The Seeds We Sow

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The Seeds We Sow

The Seeds We Sow

Leader: “The one who sows the good seed is the Son of Man, the field is the world and the good seed are the children of the kingdom” Matthew ch. 13 vs. 37 - 38

The Mothers’ Union is calling all of us to sow seeds of membership, to nurture faith, and in so doing to transform communities worldwide. We may think we have little to offer God. But he can work miracles with whatever we give him. Whenever we take our skills, our strengths, our resources and abilities and offer them to God we sow lasting seeds.

All: Heavenly father, we ask you to draw near to us in this time of prayer. Help us to be aware of our fellowship in our worldwide family. Enable us to sow the seeds of love amongst those we meet each day. God of the harvest, feed us, prune us, and harvest our endeavours that our lives might bring glory to you. Amen

Hymn: Great is thy faithfulness

Bible reading: Isaiah Ch.5 vs. 1 – 7

Leader: Once again we are joined in prayer with members in each of our link Dioceses, in Kenya, The Democratic Republic of Congo and Nigeria. This year we are all asked to sow seeds, each in our own way, that will help to increase our worldwide membership by raising awareness and encouraging people to get involved in the work we do. We thank God that when we sow lasting seeds in faith, we raise the assurance of a fruitful harvest. All: God of welcome Plant the seed of compassion in those who hear of our work Nourish it with the Holy Spirit, That vision will grow and commitment will flourish Amen

Leader: We pray for our members in Zaria Diocese in Northern Nigeria. Zaria is a very young diocese and this year they celebrated their sixth anniversary on the 7th March. It is a mainly rural diocese and like other Christian dioceses in Northern Nigeria is subject to uncontrolled violence at the hands of Boko Haram, an extreme Muslim sect who want to rid the country of all Christians.

Hannah Bello, their President, said that there was still intermittent bombing in their area and many members were relocating to safer regions and that was affecting their economy. However, God had been meeting their daily needs and had kept them safe.

In spite of their troubles, this past year many seeds have been sown and they are rejoicing and thanking God for their Diocesan bus. Hannah says it is so useful for getting to the rural parishes to evangelise. This past year has also seen their first publication of their magazine “The Pillars”. It is professionally done, very attractive and colourful as well as educational.

All: Heavenly father, we pray for Hannah Bello and members in Zaria. We thank you for their enthusiasm, ideas and vision. Enable them to scatter the seed of hope in their soil of despair and bring the growth of love and trust to the people they meet. Amen

Hymn: Colours of day dawn into the mind Leader: We remember the members in our link diocese of Nord Kivu in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Their bishop tells us that there is still insecurity in the diocese caused by the new rebel movement called M23 which is supported by the people from Rwanda. Like Zaria, this is also causing a lot of displacement of people in the diocese. He asks us to pray for the Mothers’ Union members who are working among orphans, raped women, widows and many living with HIV. At the moment they have to work among many of the displaced people as a result of the war. They pray with them and encourage them sowing seeds of love and concern, but their work is difficult because they have few resources.

All: Heavenly father, we pray for the members in Nord Kivu working with limited resources but still able to sow the seeds of love among the displaced and vulnerable people

“Somewhere a miracle occurs your word is sown in fertile ground germinates, grows, fruits and in due season will be harvested.

Somewhere a miracle occurs as the purest of ingredients love, hope and joy make broken lives whole” Amen

Bible reading: Luke ch. 8 vs. 4 – 15

Leader: Our three link Dioceses in Kenya, Maseno West, Maseno South and Southern Nyanza have struggled financially over the past few years when the price of food doubled which caused havoc in families. However, that hasn’t stopped their work nor dampened their hopes for the future. The Kenyan Dioceses are being encouraged and advised by Mary Sumner House staff and their provincial leaders to work towards self-sufficiency within the next few years so our prayers are very much needed and appreciated at this time.

Maseno West announced with great joy that they were expecting to buy a tractor at the end of last year which they planned to hire out for use at a profit on big farms as tractors are in great demand. This will give them funds to work on their own programmes.

In Maseno South many branch members are involved in table banking as a source of income alongside small businesses such as poultry keeping, horticulture farming and food kiosks. Many of these members are widows or elderly and host many orphans. Mothers’ Union also occasionally contribute money and buy books and uniforms for the girls in the schools as well as visiting women in prisons, to have fellowship with them and to distribute toiletries, baby clothes and slippers.

Without grants from Mary Sumner House all three dioceses are struggling financially but are continuing to sow seeds of love, kindness and generosity wherever there is a need.

All: Glory to you, new covenant maker, sower of seeds for whom and through whom all things exist We thank you for re-creating us.

Glory to you, Christ of the field, nurturer of seedlings pointing to the possibilities of growth We thank you for being with us.

Glory to you, harvesting spirit, winnower of husk and chaff blowing through our hopes for the day We thank you for renewing us.

Glory to you, holy three, wholly one dancing together like thistledown on the wind We dance with you and celebrate your gift of life Hymn: We have a gospel to proclaim

Leader: As we begin a new triennial in this our 125th year of the Mothers’ Union in our own Diocese we pray for Cath, our new President, and her new team of trustees as they plan to guide and inspire us in the months ahead.

We remember also our friends in our link Diocese of Salisbury, and we thank God for creating many new friendships and sharing in fun and fellowship with them over the past 25 years.

All: God of welcome Take our mustard seed of faith; Nourish it with the Holy Spirit That confidence will grow within us To speak your words of invitation May our vision flourish. Amen

Loving Lord, We thank you for your love so freely given to us all We pray for families around the world. Bless the work of the Mothers’ Union as we seek to share your love through the encouragement, strengthening and support of marriage and family life. Empowered by your spirit, may we be united in prayer and worship, and in love and service reach out as your hands across the world. in Jesus name, Amen.

Leader: God of yesterday, today and tomorrow, God of seedtime and harvest, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, bless us and strengthen us to live and blossom and bear good fruit to His praise and glory. Amen (Dorothy Stewart – Harvest of the World)

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