Shelton School District No. 309 s2

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Shelton School District No. 309 s2


The Shelton School District Board of Directors met in regular session at 6:00 p.m. on March 28, 2006 in the board room located at CHOICE Alternative School.

Board members present: Chairman Ross Gallagher, Julianna Miljour, Bill Freund, Holly Sharpe, Sue McCausland and student board representative Amy Thornton.

Staff members present: Superintendent Joan Zook, Alison Nutt, Jackie McGuire, Tim Madden, Stacey Adams, Jenny Morgan, Sheryal Balding, Damon Holden and Lorna Martinson.

Others present: Scott Glenn.

CALL TO ORDER Chairman Gallagher called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Julianna Miljour read the district’s Mission Statement.

ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA There were three additions to the agenda as follows: 1. A new Item 6.02 – Presentation by Bill Freund on his recent visit to Cebu Island Elementary Schools in the Philippines; 2. A new Item 8.08 – Capital Projects Fund Voucher Nos. 1605 and 1606 in the amount of $44,754.98; and 3. A new Item 8.09 – Supplemental personnel report. Julianna Miljour made a motion to adopt the agenda as amended. Holly Sharpe seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

REPORTS AND RECOGNITIONS 6.01 - Report on the National School Counseling Program Model: Oakland Bay Junior High and Olympic Middle School counselors Jenny Morgan, Tim Madden, Stacey Adams and Damon Holden reported on the National School Counseling Program Model. They talked about the changing role of the school counselor; national developments in school counseling; the four components of the National Model which are foundation, delivery system, management system and accountability; the OSPI strategic plan which includes this National Model; and a typical day for a counselor at Oakland Bay and Olympic. The American School Counselor Association recommends a counselor to student ratio of 1:250. In the Shelton School District, the current K-12 enrollment is 4,158 and there are 9.5 school counselors.

6.02 – Report on Cebu Island Elementary Schools: Bill Freund spent the month of February staying with friends on an island in the southern Philippines. While there, he visited the Cebu Island Elementary Schools. Bill gave a very interesting presentation and slide show on his visit and talked about the differences in schooling in the Philippines compared to the United States. SHELTON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 309 REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING, MARCH 28, 2006 PAGE 2

DISCUSSION ITEMS 7.01 – Further discussion of possible refunding of bonds: Joan Zook said that since Jon Gores from Seattle Northwest Securities presented at the March 14th school board meeting about the possible refunding of the district’s bonds, another company in the bond business, A.G. Edwards, has expressed an interest in making a presentation to the school board. Joan asked board members if they would like to hear from A.G. Edwards before making a decision. Holly Sharpe commented that she is the one who approached A.G. Edwards, who then e-mailed her a comparison, which she handed out to board members. She feels the district should look at other companies than just Seattle Northwest Securities. Bill Freund said he finds himself not exactly knowing what to do in this case. He agrees that long term interest rates are going up but for how long and he wondered if someone in the State Treasurers Office might be knowledgeable in the area of bond refunding. It was agreed that the superintendent would invite a representative from A.G. Edwards to make a presentation at the April 11th regular board meeting and she will also contact the State Treasurer’s Office to see if they can provide the board with advice on bond refunding.

7.02 – Agreement with Mason County concerning the use of school facilities: The agreement with Mason County concerning the use of Shelton School District facilities as mass distribution / vaccination / care centers was back on the agenda for approval. Bill Freund had a concern when this agreement was first presented at the March 14th meeting, but that has since been resolved. Julianna Miljour made a motion to approve the agreement, Holly Sharpe seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

7.03 – Proposed Resolution No. 06-06: Proposed Resolution No. 06-06 states that the Mt. View Elementary School remodeling project will not create or aggravate racial imbalance within the boundaries of Shelton School District. Sue McCausland asked if the district will be considering redistricting the elementary school boundaries as the three large housing developments planned within the city come on board and Joan Zook said yes. Julianna Miljour made a motion to approve Resolution No. 06-06. Sue McCausland seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

7.04 – Proposed revisions to Policy Nos. 3210 and 5010: Revised Policy No. 3210 on Non-Discrimination and Policy No. 5010 on Non-Discrimination and Affirmative Action were presented for a first reading. The new language added to the policies simply brings the district into compliance with the law on equal opportunity and non- discrimination.

CONSENT AGENDA Coach Lorna Martinson spoke briefly about her request to allow the Shelton High School girl’s golf team to travel to Vancouver, WA on April 10-11, 2006 to participate in the Bayview Invitational Golf Tournament. Travel expenses will be paid by a $500 grant they received from Wal-Mart. SHELTON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 309 REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING, MARCH 28, 2006 PAGE 3

Holly Sharpe made a motion to approve the consent agenda with the addition of Items 8.08 and 8.09. Sue McCausland seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. The board:

1. Approved minutes from the March 14, 2006 regular school board meeting. 2. Approved General Fund Voucher Nos. 103419 through 103702 in the amount of $506,506.42. 3. Approved Capital Projects Fund Voucher Nos. 1602 through 1604 in the amount of $23,750.52. 4. Approved Capital Projects Fund Voucher Nos. 1605 through 1606 in the amount of $44,754.98. 5. Approved Associated Student Body Fund Voucher Nos. 16152 through 16229 in the amount of $70,888.59. 6. Approved Transportation Vehicle Fund Voucher No. 10 in the amount of $188,481.16. 7. Approved Private Purpose Trust Fund Voucher No. 108 in the amount of $750.00. 8. Approved Payroll Voucher Nos. 39640 through 39767 in the amount of $2,274,994.77. 9. Approved the regular and supplement personnel reports as submitted and as attached. (See Attachment #1.)

SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT 9.01 – Budget status report: Jackie McGuire gave a budget status report as of February 2006. The district’s enrollment through the March 1st count is 4,011, which is above budget by 151 FTE’s.

BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS  Amy Thornton commented that the Shelton High School band participated in a band contest today and she heard bands from all around the area; she is going to the color guard championships in Seattle; Shelton High School is hosting an inter-high conference tomorrow with students from the different schools that form our athletic league; and next week is spring break. Amy also said that after hearing Bill Freund’s comments at the last meeting regarding he amount of trash that is on the high school campus, she took notice that the trash bins at the high school are overflowing and the crows may be spreading the trash. Joan Zook added that Mark Weston recently showed her pictures of the overflowing trash bins at Shelton High School and he is trying to decide if we should go back to using washable plastic lunch trays to try to avoid some of the trash on campus.

 Bill Freund said that he appreciates having a student representative on the school board and hopes that the ASB elects a representative for next year that is able to spend as much time as Scott Glenn and Amy Thornton have. Bill is still somewhat employed at OSPI working on the Washington Learns education study and said that some of the recommendations by the Washington Learns consultant are very interesting. Bill also commented that the school year is almost over and we haven’t seen drug dogs back on the high school campus as the police chief promised. He thinks the district should consider allowing for drug dogs in next year’s budget. SHELTON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 309 REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING, MARCH 28, 2006 PAGE 4

 Holly Sharpe said it was nice to see Scott Glenn in the audience tonight. She also commented that the 3rd Annual Hoopla Alumni Basketball Game earned approximately $1,655 for the next Citizens For Shelton Schools levy campaign and said she enjoyed last night’s DARE graduation at Mt. View. Last week Holly attended a lecture at the new Performing Arts Center at South Puget Sound Community College featuring Joe Wilson, former Ambassador to Iraq.

 Julianna Miljour has taken this week off from work and has been working around her house and yard. Her father-in-law has also been in the hospital.

 Sue McCausland recently attended the Washington State Spring Conference for Vocational, Trade and Industry in Wenatchee with her husband. She said that some districts are having a hard time finding young men and women who are trained educators to teach in these vocational areas and because of that some districts are having to do away with programs. Shelton High School has two student teachers in vocational programs this year, both graduates of Shelton High School who requested to do their student teaching here. Sue also attend last night’s DARE graduation at Mt. View and said she was impressed with the student essays. She also said her thoughts have been with John and Debbie Hill on the recent loss of Debbie’s mother.

 Ross Gallagher also attended last night’s DARE graduation ceremony and is looking forward to Evergreen’s ceremony tomorrow night. Ross returned last Monday from a trip to Florida. While waiting at the airport he was doing a Saduko puzzle and was approached by someone from NBC who asked him if he would watch a game puzzle show featuring real people doing Saduko puzzles.

FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER  April is the month the board conducts their self-evaluation. Joan Zook gave board members a copy of the self-evaluation form and asked if they would prefer to do this at a regular board meeting or a study session. It was agreed the board would meet in a study session on Thursday, April 20, at 6:00 p.m. in the board room for this purpose. Board members will bring their own dinner.

 Joan Zook will be in New Mexico next Monday through Thursday during spring break. Alison will also be out of the office beginning tomorrow through next Tuesday.

 Board members tentatively planned on the first week in May to interview Shelton High School seniors for their Robert and Donald Drake Scholarship awards. Interviews will take place at 6:00 p.m. in the board room.

 The district has been notified by the Shelton Education Association that they want to begin negotiations on April 12th. SHELTON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 309 REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING, MARCH 28, 2006 PAGE 5

ADJOURN Chairman Gallagher declared the meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

Chairman, Board of Directors

Secretary to the Board

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