U.S. History Ch.14&15: FDR’s New Deal Study Guide

Causes of the Great Depression List the causes of the Great Depression


Black Tuesday

Hawley Smoot Act

Great Depression


Soup kitchens

Dust Bowl

Hoover was known as a

Hoover felt government should have a ______role in business

Hoover felt the government’s chief function was to

Rugged individualism

Hoover blankets Hoover flags

Federal Home Loan Bank

Glass-Steagall Banking Act:

Reconstruction Finance Corp

Bonus Army


1st President to speak on ______

FDR’s New Deal Three goals of the new deal are:

Fireside chats

Works Progress Administration

Farm Security Administration

National Youth Administration:

Wagner Act

Social Security Act New Deal Coalition

1930s movie genres were:

1930s stars were:

Two famous movies from 1939:

Movies allowed people to ______from the realities of the Depression.

Radio offered

Orson Welles:

Famous American painter who painted:

Famous singer/songwriter of 1930s

John Steinbeck wrote:

What organization funded artists, writers & musicians?

Securities & Exchange Committee monitored the

National Labor Relations Board

Federal deficit

What role did Eleanor Roosevelt play in FDR’s administration?