Services to Students with Disabilities
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Mission Statement Overview
The Services to Students with Disabilities (SSWD) Office is a California State University, Sacramento is committed to department in the Division of Student Affairs. SSWD works in assisting students with disabilities in attaining their educational cooperation with the Director of Employment Equity and is a and vocational goals. resource for compliance with all applicable federal and state laws mandating equal opportunity and access for people with Students have the responsibility of making known their needs disabilities. SSWD offers a variety of resources, personnel, and and any particular problems they may anticipate. programs to assist students with disabilities. Essential to the Accommodations and services are determined based on larger mission of the University, Services to Students with available documentation and an interactive collaboration with Disabilities (SSWD) is designed to support the academic students. SSWD welcomes any suggestions for improvement of success of students with disabilities and to provide leadership to services that will better assist students. SSWD is open from the University community to ensure equal access to University 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday (except programs and resources. SSWD provides a comprehensive holidays), and is located in Lassen Hall, Room 1008, (916) 278- range of academic support services and fosters an accessible 6955, and for persons with communication disabilities only, programmatic, physical, and technological environment to (TDD) 278-7239. Evening appointments must be prearranged facilitate retention and graduation. if normal hours present an undue hardship.
Goals and Objectives Students with disabilities who request service(s) must provide SSWD with appropriate documentation of disability. This documentation must be submitted to SSWD at least 15 days I. University access: Ensure that students with disabilities before the first day of class/needed services. The SSWD have comparable access to the University by addressing application and process can be found on the following web physical, attitudinal, technological, and communication barriers. page: Collaborate with the University to ensure compliance with all federal and state disability access and civil rights regulations, SSWD recognizes the following disabling conditions which may including Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the impede the educational process and necessitate support Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). service(s) or programs.
II. Disability Management: Support and empower students 1. Visual Limitation: Blindness or partial sight with disabilities toward competency and success to gain the 2. Communication Disability: Limitation in the processes independence and advocacy skills necessary for them to fully of speech and/or hearing participate in an inclusive campus and attain their educational 3. Deaf: Requires use of oral/sign language interpretation or goals. realtime captioning. 4. Mobility Limitation: Limitation in locomotive or motor III. Education and Outreach: Enhance understanding of functions, such as asthma, cardiovascular problems, or various student barriers, provide consultation and serve as a those who do not have motor function necessary to lift or resource on disability access, and foster dialogue between carry items (e.g., books) students with disabilities and the University community, 5. Learning Disability: A generic term that refers to the including faculty, staff, and students. heterogeneous group of disorders manifested by significant difficulties in the acquisition and use of listening, speaking, IV. Coordination and Development: Coordinate and deliver reading, writing, reasoning, or mathematical abilities. available campus academic support resources to promote These disorders occur in persons of average to very equal access and ensure achievement of students’ potential. superior intelligence and are presumed to be due to central Interact with other off-campus resources to ensure maximum nervous system dysfunction. Even though a learning effectiveness and maintenance of available programs. disability may exist concomitantly with other conditions (e.g., sensory impairment) or environmental V. TRIO Student Support Services: Provide additional influences (e.g., cultural/language differences), it is not the academic support services and supplemental and direct result of those conditions or influences. developmental instruction and other basic skills for the retention 6. Psychological Disability: A psychiatric or psychological and graduation of students with disabilities through federal condition that poses a functional limitation in an TRIO SSS grant. See eligibility at educational setting 7. Other Functional Limitations: Any other dysfunction which does not fall within the categories listed above This document is available in alternate formats upon request. 8. Temporary Disabilities: reviewed on an individual basis. California State University, Sacramento • Services to Students with Disabilities • 6000 J Street • Sacramento, CA 95819-6042 General Services Available These accommodations and services are provided with the intention of promoting maximum student independence on campus and are based on individual documented needs.
• Academic advising/referral for course selection assistance • Adaptive equipment • Alternative formatted print materials • Architectural barrier identification and removal • Arrangements for specialized educational materials • Assistance in the admissions process • Campus/new student supplementary orientation • Campus-wide tutoring information referral • Career development and guidance • Consultation with faculty for students with special academic needs • Counseling: academic, personal, vocational • Curriculum modification • Disability management advising • Financial aid/advising/scholarship/FAFSA referrals • General information and referral for campus and community services • Graduate and professional program information referral • High Tech Center, limited adaptive computer training • Housing assistance and information • Informational referral • Legislative update • Library assistance • Limited tutorial services • Notetaker services • Registration assistance, including limited priority registration • Remedial Math and Writing instruction • Substitutions for ELM and foreign language requirements • Test accommodations, including adapting tests • Other reasonable accommodations
Accommodations and support services based on individual functional limitations might include, but are not limited to:
Communication Disabilities • Assistive Listening Devices • Notetaker services • Open or closed-captioned films • Realtime Captioning • Sign language/Oral interpreting • TDD and Relay telephone service
Mobility • Architectural barrier removal • Classrooms in accessible locations • Notetaker service • On-campus transportation services • Training in use of adaptive equipment e-mail: [email protected] Visual • Adaptive computers with screen reader, Braille output • Notetaker/reader services • Study aids for sensory impaired • Alternate format book orders • Training in use of adaptive equipment • Transcription services that provide alternate formats, e.g. Braille and large print materials
Learning • Educational prescriptive services and post assessment of learning disability and abilities • Learning and compensatory strategies training • Limited tutorial services • Notetaker/reader services • Alternate format book orders • Training in use of adaptive equipment
Psychological Disabilities • Information referral for services • Counseling: academic, personal, vocational • Test-taking accommodations • Limited tutorial services
Non-Discrimination and Affirmative Action Policy
California State University, Sacramento seeks the participa- tion in all its activities of all individuals without regard to race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, sex, sexual prefer- ence, marital status, pregnancy, age, disability, or Vietnam veteran status. Discrimination based on these factors is prohibited by University policy. The University has estab- lished non-discrimination and affirmative action programs which conform to applicable federal statutes, as well as pertinent laws, regulations, and directives of the State of California. For further information or should you feel that you have been discriminated against in any one of the aforementioned areas, contact the Director of Employment Equity, Del Norte Hall, Room 3001 (916) 278-6907. California State University, Sacramento complies with all state statutes and laws concerning disability as set forth in the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 503 and 504; the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (Section I, II and III); State of California ACR 201 (1976); ACR 3 (1985); AB 746 (1987); AB 422 (1999) Education Code 67302; Title 24 of the Uniform Building Code; and California State University "Policy for Provision of Accommodations and Support Services to Students with Disabilities" and Executive Order 926: CSU Policy on Disability Support & Accommodation.
Further Information (916) 278-6955 (Phone) or 278-7239 (TDD only) (916) 278-7825 (Fax) Services to Students with Disabilities (SSWD) Lassen Hall, Room 1008 California State University, Sacramento 6000 J Street, Sacramento, CA 95819-6042