situations. Topics - greeting, acquaintance, time, food, shopping, filling in forms, professions, using the telephone, public transport, travelling, letter writing, Norway.

11 57. Quality Management Aim - To create comprehension of the notion product quality, the nature of quality management system, the principles of its functioning and its role in promoting efficiency in the work of the organisation and its development. Content - Quality, its notion and treatment. Quality system and management, history of their origin and development today. System of maintaining quality; the factors determining the necessary level of quality. ISO standards, feasible choices and applications. Introduction of a quality system and its maintenance. An outstanding model of entrepreneurship in Europe.

58. Religious Phenomenology Aim - To study conceptions of different interpretations of religion, as well as religious history in different periods and countries. To clarify legal aspects of relations between the state and religious organisations. Content - Nature of religion and a variety of its interpretations. Its structure. Functions of religion and the church. Origin of religion and the inner and outer causes of its development. Shamanism. Characteristic features of national religions. Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism. Confucianism, Taoism. Shintoism. Zoroastrianism. Greek and Roman religions. Religious-mythic beliefs of ancient Latvians. Dievturi (ancient Latvian religion). History of Judaism, its main ideas. Old Testament. Christianity and its different versions.

59. History of Art Aim - To develop students’ comprehension of developmental trends in the history of art. Content - Antique art. Medieval art. Byzantine. Romanesque style. Gothic style. Medieval art in Latvia. Art of the Eastern countries - India, China. Renaissance in Italy and in other European countries. Mannerism. European art of the 17th-18th centuries. Russian art. Art of Europe and the USA in the 19th-20th centuries. Art in Latvia in the 17th-20th centuries.

60. Regional Folklore Aim - To acquaint students with the forms and genres of Latvian folklore, by focussing on the specific features of the region. To impart knowledge of Latvian mythology and interconnections between mythology and folklore. To actualise the role of folklore today. Content - Folklore, its concept, functions and specific features. Mythology. Latvian folklore - one of the sources of research into the mythology of the Balts. Seasonal customs, festivities connected with a person’s life. Forms and genres of Latvian folklore. Folk songs. Legends and tales. Brahiologisms. Folklore in the context of the present day. Folklore and literature. Specific character of folklore in different regions of Latvia.

61. Regional Literature Aim - Study of the life and creative work of the most outstanding personalities viewed in cultural-historical context, identifying the most vivid personalities working in culture. Depiction of the latest trends in Latvian literature in the 1990s, identifying the most brilliant authors of contemporary Latvian prose, drama and poetry. Content - Characterisation of the regions of Latvia viewed in the context of past culture and literature (up to the 1890s). Regional literature as an original reflection of the spiritual life and aspirations of the Latvians. Depiction of the local colouring of the regions, and the developments of the epoch in Latvian literature - landscape, traditions and scenes from everyday life, cultural and economic processes. Characterisation of the regions in Latvia -Kurzeme, Vidzeme, Zemgale, Latgale - viewed in cultural -historical context. Depiction of regions in Latvian literature - depiction of landscape, traditions, cultural and economic processes in the works of Latvian 12 authors. Peculiarities of the regional languages. Zemgale and Vidzeme regions - place of residence and work of many outstanding personalities. Characterisation of the contemporary literary process, developmental trends, and prospects. Evaluation of the relationship between the traditional and postmodern literature. Literary process (the 1990s) viewed in the context of local history.

62. Peculiarities of the Regional Language Aim - To impart knowledge of the links between cultural-historical regions and the dialects and the areas of their usage (data of toponymy and of dialectical lexis in order to solve ethnogenetic issues). To train tourism managers and guides for active popularisation of the Latvian language and culture. Content - Dialects and the literary Latvian: the Middle Latvian dialect (dialect of the central part) and the literary language, the High Latvian dialect (dialect of the Eastern part of Latvia) and the written Latgallian. Depiction of singularity of the region in dainas (Latvian folk songs) and works of Latvian authors.

63. Environmental Psychology Aim - To give the necessary knowledge and form comprehension of the surroundings and the processes taking place within it, to understand models of Man Nature interaction. Content - Environmental psychology, its nature. The beginnings of environmental psychology. Psychological aspects of environmental perception. Role of sensory organs in perception of psychological aspects. Psychological impact of environmental factors. Aspects of environmental adaptation. Rhythm in nature and activity of human life.

64. Financial Management of an Enterprise Aim - To master the skill at independent evaluation of the balance, at calculating the profit and losses of the enterprise. Content - Ways of calculating the product cost, to find the “zero” level in production, analysis of cash flow, the budget and making projections. To independently suggest a way of improving the financial situation in the enterprise. Historical development of money, its functions, the notion of finances and its nature, state leverage and sharing responsibilities, state budget, the principles how to draw up the budget. Fundamental principles of bank activities and basis of giving credit viewed from the angle of the enterprise, credit contracts.

65. Demography of the Population of Latvia Aims - To gain understanding of the demographic processes in Latvia and other countries viewed historically, the trends of population growth nowadays. Content - To learn the skills for processing and analysing the necessary information when investigating demographic processes; to learn to identify and understand the peculiarities of population growth in Latvia; to learn to use the specific methods of demographic research; to understand the causal relationship of demographic processes.

66. Nature Heritage in Latvia Aims - To identify the wealth of nature - landscape, large stones, noble trees, stones use for religious worshipping, carved rocks. To arouse interest in identifying and conservation of natural monuments. Content - Abundance of natural monuments in Latvia, their classification and singularity. Nature heritage as elements of landscape and the content of Latvian landscape. Danger to nature

13 monuments and their conservation. Rock carving as a unique discovery of petroglyph in Latvia. Signs of nature on stones. Classification of stones used in worshipping.

67. World Tourism Monuments Aim - To create a notion of the most outstanding tourism objects in the world. Content - UNESCO World monuments, their management and problems related to tourism. Improving information availability and regulating the flow of visitors. Conservation of Natural and cultural monuments.

68. Sustainable Development and Economics Aim - To give basic theoretical knowledge of and develop practical skills at rational and sustainable use of natural resources. To acquaint students with the most modern developmental tendencies in society and economics throughout the world. Content - Threat of ecological crisis. Sustainable development - a modern trend in economic development. Tools of sustainability. Features of a sustainable city. Democratisation of society, participation in tackling problems.

69. Landscape Architecture Aim - To acquaint students with landscape architecture, landscape protection and the existing legislation. Content - History of formation of landscape comprehension and interpretation by different nationalities. Landscape comprehension in the context of natural sciences, anthropogenenesis and renaturalization, elements forming the landscape and landscape units. Landscape formation, maintenance, the factors of decision taking in landscape formation and visual distortions. Factors having an anthropogenic influence. Basic territorial landscape units. Landscape having cultural value. Incorporation of values of culture and protected zones in the landscape. Making an inventory in the landscape, tourism, nature protection and management plans in the area. History of landscape protection and precedents in Latvia, the present legislation in Latvia.

70. Work with a Client Aim - To give students knowledge of matters related to client service in an enterprise and an office, to form comprehension of the need to attract clients, methods of doing it. Content - Causes of bad service. Role of selling in business. The process of buying. Clients’ needs. The process of selling. “The golden rules” of selling. Communication process. Communication barriers. Attitude and behaviour. Telephone conversations.

14 Teaching Staff Involved in the Implementation of the Programme

Scientific or academic Education, educational establishment, No. Name, surname degree, additional Courses of study qualification, year of graduation qualification 1 2 3 4 5 1. Lilita Ābele M.paed. Bachelor of Economics, University of Latvia Financial Management of an Enterprise Faculty of Economics, 2001 2. Baiba Bērztīse M.paed. Teacher of Mathematics for secondary school, Quantitative Methods of Management Liepāja State Pedagogical Institute, 1968 3. Nīna Bistrova - Teacher of elementary school, Liepāja Academy The Norwegian Language of Pedagogy, 1994 4. Ēriks Būmeisters Dr.paed. Teacher of secondary school, Liepāja Applied Informatics Pedagogical Institute, 1958 5. Inese Eistere M.biol. Biologist, biochemist, teacher of Biology and Ecotourism Chemistry for secondary schooll Latvian State University, 1964 6. Zane Gaile M. phil. Bachelor in the Latvian language and Literature, Project Management Liepāja Academy of Pedagogy, 1999.

1 2 3 4 5 7. Olga Glikasa Dr.paed. Teacher of Biology, Chemistry and basics of Tourism and Health Agriculture for secondary school,

36 Daugavpils Pedagogical Instirute, 1966 8. Zaigonis Graumanis Dr. philos. Philosopher, a teacher, Latvian State Philosophy University, 1984 9. Ilze Grospiņa M.paed. Geographer, teacher of Geography, Latvian Tourism Geography State University, 1984 Tourism Geography in Latvia 10. Kristīne Jansone - Economist, accountant, University of Latvia, Book-keeping 1998 11. Maija Jansone - Jurisdiction, Latvian State University, 1986 State Rights and Civil Rights 12. Andris Junkurs - Geographer, teacher of Geography, 1993 Ecotourism 13. Gatis Kalniņš Liepāja Academy of Rīga School of Tourism, tourism organiser, Techniques of Active Tourism Pedagogy, 2002. 1998. Organisation and Management of Tourist Camps 14. Valentīna Kaļiņina Pedagoģijas doktore Philologist, teacher of the Russian Language The Russian Language and Literature, Kaliningrad University, 1975 15. Ausma Klestrova M.phil certificate- Teacher of the Latvian Language and Secretarial Work and Business Management of Literature, Liepāja State Pedagogical Correspondence Human Resources Institute, 1974

1 2 3 4 5 16. Aldis Kļaviņš Assoc. Prof. Artist, painter, pedagogue, State Academy Advertising Strategy of Art, 1967 17. Ārija Kolosova Dr.hist. A historian, teacher of History and Soviet History of Latvia and Tourism Rights, Latvian State University, LVU, 1981 18. Vija Kriķe - Teacher of Philosophy and Civil Science, Sociology sociologist, Latvian State University, 1973 Personnel Management 19. Anda Kuduma M.phil. Teacher of the Latvian Language and Regional Literature

37 Literature, Liepāja Pedagogical Institute, 1988 20. Zigmunds Kudums - Engineer-machanic, Rīga Technical Civilised Manner of Management and University, 1991; economist, bookkeeper, Psychology Latvian State University, 1999 Strategic Management 21. Vineta Kulmane M.paed. Bachelor in Biology, teacher of Biology and Tourism and the Environment Chemistry, University of Latvia, 1994 Environmental Psychology 22. Benita Laumane Dr.hab.phil. Teacher of the Latvian Language and Peculiarities of the Regional Language Literature, Liepāja Pedagogical Institute, 1960 23. Linda Lauze Dr.phil. Teacher of the Latvian Language and Standard Language Literature, University of Latvia, 1991

1 2 3 4 5 24. Velga Lāce - Organiser of Cultural Activities-advisor, Organisation and Management of Leningrad Higher Trade Union School of Tourist Groups Culture, 1982 25. Inese Leitāne Post Diploma Faculty of Finance and Trade, 1983 Tourism Marketing studies,University of Latvian, Economics ekonomikā 26. Daina Lieģeniece Dr.habil. paed. Philologist, teacher of English, Latvian State Ethnopsychology Certificate " Situations University, 1964 of Crisis" 27. Diāna Līduma M.oec. Doctorate Bachelor of engineering in economics, Rīga Theory of Economics

38 Studies, Rīga technical University, 1998 Marketing Technical University, Management Theory 1998 Tourism Management 28. Andris Maisiņš Certificate " Tourism Faculty of Automation and Computing Tourism Information Management" Technology, Rīga Polytechnical Institute, 1977 Rural Tourism Tourism Infrastructure and Service 29. Ieva Marga Markausa Dr.geogr. Geologist, teacher og Geography, Latvian State Demography of the Population in Latvia University, 1969.

1 2 3 4 5 30. Arturs Medveckis University of Latvia, Organiser of cultural activities, advisor in History of Civilisation Philosophy methods, Conservatoire of Latvia, 1984 31. Jeļena Mihejeva Dr.psych, Teacher of Pedagogy and Psychology, advisor Communication Psychology of methods in pre-school institutions, Leningrad Pedagogical Institute, 1975 32. Irēna Muižniece M.paed. Philologist, teacher of German, Latvian State The Germany Language University, 1962 33. Maija Neimane - Historian, teacher of History and Civil Methodology of a Guide's Work Sciences, Latvian State University, 1965 34. Sandra Okuņeva M.phil Teacher of the Latvian Language and Standard Language Literature, Liepāja State Pedagogical Institute, 1983 35. Valdemārs Opelts Certificate - Strategic Geographer, teacher of Geograpgy, Latvian International Economics

39 Planning, Project State University, 1984. Entrepreneurship Management 36. Ārijs Orlovskis - Historian, teacher of History and Civil Science, Political Science Latvian State University, 1985 37. Larisa Petre M.paed. Teacher of English, Moscow Higher The English Language Pedagogical Institute, 1983 1 2 3 4 5 38. Gaļina Rjabkova - Art Scientist, Leningrad Art Institute named History of Art after , Repin, 1982 39. Agris Ruperts - Teacher of Mathematics, Liepāja pedagogical Quality Management Institute, 1982 Work with a Client 40. Alīda Samusēviča Dr. paed. Teacher of Pedagogy and Psychology for Conflict Management secondary school, Liepāja State Pedagogical Institute, 1952 41. Gunārs Silakaktiņš - Historian, teacher of History and Social Fundamentals of Tourism Sciences, Latvian State University, 1982 Urban Tourism 42. Ingrīda Sūriņa Certificate - Hotel and Teacher of Pedagogy, Liepāja Academy of Hotel Service Tourism Management Pedagogy, 1983 43. Dzintars Tomsons M. Mathematician, University of Latvia, 1991. Information Systems in Enterprises 44. Vineta Trumsiņa M.phil. Teacher of the Latvian Language and Regional Folklore Literature, Liepāja State Pedagogical Institute, 1980 45. Māra Urtāne Dr. landscape Architect,Rīga polytechnical Institute, 1978. World Tourism Monuments architecture 46.. Velga Vanaga - Philologist, teacher of French,Latvian State The French Language

40 1 2 3 4 5 47. Roberts Veits Dr.paed. Certificate - Mathematician, Latvian State University, 1977 Economic and Social Statistics Management, Management of Project University, 1969 Cycles,

48. Linda Vēbere - Lawyer, Latvian State University, 1993 Civil Relationship in Tourism Transactions 49. Māra Zeltiņa Dr.biol. Teacher of Biology and Chemistry, Latvian Tourism and the Environment State University, 1979 50. Vija Zēlerte M.psych. Teacher of primary school, Liepāja pedagogical Civilised Manner of Management and Institute, 1987 Psychology 51. Linda Zulmane M.phil. Teacher of the Latvian Language and Regional Literature Literature, an advisor in upbringing, University of Latvia, 1991

41 Information about the appendices not enclosed

No Name of the appendix The appendix is available in . 1. Regulations on Studies Study Department of the LAP 2. Regulating Documents on Studies Study Department of the LAP 3. Programme in Tourism Management in Department of Natural Sciences of the the Eyes of the Press LAP 4. Statistical Data on Enrolment Study Department of the LAP 5. Regulations for Admittance and Study Department of the LAP Matriculation 6. Student Opinion Poll - Questionnaires Department of Natural Sciences of the LAP 7. Tasks of the Practice for Students of the Study Department of the LAP Programme in Tourism Management 8. Evaluation System Study Department of the LAP 9. Teaching Staff Involved in the Personnel Department of the LAP Implementation of the Programme, CV 10. Students’ Project Works on Tourism Department of Natural Sciences of the Development in Liepāja and the Region LAP

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