Monuments of Rome in Angels and Demons Dan Brown, a popular modern fiction writer, uses the monuments of Baroque Rome for his novel, Angels and Demons, which has since been adapted into a movie, starring Tom Hanks. The story is based on the idea of an underground movement during the Baroque and Renaissance, of scientists and philosophers –the Illuminati- expressing views prohibited by the Church. Brown then notes the possibility that Lorenzo Bernini was an Illuminist and proceeds to create a story where Bernini’s monuments represent the four pillars of science, leading to the secret Illuminati gathering place. The story is remarkably far-fetched, improbable and inconsistent with history, yet the monuments remain fascinating as well as the idea of their hidden meanings. They are: The Statue of Habakkuk and the Angel. - In Brown’s fiction the First pillar of science; Earth. - Homed in the Chigi Chapel, Santa Maria del Popolo. - Designed by Rafael, but completed by Bernini, 1620. - Depicts the creation of the world, the nine planets and the Sun, hence Earth. - Eastern pointer on the secret map. Stone Plate on Saint Peter’s Square. - The Second Pillar; Air. - Depicts an angel, Ponente, i.e. Windy, blowing wind, hence Air. - Brown denotes it to Bernini as he designed the square, however ignores a huge inconsistency, i.e. the stone plates were added 200 years after Bernini created the square. - Western pointer on the secret map. The Ecstasy of St. Theresa. - Third Pillar; Fire. - Bernini’s design from 1647. - By definition, ecstasy means state beyond the reasoning of self control in overwhelming feelings, therefore can be interpreted as an internal burning and hence Fire. - Northern pointer on the map. Fountain of Four Rivers. - The Fourth Pillar of Science; Water. - The central piece of Piazza Navona, erected by Bernini in 1641. - Represents the most important rivers and river gods to the state of Rome at the time, and furthermore contains water, hence represents the element of water. - Northern and final pointer on the map, drawing an intersection across Rome to show where the Illuminati are to gather.