Directory Of International Training Opportunities

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Directory Of International Training Opportunities

DRAFT | MARCH 10, 2006


Canadian Parks staff, this is a C O L O R A D O S T A T E revamped course that focuses on U N I V E R S I T Y – U . S . A the development of higher end Center for Protected Area competencies, integrative thinking, Management and Training applied learning through a park- A M E R I C A N M U S E U M O F related challenge, face-to-face N A T U R A L H I S T O R Y – arch/wildlands/index.html portion supplemented by online U . S . Member of Consortium for work before and after, and International Protected Area Center for Biodiversity and preparation for an ongoing learning Management (CIPAM) which includes Conservation community. Mainly an internal Colorado State University, University program for Canadian park of Idaho, University of Montana, and about.html managers, but international the USDA/FS Office of International Curriculum development program, participants are welcome to apply. fellowship program and training Programs. workshops in Madagascar, Bolivia, and Vietnam. C E N T E R F O R B I O D I V E R S I T Y Wildlands and Protected Area A N D C O N S E R V A T I O N – Seminar U . S . arch/wildlands/pacourse.html See entry for American Museum of Offered each year in Spanish. Natural History B Intensive 4 to 5-week field course designed for mid-level professional about.html B I R D L I F E I N T E R N A T I O N A L – and technical personnel who are U . K . interested in improving the Building on Experience Program C E N T E R F O R C O N S E R V A T I O N management of protected areas in B I O L O G Y – U . S . their countries. Four module, one-year course, in See entry for Stanford University International Seminar on Protected finance, business and human resource management. Regional Area Management training programs increase the technical skills of partners and the C E N T E R F O R T R O P I C A L AM.htm sustainability of local communities. C O N S E R V A T I O N – U . S . See entry for Consortium for International Protected Area Active in Africa, Asia, and the See entry for Duke University Management. Americas.

C O N S E R V A T I O N S T R A T E G Y C E N T R O A G R O N O M I C O F U N D ( C S F ) – U . S . T R O P I C A L D E C I N V E S T I G A C I O N Y Training programs and E N S E N A N Z A ( C A T I E ) – conservation projects C A M B R I D G E U N I V E R S I T Y – C O S T A R I C A U . K . CSF uses economics and strategic Annual Protected Area Short thinking to help conserve natural Department of Zoology Course ecosystems around the globe. CSF trains environmental professionals Spanish language course with focus from the tropics in practical skills on Latin America and the Caribbean C A N A D I A N P A R K S C O U N C I L - and also works with groups directly issues and audience. C A N A D A in the field. Since its creation in 1998, CSF has concentrated on Park System Leadership Program forests and rivers in the tropics, where extraordinarily high levels of Based on a park management biological diversity are found. course that ran for 20 years for

2 DRAFT: DIRECTORY OF INTERNATIONAL TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES FOR PROTECTED AREA MANAGERS C O N S O R T I U M F O R I N T E R N A T I O N A L Park Warden Training P R O T E C T E D A R E A Organization for Tropical Studies M A N A G E M E N T ( C I P A M ) (OTS) programs/capacitybuilding2.htm#pa – U . S . rk Offers conservation biology course In some countries protected area International Seminar on Protected for Costa Rica and decision-makers park guards are the only public Area Management course for U.S., Peru, and Brazil. presence of the national Currently working on a Latin government. Therefore they need to AM.htm American based decision-makers be trained not only to deal with the The Consortium for International course to train government leaders day-to-day issues of wildlife, law Protected Area Management in Mesoamerica, the Tropical Andes, enforcement and habitat consists of the USDA Forest Brazil, and Peru. management, but also to improve Service’s Office of International their communication and outreach Programs and the Universities of skills. Montana, Idaho and Colorado State. The seminar is designed for mid- Decision-maker Training career planners and managers of E nationally significant protected programs/capacitybuilding2.htm#de areas worldwide. This course cision evaluates policies and institutional These innovative courses help arrangements that sustain both policymakers understand people and natural resources. F conservation and development issues so they have a basic F A U N A A N D F L O R A foundation and are equipped to I N T E R N A T I O N A L – U . K . formulate and implement policies D / U . S . having a direct impact on wildlife Environmental Education and natural resources. D A R W I N I N I T I A T I V E – U . K . In-service Training for Government Small grants and short course Personnel training F I S H A N D W I L D L I F E S E R V I C E ( F W S ) – U . S . programs/capacitybuilding2.htm#tr Small grants program that aims to aining promote biodiversity conservation Under the U.S. Department of These programs, some that include and sustainable use of resources Interior a certificate of achievement, are around the world. The Initiative is designed for employees of funded and administered by the UK ms/capacitybuilding.htm government wildlife and Department for Environment, Food conservation agencies. FWS works and Rural Affairs (DEFRA). Graduate Training in Wildlife and Ecosystem Management closely with foreign parties to ensure that the programs D U K E U N I V E R S I T Y – U . S . ms/capacitybuilding2.htm#graduate appropriately reflect local needs and issues. Center for Tropical Conservation Graduate degree programs that train wildlife biologists and Information and Technology Research projects uniting managers have been developed Exchange environmental science and policy on with US Fish & Wildlife Service biodiversity, and the sustainable partners in various regions of the ms/capacitybuilding2.htm#information development of natural resources in globe. In an effort to share wildlife the tropics. Reserve Manager Training conservation and management knowledge and skills, FWS has a Nicholas School of Environment number of programs which facilitate and Earth Sciences ms/capacitybuilding2.htm#reserve The Reserve Managers Training the exchange of wildlife program provides training management and conservation specifically to individuals managing information and technology between protected areas. 3 DRAFT: DIRECTORY OF INTERNATIONAL TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES FOR PROTECTED AREA MANAGERS the United States and other management of protected areas in I N T E R N A T I O N A L C E N T R E F O R countries. their countries. P R O T E C T E D L A N D S C A P E S ( I C P L ) – U . K . F O R E S T S E R V I C E , O F F I C E O F I N T E R N A T I O N A L Conservation Management P R O G R A M S ( U S D A / F S ) – Training U . S . G ICPL was originally established Under the U.S. Department of within the University of Wales, Agriculture G E O R G E W R I G H T S O C I E T Y – Aberystwyth in 1990 and offers U . S . masters programs in protected USDA/FS Office of International GWS Biennial Conferences: landscape management. Recently, Programs works with universities Sharing Advances in Protected ICPL has been assisting other and other government agencies to Area Research and Resource institutions around the world to offer field courses to international Management develop and deliver through conservation managers: distance learning, their own Every two years since 1976, The regionally-focused, vocational Forest Management Seminar George Wright Society organizes an education programs in this field. interdisciplinary conference on .htm#1 protected areas. Typically, about Co-sponsored by Northern Arizona 60% of the attendees are from the I U C N – W O R L D C O N S E R V A T I O N University, the International Seminar U.S. National Park Service and U N I O N – on Forest Administration and participation from people outside M U L T I L A T E R A L Management (ISFAM) is a three- the NPS and from outside the U.S. is O R G A N I Z A T I O N week course on management also encouraged. The next World Commission on Protected techniques and practices. conference will be held April 16–20, Areas (WCPA) – Protected Areas 2007, in St. Paul, Minnesota. Program International Seminar on Protected Area Management Objectives: To assist in the planning of protected areas by providing e.htm#1 strategic advice to policy makers; to See entry for Consortium for strengthen capacity and International Protected Area H effectiveness of protected area Management. managers through the provision of guidance, tools and information, and Watershed Management Seminar networking; and to increase investment in protected areas. come.htm#1

The University of Wisconsin - I World Conservation Learning Stevens Point will co-sponsor an Network international course for senior level I N S T I T U T E O F professionals involved in watershed I N T E R N A T I O N A L The World Conservation Learning management, conservation and E D U C A T I O N – U . S . Network (WCLN) is a conservation, restoration. environment and sustainable With facilities around the world, IIE development-focused global Wildlands and Protected Area delivers training and exchange network with regional and national Seminar programs, including in Leadership chapters. Development and Environmental The WCLN acts as: A platform for elcome.htm#1 and Conservation Studies. exchange; a broker between higher Offered each year in Spanish education, capacity development, through Colorado State University. conservation, environment and Intensive month-long field course sustainable development sectors; designed for mid-level professional and a center of excellence in on-the- and technical personnel who are job professional updating and interested in improving the development through integrated

4 DRAFT: DIRECTORY OF INTERNATIONAL TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES FOR PROTECTED AREA MANAGERS distance learning for environmental bird conservation and education N A T I O N A L O C E A N I C sustainability. projects and creating opportunities A T M O S P H E R I C A G E N C Y for technical exchange and ( N O A A ) – U . S . cooperation. National Marine Protected Area Park Flight is a partnership between Center the NPS, National Park Foundation, J National Fish & Wildlife Foundation, ml USAID, American Airlines and the The National Marine Protected Areas NPS Natural Resource Challenge. Center focuses on forging Technical direction is provided partnerships and serving as a through the University of Arizona resource for information about the K Desert Southwest Cooperative nation’s MPAs. The MPA Center Ecosystem Studies Unit and the NPS includes a Training and Technical Biological Resource Management Assistance Institute and a Science Division. Institute, and supports the MPA Federal Advisory Committee. L Sister Park Program Several NPS sites have established "sister park" relationships in the last few years with national parks in O M other countries. These low or no- cost partnerships increase O X F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y – U . S . information sharing and direct park- Centre for the Environment to-park contacts, primarily through the use of improved The Centre for the Environment telecommunications technologies. N aims to be a world-class environmental research and Technical Assistance and N A T I O N A L P A R K S E R V I C E educational hub spanning the Exchange ( N P S ) – U . S . natural and social sciences at the University of Oxford.. International Volunteers in the The National Park Service receives Park (IVIP) several hundred foreign professional park and conservation leaders every Every year more than one hundred year. They come for many reasons: individuals from all over the world formal training through in-service P volunteer in America's National courses, professional conferences Parks. The IVIP program benefits with NPS personnel, direct both the individual volunteer and observation of park administration the NPS: the volunteer receives and operations, interviews with park training in park management, staff, practical internships through Q wildlife research, and environmental assignments at NPS sites, and education. The National Park Service orientation to the general range of Q L F / A T L A N T I C C E N T E R F O R gains a fresh perspective on park the National Park Service’s work as T H E E N V I R O N M E N T – management in addition to a basis for negotiation of U . S . / C A N A D A assistance with carrying out the cooperative international projects in Service's mission. which the Park Service will be Fellowship programs involved. Park Flight US and Canadian non-profit organization that supports the rural The Park Flight Migratory Bird communities and environment of Program works to protect shared New England and eastern Canada, migratory bird species and their and creates models for stewardship habitats in both U.S. and Latin of natural and cultural resources American national parks and that can be applied worldwide. Offer protected areas through developing fellowship programs for

5 DRAFT: DIRECTORY OF INTERNATIONAL TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES FOR PROTECTED AREA MANAGERS conservation professionals from interdisciplinary Ph.D. program is Latin America and the Caribbean, complementary to the disciplinary S M I T H S O N I A N I N S T I T U T E – Central Europe and the Middle East. environmental science, engineering, U . S . and policy being taught in our Monitoring and Biodiversity Center departments and schools. The IPER (SI/MAB) Masters degree is only offered as a dual program with the professional R The Smithsonian Institution's schools of Law, Business, and Monitoring and Assessment of Medicine. R O Y A L S O C I E T Y F O R T H E Biodiversity Program (formerly the C O N S E R V A T I O N O F Man and the Biosphere Program) Woods Institute for the N A T U R E - J O R D A N works internationally with Environment Regional Training Unit governments, industries, academia, nongovernmental organizations, The Stanford Initiative for local communities, and others to Environmental Sustainability is The Regional Training Unit (RTU) assess and monitor the biodiversity focusing the university's resources conducts training programs, study in their regions. MAB provides and expertise on the world's major tours, facilitation and brainstorming scientific information and builds in- sustainability challenges, serving as sessions, and can do an assessment country capacity to foster the a unifying force and interdisciplinary of training needs for sustainable use of natural resources. hub for research, teaching, and environmentally related projects. SI/MAB has experience providing problem solving. Their audience includes Middle courses in biodiversity assessment Eastern and North African and monitoring and environmental government departments, non- leadership. governmental institutions, T commercial companies, school S T A N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y – U . S . teachers, university staff, park rangers, nature reserve wardens Center for Conservation Biology T A H O E - B A I K A L I N S T I T U T E – and forestry workers. They focus on U . S . / R U S S I A the following training areas: The Center for Conservation Biology Protected Area Management; fosters wide collaboration with other A U.S. and Russian non-profit with Institutional Capacity Building scientists, social scientists, the mission to promote the study Institutional Reviews; Eco-tourism journalists, and representatives of and improvement of: governmental Concepts; Environmental Education; NGOs, Federal and State agencies, policy and policymaking on Project development & management and the business community. environmental issues; the Planning cycle; Training of Trainers. implementation of ecological Center for Environmental Science restoration projects; science and and Policy education related to preservation of significant natural resources; and, The Center for Environmental community-based environmental S Science and Policy plays a crucial projects using practical approaches. role in mobilizing a multidisciplinary Runs several exchange programs for S C I E N C E A N D M A N A G E M E N T network of scholars, students, students from the U.S. and the O F P R O T E C T E D A R E A S policymakers, and leaders to former Soviet Union: Summer A S S O C I A T I O N - understand and help solve Environmental Exchange Program, C A N A D A international environmental Watershed Management program, problems through science and policy Sustainable Economic Development, Canadian non-profit organization research Cultural Exchanges. that develops opportunities for scientists and managers of Interdisciplinary Graduate Program T H E N A T U R E C O N S E R V A N C Y protected areas to exchange in Environment and Resources ( T N C ) – U . S . A N D information. They host an (IPER) I N T E R N A T I O N A L international conference every three years. Next: May 2006 at the IPER has two components: a University of Victoria, Victoria, Doctorate of Philosophy and a Dual The Nature Conservancy has five Canada. Master of Science. The priority conservation initiatives 6 DRAFT: DIRECTORY OF INTERNATIONAL TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES FOR PROTECTED AREA MANAGERS focusing on fire, climate change, knowledge to all that they do. conservation and development freshwater, marine, and invasive WCMC’s activities include: professionals to create and species. TNC provides training Assessment and analysis of global implement innovative policies and opportunities to partners around the biodiversity to identify trends and institutions and strategies that world, including biodiversity emerging threats; providing balance conservation with protection programs and materials, expertise, tools, techniques and sustainable livelihood improvement; and a bi-annual training week for information for public awareness, to promote interdisciplinary staff and partners in Washington, education, capacity-building and research that integrates biological DC. cooperation; and, establishing conservation and sustainable rural networks and collaborations to development in the tropics; to promote conservation and strengthen and expand a learning T R O P I C A L B I O L O G Y information exchange. network with organizations in Latin A S S O C I A T I O N ( T B A ) – America and elsewhere that have U . K . A N D A F R I C A U N I T E D N A T I O N S I N S T I T U T E compatible goals and approaches to F O R T R A I N I N G A N D interdisciplinary training and R E S E A R C H ( U N I T A R ) - TBA provides month-long research. conservation biology and ecology M U L T I L A T E R A L training programs in Africa for Europeans and Africans. They also UNITAR conducts training programs U N I V E R S I T Y O F I D A H O – U . S . have a training of trainers program in multilateral diplomacy and Department of Conservation Social and a follow-up program for international cooperation and in the Sciences participants of training sessions. field of social and economic development. In March 2006, the University of Idaho is part of CIPAM Hiroshima office of UNITAR will and participates, with Colorado provide workshop on World Heritage State University, University of Sites Management. Montana, and the International U Programs office of the U.S. Forest Service, in the International Seminar U N I V E R S I T Y O F C A L I F O R N I A , U N I T E D N A T I O N S on Protected Area Management. See S A N T A C R U Z ( U C S C ) – E N V I R O N M E N T entry for Consortium for U . S . P R O G R A M ( U N E P ) - International Protected Area M U L T I L A T E R A L Environmental Studies Department Management. Caribbean Environment Program Focus on four research areas: Agro- U N I V E R S I T Y O F K E N T – U . K . The CEP promotes regional ecology; Conservation Biology; cooperation for the protection and Environmental Policy; and, Political Durrell Institute of Conservation development of the marine Economy. and Ecology environment of the Wider Caribbean Region, The Caribbean Regional e.html U N I V E R S I T Y O F F L O R I D A , Coordinating Unit (CAR/RCU) located DICE was established in 1989 as S C H O O L O F F O R E S T in Kingston, Jamaica was created in Britain’s first research and R E S O U R C E S A N D 1986 and serves as Secretariat to postgraduate training center in C O N S E R V A T I O N – U . S . the CEP. CEP provides some conservation science. The objectives programs for the Training of Trainers Tropical Conservation and of the Institute are to undertake in MPA Management Development Program research, training and the implementation of international World Conservation Monitoring The mission of the Tropical biodiversity management. Training Center (WCMC) Conservation and Development programs cover topics in (TCD) Program is to advance conservation biology, biodiversity The UNEP-WCMC is the biodiversity biodiversity conservation, management, biodiversity law, assessment and policy sustainable resource management, sustainable tourism and ethno- implementation arm of UNEP. and the welfare of rural people in botany. UNEP-WCMC provides scientifically the tropics through interdisciplinary rigorous products and services to graduate education, research, and help decision makers recognize the collaborative learning and practice. value of biodiversity and apply this TCD's three main goals are: To train


School of Natural Resources and See entry for Fish and Wildlife Environment (SNRE) Service V Through research, teaching, and ms/capacitybuilding.htm outreach, NRE's faculty, staff, and students are devoted to generating International Technical Assistance knowledge and developing policies, Program techniques and skills to help W practitioners manage and conserve In 1995, USAID and DOI established natural and environmental the DOI International Technical W I L D L I F E C O N S E R V A T I O N resources to meet the full range of Assistance Program (ITAP) to S O C I E T Y ( W C S ) – U . S . human needs on a sustainable provide capacity building in other basis. countries using the diverse expertise of DOI bureaus, including Field-based professional U N I V E R S I T Y O F M O N T A N A - protected area and cultural development program and short- U . S . resources management. DOI-ITAP courses held in Africa, Asia, Latin College of Forestry and capacity building includes: on-site America, US. Conservation technical assistance, study tours, mentoring, and train-the-trainers W O R L D B A N K I N S T I T U T E ( W B I ) University of Montana is part of workshops. Project expenses are - M U L T I L A T E R A L CIPAM and participates, with covered by external funds, while Colorado State University, University DOI contributes salaries and benefits Environment and Natural of Montana, and the International of short-term technical experts. Resources Management Programs office of the U.S. Forest Service, in the International Seminar See entry for National Park Service The main goal of ENRM is to on Protected Area Management. See enhance client countries’ capacity to entry for Consortium for responsibly manage natural International Protected Area resources and environmental public Management. U S . D E P A R T M E N T O F S T A T E goods in the broader context ( D O S ) of economic growth, development, International Visitor Leadership and poverty reduction. U . S . A G E N C Y F O R Program (IVLP) I N T E R N A T I O N A L D E V E L O P M E NT ( U S A I D ) W O R L D C O N S E R V A T I O N U N I O N The International Visitor Leadership ( I U C N ) - Biodiversity and Sustainable Program brings participants to the M U L T I L A T E R A L Forestry Project United States from all over the world each year to meet and confer with See entry for IUCN Global Environment Center and the their professional counterparts and Global Conservation program to experience the U.S. firsthand. The supports NGO partners; Biodiversity visitors, who are current or potential W O R L D R E S O U R C E S and Sustainable Forestry project leaders in government, politics, the I N S T I T U T E ( W R I ) – U . S . provides technical assistance. media, education, and other fields, are selected by American Officials overseas. Occasionally, they Environmental think tank working to U . S . D E P A R T M E N T O F represent fields connected to build capacity of partner A G R I C U L T U R E ( U S D A ) protected area management. More organizations through information See Entry for Forest Service, Office than 200 current and former Heads sharing, leadership and of International Programs of State, 1,500 cabinet-level entrepreneurship development, and ministers, and many other improving national-level access to distinguished world leaders in environmental decision-making. government and the private sector have participated in the International Visitor Leadership Program. 8 DRAFT: DIRECTORY OF INTERNATIONAL TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES FOR PROTECTED AREA MANAGERS W O R L D W I L D L I F E F O U N D A T I O N ( W W F )

Education for Nature (EFN) Working with WWF's network of field offices, partner organizations, and training institutions, EFN targets those individuals with the potential to excel in their fields, create change, and inspire others to get involved in conservation. EFN supports promising conservationists through a number of programs: Russell E. Train Fellowships for graduate level, academic degree study EFN Short-term Training Grants for non-degree training EFN Scholarships for diploma-level study at pre-selected institutions EFN Alumni Program for ongoing support of former EFN grantees EFN Small Grants for park guard training in the Tropical Andes and Amazon



Y A L E U N I V E R S I T Y – U . S .

School of Forestry and Environmental Studies (F&ES)



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