Measuring Association Among Ordinal Categorical Variables
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Measuring association among ordinal categorical variables
Goodman and Kruskal’s Gamma
1 An example
Effect of smoking at 45 years of age on self reported health five years later
Variable Categories Smoking 1 Never smoked 2 Stopped smoking 3 1-14 cigarettes/day 4 15-24 cigarettes/day 5 25+ cigarettes/day
SRH 1 Very good 2 Good 3 Fair 4 Bad Ordinal categories
Expected monotonous association: Increasing codes on Smoking Increasing code on SRH
2 Data on males from the Glostrup surveys
+ SMOKE45 | | B:HEALTH51 | J | Vgood Good Fair Bad | TOTAL | ------+------+------+ Never | 16 73 6 1 | 96 | row%| 16.7 76.0 6.3 1.0 | 100.0 | No mo | 15 75 6 0 | 96 | row%| 15.6 78.1 6.3 0.0 | 100.0 | 1-14 | 13 59 7 1 | 80 | row%| 16.3 73.8 8.8 1.3 | 100.0 | 15-24 | 10 81 17 3 | 111 | row%| 9.0 73.0 15.3 2.7 | 100.0 | 25+ | 1 29 3 1 | 34 | row%| 2.9 85.3 8.8 2.9 | 100.0 | ------+ TOTAL | 55 317 39 6 | 417 | row%| 13.2 76.0 9.4 1.4 | 100.0 | ------+ 2 = 16.2 df = 12 p = 0.182
No evidence of association even though the expected monotonous relationship is plain as the nose on your face
3 Correlation coefficients for ordinal categorical variables
Pearson’s correlation coefficient
1) Measures linear association which is not meaningful for ordinal variables
2) Evaluation of significance requires normal distributions
Rank correlations (Kendall’s and Spearman’s ) are more appropriate but require continuous data with very little risk of ties.
4 Goodman and Kruskal’s for ordinal categorical data
1) Similar to Kendall’s .
2) Related to the odds ratio for 22 tables.
3) Well-known asymptotic properties.
4) A partial coefficient measuring conditional monotonous relationship among ordinal variables is available.
5 Monotonous relationships
Y increases when X increases/decreases
Two variables: X,Y
Probabilities: pxy = Prob(X=x,Y=y)
X and Y are independent
pxy = Prob(X=x)P(Y=y)
What exactly do we mean when we say that there is a monotonous relationship between X and Y?
6 Concordance and discordance
Compare outcomes on (X,Y) for two stochastically independent cases
(X1,Y1) and (X2,Y2)
Concordance (C) if X1
Discordance (D) if X1 Tie (T) if X1=X2 or Y1=Y2 7 Concordance = same trend in X and Y Discordance = different trends in X and Y Probability of concordance p= P P C x1 y 1 x 2 y 2 (x1 ,y 1 ,x 2 ,y 2 ) C p= P P D x1 y 1 x 2 y 2 (x1 ,y 1 ,x 2 ,y 2 ) D Positive relationship: PC > PD Negative relationship: PC < PD 8 The gamma coefficient A measure of the strength of the monotonous relationship P- P g = D C PD+ P C Satisfies all conventional requirements of correlationcoefficients: -1 +1 = 0 if X and Y are independent Positive association if > 0 Negative association if < 0 Change the order of Y categories: after recoding = - before recoding 9 Interpretation of P(C) P(C | C� D) P(C)+ P(D) P(D) P(D | C� D) P(C)+ P(D) such that = P(C|CD) – P(D|CD) is the difference between two conditional probabilities 10 Estimation of Pairwise comparison of all persons in the data set nC = number of concordances nD = number of discordances nT = number of ties Relative frequences nC nD hC = hD = nC+ n D + n T nC+ n D + n T nS hT = nC+ n D + n T The estimate of h- h n - n G =C D = C D hC+ h D n C + n D 11 A little bit of notation nxy = number of persons with X=x and Y=y Aij=邋 n xy + n xy x> i,y > j x < i,y < j Dij=邋 n xy + n xy x> i,y < j x < i,y > j X 1 . x . c 1 Axy Dxy . Y y nxy . . Dxy Axy R Number of concordances and discordances n= n A n= n D C xy xy D xy xy x,y x,y 12 The coefficient for 22 tables a b c d nC = ad nD = bc g = nC- n D nC+ n D = ad 1 ad- bc- OR - 1 =bc = ad bcad OR 1 ++ 1 + bc 13 OR- 1 1 + g g = OR = OR+ 1 1 - g Gamma, odds-ratio og logit values gamma oddsratio logit LN(odds-ratio -1,00 ,00 - -,90 ,05 -2,94 -,80 ,11 -2,20 -,70 ,18 -1,73 -,60 ,25 -1,39 -,50 ,33 -1,10 -,40 ,43 -,85 -,30 ,54 -,62 -,20 ,67 -,41 -,10 ,82 -,20 ,00 1,00 ,00 ,10 1,22 ,20 ,20 1,50 ,41 ,30 1,86 ,62 ,40 2,33 ,85 ,50 3,00 1,10 ,60 4,00 1,39 ,70 5,67 1,73 ,80 9,00 2,20 ,90 19,00 2,94 1,00 + + Note: logit 2gamma in the interval [-0,30 til 0,30] 14 Properties of the estimate of The estimate is unbiased E(G) = and asymptotically normally distributed with standard error, s1, given by 2 2 16 轾 s1=4 犏 n xy( n D A xy - n C D xy ) (nC+ n D ) 臌x,y If X and Y are independent, then the standard error, s0, of G is given by 2 4 轾 2 (n- n ) s2 =犏 n A - D - C D 02 xy( xy xy ) n (nC+ n D ) 臌犏x,y 15 Statistical inference 95 % confidence intervals G 1.96se1 Test of significance If X and Y are independent then G z = Norm(0,1) se0 Notice that confidence intervals and assessment of significance uses different estimates of the standard errors 16 The example + SMOKE45 | | B:HEALTH51 | J | Vgood Good Fair Bad | TOTAL | ------+------+------+ Never | 16 73 6 1 | 96 | row%| 16.7 76.0 6.3 1.0 | 100.0 | No mo | 15 75 6 0 | 96 | row%| 15.6 78.1 6.3 0.0 | 100.0 | 1-14 | 13 59 7 1 | 80 | row%| 16.3 73.8 8.8 1.3 | 100.0 | 15-24 | 10 81 17 3 | 111 | row%| 9.0 73.0 15.3 2.7 | 100.0 | 25+ | 1 29 3 1 | 34 | row%| 2.9 85.3 8.8 2.9 | 100.0 | ------+ TOTAL | 55 317 39 6 | 417 | row%| 13.2 76.0 9.4 1.4 | 100.0 | ------+ 2 = 16.2 df = 12 p = 0.182 = 0.24 p < 0.0005 Very strong evidence of an effect of smoking on health For ordinal variables, is much more powerful than 2 distributed test statistics 17 Exact conditional inference The problem: Can asymptotic distributions of estimates and test statistics be approximated by asymptotic distributions in small and moderate samples. The small number of persons with bad health would result in warnings from most statistical programs that asymptotics probably do not work. If in doubt use exact conditional tests instead of asymptotic tests. 18 The hypergeometric distribution The contingency table: nxy, x = 1,..c y =1,,.r The margins of the table: n= n n= n x+ xy n+ y= n xy xy y x x,y The probability of the table n 骣 nxy P(n11,…,ncr) = 琪 pxy 桫n11 ...n rc x,y 19 H0: pxy = px+p+y 骣 n n nx+ + y P(n11,…,ncr) = 琪 照px+ p + y 桫n11 ...n rc x y The marginal tables, nx+ and n+y, are sufficient under H0 P(n11,…,ncr | n1+,..,nc+, n+1,..,n+r) = 骣 骣 琪照nx+ !琪 n + y ! 桫x桫 y n! nxy ! x,y does not depend on unknown parameters 20 The exact conditional test procedure 1 Find all tables with the same marginal tables as the observed table. For each of these tables calculate: The conditional probability of the table The tests statistics of interest The exact p-value = the sum of probabilities for tables with test statistics that are more extreme than the test statistic of the observed table 21 The exact conditional test procedure Test statistic T(M) Where M is a rc table Observed teststatistic = tobs The exact p-value pexact= P(M | n 1+ ,..,n c + ,n + 1 ,..,n + r ) M: mx+= n x + , m+y= n + y , T(M) tobs Fisher’s exact test for 22 tables Also appropriate for rc tables, but may be very time consuming due to the number of tables fitting the margins The Monte Carlo test 22 Since the conditional probabilities are known exactly we may ask the computer to generate a random sample consisting of a large number of independent tables from this distribution: The MC test procedure: Generate tables: M1,…,MNsim Calculate test statistics for each table: Ti = T(Mi), i = 1,..Nsim Count the number of random test statistics which are as extreme as the observed statistic Nsim S= 1 {Ti t obs} i= 1 S p = is an unbiased estimate of pexact MC Nsim The standard error of pMC depends on Nsim Sequential Monte Carlo tests 23 Interrupts the Monte Carlo procedure when it becomes obvious that the test statistic will not be significant Nsim = 10,000 Critical level of the test = 5 %, The sequential Monte Carlo test interrupts the Monte Carlo procedure when the number of tables with T(Mi) is equal to 501 S 501 pMC 501/10000 > 0.05 24 Repeated Monte Carlo tests The repeated Monte Carlo test interrupts the Monte Carlo procedure when the “risk” of a significant pMC-value has become very small Parameters of the Repeated Monte Carlo test: Nsim = the total number of tables to be generated Nstart = the minimum number of tables to be Generated Critical value Max risk of stopping too soon (default = 0.1 %) 25 Smoking and Self reported health + SMOKE45 | | B:HEALTH51 | J | Good Fair Bad | TOTAL | ------+------+------+ Never | 16 73 6 1 | 96 | row%| 16.7 76.0 6.3 1.0 | 100.0 | No mo | 15 75 6 0 | 96 | row%| 15.6 78.1 6.3 0.0 | 100.0 | 1-14 | 13 59 7 1 | 80 | row%| 16.3 73.8 8.8 1.3 | 100.0 | 15-24 | 10 81 17 3 | 111 | row%| 9.0 73.0 15.3 2.7 | 100.0 | 25+ | 1 29 3 1 | 34 | row%| 2.9 85.3 8.8 2.9 | 100.0 | X² = 16.2 ------+ df = 12 TOTAL | 55 317 39 6 | 417 | p = 0.182 row%| 13.2 76.0 9.4 1.4 | 100.0 | Gam = 0.24 ------+ p = 0.000 Confounding? 26 Analysis of the conditional association given self reported health at 45 years HEALTH45 = Very good +HEALTH45 | + SMOKE45 | | | B:HEALTH51 | G J | Good Fair Bad | TOTAL | ------+------+------+ 1 Never | 4 12 0 0 | 16 | row%| 25.0 75.0 0.0 0.0 | 100.0 | No mo | 5 7 0 0 | 12 | row%| 41.7 58.3 0.0 0.0 | 100.0 | 1-14 | 9 6 0 0 | 15 | row%| 60.0 40.0 0.0 0.0 | 100.0 | 15-24 | 2 3 0 0 | 5 | row%| 40.0 60.0 0.0 0.0 | 100.0 | 25+ | 0 3 0 0 | 3 | row%| 0.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 | 100.0 | X² = 6.0 ------+ df = 4 TOTAL | 20 31 0 0 | 51 | p = 0.196 row%| 39.2 60.8 0.0 0.0 | 100.0 | Gam = -0.18 ------+ p = 0.188 27 HEALTH45 = Good +HEALTH45 | + SMOKE45 | | | B:HEALTH51 | G J | Good Fair Bad | TOTAL | ------+------+------+ 2 Never | 11 55 5 1 | 72 | row%| 15.3 76.4 6.9 1.4 | 100.0 | No mo | 10 59 5 0 | 74 | row%| 13.5 79.7 6.8 0.0 | 100.0 | 1-14 | 3 50 4 1 | 58 | row%| 5.2 86.2 6.9 1.7 | 100.0 | 15-24 | 6 76 8 1 | 91 | row%| 6.6 83.5 8.8 1.1 | 100.0 | 25+ | 1 25 1 0 | 27 | row%| 3.7 92.6 3.7 0.0 | 100.0 | X² = 9.8 ------+ df = 12 TOTAL | 31 265 23 3 | 322 | p = 0.636 row%| 9.6 82.3 7.1 0.9 | 100.0 | Gam = 0.17 ------+ p = 0.041 HEALTH45 = Fair +HEALTH45 | + SMOKE45 | | | B:HEALTH51 | G J | Good Fair Bad | TOTAL | ------+------+------+ 3 Never | 1 6 1 0 | 8 | row%| 12.5 75.0 12.5 0.0 | 100.0 | No mo | 0 6 1 0 | 7 | row%| 0.0 85.7 14.3 0.0 | 100.0 | 1-14 | 1 3 3 0 | 7 | row%| 14.3 42.9 42.9 0.0 | 100.0 | 15-24 | 2 1 6 2 | 11 | row%| 18.2 9.1 54.5 18.2 | 100.0 | 25+ | 0 1 2 1 | 4 | row%| 0.0 25.0 50.0 25.0 | 100.0 | X² = 17.5 ------+ df = 12 TOTAL | 4 17 13 3 | 37 | p = 0.131 row%| 10.8 45.9 35.1 8.1 | 100.0 | Gam = 0.52 ------+ p = 0.001 28 HEALTH45 = Bad +HEALTH45 | + SMOKE45 | | | B:HEALTH51 | G J | Good Fair Bad | TOTAL | ------+------+------+ 4 Never | 0 0 0 0 | 0 | row%| 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 | 0.0 | No mo | 0 3 0 0 | 3 | row%| 0.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 | 100.0 | 1-14 | 0 0 0 0 | 0 | row%| 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 | 0.0 | 15-24 | 0 1 3 0 | 4 | row%| 0.0 25.0 75.0 0.0 | 100.0 | 25+ | 0 0 0 0 | 0 | row%| 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 | 0.0 | X² = 3.9 ------+ df = 1 TOTAL | 0 4 3 0 | 7 | p = 0.047 row%| 0.0 57.1 42.9 0.0 | 100.0 | Gam = 1.00 ------+ p = 0.001 ------** Local testresults for strata defined by HEALTH45 (G) ** p-values p-values (1-sided) G: HEALTH45 X² df asympt exact Gamma asympt exact ------1: V.good 6.04 4 0.1960 0.1880 -0.18 0.1884 0.2050 2: Good 9.77 12 0.6358 0.6310 0.17 0.0410 0.0290 3: Fair 17.52 12 0.1311 0.1430 0.52 0.0010 0.0030 4: Bad 3.94 1 0.0472 0.1540 1.00 0.0006 0.1220 ------ 29 Tests of conditional independence H0: P(X,Y|Z=z) = P(X|Z=z)P(Y|Z=z) for all z Z X Y Concordance Test statistics and discordance 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 2 N1C and N1D N1C N1D N N 1= 1C 1D 2 1 2 2 2 N2C and N2D N2C N2D N N 2= 2C 2D ...... 2 kZ 1 k 2 N2C and N2D NkC NkD N N k= kC kD All test statistics must be insignificant Global tests of conditional independence The global 2 2 2 z z 30 df dfz z The partial coefficient N N N N C zC D zD z z NzC NzD NC ND z partial NC ND NzC NzD z = NzC NzD z z w z z NzC NzD z z NzC NzD where wz = N N i iC iD partial w z z z Weighted mean Asymptotic normal distribution 31 Monte Carlo approximation of exact conditional p-values as for 2-way tables ------** Local testresults for strata defined by HEALTH45 (G) ** p-values p-values (1-sided) G: HEALTH45 X² df asympt exact Gamma asympt exact ------1: V.good 6.04 4 0.1960 0.1880 -0.18 0.1884 0.2050 2: Good 9.77 12 0.6358 0.6310 0.17 0.0410 0.0290 3: Fair 17.52 12 0.1311 0.1430 0.52 0.0010 0.0030 4: Bad 3.94 1 0.0472 0.1540 1.00 0.0006 0.1220 ------ 2 Global = 37.3 df = 29 p = 0.139 pexact = 0.148 partial = 0.17 p = 0.034 pexact = 0.027 32 Are the local coefficients homogenous? Least square estimate: Gamma = 0.1998 s.e. = 0.0777 G: HEALTH45 Gamma variance s.e. weight residual ------1: V.good -0.18 0.0397 0.1993 0.152 -2.060 2: Good 0.17 0.0097 0.0987 0.620 -0.411 3: Fair 0.52 0.0264 0.1625 0.228 2.237 4: Bad 1.00 standard error is not available ------ Incomplete set of Gammas Test for partial association: X² = 7.5 df = 2 p = 0.023 Pairwise comparisons of strata: Comparison of strata 1+2 - p = 0.11 Significant difference between 1+2 and 3 P = 0.025 Notice the similarity of the analysis of coefficients and Mantel-Haenszel analysis of odds-ratios 33