ELD Standard: English Language Development Standard 1

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ELD Standard: English Language Development Standard 1

Unpacked L.2.5a

Standard: L.2.5 Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships and nuances in word meanings. L.2.5a Identify real-life connections between words and their use (e.g., describe foods that are spicy or juicy).

Unpacked Standard: Students will be making connections between text and their own personal experiences.

What students need to know: What students need to do:  Students understand how word  Demonstrate an understanding of word meanings are related; that some words relationships and nuances in word are similar or have multiple meanings. meanings  Can make connections with word that they identify with as well as real-life events with which they are familiar.  Understand the idea that there are many words to describe one object or action which is essential to the second grade language. Unpacked L.2.5a

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Entering Emerging Developing Expanding Bridging S Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate Demon- L understanding understanding understanding understand- strate p of the of the of the ing of the understand- e e connection of connection of connection of connection of ing of the v a figurative figurative figurative figurative connection e language, language, language, language, of figurative k word word word word language, l i relationships relationships relationships relationships word n and nuances and nuances and nuances and nuances relationship 6 between text between text between text between text s and g and personal and personal and personal and personal nuances experiences by experiences by experiences in experiences between R drawing the explaining pairs or in triads or text and e connection in orally the partner small group personal a conversation illustrations, conversation conversation. experiences a with teacher diagrams & with teacher in whole c support. drawings support. group h found in a text discussion. through group i conversation n with teacher g support.

ELD Standard: English Language Development Standard 1 English language learners communicate for Social and Instructional purposes within the school setting

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