Mission Statement A Lakeside Festival celebrating Community, featuring locally produced foods, art, antiques, handicrafts and a good old fashioned Street Dance.

Not-for-Profit (Community Friends) Contract for Apple Day 2015 Please return to Excelsior – Lake Minnetonka Chamber, 37 Water Street, Excelsior MN 55331 The Excelsior – Lake Minnetonka Chamber of Commerce, Apple Day officials (hereinafter “officials” and Community Friends (hereinafter “friends” do hereby agree as follows: Organization Name:

Business Name if different:


City, State, Zip:

Day Phone: Cell Phone:

Email Address:

Space is limited. Submit application not later than June 30, 2014.

Hours and Promotional Items Friends shall staff and monitor their booth site at Apple Day between the hours of 9 AM and 6 PM on Saturday, September 19th that the assigned location, which shall be at the sole discretion of the Officials. Friends will describe all items/events that they plan to promote/sell/distribute/advertise: (please write legibly and describe accurately):

(a) The Officials may, at their discretion, terminate the unauthorized sale of art, jewelry, t-shirts, food from the Friends stand on the day in question for failure to abide by instructions of the Officials. Arrival: Unloading/loading/Parking Friends agree to arrive and set up equipment on Saturday, September 19, 2014, between 7 & 9 an. Friends will be responsible for setting up, taking down and protecting all valuable equipment, supplies, and promotional items between show hours. Friends understand that Officials will assign sites, and agrees to abide by all instructions of Officials regarding the unloading/loading of equipment and supplies. Friends agree to park vehicles including trailers, at off-site locations to be designated by Officials. Friends agree to enforce employee parking to designated areas during the event. Friends who park on city streets are subject to parking tickets issued by City of Excelsior, Apple Day &/or the South Lake Minnetonka Police. Friends of Community Equipment Friends booths must consist of portable tents, tables, chairs, displays but not trailers, trucks or motorized vehicles. Friends Fee and Insurance Friends agree to pay a non-refundable fee of $50.00 to the Excelsior – Lake Minnetonka Chamber of Commerce (ELMCC) at time of application. (Checks/VISA/Mastercard/American Express accepted and will not be processed sooner than 30 days prior to event). Contracts submitted without the required fee will not be considered for acceptance. Friends will also provide a copy of their third party and public liability insurance policy . The minimum face value must be $100,000 per individual claim and $300,000 per event. To pay by credit card, we accept: Visa MasterCard American Express

Name on Card: Billing Address: Zip:


Exp. Date: CVS Code: Amount to be charged: Loudspeakers

Friends agree that he/she/they will not use a loud speaker or amplified music at or near booth location.

Waste Removal Friends agree to dispose of all waste in the dumpsters provided for Vendors and to pick up and police the immediate area surrounding their vending site to the satisfaction of Officials. Friends understand that failure to dispose of packaging waste properly may jeopardize admittance to subsequent events. Friends agree not to tear down vendor booth prior to close of event on September 19th at 6 p.m. unless previously authorized by Officials.

In the interests of environmental protection and integrity, Apple Day Officials urge Friends to utilize resources that are biodegradable, non-toxic and/or recyclable and to be judicious in the use of water, power and other non-renewable resources.

Signed by: / Friends of the Community Date

/ Excelsior – Lake Minnetonka Chamber Official Date