Risk Management Plan s2

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Risk Management Plan s2

Blackwood Special Schools Challenge Outdoor Education Centre Inc. Post Office, Blackwood, Victoria, 3458, Australia Phone: (03) 5368 6768 Fax: (03) 5368 6835 Appreciation E-mail: [email protected] Internet: www.blackwoodssoec.vic.edu.au Incorporation (ACN) No:- AOO38155E International Camping Fellowship Member Australian Business No:- 72 406 523 558 Respect

Teamwork CAMPFIRE RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN Tolerance Risk Register: Inclusion School:

Supervising teachers/staff:


Year Level:



Note to Teachers, Principals & School Councils: Blackwood Staff are employed to create, maintain, implement, supervise and instruct activities that groups participate in at Blackwood Special Schools Outdoor Education Centre Inc. During the implementation of activities Blackwood Staff may request support from Visiting School Staff to help run & Co-ordinate some activities – if this occurs Visiting School Staff will be instructed on guidelines & safe implementation of each activity. While Blackwood Staff have expertise in all activities conducted at Blackwood, Visiting School Staff are fully responsible for their students at ALL TIMES & Blackwood Staff cannot be considered part of the staff : student ratio at any stage during your visit to Blackwood Special Schools Outdoor Education Centre Inc. Please also be aware that due to unforseen circumstances programs may be modified. So while Activities that have not been approved by

Blackwood Special Schools Outdoor Education Centre Inc. – Risk Management Plans

School Councils & Principals will not be conducted – some activities may be implemented at different times or on different days during your School’s visit to Blackwood Special Schools Outdoor Education Centre Inc. Thank you. Map References: Topographical VicMaps (All Grid References given are off the Trentham Map) Map: Trentham Map No.: 7723 – 2 – 3 Scale: 1:25,000 Edition: 1st Edition 1994 Blackwood Melways Reference – Edition 29 (2002) Map 609 E 11 VicRoads Map Reference – Edition 4 State Map Map 59 F 9 Town Map Map 290 G 4 Topographical Grid Reference GR 6149 Accommodation Sites: Tick (left hand side) Chart below to indicate which Accommodation Site you will use during your visit to Blackwood Special Schools Outdoor Education Centre. VicRoads Map – Edition 4 ACCOMMODATION ADDRESS PHONE No. Melways Ref State Map Town Map Topographic  SITE Edition 29 (2002) Reference Reference Grid Ref BSSOEC School 1015 Greendale – Trentham Rd, 5368-6555 Map 609 E 11 Map 59 F 9 Map 290 G 3 GR 616486 Blackwood, 3458 BSSOEC Residence 4 Terrill Street, Blackwood, 3458 5368-6576 Map 609 E 11 Map 59 F 9 Map 290 G 3 GR 616490 BSSOEC Tent Shelter 1015 Greendale – Trentham Rd, 5368-6383 Map 609 E 11 Map 59 F 9 Map 290 G 4 GR 615485 Blackwood, 3458 Activity Site: Tick (left hand side) Chart below to indicate which Bush Cooking Location you will use during your visit to Blackwood Special Schools Outdoor Education Centre. If you are NOT using the Bush Cooking Site YOU MUST fill in your Bush Cooking Location. ie: Shaw’s Lake, O’Briens Crossing, St Erth Miners Hut ACTIVITY  LOCATION  LOCATION  LOCATION  LOCATION Campfire The School Campfire The Residence Campfire The Tent Shelter Camp Fire Bush Cooking Site Campfire Forest Destination:- YES NO MAYBE STUDENTS WILL BE LIGHTING THE FIRE/S (Under Full Supervision) DURING THIS ACTIVITY:-    Note: If ‘Maybe’ is Ticked this decision will be made on the day determinate on student behaviour & maturity as well as time, weather & location / situation Blackwood Special Schools Outdoor Education Centre Inc. – Risk Management Plans

NOTE: Under NO circumstances will this activity be conducted during Fire Restrictions or on days of Total Fire Ban. The Committee have assessed the roads, facilities, surrounds and buildings that they will utilise during the Blackwood Super Ride and have developed the following Plan. A qualitative measure of consequence or impact has been utilised as follows. DESCRIPTOR DETAILS insignificant No injuries, low financial loss. Inconsequential or no damage Little or no disruption to public/infrastructure minor First aid treatment on site Some damage Some disruption to public Some financial loss moderate Medical treatment required Some hospitalisation Insufficient resources (human/material) Moderate damage Moderate disruption to public High financial loss major Extensive injuries Significant hospitalisation Fatalities Extensive support/emergency personnel required Significant damage Significant disruption to public Major financial loss A qualitative measure of the likelihood of the occurrence happening is:- DESCRIPTOR DETAILS Almost certain The event is expected to occur in most circumstances Likely The event will probably occur in most circumstances Unlikely The event could occur at some time Rare The event will only occur in exceptional circumstances. A qualitative measure of risk will be High Risk – Moderate risk and Low risk. Based on the likelihood and consequence analysis. CONSEQUENCES LIKELIHOOD Insignificant Minor Moderate Major Almost certain M M H H Likely M M M H Unlikely L L L M Rare L L L M

Blackwood Special Schools Outdoor Education Centre Inc. – Risk Management Plans

REMEMBER: That while this Risk Management Plan identifies Risks in relation to student participation they also apply to staff in all ‘Identified Risk Categories’

Identified Risk Risk Description Existing Rating Treatment Action Plan Responsible Treatment Category Controls Priority1 Mitigation Person Strategy For those risks requiring What is the risk area, Describe any existing If control Who is treatment in addition to activity, event, situation or Describe the risk event, policy, procedure, Effectiveness effectiveness is Plan to be responsible to the existing controls. Risk Risk parameters? of existing List: cause/s and practice or device that Consequences Likelihood poor or unknown implemented to minimise & consequence/s acts to minimise a controls provide further minimise risk manage risk if What will be done? particular risk treatment situation arises? When will it happen? The activity will be Almost During the activity a The boundaries are Major Students are to be Staff from stopped immediately student goes beyond the clearly defined at the Satisfactory certain High Students brought together boundaries and becomes beginning of the activity Moderate fully supervised Individual Appropriate treatment will Poor Likely Medium lost within the township of Appropriate staff Minor throughout the Schools be implemented Blackwood or the Wombat supervision is Unknown Unlikely Low School, parents, DEECD, State Forest implemented. Insignificant entire activity Blackwood Staff Emergency Services & A Student becomes lost Rare President may be notified during the activity The activity will be Almost It is clearly explained to Major Students are to be Staff from stopped immediately A student is lost students that if they are Satisfactory certain High Students brought together lost they are to:- Moderate fully supervised Individual Appropriate treatment will Poor Likely Medium STOP, SIT DOWN & Minor throughout the Schools be implemented wait until a staff member Unknown Unlikely Low School, parents, DEECD, finds them Insignificant entire activity Blackwood Staff Emergency Services & Rare President notified During the introduction Almost Students will be stopped Students are excited about of the activity it is Major Students are to be Staff from immediately A Student becomes Satisfactory certain High participating in the activity clearly explained to the Moderate fully supervised Individual Appropriate treatment will injured as a result of and run within the students that under no Poor Likely Medium be implemented running Campfire Activity Area circumstances are they to Minor throughout the Schools Student isolated from the Unknown Unlikely Low run during the activity Insignificant entire activity Blackwood Staff activity if they continue to Rare run Students are reminded During the excitement of that they are to move Almost Students brought together the activity a student about the surrounding Major Students are to be Staff from The student who has fallen A Student falls over on Satisfactory certain High moves about without full area in a safe and Moderate fully supervised Individual will be assisted the undulating ground consideration for the controlled manner at all Poor Likely Medium Appropriate treatment will surrounding & unfamiliar times Minor throughout the Schools be implemented causing injury Unknown Unlikely Low environment They are to be aware of Insignificant entire activity Blackwood Staff the environment at all Rare times

1 Use the Risk Treatment Priority Table at the end of this document to determine the treatment priority. Blackwood Special Schools Outdoor Education Centre Inc. – Risk Management Plans

Identified Risk Risk Description Existing Rating Treatment Action Plan Responsible Treatment Category Controls Priority Mitigation Person Strategy For those risks requiring What is the risk area, Describe any existing If control Who is treatment in addition to activity, event, situation or Describe the risk event, policy, procedure, Effectiveness effectiveness is Plan to be responsible to the existing controls. Risk Risk parameters? of existing List: cause/s and practice or device that Consequences Likelihood poor or unknown implemented to minimise & consequence/s acts to minimise a controls provide further minimise risk manage risk if What will be done? particular risk treatment situation arises? When will it happen? A student is injured while Students are informed to Almost Students brought together collecting firewood in the walk at all times Major Students are to be Staff from Appropriate treatment will Satisfactory certain High immediate area for the Students are advised to Moderate fully supervised Individual be implemented if a student Collecting Fire Wood Campfire Activity carry only small amounts Poor Likely Medium is injured of fire wood Minor throughout the Schools Activity cancelled is injury Unknown Unlikely Low Students DO NOT throw Insignificant entire activity Blackwood Staff is a result of malice or or swing any fire wood Rare careless behaviour If it is not a requirement of the program Blackwood Staff or Visiting School Staff will light the fire Students brought together All students must be sitting or at a safe Appropriate treatment will distance from the fire pit be implemented if a student A student is injured in the when the fire is being lit. is injured Almost excitement of watching the Major Students are to be Staff from Lighting the Fire fire be lit – or while STUDENTS Satisfactory certain High Activity cancelled is injury lighting the fire LIGHTING the FIRE Moderate fully supervised Individual is a result of malice or Poor Likely Medium Students will be taught Minor throughout the Schools careless behaviour how to correctly strike a Unknown Unlikely Low match Insignificant entire activity Blackwood Staff Activity cancelled is Rare Students MUST students behaviour or demonstrate how to maturity is inappropriate strike a match Strictly only one student Lighting the fire at any one time – other students MUST BE seated or at a safe distance from the fire pit Supervision Students brought together If equipment falls into Appropriate 1st Aid Almost A student or staff member the fire pit it is to be Major Students are to be Staff from Treatment will be is burnt during the lighting retrieved by Blackwood Satisfactory certain High implemented Burns of the Campfire or the or Visiting School Staff Moderate fully supervised Individual Activity cancelled Poor Likely Medium implementation of the only Minor throughout the Schools If required School, parents, Activity Students only place extra Unknown Unlikely Low DEECD, Emergency fire wood on the fire Insignificant entire activity Blackwood Staff Services & President Rare under full Staff notified Supervision

Blackwood Special Schools Outdoor Education Centre Inc. – Risk Management Plans

Identified Risk Risk Description Existing Rating Treatment Action Plan Responsible Treatment Category Controls Priority Mitigation Person Strategy For those risks requiring What is the risk area, Describe any existing If control Who is treatment in addition to activity, event, situation or Describe the risk event, policy, procedure, Effectiveness effectiveness is Plan to be responsible to the existing controls. Risk Risk parameters? of existing List: cause/s and practice or device that Consequences Likelihood poor or unknown implemented to minimise & consequence/s acts to minimise a controls provide further minimise risk manage risk if What will be done? particular risk treatment situation arises? When will it happen? Students brought together Almost st A student or staff member Once the Fire/s is/are lit Major Students are to be Staff from Appropriate 1 Aid is accidentally burnt as a no-one is allowed to Satisfactory certain High Treatment will be Movement around the direct result of their move across or between Moderate fully supervised Individual implemented Poor Likely Medium area once fire is lit movement around the fire pits – even if the pits Minor throughout the Schools If required School, parents, Campfire Site are unused Unknown Unlikely Low DEECD, Emergency Insignificant entire activity Blackwood Staff Services & President Rare notified Students add fire wood to Clear the Campfire Site Almost School Staff remove the fire causing the fire to prior to groups arrival Major Students are to be Staff from students from immediate Setting fire to the Satisfactory certain High grow too large Supervise students & Moderate fully supervised Individual area immediate surrounding Embers & sparks ignite the fires at all time Poor Likely Medium Blackwood Staff area bush in the surrounding Water available on site at Minor throughout the Schools extinguish ALL FIRES Unknown Unlikely Low area all times Insignificant entire activity Blackwood Staff immediately Rare Call 000 if required A bush fire is started within ALL Campfires are kept Almost Blackwood & Visiting School Staff the Wombat State Forest as a to a minimum size at ALL Major Students are to be Visiting School follows Blackwood Staff Satisfactory certain High direct result of the Campfire times Moderate fully supervised Staff instructions Bushfires Activity CFA notified of date, Poor Likely Medium OR time, location, group size Minor throughout the Victoria Police All staff to follow the Unknown Unlikely Low Group is notified of a & age of Campfire Insignificant entire activity directives issued by possible bushfire Activity Rare CFA & DSE appropriate authorities Fires are Extinguished Visiting School Staff under FULL staff remove students from Almost A person is injured or supervision Major Students are to be Staff from immediate area covered in smoke & ash All people not Satisfactory certain High Blackwood Staff Extinguishing during the extinguishing of extinguishing the fire are Moderate fully supervised Individual extinguish ALL FIRES Poor Likely Medium ALL Campfires removed from the Minor throughout the Schools immediately immediate area Unknown Unlikely Low Water is poured on the Insignificant entire activity Blackwood Staff Appropriate 1st Aid Rare fire until the area can be Treatment implemented touched by a bare hand Supervision Student isolated from A Student becomes Student is removed from Almost others within the group disinterested in the activity the Campfire Activity & Major Students are to be Staff from Staff Member talks to A student lacks interest Satisfactory certain High and distracts other students isolated from the group/s Moderate fully supervised Individual student to gain an in the activity which can lead to injury until he/she is willing to Poor Likely Medium understanding of their towards or frustration from participate in a safe & Minor throughout the Schools behaviour Unknown Unlikely Low the other student/s appropriate manner Insignificant entire activity Blackwood Staff Student & Staff Member Rare work together to continue & complete the activity

Blackwood Special Schools Outdoor Education Centre Inc. – Risk Management Plans

Identified Risk Risk Description Existing Rating Treatment Action Plan Responsible Treatment Category Controls Priority Mitigation Person Strategy For those risks requiring What is the risk area, Describe any existing If control Who is treatment in addition to activity, event, situation or Describe the risk event, policy, procedure, Effectiveness effectiveness is Plan to be responsible to the existing controls. Risk Risk parameters? of existing List: cause/s and practice or device that Consequences Likelihood poor or unknown implemented to minimise & consequence/s acts to minimise a controls provide further minimise risk manage risk if What will be done? particular risk treatment situation arises? When will it happen? Students informed that they Almost Major Students are to be Staff from MUST remain seated at all Students are impatient Students are informed Satisfactory certain High times Impatience during the Campfire that everyone will get an Moderate fully supervised Individual If students continue to be Poor Likely Medium Activity opportunity to enjoy & Minor throughout the Schools impatient they will miss experience the Campfire Unknown Unlikely Low out on the Activity and Insignificant entire activity Blackwood Staff possibly be isolated from Rare the group Students to be given Activity is immediately boundaries as to where stopped Almost they can collect Major Students are to be Staff from Student/s is/are injured appropriate Satisfactory certain High Students brought together while collecting sticks to Marshmellow sticks. Moderate fully supervised Individual The student/s who is/are Poor Likely Medium toast Marshmellows Students given a Minor throughout the Schools injured will be assisted around the Campfire demonstration on how to Unknown Unlikely Low carry Marshmellow Insignificant entire activity Blackwood Staff Appropriate treatment will Rare sticks and instructed to be implemented NEVER run with sticks. Student/s is/are burnt while Appropriate Activity is immediately cooking Marshmellows Marshmellow sticks are stopped Almost chosen for the activity Major Students are to be Staff from OR keep the students a safe Satisfactory certain High Students brought together Marshmellows distance away from the Moderate fully supervised Individual The student/s who is/are Poor Likely Medium Student/s is/are burnt while fire Minor throughout the Schools injured will be assisted trying to retrieve a Students told NEVER to Unknown Unlikely Low Marshmellow that has retrieve fallen Insignificant entire activity Blackwood Staff Appropriate treatment will Rare fallen into the fire while in Marshmellows from the be implemented the process of toasting fire Students shown how to:- Activity is immediately 1. Lightly toast their stopped Almost Marshmellows – Major Students are to be Staff from Student/s burnt while without igniting the Satisfactory certain High Students brought together attempting to eat their stick. Moderate fully supervised Individual The student/s who is/are Poor Likely Medium Marshmellows off their 2. Cool their Minor throughout the Schools injured will be assisted Marshmellow stick Marshmellow down Unknown Unlikely Low 3. Consume the Insignificant entire activity Blackwood Staff Appropriate treatment will Rare Marshmellow off the be implemented stick

Blackwood Special Schools Outdoor Education Centre Inc. – Risk Management Plans

Identified Risk Risk Description Existing Rating Treatment Action Plan Responsible Treatment Category Controls Priority Mitigation Person Strategy For those risks requiring What is the risk area, Describe any existing If control Who is treatment in addition to activity, event, situation or Describe the risk event, policy, procedure, Effectiveness effectiveness is Plan to be responsible to the existing controls. Risk Risk parameters? of existing List: cause/s and practice or device that Consequences Likelihood poor or unknown implemented to minimise & consequence/s acts to minimise a controls provide further minimise risk manage risk if What will be done? particular risk treatment situation arises? When will it happen? Students to be seated Activity is immediately safely around & away stopped from the Campfire. Almost Students/s is/are burnt/hurt All Skits to be performed Major Students are to be Staff from Students brought together Satisfactory certain High Campfire Music & while participating in a at a safe distance from Moderate fully supervised Individual The student/s who is/are Skits Campfire Skit or Music the Campfire. Poor Likely Medium injured will be assisted Activity STRICTLY NO Minor throughout the Schools Unknown Unlikely Low dancing or skit activity Insignificant entire activity Blackwood Staff Appropriate treatment will to be performed within Rare be implemented close vicinity of the Campfire Risk Treatment Priority Table Use the table below to decide the overall risk rating and represent the priority of the each risk for treatment.

s A Student becomes e Burns c lost during the activity n e

u Movement around the area once

q Setting fire to the

e Major Lighting the Fire fire is lit s immediate surrounding n

o area C Bushfires

Extinguishing A Student becomes injured as a result Moderate Marshmellows of running Campfire Music & Skits

Minor Impatience A Student falls over on the undulating ground causing injury

Collecting Fire Wood

Blackwood Special Schools Outdoor Education Centre Inc. – Risk Management Plans

A student lacks interest in the activity


Rare Unlikely Likely Almost certain


Treat Monitor

Blackwood Special Schools Outdoor Education Centre Inc. – Risk Management Plans

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