Ms. Rebecca Emig

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Ms. Rebecca Emig

Ms. Rebecca Emig PAP Geometry & Algebra II Azle High School

Course Goals By the end of the year, the student will be able to: - Demonstrate comprehensive mastery of all concepts on the semester exams - Build on previous knowledge to continue development of skills - Display independent study skills and the ability to analyze problems - Have the ability to relate mathematical information and skills to other areas of learning and life application

Guidelines for Success 1. Be responsible. 2. Always try. 3. Do your best. 4. Cooperate with others. 5. Treat everyone with respect (including yourself).

Classroom Rules 1. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Including, no paper “balls” thrown into trash. 2. Arrive on time with all materials. 3. Follow directions. 4. Stay on task. Stay awake. 5. No food or drink (closed water bottles okay).

Required Materials o Two pencils, sharpened (if mechanical, bring extra lead) o Eraser o Colored pen/pencil (preferably red) o Spiral Notebook (for notes) o Notebook Paper (for homework) o Binder/folder – something to keep course materials organized o School issued iPad – no other electronic device will be permitted for use in the classroom – all assignments on iPad will be offered in hard copy form for those without one, or will be done in partnerships. Teacher approval may be given for other devices under certain circumstances. No extra materials will be provided by the teacher. If you have forgotten something, ask a friend, before the bell rings.

Textbook State-approved textbooks are provided to students free of charge for Geometry, by request. Books must be covered by the student, and treated with care. Any damage to a textbook will require reimbursement of between 25% -100% of the cost of the textbook. In addition, the textbook is available on line. It can also be downloaded to the iPad and used off line anywhere. The textbook will be used in class often. Calculators Students will use calculators frequently in the classroom. Use of classroom calculators is a privilege, and students need to work with proper care and abide by all posted rules. Although students will not be given assignments outside the classroom that require their use, the purchase of a graphing calculator for a college-bound student is a good investment. They can be purchased at most “big box” retailers. Purchase is NOT required. In addition, there are several free graphing calculator apps available for smartphones and tablets.

Hall Passes Students miss valuable information when they leave the classroom. Each student will be given one “free” pass each 6 weeks. These are to be used at the discretion of the student. Teacher has the right to say no, even when a pass is used, if it is not a good time for the student to be out (note-taking time, etc.). Emergencies will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. If a student needs to leave the room but has already used his/her pass, a lunch detention will be given. Students with passes remaining at the end of the 6 week period will receive extra credit.

Grades The district grading policy will be followed. There will be four categories for grades: daily work, quizzes, tests, and 6 weeks tests. 1. The daily average counts 20% of each six weeks grade. This grade consists of homework, class work, and participation. 2. Quizzes count as 30% of each six weeks grade. Quiz questions will come from the homework so it is important to do the homework, as well as ask any questions in class and/or come to tutoring to ensure you understand the material before the quiz. 3. Tests count 30% of each six weeks grade. It is imperative to prepare for tests. The best way to prepare is to do each and every assignment, and to pay attention during any class reviews. Tutoring is always available before a test. 4. The Six Weeks Test counts the other 20% of each six weeks grade. Needless to say, it is essential to study and prepare for these tests, and to participate in the reviews. The Six Weeks Tests may not be retaken if students score below 70.

Parents are encouraged to sign up for Parent Portal through the Counseling office in order to see student grades at any time. In addition, grades are available through the Azle ISD App for smartphones.

Daily Activities A typical class session will be comprised of a daily “warm-up”, homework review, note-taking, and practice of new concepts – as a whole group, as small groups, and individually. During each of these activities, the student is expected to fully participate. Sleeping will not be tolerated and will have disciplinary consequences.

Entering the Classroom 1. Be in your assigned seat before the bell rings. 2. Place homework on the corner of your desk, if applicable. 3. Read board to see what else is needed for the day – nothing else should be at the desk area. 4. Place all bags and belongings where indicated at side of the classroom. 5. Quietly, begin working on the “warm-up” on board/screen. Tardiness If you arrive to class after the bell rings, you are tardy. Do not enter the room without a tardy slip or note. Before going to your desk, sign the Tardy Clipboard and include any tardy note you have been given. Quickly get to your seat and begin working with the rest of the class. See Student Handbook for school policy on tardy consequences.

Daily Assignments Homework should be completed before entering the classroom. Homework will be graded by one of two methods: by the student as it is reviewed by the class; by inputting answers into Canvas. Homework grades will be based on accuracy, as well as completion, including work shown to get to the answer. However, because quizzes and tests are based on homework problems, it is important to do more than just “complete” the assignments.

All assignments, unless noted by the teacher, require students to show ALL work, and partial credit may be given depending on this work, so it needs to be LEGIBLE. Answers should be circled. Often during administration of a quiz or test or short class assignment, students may work at different paces. ALWAYS bring a book or something PRODUCTIVE to do in case you finish with extra time. This does not include electronic devices!

Late Work NO late work is accepted, except in the case of absence (see below). Students are responsible for arriving to class with their assignments completed.

Absences Students will find missed assignments/information in folders in a marked file in back of room, marked by class period. Here, you can also turn in work from days absent. For each day missed, student has two days to complete missed work.

If a student misses an exam or quiz, he/she must coordinate with teacher to schedule make-up before or after school, taken within one week. If student misses a day of test review, the student is responsible for taking the test on the scheduled day.

Food/Drink There is a zero-tolerance policy on food/drinks in the classroom. This is a SCHOOL rule. iPads in the classroom The iPad will be used as a resource inside and outside the classroom. Many of the same functions can be done using any electronic device, but smartphones are prohibited as it is often too easy for a student to become distracted. Also, apps recommended and used throughout the school year will be available for free on iPad but not always on other devices. The iPad will be used regularly and should be brought to school every day, charged. Electronic Device Rules for Ms. Emig 1. Personal Devices should be in the student’s bag at the side of the room. They should be out of sight at all times.

2. Students using an iPad at a time when it is not necessary for classroom activities, WILL have it taken up. In addition, students using Personal Devices at any time, WILL have it taken up.

3. Cameras (including audio and video) will NOT be used unless necessary for specific classroom activity.

4. Students should have an identifying picture or name as the lock-screen picture (changed in settings). This makes return of the device much easier when it has been left behind in the classroom. Otherwise, they will be turned in to the iPad office and consequences could be incurred.

5. Students will follow all District iPad and Responsible Use Guidelines at all times. Students not using the Otter Box cover on District iPads will have their iPads taken up. When leaving the classroom, the student will close the cover and put the iPad away. It is not to be used outside the classroom, except during lunch.

Social Media Ms. Emig believes that Social Media can be a very effective communication tool. Students and parents are encouraged to follow on Twitter and Instagram. Twitter has two purposes: 1. A tool to communicate with students about upcoming tests or quizzes or errors in assignments and the like. 2. A professional learning tool – some tweets will be meant for colleagues, not students, but they will always be of an educational nature. Instagram also has two purposes: 1. A means for students to turn in assignments involving pictures, as well as communication about tests, etc. 2. A more personal look at Ms. Emig – I will occasionally post pictures of my life – mostly of my dog! It is by no means a requirement to have either a Twitter or Instagram account. However, you might want to make sure you know someone who does who will give you any valuable information.

Teacher Contact Info: Rebecca Emig, Room F5 (817) 444-5555 [email protected] Twitter & Instagram: @MsEmigAHS Conference Period: 5th Pd, 11:15-12:00 (Parents, please make an appointment – I will often have meetings, etc. and be out of the room) Tutorials: Wednesday 3:30-4:00pm, Thursday 7:10-7:40am

Parents, my goal is to stay in open communication with you. It is my desire to contact you with the good and the bad of our life in Geometry class. This will be via e-mail and an occasional phone call. In addition, please be sure the Counseling Office has your correct contact information. Most often, I will be using their communication system to send updates. This document is posted on my website for your future reference.

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