Daily Rules and Competition Regulations

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Daily Rules and Competition Regulations

Son Parc, 1st January 2014


In order to establish a general framework regarding the Competitions of Club de Golf Son Parc Menorca, as well as day to day rules, this present Regulation will determine the general aspects that should be in place in our Club for its good running.

However, every competition held in our Club will have its own regulation; this will be published together with the inscription list.

The present regulation is complementary to the rules established by the RFEG and approved by the Club Committee on Friday 15th november 2013.

1) Inscriptions.

1.1) Inscription Lists

All those whose names are on the inscription list must hold an up to date Federation Licence.

The inscription lists for all competitions will be on the Club notice board which can be found in the Bar, unless otherwise stated, as a general rule two weeks before the competition is to be held, except under special circumstances or if it coincides with a public holiday. The closure of inscription will normally be three days before the competition at 15.00 hours, unless the rules of the tournament say another thing. The inscription has to be done directly on the board of the Club or sending an e-mail to [email protected] . In case of sending an e-mail the golf reception will send you a reply with the confirmation of your inscription. If the player doesn’t receive the confirmation before the end of the final date of the inscription, should get in contact again with the reception or put his name personally down in the bar. All inscription received after the time of the closing date will be accepted but the player will start in the last group if the start time is from hole and from holes 12 -15 if it’s a shotgun start. Competitions, start times, results and photos can be consulted on the group CLUB DE GOLF SON PARC and on the page GOLF SON PARC MENORCA, all on FACEBOOK. Once the new website is up and running this information can be found on www.golfsonparcmenorca.com

Each member is personally responsible for his/her entry into the competition.

Each player is allowed to enter a max. of 2 competitions in advance!!!

Once the time of the competition has been established, any player entered in the competition who does not attend will be liable for the cost of the inscription. This payment will be claimed by the Club reception and in the case of not being paid at that time an invoice will be subsequently remitted. In the case that between the time of closing the inscription and the start of the competition there should be any reason why a player cannot play, we would ask to be notified within the shortest possible time in order to take adequate measures. Said communication does not make the player exempt from payment of the inscription, except in cases where the Competition Committee considers it duly justified. 1.2)Number of Entries

In the inscription lists as well as the specified regulation for each competition, the maximum number of foreseen entries must be shown. This will be done by numbering the inscription list pages as well as the reserve list.

1.3) Reserve List In open competitions held in our Club a reserve list will be drawn up and the Club will determine the person who should play in the case of a cancellation.

1.4) Competition Committee The Competition committee of the Club should be formed by a minimum of 4 members. One of them should be the President and one a player who is a referee to be able to resolve all questions about the rules, local rules, hcps, marking the course ect. According to this the Board decided on last meeting that the Competition Committee will be formed by the Club Board members: Pedro Sintes, Paola Ferroni, Stephanie Crossley, Eduardo Roca, Tony Brownlow, Gustavo Flammia, Antonio Recuenco, Juan Ferra, Javier Mascaro, Emiliano Pons, lluis Arevalo.

2) Starting

2.1) Starting Times

On the regulation of each competition the first starting time will be stipulated, players must be on the tee 10 minutes before their tee time

2.2) Starting Order

In accordance with rule 33-3, the Competition Committee will be in charge of establishing what they consider to be the most adequate starting times and groups to go out in each competition.

As a general rule, in competitions, the start time will be in order of handicap, from lower to higher, except for the members of the Committee to be able to help in the organization of the competition.

It will also be contemplated in the first and last starting times those players who for a justified reason cannot play at the time corresponding to their handicap. The Competition Committee will value the reasons given.

In competitions of a minimum of two days, the start times will be established by order of handicap, from lower to higher on the first day and by scratch score from worse to best on following days. Should one of the day’s competitions be held on a working day the Committee reserves the right to make variations on the general rule.

2.3) Senior Start Times Senior and Super Senior players must compete under the same conditions as the rest of the players, except in the case that the competition regulation states that they may play from other starting tees. Also, in competitions senior players who opt for the same prize and play in buggies will be grouped together.

2.4) Marking the Card

All players must complete the 18 holes and hand in their card no longer the 5 minutes after reaching the clubhouse. In the case of a player not being happy with his result, he can mark the card N.R. before handing his card in.

Each player is responsible for his card and must write the scores in a legible way, the card must be handed in signed by player and marker. In the case of an alteration in a score the marker must initial underneath the correction. Failing to comply with any of these points will result in the committee disqualifying the player.

2.5) Buggies

The use of buggies will be limited, if stipulated by course conditions or the regulation of the competition or by presenting a medical certificate before starting the competition.

2.6) Distance Measurers

The use of said devices is allowed during everyday play and are allowed in practise rounds before a competition. They will be allowed in competitions if stipulated in the “Local Rules”.

2.7) Illegal Drivers

According to the R & A of St. Andrews various models of Drivers have become illegal. It is forbidden to use such drivers in competitions according to the list of illegal drivers (a copy of this list for consultation can be found in the Shop/Reception, this can also be found at www.randa.org ). If the Competition Committee so decides, drivers will be checked before starting on the first tee.

2.8) Unjustifyingly abandoning play

Unjustifyingly abandoning play during a competition will be caused for forbidding play in the next competition the player wishes to play in.

3) Under 16’s

All members with an official handicap may play in the Competitions held in our Club, unless otherwise specified by the sponsor or the internal regulations. Any player under 16 years of age who enters in an amateur competition and which is not specifically for children must have a handicap below 26,4 and will compete under the same conditions as the rest of the players. 4) Postponement of a Competition

It will be the Competition Committee who decide if a competition has to be postponed, if conditions so require. In exceptional cases, and when postponement is not possible, the competition will be cancelled to all effects (inscriptions, start times etc.) and a new date will be programmed.

5) Incidents during play

Any incident that may occur during play must be communicated to the Committee in order to apply the rules of the R.F.E.G.

6) Rules and Etiquette

6.1 We would ask any member who reserves a tee time in advance any day of the week to respect this tee time by arriving ten minutes before the stipulated time.

6.2 It is forbidden to start in any other hole without having previously consulted the reception.

6.3 Play is allowed from any tee markers placed on the day.

6.4 All players should keep up a good rhythm of play without losing more than one hole from the match ahead. If the group ahead loses a complete hole and is holding up the group that follows, they should invite that group to go through irrespective of the number of players in that group. Even if a group has not lost a hole, but it is evident that the group is playing faster they should invite them to go through.

6.5 All players should avoid causing unnecessary damage to the course i.e. taking divots when making a practise swing or hitting the ground with the head of the club whether it be in anger or any other reason. In the attempt to avoid damage to the greens or to holes players and caddies must not take bags onto the greens and take care when manipulating the flag stick. The club head should never be used to take the ball out of the hole. Clubs should not be leant on the green especially when taking the ball out of the hole.

6.6Local signs regulating the movement of golf carts must be strictly adhered to.

6.7Before leaving a bunker players must rake all footprints and holes made by them or any other in close proximity using the rake closest to them.

6.8We would ask all members to abide by the Driving Range rules, i.e. only use woods in the nets provided, do not practice from the grass or pick up balls from the range, together with all other stipulated rules and regulations.

7) Penalties In the event of not complying with that stated in this Regulation (i.e. not turn up for a competition, abandon competitions played over more than one day without notification, etc…) or constantly omit to comply with the above mentioned guidelines the Club Committee, if they consider it adequate may sanction a player with the prohibition to play for a limited time or not allow him/her to play in the next competition. This is considered justified as a means of protecting the interest of the majority of players who wish to play in accordance with this regulation.

7.1) In the case of a serious infraction of the rules and regulation the Committee can disqualify a player under the rule 33-7.

The Board Committee

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