Causey Middle School

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Causey Middle School


8th Grade


2010-2011 WELCOME HAWKS 2010-2011

Welcome to the 8th grade HAWKS team! This school year in 8th grade you will be studying Ancient World History ; Life Science and Physical Science; Pace and Language Arts, Math (pre-algebra or algebra I) and your chosen elective. Students will be responsible for keeping up with their class assignments. Classes will allow for a variety of activities such as cooperative learning groups, projects, and presentations. However, what we do depends on your cooperation, behavior, and completion of assignments.

Team Rules Consequences: 1. Be polite 1. Warning 2. Act appropriately 2. Silent lunch (3 times in one week--student will be 3. Be prepared assigned detention) 3. Behavior Essay & Parent notified (Letter home–parent will be called if notes are not signed and returned 4. Detention/Parent notified (Detention letter home– letter must be signed and returned the next day. Parents will be called if note is not returned. After the second detention student will be referred to the office for disciplinary action.) Detention is held on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & Thursdays only. 5. Office Referral**** ***In case of severe disruptive behavior you will be referred to the office immediately. ***All students staying after school must be picked up by 3:30.

Uniform Violations: 1. Warning 2. Parent notified (noted on behavior form or email sent) 3. Dress code violation letter sent home with a copy sent to administrator. 4. After school detention 5. Office referral (****Uniform violations are cumulative.)


1. Enter the classroom quietly and take your assigned seat. (In your notebook copy and answer the bell ringers.) 2. Copy any new daily objectives. 3. During class and group discussions, only one speaker at a time (raise your hand and wait for the other person to finish and the teacher will call on you). Rudeness will not be tolerated. 4. When students work with partners they should move quickly to sit next to and face their partner while continuously speaking in a quiet voice, and should work only on the assigned activity. 5. When students transition into small groups they should always stand up quietly and push in their chairs, bring necessary materials (reading book, notebooks, pencils, and so forth), walk directly to the small group and take a seat. (Talking is not required for this)! This will also apply for larger group projects and assignments. 6. Students who are instructed to work in centers will wait for the teachers signal to quietly push in their chairs, bring their appropriate materials, walk directly to their assigned centers, and use their quiet voice. While students are at their respective centers they will read the assignment first, work on the assignment either by taking turns or as a group, stay seated, and talk only about the assignment, and in a quiet voice. 7. If you have a comment, question, or need assistance, raise your hand and wait to be called on and remember that during independent study silently stand your textbook upright on its end to gain the teacher’s attention. 8. When given directions to prepare for a new activity, students will: (1) Stand up and quietly push in their chairs; (2) Wait for the signal to move; (3) Do this without talking. This also applies to moving to a new location. 9. Listen to and/or read all instructions before asking questions. 10. Check the board for assignments and important dates. 11. Plagiarism: Do not copy someone else’s work or ideas. All people involved will receive a zero. 12 Tardiness will be recorded and will be recorded on a cumulous basis. Causey Middle School policy will apply. If you are tardy to class, place your admit to class in the designated place. Quietly, move to your seat and begin work. 13. Sign in or out on the appropriate log. 14. Exit procedures: Stay seated at your desk with feet under desk When told to get ready to line up, students will gather materials they will bring to the line (lunch, sport equipment, books or book bags, and so on. When told to line up, students will quietly push their chairs and walk to the end of the line at the door or in the hallway (walk only on the right side), stand in a straight line one behind the other without touching anyone (keep your hands to yourself), and always wait to be dismissed from the line. Students are not to congregate in the halls or in the bathrooms between classes. Bells do not dismiss you. Your teacher will dismiss the class. No bathroom breaks between classes.

15. Pull out programs: When leaving the classroom to go to another location, students will walk out of the classroom; go directly to their assigned location (no talking or disruption of class will be tolerated). During assemblies students will sit in their seats, clap or respond only when appropriate, and do this without talking unless the assembly includes participation. Students should practice this same behavior when re-entering the room (see your teacher upon arrival). 16. During emergency drills the teacher will give a signal and the students should freeze, look at the teacher, and follow the teacher’s directions. In hallways and outdoors students will always remain in line and do so without talking. 17. *************Always demonstrate a Positive Attitude***************

Absences and Make-up Work: 1. Absentee slips must be given to your homeroom teacher as you enter homeroom. If they are not turned in on time (3 days), your absence will be considered unexcused. 2. You are responsible for getting your make-up work and returning assignments in a timely manner. YOU HAVE TO TURN IN ALL ASSIGNMENTS! All make-up work must be turned in within two (2) days after an absence in order to get full credit. After the 2nd day 5 points will be deducted each day until the assignment is turned in. See me if you have questions. All prescheduled tests will be taken on the assigned day. If absent on the test day the test will be made upon your return. For extended absences you will have at least one week to turn in make up work and tests. If you fail to turn in make- up work or make up a missed test, you will receive a 5 point deduction each day thereafter and may result in a zero for the test grade. ********I WANT TO SEE IF YOU LEARNED IT! 3. Students may make up a test after school (Tuesday–Thursday). Student must let the teacher know the time and day they will be making up their test. NO MAKEUP TESTS WILL BE GIVEN DURING P.E. except for those who have missed more than a week of school! ***Parents will be responsible for picking up their student by 3:30. 4. All make-up work will be found in a make-up folder in a designated area (see your teacher). 5. Students who are suspended must be prepared to turn in all assignments upon their return to school. Test will be made up immediately. Be prepared on the day you return! Bringing appropriate materials and in-class materials 1. Students should always carry their materials needed to each class see your individual teachers syllabus for a list of materials you will need to have ready for each class. 2. When materials are passed out, students will take just enough for themselves, pass the rest to the next person, and speak in quiet voice. Homework, Labeling, and Assignments 1. You are responsible for your work. Work will be turned in on time. 2. Written homework will be collected at the beginning of the class period. 3. When papers are collected students should place their paper on top of the other papers, make sure the paper faces the same direction as the others, and speak in a quiet voice. 4. All papers must be properly labeled. On the top two (2) lines of your paper place the following information:

Class Period Name Assignment Date

Points will be deducted if your work does not have the correct heading. Papers without names will not be graded.

5. Write clearly so your work can be read. Messy or unreadable work will be redone or receive a zero. Points will be deducted if work has to be redone. 6. Do not ask for extended time or extra credit. All assignments will have a due date, be prepared to turn the assignment in at the beginning of the period. Extra credit will not substitute or replace a missed assignment.

Field Trips Students who wish to go on any planned field trips must maintain good conduct. A student who has been a discipline problem: suspended, assigned retract or detention, referred to the office for discipline, repeatedly out of uniform, or shown disrespect to any adult, will not be allowed to attend. If a student finds it difficult to behave on campus they may find it difficult to behave off campus. We want people to remember the students of Causey Middle School as well behaved students. It is important that as you approach high school you become more responsible and organized. It is our desire that you find success in these areas. We are looking forward to a wonderful year.

Parents: We are looking forward to working with you this year. We are available for conferences from daily. Please call the school (221-2060) to schedule a conference or to leave a message. We will return calls as soon as possible. HAWKS Team Teachers Mr. Stockdale – Social Studies Mrs. Barlow - Math Mrs. Callegari – Science Mr. Lawrence – Language Arts Ms. King – Special Education Surviving World History

Curriculum: Welcome to 8th grade Ancient World History. The 8th grade curriculum will consist of the study of Western Civilization from Prehistory to the Renaissance. The textbook is World History: Journey Across Time. Current events are also an important part of this class.

Required Materials: 1. Notebook (three-ringed binder) with dividers 2. Wide rule loose-leaf paper 3. Pencils/Pen (black/blue ink only) 4. Colored Pencils and crayons 5. Set of highlighters (pink, blue, yellow, green, and orange) 6. School issued advanced planner –REQUIRED! 7. $5.00 SOCIAL STUDIES FEE. 8. Textbook 9. Book – The Adventures of Odysseus and The Tale of Troy (purchases can be made at your local bookstores – Books-A-Million and Barnes & Noble’s).

Bell Ringers: Every day when you enter the classroom you will find two (2) historical questions on the board. You are to take your seat and copy the bell ringers for that day. You may put more than one day’s questions on the page. You will keep these in you notebook until the posted due date.

Grades 1. Grades are based on a point system ranging from 100 to 500 points and will be an average and percentage of each of the following categories: In Class work and in-class work finished as homework, quizzes, notebook, pop quizzes (from class notes and reading assignments)—20% of grade. Bell ringers and news articles–5% of grade. Group Work in or out of class non-project based – 15% of grade. Projects and tests—60% of grade. 2. Students are required to maintain an up-to-date PLANNER!. 3. Progress reports are sent home MID-QUARTER. You will sign for your progress report. 4. Be sure check the DRY ERASE BOARD DAILY FOR MISSED ASSIGNMENTS, ACTIVITIES AND TENTATIVE DUE DATES. 5. CRT grades are 20% of your final quarter grade.

Notebook & Sections Section 1 – PLANNER & Syllabus. Section 2 - All unit assignments; chapter assignments; and handouts (completed and tabbed) Section 3 - Class notes tabbed by unit or chapter. Section 4 - Review sheets and or study guides tabbed by units or chapters. Current Events: 1. Students will be required to keep informed of international, national, and local news. 2. Students will take notes on four top news stories each week (1 international, 1 national, 1 local, and 1your choice). 3. Students may watch a news program, read a newspaper, or use the Internet. 4. Students will write a 3-4-sentence summary of the story. (See attached format) 5. Assignments will be turned in at the beginning of class every Monday.

Political Cartoons Assignment: Students will analyze and report on one political cartoon that will be due every Monday. They will use the “Cartoon Analysis Worksheet” that can be found on School in Sites – Causey Middle School under Mr. Stockdale’s name. Students have been instructed to use the website or the newspaper to retrieve their political cartoons. Students will answer the questions on the form that has been provided on the website and in the classroom. Each week four students will be selected to present their findings. Assignments will be turned in at the beginning of class on each Monday.

Comments: 1. Political cartoons must be included with the analysis sheet to get full credit. 2. Political cartoons should be current and not more than six months old. 3. Plan time wisely. Lack of time, conflicting assignments, etc. will not justify a missed news assignment. Political cartoons should not be turned in late. 4. The proper format must be followed to obtain points.

Grading: 1. Each weekly political cartoon assignment will be worth 100 points. 2. The political cartoon assignment will be turned in at the beginning of class on Mondays. 3. Accidentally leaving an assignment at home is not an excuse. 4. Students absent on Monday must turn in their political cartoons on the day of their return to school.

Political Cartoon Grading Rubric Cartoon Analysis Worksheet (12 questions x 7pts.) 84 points Political Cartoon (Must be political in nature) 20 points

What to look for: Who or what the political cartoon is about, and two or three major points made about the story. Political Cartoon: Who, what, when, where, and why.

Example Political Cartoon:


1.0 #1 Introduction, Procedures 1.1 Aug 9-13 Tools (See Tools 1-11 in Textbook) 1.2 BC, BCE, AD, and CE 1.3 Calendars (Gregorian and Julian) 1.0 #2 Chapter 1: The First Civilizations 1.4 Aug 16-20 2.0 Pages 4-33 2.1 2.2 1.0 #3 Chapter 1: The First Civilizations 1.4 Aug 23-27 2.0 Continuation of Week 2 2.1 2.2 1.4 #4 Chapter 2: Ancient Egypt 2.0 Aug 30- 2.1 Sept 3 Pages 34-75 2.2 1.4 #5 Chapter 2: Ancient Egypt 2.0 Sept 7-10 4 days 2.1 Continuation of Week 4 2.2 1.4 #6 Chapter 3: The Ancient Israelites 3.0 Sept 13-17 3.1 Pages 76-105 Constitution Day Lesson-September 17th

1.4 #7 Chapter 3: The Ancient Israelites 3.0 Sept AHSGE fall testing this week 3.1 20-24 Continuation of Week 6

1.4 #8 Chapter 16: The Americas I-1 2.0 Sept. 27- 14.0 Oct. 1 Pages 568-603 14.1 #9 Review/End of Quarter Test will be given here.- Oct 4-8 Students can expect maps, graphs, charts, readings, and major concepts and facts AHSGE ACOS WEEK INFORMATION DATE DATE OBJECTIVES TAUGHT TESTED

2.0 #10 Chapter 6: Early India 2.1 Oct 12-15 2.2 4 days Pages 190-219 3.0 3.1 8.0 8.1 2.0 #11 Chapter 6: Early India 2.1 Oct 18-22 2.2 Continuation from Week 10 3.0 3.1 8.0 8.1 1.4 #12 Chapter 7: Early China 2.0 Oct 25-29 2.1 Pages 224-251 3.0 3.1 8.0 8.2 1.4 #13 Chapter 7: Early China 2.0 Nov 1-5 2.1 Continuation of Week 12 3.0 3.1 8.0 8.2 8.0 #14 Chapter 12: China in the Middle Ages Nov 8-12 Pages 404-439 4 days (Nov 11 off) 8.0 #15 Chapter 12: China in the Middle Ages Nov 15-19 Continuation of Week 5 12.0 #16 Chapter 14: Medieval Japan Nov 22-23 Pages 480-507 2 days 12.0 #17 Chapter 14: Medieval Japan Nov 29- Continuation of Week 7 Dec 3 1.4 #18 Chapter 11: Islamic Civilization 2.0 Dec 6-10 3.0 Pages 368-397 3.1 AHSGE 8.0 11.0 11.1 #19 Review for End of Quarter Test Dec 13-17 End of Quarter Test -Students can expect maps, graphs, charts, readings, and major concepts and facts SECOND SEMESTER AHSGE ACOS WEEK INFORMATION DATE DATE OBJECTIVES TAUGHT TESTED

13.0 #1 Chapter 13 Medieval Africa 13.1 Jan 4-7 13.2 4 days Pages 440-479 13.0 #2 Chapter 13 Medieval Africa 13.1 Jan 10-14 13.2 Continuation of Week 2 4.0 #3 Chapter 4 The Ancient Greeks Jan 18-21 Pages 112-149 4 days 4.0 #4 Chapter 5 Greek Civilization 5.0 Jan 24-28 II-1 5.1 Pages 150-189 5.2 5.3 4.0 #5 Chapter 5 Greek Civilization 5.0 Jan 31- 5.1 Feb 4 Continuation of Week 4 II-1 5.2 5.3 6.0 #6 Chapter 8 Rise of Rome II-1 6.1 Feb 7-11 Pages 258-297 II-1 6.0 #7 Chapter 8 Rise of Rome 6.1 Feb 14-18 7.0 Continuation of Week 6 3.1 #8 Chapter 9 Roman Civilization 7.0 Feb 21-25 II-1 7.2 Pages 298-337 9.0 Feb 22 - ADAW 3.1 #9 Chapter 9 Roman Civilization 7.0 Feb 29 – II-1 7.2 Mar 3 Continuation of Week 8 9.0 AHSGE #10 Review/End of Quarter Test Mar 10-11 -Students can expect maps, graphs, charts, 2 days readings, and major concepts and facts # 11 Review/End of Quarter Test Mar 14 – -Students can expect maps, graphs, charts, 18 readings, and major concepts and facts AHSGE ACOS WEEK INFORMATION DATE DATE OBJECTIVES TAUGHT TESTED 7.1 #12 9.1 Mar 22-25 Chapter 10 The Rise of Christianity 10.0 4 days Pages 338-367 ARMT 7.1 #13 Chapter 10 The Rise of Christianity 9.1 Mar 28- Continuation of Week 12 10.0 Apr 1 SAT

15.0 #14 15.1 Apr 4 - 8 Chapter 15 Medieval Europe II-1 (Magna 15.2 Carta) 16.0 Pages 508-561 16.1 16.2 ASA 16.3 15.0 #15 15.1 Apr 11 – Chapter 15 Medieval Europe 15.2 15 16.0 Continuation of Week 14 16.1 16.2 16.3 15.0 #16 15.1 Apr 25 – Chapter 15 Medieval Europe 15.2 29 16.0 16.1 Continuation of Weeks 14,and 15 16.2 16.3 17.0 #17 17.1 May 2 – 6 Chapter 15 Medieval Europe I-1 17.0 #18 17.1 May 9 – Chapter 17 The Renaissance & Reformation 13 Pages 604-653 17.0 #19 Chapter 17 The Renaissance & Reformation 17.1 May 16 – Continuation of Week 18 20 #20 End of Quarter Test May 23 – 24 Students can expect maps, graphs, charts, readings, and major 2 days concepts and facts

PLEASE SIGN THIS PAGE AND RETURN IT BACK TO MR. STOCKDALE NO LATER THAN MONDAY 08/16/2011! Video Permission During the course of the year we will be watching several videos related to our studies. Three of the videos are rated PG-13, but other movies may also be introduced into the curriculum that are also PG-13. I am requesting parent permission for students to watch them. The unit and the videos are: Egypt The Mummy Greece/Rome The Odyssey - O Brother Where Art Thou? Clash Of The Titans – 2010 version Middle Ages First Night (Sean Connery)

Please sign and return this form.

______has permission to watch the three videos listed during the 2010-2011 school year.

Parent Signature ______


Surviving World History

As a student in Mr. Stockdale’s social studies class, I have read the information and understand all expectations and requirements of this class, especially his discipline and class work policies.

______(Student Signature)

I have also read the information and have discussed it with my son or daughter.


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