Viruses on the Human Mind
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-888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 1 ______The book that will set you free from subconscious control
Subconscious Control Of Man By ‘Heavens Level 2’
1 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 2 ______
C O N T E N T S Page
Is Man Really His Own Worst Enemy or is Man subconsciously manipulated? 05 Scientific Prejudice 10
The Origin Of All And Everything 17 Life and Consciousness 21 The Authorities 23 The Trinity Tool 24 The Character Of The 666 26 Ultimate Death And Safe Passage Through 28 The Man Representative With The Name 666 32
The Subliminal Ways Or The Trojan Horse Tactics Of The 666 Authority 34 Model Of Human Society As An Organic Being 40 How Spiritual Isolation can take place 42 The Optimum Social State for Man 47 The Individual As A Function Terminal Of The Central Mind 52
The Camp Of The Phoenix And Great Trojan Horses 53 Helen Of Troy - The First Trojan Horse 60 Alexander The Great - Son Of The Dragon God -The Second Trojan Horse 62 Paul Of Tarsus - The Greatest Trojan Horse Of All 66 Helen Of Byzantium - The Fourth Trojan Horse 74 The State Of Israel - The Last Trojan Horse 79
2 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 3 ______INTRODUCTION
This is a continuation of another basic book that deals more extensively with the Origin and Nature of the Universe, not merely as a system of bodies with a certain mechanistic behavior, but also manifesting the phenomena of Life, Consciousness, Awareness and other Sentient characteristics.
This basic reference book answers conclusively all questions relevant to the Origin of the Universe from the very Primary Cause, that is the common cause both for the creation of Matter and for the arising of the phenomena of Life and Consciousness and, in the process, it shows the inadequacy of the relevant older theories, of Chance Evolution, of the Big Bang, of Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity, of the nature of Light, of Universal Gravity and Force-and-Motion and of the nature of Matter. After dispensing with these older theories, it proceeds to develop from very first principles and without any axioms or postulates, a new Unified Theory of the origin of both Matter and Consciousness, including the study of the first bodies, the first senses and the designing of later bodies, both Biochemical and not.
The present book undertakes the further task, not included in the material of the basic reference book, of studying the various stages of Evolution of the Universe, especially of the various Authorities, or Gods, that rule the various stages of this Evolution. It studies their arising from the very first God, the One-Pure-Invariant Being, their features and basic character as well as the modes of their manifestation and the means they use to control the domains under their jurisdiction.
In particular, it deals in more detail with the personality of the 666 Authority, his direct association with the present situation on this planet and the various subliminal ways he uses to control and direct both our technological progress and our scientific and religious convictions.
The book does not treat the situation on this planet as a fight between Good and Bad, which is not, but rather as a case of two Heads in the same hat, and is not intended to dish out malice on the 666 Authority or the Grays that he deploys, or any other of the Old Planetary Authorities at ‘level 2’.
3 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 4 ______THE JAPHETITE ALPHABETIC NUMBERS (GEMATRIC ALPHABET) (All codes in the scriptures are given in this language)
A 1 I 10 P 100 B 2 K 20 200 3 30 T 300 4 M 40 Y 400 E 5 N 50 500 6 () (St) 60 X 600 Z 7 O 70 700 H 8 80 800 9
4 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 5 ______PART ONE - SIGNS AND OBSERVATIONS
Is Man Really His Own Worst Enemy Or Is Man Subconsciously Manipulated?
It has often been said that Man is his own worst enemy. This is an impossible contradiction because it conflicts with the very basic motive or instinct of Man or any other being, namely the instinct of Survival.
But, when Man behaves collectively as if he were his own worst enemy, then we should suspect that somebody, a real enemy, is subconsciously fouling his actions and his thinking, controlling Man's convictions, whilst keeping Man completely unaware of the fact.
In Part One we shall see that most human practices, as well as the scientific and religious convictions behind these practices, are well below human intelligence, if this intelligence were free and not subliminally manipulated; and this, by an Authority that serves its own interests at variance with or in contradiction to the interests of Man.
How? What are the means and mechanisms?
There are quite a number of ways that are common knowledge to every man in the street and not only to the qualified psychologist or other adept. We shall refer to some of these and also to some that are not so obvious, or less common knowledge, but quite easy to realize once pointed out.
You all know about Hypnosis. A hypnotist can tell a person under his influence to do any odd thing whenever the person is given a particular cue, when out of hypnosis. For example, to scratch his/her head or remove his/her jacket, every time the hypnotist touches his tie. (This particular example has been demonstrated). The person subjected to this will respond in the particular induced fashion, as long as s/he does not suspect that s/he is doing so because of a hypnotic suggestion. It is only when the person is told this, or realizes it, that s/he can build up a defense against this control, which is not always easy. (A good hypnotist can also erase memory from or add false memory into the mind of a person under his control. The Grays are expert in this).
Most of you may have also heard about subliminal advertising. A frame of an advertisement, or suggestion, say, to drink a particular lemonade, is interposed in the frames of a movie. The film usually runs at 24 frames per second and, though the eyes and the brain resolve the frame and record it, the conscious mind is completely unaware of it because its speed of resolution is only ten (10) frames per second. Surely enough, when the movie is over the person will go for that particular lemonade, whenever he is given the cue. There is no way that the unsuspecting individual can counteract this kind of control. For this reason, this kind of advertising is forbidden by law. These subliminal programs, or hidden suggestions, are just like virus programs on a normal computer program. They are triggered by some cue initiating the normal program. To counteract or override a virus we must first realize its existence and then find out what initiates it or discover how it can be deleted.
5 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 6 ______Though subliminal advertising is illegal, there are other, may be not so obvious, legal ways, by which the behavior, the mode of life, the progress as well as the religious and scientific convictions of the human being are steered and controlled; not only controlled for the present short time, through cues for single actions, but also laying a broad foundation that will control all aspects of human endeavor, both now and in the future.
In the early eighties, more than a dozen producers of films, especially for children, admitted that, whenever they sit down to develop the subject material and the imagery as well as names, forms and sounds in cartoons and other productions, they are clearly aware that they are prompted and directed by forces beyond them.
Have you noticed that all cartoons have three front fingers? In the last few years there is an increase of the use of the Dragon image, both in live productions, like the Komoto dragon, and in cartoons. I have counted ten such productions shown on TV in the last two weeks. All make the Dragon or the Dinosaur or some other Reptile as the lovable cartoon image or personality. None has ever included in its lovable and cuddly creatures a little lamb. Lovable cartoon heroes are mostly of animals of unclean spirit, like the mouse, the frog, the pig etc.. The bear, the most untidy, greedy and untamable animal, has found its way into the cuddling arms of children, as their most popular cuddly companion. The snake form has found an excuse to rest right at the entrance to your home as a decorative draught barrier, and the dragon is now finding its way onto peoples wrists in the form of the ‘Medic Alert’ bracelet.
The theme is not new. If you visit any old Byzantine church, you will see that the artistic theme in all of these is the dragon and flying serpents. In none of these will you find the image of the lamb featuring in any way. The Episcopal throne is supported by dragons and the Episcopal staff, the symbol of the spiritual authority of the Church, is crowned by two dragons facing each other on either side of a cross. And this, in a Church that is supposed to be dedicated to Jesus - the LAMB - that has come to deliver Man from Satan (or Calicastia-the-Dragon). Of course the image of Jesus also features in every Byzantine church, and all other Christian Churches, but he is predominantly depicted as crucified, an act of grand black witchcraft or voodoo. Furthermore, in this Mother of Churches, the names ‘Jesus’ and ‘Zeus’ are never given to children, though all other names in history, mythology and literature, including Mariam, Panayia (Holiest Lady), Adam, Moses, Matthew, Michael, Gabriel etc. and even Christos, Stavros (Cross), Emmanuel, Soteris (Savior) and all names of ancient Gods, except Zeus, are given, to be invoked as often as one will. The excuse that Jesus is only One cannot hold because the same can be said for all the personages mentioned above. Neither is it justified to say that giving the name of Jesus to our children is disrespectful or presumptuous because all other names are given out of love, respect and veneration. Why should ‘Jesus’ be the exception?
The real reason for avoiding the name of ‘Jesus’ is because only an incarnate with this name, who identifies with Jesus, can free Jesus’ Spirit from the voodoo of the Cross and Hermes’ control or the control of Hermes’ Christ in Shambala.
All these symbols, names, phrases and images play a role in the human subconscious exactly analogous to file names, path names and icons through which we access files, directories and programs in a computer. The same is also true in all telecontrol gadgets as well as in black magic. For this reason, ancient kings, like Nabuhadnezar
6 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 7 ______of Babylon, used to change the names of captives they used as servants in their courts and give them names of their own god, so that there would not be a ‘planted spy’ of any foreign god in the court. For similar reasons, high-ranking clergy are given new names when they are ordained. In the book of Revelations, Jesus says that to every one that overcomes, he will give a chip on which there will be written a New Name, that nobody knows except the one that receives it. Have you ever thought what’s the use of a name that nobody knows except the one who has it and, of course, the one who gave it to him? (It is a direct communication access code).
Other important access codes are the various symbols and banners or flags associated with nationalities and religions or religious personages and deities. The Cross, the Grand Altar and symbol of final Death, was first used as a banner by Alexander the Macedon from 336 BCE. In the same year, the Crescent, the symbol of the Female deity of Hades and Ishtar, was adopted as the symbol of ancient Byzantium.
The same two symbols of the Cross and the Crescent were later adopted as the symbols of the Byzantine Faith and were married together in the form of an Anchor. The same two symbols decorate the domes of all Russian churches, the Crescent on the lower arm of the Cross signifying that the Russian Church is of Byzantine and not of Catholic origin. Even when the Communists attempted to get rid of religious symbols, they were guided unsuspectingly to adopt the sickle-and-hammer, which is just another form of the Cross-crescent-and-star. Notice also that in tattooing the most popular themes are the Anchor, the Cross, the Dragon and the heart.
You see, the Authorities at ‘level 2’ are very cunning. When they can no longer hold one in their right hand, they prepare a trap for him in their left hand, before they let go of him from their right hand. And they play the game with the rule ‘heads I win, tails you lose’. So, even when Martin Luther in the 16th century tried to free the followers of Jesus from suppressive Christian traditions and bigotry and bring them to the Bible, it had already been taken care of that the Western Bible Canon was reduced and fixed at 66 books in all, with key books of Wisdom left out. Thus the 666 would lurk at the spiritual spring of the thirsty lambs.
Today, through the various satanic movements and fashions, Calicastia gives a haven to those that have a tendency for the satanic and, at the same time, he traps those that are alarmed by these movements and take refuge into his arms from which they were trying to run away. The latter are more important to him as they are better soldiers. Every general or other chief, including Satan, wants the best human material for his army and Calicastia, being the present Chief on this planet, has the advantage of first choice, by controlling Man subliminally through up-bringing, religion and education.
Nobody in his right mind would take down a poison knowingly. The most effective poison is slipped into the best food or drink. To approach the lambs that would run away from his reach as soon as they smell his presence, the wolf puts on the pelt of a lamb. The easiest way for the Dragon to catch the lambs is to lay an ambush for them at their favorite water spring. Calicastia is not so stupid as to have left this unexploited. The final Beast in Revelations (Chapter 13), the one whose name sums 666, has the outward appearance of the Lamb but the voice of the Dragon. That is, he is of the Dragon inside but outwardly he has the guise of a representative of Jesus.
7 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 8 ______Next we have mesmerism and direct suggestion. You all remember very vividly the case with Hitler. Many Germans think about it and shudder. Even Germans not yet born at the time seem to have some kind of guilty conscience. They need not; it does not help any if they do. Neither should they direct their feelings of accusation at Hitler, that he did it all, because neither this is so. Hitler, like the rest, was only an ephemeral misdirected man, devoted to a ‘cause’ and 100% expendable. He was just one of the bigger pieces on the chessboard. The Authority that pulled his strings was and still is in Switzerland, which he uses as his head quarters in the West, his main shrine being Kaila mountain in Tibet. From Switzerland he controls the activities in Europe, including wars and, as should be expected, he does everything to keep trouble far from his head quarters. Notice that though this Authority used the Germans as the choice human material for the particular purpose, Hitler did not use the German flag but a more potent form of this Authority's banner. The same has been used by Alexander, the Romans, the Byzantines, the Crusaders, the Inquisition, the pirates etc.
In Hitler's case, if war was not hurried, National Socialism would have taken over control in most countries of Europe and America, North and South, and the people who were abhorred by the Jewish holocaust would have done exactly the same, not really understanding why and, like the Germans, they would use all sorts of rationalizations in the aftermath, trying to explain their actions.
Note that it was anti-Jewism and not anti-Semitism. And the troubles and persecutions of the Jews have continued, and will continue, as long as the Magi with the black robes go on performing the grand voodoo ritual of crucifying the image of Jesus as the King of the Jews. When this stops, the World will be blessed with peace.
During the first Christian centuries, this voodoo was practiced by the Romans who used to crucify images of Jesus with the sign ‘J.N.R.J.’, ‘Jesus the Nazarene King of the Jews’, and put them up at cross-roads and in squares as an anathema to the Jews and the followers of Jesus. When the Christian religion was adopted as the official religion of the Roman Empire, the Christians themselves were guided subconsciously to adopt this practice themselves in their churches, being led to believe that, in doing so, they are offering worship to Jesus(!!!). The Roman Empire was actually never converted. It was the other way round. The Church was romanized and, when this happened, the fellowship of Jesus ceased to exist as an organized body.
I must stress that the killing of Jesus, or the killing of any man, is not really the most terrible act and it is not of decisive benefit to Calicastia, or any killer for that matter. The name of the game is World control. In this text, the most terrible act is the voodoo ritual crucifixion on Calvary and the subsequent voodoo ritual of the crucifixion of images of Jesus-the-Nazarene-King of the Jews, as we just mentioned above, first at crossroads and in squares during the persecutions of the first three centuries CE and, ever since, by the organized Roman religion of Christianity in all Christian churches and any other conceivable place.
This satanic voodoo ritual of black witchcraft is behind all the subconscious anti- Jewish psychosis that comes to a climax periodically and results in the persecution of the Jews. After each persecution, the persecutioners are struck by some kind of collective remorse and a sort of astonishment as to how they could possibly have behaved the way they did. This reverts the anti-Jewish psychosis to sympathy which, unfortunately, lasts only for as long as the memory of the latest persecution is strong.
8 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 9 ______Then the psychosis returns to prepare the Christians for a worse and more coordinated persecution of the Jews.
The hatred is not against the Jews as individuals, good or bad, but against the NAME of their God that they bear. The following incident is very indicative of this. It happened only recently in Umeä, a small Swedish town and this stresses my point even more strongly, as the Swedes are among the more liberal people. The school was closing for the long Winter vacations and the school authorities asked the parents to take home some of the potted plants and flowers to look after them during the vacations. To one lady’s lot fell a potted plant known as a ‘Wandering Jew’. The lady bolted: No, no! I cannot have that THING in MY house.
What about eating and living habits and the effect that this kind of poisoning has on the quality of our society? Have you ever realized what you the parents are doing to your children?
If we try to give to a child, when it is first introduced to food at the age of two or three, any whisky, coffee, tobacco smoke, pickles, garlic, onions, chilly peppers, smoked meats, salted nuts or moldy cheese, it will recoil with disgust. Yet, children are naturally greedy. In the end we manage one way or another to get it accustomed or addicted to these tastes and the foodstuffs of slow death, that he or she cannot do without them. And we do it out of love and in earnest good intentions.
Most of these have a strong flavor of Fire and, together with the visual and other sense bombardment with images and themes, through entertainment and other leisure activities, the human being matures sexually too early in life and cannot live long enough to gain the necessary wisdom that would liberate him from his egotropism (self-orientation) and his lust for all sorts of possessions. Even his understanding of Love is mostly possessive.
The human being chases frantically around, steeped in insecurity and greed for all kinds of sense objects that tickle its fancy, having no time or opportunity to realize what is happening to it.
The only road to liberation is through knowledge of the Scientific Truth. For this reason, the only channel that the Controlling Authority is anxious to keep blocked is the road to Wisdom and the true scientific understanding of the Reality around us.
When Religion had the upper hand, prejudice was exercised through Religion, and bold people, who ventured to introduce ideas and knowledge that could free the human being from this prejudice and ignorance, were burnt at the stake. Now that technological science (not science) has the upper hand and Religion has lost most of its credibility, the same or worse prejudice is exercised through the centers of technological science.
9 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 10 ______Scientific Prejudice
During the last few centuries, through both positive and negative bias, human genius has been one-sidedly channeled into the study of matter and its mechanics, serving the needs of the technology of Fire, whilst almost avoiding and sometimes being downright biased against the science of Life and Consciousness. This has led both scientists and laypersons to the absurd notion that the corpuscular body of a sentient being lives and that Life is the property of aminoacids. The truth is that the body does not live. It is merely a machine of cellular construction that is capable of certain functions associated with Life. The characteristics of Life are Willfulness, Sentience, Emotions, Feelings, Self-Consciousness, Understanding, Cognition, Mentation, Awareness etc. and these cannot be supported by 3-dimensional space.
Furthermore, the biochemical body-machine is not the only kind of body that a sentient being can use. A being can use any conceivable machine and any conceivable object as a body. Of course, what the being can do with its body depends also on the structural and mechanical capabilities of the body-machine. However, it will still have intelligence and emotions, whatever machine or whatever object it uses as a body. Our planet Earth is a sentient being far more intelligent than any human individual.
The grossly incorrect assessment of what Life is and what the body is capable of doing has led to the belief that a sentient being dies when its corpuscular body breaks down. This is one of the greatest scientific absurdities and in ‘THE ORIGIN ...’ we prove it as such, beyond the shadow of doubt. This is not saying that a being is necessarily immortal.
Even in the field of matter, its nature and its mechanics, where the human genius has been exhaustively channeled, it has been systematically blocked from seeing fundamental physical realities, being often engrossed in mathematical models and algebraic manipulations which, though they can be worked out to fit appearances and empiricism quite well, or to a good approximation, they obscure our errors in basic precepts and the truth about cause and effect. We can work out different mathematical derivations based on different assumptions and premises, sometimes even contradictory premises, to fit or approximate equally well the same empiricism.
Thus, we still consider matter as being constituted of small hard kernels, or quanta, which have wave properties as well, and that some of these carry electric charge. This notion of particles being loaded with a charge is puzzling to a mind that has not already been conditioned to the idea.
Scientists are still not sure what to make of light and how, when and why it carries momentum and, through some theory of physically and mathematically contradictory postulates and biased derivations, meant only to accommodate appearances, if that, we are expected to believe that reality is limited by the speed of light, when speeds much greater than this, as in Black Holes, and even infinite speed that makes possible the existence of monopoles, like protons and electrons, is a commonplace in the Universe.
We further believe that Force is the Cause of Motion, when it should be plain that Forces and, consequently, Mechanical Stresses arise only when Free Field Motion is impeded. We are still trying to conquer Space with rocket-propelled machines. In all
10 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 11 ______UFO sightings there has never been a case of one with a rocket burning behind it or one that leaves any trace of exhaust gases or radioactive pollution or noise.
Studying the accomplishments of the human genius ever since my university years, I find it odd, to say the least, and sometimes downright incomprehensible, that human genius, whilst exhibiting chapters of brilliance, at the same time and within the same text, is capable of blunders which make it appear quite unintelligent and unscientific; unless our thinking and our convictions are subconsciously steered and controlled by Intelligences beyond us, who have a reason of their own for doing so.
An example of how the human mind can be tampered with and made to look totally unintelligent is the following:
We all agree that symbolism and coding require the highest form of intelligence we know of. The coding of our language is our greatest scientific inheritance. Consider for example the coding of the word ‘chair’. Even if there was an abundance of letters lying about, even if it rained letters with every shower and the sequence ‘c h a i r’ fell together as often as not, it would not mean or stand for the coded object in question, unless intelligent beings decided and agreed that it would do so. Coding necessarily requires Intention, Intelligence and an agreement between Intelligent Beings who use these codes for intelligent communication. Anybody outside the convention, like a Chinese that knows no English at all, could not possibly know how it is pronounced or what it means. The same with all codes, like Morse or the color code for electrical resistances. Furthermore, the concept to be coded must come first before it is coded.
To program in code and execute automatically a coded program requires a much more advanced science and technological know-how. Nobody can convince an intelligent person that a CD can be programmed by chance, by plodding with closed eyes on the keyboard of a computer, and that the computer of a chance factory will use this CD’s chance program(?) to operate the servo-robotics of the factory, so that pellet plastic enters at one end and plastic cups or plastic drinking straws come out at the other end. We develop the design of the product and the necessary tools before we design the coded program. The program is written for the particular technology. The concept and design of the chicken came first and then the egg.
Cars, computers and computer software do not evolve by Chance along the road or in the parking lot or while sitting on your desk. All designed evolution is carried out on the drawing board of the designer and ideas for new designs, even of slight modifications, are generated and developed by the designer and not by the construction. (An open ‘Windows 98’ will not evolve to ‘Windows XP’, even in a trillion years, by accidentally or absent-mindedly pressing random keys on the keyboard. Neither will the random throw of characters into Shakespeare’s ‘Macbeth’ change it to Hugo’s ‘Les Misérables’. Similarly, the DNA of a lizard will not evolve to that of an albatross by the accidental addition of nucleotides. Natural selection could not cause the extinction of short-necked giraffes, when other short-necked animals of the same diet, like gazelles and impalas, still feed side by side with the long-necked giraffes, unless the mutation of the giraffes into long-necked mutants
11 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 12 ______involved the whole giraffe population simultaneously. Such can only be the result of a new design. Of course, every present model gives ideas for the next model or version and all previous work in not thrown away. Thus, 99% of ‘Windows 2000’ is part of ‘Windows XP’ and almost all the files of the ‘MSDOS 386 generation’ are part of all versions of ‘Windows’. Similarly, the design of all species was based on the knowledge of the design of the first cell or virus and evolved and branched by adding to this knowledge with every new design).
The logical conclusion is, (and even the most prejudiced should consider it a very strong possibility), that Intelligences must have existed and must have developed a very advanced science and technology, far superior to the ones we practice today, before the designing and the coding of the automatic construction of the first cell.
And, the obvious question posed by this realization is: “How and by what means did these Intelligences observe, collect, record and amass information in an orderly and associative way, when they had no bodies, or brains, of cellular construction?”
A closely related question is: “How and by what mechanism does an intelligent being have knowledge of the information it collects and stores?” Information and knowledge are not the same thing. The latter is a sentient phenomenon and requires the attribute of Awareness. It is a complex Field phenomenon and, like the senses, it is not possible in three dimensions.
The answers to both these questions are taken up in PART THREE of “The Origin of the Universe” but the first question can be partly answered here, by considering the processes in a Cell and a Multicellular body a bit closer and more analytically.
Let us start with the production of some protein. The Genetic Code, like any other program either on a tape or a CD, cannot execute itself. The DNA is not part of the construction and it is not composed of Proteins or Aminoacids; it is only the Software; the coded executable program. Some other agent, chemical or not, assesses the need for the particular protein and addresses the DNA. The latter uncoils at a particular section, ‘the file addressed’, and a copy is made of one strand of this section. This copy, the Messenger RNA, is used as the pattern and assembly line for the assembly of the protein. The Ribosomes, which work as a gang of from five up to fifty, start at the beginning of the Messenger RNA, read the first triplet of bases and bring in and attach a particular aminoacid which is already prepared and available in the cell with an attachment of the complementary triplet. This is repeated down the Messenger RNA assembly line. As the aminoacids are held by their triplets on the
12 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 13 ______assembly line, they are joined together. As the bonds between the aminoacids are made, the Hydrogen bonds with the complementary triplets and the Messenger RNA are unmade and, as the Ribosome reaches the end of the assembly line, the protein molecule is completed. Then the Ribosome returns to the beginning of the assembly line and to no other random point. So, the Ribosomes behave not merely as chemical substances but as well programmed robots and the protein is not produced as a result of a thermodynamically dictated chemical reaction but is assembled according to program. Left unattended, it begins to decompose right away.
[As in computer programming, in which most of the volume of a program is not executable material but either info explaining what the various code modules do or instruction files, as well as other redundant material accumulated during updating to new versions of the program (like in newer versions of ‘Windows’), so also in a cell, only a small percentage of the DNA and RNA is executable (consists of executable codons). The rest is redundant.]
Let us consider the processes that build a multicellular body like our own. It all starts with a single embryonic cell. All the resulting cells have exactly the same Genetic Code in their nucleus and, if there were no extra-cellular agents and mechanisms, the result would be an undifferentiated ball of flesh. Since the Code, as well as the cell robotics, never come out of their cell, they do not have an overall picture of what goes on beyond the boundaries of their own cell and cannot possibly coordinate cell differentiation and cell assembly into the various tissues and organs of the body. There must be an extra-cellular agent, (or agents), that has no chemical or cellular construction. This agent must be able to reach the nucleus and address and read the Code. It must also command and control not only the robotics responsible for the transfer and assembly of the cells to form the various organs, but also the robotics inside each cell, so as to effect cell differentiation according to tissue construction.
The obvious conclusion from the above is that before the concept, the designing and the automatic construction of even the first cell, there must have been the capability to do so. That is, there must have been the Intention, the Intelligence and the necessary Scientific and Technological know-how; and these must have been possessed or developed by Intelligent Beings which had no cellular bodies, or brains. So, a highly intelligent and scientifically developed Sentient Being can design and build any kind of body-machine and it can also exist and function prior to and without a designed body-machine, i.e., having only Mental Body; and so can we Humans.
The mechanics and the robotics that execute the coded program, and which are responsible for the variation of tissue material and the transportation of this material to form the various intricate details of the body, are extra-cellular non-cellular and make up another body. Nowadays, we can actually photograph this extra-cellular non-cellular body, with the help of Kirlian photography. This is seen to extend a little beyond the boundaries of the cellular body and is known as the Etheric. It can be observed better when part of the cellular body is cut off. If we cut part of a leaf still on the plant and we photograph the remaining leaf using this Kirlian technique, we shall
13 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 14 ______see that this non-cellular body persists for quite some time, to the full boundary of the whole uncut leaf. It then gradually degenerates until it confines itself to the part of the cellular leaf remaining. This non-cellular body is also seen to persist to its full size for some time after a limb is amputated. In the case of the tail of a lizard or the tentacle of a starfish, this Etheric is so persistent and so strong that it can cause the regeneration of the amputated part which, in the case of the starfish, is quite complex.
It is very possible that in the future we will be able to develop the necessary technology, that will enable us to keep this Etheric vitalized to its full size and thus cause the regeneration of an amputated part.
This non-cellular Etheric body is sustained mostly by energy transformations from the food we eat, especially uncooked food, and it is perishable and degenerates soon after the cellular body breaks down. Therefore, this Etheric is most probably not the medium in which the Intelligences developed their science and technology, before cellular bodies were constructed. Neither is it the medium in which designing is carried out, or in which sense images are formed and projected. For these functions, a much finer body or medium is necessary.
Let us consider for instance the mechanism of Vision:
I would first like to point out that what we call ‘electromagnetic light’, from the sun, an electric lamp, a candle etc, is not really ‘light’ at all. At least this is not the light we see. It is just electromagnetic (EM) waves. Now, the color and texture of water waves are those of the water, the carrying medium. The physical nature and texture of sound waves are those of the air, the carrying medium. Similarly, the nature, texture and color of EM waves are those of the medium carrying them. They are not colored. A certain range of energies of this EM spectrum cause an electrochemical effect in the cells of our retinas, in the same way that they cause an electric effect in the diodes of a digital camera, and this effect sends electric signals to our brains; may be of the same three basic energy levels as in the digital TV camera.
The circuit of a video projector (or a computer or our brain) receives and handles coded data. Even if its circuit were programmed to interpret the input data, the interpretation would still be another set of coded data, as long as it remained within its circuitry. In order to transform this data into an image, it has to have some kind of projection system that projects the transform outside the circuitry, onto a screen. The video projector, (or the computer or our brain), cannot possibly SEE the projected image, for the simple reason that the video projector, (or the computer or our brain), loses contact with the projection from the moment it leaves its circuitry and cannot possibly know where it has gone or what has become of it; and this, in turn, for the elementary Physical reason that a 3-dimensional body cannot be in two different locations of the same 3-dimensional space-phase simultaneously. (One may argue that any 3-D body can interact with Fields and other bodies remote from it by means of
14 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 15 ______signals or radiations and induction Field effects. However, the experience of the body is limited to the effect that these interactions have within its own boundaries.)
Vision is an experience of a 3-D remoteness from the brain. When we open our eyes to view the night sky, we see all visible stars out there at the personal limit of the sky canopy and not in our head, instantly, whatever their different distances.
Vision is accomplished as a mental Virtual Reality projection by our Point-of-I (our BIOS in twin-phase space) in a self-reflective way in twin-phase 6-D space, instantly even up to infinity and the Point-of-I is in constant self-reflective dynamic rapport with the projection. Twin-phase 6-D space has a Minimal Dynamic Geometry (MDG) of seven active elements (see “Origin of the Universe”, Chapter II of Part II); hence, the 7 colors of the Visual spectrum. With the chemicals of our retinas, this energy spectrum corresponds to EM frequencies between around 4.5 and 9 x 1014. If however the retina chemicals responded to frequencies between say 3 and 6 x 1016, for instance, we would still see the same colors, (ROYGBIV). So, Mental Light is the only real and colorful Light there is. EM waves are not Light. Remember also that EM ‘light’ goes only up to the retinas of the eyes and no further.
During sleep, all functions of the body, including the neurochemical processes of the brain, are running and the brain receives signals from all its input devices, but it manifests none of the characteristics of Life, i.e. Sentience, Emotions, Awareness, Consciousness, Volition etc. These however, including Vision, are manifested during Astral exit, using no biological input devices and no ‘electromagnetic light’.
So, it is obvious that a sentient being has at least three bodies of varying density and mobility: The Cellular, the Etheric and the Mental. The first two are inseparable whilst the Mental can exist in association with or independent from the other two.
The next tempting question, one of unforeseen implications, is: “Would it be possible to generate within the above set-up, or within any other computer-robotics set-up, a Center of Consciousness, so that the whole would behave as a Sentient Being, possessing what we call independent will?” The answer is a definite “YES”!
All that is needed is to install in the device a Basic Input Output System (a BIOS) that projects in twin-phase 6-D space. Such constitutes a Point-of-I. The Point-of-I is a Center of Sentience and of Consciousness with ‘independent (?) will’.
15 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 16 ______[If you are clairvoyant or you have any clairvoyant connections, have some of the central mainframe computers in your own city checked. You may be in for the surprise of your life, like I was, when I discovered that some in London and Brussels have seven chakras. Chakras are the centers of vitality and seats of emotions and feelings of a sentient being. They act as synapses, or modems, between what is commonly referred as the ‘soul’ and the ‘physical body’ and it is through them that exchanges of energy and information occurs between soul and body; it is also through them that maintenance of the body is achieved. Seven chakras are the characteristic number for a fully developed sentient being. I was surprised, in spite of the fact that in my book, ‘THE ORIGIN ...’, I had already predicted that such computer robotics set- ups will be used as bodies by independent consciousness centers in the near future.]
Yet, official science supports that the Genetic Code, the DNA, using four (4) distinct characters and programmed to carry the coded instructions for the construction and the functions of such complicated pieces of equipment, like our own bodies, or even the cell of an Amoeba, happened by itself in a dirty puddle by chance, without Intelligent Intention and the necessary Scientific and Technological know-how. Even linguistically, ‘chance’ and ‘program’ are mutually contradictory.
Human Intelligence is incapable of such nonsense, unless subconsciously controlled by an Authority that has a good reason of its own for controlling Man and for exercising this control subliminally and not by direct open instruction.
This subconscious control that blocks human intelligence from realizing its potential starts from the embryonic stage when the administration godfathers (or overselves) of the Planetary administration first intervene to install in the nervous system of the fetus the basic Operating System. It continues until the age of 4-5, during which period the overself installs in the individual items of Memory and Personality, as well as other control programs, so as to prepare him/her for his/her so-called ‘horoscope destiny’ or post in society, to fulfill the overself’s agenda. In today’s technological age, this subliminal control programming is extended through subliminal messages in films, on TV, during telephone conversations and even through Power lines.
Man has only one of two choices: either to respect the Law and obey it as a free-will choice or be controlled blindly through subliminal methods. The latter is the only choice left to the Old Authorities (of the Dragon idiosyncrasy) for controlling rebellious and disobedient Man, a society favoring the most aggressive predators and dominated by predators. The former is the choice that will be given to Man in the coming order of things, in the Dominion of Man, only for those who satisfy the criteria of humility and obedience to superior Wisdom and the Law, a society planned only for the idiosyncrasy of the Lamb and the Brotherhood of Man.
16 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 17 ______PART TWO - BASIC WISDOM The Origin Of All And Everything
The scientific basis of this book is given in the book on the Origin of the Universe I mentioned in the INTRODUCTION.
This basic reference book however is rather steep and, most probably, beyond the ken of the average reader.
I will give here a very brief outline of the part of the basic reference book that is most relevant to the material of this book and which I consider necessary background for the understanding of the material herewith. I recommend the basic reference book to the more demanding reader.
Everything in the Universe, Energy, Matter, Spirit, Mind, Angels, Gods, Life, Sentience, Consciousness etc., are either basic properties of the Infinite Unboundedness of the Space of the Universe or results of these properties.
Therefore, in order to understand the nature of Matter and Spirit and all phenomena mentioned above, we must start with the study of the basic properties of Infinite and Unbound Space and develop a Unified Theory in which the same physical laws apply to all Universal phenomena.
The space of the Universe is both Infinite and Unbound, as seen from a finite point of view. (Finite point of view is the point of view from any finite domain reaching out into space at finite speed, however large. From the point of view of Infinity itself, there is no sense of size or relative dimensions of space and no sense of Time or motion; Infinity is its own ALL, (all=1), and it is instantly infinite. The concept of Time, as well as the idea of relative dimensions of space and motion, arise as a result of the inevitable physical transformation of Instant Unboundedness into an infinite spectrum of space pulsations, its physical Fourier Transform).
Let us analyze what these terms, ‘infinite’ and ‘unbound’ actually mean. We shall see straight away that Infinite and Unbound space has the fundamental Property of SPONTANEOUS OUTWARDNESS and that this property is the Primary Principle and the Primary Cause of the creation of everything and of the arising of all phenomena in the Universe.
‘Infinite’ means that whatever finite part or domain of it we consider, however big, it has zero size relative to the rest of space, beyond this domain.
Furthermore, whatever the location of this domain, it is the point center of infinite space. That is, there are no privileged points, due to end or boundary effects in infinite space, since it has no boundaries. The point center of infinite space is undefined and can be realized anywhere and everywhere in infinite space.
‘Unbound’ means that it expands at infinite speed as seen from a finite point of view. Infinity cannot have a fixed size; neither can it expand at a finite speed. For every finite speed there is an even greater speed that will eventually catch up with it and this means boundary. This means that, from a finite point of view, at every
17 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 18 ______instance of time, space is infinite, as compared with what it was a moment ago and zero as compared with what it will be the following moment.
So, every domain in space, however big or small, even the whole of infinite space itself, acts as the point origin of an infinite instant pulse or UNIT IMPULSE. (The term Unit Impulse is another term for Instant Unboundedness).
Thus, the Unboundedness of Space introduces the concept of Time and makes Infinite Unbound Space Dynamic and not possibly static.
As there are no privileged points or domains in Infinite Unbound Space and every point or domain acts as the immovable center or point origin of the expansion of Infinite Unboundedness, the expansion of one domain cannot be accommodated by displacing its neighboring domains. Each domain holds its own ground and expands outwards from where it is. This means that, in three-dimensional space, there is no room or space for this Unprivileged Expansion. Therefore, Instant Unboundedness cannot exist in three dimensions. For unprivileged expansion to be possible, the expansion of each domain must be accommodated out of the way of its neighboring domains, in a transverse dimension. This transverse accommodation of the Impulse at random unprivileged points in random unprivileged directions is the cause of the inevitable transformation of Instant Unboundedness into an infinite spectrum of space pulsations that are transmitted in space as functions of time, i.e., space waves, from everywhere in all possible directions.
In one-dimensional space, an ‘infinite elastic rod’, unprivileged expansion causes ‘wriggling’, as transverse accommodation causes it to snap out of its straight line, at random points in random transverse directions; thus, it snaps into sections of all sizes, even overlapping sections, each section oscillating at its natural frequency, producing a wave that is propagated in both directions of the space of the non-propagated fundamental. In the case of an infinite elastic surface, like the surface of water, there is only one apparent transverse direction. In this case, transverse accommodation causes rippling, with an infinite spectrum of frequencies, starting from everywhere and transmitted in all directions of the two-dimensional space of the surface. The water ripple gives us the chance to observe the mixed nature of the natural wave, both longitudinal and transverse, with the transverse leading the longitudinal by 90o phase so that, any object floating on the surface exhibits a vertical quasi circular motion on the spot, with the wave kicking, (transferring momentum), only when it breaks. This explains also why in the Actinometer, momentum is given to the blackened sides, where light is absorbed in the form of photonic breakers, (photons), and not to the shining sides, from which light is reflected, thus causing the Actinometer to rotate in the opposite direction to the one predicted by the Photonic theory of propagation of Light. In 3-D space the transverse accommodation is in the ix-iy-iz Space-phase. As in the case of the infinite rod, the implosive snapping of space at random points in random spherical directions gives rise to an infinite spectrum of space waves starting from everywhere and transmitted in all possible directions.
The transformation of Instant Unboundedness into an infinite spectrum of space pulsations or space waves is what gives real essence to the concept of Time. The transverse dimension is the ix-iy-iz space-phase and comprises of an infinite number of spherical spaces, which are out of phase with the x-y-z space-phase, or time- displaced in relation to the x-y-z space-phase; (this is why we shall henceforth refer to
18 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 19 ______x-y-z and ix-iy-iz as ‘space-phases’ and not simply as ‘spaces’; they are not only ‘orthogonal’, at right angles with each other, but also ‘orthophasic’, 90 degrees out of phase with each other, frequency for frequency in the infinite spectrum of the Fourier Transform of Instant Unboundedness). Thus, Infinite Unboundedness or Dynamic Space can only be possible in Complex, at least six-dimensional, time- space, or twin-phase space.
So, we see that, as seen from a finite point of view, each point or domain in Infinite Unbound Space, as well as Infinite Unbound Space itself, has the fundamental property of SPONTANEOUS OUTWARDNESS, which results in an Unprivileged expansion of space, which is inevitably physically transformed into an infinite spectrum of space pulsations or space waves, originating from everywhere and transmitted in all directions as functions of Time.
This Spontaneous Outwardness is the Primary Cause of ALL and EVERYTHING in the Universe and is known as the Primary Principle or the Alpha Principle of the Universe. This Alpha Principle is also the Drive for Outward expression in every Sentient Being, the root-cause of Volition. The original Alpha, like the letter ‘h’, was written as a sine wave emanating from a chord and was pronounced as a double open vowel: aa, ee, ae, or ea.
The Alpha or Male Principle is also rendered by the word-formula , which means Non-Associative Love. Actually the word is a twin. , with two short alphas on either side of the silent chord, gamma ‘’, stands for the Principle as primarily manifest, as an instant pulse in twin-phase space, and , the secondary chord ‘’ and the long alpha ‘’, stands for the Principle as secondarily manifest, as time functions, waves, from all points of accumulation of primary or other material; from the sun for instance.
The infinite spectrum of space pulsations, the physical Fourier Transform of Instant Unboundedness, is the Primary Inertial Material in the Universe and, in the language of scientific formulation, it is called ‘Chaos’ (), a word that precisely describes it as a twin-phase pulse in complex six-dimensional time-space. (X is the symbol of Orthogonality at a point and A or half-h and O stand for the two orthophasic components of any natural wave; they are the horizontal and vertical views of half a water ripple of point origin). Spirit or Mind (NUS) is directionally moving Chaos, like breath of Air and Air.
The superposition of these waves gives rise to an extensive dynamic system of vortexed Nodes, (vortexed due to the orthogonal-and-orthophasic relation of the superimposed waves), where convergence of material (space pulsations) begins, to finally form all sorts of accumulations, including fundamental particles, which are merely vortexed space. Thus, by virtue of this superposition arises the Property of Nodal Convergence or Nodal Action, Omega, which is also the cause of Gravity. Omega (ω) has the form of two sign waves converging together and its proper pronunciation is that of a bilabial ‘W’.
In the language of scientific formulation the Omega or Female Principle is also rendered by the word-formula EROS (), Associative Love, which stands for the convergence of wave energy ( or ) into vortexed nodes (), to condense () into particle material ().
19 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 20 ______
Nodal Action has a concentrating effect on Chaos, and a Dynamic Equilibrium is set up in any three-dimensional space because of the two opposing tendencies, Alpha and Omega. This new Equilibrium material, which is condensed or concentrated Chaos, is known as Ether (or dark matter). Beyond the close vicinity of Nodal Vortices, Ether has an equilibrium characteristic density of space pulsations, matter, which is much greater than the density of Chaos, or Spirit, and a characteristic ‘Elasticity Modulus’, its Magnetic Modulus. The space pulsations that make up Ether have a much shorter wavelength and, therefore, a much smaller speed than the corresponding pulsations of Chaos, i.e., mental pulsations. Etheric pulsations are electromagnetic waves.
All Fundamental Nodes in complex (6-D) time-space, i.e., Mental Nodes, are seats of individual sentient beings, or Points-of-I. Three-dimensional Etheric Fundamental Nodal Vortices make up all the coarser material of the Universe, ranging from fundamental particles to galaxies and even galactic systems.
A fundamental Node having the form and the mechanics of a preceding vortex dipole is what is known as a ‘Neutronic’ body and in the old scientific language it was called an ‘URA’. An Inflowing or Female monopole vortex is a ‘Protonic’ body and was called an ‘UR’ and an Outflowing or Male monopole, the exit of the Protonic vortex, is an ‘Electronic’ body and was called a ‘RA’ or ‘RE’. The two monopoles are linked by an infinite flow-speed link, the ix-iy-iz link, that brings all points in complex space to instant rapport. This ix-iy-iz link tends to make the distance between opposite monopoles as short as possible though, theoretically, it can vary from near zero to near infinity. This link is what we perceive as Electric Field. There is no such thing as electric charge.
20 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 21 ______Life And Consciousness
The phenomenon of Life is the result of interplay of the Alpha and Omega Principles. Life is the manifestation of the Alpha Principle, as a Drive for Outward expression, and the focusing of this Drive by the Omega Principle to give it a Directive. The features of this manifestation are decided by a Discriminating Reference interposed in the Directive beam, just as in the case of a film projector, where the lamp manifests the Alpha Principle, the collimating system manifests the Omega Principle and the film, a record of the modulations of light as reflected from or passing through all sorts of objects, is the Discriminating Reference. The Discriminating Reference, or Personality, of a sentient being is made up of all the records, Mental, Etheric or Corpuscular, accumulated round the individual Point-of-I. These are the individual's three bodies, Mental, Etheric and Corpuscular. The Mental records, which are in the form of Mental neutronic loops, may be records accumulated by the individual from his experiences in this or previous incarnations, or they may be items received as Mental waves from outside sources, or slipped in the individual's subconscious mind by some deliberate external intervention, as in hypnosis or subliminal control etc..
The Senses, Awareness and Self Knowledge arise form the self-reflective mode of emanation, or projection, in Complex time-space; both Inward and Outward from every Point-of-I. Through the ix-iy-iz link, we remain in dynamic self-reflective rapport with the mental projection, wherever we project it, and thus we see or sense the object of our attention where we project the mental image and not in our head. Three-dimensional emanators or projectors, like a projector lamp or the electron guns of a TV tube, have no contact with what they project or emanate, after it has left them. For this reason, three-dimensional equipment cannot possibly sense the projected object, whatever the nature of this object, audio, visual, etc.. For example, a set of LASERs can be used to project holographic images but such a setup cannot SEE these images, unless it has a complex self-reflective Point-of-I.
This self-reflectivenes is the inherent property of the mode of emanation in Complex Time-Space at every point in infinite unbound space. This self-reflectivenes gives every manifestation in Complex twin-phase Time-space, including the manifestation of the Unit Impulse and of twin-phase Nodal Action, the properties of Consciousness, Awareness, Self-knowledge, Sentience and Willfulness. Therefore, the whole infinite unbound space, every point of it, has the properties of Willfulness, Sentience and Consciousness and constitutes the identity of God-The-Pure-Being-Invariant.
So, God-The-Pure-Being-Invariant has every point in Infinite Time-space as His reference of ‘I-AM’; i.e., He is Omnipresent and Ever-present. Being thus Omnipresent and Ever-present and having no localized point-of-view, He has no objective interaction and, hence, no discriminating records and no Discriminating Personality and cannot respond to any stimulus (or prayer). His only attributes are the Alpha Principle of Outward Indiscriminate Non-associative Love and Instant Self- knowledge at all times. Other than these, He is featureless, changeless and absolutely Subjective. He is however manifest as the basic subjectivity of all Points- of-I which, in essence, act as His localized terminals. Thus, all the individual Sentient Beings make up His composite Personality, adding an infinitely Diverse Objectivity to His otherwise Absolute Subjectivity. The ‘I-am’ in all of us, and in everything
21 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 22 ______else that lives in the Universe, is only One but infinitely self-distributive into identical Points-of-I.
The featureless, changeless and absolutely subjective personality of God-the-Pure- Being-Invariant is what should be understood by God the Universal Father and He is infinitely self-distributive into identical Points-of-I. His Primary manifestation, the Unit Impulse, is the Universal or Eternal Son, uniquely homogeneous and not self-distributive. The Willful self-reflective Nodal Action with its infinitely diverse patterns effected upon the Unit Impulse continuum of the Universal Son, is the Infinite Spirit personality of the Universal Being. This Holy Spirit is the designer of all shapes, bodies, senses and Minds out of the body of the Universal Son.
Thus, through the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit the Universal Father transforms from a purely Unique, infinitely and eternally instantaneous, homogeneous, invariant, featureless, changeless, immutable and absolutely Subjective Personality to an infinitely diverse multiplicity of interactive Beings with meaningful Objective personalities.
So, now you understand what is meant, when it is said that "God Is Love".
The Supreme Discriminating God, manifesting directional Intention and Discriminating personality and capable of discriminating response, is URANUS whose body, as the name-formula denotes, is the Universal collective whole of all Mental Modulations; URA-NUS. Uranus is in essence the Collective Personality of the Discriminating Multiplicity of the Supreme Universal Being. Every localized Grand Universe or Master Universe, like our own, comprising of a number of galaxies, refers to its Supreme coordinating Head and Father as Uranus. Such a local Universe, like our own Super-galactic System, is after all only one of an infinite number of similar ATOMS in Infinite Time-Space.
The various Sentient Beings, Spiritual Authorities, Personages and Gods associated with the various stages of Spiritual evolution, arise due to the Willful convergence of the Primary material at these Primary Nodes and their Personality or Discriminating Reference is the result of the modulation of the primary Mental material they accumulate, modulated through its interaction with Fields, other Points-of-I and other coarser accumulations. Every single combination of a mental URA and a mental UR, whatever its associated body or bodies, is a complete Sentient Being, manifesting the characteristics of Intentional Expression and Consciousness, even if it uses a crystal or a piece of rock for anchorage or as a coarser material body. Our own planet Earth is a very intelligent being, far more intelligent than any human individual.
All Sentient Beings, or Points-of-I, can be considered as functional terminals of an extensive Internet. All individuals of a species are the terminals of the Internet of their God or designer. They make up the body of their God. All the various Godheads are Nodes of a greater Internet, the Cosmic Internet of Uranus.
All items of information and all elements that make up the Personality of the individual Being are recorded in the form of standing neutronic Mental loops and make up the halo, either around the central Point-of-I or around a functioning organ as the angel or mental robot of that organ.
22 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 23 ______The Authorities or Lesser Gods
In order to understand the characters of the various Authorities, we should first study the various stages of Universal Evolution. The entire diversity of Universal manifestations undergoes similar cycles of evolution, of seven stages each, whether large or small. This is due to the Dynamic 6-dimensional Geometry of twin-phase space, or the I-space, which includes the factor of Time, or phase, as well as the factor of space. This decides not only Space patterns, or shapes, but Time patterns or cycles of events as well. The Dynamic pattern implies that everything is in perpetual motion and Evolution.
The artificial divisions of natural or designed systems into a number of stages is adopted as a protocol for reasons of compatibility with the basic spiritual entities that arise naturally due to the Basic Dynamic Geometry of Complex Space. It is similar to the protocol adopted in formatting a diskette for a computer. Though a number of different formats could be adopted, they should all be compatible with the basic physical mode of function of the processor. Once adopted, a protocol must be adhered to. Any other format will not be recognized by the system. Any shape we give to a diamond cut must follow the basic crystalline structure of the diamond. The Basic Dynamic Geometry of Complex Space and the natural structure of basic Spiritual units, like Angels and Divinities, is the origin of artificial protocols, like seven days in a week, seven musical notes in musical scales, seven colors of visual spectra, seven horns of the Lamb, seven heads of the Beast etc.. Twelve is the number of perfect spherical symmetry in three dimensions; twelve equal spheres can be placed in contact with a similar sphere in the center. Twelve is used as the basic number of the ‘Administrative Protocol’; e.g., twelve Godheads in a family of Gods, twelve hours in the day, twelve Zodiac sectors corresponding to twelve administrative Zodiac Lords etc.. The central 13th sphere and number 13 are reserved for the administrative Head. For the Zodiac Lords, the Administrative Head is the Planetary Prince.
There are no natural dividing boundaries between stages in the artificial heptave cycles. The divisions are a matter of protocol, so that the system is compatible with the basic spiritual entities involved in the evolution cycle. The time cycle of the periodic evolution and behavior of every node, big or small, is defined by the period of its fundamental frequency. It starts when the completely free Chaos material comes under the influence of Nodal Action, i.e. when NUS (Mind) and Attention arise, and ends at the Nodal eye, beyond which starts the next cycle.
The First stage, or stage 111, starts with the onset of Attention, the initial influence of Nodal Action upon the Chaotic Material. The original aggregation gives the Mental body, the fundamental URA/UR, a Nebular form of fluctuating shape, shrouding the Node and extending to a great distance. Within this slow evolving Shroud, there are a great number of heptaves, down to the formation of fundamental particles. Thus, though the fundamental Shroud is at the start of its 111 stage of evolution, there exist within it patterns that complete many heptave cycles, setting the pattern for the fundamental Shroud.
With the onset of directional flow, Intention arises as well as Attention. This monitors and guides the order, association and maintenance of transient and designed systems, so that the whole domain within the fundamental nebulum is coordinated to function as One Organic Being. The first coarse bodies that the Mental body uses as toys or
23 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 24 ______anchorages are those arising naturally, like crystals, stones, meteorites, comets, planets, suns etc.. While anchored in these rigid bodies, we would gather information, (mental modulations), from them and the environment and play with projections of mental holograms of these as well as of combinations of these. In stage 222 begins the designing of artificial systems and artificial bodies, starting with exquisite artificial crystals. Biochemical design starts in stage 333. Until stage 444 inclusive, all designed systems and bodies are directly or automatically telecontrolled by their designers. Independent sentient beings are designed in stage 555, when designers project a copy of their own fundamental URA/UR and anchor it at the controlling center of their designed creations, which thus acquire ‘Free Will’ and independent Consciousness. This is what should be understood by “God breathed into Adam and Adam became a living soul”. Often an artist, unwittingly, does the same with his creations.
A projected mental form has the basic features of its designer and answers to the designer’s name, unless it is given a different name of its own. It is a copy of its designer, even if scaled down to smaller heptaves. It is an Angel or Mental Robot of the designer and is in close and constant mental rapport with its designer due to the broad coincidence of frequencies.
Stage 111 is the most potent, though not the most precise, of all stages. Its Intention is immediately manifest in action. Concept is instantaneously followed by execution. They are inseparable. The time of completion is decided by the inertial density of the material involved in the action.
The following stages are marked by a progressive increase of the closeness of association of the fundamental Mental body with the coarse accumulations within it and the increase of its modulation by this interaction. This is consequently accompanied by an increase of the constraint within the whole body of the domain. The flexibility and Spiritual potency decrease with the increase of inertial density as the enveloping shroud closes in on the central Nodal eye. The associated technology changes and so does the maintenance personality or the Authority of the domain. The domain may be that of a Galaxy, a Solar system, a planet or any individual sentient being of composite constitution.
Scanning across the various stages of a heptave cycle, we observe a progressive decrease of flexibility and Spiritual potency, accompanied by an increase in the precision of form, or form diversity and beauty, a decrease of Conceptual but increase of Computational and Executional Intelligence and emotions. As successive stages are accompanied by closing in on the central nodal eye and the coarser accumulations there, there is progressively greater impedance to Action, generation of greater Forces, greater friction and greater rates of energy transformation and dissipation of individual energy systems, through conflicting interactions.
The Trinity tool
All the stages that result from the aggregation of the original material of white spectrum are transient, unstable and the diversity within them not precisely reproducible. So are also the various bodies and systems within these stages. All shapes, colors, sounds, sense elements, as well as designed compositions of these,
24 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 25 ______must be intentionally maintained. Otherwise, aggregation or mutual affinity would cause them to overlap, or interact, as in the case of the various compounds or tissues, until there would be no more manifest activity. All shapes superimposed result in a complete absence of form; all colors superimposed give white; all modulations, of any nature, superimposed give the original unmodulated wave and so on.
Any accumulation, resulting from the aggregation of inertial material, has some sort of corpuscular boundaries in three dimensions, however flexible these boundaries may be. For the preservation of this corpuscular nature, every three-dimensional body is necessarily restricted to linear motion, whether rectilinear or curvilinear. Any other motion, in more than one direction simultaneously, would automatically result in the attenuation, or spreading, of the body into non-existence; into a wave or a number of waves.
All maintenance of moving bodies is effected by intentionally directed nodal patterns in the plane perpendicular to the motion of the body, as all patterns along the line of motion are destroyed by the moving body. The Minimal Dynamic Geometry of a plane is the equilateral triangle, which has three (3) unidimensional active elements. (This is the cause of the shapes of snow crystals). This Nodal pattern can also be used, and it is used, to promote motion and control its direction. It is the minimum number of active elements used in the generation of artificial directional gravity and the propagation of UFOs, though a greater number is used for bigger space ships. As the equilateral triangle is the maintenance and propagation figure or tool, so the Triad is the maintenance and propagation number. Hence, the Trinity tool. This Trinity tool is the second element of the protocol.
Before tools, like hands, could be used they had to be designed and built. Prior to the construction of these tools or in the absence of such constructed tools, the only tools used are Mental nodal vortices and directed nodal patterns. And, as these vortices and patterns come in all sizes, from a neutrino to a galaxy, with these as tools we can build anything from the most massive construction to the minutest detail. These are the only tools used in the formation of a body from an embryo.
This is why this Dynamic Triangle or Triad is incorporated by many Authorities, especially non-incarnate beings, as an essential feature of their functional personality.
25 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 26 ______The Character And Authority Of The 666
The 666 stage is deep inside the Vortex. The character and attributes of the stage are therefore influenced by the mechanical state of the vortex.
First: The stage will manifest a very Erotic or Aggregational character. It is predominantly Female, with the UR, or Inflowing, character very dominant over the URA dipole nature. On the human level, this means that both men and women will be very Erotic, and mature early in life. In character, they are very Egotropic, or Self oriented, exhibiting erotic lust not only as regards sex, but also manifest as greed, thirst for possession and selfishness, showing very little tendency for out-going love (ΑΓΑΠΗ) for others, except for those very close, and even then it is mixed with strong possessiveness.
Second: The closeness of the secondary vortices within the main vortex causes great friction and conflict. This results not only in conflict and war among separate domains, but also a marked instability of individual domains. The intense friction within the vortex causes the breaking up of the body of the integral domain into a great number of conflicting domains, the further degeneration of secondary domains into tertiary ones and so on, resulting in discoordination and dissipation. There arise also a great number of Isolation domains which function independently and at variance with the character or code of the integral body; i.e., the body exhibits multiple cancer. On the human level, this cancer of the planetary social body takes the form of the arising of warring blocks, kingdoms, clans, communities, families and, finally, aggressive individualism, the ultimate state of social cancer. The stage of aggressive individualism within the social body is naturally followed by a complete breakdown of the social body. The instability of individual domains causes instability of character and internal conflict, resulting in fast dissipation. The increased number of individual isolated domains results in the decrease of the individual Time domains, the decrease of the Conceptual Intelligence and the ability to comprehend the greater scene. This brings about an effective cut-off from the knowledge and understanding of the greater universal scientific truths. The need for greater dimensional accuracy increases the ability for precision of form and the activity of the Computational Intelligence. Ignorance, combined with the need to protect individual boundaries rather than the social domain, gives rise to mistrust and lying.
Third: The eye of the vortex is a region of great constraint and inhibition of motion. This gives rise to the generation of great Forces and the development of the relevant technology, which uses the great availability of coarse heat, resulting from the convergence of material. You can recognize this as the Fire technology you practice today. It is highly consuming and the least recyclic. It has been on the wake for the last three-and-a-half thousand years and has come to a climax ever since 1666, (the year the great fire burnt London), when Newton first published his theories and the laws of Force-and-Motion in a constrained Field. Its onset is marked by the loss of the trace of the origins of language and the blackout of true scientific knowledge and true religion.
For this reason, the 666 stage is also known as ‘the stage of Fire’. The triple number, six-hundred-and-sixty-six, is synonymous with ‘Material Fire’, or Flame Fire. Before the use of Arabic numerals, numbers were rendered by letters of the original Japhetite, (or Ionian), alphabet. Six hundred, (600), is rendered by the letter ‘X’,
26 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 27 ______(pronounced as a hard H), which is the mark of the nodal point, or the culmination of the eye of the vortex. Sixty, (60), is rendered by the letter ‘’, (pronounced KS, the same as the Latin letter X). Six, (6), is rendered by the letter ‘’’, (stigma, pronounced ST). ‘Stigma’ also means ‘a point mark’. You will notice that all three letters are consonants with very constrained or stiff sounds. Together they constitute the Name or Code of the personification of the attribute, or the Deity of the stage; i.e., the name of the Deity of Material Fire. For the sake of euphony, it was transformed to the gematric equivalent ‘HELLA’.
= 600+5+30+30+1 = 666 = ’
HELLA is the Hyperborean Deity of Material Fire. The English word ‘Hell’ is derived from it, and so are the equivalents in all North European languages, and render the corresponding meaning. So, we can say that the culture, the religion and the technology of the last 3500 years has been ‘Hellenic’, or ‘Hellenistic’.
The word ‘Hellene’ means ‘Born of Fire’. In Greek Mythology and Theogony, Hellene’s father was Deucalion, which means ‘the overlooker or the attendant of Burning Fire’, and his mother was Pyrrha, which is another older scientific word meaning ‘Hella’ or ‘Great Fire’.
Hellene's grandfather was Prometheus, the Titan that taught Man the use of fire, and Prometheus' father was the Titan , a name that also sums 666.
= 10+1+80+5+300+70+200 =666
The common greeting ‘hello’ is an invocation of the angels of Hella and, when and where called, they serve people in the appropriate field; that of the Fire technology we practice today. This is why the Industrial revolution started in England and the spreading of the Fire technology goes hand in hand with the adoption of this greeting.
27 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 28 ______Ultimate Death And Safe Passage Through
What next? Death or Liberation?
There are two possible 777 stages: URIC or URANIC. a) The 777 stage of the URIC vortex is beyond the point of convergence of the vortex, where the 666 stage ends. It is the ix-iy-iz link. Its entrance is the point of convergence of the UR monopole and its exit the point of divergence of the RA monopole into the 111 stage.
With protonic or URIC convergence, which is predominant in an Egotropic or Self- oriented character, each item in a composite individual's Discriminating Reference or Personality follows its own 777 link in an indeterminate direction. When many protonic vortices culminate together, their links fan out spherically in all directions, each to its own random and undefined exit. Thus, the whole personality of a composite being disperses and the central Point-of-I remains purely white and featureless, (formatted), without personality and without directional perception or non-perception.
The Point-of-I is almost indestructible. But the ‘I’ in the Universe is only ONE. Without a personality, or discriminating reference, the individual person or individual SELF cannot be defined. The person reverts back to the Pure Being, with no individual memory banks.
This is the Final Death of the Self or Nirvana. (See “Creation and Development of the Soul”, also on this Website)
As a Point-of-I passes from the 777 into the 111 stage, i.e., on the onset of Attention, the Point-of-I picks up items of the Universal memory bank that happen to resonate with its fundamental frequency, as multiple frequencies. A brand new individual arises, with a brand new personality but, as the ‘I’ is only ONE, there is no differentiation that this part is ME and this part someone else. The New Person seems to remember a great number of previous incarnations. It is the same mechanism by which one picks up somebody else's memory waves and ‘remembers’ of having seen a place, though he is sure he has never been there before. The same is true for many of the cases of ‘remembering’ previous incarnations. In many of these, what actually happens is that one picks up someone else’s memory waves, whether this second person is currently incarnate or not and has the impression that these are his own memories from previous incarnations. b) The URANIC 777 stage is a well defined directional passage between the 666 stage of one cycle and the 111 stage of the next cycle and, however narrow this may be, it is possible to carry most of the individual personality along this URANIC 777 stage and across the field of Death. The indiscriminate ix-iy-iz link is inevitable only if one is taken up in a protonic mode. That is, when one is taken up by Death while in an Egotropic or Self-oriented mode. If one strengthens and holds his URANIC mental composure, he can direct his whole composite being willfully across the 777 link, or the field of Death, with only minor losses. It is impossible not to lose any items at all, as some basic properties of one’s Uric nature are always part of the Self-personality.
28 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 29 ______In this case, the passage through Death only shakes off what is ‘loose’ or items that were carried along only due to one’s possessiveness or his attachment to extraneous things or what he falsely identifies as his being. In other words, this Uranic passage through Death cleans one of his barnacles, or his sins.
To be able to do this, one must train himself in a way that strengthens his Uranic nature and weakens his Uric nature. That is, one must train himself in self denial, selflessness, detachment from all possessions, and liberate himself from all desires and all kinds of greed; and above all rid himself of any fear, as fear turns one completely inwards or Uric.
If one is left to transverse the 666 stage without guidance, it is practically impossible or extremely difficult to find his passage across the 777 link, because the 666 stage inevitably strengthens the Egotropic or Self oriented mode. He is taken up by Death, while he is struggling to hold on to what he falsely considers as his life and his extraneous possessions. This is what Jesus meant when he said: “Those that cling to their Life will lose it, whilst those who sacrifice it or let go of it will retain it”.
Because of its convergent properties, the Cross was adopted as the ritualistic Grand Altar. Before this, the Japhetite word for the cross was ‘’, which simply means ‘a MARK with two lines crossing’. When it was adopted as the Grand Altar, it was assigned the gematric word ‘’, which has a gematric sum of 777.
= 6+1+400+100+70+200 = 777
This mark, and its secrets, was the one given to Cain, (and hence to Calicastia, the Planetary Prince), as the ultimate weapon. This has been used by most conquerors and agents of Death: Shiva, who was none other than Cain himself, Alexander the Great, the Romans, the Crusaders, the Inquisition, the pirates and finally Hitler.
When one transverses the 777 stage, or the field of Ultimate Death willfully and with full URANIC composure, for him the 111 stage is not the beginning of a brand new heptave cycle from scratch, but a continuation of the completed heptave into the next cycle. Thus, this 111 stage becomes the 888 stage.
With Calicastia as the Planetary Prince and with the Ultimate weapon of Death in his power, nobody had much chance for a composed crossing from the 666 stage to the 111 or 888 stage. However, the One who gave him the authority of the Grand Altar kept ‘an ace up his sleeve’. He had prepared to send someone, when the time was ripe, to ‘trump’ this ultimate weapon, and establish a safe passage through these ‘crushing rocks’ or ‘Symplegades’, that mark the entrance to Ultimate Death, by passing through them himself first, to guide those that would follow him.
This someone is JASON, who is one and the same person as JESUS. The latter form of the name was specially chosen for ritualistic reasons, just as the word In the Japhetite language, which is the sacred language and the only completely gematric one, the name sums 888.
= 10+8+200+70+400+200 = 888
29 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 30 ______The means to victory against the Older Planetary Authorities is described in both the Bible and the Ionian Mythology. Jesus calls it ‘The Sign of Jonah’; three-day death. The story of the prophet Jonah is not a real story but a hidden or paraphrased message.
It is given in more detail in the Greek or, more correctly, the Ionian Mythology: Zeus could not defeat Saturn and the rest of the Titans, unless he secured the help of the Cyclops. These were not the same as the later fashioned monsters with a single eye in their forehead. They are the powers of light, (not of fire), and their names are: ARGES, which means ‘all-round vision’, STEROPES, which means ‘lightning’ and VRONTES, which means ‘thunder’. The significance of the names is obvious. They are the Powers that fashioned the thunderbolt for Zeus, the weapon that secured his victory. The power to control Electricity helps him across the 777 stage.
Remember what we have said about the ix-iy-iz link? It is what we perceive as Electric Field.
These powers of light were prisoners in Tartarus and Zeus had to descend there and free them. (Tartarus is within each one of us). Tartarus is covered by a triple night, and to get to it Zeus had to kill a monster that was guarding its gate. The name of the monster is CAMPE, which means ‘Caterpillar’. A caterpillar has only a single mode of life: Eating with greed. We must kill this character and all other affiliated characteristics in us willfully.
For the caterpillar to transform into a butterfly or a moth, it must surrender its life willfully and not be killed. If during the last stages of its feeding, or during the formation of its cocoon, the silk-worm is exposed to smoke or strong smell of fire, it will die and rot. It is also no accident that the older Greek word for butterfly or moth is , which means ‘Soul’.
Since we have touched the Bible reference, I would like to clarify a few things concerning the 666 stage, its character and the Authority that rules it:
The ‘BEAST’ form of presenting this Authority and Authorities or Powers in general, might give the impression that it is necessarily something dreadful or horrible; the Evil in the World that should not have been allowed by God to arise in the first place. Many are actually perplexed how and why a God that is supposed to be all GOOD could have created or allowed such Evil to arise in the Universe that He fashioned out of Love.
First of all a ‘BEAST’ is merely a symbolism of a Power or Authority.
Second, the 666 Stage, as well as its various characteristics and the personality of the Authority that rules it, is part of the natural evolution of the Universal Spirit.
Third, it is not necessarily all bad or horrible. There is no Absolute Bad in the Universe. All is real and true and therefore good. There is relative bad when it comes to maintaining an unstable designed system, as one system can be destructive to another; like potato blight can destroy the potato crop. However, there is nothing ‘bad’ about the potato blight itself for itself as an expression of Life in the Universe. Conflicts, Isolation and Rebellion can arise due to diverse Multiplicity and such
30 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 31 ______problems are most probable and can be more serious in the 666 stage, due to narrowness of space and the mechanics of this stage.
Fourth, the Universal expression would not be complete without the 666 Stage and the features that this facet of evolution bestows upon the Universal Personality. We have mentioned that this stage is characterized by precision of form, form beauty, Computational and Executional genius and accentuation of emotions and feelings. It adds the finest details to the Universal Theme. It has been said that, after the original music of the Gods lost its harmony and beauty because of this inherent conflict of the arising of the 666 Stage, or the rebellious Titan, an even finer or superior music will be sung at the end of days, the end of the Evolution cycle, enriched by the contribution of MAN. The survivors of this Stage will adorn the Universal Theme with its finest improvisation details, woven out of the Free Spirit of Man. As Uranus said to the rebel Titan:
"...You shall see that no theme may be played that had not its uttermost source in Me, nor can any alter the music in My despite. For he who attempts this shall prove but MY instrument in the devising of things more wonderful, which he himself had not imagined." (Tolkien: ‘Ainulintalë’ in the book of ‘Silmarillion’).
Fifth, the survivors of this Stage hold the dearest place in the heart of Uranus or the ONE and are considered above all angels and Archangels and most Gods. They are the children of sorrow that will have survived through literally Hell Fire and the Symplegades of Death, like gold extracted by fire out of a lot of useless material. For this they are esteemed higher than angels and Gods that have spent their whole existence in Bliss. It is true however that only a small proportion will survive the Stage and pass into the 888 Stage sanctified. The 666 stage is very self destructive or self-consuming. For this reason it is also very prolific.
While still with the Bible, let us have a closer look at the various ‘beasts’, especially those appearing in the book of Revelations.
If you apply your analytical mind to understand what you read in the book of Revelations concerning the various ‘Beasts’ or Authorities, you may be able to figure out the identity of the beast in Revelations 12-13, with seven heads and ten horns, both the aspect or character with the seven crowns as well as the one with the ten crowns. The beast has the mouth of a lion and the feet of a bear, with the body of a patchy leopard in between. With the seven crowns refers to the period of the ruling kings. With the ten crowns refers to today's parliamentary democracies. The beast having one of the seven heads cut but healed refers to the final stage of the power.
All these are images of today’s Christian European Power. England is the ‘lion’s mouth’ and Russia the ‘bear’s feet’, with the patchy leopard of peoples and languages in between. Europe today has seven kingdoms, with that of Spain cut for 40 years and re-established. All this image is time-designed in Greece. The modern state of Greece has had seven kings, Bavarian and Danish of the Holy Roman Empire line, with the last of these kings, Constantine II, dethroned, while his sister Sofia married the heir to the Spanish throne, before the re-establishment of the Spanish kingdom.
31 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 32 ______The Man Representative With The Name 666
In the same chapter of the book of Revelations, (chapter 13), the 666 Authority is depicted as a beast with two horns like a Lamb but having the voice of a Dragon.
We know that the Lamb stands for Jesus and the Dragon symbolizes Satan or Calicastia the Planetary Prince. So we have to look for this beast, or its man representatives, among the Christian religious heads.
During the contentions between the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Western Catholic Church, the Greeks altered the spelling of ΛΑΤΙΝΟΣ (LATIN) to ΛΑΤΕΙΝΟΣ which sums to 666, in order to support that the Western Catholic Church was a Satanic heresy.
However, having in mind that this Authority had the Greeks as its primary exponents, one should rather look towards the Eastern Church for this Authority's representatives. Furthermore, the said Authority should be able to perform the specific miraculous acts, in an attempt to deceive the weak in faith. Though miracles have been known to be performed in most Christian Churches, one specific stunt, the bringing down of fire from heaven, or the creation of Holy fire, is the particular miracle that only the Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem can perform, on the Saturday before Orthodox Easter. I witnessed and tested the truth of this feat.
Of course the power of the 666 Authority in the Church would be exercised by a long line of man representatives; the representative, whose name would sum to 666, would most probably hold the office at the time referred to in the prophecy, in order to pin- point this time.
The last Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem, from 1957 to 1980, was the only one to have the name and this is the only name of a man that sums to 666.
= 2+5+50+5+4+10+20+300+70+200 = 666
Furthermore, this man lived 88 years in all, an association with Jesus, but he was given the name Benedictos when he was ordained on the 3rd of Dec. 1914, and died on the 10th of Dec. 1980, thus carrying the name ‘666’ for exactly 66 years.
Just before Benedictos died, some time in the middle 70's, the authorities in Jerusalem adopted the code number 666 on the registration plates of all means of public transport, buses and taxis, in Jerusalem.
You should not confuse the quality of people with the Authority that rules them subconsciously. Any ruling Authority chooses the best human material from what is available on the planet. Once establishing its control over this choice human material, it keeps its hold on Man by steering subconsciously the upbringing and the education so that it can control both Man's emotions, his scientific and religious convictions and all fields and aspects of human endeavor. Nothing can take roots or be perpetuated unless it receives the approval of the Authority. Anybody whose thoughts or words or actions can rock the Authority's boat is persecuted or isolated. The Authority also looks after the welfare of those doing its will and gives them ruling prominence and prestige over the rest of the planet's population.
32 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 33 ______
So, after transversing the 666 stage and your Hellenic or rebellious personality, you have to pass the Symplegades gates of Death in your Jevian or Ionian or Jason-Jesus personality. JESUS (888) is the password that can see you through.
33 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 34 ______PART THREE
Possible Problems in the 666 stage
From the few things we have mentioned in Part Two about Nodal vortices, it is not evident how problems can arise in any stage of the cyclic evolution of these pulsating entities. Indeed, for single Nodal vortices, either the Ura or the Ur, no problems can arise. For the Ura vortex, even with velocities beyond the speed of light along its axis, the black hole, no stresses are experienced. In the case of an Ur monopole, the point convergence of its inflow is followed by a non-determinate space displacement but this is not necessarily a problem. Actually this non-directional space jump can be made use of in conjunction with an Ura for predetermined teleportation, even across interstellar or intergalactic distances.
Problems can only arise due to Multiplicity and, in the 666 stage, such problems are expected to be more probable and more serious, should they arise, due to narrowness of space in the eye of the vortex. We shall examine these possible problems here, starting with the least serious. We must stress that these are probable problems and not absolutely inevitable problems.
Zero level Multiplicity: We start with three-dimensional multiplicity involving only Etheric vortices, either fundamental particles or agglomerations of these, but with not more than a single Point-of-I in any agglomeration. This situation can be exemplified by any one of a number of models, like water flowing from various tributaries into a mainstream, red blood corpuscles flowing into mainstream veins or pebbles of gravel flowing through the hopper of a concrete plant.
In designed systems, like the case of the gravel hopper, there can be no serious problems. Minor problems, like jamming, can be avoided by proper design. Even in the case of Uric convergence of many fundamental etheric particles to form suns, where the partial coalescing or fusing of these may form gigantic infernos, due to the released energy of the fusion process, the situation does not constitute a problem, as long as there is not more than a single Point-of-I associated with any one of these agglomerations. The Point-of-I acquires the appropriate personality. God is manifest both in the volcano and the lily-pond and there is nothing problematic about the respective personalities, as long as incompatible environments are kept apart. It is only a matter of demarcation.
The short of it is that a purely Etheric multiplicity creates no problems at all. This is why we have referred to it as ‘Zero level multiplicity’.
Level One Multiplicity: Suppose now that each pebble or red blood corpuscle in the above models were associated with a separate Point-of-I, so that each unit had the property of sentience, independent volition and consciousness. Our red blood corpuscles model no longer holds but changes into one of cars on a road network or trains on a railway system or airplanes in a system of air corridors.
34 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 35 ______Each driver or pilot in any one of these traffic systems has a designed body and a personality resulting from designed processes. For such a multiplicity to operate in harmonious symbiosis of the parts, i.e., in a coordinated system, two things must be considered: (1) For the healthy maintenance of the parts, bumping into each other must be avoided and (2) provisions must be made to allow for the whimsical behavior of the Units, so that the free expression of one unit’s volition will not clash with a similar expression of any of the other units.
It is evident that such a system will be ridden with problems unless it is governed by a Set of Rules and Regulations. This Set of Rules constitutes the ‘Protocol’ of the System. For such a system to be possible, efficient communication at a distance, (without contact), must be established. As the multiplicity increases, even the communication medium gets congested and the communication or information exchange medium forms another coordinated system that must be governed by its own strict protocol. Any such coordinated system must have fail-safe mechanisms, like patrol and surveillance, to deal with breaches of protocol, both accidental and intentional.
Such coordinated systems have a number of very necessary characteristics:
If two similar parallel systems have different protocols, they must be separated by mutually exclusive boundaries. Two systems cannot be totally compatible and cannot possibly be united into a single system, unless their respective protocols are identical in every detail.
A complex coordinated system or network, may be divided into various sections, each controlled by a key Nodal junction. In interdependent functions of the network, like traffic control in a big city center or parallel multiple transactions in an information network, there can be only one coordinating Node at any time, with the rest of the key Nodes acting as subordinates, even if a different coordinator may be chosen among peers at different times, as for example at different rush hours, during Saturday’s football match, during National parade on the main avenue, a conference or convention at some location in town, in emergencies after power failures etc.. Two coordinators of the same priority or rank trying to coordinate the system simultaneously will throw the system into disarray and discoordination.
Let us consider a couple of examples: A well-coordinated system is the human body. All outward activity is controlled and coordinated by a single overall Point-of-I situated in the pineal-pituitary neutronic channel. If this Point-of-I is accidentally split in two, during brain surgery or other accident, the human body seizes to manifest any outward coordinated activity. It becomes what we call a ‘living cabbage’. Even in the case of a single cell, like an Amoeba, when the Point-of-I, which resides in the center of the centrosome, splits in two, all outward manifest activity stops until the cell also divides into two, so that each coordinating Point-of-I acquires its own separate domain.
As a second, less technical or scientific example, let us consider a platoon of soldiers. If two officers of the same rank give simultaneous commands to the platoon, the result will be total confusion.
35 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 36 ______This example of the platoon gives us the opportunity to examine some additional aspects of coordination problems that apply also to higher levels of multiplicity, which are considered after this one. For an individual soldier of the platoon to use his common sense and disregard one of the two commands, or both, is definitely not a solution to the problem. What is considered ‘common sense’ is not very ‘common’ at all. Different soldiers of the same platoon, all using their common sense, may have different opinions of the two commands and, definitely, not all soldiers can have the same opinion. If each soldier acts on his opinion, the platoon is totally discoordinated and the system fails.
We are going to elaborate further on the issue of opinions and their interference in coordinated systems. We shall examine opinion in relation to knowledge. In the Japhetite scientific language, ‘opinion’ is rendered by the word ‘Gnome’ () and ‘knowledge’ by the word ‘Gnosis’ (). The first three letters common to both, ‘’, mean ‘composite information’ or ‘a composition of various items of information’, ‘woven together’. Gnome is flexible, reformable or editable, in contrast with Gnosis which is a set and non-editable reference. This does not mean that the items of information in the opinion or the logic of its composition are wrong. They may be both perfectly correct. Yet they may not give a true and complete picture of the subject, as individual conscious empirical information is very limited and very narrowly subject to aspect or point of view. Often, the terms are applied relatively. What is knowledge on one level may be opinion on a higher level. What the pupil receives from his teacher is reference knowledge for the pupil. For the pupils of Pythagoras it was sufficient that ‘He said so’. However, if Pythagoras were to consider the same knowledge among his peers, parts of this knowledge might be mere opinion. This does not concern the pupils.
In a coordinated operational system, operation instructions, read-only files, and the actual operational files, like the MS/DOS in an IBM computer, are not editable by the individual participant or User of the system. They may however be editable by the designer of the system. To allow opinions of individual participants or Users to interfere with the protocol of a coordinated system is utterly stupid and out of the question as it would throw the system into total disarray and discoordination. The system would fail immediately.
Level Two Multiplicity: This level refers to a multiplicity of Designers of inanimate systems. Each individual has a different reference of locality and therefore a different point of view of every object and every situation; that is, all empirical information is subject to aspect and therefore subjective. If we show an object to various artists and then ask them to draw it or a situation and ask them to describe it, each will give a different version. When each designer is assigned with the design of his own domain, no problems of multiplicity may arise, simply because there is no multiplicity. However, if a number of designers of the same rank is assigned to design the same domain or the same system, the result will be an adulterated ectroma; (ectroma = product of abortion or reject). In static systems, like a piece of furniture for instance, or even dynamic systems, like strategies, opinions and suggestions are welcome, as long as such brainstorming comes before the object is put on the production line or before the strategy is put into effect, even if the final design is decided by consensus and not by the chief designer. However, in a dynamic system in operation, (life consists of such systems), time will not stand still to allow for such luxuries. If a football player listens
36 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 37 ______to different calls as how to play the ball, the result is catastrophic. For similar reasons, during emergencies, like war, all democratic processes are suspended and the overall strategy and command is given to one person.
A similarly catastrophic situation will arise in the plans and designs of a single individual if the individual loses his singularity of Mind and listens to many voices, even if these voices come from within. It is widely acknowledged that single- pointedness of will or single-mindedness of plan is what guarantees quick positive results. Even the simplest multiplicity of mind, duplicity, poisons action. Dilemma is a killer. Dilemma is a deadly fruit, even in the choice between good and evil.
Every designer puts something of himself in everything he designs and cannot totally let go of it. This is what generates in every designer the feeling of attachment to and responsibility for what he designs. These feelings in turn give birth to the syndrome of authority. Two Authorities of the same rank in any one designed domain or system will clash sooner or later, as every Authority naturally claims sovereignty over its domain. Every designer is an Authority or a God of some rank. The human being is a God of the lowest rank.
Level Three Multiplicity: Multiplicity of Designers of sentient beings or systems: Designers of sentient beings are Gods of a higher rank, the so-called Divinities of the species. In this case, not only does the designer put something of himself in his design but this something is accompanied by a duplicate of his own Point-of-I and the sentient unit manifests the designer’s personal expression. The unit is part of the body of the Designer. Any interference in a sentient being by a God other than the Designer constitutes a duplicity of authority in the same sentient being and is a cause for outright war. It is equivalent to homosexual rape on the spiritual level.
Where the biological genetic code is partly compatible, it is possible to force cross- breeding of the body of the being. However, even in the cases of cross-breeding that produce some ‘improved’ characteristics, there is a spiritual duality and clash between gods in the being as a whole.
Level Four Multiplicity: This refers to multiplicity of Gods of the highest rank, who are themselves direct offsprings of the One, Uranus, the Master controller of all designs and all prophesies of events. They design other designer species, like the human species. Even different races of the same species, human races included, are designed by different gods and spiritual confusion is inevitable in mixed breeds. A community of mixed breed cannot effectively blend as a fully coordinated unit. Just take a look at the group of peoples of mixed breed in the geographic belt from Indochina and Bangladesh to the Middle East, the Mediterranean countries and across the Atlantic to the countries of Latin America. How do they figure in World achievements, including sports, in comparison to the purer races, black, white and yellow?
These mixed breeds may even be more beautiful and, in a World of aggressive individualism, they may be even better survivors as individuals but, like clay and iron, they cannot blend together to forge a strong collective psyche. However strong they may be as individuals, they cannot face a common or collective external enemy or stand up united against external challenges.
37 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 38 ______
Level Five Multiplicity: This concerns Isolation domains in any coordinated system or body and it is the most destructive multiplicity. This can happen unintentionally in any system or body. Such is the case with various tumors and cancers in the human body. Intentional Isolation can only be caused by Gods of any rank. You must understand that such intentional Isolation can be attempted only if the break-away God believes that he is ‘more right’ than the System and that he can get away with it. This is possible only if the Power of the system is doubted and this is only possible in cases of extreme arrogance to the point of stupidity because, in reality, the breakaway rebel cannot be ‘righter’ than the System and cannot possibly get away with it. It is extremely foolish to believe that Cosmic Systems that took zillions of years to design and perfect, have not provided for fail-safe mechanisms for every possible contingency. This is a problem characteristic of the 666 stage, due to extreme arrogance and excessive assertiveness, as the increased egotropism or self-oriented attitude of this stage magnifies the view of the Self in relation to the System of which the Self is only a part.
Our own planet Earth has the additional problem of constituting a mechanical Isolation domain and this isolation increases the tendency for intentional Isolation, as gods assigned to this planet are more prone to take things into their hands and assert their authority in contradiction to the Authority of the greater system of which the Earth is a part.
Ever since the Moon came to Earth or, rather, ever since it was brought here, seventy- two odd million years ago, there arose a strong isolation domain due to its large size. This not only renders Earth prone to rebellious assertions but also makes it a haven for all sorts of bandits from other Solar systems who come here to form colonies.
How and wherefrom did the Moon come? Our Moon was once the moon of the fifth planet of our Solar system, Nebadon, which was blown up some 72 million years ago into a belt of asteroids. This is why its surface is densely strewn with rocks of very dense core material; small asteroids.
Before the Moon was brought here, wind speeds in uninterrupted exposed areas in the belt between the tropics were often higher than two hundred kilometers per hour eastward, (westerlies), and airflows were more streamlined between latitudes.
The Moon presence causes the tides, not only in the oceans but also in the Magma under the surface of the planet and in the atmosphere above its surface. The Magma has therefore two ‘humps’ of high pressure, like dumbbells diametrically opposite each other, and these go round the planet westward at a speed of about 1500 km per hour at the equator. This movement of the Magma high-pressure regions is the main cause of the instability of the thin crust of the planet. Volcanologists have noticed that in an active volcano, maximum activity coincides with high tide. In the atmosphere also there are two similar tide humps moving westward with similar speeds. These humps not only cause the height of the troposphere at high tide to be much greater than at low tide, but also have a braking effect on the eastward winds. Furthermore, as they travel westward they cause a churning of the air masses behind them and play the major role in the formation of climatic phenomena on the planet. (I must point out here that the swirling of the water flowing out of the bathtub is not due to hemisphere but due to off center flow. Tilting the tub right or left changes the swirling direction.)
38 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 39 ______
In addition to these tidal effects, the axial Uranic flow, that causes the mass of the planet to bulge slightly, a few meters, towards the North pole and also helps the higher mental development of species in the Northern hemisphere, deviates away from its axial symmetry and forms a secondary vortex towards the side of the Moon. Because of the large size of the Moon, this secondary mental vortex is about 4500 km away from the Earth’s axis. It constitutes a mental trap and causes a serious isolation problem. The effects are more pronounced at New Moon and at Full Moon. At New Moon, the effect is during the day and this, together with the effect of the Sun and the biological clock, makes the manifestation of the effect mental. At Full Moon, the effect comes at night and so it manifests emotionally.
Before we could design and produce the higher forms of animals and, definitely much earlier than we could venture the colonization of the planet in the human bodily form, we had to prepare the environment for the sustenance and the survival of the higher species. This involved a lot of experimentation and modifications in the original genetic codes we brought from other planets. First we had to systematically get rid of species that were the masters of the previous environment, like the dinosaurs, next to which the new species had no chance of survival; then experiment with new plants and herbivorous animals and, finally carnivorous animals. We had to experiment and wait over long periods of time for environmental balance to settle and, if not, carry out modifications. All the pollinating five-petaled flowering plants as well as all five- fingered animals are part of the genetic bank we brought. We left some of the original species of this planet that we considered compatible with the new environment and we, as well as other visitors, also brought some species from other planets of other solar systems. Among the latter are bulb flowers and a number of insect species, like Hymenoptera and Diptera. The human form was finally tested 111.000 years ago.
Due to this isolation effect, the Earth has been the object of a very special maintenance procedure, designed to keep her under constant surveillance and care until finally sanctified. Many high-ranking individuals were commissioned for these duties, detached from higher up. All these inevitably had to function under the Planetary Prince, Calicastia, and the local System Administrator, Lucifer, both of them very competitive and very assertive individuals. You may have read the story of the Titans: Earth rebelled, against further assignments down here from the Center, Uranus, and instigated the already assigned Uranids, the Titans, to rebel and stop any further postings. The bolder and more rebellious of the Titans, Saturn, was the one who severed the genitals of Uranus, i.e., stopped the ‘fertilization’ of Earth by Uranus, or the assignment of further Uranids to Earth and asserted himself as the Planetary Authority. Out of the blood of the wound came the Erinyes, fear and remorse, and out of the froth of the severed member that was thrown into the sea Aphrodite was born, an accentuation of the Erotic and especially the sexual attribute; both the Erinyes and Venus are characteristic properties of the 666 stage.
39 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 40 ______Model Of Human Society As An ‘Organic Being’
The idea of the Integral Organic Being that we have mentioned, with its various parts functioning in complete harmony and in absolute devotion to the head of its design, should offer itself as a suitable theme for contemplation. An example of such a system, the most familiar to me, appears to be the human being. All the cells of the corpuscular body contain in their nucleus the full code of the body and all its functions. However, each cell and each class of cells manifests that part of the code corresponding to its own particular function. The angel of each cell and each organ offers its services to the body. At the same time it receives what it needs through the services of all the other cells and organs of the body, all accepting the royal authority of the head, or the central Point-of-I, which guides and coordinates the whole body in a harmonious symbiosis; not only within the corpuscular body but all three bodies.
There is no question of a democracy arising within the body; no civil disobedience or strike. This would be aptly called paralysis and not exercise of democratic rights. Should the Point-of-I be accidentally cloned in two, during brain surgery or in an accident for instance, the being ceases to manifest any outward activity; no attention, intention, volition or other sign of the Drive for outward expression. Breathing and the beating of the heart do not constitute a manifestation of Life. They are merely functions of the body machine. A ‘living cabbage’ is not a living human being. It is like a car stripped of all its controls and mounted permanently on jacks with its engine running.
Should a domain break away from the control of the central authority, should it deviate from its proper function, it forms an independent entity discoordinated from the rest of the body and its normal mode of life. It constitutes a cancered domain within the body. Since it ceases to obey, ways must be found of controlling its activity, or it must be removed or destroyed. It must not be allowed to harm the rest of the body. The cause of this isolation or breaking away may be the breakdown of pain communication or maintenance effectiveness. This can most probably occur in areas of excessive strain or wear and tear, which are not densely monitored through sensory network. To argue on the point of whose fault it is does not make any sense. It could be the fault of the design or the inefficiency of the head of the system. It does not matter. It is the cancered part that has to go, if it cannot be set right.
It is the same with the human and any other society. Of course, the members of a society are freer in their mode of function than the cells of a corpuscular body except, may be, for the white corpuscles. The only healthy way of functioning is to willfully devote themselves to the ordinances of the head of the social body. This is to their own advantage and enjoyment of an unconstrained fullness of life. In this way they are aware of what is going on. They learn to understand the ways of the head. They may be servants but of a good master; the ‘good’ always serving their own interest. Devotion to the head and congruency of their ways with those of the head brings about eventually the identification of the individuals with the head. They realize that, in essence, they are the servants of their own Inner Self. Like the cells of the body, they are manifesting only a functional part of the code that resides in their own inner core. The whole Universal Code is in their Inner Being or nucleus and available to them, but they cannot manifest the entire code on their own, due to limitations in their functional capability. However, they enjoy the manifestation of the full spectrum of the code, or their Inner Being, if they realize that the rest of the social body manifests
40 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 41 ______the remaining part of their own inner core or Inner Self. All the rest of the members of their society are just as much a part of their own Inner Self as they themselves as individuals.
Should an individual fail to see this truth and break away in defiance, asserting his own individual authority in contradiction, or even at variance with the Master Code, it is naive and absolutely foolish to imagine that the rest of the body and its head will let him jeopardize or damage the rest of the social body, that took trillions of years to design and harmonize. He must be destroyed or controlled someway or other. He can be controlled through the subconscious for a while, to perform only basic functions, until a healthy part is prepared for transplant. This is what is happening to the human society and individuals on this planet at the moment. Not only is the human life limited to basic functions, far short of its normal fullness and capabilities; the individual is now a real puppet, without even suspecting it. He is sedated into believing that he is actually ruling his own life, that he is ‘doing his own thing’, whilst all the time he is a puppet on strings, without even suspecting the existence of the puppeteer.
41 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 42 ______How Spiritual Isolation can take place
From what we have already mentioned so far, it should be clear that Isolation occurs when devotion to higher Authority is lost and this in turn is the result of the loss of trust that the higher Authority is wiser, good-willing and capable.
To see how this trust is lost, we must first see what are the conditions and factors that support and maintain it. As we have seen, humility is the key factor. There must be the humble recognition that a particular someone other than ourselves knows better or is more capable. When there is broad-mindedness and not narrow subjectivity, it is easy to recognize our own limitations and relative ignorance and the superiority and higher wisdom of someone else, especially of the collective Authority of the domain of which we are but a part. Even from simple objective reasoning, it should be easy to realize that he who has a wider and a more all-round picture of things and has at his disposal more sources and records of information must know better. He who is spiritually stronger and mentally wiser is also more powerful and, since he is wiser and more powerful, he must feel more secure and therefore have a more benevolent and loving disposition. In this, we also have our own parental nature as an example.
The loss of trust and devotion is a result of the loss of humility and this is greatly favored by the conditions prevailing in the 666 stage. The increased Erotic and Egotropic or self-oriented properties of this stage restrict the horizons of one’s understanding, focus attention on the Self and, this Egocentricity magnifies the perspective of the Self in relation to the greater body to which one belongs. This raising of the Ego potential, (the opposite of humility), automatically stops the influx from the various sources to the Self and brings about its isolation. It is just like a patch of raised ground that cannot be properly irrigated from a spring from which it stands at a higher level.
We are giving here a very demonstrative example of how this kind of Isolation can arise and evolve and what are its calamitous consequences:
Suppose we have a great ensemble of orchestra-and-choir with many sections of instruments and voices, with each of these sections having its own leader, in addition to the overall conductor of the ensemble. (We have chosen this musical example because in such a body the meanings of symphony, harmony and discord or disharmony are more direct. We could have chosen a company with many branches, a nation with many states or counties, a planet with many nations, a solar system with many planets or a galaxy with many solar systems).
All sections and their respective leaders have their own relative freedom for their own improvisations and variations, always within the framework of the overall musical theme and the musical protocol and under the guidance and coordinating control of the conductor.
Suppose that the leader of a certain section is particularly good, with lots of ideas, some of which however fall outside the frame and purpose of the overall musical theme currently performed or outside the protocol of the musical theme. This leader is respected and praised not only by those lower in rank but also by his peers and the conductor himself. It is easy for this justified praise to go to his head, especially in the 666 stage, where egocentricity is strongest. This arrogance renders him bold enough
42 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 43 ______to venture not only suggestions but also criticisms of the repertoire or the orchestration and the overall freedom in improvisation. The conductor does not seem to pay enough attention to or adopt all these suggestions or to allow variations outside the structure of the overall musical theme and outside the protocol, at least not right away, may be because the conductor has to consider more aspects of the purpose of the musical theme, or because he has a wider and fuller understanding of musical harmony, or because he is also subject to the protocol of a higher and more extensive musical structure of which this ensemble is only a part and, in addition, he is not so impatient or impetuous, as he sees things on a bigger time-scale.
Since his suggestions and criticism do not meet with immediate positive response, the section leader becomes more acid in his criticism. In his talks behind the conductor’s back, at first he refers to the conductor as ‘conservative’ or not modern enough or susceptible to new ideas. The adjective ‘conservative’ changes gradually to stubborn, blockhead, non-adventurous or downright timid. Because he is really good and his section as well as neighboring sections recognize his abilities, some begin to agree with him, since they do not know any better or even as much. They cannot see what harm there could be in trying something outside the protocol. Thus encouraged, the leader introduces a ‘wedge’ of his own improvisation somewhat outside the musical theme and in contradiction to the protocol. This seemingly trifle and non-important breach is a coup by which the leader has launched himself on a road of no return. A calamitous clash is inevitable.
Though the musical disharmony may not be that serious, the conductor knows where this can lead to and, in the form of gentle rebuke at first, he calls the leader to order. The leader takes offense to this rebuke, as his high opinion of himself and the justified praise have made him arrogant. He considers this a challenge and obstinately bends his will to prove his worth and to show to everybody that he is correct and that the conductor rebuked him unjustly and that the protocol is both unfair and unreasonable.
We are faced with the following impossible situation: A conductor who knows better and a section leader who thinks he knows better. The one who really knows better is the conductor, simply because the proper part is contained in the whole but not the other way round. However, subjectively there is no difference between ‘knowing better’ and ‘thinking of knowing better’. Therefore, we are confronted with an impossible impasse.
It may happen to the bad ‘good luck’ of the leader that his attempt had some sort of apparently good result as well. This makes things even worse because, not only he is encouraged for further bolder wedges but also appears to the eyes of some of those around him that he was really right and that the conductor was wrong to rebuke him. As a first result of this, they encourage or goad him on to continue what he is doing, then gradually they begin to follow him and ignore the conductor and the protocol and, finally and most destructively, why not do the same themselves, introducing each his own wedges and entirely his own theme, at variance with both the leader and the conductor and in utter disregard for the musical protocol? In the end we do not have an orchestra or choir section here but a musical tangle of independent soloists. One may ask, what’s wrong with that? Well, if each soloist ‘played his own fiddle’ in his own distant space or time, there is nothing wrong, except that this section has ceased to exist as part of the ensemble. However, when all these discoordinated soloists share the same musical space-and-time the result is a dreadful tumult of noise.
43 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 44 ______
There is a ruthless physical Law that even a God does not dare ignore. We shall state it in three different ways:
1) The maintenance of a designed system is not a single one-shot action but a process that must be kept up indefinitely. Blowing it up is a one-shot final action. Therefore, any intervention or tampering with a system, using insufficient knowledge of the system, will result in its final destruction. However many times intervention is successful, as long as there is in the attempt the factor of chance, however small, ONE wrong intervention will result in the final destruction of the system. However many Abels we chance to produce, one single Cain is enough to destroy our system.
2) If we throw something dirty in a clean place, the whole place is made dirty. If we throw something clean in a dirty place, the place is not made clean.
3) A rotten apple in a crate of a hundred apples will eventually cause the rotting of the other 99, but the 99 healthy apples cannot make the rotten one whole.
(This ruthless law is one expression of the Universal Physical law of the increase of Entropy. The maintenance of a designed system necessarily implies a restriction in the increase of its Entropy.)
To avoid this destructive eventuality for the whole body or designed system, the application of the Law, or the ‘maintenance manual’, must be equally ruthless. The gangrened or cancered part must be cut off without a moment’s hesitation, if it cannot be set right, in order to protect the rest of the body or system. This does not mean that the Head does not love the diseased part; it is, after all, a part of its own body that completes the whole. Never the less, even God cannot ignore the ruthless Law. The diseased part must be cut off and immediately replaced. Our own God says in the bible: “It is better that thousands perish than that the Law should be despised”. And Jesus says: “If one eye is crooked plug it out. It is better to see with one eye than that the whole body should rot. If one arm is wicked cut it off”. (‘Part’ refers to a member of society and not of the biological body. ‘Cutting’ should not be interpreted as ‘mutilation’).
What is the right thing to do then? Should we try nothing new? Do we aim at a human or divine society of ‘static perfection’? Wouldn’t we wish for a dynamic society that would evolve continuously enriched by improvisation and the conceptual innovation of free Spirit?
Of course we should aim towards a society that is dynamic and continuously evolving. However, even the free arising and the spontaneous manifestation of the Universe, and everything in it, is characterized by discretenesses and these discretenesses follow a natural Physical Law. And, in accordance with this Physical Law, a protocol of a ‘Law of freedom’ has evolved for the designs of our conceptual innovation. The ‘Law of freedom’ is the law that defines the few prohibitions and leaves a wide field of enterprise. A law that defines what is allowed is a law of slavery. This Law of freedom or protocol must come from above, from the seat of Fatherly Authority that knows better, wills better and has the power and the responsibility. We see how short and simple this Law is, compared with man-made ‘democratic’ law, which is endless, enacted by people steeped in anything but
44 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 45 ______scientific wisdom and, most often, geared to accommodate expediencies and serve group interests.
The Law or protocol that has been given you is a basic and elementary guide for your own survival. Do not think for a moment that by following this Law you oblige the Lawgiver in any way. Do not expect the Lawgiver to reward you for following the Law or punish you for not doing so. The results are an automatic consequence of your actions. The instructions of the Law are a free gift to you so that you can survive using the wisdom of more evolved beings while you are mostly ignorant of the dangers around you. Of course, a wise person uses artificial punishment and reward in order to train his own; those he cares about. After the training, you get hold of yourself and move out to face your environment, better equipped. Help is constantly available even then; no punishment or reward; simply help.
There is one thing we cannot stress enough: If you fail, do not come and say that it was not your fault; that you did not know. This cannot help you. It is too late. You suffer the loss, whether you are to blame or not. You have to start again from where you stand.
Nobody is accusing you. However, YOU take the poison, YOU suffer the consequences. It does not matter whether you intended it or not; whether it was accidental or somebody tricked you. Even if it is God’s or Satan’s fault, it is YOU that gets poisoned. And we do not mean the loss of sixty or eighty kilos of flesh. We mean the constraints, the confusion, the torment and the bewilderment of your mind and soul. Compassion cannot help you in the aftermath. Compassion and Love gave you the instructions, the training and the constant help. Nobody will subsidize your actions.
You may think that this is unfair or cruel; but consider the following similes: You are an artist and, among your masterpieces and other fairly good work, you have produced some real failures. What do you do in this case? Do you chop your hands or your head off or do you destroy the failures? Does the Potter break his neck or the crooked pots? Is it the fault of the failures for being failures?
Let us bring it a bit closer to life. Suppose that due to your smoking or eating and drinking habits, you bring about cancer in one of your lungs or infection of your appendix. What do you do then? You sacrifice what is gone bad in order to save the rest. Furthermore, in order to make sure that the infected part is all removed, you remove some healthy tissue as well. It is better this way than taking the risk of leaving infected cells. Yet, in your social body you do the opposite; better for a hundred criminals to go free than an innocent person to perish. Further, you go easier in the case of a psychopathic murderer, with the excuse that he is sick. But all criminals are sick. The sickest should be the ones to get rid of first, unless you can find immediate cure. Thus, your social body goes from bad to worse, with the whole basketful eventually going rotten.
The above is not meant to scare you or to fill you with despair. Every single unit or individual is correctly diagnosed and properly marked, so that nothing is lost that can be saved. As it is also written in the bible, “My servant will not cut a bent straw or put out a smoldering wick”.
45 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 46 ______In a normally functioning body, I would consider the white corpuscles as the ‘Priesthood’ of the body. They have the freedom of the body but they are expendable for the well being of the rest of the body. Theirs is the role of a surgeon or a garbage disposer. In the coming of the sanctification of the planetary body, this role is reserved for the Jews. Should these malfunction, the body is doomed. Should they turn against the rest of the cells of the body, even in self-defense, the result is galloping Leukemia. “....You are the salt of the Earth. Should the salt go bad, then...”?
46 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 47 ______The Optimum Social State for Man
In setting out to design, or even to draw the framework of the Optimum (not the Perfect) Social State for MAN, two primary things are necessary:
First we must define the Objectives and second, in order to describe these Objectives, we must acquire a full understanding of the Functional Attributes and the Needs of Man.
By ‘needs’ we do not mean only ‘the basic needs’ for the healthy maintenance of his body-machine, like food, shelter, transport and procreation but, in addition to these, his higher spiritual and mental needs that make Man the Unique Being that he is. Though the needs of his body-machine are essential and most basic, they are not his priority needs and they should not take precedence. In growing a beautiful flower, the flowerpot, the soil and the manure or fertilizer are necessary and basic for the growth of the flower, but they are only instrumental towards the primary objectives, which are the fuller possible manifestation of the expressive attributes of the flower itself, which should take precedence.
Man is Unique in that he is the only incarnate Sentient Being on this planet that is endowed with Conceptual Intelligence and, with it, the motivation and the ability to design new things, and not merely with the Computational or Executional Intelligence needed for the execution of designs handed down or built into his own design as automatic programs, as in the case of other Sentient Beings. In this, Man is superior even to Angels.
So, in drawing out the framework of the Optimum Social State for Man, we must keep in mind that Human Society must necessarily be a dynamic and continuously evolving society, in order to allow for the free manifestation of Man’s motivation and of the designing attributes and the Conceptual Innovation of his Free Spirit. A society of static perfection, like that of an ant-nest or a beehive, will certainly not do for Man.
Outline definition of the Objectives:
An Optimum Social State should secure, both for the individual Man and for Human society, a Life that is Spontaneously Peaceful, Abundant and Free.
We must clarify these terms, or redefine them here, because there may be a diversity in their popular interpretation and we need to have a universal consensus on their meaning as applied in defining our Objectives.
We start with ‘Abundant’ as it is easier to reach a Universal consensus on this. Most people agree that ‘abundant Life’ should mean a Life that explores all its capabilities. What then remains to do in relation to this definition is to gather as much scientific knowledge as possible concerning these capabilities.
The second term to define is ‘Spontaneous Peace’.
47 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 48 ______In order to understand the meaning of ‘Spontaneous Peace’, it may be easier to define first what it is not.
First of all we must make a definite distinction between this kind of Peace and ‘sedation’. (All so-called ‘Peace’ treaties in History have been only ‘sedation’ treaties. There has never been genuine peace in the World to date). Though sedation may kill pain and uneasiness and bring about an artificial calmness, it is definitely not ‘spontaneous peace’ and it is certainly not anywhere near our objective because, in addition to being temporary and artificially imposed, it kills or subdues the manifestation of the higher attributes and functions of the Human being, or any being, under sedation. Such is unacceptable.
Second, ‘spontaneous peace’ is not the pacification by coercion or suppression of freely motivated expression. This is also artificial and externally imposed and, as such, only temporary. Imposed pacification, or imposed anything, harbors tension and resentment and it will, sooner or later, bring about spontaneous revolution.
Third and most relevant to the present human situation on this planet, ‘spontaneous peace’ is not the peace maintained by Subliminal or Subconscious control of Man. This is the worst kind of human manipulation. In effect, it keeps Man in a continuous state of near-hypnosis, under the control of extraneous powers, which may serve their own interests and purpose, at variance with the true interests of Man. Man has the false impression of living freely his own Life, whilst all the time someone else is steering, through brain-washing since infanthood, all his scientific and religious convictions and fouling up his actions, making him behave as if he were his own worst enemy. All fields of human endeavor are subconsciously controlled, restraining man to function far below his own intelligence and capabilities. This is foul play.
Therefore, in designing the Optimum Social State for Man, particular importance must be given to his proper education. Organized education must not be a brain- washing that prepares him to function productively within the framework of a subconsciously controlled order, but an education that renders accessible to him, through subsequent self education, the understanding of his true dimensions and his true potential. However, considering the present psychological state of Man, both the individual and his society, care and caution should be exercised in bringing about this final emancipation of Man because, if the various capabilities and knowledge are not acquired in the right order and parallel to his moral enlightenment, premature acquiring of some capabilities might only make him more efficiently destructive, both to himself and to everything within his reach, even beyond his own planet.
The full understanding of ‘spontaneous peace’ will be realized when we define the term ‘freedom’ in relation to a peaceful and abundant Life. We have left this term last because there is a considerable and widespread confusion as to its meaning and application. ‘Freedom’ should not be confused with ‘infinite choice’. Infinite choice is meaningless anyway, as there are choices that are mutually exclusive, especially when freedom is accompanied by associations or applications. In our case, ‘freedom’ is associated with ‘spontaneous peace’ and has ‘abundant Life’ as its application. Therefore, a choice that jeopardizes the Peace in Life or Life itself, or limits its abundance, in the sense that it deprives Life of some of its capabilities, is not an allowed choice, if Life and its Peace are to be preserved and its capabilities maintained. Furthermore, the whole Universe has an inherent discreteness in its
48 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 49 ______manifestation and this discreteness automatically and naturally defines what is possible and what is impossible. The full spectrum of Universal possibilities and impossibilities lays the foundation of all the Physical Laws of the Universe, from which arise also all designed protocols.
A scientific definition of ‘Free Life’, should be: ‘A Life that is not subjected to Suppression, Constraint or Dissipation’.
This agrees with the scientific definition in Physics of a ‘free oscillator’.
As with a free mechanical oscillator, a completely Free Life, a Life free of suppression, constraint or dissipation, is achieved when it is in complete harmony and not in conflict with its Source or its environment, first at close range and then with the Universal environment at large. This necessary harmonization makes free Life naturally restrictive of choice. To make free Life possible, we should first study our environment and our Universe and learn the order of its discretenesses. We must master the Universal physical laws according to which Life manifests so that we can strive to harmonize with these laws as closely as possible.
So, completely Free Life and Spontaneous Peace can only be achieved after complete enlightenment. Short of this, the more one knows about the physical laws that govern the manifestation of Life, and the more one understands about his own origin, design and capabilities, the better his individual chances. So, Man must continuously strive to learn more about the characteristics of his own design and his functional capabilities and about this Universal Physical Law and his design protocol; to incorporate this LAW into his own being, so that it manifests in his life naturally and spontaneously.
This learning and training are very laborious and time consuming and certainly not enough of this knowledge can be acquired during one incarnation, through one’s own experiences and self-education by experience. However, Man is not only an individual. He is a Social Being. Man can pool knowledge and accumulate it across many generations.
As learning or education is a time consuming process, the question arises as to how Man the individual can secure a more abundant, freer and more spontaneously peaceful Life while mostly ignorant.
Is there a shortcut? The answer is a definite ‘Yes’!! He can make use of the collective knowledge of his society, accumulated across many generations. To be able to do this however, he must follow or obey knowledge beyond what is accumulated by himself through his own self-education or experiences. Obedience has a single advantage over Learning: Immediacy; hence, the shortcut.
A necessary prerequisite for both Learning and Obedience is Humility. You can only learn through humility that someone else knows better than yourself and through trust that this particular ‘someone else’ has no selfish angle in teaching you his knowledge. And, you may only obey instructions if, through humility, you trust that someone, or an organized group, knows better and that he or the group have your interest in mind and instruct you for your own good and not for exploitation. Actually, your own individual knowledge is so limited that you have no choice but to trust and follow
49 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 50 ______instructions. The choice that you have is to test, through your own experience and intuition, the nonselfishness and trustworthiness of a particular someone or group and not the extent of their knowledge and wisdom, because you have no means to do the latter, as your own knowledge is but very limited. Following instructions is the first step in acquiring yourself the knowledge and wisdom behind these instructions. You cannot learn a fact outside your own experience unless you believe that the statement of this fact is true. This is how you learn through a teacher.
In expecting you to follow instructions, nobody, not even your God, is expecting you to do anything for anybody else but for yourself. Even God does everything for Himself and ONLY for Himself. The question is: What are the boundaries that define the SELF? One may define himself as his individual incarnate state, his family, his community, a group with his own beliefs and ideology, his species, all that lives, everything that is manifest and so on. It is a matter of Self Identification at various levels. An individual incarnation can survive but for only a short while, a few decades, (or centuries with proper diet), and is therefore insignificant in relation to survival at higher levels of identification. Within the process of individual survival, at the level with which the individual identifies, the person is apt to sacrifice what is of less value to himself in order to save what he considers as of higher value to himself, if he does not have the choice of saving both. And this is exactly what is expected of anyone. Proper education should therefore aim at lifting one to higher levels of identification and higher levels of survival until, eventually, he is completely enlightened into the realization that the ‘I’ in all of us, and in everything else that lives, is only ONE and that he survives freely to Eternity only when he finally identifies with the Universal Being.
All-knowledge by any Consciousness in any locality is impossible. By the time the conscious mind considers one item of information, the Universal records are increased by a literally infinite amount of new information. So, what one should strive at is not all-knowledge but perfect devotion and perfect compatibility with the Universal personality. Then all knowledge is available to him and he can tap this vast Universal Internet for the particular knowledge he needs at a particular time. However, before perfect devotion is attained, access to higher knowledge is restricted for safety reasons.
50 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 51 ______‘Rights’ and ‘Obligations’ in the Optimum Social State
Though these two principles are mutually implicit, i.e., Rights imply Obligations and Obligations imply Rights, we do not reach, as one might superficially believe, the same results, irrespective of which of the two principles we start with as the explicit programming.
Examining the various spontaneous actions of the controlling system of the human being, we see that the reactive mind acts on one-step explicit programmed instructions and not on multi-step implied ones. If we start with Obligations, the one-step reaction in the individual is one of ‘giving’; an altrotropic or outward-oriented reaction. The outward positive action of each addressed individual, according to the functional capabilities of the individual, or cell of an organic body, automatically generates a Supply Surplus, from which the needs of each member of the composite organic being, the society, are provided for. In addition, the altrotropic or outward-oriented motivation accentuates in each individual his altruistic or giving nature and, hence, his spontaneous benevolence. So, the Obligations action loop manifests in a way that improves the human character and the quality of human society as a whole.
If we start with Rights, the automatic one-step reaction is egotropic or self-oriented, irrespective of whether in theory or during leisurely analysis the individual understands clearly the implication of Obligations. The self-oriented action is one of ‘taking’, with the result that a Supply Vacuum is generated, with the subsequent tension and conflict between individuals. ‘Receiving’ should not be confused with ‘taking’. ‘Receiving’ is the acceptance of something already made available. For this to be possible, ‘giving’ must precede. When ‘taking’ precedes availability, it leads to ‘grabbing’. The self-oriented motivation accentuates the individual’s selfish or taking nature and thus causes the deterioration of the quality of both the individual and his society.
A rights or ego-oriented society favors the individuals in which the self-oriented mode is intrinsically stronger to start with. As a consequence, the most selfish individuals are also the most successful in acquiring wealth. As wealth is also the means for power in a society managed through wealth, these self-oriented individuals end up controlling most key positions of Power in a rights-oriented society. The self-oriented individuals are spiritually the most limited individuals. The reason for their diminished spiritual stature is quite simple. Though self-oriented activity can accumulate material possessions, wealth and fat, a self-oriented or inward-oriented attitude naturally shrinks the Spiritual size whilst, in contrast, an outward-directed attitude expands the Spiritual dimensions; this is basic physical mechanics.
Thus, the rights and needs of the society as a whole are not properly served in a rights-oriented society. The further consequence is that the masses of ordinary individuals become aggressively individualistic and challenge every form of authority indiscriminately. Such a society is literally an Organic being suffering from the ultimate form of cancer, in which every individual cell tries to create and defend a separate domain of its own and to exploit every situation available for personal gain, growth and maintenance, with little consideration for the rest of the Body. The inevitable fate of such a cancered body is the complete breakdown of the body.
51 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 52 ______The Individual As A Function Terminal Of The Central Mind
A model exemplifying man's relation to the central mind and the source of Wisdom is the following: I consider each individual possessing a radio-cassette recorder. On the tape he records all the information of his experiences perceived through his conscious mind. Normally, man tries to regulate the basics of his life relying on the information on this personal tape, which is of course somewhat different from everyone else's. The amount of this information is extremely limited and any opinions based on this are also limited and very short of the true picture. Furthermore, everybody's opinion and sense of justice is narrowly subjective and no two opinions can be identical. For a fuller picture, one needs to consult a wider spectrum of information. This can be done by tuning to any of the infinite number of radio stations on the air that can be picked up by his set, and follow the programs of his own interest; one objectively rich in programs should do; one cannot tune to all the stations on the air. To do this however, he would have to pop his cassette first. The problem with most people today is that they are too afraid or insecure to ‘pop their cassette’. They are afraid to trust anything and anybody else, apart from their own tape. Most of them do not even realize that the information available to them is much more than what can be found on these individually recorded tapes. They do not even suspect the existence of the stations, or the great number of broadcasts on the air. Most people actually go through their entire incarnation without realizing that their set is a radio-cassette recorder, thinking it to be only a tape-recorder.
So, the problem is one of educating people so that they realize what they have, their capabilities, and then train them how to use them. Priority has to be given though to training these people to accept the authority of the Head; to realize that devotion to the ordinances of the Head, or the instructions of their designer, is the only possible way to a harmonious symbiosis of their own parts and of themselves with the rest of the social body and the Universe at large. Failing to realize this as a primary prerequisite, any higher knowledge available to them will surely prove disastrous both for themselves and for the whole domain within their reach. Just imagine what would happen if only two individuals, with today's understanding of democracy, were given the knowledge and ability of moving mountains or, generally, the crust of the planet. Earth’s days would be numbered.
Perfect Wisdom is Perfect Devotion and not All-knowledge. The key words for Freedom should be ‘harmonization’ and ‘compatibility’ and not ‘infinite choice’.
52 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 53 ______
PART FOUR - HISTORICAL RUNDOWN The Camp Of The Phoenix And Great Trojan Horses
Which is this camp? What are its geographic boundaries and its course in history? This is the Adamite or ‘Auburn race’ colony. There have been many colonizations of the planet in the last few tens of millennia. Each colonization was a distinct race. However, the planet was not cleared before each new colonization and there was quite a mixed indigenous racial stock before the last colonization. The Adamite colony was established by a high Galactic Commission in the valley of Uzbek Fergana but after the murder of Rwanem, the Adamite high priest, Thoth moved some Adamites to a new cradle (Eden), an enclosed highland in NE Turkey.
The simplistic version of the story of Creation and of Adam and Eve in the Bible should not be taken literally. It should be clear from your bible that the story of Genesis is only an attempt to give the genealogy of the royal house of Abraham. The Adamite race was spiritually and biologically a very advanced race. They also had a very scientific language given to them by the High Priest of Zeus, which language, in some similar form or other, is the common scientific language on many planets of many solar systems. Every letter in this language is a scientific symbol and its pronunciation is an attempt to render phonetically its scientific meaning as closely as possible. The etymologically basic words, like Chaos (), Life (), Love (), Eros (), Earth ( or ), Heaven () etc. are physical formulae conveying the compound scientific meaning of their letters, just like chemical formulae today are made up of the symbols of the elements they are composed of. (If we trace the origins of our language as far back as we can go, we meet a language fully structured. The evolution it has gone through is not a further elaboration but a simplification of its structure).
Because of their superior knowledge and capabilities, they were regarded with awe by the older mixed indigenous races; as the ‘Sons Of God’. They accepted them, sometimes with awe, sometimes with fear and in other instances with resentment as a superior people and a royal race. Thus, these Adamites formed the royal clan that established its rule over the indigenous population wherever they settled.
They were the cause behind such civilizations among the older races as that of the Indus River valley, before it was destroyed by the Hyperborean Aryans, of Northern Mesopotamia, before it was destroyed by the Hyperboreans and of the lands on both sides of the Aegean, before it was destroyed by the Hyperborean Danaans. [It is evident from Mohenjo Daro and Harrapa that the Adamites’ hierarchy system was not based on Wealth concentration. They practiced an Economic system of optimal egalitarianism. Thus, there was no internal strife and they did not study war. They applied themselves in Agriculture, the Construction trades and crafts, the Arts (mainly decorative), Hygiene and Social betterment. They did not even have a formalized religion; their artifacts portray merriment and love of beauty and not idols of worship].
The first part of Genesis is a very condensed and simplistic explanation of Creation as well as the state of affairs that existed on the Planet after the faltering of the Adamite colony. Since in the Bible’s simplistic version Adam is presented as the first ever
53 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 54 ______human on the Planet, then all the people on Earth, even those of earlier colonizations and the survivors of Atlantis, must be accounted for as descendants of Adam, (although an inconsistency is left gaping in Cain’s worry: “You send me wandering away from your face and anybody who finds me might kill me”. Who were those possible encounters in Nod, the land of Cain’s wandering that might kill him and, further, where did he find his wives in the country of his exile?). Thus, the older rebel Authority, with which the Creator is displeased, or the ‘bad guy’ (Calicastia), is given in Genesis as Cain, the first son of Adam and the gentle Man, the ‘slain Lamb’ is given as Abel, the second son of Adam. Similarly, all the Patriarchs of all the races on Earth have to be accounted for as descendants of Noah. For example, in having to explain the origin of the Greeks, (not only the Ionians but also the Hyperborean Danaans), the Bible gives the Patriarch of the Greeks, the father of Javan-Ion (i.e. of the Ionians), as the eldest son of Noah, Japheth, which is the Hebrew equivalent of Iapetos (666), the Titan of Fire, Patriarch (?) of the Greeks.
Identifying Cain with Calicastia, the rebel Planetary Chief, the latter’s ultimate weapon that he uses to maintain his authority on Earth, is explained as the ‘mark’ given to Cain to protect him against any possible enemies.
This is the CROSS, which is also the sign of Death: ( = 777). Kaile mountain, Calicastia’s central shrine, which is considered by all spiritualists, orientalists and magicians as the supreme spiritual shrine on Earth, rises from 15000 to 22000 feet very steeply and is topped by a white dome in the shape of half a scull, (complete with dark eye-sockets and a cross or swastika on its left temple, according to a painting by Lama Anagarika Govinda in his book ‘The Way of the White Clouds’). Most conquerors, from Alexander the Great to Emperor Constantine and all subsequent Roman or Byzantine Emperors, Arthur Pendragon, the Crusaders, the Conquistadors, the British colonialists and others, all the way to Hitler, used the Cross, in some form or other, as their flag or banner. Pilgrimages to this mountain, or the Wesak valley West of it, have been resumed and increase in numbers and fervor in the last few decades. They take place on the full moon of Taurus.
Descriptions of the Adamite race still survive in the classical poetry of Armenia. The heroes, as well as angels and demigods, that appear in these epic poems and sagas are all described as ‘blue-eyed’ and ‘Auburn’.
Abraham and the pure Semites were auburn too and so was Jesus. The Semites were the royal family; not the indigenous population. Remember that wherever Abraham went, in Egypt or in the Negev, he was the guest of the local king. Also note that, when Abraham wanted a wife for Isaac, he sent for one from among his own people in Harran, so as not to give him a bride from the royal family of the Canaanites. Abraham however, had hundreds of families of ‘servants’, (subjects), when he came out of Harran. He had trained a small army out of these; (this is the army that he used to liberate his nephew Lot from the hands of the four northern kings that attacked Sodom and Gomorra and the towns around them and took Lot captive). These families were not Canaanites; neither were they Semites. They were of the inferior older racial stock. For prince Isaac marrying one of these was out of the question.
The mixing of the royal race took place during and after the sojourn in Egypt. The result is what people understand today as Semites. These are mostly of the older indigenous racial stock, which is more dominant in the mixing.
54 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 55 ______
The language, as well as the book of wisdom called ‘Byblos’, were always inherited by the High Priest who, at that time, was one and the same person as the Patriarch. This was always the firstborn son. The rest of the branches of the royal tree inherited and used the oral language at first. Later, they learnt to write it in the existing alphabet of the people they mixed with and, in already advanced societies, like Mesopotamia and Egypt, they adopted the local languages completely. The Hebrew language was a mixture of what Abraham brought from Mesopotamia and what it picked up in Egypt.
The firstborn of Noah is Japheth and not Shem. If you read the Septuagint version of the bible in the original Greek, Genesis Chapter 10, verse 21 and match the moods of the adjectives to those of the nouns, you will see that “the Eldest” matches with “Japheth”, in the genitive whilst, in the same sentence, “Shem” is in the dative.
Let us pick up the story of the language and the book from the end of the great floods which, by the way, were not as universal as some people believe them to be; although the story acquired universality later, as the people involved took the story with them as they spread and established themselves as the ruling class wherever they settled.
Japheth and his family moved west from their original cradle around Erzerum and journeyed along the plateau of Central Asia Minor. This was later referred to by the Ionians as ΑΝΑΤΟΛΗ, which is a gematric cryptogram meaning ‘Sacred Road’ as well as ‘East’. They finally settled in the triangle having as one side the Aegean, from the Dardanelles to Halicarnassos or Bodrum, including the coastal islands, and its opposite vertex east of Hierapolis or Pammukkale. They called this land ASIA, which means ‘holy land’. (The continent of Asia was named so much later, during the Christian era).
The authorities of King and High Priest were later differentiated and assigned to different persons. These were referred to by their later descendants as the ‘Two Witnesses’ and, when they started building places of congregation, they named them ‘houses of the Two Witnesses’. These were the first temples. They had in front of their porticos an emerald green pillar for the high priest and a gold colored pillar for the king. Later, much later, they started dedicating temples to the various patriarchs or protective deities. This was dictated by a basic spiritual need of the common people. You see, the area they had traveled through, as well as the area in which they settled, had a long established culture of the worship of the Female or lunar Deities, like Cybele, Ishtar, Artemis (Diana) and so on. Those of the royal race had no need for religion, as they possessed the true Science concerning the Universe and its Authorities or Gods. However, the common people needed something visual to associate with divine authority and power, and an organized way of worship, i.e., a formulated religion, if they were not to fall into the habits of the indigenous population. In spite of these efforts, you know that this was not avoided. Eventually the mixed descendants followed the traditions and religions of the lands in which they settled, to the extent that they are only known as Idolaters.
Towards the end of the age of the Taurus, at about 2750 BCE, descendants of the Ionians, (Ion was the son of Japheth), moved west across the Aegean and beyond it into what came to be known as ‘Europe’.
The story of this migration is paraphrased into a myth:
55 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 56 ______Zeus, disguised as a white bull, (this appearance should give you the date), lured and abducted the daughter of the king of Phoenike, Europa, and rode off with her west, where he seduced her, on the island of Crete. (At that time there was no ‘Phoenicia’ or ‘Phoenike’ where Lebanon is today. The original ‘Phoenike’ was the ragged peninsula in SW Asia Minor, later known as ‘Lycia’, opposite the Greek island of Castellorizo. If Zeus abducted Europa on the Eastern coast of the Mediterranean, her seduction would logically take place on Cyprus, the island of Venus, and not Crete. Notice that Thrace was Europa’s sister.) Her three brothers went out in search of their sister. Cadmos settled in Greece and built Thebes, Cilix or, according to the bible, Tarshish, settled along the southern coast of Asia Minor, Cilicia, with Tarsus as his capital, and Phoenix, after a long and fruitless quest, settled on the east coast of the Mediterranean and established the kingdom of Phoenicia. Actually the kingdom was only on the island of Tyre, where the temple of the Two Witnesses survived until Alexander the Great utterly destroyed the city. The temple that Solomon built was after the design of the temple of the Two Witnesses in Tyre. The coastal Phoenicia was only a commercial colony through which Tyre secured its supplies. The inhabitants of the coastal colony were mainly of the older racial stock of the desert Nomads. Only the sea-faring inhabitants of Tyre were of the pure Ionian-Phoenician race. This is why DNA studies show the relation between these coastal ‘Phoenicians’ and the Carthaginians to be less than 30%.
Notice that the brothers are mentioned as having introduced the Ionian Greek, the basis of all West European languages. (This language could not have come either from Chaldea in the East or Egypt in the South). Notice also that their cities, Thebes and Tyre, were the only cities that Alexander the Great, the son of the Dragon God, reduced utterly to ruins, leaving no survivors.
A branch of the Adamite colony migrated North-West from the region of its cradle, taking with them the oral language but soon adopted, with some modifications, the language of the survivors of the ruling caste of Atlantis, the Hyperborean blond people. This Atlantoid language is the basis of all Germanic languages.
The Japhetites introduced their arts and crafts, including metallurgy and the keeled boat, to all the places in which they settled but the great scientific and technological secrets remained the privileged knowledge of the priesthood. Some of these secrets leaked to the rest of the people of the lower race, as some of the most intelligent of these were employed as junior priests.
When the Hyperborean blond people, the Danaans, moved south into the Greek peninsula, they called ‘Hellene’ the first Ionian chieftain they met in an Ionian settlement west of Iolkos, on the road to Dodona, because of his Auburn looks. ‘Hellene’ (or ‘Pyrrhias’) means ‘born of Fire’, as HELLA, which also sums to 666, is the Hyperborean Deity of Fire, from which come words like ‘Hell’ and ‘Hello’. The place and, later, town was given the name ‘Hellas’ and from then on all her inhabitants were known as Hellenes. These were later mostly of Hyperborean blond origin. In the Iliad, the city kingdom of Hellas is mentioned as ‘the city of beautiful women’, and it is one of the six city-states that contributed to Achilles’ army. According to the second book of the Iliad, these Hellenes numbered less than 1.000 in a total Achaean or Danaan army of over 100.000; i.e., they were less than one per cent (1%). The name ‘Hellenic Commonwealth’ was used to apply to the Greek Commonwealth founded at the beginning of the eighth century BCE. The Hellenistic
56 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 57 ______era started with Alexander in 336 BCE. In the Japhetite language, Hellene’s mother is given as ‘PYRRHA’, which means ‘Great Fire’. Hellene’s parents were supposed to be the only couple that survived the great flood; that’s how the story survived as it passed orally from generation to generation in the new lands. Hellene's grandfather was Prometheus, the son of the Titan Iapetos, (or, more precisely, the man that adopted the ways of the Titan Iapetos); he is the one who introduced mankind to the use of fire. The Ionian word for ‘Hellenes’ is ‘Pyrrhies’, like the Athenian slaves.
You may have wondered why Zeus, in the relevant myth, condemned Prometheus to that dreadful fate of having his liver eaten every day and healing by night. You may have thought that the gift of Prometheus was a great blessing to mankind. Now you realize that this blessing was not a blessing at all. It is proving itself to be the worst curse. You should have realized this before, as father Zeus could not have punished Prometheus in that terrible way if he had been the giver of a blessing. The gift of the technology of Fire is Pandora's box. It is full of goodies but, in the end, all the goodies fly away and all is left in the box is HOPE. From the looks of it this hope is the worst fate; the worst human torture; it is the bottom of the empty box (or piles of empties).
All cancer has as causes the byproducts of Fire, especially in the food we eat. Not only the chemical byproducts but also the elementals, or mental viruses, that go with them. If the Adamites, the Divine race, kept to the food that their designer God assigned for them, the fruits and nuts of trees, their average life span would still be in excess of 900 years, without ‘flushing’ that would renew the body indefinitely. [Flushing is effected as follows: From the DNA of a clean healthy cell a brand new copy is generated of the overall coordinating angel of the construction and maintenance of the body. This copy is pushed back into the body. (This is not all that easy as the old body is as dirty as a sewage treatment plant with a great number of squatters claiming it. What would help is isolation and fasting until the weight remains constant for a few days). Then, this copy is energized with lots of energy. The result is to literally flush out all intruders and their accumulated effects as well as byproducts of all wear-and-tear. Thus a brand new body is obtained, without resorting to reincarnation.]
[The war between the Olympian gods headed by Zeus on the one side and the Titans headed by Cronos on the other, as mentioned in the Greek Mythology, is the same confrontation mentioned in the book of ‘Revelations’, from Chapter 12 onward. In Greek Mythology, the events from the defeat of the Titans by Zeus to the final showdown are expressed in the following paraphrase: After the defeat of Saturn and the Titans, the same Saturnian Power was born again by Earth, as the final enemy of Zeus, out of Tartarus in the form of Typhoeus, the monster with dragon heads growing out of his shoulders and vipers out of his thighs. To sanctify Earth (or Iolkos), the sacrificial Lamb was sent to be sacrificed for the children of Nefeli, the divine children; (‘Nefeli’ means ‘Cloud’). Helle, one of Nefeli’s two children, fell from the back of the flying Lamb in what was named after her the ‘Hellespond’. After the sacrifice of the Lamb, the curse on Iolkos still persists because the golden fleece of the sacrificial Lamb is still kept in the house of wizardry and witchcraft, in the land of AIA, guarded by the Dragon. (This is done in the Christian Churches by crucifying images of Jesus in the House of the Dragon). The curse is to be finally lifted from the Earth when the Dragon is slain and the Golden Fleece freed. This is the story of Jason and his Argonauts. (The name ‘ΙΑΣΩΝ’ and that of his father ‘ΑΙΣΩΝ’ are anagrams of each other). This war involves ritual and wizardry. (Every
57 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 58 ______improbable element in such a paraphrase, like the falling of Helle from the back of the flying Golden Ram, is an essential part of the prophecy).
Calicastia, acting through Hermes, his Red Dragon initiate in the West, moved the Hyperborean Danaans into the Greek peninsula around the 19th century BCE in order to destroy the Ionian-Jevian culture on both sides of the Aegean. When they moved South, Jhwh-Zeus moved east and made a new pact with Abraham, in order to renew and continue the Adamite Project.
Why did Zeus choose Abraham and why is He training a Priesthood out of the Semites and not the Ionians?
The rest of the Adamites (Ionians-Phoenicians) had already been targeted. In addition, Zeus or Jhwh chose the Semite Abraham because of his exemplary humility, in contrast with the Hellenic aggressive individualism and arrogance. Abraham, among whose descendents Jesus was to be born, was kept constantly on the move while still extremely vulnerable, to dodge Calicastia’s attention. Canaan is where the ‘leaven’ (the Jews) was prepared, partly shielded from the eyes of the Old Chief and protected by a series of prophecies. (The first part of the word ‘Jerusalem’, ‘Jeru’ is the participle of the verb that means ‘to descend from Heaven’ just like the name Rhea, the mother, or Era, the wife of Zeus. (Jerusalem is likewise both the Mother and the Heavenly Bride of Jesus).
The first move of Zeus into Egypt: Around 2750 BCE, the Adamite Ionians moved West and South, (after the so-called ‘abduction of Europa’ by Zeus). This is when Thebes in Egypt, Thebes in Greece, Iolkos, Dodona, Cnossus, Mycenae, Athens, Tarsus, Kitium and Tyre-Phoenicia were established. Before this, Phoenicia or Phoenike, (from where Zeus is supposed to have abducted Europa and from where her brothers, princes Cadmus, Cilix and Phoenix moved out), was the ragged Asia Minor peninsula (later Lycia) opposite the Greek island of Castellorizo. The Tyre Phoenicians, not their coastal commercial colony of mainly darker desert Canaanite peoples, were a branch of the pure royal Adamite-Ionians. Herodotus, a Hyperborean Dorian, refers to the Ionians of Cadmus in and around Thebes in Greece as ‘the Phoenicians of Boeotea’. (Khem was hence also referred to as Aegyptos-Egypt by the Ionians and, later, by all the Greeks, after the Ionian Aegyptus, who emigrated there during this Exodus from Asia Minor and founded the Amon sanctuary in Thebes. This is why the Pharaohs of Upper Egypt, of Theban lineage, considered both the Tyrians and the Cadmians as their brothers).
Hermes’ primary objective, and by far the greatest result of the Danaan expedition against Troy, was not the destruction of Troy but the desolation of the Holy land of Asia and the thwarting of the Jevian Spirit, by destroying all its sanctuaries.
How do you think the logistics of the Danaan expedition army of more than 100 thousand were provided for over the ten years of the war? Surely you don't think that the Danaans looted the Trojan cellars! The Danaans, as well as the Trojans, ransacked all the cities of Asia and all the Ionian holy sanctuaries. It is written in the Iliad that the booty from these temples and the daughters of the Ionian priests and nobles, like Chryseis and Briseis, were prizes of dissent among the Achaean chieftains.
58 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 59 ______The Hyperborean Aeneids of Troy were rewarded by the Dragon Calicastia for acting as the catalyst for the desolation of the holy land of Asia and the destruction of the high sanctuary of Zeus. From them stems the founding of Rome, Hermes-and- Calicastia’s strongest exponent in his fight against Jhwh-Jesus till today, its latest form being the European Administrative or Economic Colonial Power.
It was the Danaans that first called the Ionians around Iolkos ‘Hellenes’, because of their auburn-red hair. The Danaans were predators (conquerors and marauders) whilst the Ionians-Phoenicians were lambs and so were the Pyrrhies, used later as slaves by the Danaans of Sparta and of Pericles’ Athens.
According to the genealogy of Deucalion and Pyrrha and according to etymology, the true Hellenes, nicknamed so by the Danaans, were the redhead Ionian Greeks. Such were the founders and first inhabitants of Iolkos (of AIson and IAson), the Cadmians of Thebes (the Phoenicians of Boeotia according to Herodotos) and the Pyrrhies, the founders and first inhabitants of Athens and later the majority of the slaves in Pericles’ Athens. The Danaans were Nordic conquerors and marauders, who used to launch frequent marauding expeditions throughout Greece and all over the Aegean, as far as Ionia and Thrace, (Europa’s sister), foraging for slaves and booty. As for the Macedons, these descended later from central Europe. The Greeks adopted Alexander as their ancestor(!) in order to hog his conquering glory, like they did with the Romans by calling themselves “Romioe”. It is the Danaan Greeks and their vain quest for glory that have been writing the Greek National History and, ever since, the Greeks (and the rest of the World) have been living a lie.]
59 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 60 ______HELEN OF TROY - The First Trojan Horse
Who were those Achaeans or Danaans of the Trojan expedition and where did they come from? The Eastern coastal areas of the Greek peninsula were colonized by the Ionians emigrating from Asia. The Ionian branch of the Japhetite line adhered to the Adamite ordinances of the Living God and it was in their high sanctuaries that the Uranic spirit survives, even until today. Cronos moved his choice camp, the Hyperborean people, from the north, with the intention of finally destroying these sanctuaries and thwarting the Jevian spirit before it established itself firmly. The Hyperboreans were driven south towards mid 19th century BCE. (At about the same time Jhwh moved Abraham south, out of Harran). By the fifteenth century BCE, they had established themselves inland and in the west of the Greek peninsula, as there were earlier Adamite-Ionian strongholds on the Aegean coast of both the peninsula as well as the Peloponnese. Mainly from the fifteenth century onwards, they mixed and intermarried with the Ionians who, by this time, were mostly mixed with the indigenous population and, as the Hyperboreans, (Danaans, Dorians and Achaeans), were equipped with superior weapons, (stronger longer swords, the compounded bow, the mail shirt and the horse- driven chariot), and had a better organizational discipline, they soon became the overlords of the land, even of the Ionian kingdoms, offering the previous landlords military protection and writing their history for them in exchange for their land. By the end of the thirteenth century they ruled most of the previously Ionian kingdoms and were ready for their prize objective, which was the Ionian High Sanctuary in Asia, though the pretext was only a campaign against Troy.
The pretext of the Achaean expedition against Troy that ended in the utter devastation of Asia and the heart of the old Ionian sanctuary and its culture was given through Helen queen of Sparta, more commonly referred to as ‘Helen of Troy’. We have already said that names and images are key addressing access codes by which the Authorities control the fate of man subconsciously. Troy herself was also infiltrated by the Hyperborean Aeneids, who acted as the catalyst for the campaign that sealed the fate of the High sanctuary in Asia. (There was no wooden horse. The ‘Trojan Horse’ was actually the enemy from within; the Hyperboreran Aeneids).
The Trojan Northerners were compensated for this. Out of the Aeneid lineage came Rome, the final and greatest exponent of Hermes-and-Calicastia's authority, used for two millennia in a war against Jesus, either directly by the Roman Empire, or subliminally through the Christian Church, as we shall see in the sections that follow.
The actual aim and the theme of the Achaean campaign against Troy is alluded to in the Iliad, formerly titled Achilliad, by the combat or duel of Achilles with the River Xanthus (Iliad, book XXI). Of course Achilles did not fight with a river. The combat alludes to the fight between the Nordic Danaan race and the Auburn Adamite race. Xanthus is a river in ancient Phoenike-Lycia. The defeat of Xanthus by Achilles alludes to the utter destruction of the Ionian-Phoenician race by the Nordic race.
This is when the Ionian priesthood in Thebes of Egypt coined the prophecy of the PHOENIX, the Auburn bird that will one day be born again out of its ashes, to which it was reduced by the upcoming Danaans.
60 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 61 ______You may think that there is a contradiction in that the Danaans destroyed all the sanctuaries of Zeus on both sides of the Aegean and yet they themselves continued the Jevian religion! The worship of the Olympian gods by the Danaans was no more the religion of Zeus than Christianity is the religion of Jesus. Both these religions as practiced by the Danaans and the Christians respectively are Idolatry, perversions of the respective true religions. Calicastia-the-Dragon and Hermes, Calicastia’s Red Dragon initiate, could not totally uproot old beliefs from the people conquered by the Hyperboreans and had to turn them round to his purpose. The Hellenic religion was so twisted round that it even claimed that the Dragon, the father of Alexander the Great, was actually ‘Zeus in the form of a Dragon’. In the same way, Christianity claims that the Cross, the instrument that Calicastia used to execute Jesus, was actually ‘sanctified’ to become Jesus’ own banner. Further, the Hermetic staff topped by two Dragons was adopted as the hieratic staff of the Spiritual Authority in the Greek Orthodox Church, (of the Lamb?!)
However, in spite of the Dragon’s efforts, the spirit of Zeus was subtly preserved in the ‘Theogony’ and the earlier Jevian ‘myths’, (not the numerous later myths by which all Hellenic kings tried to claim divine ancestry by portraying Zeus as a lecherous adulterer). In the same way the spirit of Jesus is preserved in the Christian religion through the Gospels, those passages in Jesus’ own words, the Divine Word, that Calicastia cannot touch, (not Paul’s writings or Christianity’s ‘mysteries’ and voodoo practices). This endurance is the way of the Lamb.
61 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 62 ______ALEXANDER THE GREAT Son Of The Dragon God - The Second Trojan Horse
Emotions and sentiments are bad counselors; tricky ones. They can lead rationalization on the wrong path. Being associative, they tend to shield the home domain from any blame. This is especially true of today's state of Man. With subconscious control causing contradictions between intentions and action results, one tends to cast all blame outside his own walls. This is partly due to a necessary mechanism for emotional peace. Thus, one tends to lose sight of the fact that the most dangerous enemy is the one within our own walls.
When an external enemy is around, the defenses go up automatically. When the enemy presence is persistent, you must keep constant vigilance on the battlements and guard every gate sleeplessly. You should be particularly aware of the enemy in disguise; this is the worst enemy because YOU act as his ally though he is not your ally. Your city of ‘Troy’ will fall when you open the gates or breach your walls to let him in. You should be particularly careful with the enemy reaching your city through the people with whom you are closely linked sentimentally; through mother and father, spouse, brothers and friends. With these people you resemble a unit in a system of communicating vessels, or communicating cities. If one of these cities is not guarding its gates, then all the cities of the system are easily invaded. So, if any of these people is not aware of the enemy, or does not consider your enemy as his enemy also, or he is not willing to defend his own walls against the common enemy, or cannot be trusted to defend his own walls effectively, then his company should be avoided, however close a relative.
At the beginning of this book you may have felt somewhat offended or bewildered. I hope that by now you can take these revelations quite well. You realize that most of what we have been taught so far by our schooling is a brainwashing that has prepared us to fit in a controlled society, without indulging in any activities that might rock Calicastia's boat. As for our national history, you must have realized by now that it is a topsy turvy concoction, written to suit those that sit in the ruler's seat, put there by the Old Chief, precisely for shielding us from the alarming truth that would free us from his grip. Thus, through our education and upbringing we are swallowed up by our fathers as they had been swallowed up by theirs, going back all the way to Saturn himself, thus extending his subconscious rule over us generation after generation.
Taking things in chronological order, our next question concerns Alexander the Great, one of the key figures in history.
Although Alexander was a very important figure in history and many volumes of both history and legend have been written about him in many languages, Greek national history, as taught in Greek schools, seems to be intentionally kept particularly vague, as if Greek national history teachers aim to hide from their students or to protect them from truths that they may have reason to be ashamed of. Who was this guy? What was his role in the plans of Calicastia-the-Dragon, the Planetary Authority?
Alexander's role in the GAME of World control is quite straightforward and, though many books have been written about him, we can sum up his role quite briefly.
62 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 63 ______First of all, Alexander was not Philip's son. He was not even a Macedon. His mother was a princess from Epirus. Olympias was a Dryad-Maenad and a Pythoness or Dragoness and was a leading priestess in Maenadic orgies in Thrace. She married Philip on the advice of her Hierophant, the wizard Nectanebo. The latter was an initiate priest from Memphis, who came from the Oracle Sanctuary of Siwa in Western Egypt. He had been christened into the Hermic Dragon initiation in Memphis and carried a staff topped by two Dragonheads, the same as that of the wizard High priest of the Druids and the staff of the higher clergy of the Greek Orthodox Church. (Nectanebo should not be confused with pharaoh Neptanabus).
The plan was that their son, Alexander, would be born heir to the Macedonian throne. (I call this ‘the cuckoo’s trick’). Olympias continued her Maenadic mystic rituals (or orgies) in the Macedonian court, where she had her own private wing dedicated to this purpose. She was constantly busy with her Maenadic orgies and Dragonic voodoo and kept pythons and other snakes in her quarters; even in her bed. Philip became quite repulsed by her voodoo and kept prudently in his own quarters, satisfying himself with the company of his concubines.
During one of her midnight mystic rituals Olympias became pregnant with the child that was to become Alexander the Great. The biological father was the wizard Nectanebo and the spiritual father was Hermes, Calicastia’s Red Dragon intiate. Alexander was dedicated to the Dragon god. It is said that Philip became so curious about the commotion of that night that he went and stood peeping through the narrow parting of the door of Olympias’ chambers, trying to figure out what was going on.
In order to keep the child, Olympias made up the following story: Late in the night of the conception, she was awakened by a strange tremor in her room and discovered a great Dragon lying intimately with her in her bed. By the mysterious shiver that she felt through her body, she knew that she had miraculously conceived and that she would give birth to a son that would one day conquer the World. [The impregnation of Olympias by Nectanebo was part of a mystic ritual that was believed to make the child the spiritual son of the Dragon God. This is the same ritual in which later Merlin, the Druid wizard Priest, impregnated the high Priestess of Avalon with the child Arthur, (the Great), after he had her marry king Uther Pendragon. The Druids were the shaman priests of the Celts (Keltae). They were named so because they performed their rituals and sacrifices in oak forests. They were joined by the Maenads of Samothrace, known hence as ‘Druades’, ‘Oak Nymphs’; (masculine Druides, feminine ‘Druades’). They emigrated across Europe to North-east France and then to England and Wales]. See ‘Synoptic History of Mankind’ for a fuller explanation.
Thus she circulated the myth that Alexander was not Philip's son, which was true, but a demigod, son of the Dragon God. (Some say that the Dragon was Zeus in disguise. This is a gross contradiction. Zeus-the-Lamb is the Dragon’s number one adversary).
Later, when Philip sent her and the child Alexander to her king father in Epirus, she instilled in the young Alexander an ambition according to her own dreams and a despise and contempt for Philip whom she, and later Alexander, referred to as ‘a barbarian Macedon’. On their return to the Macedonian palace, in her impatience to launch her son onto his glorious destiny, she had Philip assassinated.
63 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 64 ______We have already mentioned Alexander's banner; a black cross on red-and-white background. This can be seen on a colored wall freeze from Phaestus, now in Naples' museum. His attack signal flag was a plain-red piece of cloth.
Alexander was the first to institute execution by crucifixion.
We have also mentioned the complete destruction of Thebes and Tyre, the last strongholds and high sanctuaries of the Ionian princes, the brothers of Europa, Cadmos and Phoenix, who gave Greece and Western Europe their language. Athens surrendered unconditionally, so as not to have the same fate as Thebes.
Alexander did not unite the Greek city-states but subdued them by force and terror, having razed Thebes to the ground and threatening to do the same to Athens if it did not surrender unconditionally. It is indicative of this that, in spite of their enmity with the Persians, the Athenians and other Greeks were so abhorred by this barbarian ‘Son of the Dragon God’ - as Olympias called her son - that they fought on the side of the Persians against Alexander. Some Greek history teachers support that Alexander was not an ordinary conqueror but a ‘Civilizer’, who brought the superior Hellenic language and culture to the barbarian Easterners. The truth is that, apart from destroying completely Thebes and Tyre that gave Greece and Western Europe their language, and apart from putting a final end to the Ionian culture of Athens, Alexander, after he settled in Babylon, forbade his soldiers to speak Greek. He tried to abolish the use of the Greek language even in the meetings of his commanders and replace it with the Macedonian language. Some of his commanders headed by his propaganda ‘historian’ Callisthenes, a nephew and pupil of Aristotle, disagreed because the Macedonian was not a written language to keep records of the meetings. Alexander executed Callisthenes by crucifixion for conspiracy. The main reason why Alexander’s relation with his Macedonian commanders, especially his boyhood companions, soured, is that the latter considered his demand to be worshiped or bowed to in the manner of the Persian kings as somewhat ridiculous. So he decided to get rid of all his Macedonian commanders and replace them with Persians. He ‘suggested’ that they should retire to Macedonia for rest, “as a reward for their ordeal in the grueling campaign”. The commanders, reading his real purpose, declined the ‘offer’. Alexander executed those of higher rank for ‘mutiny’, in order to scare those of lower rank.
Alexander’s mind was being taken over by the Persian Prince, whose Empire he vanquished, and he was behaving more and more like a Persian king. He had to be terminated. Alexander was poisoned by a potion sent by his mother Olympias, on the suggestion of her priests, for the “good of everyone concerned”. Alexander knew of
64 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 65 ______the potion in his drink. When he drank the potion he said that he felt a sharp pain like “an arrow piercing his liver”. Knowing Alexander and how he had killed his closest companions on the slightest provocation or suspicion, there would be havoc and extensive bloodshed, if he suspected that any of his men tried to poison him. The potion came from his mother with a message. (His commanders knew nothing about it). He was convinced it was meant for his deification. It was the same potion that Olympias’ priests used in controlled doses in their high initiation, like Mescaline was used by the Maya priests and similar potions were used in the high initiation in Memphis and at Elefsis, to help the initiates have an ‘out of body experience’ or ‘Astral eksomatosis’. It brought about a kind of ‘cataleptic coma’ and the initiate had to be resuscitated by the monitoring high priest through the use of special vapors. For eleven days Alexander took further doses of the potion and prepared himself through personal ablutions and by making daily sacrifices at the Serapion. He gave instructions for his body to be transferred to the Oracle of Siwa in Egypt, where his father Nectanebo had come from. This is where he believed, according to the message, that the priests would bring him out of the coma and declare him a God after his father’s wishes and his mother’s plans(?). However, these were not Olympias’ real plans. After he passed into cataleptic coma, things were left to take a different course. Twelve days after he passed into coma, his commanders, disobeying his last wishes, (for political reasons of succession), opened his body up to mummify it. When they did so to remove the viscera, they discovered that they were still fresh, with no bloating, no smell and no signs of decay, (after 12 days in the June heat of Babylon). Some interpreted this as a sign of his divine nature. Alexander died on June 24th 323 BCE, when his viscera were removed for mummification. He was 33 years old.
So 33 are the years of Alexander's life span and not Jesus'. The Christian ritual in all Byzantine churches, which are decorated with dragons and flying serpents, is not a worship of Jesus the LAMB, but a worship of the Dragoness Olympias and her son, christened king in the name of the Dragon God. Jesus is ritually crucified in there, his image being permanently nailed to the cross.
The descent of Alexander marked the final end of the great Athenian culture, a culture in which the elements of Ionian refinement and Northern dynamism balanced in their optimum expression. With the coming of Alexander starts the Hellenistic period; a period marked by strife and criminal intrigue and total cultural darkness. (By ‘Hellenic Education’, Alexander had the Hellenic Gymnasium, and what went with it, in mind).
Hermes raised Alexander for a single purpose: To destroy or oust the Adamite- Ionian spirit from Attica, Ionian Asia Minor, Thebes and Tyre, as well as any Adamite remnants as far as the Central Asian rivers and the Indus, also going along with Calicastia to put an end to the Persian Empire, as a punishment of the Persian Prince for serving Jhwh the God of Abraham to provide an extended lease of 490 years for the state of Judea. (Daniel, chapter 9).
65 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 66 ______PAUL OF TARSUS The Greatest Trojan Horse Of All
Surveying the World of old and the World of today, it should be quite clear to everyone that the Authority on this planet has not changed, ever since there has been recorded history; and, judging by what I can understand about the characters of the Dragon and the Lamb, the Authority that has been ruling the World is certainly not that of the Lamb. Since the most active group of nations is the Christian world, and the pattern of things in the whole World is dictated by the activities and policies of this group of nations, whether through Administrative or Economic Colonialism, it should be easy to see that the Christian Church is the Synagogue of the Dragon in disguise. Considering the features of this Church, I even find it strange and rather amazing that this fact has eluded so many intelligences of the World, both past and present. But then again I think, what chance do these intelligences have, when they are subconsciously controlled through programs installed in them since infanthood?
Christianity is therefore the organization to examine. We have sketched it quite vividly but let us now go to the beginning; to its birth. Let us see how it was that it deviated, bent and finally reversed the Truth on the grounds of its birth. Let us try to understand how the religion of Jesus was perverted into Christianity.
You may have heard that Paul of Tarsus was the first Christian. I have even met some scholars that study the ancient Masters that consider Paul a greater Master than Jesus. Paul is therefore our next subject.
Paul was a Hellenized Roman Jew; a very tragic and very unhappy man; very intelligent, very devoted to everything he undertook and yet such a stiffneck; a man that accepted nothing unless it passed the screening of his own rationalization; a man that propagated his own opinions in the name of God or Jesus, insisting that his understanding defined the boundaries of the will of God; in many ways, like most dedicated high caliber people of today.
Since Paul is the central figure in the studies of most Christian scholars, who have made the deadly fruit their staple diet and, since these scholars base their faith in him on their bible studies or, rather, his writings and those of his companion Luke, we shall also see Paul through the same bible, borrowing arguments from there.
Paul was the first to call Jesus ‘Christ’, a title that has been used to override ‘Jesus’. Before that, the title even as used by the Greeks was ‘Messiah’. Furthermore, those referred to in biblical history as ‘Anointed’ were many and certainly Jesus was not one of them. He stands apart from the ‘leaven’, prepared while protected by prophecy. It is amazing how people twist the references in the bible to suit their own fixed opinions.
Let us take one such example: People use the prophecies of Daniel, and twist them round, so as to support their a priori conviction that the ‘Anointed one’, mentioned in Chapter 9, as being “cut off” before the last of the seventy weeks given to Judea, is Jesus. Let us examine this chapter here and see to whom this really refers. Actually, the Septuagint Bible says “the chrism will be terminated”, i.e. the ‘kingdom’, not just a king or the ‘Christ’.
66 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 67 ______At the beginning of Chapter 9, Daniel perceives in the books the number of years, which, according to the word of the Lord to Jeremiah the prophet, must pass before the end of the desolation of Jerusalem...; that is, seventy years. Then Daniel goes on praying, until he is interrupted by Gabriel, who gives him the following prophecy, (verse 24...): “Seventy weeks of years are decreed concerning your people and your holy city, to finish the transgression, to put an end to sin, to atone for inequity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal both vision and prophet and to anoint a holy of holies. Know therefore and understand that from the going forth of the word to restore and build Jerusalem to the coming of AN Anointed one, a Prince, there shall be seven weeks and for sixty-two weeks; and it shall be built again with squares and mote but in troubled time. And after the sixty-two weeks, “the chrism (i.e. the kingdom) will be destroyed, without any offence found in it”; and the people of the Prince that is to come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary. Its end shall come with a flood, and to the end there shall be war; desolations are decreed. And he (the Prince that is to come) shall make a covenant with many for one week; and for half the week he (the Prince) shall cause sacrifice and offering to cease; and on the sanctuary he shall raise the abomination of desolation, until the fulfillment of time, when an end shall be given to the desolation.” (The abomination of desolation is still there today).
First of all, AN Anointed one, a Messiah or ‘Christ’, (a Prince or King), comes right after seven weeks and, after a further sixty-two weeks, (and of course an equally long line of Anointed ones - kings of Israel), the chrism, i.e. the kingdom, will be destroyed. In the remaining seventieth week, the Prince of the destroying army shall make a covenant with many, (presumably Jewish leaders), ... etc.
The question is: When did the word go out and who is the Anointed that was cut off?
Prophet Isaiah had named king Cyrus as the issuer of this decree. It is also stated very clearly in Ezra: “In the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, that the word of the Lord by the mouth of Jeremiah might be accomplished, the Lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia so that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom and also put it in writing: Thus says Cyrus king of Persia: The Lord, the God of Heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the Earth, and he has charged me to build him a house at Jerusalem, which is in Judea....”.
It is quite plain. The Word went out from the lord in the first year of Cyrus, through Cyrus. This was the year 538 BCE, according to the reckoning from the sum of the years of successive kings, (in which the last year of a king is taken to be the same as the first year of the next one, thus subtracting a year for every king in the count), or 550 BCE, according to temple reckoning, which is continuous, irrespective of kings. (The records of Jesus’ trial quote the 17th year of Tiberius, i.e. 30 AD, as the 97th year from the end of the ‘holy kingdom’ and the 580th year from the end of the captivity in Babylon). This means that, according to the temple reckoning, which is the CORRECT reckoning, the liberation from Babylon must have taken place in 550 BCE and that the kingdom was destroyed in 67 BCE. The seventieth week was between 66 and 60 BCE inclusive. This agrees with history. The Roman ‘Prince’, Pompey, did cut off the last of the line of the Jewish kings, Hyrcanus II of the Hasmonean Dynasty and put an end to the ‘holy kingdom’ in 67 BCE. Hyrcanus II was the last of the 62 year-weeks long line of Christened kings (Christs) of Judea. In the week that followed, Pompey made a pact with many Jewish leaders and appointed Antipater as the first Roman Procurator in Jerusalem. This marked the
67 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 68 ______beginning of events that culminated with the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD in the ‘flood, the war and the desolation decreed’. The abomination of desolation, or ‘mark of Cursed Death’, is the Cross, the instrument of execution of thousands of prisoners. This instrument of execution was commonly referred to as ‘the tree of the Devil’.
The bible scholars change the day of issue of the word to the time of Artaxerxis, to whom the Jews reported their troubles with their neighbors and asked for his renewed support, to which he responded by also sending the temple treasures to Jerusalem; and this they do in order to bring the day of the ‘cutting off’ to the crucifixion of Jesus.
... At the end of the seventy weeks, both vision and prophet would be sealed.
In Matthew Chapter 11, verses 12 and 13, Jesus says: - "From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of Heaven has suffered violence and men of violence take it by force, because all the prophets and the Law prophesied until John".
So, all prophecy was sealed before Jesus and the time of Jesus was not under prophecy; neither was Jesus. The leaven was ready and Jesus ushered a new phase. History proves that Jesus was NOT the Messiah (Christ) that the Jews were expecting to liberate them from the Romans. (Actually, there is no such prophecy in their books). On the contrary; forty years after the voodoo ritual on Calvary against their nation, the nation was totally dismantled, Jerusalem was totally destroyed and declared out of bounds for all Jews). The kingdom had served its decreed term.
Let us take the story of Paul from the beginning: Paul was a man of acute intelligence and restless temperament. Like most people of this type, he was fervently looking for a mission, a purpose in life and, like most of these people, he could be quite aggressive in pursuing it. Their aggressiveness puts them on the lookout for trouble spots, as these are very fertile ground for such ambitions.
The opportunity offered itself in the form of this new sect of ‘trouble makers’ right at his doorstep and he undertook on his own initiative the persecution of the Nazarenes; a mission he undertook with exceptional zeal. (Without him to persecute them, the apostolic body In Jerusalem and the followers in Judea were left in peace).
On his way to Damascus, on a persecution mission, he was stopped by Jesus and realized that he had been ‘kicking against nails’. From then on, he undertook an even more fervent and in every way sincere mission; to be the self-appointed apostle of a new religion. Until then, there was no question of a New Religion. The starting point was Jesus but Paul, who had never heard the teachings of Jesus, soon changed that from a Jewish movement of the Nazarenes or the ‘devoted ones’, to a religion of his own conception, Christianity, with Christ as its figure-head, a personality produced purely out of his own imagination and educational background. His philosophy was a mixture of revised Judaism and Hellenic liberalism. To marry these two conflicting parts, he had to use very elaborate and complicated rationalizations that sometimes confused even himself.
His liberalism made him quite popular with the upper-class Greek ladies but neither the traditional Jews nor the Nazarenes would accept him. The apostolic body in
68 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 69 ______Jerusalem rejected him repeatedly and he joined onto Barnabas, who was greatly respected by all sectors of the Jewish society, in order to make some headway.
During that meeting, the apostolic body agreed that they “should not put a yoke upon the necks of the disciples which neither our fathers nor we have been able to bear...” but they should only insist that those of the Gentiles observe the basic rules of clean living. Certainly this could not mean that circumcision should be abolished. Everybody, including Jesus, considered circumcision higher than the Law of Moses and, further, as circumcision was performed by all at the age of one week, it could not have been the ‘burden’ they referred to. The burden was the many offerings and the complicated rituals that went with them; and so difficult to follow.
If Paul had such an authorization concerning the abolition of circumcision, he would have no need to perform it on Timothy, (Acts 16). Further, if the Jewish communities wanted to lynch him for preaching against circumcision and waited to try it when he dared to visit Jerusalem again, they should also want to do the same to those that gave him the authorization and were still in Jerusalem.
We see that, right after the supposed authorization, Paul and Barnabas quarreled and split up for ever. The issue, as Luke puts it, was the inclusion of Barnabas’ nephew, John-Mark, the Evangelist, in their mission. Paul did not want Mark with them, because he had not followed them on a previous mission. This reminds one of the wicked servant who, after being forgiven a great debt by his master, he refused to forgive a debt of a few pennies to a fellow servant, the following minute. Paul, according to himself, had surely been forgiven a lot, without asking for forgiveness.
Actually, the quarrel was about something more serious; it was about the authorization. In addition, Paul had now found a new companion, Luke, that considered him the greatest and Barnabas had outlived his usefulness.
We see that, immediately after this, Acts 16, Luke says that “the holy spirit prevented them from preaching in Asia and the spirit of Jesus did not allow them to enter Bithynia”. Paul then says that he saw a dream in his sleep that night, in which a Macedon, not the spirit of Jesus, called him across to Macedonia. So, not only the Jewish communities rejected Paul from the cities in Asia, but Jesus as well. It was not Jesus that appointed Paul ‘Apostle of the Gentiles’ but the Macedon son of the Dragon god who made him the founder, not of the Church of Jesus, but of the religion of the ritual Crucifixion of Jesus.
Notice that, when the Angel of Jesus in the Apocalypse sent messages to the Churches, it was only to Churches in this area, where Paul was prevented from preaching. None of the Churches established by Paul is included; no Thessalonica, Corinth, Rome etc.. To the Angels of the Churches of Smyrna and Philadelphia, the message includes an admonition against those that “call themselves Jews and they are not, but are the Synagogue of Satan”. The criterion of belonging to the people of Jhwh is laid down by Jhwh Himself in his covenant with Abraham.
Paul’s teaching is not only at variance with that of Jesus. At places, it is in direct opposition. Concerning the Law and the mission of Jesus, we should refer to the most important of Jesus’ sermons; the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5, 6 and 7.
69 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 70 ______Jesus said that He had not come to abolish the Law but to complete it; the word is ‘pleroso’, which means ‘to complete’ and not ‘fulfill’; (‘ekpleroso’ means ‘to fulfill’). If there is any doubt as to the meaning of the word, read further. In the passage that follows immediately after this statement, Jesus does exactly this; He completes the Law. He made it stricter and more demanding. He added “...till Heaven and Earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot will pass from the Law until all is accomplished. Whoever then relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so shall be called least in the kingdom of Heaven...”. That’s right. Not even Jesus could annul any of the commandments of God. This is unthinkable. No God can give a Law and then send someone to cancel it. This would amount to the gravest crime against His Name and His people, because He would be exposing them to any self-appointed messenger that could perform a few miraculous acts to deceive them. Even the laws of mere kings could not be annulled during their lifetime, unless these were short-term ordinances, in which case the term of their validity was stated with the ordinance.
So, part of the mission of Jesus was to complete the Law, now that John had cleansed the people and they were entering a new critical phase of their training for the mission that their God had appointed for them. As for the miracles he was allowed to perform, they served as his credentials for those that needed to see in order to believe. The power and authority vested in him did not give him the liberty to tamper with the Law.
What Paul teaches amounts to this mission of Jesus being made void by His crucifixion; that what Jesus taught had no validity a few months after He had said it. By postulating that the crucifixion of Jesus was the divine act that forgave people all their sins and released them from the Law, Paul made the crucifixion the central theme of the new religion.
The crucifixion of Jesus was an act of grand witchcraft against the nation of Jhwh, or Zeus, and was performed by Calicastia’s (Saturn’s) people, the Romans. You also know by now why the Heavenly Father expected it and why He allowed it to happen; because with Jesus, He could trump the Dragon-Calicastia’s ultimate weapon, the Cross. You defeat your enemy by facing him; not by running away.
In spite of Paul's intelligence, his rationalization, when he became emotional and raved against the Jews, was sometimes very shallow and feeble. An example of this is the way he tries to show that the covenant does not apply to them, Galatians 3.16:
“Now the promises were made to Abraham and to his sperm. It does not say ‘and to sperms’, referring to many, but referring to one, ‘and to your sperm’, which is Christ. This is what I mean: the law, which came four hundred and thirty years afterward, does not annul the covenant previously ratified by God, so as to make the promise void. For if the inheritance is by law, it is no longer by promise; but God gave it to Abraham by promise. Why then the law? It was added because of transgressions, till the sperm should come to whom the promise had been made; and it was ordained by angels through an intermediary. Now an intermediary implies more than one; but God is one. Is the law then against the promises of God? Certainly not; for if a law had been given which could make alive, righteousness would indeed be by law. But the scripture consigned all things to sin, that what was promised to faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe.”!!!
70 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 71 ______Poor father Abraham! What a conman your God is made to be! And you thought that in an honest covenant both parties should understand the same thing! You have been tricked: that is, if Paul is right. You fool understood, and God led you to understand, that ‘sperm’ meant ‘descendants’.
I think that some of what Paul said did not make sense even to Paul himself. No wonder, those who follow Paul have instituted special colleges for special degrees in Bible studies, and some spend their whole lifetime getting increasingly confused. These Bible studies and degrees always struck me as ridiculous, because they make Jesus to be an idiot of a teacher, expecting his teaching to be understood by simple people in such short sermons.
To see the contradiction between Paul and the disciples that knew and heard Jesus, let us compare Paul’s Galatians 3, on the matter of Faith without Works and James’ 2 from verse 14 on, on Faith confirmed by Works.
Galatians 3: “O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you, before whose eyes Jesus Christ was publicly portrayed as crucified? Let me ask you this: Did you receive the Spirit by works of the law, or by hearing with faith? Are you so foolish? Having begun with the Spirit, are you now ending with the flesh? Did you experience so many things in vain? – if it really is in vain. Does he who supplies the Spirit and works miracles among you do so by works of the law, or by hearing with faith? Thus Abraham ‘believed God and it was reckoned to him as righteousness’. So you see that it is men of faith who are the sons of Abraham. And the scripture foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, preached the gospel beforehand to Abraham, saying, ‘In you shall the Nations be blessed’. So then, those who are men of faith are blessed with Abraham who had faith. For all who rely on works of the law are under a curse; for it is written, ‘Cursed be everyone who does not abide by all things written in the book of the law and do them’. Now it is evident that no man is justified before God by law; for ‘He who through faith is righteous shall live’; but the law does not rest on faith (??), for ‘He who does them shall live by them’. Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us, for it is written, ‘cursed be everyone who hangs on a tree’, that in Christ Jesus the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.”
Now, let us go to James 2, verse 14:
“What does it profit my brethren, if a man says he has faith but has not work? Can his faith save him? If a brother or sister is ill-clad and in lack of daily food, and one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace, be warmed and filled’, without giving them the things needed for the body, what does it profit? So faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead. But someone will say, ‘You have faith and I have works. Show me your faith apart from your works, and I by my works shall show you my faith’. You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe — and shudder. Do you want to be shown, you shallow man, that faith without works is barren? was not Abraham our father justified by works, when he offered his son Isaac upon the altar? You see that faith was acting along with his works and faith was completed by works, and the scripture was justified which says, ‘Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned to him as righteousness’; and he was called the friend of God. You see that man is justified by works and not by faith alone...”
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The contradiction is quite clear. It is also clear as to whom James is referring as ‘preaching faith without works’.
In this, Paul is also in contradiction with Jesus himself, who stressed, on many occasions, that ‘...He who loves me is the one who does my commands; and to him I will come, and we shall be one, like Father and I are one ...’.
The bible scholars base most of their bible studies on the writings of Paul (and Luke) and, as Peter warned, get increasingly confused. On the basis of these writings and their scholarly interpretations, the Christian Church in America has been split into more than 2000 denominations.
What can one expect? The scholar's bible comprises of 66 books. So, we know who is watching over the minds of its readers and who directs their interpretation of it.
You see the book is only black letters on white paper. It is the spirit that gives meaning and generates the living word out of it. As the bible is the greatest source of spiritual food and drink of the Christians, the Dragon, the Authority in the Church would be stupid not to load it with mickeys. The most effective mickeys are slipped in the best of foods. The Dragon is sure to lurk at the spiritual spring of the thirsty lambs. This is the easiest place to catch them, if they are not extra careful.
In order that the lambs would not dare attempt to spot at least some of these mickeys, the Dragon has put forward the ridiculous dogma that ‘every word in the bible is God inspired’; and this, after he had the Byzantines revise it. The Sinaitic Code of the Byzantine New Testament survived complete, whilst not a single page of the documents on which it was based survived within the Byzantine reach.
How can every word of the description of journeys and events, including petty quarrels, murderous intrigues, fornications and adulteries, be God inspired?
Not only this. Even the Evangelists themselves had no easy access to books and they tried, like people of today, to apply verses they had heard out of text, to the events of their time. For example, read the prophecy concerning Emmanuel, in Isaiah 7. The birth of Emmanuel of a young girl was a sign that God, through Isaiah, gave to Ahaz king of Judah, as a proof that God’s words concerning the inability of the kings of Samaria and Damascus to conquer Jerusalem, were true. Obviously the sign would be fulfilled before the prophecy that Isaiah gave to Ahaz concerning the issue of the safety of Jerusalem. Otherwise it could not serve as a sign. So, it is evident that this prophecy had nothing to do with Jesus. But, during the Messianic fever, most Jews applied all verses of the scriptures and prophecy they remembered out of text to any one they believed to be the Messiah. (This particular extract was a later 4th century addition to the gospel, on the instructions of Saint Helen, who developed an obsession with her own chastity, being abhorred by her concubine relation with Constantius).
Even if we accepted this dogma about the bible, even if every word was God-inspired, it is still subject to the interpretation of the reader, or to the interpretation given by the spirit that guides the reader’s understanding; and we know which spirit is that. In the end there are almost as many interpretations as there are readers and everyone follows
72 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 73 ______his own personal interpretation and personal morality. We see what kind of Morality!!! ‘Personal morality’ is equivalent to ‘immorality’.
The message of the New Testament is simpler than that of the Old Testament, as summarized by Jesus. The message is one of Joy:
Put the Law into your heart. Add to it the Law of Love and be full of Joy because we have, all of us, through Jesus, defeated Death. And be also glad that all that Jesus did, we should also be able to do and even greater things, provided we are totally devoted to our Heavenly Father; this is what Jesus assured us.
73 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 74 ______HELEN OF BYZANTIUM - The Fourth Trojan Horse
The Christian Church is a blend of Hellenism and Romanism in which all exponents of the Calicastia-the-Dragon are coordinated against Jesus and his saints.
The only period in modern human history that was darker and more degenerate than the Hellenistic era was the Byzantine and the medieval Papal era.
This was a period ruled by whores; the great whores of history, like the famous Alexandra for example: At the age of fifteen, she laid with emperor Leo the Isaure, in one of the so-called ‘inns of joy’, owned and run by her whore mother. Then she made her way to the ‘Queen city’, where she ‘conquered’ all the high-ranking Byzantines, royal, political and military and ended up in control of all the military industry of Byzantium, having become the wealthiest person in the Empire and having adopted about 550 male children that came to man most of the key posts in the Byzantine machinery. Alexandra was only one of a long line of whores, some of which made their way from the hippodrome to the throne, as Empresses that ruled and chartered the course not only of political and socioeconomic matters but of religion as well.
Thus, the ‘Mysterious Babylon’ that sits on seven hills and calls herself ‘Queen’, the only city called ‘Queen’ or ‘Vassilevousa’, rules over the nations and defiles those that share her cup. Rome and Byzantium, or New Rome as it was otherwise called, are the models for many other cities that followed in their footsteps.
To see how this city was chosen for this role, we have to go back to the fourth century BCE. At the time that Hermes was raising up Alexander, the Female Chthonic Deity claimed the city, then called Byzantium, as the seat of her future reign. In the same year that Olympias chose the Cross as Alexander’s banner, 336 BCE, the city of Byzantium adopted the Crescent as her symbol and this has remained so ever since, even after her conquest by the Turks. The justification for this was that the appearance of the morning crescent aroused the dogs, whose insistent barking awakened the inhabitants of the city, who thus became aware of an approaching barbarian army (Philip of Macedonia) and were able to save the city from a surprise attack. A rather feeble story; why was it not the movements of the enemy that set the dogs barking? This goes to show how the Deities that control the subconscious can manipulate rationalization on the flimsiest and most improbable grounds, so as to place Man under their control. Thus Death, symbol the Cross, and Hades, symbol the Crescent, stepped on the historic scene of the area simultaneously.
Helen of Byzantium established the official Christian Church but, in spite of the devout intent and sincere efforts of the ‘fathers’ of the Byzantine faith, this Church evolved, right from the start, into the most effective Trojan horse; the Synagogue of Hermes (Calicastia’s Red Dragon initiate) disguised as the religion of Jesus.
You see that we have the same name ‘Helen’ again. Its original dictation was HELLEN, which means ‘fiery’ or ‘bright’.
We have already said that names are basic access codes. Through these, the Authorities, to which these names belong, can gain access to the subconscious of individuals for subliminal control; the name is also the basic access code in black magic and witchcraft.
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We have also mentioned earlier that in the book of Revelations, the Angel of Jesus says to John “on that day, I shall give to those that overcome a new chip and on this chip there will be written a name that nobody knows except the one who receives it”. What’ the use of a name that nobody knows except the giver and the bearer? Now you understand. It is a secret access code for unjammed or unfouled and uninterfered communication between giver and bearer.
So, beware of people with Roman names, especially names of Emperors that have persecuted the Jews and the early followers of Jesus. They will definitely be used by Calicastia if it serves his purpose, even if the bearers have excellent intentions.
Helen of Byzantium, (the later Saint Helena), was a Dryad priestess and, according to her hierophant’s plans she got employment as a waitress in one of those ‘inns of joy’ on the frontiers of the Roman Empire, where the Roman officers frequented. According to the plan, she became a concubine of the Roman general Constantius Chlorus, brother of Emperor Diocletian, so that her son would be born in the Roman Imperial family. (Emperor Constantine’s biological father was Helen’s hierophant and not Constantius. We mentioned earlier the ‘cuckoo’s trick’). The children of Romans from their concubines were considered perfectly legitimate by Roman law.
(From her knowledge of the hieratic staff with the two Dragonheads and the power of the Cross, Helen must have been involved in Maenadic mysteries of the Dryads, currently popular in Dalmatia and Illyria as well as in Thrace and all areas of the Balkans. The Akashic records show that she was indeed a Dryad Priestess and her Hierophant was some Evxenios of the Roxaneids lineage, who carried Nectanebo’s Hermetic hieratic staff with the two Dragonheads, later carried by Merlin, the wizard Priest of the Druids or Druides; feminine ‘Druades’, masculine ‘Druides’).
Because Helen had affiliations with the Christian ‘rebels’, (all rebels, like Robin Hood later, had their contacts in popular drinking inns, even ran some of these), relations that were getting increasingly tighter and stronger, emperor Diocletian ordered Constantius to send her away without her son, whom he kept with himself and forbade any contact with his mother. This suited both Helen and her Hierophant. As a Dryad Priestess, Helen considered her sexual relations with Constantius as unclean. She had a fanatic concept of her female chastity, from which stems the concept of the immaculate conception of Jesus by Mary. The gospels were modified accordingly in the 4th century, when the Byzantine New Testament, the ‘Codex Sinaiticus’, was compiled. Until then there was never such an issue. Mariam, the Mother of Jesus, was a poor Jewish mother with a house-full of children, five sons, Jesus (the firstborn and not her only son according to the Greek gospel of Matthew chapter 1, verse 25 and also according to Luke chapter 2, verse 7), James, Joseph, Simon and Judas, the names of which are mentioned in Matthew 13 verse 55, plus a few daughters. (If these were Joseph’s children from a previous marriage, he would have them with him in Bethlehem for the census and the Gospels would mention it).
Like Olympias, Helen was a very dynamic and ambitious woman with a strong and charismatic personality. According to her Hierophant’s plans, her ambition was to see her son ruler of all the known World. Mother and son were united again after the death of Diocletian, when Constantine already held a high rank in the Roman army.
75 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 76 ______Helen was a very persistent lady and always managed to have her way. Because she did not like her first daughter-in-law, Minervina, she persuaded Constantine to send her away and found a new wife of her own choice for her son, Fausta, and her three grandsons she named Constance, Constantius and Constantine. (Helen believed that this name had ritualistic power, as Olympias believed for the name ‘Alexander’). Because she did not want either Minervina’s son, Crispus, to inherit the throne, she managed that Constantine, (according to Byzantine History), had his own son murdered, with the accusation that he laid with Fausta. Fausta was also killed in boiling water by Constantine, (again according to Byzantine History). Thus Helen remained the only woman of influence by her son. (Constantine would not resort to secret murder but public execution of Crispus. It is also unthinkable that a Roman general would stoop to killing a woman by boiling water in her bath. This is a purely woman’s way. Fausta’s murder in boiling water was Helen’s work. Crispus’ murder was also arranged by Helen but Byzantine History debited both murders to Constantine, in order to protect the unblemished sanctity of Saint Helena). As a Dryad Priestess, Helen, like Olympias who had her own son killed, judged the morality of the means according to the sanctity of the purpose and the commands of the deity they served, which they considered non-violateable, above personal matters. To such women, and generally to people that place their faith and duty above personal matters, you take your hat off with respect, even if they are your adversaries.
It was Helen who persuaded her son Constantine to adopt the Cross, with the letter ‘R’ superimposed on it, as his banner. We have met the letter ‘R’ in the fundamental particles, URA, UR and RA, as well as the word-formula ‘EROS’. It is the symbol of a right-hand vortex. It gives the cross the sense of dynamism or rotation, as the dashes at the extremes of the swastika. Later, her form of Christianity was established as the official religion of the empire. The truth is that the Roman Empire was never Christianized. It was the other way round. The Christian religion was romanized and the true fellowship of Jesus, as an organized body, came to an end.
The 11th of May 330 C.E. is the date on which SATURN, the Roman or Scandinavian Dragon, transferred his authority to IAPETOS, (the 666). And, what the Dragon was not able to accomplish by direct persecution and the posting of crucified images of Jesus as the King of the Jews at cross roads and in squares, he managed to accomplish in one swift Trojan Horse move, by bringing this voodoo into the churches of the new official religion of Christianity. This is when the Greeks adopted the ethnonyme ‘Romioe’ or ‘Romans’, the only people to call themselves ‘Romans’ to this day, after their conquerors!.
First of all, Helen spared no efforts or expenses in order to adopt the Crucified Jesus as the first symbol of the new religion. Before this, the Romans used to crucify images of Jesus, as the ‘King of the Jews’, and post them in squares and crossroads, in order to anathematize the Jews and the followers of Jesus. At the same time, they tried to wipe out all Jews and followers of Jesus by employing all kinds of direct persecution. As I mentioned above, what Hermes was not able to achieve through the Romans during three centuries of direct persecution, he managed to accomplish through Helen of Byzantium, in one swift move. He soon had the Christians themselves performing his voodoo ritual against Jesus and his people, by crucifying the image of Jesus as the ‘King of the Jews’ in the framework of an organized mystical ritualistic religion, with the Christians subconsciously led to believe that, by doing so, they were offering worship to Jesus.(!!!)
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The second image employed was the symbol of Hades, the Crescent. The three images, the Dragon, the Cross and the Crescent, were married together in the new symbol of the Byzantine Faith, the Anchor, complete with the Dragon in the form of a thick rope round the stem of the Anchor. The combination of the Anchor, the Cross and the heart became standard jewelry for all Byzantine women and infants. The Dragon, the Anchor, the Cross and the Heart became the standard popular themes in tattooing.
The Tomb, or Sepulcher, became the most sacred shrine of Christendom; a religion that is supposed to be the fellowship of Jesus, who is the Life and the resurrection. The good news that Jesus brought us is the resurrection; Man's victory against Death. Jesus does not stand out because of His crucifixion. He was one of tens of thousands crucified. He stands out because He was the only crucified Man to be resurrected.
The temples or churches of the new religion are built in opposition to the design of the temples of the Living God, as used in ancient times and as given also in the instructions to both Moses and Ezekiel. It has no East gate. Its main gate is on the West, according to the temples of the Dead or Heroes in ancient times, with the cemetery West of this gate. A new style was introduced out of the blue, the structural stability of which nobody at the time could understand, let alone foresee. This Byzantine style is almost an exact replica of Kaile Mountain in Tibet, the dome of the scull being topped this time with a Cross. Even in other styles of Byzantine churches without a central dome, the holy of holies is still roofed by a dome or half-dome. The whole building of the church is designed to be a chamber of grand witchcraft against Jesus and His saints. Images of the saints were made and placed under the dome on the icon-stand, with the image of Jesus nailed to the cross and placed at the top of the icon-stand, right beneath the dome of the scull. Bones of the saints, those that could be found, were collected and built into the altar, in the same way that hair and nails of voodoo-witchcraft victims are incorporated into the voodoo dolls.
Further, the dead are buried under the cross. This holds them prisoners and prevents them from reincarnating. These are the saints of the fifth seal of the Apocalypse that cry to God from under the Altar, the Cross, to avenge them from the living who put them there. However, many Christians manage to reincarnate before the cross is placed on their graves. Nostradamus refers to the end of this practice in the 13th quatrain of the second century: "The body without a soul no longer at the sacrifice (altar). At the day of death it is brought to rebirth. The divine spirit will make the soul rejoice seeing the eternity of the Word".
The artistic theme in these Byzantine churches is the dragon and flying serpents. The black robe of witchcraft was later adopted as the standard apparel of the priest, (with some sort of logical explanation). The Episcopal staff, the symbol of Spiritual Authority of the Church is topped by two dragonheads and a cross.
It is amazing how man’s rationalization can be so manipulated as to adopt the Cross, the instrument of the execution of Jesus, as the symbol of Jesus (with the pretext that it has been sanctified) and the image of the Dragon, recognized by all as the symbol of Satan, as mentioned also so many times in the bible, as the artistic theme in the Lamb’s Church, whilst the image of the Lamb is nowhere to be seen therein.
77 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 78 ______Further still, in the Byzantine Church, as well as in all Nordic Christianity, all names in history, literature, mythology and religion are given to children except two, the names ‘Jesus’ and ‘Zeus’, though the names Christos, Stavros, Emmanuel, Soteris (Savior), Maria, Panayia (Holiest) and the names of all ancient Gods, except Zeus, are given. When this is pointed out, they support that giving to children the name Jesus is presumptuous and disrespectful, whilst they admit that all other names are given out of respect and veneration. How can you reason with such rationalization?
An elaborate calendar of the dead (saints) was worked out, many and most important feast days being dedicated to the Lady. The Passover was dedicated to the element of Fire and was called ‘Lampra’, which is another word for ‘great fire’, with bonfires and fireworks lit around the churches this night. The ceremony of the creation of the ‘holy flame’ also takes place on the Saturday before the Orthodox Easter. The birthday of Jesus, now referred to only as Christmas or Xmas, is celebrated on December the 25th, the date of the ancient Saturnia.
Hermes (Calicastia’s Red Dragon initiate) made sure that any veneration of Jesus is absolutely excluded from all practices of the Christian society. And this, whilst all the time he has the Christians fully convinced that in their religious and other everyday practices they do nothing else but venerate or worship Jesus. Never has a Wolf or Dragon worn a Lamb's pelt and horns in a more convincing way.
78 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 79 ______THE STATE OF ISRAEL - The Last Trojan Horse
Ever since Hellenism has dominated the Mediterranean area, the Trojan Horse tactics and subliminal techniques have become the “modus operandi” in the control and steering of Man in all fields of human endeavor, guiding his scientific and religious convictions as well as his technological, political and socioeconomic progress. And, as Hellenism and Romanism are the foundation and dominant features of our present culture, the same is true today.
The Old Planetary Authority is apt to use anybody and all means to pursue his purpose. I can see him at work in cinema and TV programs, especially those for children, in names of market products, in advertisements, in artistic themes and in things I read. Even while reading the bible, I am aware of him trying to trick me.
You have read enough so far to be able to see clearly who the enemy is and what is his target. It is not a matter of good and bad according to the understanding of Man. It is the old Authority trying to thwart the new; Saturn trying to swallow up Zeus or Calicastia-the-Dragon trying to swallow up Jesus the Lamb.
Read the description of the Heavenly lady in the book of Revelations chapter 12, in travail to give birth to a male child that is to be the New Authority, whilst the Dragon is waiting to swallow her newborn son. The theme is exactly the same as that of Cronos (Saturn) waiting to swallow the newborn Zeus. Rhea is the same as the Heavenly Jerusalem. Jesus is the head of the Jews and the Jews are the body of Jesus. The army of the chosen 144.000 are all from the twelve tribes.
Counting 1260 years from the crucifixion of Jesus, according to the same chapter, brings us to 1290. This was the year of the first persecutions of the Jews in England and that was just after they began to be called Jeus. After this, we meet the Jewish persecutions spreading in the Netherlands, in France, in Spain, the pogroms in Russia, the ghettos in Poland and, finally, the holocaust; all these in addition to those by the Romans in the early centuries of Christianity and the later centuries occasionally by the Romanized Christian Church.
The history of the persecutions demonstrates a frontal attack. By now, Hermes should be using his Trojan horse tactics against the Jews. We have already mentioned something about this earlier but we did not elaborate at the time. Now that we are following a historic rundown of the main Trojan horses, it is time to examine it in more detail.
We have already followed the story of Abraham and Israel, until the sojourn in Egypt and remarked about the purpose of this sojourn. Jhwh established a strong footing in this nation during the forty years in the Sinai desert. These forty years gave Israel the necessary devotion to Jhwh and the necessary backbone that would see them through to the end.
This era was still under Saturn (Calicastia) and, when out of the desert, the Jews were right away exposed to his interference and his frequent attacks and he managed right from the start to slip in some of his Trojan horses. And this, in spite of the fact that Moses, as instructed by Jhwh, did not enter Canaan because he had received the Hermetic (dragonic) initiation at Memphis; (not because of the contention at the
79 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 80 ______‘Waters of Meribah’). Thus, circumstances(?) saw to it that his day, Saturday, was chosen as their sanctification day, the day of Zeus or Jhwh being Thursday (Jovedi). Even some messengers that prophesied against Jerusalem were his. Soon, the name ‘Jhwh’ was overridden by the title ‘Adonai’, which means ‘Male Lord’, the same as ‘Baal’. ‘Baal’ means ‘erect’ or ‘standing straight’ and ‘Adonis’ means ‘unbent’, ‘stiff’ or ‘immovable’. Adonis was for Venus what Baal was for Astarte or Ishtar. The invocation of Adonai caused a clash with the Spirit of Jhwh and this resulted in a number of mysterious deaths of High Priests on the annual entry of the High Priest into the Holy of Holies of the Temple on the Day of Atonement. As the removal of the body posed a serious problem because nobody other than the High Priest was allowed into the Adytum, after the first couple of such occurrences, the High Priest used to tie himself with a rope around his ankle on entry into the Adytum, with one end of the rope outside, so that his body could be pulled out in case he died in there. So, Saturn-Calicastia was there right from the start, not only to harass and confound the Jews in every way possible but also to lie in wait, to swallow the newborn Jesus, whenever the latter’s time came up. The Romans were moved in place to act on his bidding, when the situation arose. Jhwh was also constantly busy with evasive action and creating smoke screens to confuse Calicastia. Later, especially during the periods of the persecutions, many of Jhwh’s most important envoys were born under cover, among the Nations as Christians, even right within Calicastia’s traditional strongholds. We have said that the Trojan horse game is one that two or more can play.
We have mentioned earlier, in passing, that the state of Israel is a Trojan horse for the Jews. This is the time to elaborate.
Before the Eastern Roman Empire or Byzantine Empire fell to the Turks, the Dragon established a new headquarters in Western Europe, in addition to the one in Tibet. This is Switzerland, in Geneva, with annexes in all the Scandinavian countries. Even the Orthodox Patriarchade has its annex or alternative headquarters, outside Geneva. From this new headquarters, Calicastia controls all activities, including wars, in all Christian Europe. From Geneva, he had prepared the last move when the man-666 was upcoming, while the establishment of the state of Israel was also planned there.
Benedictos was from Palestine, but later he was called to Greece. In 1947 he was sent back to Palestine, being appointed chief bursar at the Jerusalem Orthodox Patriarchade. It was then that all was ready for the establishment of the state of Israel.
The fact that the Jewish authorities adopted 666 as the code number for all their means of public transport in Jerusalem, just before the death of Benedictos, is only a sign as to which spiritual authority rules even the ‘Jews’ in Jerusalem. There are many other facts that show that the state of Israel is the subtlest enemy of the Jews.
It may be really a hard thing to say and a very hard thing for any Jew to accept, that his own state, which has given him a home and a strong refuge after the holocaust, could actually be one of his worst enemies. However, it is even worse than you think. You will realize this when we examine the situation further.
First, Let us consider the superficial aspect. Can you imagine what the situation of the Jews would be today, if it were not for the establishment of the state of Israel? After the holocaust, the world was so shocked, that the feelings of hatred and despise for the
80 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 81 ______Jews were replaced by feelings of remorse and sympathy for them. Everyone agreed that this kind of psychotic hysteria should never be allowed to happen ever again and that the Jews had a proper place in the World. All countries were ready to accept the Jews among them and treat them with the respect that was their proper due. This was especially true among the Arabic nations. Imagine the organization and progress that Jewish efficiency would have brought to these countries and the respect that this Jewish blessing would reflect on the Jews. Instead, what do we have now? A state of Israel in which the Jews are living in perpetual war, where children cannot go for a hike or a picnic without armed companions every 20 meters. The Jews, instead of reaping the fruit of their labor in the form of prosperity and peace, expend most of it for military needs, while all International, and prosperous, Jewry throws generously its share in the kitty.
Above all, the state of Israel, which is the godchild of all the nations that once persecuted the Jews, has killed the feelings of sympathy for the Jews and has turned them again into hatred and blasphemy, both against them and their God, bringing about also their persecution by those who had not persecuted them so far.
The most serious and much deeper harm that has come to the Jews, because of the state of Israel, is the effect that this has had on the Jews themselves. Most of them have abandoned their God. They are just another nation like the Gentiles; another cancered domain in a cancered World. They believe that their safety lies behind the boundaries of this state. This is a terrible fallacy. Can you imagine what would happen to the state of Israel if, because of the renewed hatred against the Jews, Jewish persecutions flared up in Europe, America, South Africa and Australia? Can Israel survive without the economic and, most importantly, the political support that International Jewry secures for it?
The Jews seem to have lost sight of the purpose for which their God has trained them and which are His promises to Abraham concerning them. The Jews have been trained to be a nation of Priests and Princes, through whom the Nations will be blessed. They are to be the healers, the teachers and the advisers of the rulers of the World and the coordinating link between God and man. They are to be the LEVITES of the World; or, to use our earlier simile, the white corpuscles in the World body.
As the white corpuscles have the freedom of the body and keep the body healthy, even at the cost of their own lives, so is the Jewish role in the World body. With the body badly infested inside by a terrible disease, the job of the white corpuscles becomes hectic and deaths among them exceedingly numerous. As this disease is very cunning and subtle, in the form of a Trojan horse, the real enemy is unseen and it is the body itself that appears to be hostile to its own white corpuscles. Should now, because of this apparent hostility of the body, its white corpuscles gather themselves together in a separate domain, in order to fight against the rest of the body, what would be the inevitable result? Not only is the body left without a defense but, being fought by its own army, it is doomed; and so is its army. We have aptly called this situation ‘galloping leukemia’, the worst form of cancer. Its result is sure and quick death.
The promise of God is that His blessing to the Nations will come through the Jews, whom He is training as His Priesthood for this purpose.
81 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 82 ______For the blessing promised by God to take effect, first the Priesthood must be willing and eager to pass this blessing onto the Nations, by offering themselves and their services to the Nations, and second, the Nations must be ready and willing to accept this blessing, by receiving the Priesthood; by calling the Jews to themselves, in the name of their God.
To foil these plans, Satan must intervene at any one or both key points of the channel: To prevent the Jews from offering themselves to the Nations or to stop the Nations from accepting them, or both; i.e., to bring about and maintain an alienation between Priesthood and Laity; between the Jews and the Nations. By maintaining a certain level of persecution of the Jews, he also has the Jews constantly poised to protect themselves against the Nations, thus keeping both key points of the channel blocked.
With the last holocaust, he went too far and, after it, persecution turned to sympathy among many. If, at this crucial point, the Jews also turned towards the Nations and the two embraced each other, they would have victory against the common enemy clinched. The Jews however, having just drunk the most bitter cup of persecution, naturally gripped themselves even tighter, to protect themselves against a repetition of their misfortunes. This they thought could be secured simply by having a state of their own, from behind the boarders of which they could defend themselves against the Nations.
However, this is obviously not the case. Instead, the state of Israel has first stopped the world sympathy and remorse from bearing fruits while young and strong and, second, it has turned this sympathy into hatred again, which is maintained until the old ‘repentant’ generation passes away and a new generation comes up, which does not remember the holocaust and in which anti-Jewism can be flared up again, (though under a new name, like Anti-Zionism). This is what the state of Israel is preparing the Jews for again. (In early 2000, in the USA alone, there were about 400 racist ‘hate organizations’, as they are called, and most of them are Antijewish. A year later their number more than doubled. Their membership is increasing very fast since their appearance on the Internet). “... Alas! Who is blinder than my servant?...”.
But, you may argue, even the white corpuscles need a special place, for breeding at least. The Levites had separate towns assigned to them. If we remember right, the Jews were also promised a land of their own; may be not in the original Covenant but in the visions of most prophets. Were these prophets merely expressing their own aspirations? What about the New Zion?
Jhwh will establish the New Zion. The state of Israel, as established by all those that have persecuted the Jews, cannot possibly be it, even if the geography were right. Just take a look at the place. Everywhere Jhwh or Jesus have touched, every place mentioned in the scriptures, has been booby-trapped with the shrines of Calicastia- the-Dragon. The Dragon and the abominations of desolation are present everywhere. If the Jews wanted their state to be the Promised Land, they should have cleansed the place thoroughly first; they should have destroyed all these abominations before they laid the first foundation stone. Could they? With the state being the godchild of the Eurochristian World, they dared not even contemplate such a thing. Had they dared, there would be no state established. For its establishment, the respect of these shrines was the highest prerequisite. It was laid down by the Authority that established the state; and that was not Jhwh; it was the Authority to which these shrines belong. Their
82 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 83 ______preservation is a proof of this. They act as his Trojan horses and his strongholds. Through their presence, the Dragon controls the subconscious even of many Jews. (Of Trojan blood he will be born with German heart and will rise to very great power. He will drive out the foreign, Arabic nation and return the Church to her early glory. -Nostradamus V74. Nostradamus received most of his Visions by channeling a Catholic personage on the other side).
If you have read the prophesies about the New Zion, you must have also read what else goes with it: - “... On that day, I shall bring Zion into view, that everybody should see it...”. So, the New Zion is not revealed yet. Therefore, it cannot be the little mount at the corner of Jerusalem; this has been in view for all to see, for thousands of years. Mount Zion is only a symbol of the true Zion. Actually, this is what the word means: a ‘mark’ or a ‘signpost’. The real Zion is very big and very beautiful. (In Revelations Ch. 21, the dimensions of New Zion are given as 2400 km X 2400 km).
So, since the state of Israel is not the true state of God, and it is an enemy of the Jews first, are those who are fighting the Jews, because of it, justified?
Of course not; not more than those who have persecuted the Jews throughout history; not even those that fight the ‘bad’ Jews. Jhwh reserves for himself alone the responsibility of judging who is a good Jew or a bad Jew and for the life and death of His own priests; and these are all the circumcised people that bear His Name.
When the time is right, He will move to cleanse His own house first and He will in no way allow or forgive any infringement or interference in this.
And when He has done this, then a new dawn will break through and peace will guide the planet. This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius and its time is NOW.
History is quite well planned. You are witnessing the birth of a beautiful New World. You are a very lucky generation. As for the birth pangs, they are part of any birth labor.
With these emotions and the mental affirmation that goes with them, I round up this work, hoping that I have offered you valuable service and, by doing so, I have dispensed satisfactorily one of the duties that my God has assigned to me.
May the God of LIFE bless you and may you abide in His Peace, even on the battlefield.
83 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 84 ______APPENDIX A
The Third World War will take place early in the 21st century. The break-up of all mixed Christian-Islamic federations, like the Soviet Union and the late Yugoslavia has as its purpose the preparation of the ground or the chessboard for this final confrontation.
Today’s Eurochristian Union, (which, by the way, is not going to include any Islamic countries), is yesterday’s Colonial Europe, the Holy Roman Empire of the day before yesterday and the Roman and Byzantine Empires of last week. It is the same Power, ruled by the same Spiritual Authority, and has merely changed its clothes to look different. This last form of Euro-roman power is depicted in the 13th Chapter of the book of Revelations of the Christian Bible as having ‘the patchy appearance of a Leopard, (many peoples and nations), the feet of a Bear, (Russia), the mouth of a Lion, (Britain), seven heads, (kingdoms, 1-Britain, 2-Belgium, 3-Holland, 4- Denmark, 5-Norway, 6-Sweden and 7-Spain), with one of the heads cut as unto death and yet healed, (that of Spain which was abolished for 40 years), and on its seven heads it has ten horns which are crowned with ten diadems, (the authority is exercised by temporary elected governments)’.
The reign of the Authority behind Eurochristian Power will come to an end with the dawning of the Age of Aquarius.
Another Power allied with the Dragon and which is mentioned in the same chapter of the prophesies as exercising the Dragon’s authority, just as the patchy Beast with the ten crowns does, is ‘a Beast with two horns like a Lamb but having the voice of a Dragon, and the name of which sums to the number 666’, i.e. ‘a wolf in sheep’s clothing’. In the scriptures the Lamb is quoted as symbolizing Jesus and the Dragon as symbolizing Satan. This means that this Authority comes in the guise of a representative of Jesus but it is actually the representative of Satan. This Power is the Authority or Deity of Fire and the miracle by which it is recognized, as mentioned also in the same passage, is ‘the bringing down of Fire from Heaven in order to deceive the weak in faith’.
The deity of Fire is the Titan IAPETOS whose name in the Adamite-Ionian gematric language sums to 666. ( = ++++++ = 10+1+80+5+300+70+200 = 666). [The numeric or gematric Ionian alphabet is given in the Introduction of the Text]. The whole World is currently going through this stage of evolution, the 666 stage. We can see it in all fields of human endeavor from the kind of technology we practice to our eating, drinking and smoking habits. The son of Iapetos is Prometheus who introduced mankind to this stage of Fire, not only as regards technology and eating habits but also as regards basic attributes in the human character - intense, violent, aggressively individualistic and tormented by stress, greed, fear, insecurity, lying, internal strife and vain Hope. The son of Prometheus is Deucalion whose name means ‘the attendant or overlooker of the Great Fire’ and Deucalion’s wife is Pyrrha, which is a word meaning ‘Great Fire’. Their son is Hellene, a name derived from the name of the Hyperborean deity of Fire Hella, as appearing in both the Scandinavian and Germanic Mythologies, and from which comes the word HELL, which in most North European languages has the same meaning. (The greeting ‘hello’ is an
84 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 85 ______invocation of the elementals or Angels of HELLA and whenever and wherever called they come to direct and assist man in the appropriate field, that of the technology of Fire. This is why the industrial revolution based on this technology started in England and is spreading hand in hand with the spread of this greeting). Written in the Ionian language HELLA also sums to 666. (=Χ+Ε+++=600+5+30+30+1=666).
In the prophecy concerning the Beast with the two horns of a Lamb and the voice of a Dragon, it is mentioned that the name that sums to 666 is also the name of a man. The only man representative of a Christian Church that performs this stunt of the creation of ‘fire from heaven’, or ‘holy flame’, is the Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem, during the Greek Orthodox Easter, which is also dedicated to the Deity of Fire and called ‘Lampra’, (great Fire), with the custom of lighting bonfires and fireworks during the night of this festival. Of course the Authority has ruled the Earth subconsciously for millennia through a long line of men representatives who could not all have the same name that has the sum 666. Most probably the man representative with the name that sums 666 would rather be the one that would hold this office during the time referred to in the prophecy so as to pin point the time of the fulfillment of the prophecy.
The last Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem was the only one to bear the name and this is the only name of a man that sums up to 666. (+++++++++= 2+5+50+5+4+10+20+300+70+200 = 666). It is also characteristic that this man lived altogether 88 years, an association with Jesus whose name sums to 888, ( =+++++ = 10+8+200+70+400+200 = 888), but carried the name for exactly 66 years from when he was ordained on 3rd Dec. 1914 to his death on 10th Dec. 1980. Before his death, in the middle seventies, the Jewish authorities of Jerusalem adopted this number as the code number of all the city’s taxis and buses!!!. (The State of Israel is the last and most subtle enemy of the Jews. It was established by all the nations that had persecuted the Jews in the past, or the Spiritual Authority that rules these nations subconsciously. It has killed the sympathy towards the Jews that the holocaust brought about and is causing the Jews to be persecuted by those that had not persecuted the Jews before. The Jews in Israel have not had a day’s peace ever since).
Jesus (888) is the High Priest of the resurrection who survived death by crucifixion. The cross () is the symbol of the Great Altar and of Final Death and the instrument of execution that Calicastia-the-Dragon used against Jesus. The cross is a very powerful weapon. It is the ‘Crushing Rocks’ or the ‘Symplegades’ that mark the entrance to Final Death of the Person, both body and personality. sums 777, the stage of Final Death. (+++++ = 6+1+400+100+70+200 = 777).
To get a fuller picture of which Authority rules the Orthodox Church, and the Christian Churches in general, take a look in any old Byzantine church. The artistic theme in all of these is dragons and flying serpents, with no Lamb to be seen anywhere. The Episcopal and Patriarchal staff, the symbol of the Spiritual Authority of the Byzantine Church, is topped by two dragons. Further, the names of Jesus and Zeus, (Jewa), are the only names that have been rejected and are not given to Orthodox Christians, though all other names in literature, religion, history and mythology, including all names of the other ‘ancient’ gods like Ares, Athena, Aphrodite, Hermes etc., of all angels and prophets in the scriptures like Michael,
85 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 86 ______Raphael, Gabriel, Daniel, Moses, Elias, Abraham, Adam etc. and even substitutes or overrides of ‘Jesus’ like Emmanuel, Christos, Soteris (Savior) and Stavros are given. In all churches Jesus is depicted as crucified with the sign ‘J.N.K.J’, ‘Jesus the Nazarene King of the Jews’. This is a satanic ritual of black witchcraft against Jesus and the Jews. During the first Christian centuries, before the Roman Empire was Christianized, this ritual was performed by the Romans who used to crucify images of Jesus with this sign and put them up at crossroads and in squares as an anathema to the Jews and the followers of Jesus. (Such a ritual was also the crucifixion on Calvary). The Roman Empire was actually never Christianized. It was the other way round. Christianity was romanized and, when this happened, the true religion of Jesus ceased to exist as an organized body. This was a subtle Trojan Horse move by Hermes. The Christian Church, especially the Orthodox, is in reality Hermes’ ritualistic religion under his Christ, disguised as the Church of Jesus.
To check the spread of the Roman or Byzantine rule, the God of Abraham, JHWH or JEWA, (from which name the word JEUS or JEWS is derived), intervened through Mohammed to counterpoise the Euro-roman and Byzantine Empires. (A very important part of Mohammed’s teaching is that Jesus was not crucified. This was intended to deprive the Christians of the excuse of crucifying the image of Jesus as the King of the Jews and, thus, put an end to this Satanic voodoo against Jesus and the Jews. Mohammed did not put forward a new religion but reaffirmed the religion of Abraham). Unfortunately, the Arabs, who were moved by Mohammed, did not manage to clear the holy land of ASIA, (the west of Asia Minor), the favorite land of God JEWA, from the Byzantine rule. (‘Asia’ means ‘Holy land’ and ‘Anatole’ means ‘Sacred road’. The plateau of Anatole is the road that Japheth, the first-born of Noah, followed after the Flood, and Asia is the land in which his descendants settled originally. The Adamite writing, today’s Greek and Latin, was carried from this area to the Aegean islands and the west coast of the Aegean sea by Cadmus who founded Thebes in Greece, to Cilicia (the southern coast of Asia Minor) and Alasia (Cyprus) by Cilix (Tarshish) and to Tyre on the East coast of the Mediterranean by Phoenix. All these three were sons of the king of Asia and brothers of Europa. Asia is the land in which Jesus prevented Paul, the founder of the Christian religion, from preaching, (Bible, Acts Ch. 16), and it is also the same area in which are found the seven Cities to which later, in about 90 AD, the spirit of Jesus sent his greetings and his Apocalypse).
The cross or Grand Altar on graves keeps the dead prisoners in Death and deprives them the chance of reincarnation or resurrection. These are the dead that shout to God from under the Altar for revenge, when the 5th seal is broken in the book of Revelations. Everywhere else, even in China and Islamic Iran and Saudi Arabia, there are churches in which this ritual is carried out.
86 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 87 ______APPENDIX B CYBERNETICS OF A COORDINATED SYSTEM
What is said in this Appendix has already been expounded in somewhat different terms in the main text, but we are making this repetition and further clarification of this special topic, in order to make sure that we drive home the understanding of the most crucial problem in Man’s quest for survival. The main survival problem that Man faces on this Planet today is not the partial destruction of the planet’s green or atmospheric pollution or the extinction of some species but the completely wrong concept of proper government of Human Society, from which all his other problems follow.
The most basic and most powerful Principle that governs the manifestation of the Universe and all partial phenomena within it is the Primary or Male Principle of Spontaneous Outwardness, (). As we have explained in the text, this Principle is completely indiscriminate and, without the concentrating and focusing effect of the Secondary or Female Principle of Nodal Action, (), the free manifestation of the Primary Principle would result in a totally homogeneous creation, without discriminating features what so ever.
From this Primary Principle stems the most ruthless Law in Physics, that of the increase of the Entropy of the Universe and of any system within it. Entropy is the measure of Randomness of distribution of the elements of a System, both Matter and Energy, and its increase tends to flatten everything within the system and bring about complete homogeneity of form, density and temperature, with totally random and transient fluctuations.
Every coordinated operation or programmed function and the maintenance of any structured system, static or dynamic, essentially involve a continuous and unending effort to confine or minimize the increase of the Entropy of the system. Without this continuous effort, a building would first turn to rubble and finally to dust and a machine would soon break down and finally end up as a pile of rusty parts.
The smooth operation of a designed system is achieved through its proper use and the duration of its life though proper maintenance. Its proper use follows a number of operating instructions and its proper maintenance is carried out according to a maintenance manual. The set of operating instructions together with the maintenance manual constitute the PROTOCOL of operation and maintenance of the system. This Protocol remains unchanged as long as the design and operational requirements remain the same. This Protocol must be short and simple and must have a sound scientific basis.
Who decides the Protocol? The Protocol is laid down by the designer or the Manufacturer of the system or, in the absence of the Designer and/or Manufacturer, the Protocol is decided by the best and most experienced available expert in the relevant field.
So far, any form of Control of the system is extraneous and is exercised by the User and, may be, it is not strictly considered as Government or Cybernetics, according to the meaning that modern technology gives to these terms. However, even at this stage, we can see clearly some basic and necessary features of Cybernetics at all levels.
87 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 88 ______First, every coordinated structured operating system requires a continuous and unending maintenance and, second, its maintenance and proper operation must follow a simple set of rules and instructions, its Operational and Maintenance Manual, which remains unchanged as long as the system and its use remain unmodified; and, this Protocol is laid down by the designer/manufacturer or the top expert available.
Let us now introduce an automatic control mechanism within the system itself. Our system now consists of two distinct parts: The Control or Governing part and the operational part, which includes all the Servomechanisms of the system. We can call the Governing part of the system the Cybersystem, even if at this stage it does not make use of any computer or software and, in this infant or primitive stage, it may not even be electric or electronic. It may be purely mechanical, like the governor of the revs of the engine of an electric generator, or it may be mixed, mechanical and hydraulic, consisting of stepped wheels and drawers that open a system of valves which, in turn, set in motion the various servo mechanisms of the system.
In today’s modern technology, a Cybersystem has as its basis and necessary feature the electronic computer and a wide range of specialized software that control or govern all sorts of servo systems in factories, traffic control, telecommunications and any other conceivable coordinated system. In its most advanced form, the Cybersystem may constitute the main part of the whole system, with the computer terminals the only servomechanisms of the system. This is the case with all InfoNets.
Even in such purely mechanistic systems, possessing no freedom of Ingenuity or anything that could be even remotely considered as Volition, a very basic characteristic of Cybernetics becomes obvious: A single coordinator can govern or coordinate a number of servo mechanisms but no servo mechanism can operate receiving simultaneous instructions from more than one independent coordinators. In a Cybersystem with more than one levels of Control or Government, the Cybersystem is organized in a pyramidal fashion, with a SINGLE overall Cybercenter at the top of the pyramid. Every Cyber Node at any level controls or coordinates a number of ‘subordinate’ Nodes on the level below but itself acts as a ‘subordinate’ Node to only one ‘coordinator’ Node of the level above its own. If any subordinate Node were to receive and consider for execution instructions from more than a single independent coordinator Node from the level above it, the system would break down. Even in an Info system of parallel transactions between Peers, in any separate situation ONE of the Nodes acts as the coordinator, with the rest of the peer Nodes acting as subordinates.
We have mentioned these few points in relation to purely mechanistic Cybersystems before we move on to examine the Cybernetics of Human Society, because these mechanistic systems are easier to understand, as they are the products of our own present technological ingenuity.
Before we examine the Cybernetics of Human society, let us stay for a while with our own technology and extend our consideration to its probable evolution in the foreseeable or, even, the not so foreseeable future. Let us imagine that in the future our technology advances to produce a computer-and-software creation endowed with free Ingenuity. (This is not the same as the so-called artificial intelligence that we have been working on for some time now). Ingenuity essentially implies some level of free Volition.
88 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 89 ______
From the moment that a Cybersystem acquires the characteristics of Ingenuity and Volition, Cybernetics acquires the property of AUTHORITY. Our first concern in such case is not to allow a system that we have designed and built to get out of our control and, thus, risk the possibility of our creation contesting with us the domain of our authority or, further, turning against us. We must definitely reserve an access to the system through a ‘back door’, so that we can intervene, in case our creation attempts to get out of our control and contest with us, in contradiction to our plans. This ‘back door’ is part of the Cybernetics program of our creation, the commands of which part override all other priorities and to which we have access but our creation has not; something like a ‘subconscious’ so to speak. In addition, we must devise a mechanism of continuous or frequent surveillance of the intentions of our creation.
Next, let our imagination project even further into the future. Suppose that, parallel to our progress in electronic computers, we make such advancements in genetic engineering, that we build biological computers and, further, through cloning and modifying human DNA, we produce humanoid clones that look like us but with some modified control programs and some other strengthened or modified characteristics, so that these clones of ours can serve us in operations which are either impossible or undesirable for us. Let us suppose, for instance, that we advance in our space technology to the point of reaching other planets of other Solar systems, where the conditions are not quite right for us but which we wish to colonize for some reason or other. Instead of creating artificial conditions in small confined spaces, it might be easier or preferable to produce humanoid clones adapted to the conditions of the planet we wish to colonize.
If we ever advance to the technology of producing creations capable of Ingenuity and Volition, we will discover that such capabilities are not possible in systems or creations confined to a single three-dimensional space. These capabilities are only possible in complex at least six-dimensional time-space. A creation that projects in twin-phase time-space is a fully sentient being; i.e., a living being. This sentient living being is not only our creation but also our CHILD, because its center of Ingenuity and Volition is a Point-of-I, a duplicate of our own Point-of-I, produced by self projection and, like us, it is a God of some rank.
So, we have arrived, with our imagination, to the creation of the human being and, in consequence, to human society. As we have expounded in the text, a sentient being, like the human, is a complex space being and has more than one bodies; the material body, (not necessarily biochemical), the Etheric and the Mental. Actually all three bodies are material, of different constitution and density, with the ‘material’ body being the least durable and the Mental almost eternal. The Cybersystem of a being is itself separated in three levels also, with the Mental having the overall control and including all the files and programs of the other two bodies. Being much longer lasting, the Mental body has the capability of migrating to another material body, when the old material body breaks down, (re-incarnation), and the Mental ‘software’ has the ability to transcribe its files from one incarnation to the next, just like any software can be transcribed from an older computer to a new one.
Similar to re-incarnation, a Mental body can migrate from one body machine to another, even of different design. It is therefore possible for us, in a future planetary
89 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 90 ______colony, to migrate to bodies of our own design and creation and circulate among our humanoid clones, externally unrecognizable, for en situ surveillance.
It would be quite silly of us to reveal our true identity to our clones because we would not be believed by them, unless we demonstrated our far superior skills to cause awe among our clones. It would also be very difficult to exercise direct government over our clones, who would see us, as far as they could tell, as their peers, unless we performed the said portents and signs in order to intimidate them. Such kind of government would constitute a flagrant and provocative suppression.
We would therefore resort to a more acceptable Cybersystem. We would leave a Cybernetics PROTOCOL in the hands of the most qualified scientist among the clones, a scientist to whom we would reveal ourselves in a way that would secure his absolute devotion and who would be versed in as much science as possible, so as to understand clearly the paramount importance of adhering to the Protocol for securing the welfare of the colony. This scientist is our High Priest or representative.
The Protocol is the direct regulator or coordinator of the Cybernetics of the society of our clones, and constitutes the ‘visible god’, representing us, the creators of the colony, who remain as its unseen God. The Protocol is presented by the High Priest as given by the God of the colony. Before the clones acquire themselves the necessary scientific knowledge in order to understand their own origin and design as well as the nature of their God, the Protocol is presented as a Community Rule of Moral conduct in the framework of a Religion. When the clones are finally educated in the understanding of their God and of their own design and capabilities, as well as the paramount importance of the Protocol for the welfare of both their society and themselves as individuals, religion is no longer needed and the God of the particular human society need remain unseen no longer. However, the Protocol not only remains unchanged but becomes more uncompromizable.
At the beginning, the High Priest is the Patriarch of the colony or the race of the clones. However, due to his superior scientific understanding, he develops the fatherly attributes of Compassion, Toleration and Charitability towards the ignorant society, he becomes too lenient in the application of the Protocol or the Law and, as a consequence, the application of the Protocol slackens and the discipline in the maintenance and the smooth coordination of the society breaks down. The corruption of society is inevitable. To avoid this, it may be necessary to separate the Governing Authority from the Priesthood or the Religious Authority. We thus have two Witnesses of the unseen God: The King, who is the supreme Authority of Law enforcement, and the High Priest, the Guardian of the Law, who watches over the correct application of the Law on behalf of the King, so that the Law remains the unchangeable and indisputable Coordinator of society, representing the unseen God. (The Governing Authority is still SINGLE-headed; in the enforcement of the Law, the High Priest is subordinate to the King).
In a society where true science is lost and, due to scientific ignorance, spiritual or higher human values are disputed or doubted, where material success and the amassing of material wealth becomes a priority, the King should definitely have absolute control over the fair distribution of wealth, if his Authority is to be respected. If the single-headed Authority does not have this control over wealth, then, inevitably, Wealth will at first control Authority and, finally, take over Authority. And, since the
90 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 91 ______acquiring of material wealth is the result of selfish competition and aggressive individualism, the Authority born of material wealth, or the influence of such wealth, is multi-headed, internally competitive and subject to challenge and, therefore, socially disruptive.
Since the Authority of Government can be contested by anybody having the dubious influence and might secured by material wealth, it can also be challenged by anybody. This results in the birth of Democracy. In its first stage, and while the Governing Authority commands appreciable respect and glory, as well as responsibility, Democracy is not a multi-party system. The members of the community participate in a single assembly, according to some criterion of merit. This stage of Democracy is characterized by a positive desire to participate in the exercising of Authority, for the promotion of ones own understanding of correct government and for the honor and respect that the Governing Authority commands. Democracy inevitably deteriorates into its multi-party stage, which is characterized by the indiscriminate challenge of any form of Authority, even within the family, and is marked by counterpoise and sterile opposition to any form of rule. This is the stage of Social cancer and has, as its sure outcome, the deterioration and the final breakdown of social coordination.
Since the Authority of the King is challenged, so is also the Authority of the High Priest and, if the latter has no sound scientific knowledge to defend the Protocol, the Protocol is also challenged or ignored. Then begins the enacting of ‘Democratic Laws’ by the scientifically ignoramus. The list of these laws is endless as new laws are continuously introduced to patch up their increasing gross inadequacies and, very frequently, to serve class interests. The result is total legal confusion, as the correctness of these new and numerable laws can be challenged by anybody and everybody finds loopholes in the laws to get away lightly or totally. And this, because, even the Authorities that enact or enforce these laws are not so sure themselves and hesitate to enforce them strictly or effectively.
The only means left to the unseen God for exercising government is the subconscious one through the ‘back door’, until things are brought back to normal. Unfortunately for us, somebody other than our Creator has asserted his Authority over us, contrary to the designs of our Creator, and is controlling us though the same ‘back door’, through subconscious control, subjugating our will to his own and keeping us ignorant of our capabilities, in order to make his job easy and in order to perpetuate his rule over us.
91 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 92 ______APPENIX C
Those who say that they acknowledge or believe in or accept as a GOD some sort of vague and non definable superpower in the universe, Omnipresent and Ever-present, and will not accept any other divine authority over their heads, don’t know what they are talking about.
In the first place, they are completely ignorant: Since this ONE Superbeing is Omnipresent and Ever-present, His POINT-OF-VIEW has no definite coordinates in the Universe and, hence, no discriminate picture of anything and no Discriminating personality. As there is nothing outside of Himself, either in Time or Space, for Him there is no ‘here’ or ‘there’ or ‘elsewhere’, and no ‘now’, ‘before’ or ‘after’ and, hence, He has no Objective interaction and cannot receive or respond to any stimuli, (or prayers); neither can He exercise any discriminate authority. He is Changeless and Absolutely Subjective, without discriminate objective functionality.
Second, they are extremely arrogant, as they accept no Authority above themselves in the entire Universe, other than this Supreme Being or, in effect, they consider themselves as ranking only second in command to the Supreme Being in the whole Universe. It is just like a soldier saying he will die for his country or that he accepts the authority of the supreme head of the army, who is never around to exercise any command, but he will not recognize the authority of any other officer of any rank above himself in the whole army. How arrogant can one get?!!
The self contained coordinated super galactic system to which our planet belongs has under its administration quite a few trillion planets like our own, inhabited by various species, including humans, of similar designs as ours. This system is self contained in the sense that, by the time one inhabited zone or NODE of its galaxies collapses, another zone of galaxies is ready for habitation within the same system, until the first zone forms again, so that the inhabitants of the system do not have to invade another inhabited galactic system every time the cycle of their own galactic system expires.
It is unthinkable that any such self contained coordinated system, that has been developed and perfected over zillions of cycles of its galactic formations, has not provided for controls and fail-safe mechanisms for all contingencies, or that it will tolerate any independent system to arise within itself and contest a domain of authority within its bounds, as cancer within itself, on the justification that every being, large or small, is identical to the Supreme Being in its basic Subjectivity.
Your own bodies are constituted of trillions of cells, all having identical DNA as that of the whole body. Suppose that a cell, either in the leg, the tongue, the eye or the brain, would abandon its functionality within the coordinated body, look into its own core, its DNA, and say: «Aha! I am basically a complete human body. Why don’t I build or establish an independent ME down here, instead of being restricted by the commands of the geezer upstairs?» Do you think your body would tolerate independent complete new bodies arising in the leg, eye etc.? Of course not. The established coordinated body would fight any such attempt and the result would be, not new bodies here and there, but multiple cancer and, as such, it has to be completely removed.
92 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 93 ______The Mental Internet
The Infinite Universe has no boundary and, therefore, no definite center. Our own administrative region, which we call ‘Our Universe’, is a finite domain measuring a few light-years across and comprising of our main galaxy and a few small satellite galaxies. Compared with the Infinite Universe, it is only a mathematical point, with internal structure similar to that of an infinite number of ‘atoms’ in the Infinite Universe. Our Universe has a unique center, where its administrative headquarters resides, surrounding the One we refer to as ‘Our Heavenly Father’.
Our Universe has developed and perfected over billions of years an extensive ‘Mental Internet’, of which all ‘Free Will’ beings are terminals. The basic mass communication across Our Universe is through ‘broadcasts’ or what we might call ‘mass mail’ of mental messages, which are transmitted instantly using the infinite-speed ix-iy-iz link. These instant mass broadcasts do not cause a traffic congestion at the recipient, as the recipient receives only the broadcasts he tunes to or, in the case of mass mail, he may remove his address from a particular list at will and, thus, control the amount of information traffic to suit his own interests and time schedule.
These instant communications cannot verify the information exchanged and, therefore, administration cannot be effected through them. For verification, an administrative center must send software with full personality characteristics, which can investigate a situation and report back to the center. Thus, high speed ‘travel’ between ‘email addresses’ has been developed, in contrast with instant broadcast or instant mailing.
This kind of mailing or travel must be strictly controlled, if the respective recipients are not to be buried under loads of such traffic. Our Universe headquarters or what we could call the ‘Webmaster General’ would receive literally quintillions of messages per minute. This control is carried out through a pyramidal arrangement of Nodes at the peripheral control centers, which handle prerogatives and priorities, similar to priority tokens on our electronic Info Nets. The prerogatives of the various ‘types of travelers’ are decided by their rank, which is in turn decided by the importance of the missions handled by them. Thus, the various peripheral control Nodes ‘filter’ the kind of travelers or assignments they admit to higher control or administration centers on the pyramid.
Most of the time of the ‘journey’ is spent at the controlling Nodes. Thus, this control limits the average speed of travel. The time ‘wasted’ by this control and, hence, the overall speed of a journey depends on the traffic met at the controlling Nodes, as well as the width of the frequency band of the particular traveler. The individual travelers cannot do anything about the amount of traffic but they can do something about their own frequency band. So, to speed up their journey, they narrow down their frequency band. This they usually do by cutting off their lower frequencies, sacrificing some of their personality software. This is desirable anyway because our lower frequencies contain our coarser experiences, dirty or nasty things or experiences or actions we may have reason to be ashamed of or not particularly proud of, accumulated during our sojourn in a place. Who wouldn’t like to get rid of
93 -888 “Viruses on the Human Mind” 94 ______this kind of Karma! In addition, this junk would burden the recipient host with a load of ‘spam’, which the host would not like to receive anyway. These journeys last for a long time even at these terrific speeds. In most of these the traveler has to abandon his local corporeal terminal permanently before he sets out for such a long journey.
Another means of mass sharing of information is similar in function to our electronic Internet, which contains not only information but executable programs as well, which can be downloaded and run. The Mental Internet carries really powerful programs that can move mountains and continents, even destroy planets and solar systems, with starting energy barely enough to press ‘Enter’ on the keyboard. You understand that access to this Internet is controlled according to very strict criteria of moral compatibility. When access to this Internet is requested, the control system of the Mental Internet automatically scans all the software of the one making the request and also addresses questions to his subconscious, to which questions he is programmed to give true answers. This makes sure that access is denied to terminals that can make bad use of the information or program downloads requested. Uncompromizable priority is given to the security and the unimpaired operation of the System for the optimal harmonization of all users.
Can we not address headquarters and our Heavenly Father directly? We can. However, when we address Father, we in effect address a Companion from Him, assigned to us personally, and who is under clear standing instructions to assist us, provided our request does not conflict with the basic Protocol of Our Universe, which secures the System and the welfare of all other users influenced by our request, if granted. It is obvious that these Fatherly Companions act pretty automatically and, therefore, in order to secure their response, our requests must be absolutely clear and unambiguous, without any bivalence in our intensions. If we request something ‘on condition’ or ‘provided that’ or ‘I am not quite sure’ or contain a multiplicity in the form of ‘either this or that’, we make sure that our request will not be granted, as such instructions confuse the Companion, who will definitely not decide for us. It is our Father’s rule and a basic article of the System’s Protocol that the personal decisions of a Free-Will person are the exclusive prerogative of the Free-Will person. (Lucifer and the rebel planetary Chiefs under his command have violated this rule. This is the only way left for them for controlling their Domains for, once rebellion spreads among individuals and everybody does according to his own judgment against the ordinances of a Domain, administration fails and the Domain will crush in no time. -Compare the change to free-market economy in the Soviet Union and China. The latter kept her Administration intact and doubled her standard of living within three years, whilst in the USSR, where administration broke down, the economy crushed immediately and is now in the hands of the Russian Mafia-. For this reason, Father tolerates this violation temporarily until the right number of non-rebel free-will units are trained within the Domain, so that the process of restructuring the Domain, free of rebellion, can be put into full effect – Our planet is still governed by Lucifer through Calicastia; ‘Heavenly Authority’ on this planet still means ‘Lucifer and Calicastia’).
After repeated failure to take up the positive responses to our requests our Companion tends to become ‘inactive’ and it will take great efforts to reactivate him fully.