Government Response to Thereport of the Act Tertiary Taskforce

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Government Response to Thereport of the Act Tertiary Taskforce






Presented by

Mr Andrew Barr MLA

Minister for Education and Training

1 Report of the ACT Tertiary Taskforce.


The recommendations of the ACT Tertiary Taskforce reflect the Canberra Plan notion of the centrality of a well-educated and highly skilled population to the future of the ACT and the Government goal to ensure that each individual has the opportunity to reach their potential.

The recommendations of the ACT Tertiary Taskforce are addressed to a broader range of stakeholders than the ACT Government alone. Implementation of the recommendations will be the responsibility of a range of stakeholders across Government, education providers, industry and professional groups and the community. The ACT Government can only endorse some recommendations as one of the significant stakeholders. To realise the vision of a truly integrated sector will require a high degree of organisational and sectoral commitment, government encouragement and policy harmonisation.

Some commitments will require endorsement through individual institutional governance processes. They could also require financial and other resources to be pooled from institutions and stakeholders.

Government Response Overview

Recommendations Response

That tertiary education providers in the ACT form a fully Agreed 1. integrated system. This system of independently excellent providers would collectively and collaboratively offer world- standard vocational and higher education to meet the needs of a broad range of students. The system will build on existing provider strengths and position the ACT as a unique destination of choice for tertiary education.

2. That tertiary education providers operating in the ACT commit to Agreed achieving the ACT vision for tertiary education, developing innovative and collaborative ways of delivering industry- and research-driven tertiary education.

3. Establish a strategic body, with high level stakeholder Noted representation, to be known as the ‘Learning Capital Council’ (LCC). The LCC to be resourced to oversee planning, communication and interaction between stakeholders in areas of collaborative and strategic interest, including:  facilitate collaborations between providers by providing a planning framework which will indicate strategic directions and supporting evidence for submissions for funding under government programs

2 Recommendations Response  provide advice on tertiary education and skills policy to the ACT Government, possibly through the Minister  develop a strategic plan for tertiary education in the ACT and the region. The plan extends beyond current traditional boundaries of sectors and addresses such aspects as VET in Schools and workforce development. based on a sound evidence base endorsing priorities for tertiary education and training based on this strategic plan.

4. That capital region employers further build partnerships with Agreed education providers to support tertiary education initiatives to promote outcomes for industry and education stakeholders and the region. Such partnerships and connections to include:  collaborations on development of education programs  partnerships on education delivery including internships, scholarships, mentoring and work based learning  collaborations on career advice and workforce development.

5. That the ACT Government supports tertiary providers to Agreed investigate new ways to collaborate. This would include government support for investigations of:  engagement between providers and their staff on the challenges of pedagogy and innovative delivery modes and curriculum  support for investment in e-learning and other IT based delivery so that learning platforms are compatible and easily accessible across education providers to enhance the student education experience  student information management systems to incorporate a lifetime identifier to facilitate student pathways between education providers at all levels and guarantee access to tertiary education for those enrolled in ACT schools  broader use of existing infrastructure (schools, tertiary institutions, community facilities, and ACT government facilities) to provide a range of learning environments  partnerships between institutions, government and industry to invest in affordable residential accommodation to reduce the shortages and costs both for students and apprentices.

6. As ACT Government established tertiary education providers, CIT Agreed and UC will capitalise on their unique position in the Territory to lead the implementation of the vision of a fully integrated tertiary education system. The ACT Government will support the CIT and UC to investigate new ways to collaborate, based on robust business planning and evidence. This may include government support for investigations of:  more integrated program development and joint course

3 Recommendations Response delivery  development of new types of qualifications and awards such as ‘foundation’ awards designed to lead to more specialised qualifications  integrated student information management systems across ACT schools, CIT and UC to facilitate the pathway guarantee to tertiary education for those enrolled in ACT schools  possible amendments to ACT legislation under which both CIT and UC are established.

7. Develop a single ACT source for communication of consolidated Noted information on tertiary education courses, career opportunities, pathways from education to work and accommodation options through a ‘tertiary information portal’ and other communication strategies designed to promote access for all potential users in the ACT and region. The gateway should particularly facilitate communication with Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders and equity groups. Strategies should be planned, initiated and overseen by the ACT Tertiary Education Steering Committee.

8. Contribute to the promotion of Canberra as Australia’s learning Agreed capital and an international education city. Promote tertiary education in the national capital region, domestically and internationally, marketing its employment and lifestyle advantages for all ages through:  collaborations with existing promotional strategies including Australian Educational International, ACT Education Export group, Live in Canberra, and others as appropriate  liaison with the network of indigenous units in tertiary institutions and schools to develop specific strategies to target Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders.

9. That industry and the professions in Canberra and the region Agreed partner with ACT education providers to:  drive initiatives and research in mutually agreed disciplines and areas of national and local significance to promote the economic development of the region  offer scholarships, mentoring programs and work placements to students.

10. Canberra should further position itself as an education services Agreed hub. It should promote itself as a learning capital, acknowledging the significant contribution education and innovation make to the ACT and region economy. This will attract knowledge intensive industries to locate and grow within the region.

11. Enhance the quality of career counselling in the ACT by: Agreed  developing and implementing a revised and expanded model

4 Recommendations Response of career advice and counselling that would be extended to people of all ages seeking to enter/re-enter the workforce or to change careers  support for initiatives for students in primary education and their families in recognition that career advice and information can link curriculum content with careers to inform student choices  coordinating and aligning current individualized career advice provisions in schools and tertiary institutions with input from industry and employer stakeholders  further developing accelerated pathways for high achieving secondary students to commence university and vocational courses as a functional element of senior secondary courses  expanding specialist career advice by promoting professional training within business and human resource organisations as well as school support staff, specifically providing wider access to the Certificate IV in Career Development.

12. That the ACT Government promote improved workforce planning Agreed and development to support enhanced strategies in the capital region. This might include:  researching workforce planning models to inform a capital region plan  closer collaboration between relevant government agencies that drive and shape workforce development needs and research  integration of workforce needs into existing marketing campaigns and attraction and retention strategies  improved data sharing among stakeholders  linking workforce planning to funding initiatives and support.


That tertiary education providers in the ACT form a fully integrated system. This system of independently excellent providers would collectively and collaboratively offer world-standard vocational and higher education to meet the needs of a broad range of students. The system will build on existing provider strengths and position the ACT as a unique destination of choice for tertiary education.


Tertiary education is defined here as the combined Vocational Education and Training (VET) and higher education sectors. The ACT Government fully supports an integrated tertiary system. This would require further development of existing close collaboration between stakeholders in institutions, government and industry. Institutions such as the universities and CIT will balance collaboration with competition for students and for funding from governments such as Educational Investment Funding (EIF) from the Australian Government and any contestable VET funding from the ACT Government. It is anticipated that the Learning Capital Council (LCC) proposed in recommendation 3 will facilitate these collaborations by providing a planning framework which will indicate strategic directions and supporting evidence for submissions for funding under government programs. The ACT Government will support the activities of the LCC and will provide secretariat support.


That tertiary education providers operating in the ACT commit to achieving the ACT vision for tertiary education, developing innovative and collaborative ways of delivering industry- and research-driven tertiary education.


While implementation of this recommendation does not require specific government action, ongoing support from the LCC will be critical to implementing strategies to achieve the vision. The ACT Government will provide secretariat support for the LCC.


Establish a strategic body, with high level stakeholder representation, to be known as the ‘Learning Capital Council’. The Committee will be resourced to oversee planning, communication and interaction between stakeholders in areas of collaborative and strategic interest, including:

 providing advice to the ACT Government through the Minister on tertiary education policy

6  developing a strategic plan for tertiary education in the ACT and the region encompassing: o a framework for the engagement of stakeholders and tertiary education providers o an education equity and diversity plan as part of the ACT Social Plan for ACT tertiary education, which includes agreed targets with reference to COAG targets for disadvantaged cohorts and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander learners, strategies to resource alternative programs, and initiatives including scholarships and other encouragements to achieve the targets o a communication strategy for outcomes relevant to Recommendations 7 and 8 o professional development for the tertiary sector and its stakeholders.  endorsing priorities for tertiary education and training based on this strategic plan  sponsoring relevant research to support the strategic plan, including information on demographics, workforce planning issues, retirement intentions and expected skills shortages for the ACT and the capital region  steering the direction of ACT tertiary education in areas including partnerships, innovation, curriculum and greater engagement with industry including enhanced arrangements for work based learning.


The ACT Government proposes to establish the LCC to build on the goodwill and collaboration from the consultations of the ACT Tertiary Taskforce. LCC will have an independent chair and the Minister for Education and Training will work with the appointed chair to ensure that suitable appointments representing a range of stakeholders are made to the council. LCC will support strategic planning and further collaborations between stakeholders, especially education providers.

A fully operational LCC will require additional resources which will be the sought through the normal budget approval process for 2012-13 and beyond. Any additional funding required will be subject to the normal budget approval process and ACT Government strategic priorities.


That capital region employers further build partnerships with education providers to support tertiary education initiatives to promote outcomes for industry and education stakeholders and the region. Such partnerships and connections to include:

 collaborations on development of education programs  partnerships on education delivery including internships, scholarships, mentoring and work based learning  collaborations on career advice and workforce development.

7 Agreed

The LCC will be a critical forum for the development of these partnerships building on the significant existing collaborations between ACT schools and employers and collaborative partnerships between tertiary institutions and industry and professional groups.


That the ACT Government supports tertiary providers to investigate new ways to collaborate. This would include government support for investigations of:

 engagement between providers and their staff on the challenges of pedagogy and innovative delivery modes and curriculum  support for investment in e-learning and other IT based delivery so that learning platforms are compatible and easily accessible across education providers to enhance the student education experience  student information management systems to incorporate a lifetime identifier to facilitate student pathways between education providers at all levels and guarantee access to tertiary education for those enrolled in ACT schools  broader use of existing infrastructure (schools, tertiary institutions, community facilities, and ACT government facilities) to provide a range of learning environments  partnerships between institutions, government and industry to invest in affordable residential accommodation to reduce the shortages and costs both for students and apprentices.


In the ACT, there are considerable existing collaborations on program delivery across the tertiary education sector. A function of LCC will be to support negotiations for projects and research, drawing on the existing expertise of institutions and individuals within the sector. Any ACT Government support will need to build on current activity and increasingly be inclusive of smaller education providers and institutions in the context of limits on collaboration imposed by competitive market environments. The Taskforce was important to further develop strategies to relieve the shortage of affordable accommodation. This is central to the future development of tertiary education and growing the business of education in the ACT. Such accommodation will need to be suitable to a range of clients from school leavers to mature aged students. The ACT Government has previously provided support for student accommodation proposals from institutions on an individual basis. ACT Government support will be considered for future proposals for investment in affordable residential accommodation, especially those serving students from multiple institutions.


As ACT Government established tertiary education providers, CIT and UC will capitalise on their unique position in the Territory to lead the implementation of the vision of a fully integrated tertiary education system. The ACT Government will support the CIT and UC to investigate new ways to collaborate, based on robust business planning and evidence. This may include government support for investigations of:

 more integrated program development and joint course delivery  development of new types of qualifications and awards such as ‘foundation’ awards designed to lead to more specialised qualifications  integrated student information management systems across ACT schools, CIT and UC to facilitate the pathway guarantee to tertiary education for those enrolled in ACT schools  possible amendments to ACT legislation under which both CIT and UC are established


The ACT Government supports collaborations between UC and CIT in the implementation of an integrated tertiary sector in a climate of increasing market competition especially from interstate providers. Because CIT and UC are established under ACT legislation, their collaborations will be a cornerstone to integration across ACT tertiary providers. The ACT Government will be advised by both institutions on any changes to their individual Acts required to enhance their collaborations. The work that will be undertaken in responding to this recommendation must be able to demonstrate that any changes will expand and enhance the missions of both the vocational education and training sector and the higher education sector.

As well as focussing on meeting the needs of the ACT economy, both CIT and UC need to be able to continue to respond to national policy contexts in which they operate. For example, as a provider of VET, CIT operates in a national VET framework that embeds industry advice in training package design and qualification accreditation.


Develop a single ACT source for communication of consolidated information on tertiary education courses, career opportunities, pathways from education to work and accommodation options through a ‘tertiary information portal’ and other communication strategies designed to promote access for all potential users in the ACT and region. The gateway should particularly facilitate communication with Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders and equity groups. Strategies should be planned, initiated and overseen by the ACT Tertiary Education Steering Committee.


The ACT Government supports the concept of establishing a communication strategy including a ‘tertiary information portal’ as a single ACT source for consolidated information on tertiary education. Recommendation 7 referred to the establishment of a communication strategy including a ‘tertiary information portal’ as a single ACT source for consolidated information on tertiary education. It is recommended the Government note this recommendation. The establishment of the tertiary information web portal will be examined in line with the establishment of the Government Information Office recommended in the Hawke review.

The communication strategy will be an element of the strategic plan developed by LCC and a continuing focus of its agenda. Any strategy developed will need to link with existing communication activities of tertiary providers. Important to planning the strategy will be to determine the scope of the information to be available, a staged introduction of information and targeting the material to the intended audience. A project is proposed to map the existing sources of information within tertiary institutions, other ACT agencies and Commonwealth and ACT Governments. The project will also involve marketing and web design. The portal will be an innovative response, integrating new learning technologies to capture new markets.


Contribute to the promotion of Canberra as Australia’s learning capital and an international education city. Promote tertiary education in the national capital region, domestically and internationally, marketing its employment and lifestyle advantages for all ages through:

 collaborations with existing promotional strategies including Australian Educational International, ACT Education Export group, Live in Canberra, and others as appropriate  liaison with the network of indigenous units in tertiary institutions and schools to develop specific strategies to target Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders.


The ACT Government already provides support for the marketing and promotion of Canberra including through the ‘Education Export Committee’ and the International Student Strategy. LCC will be an important forum to negotiate and enhance promotional and marketing strategies.


That industry and the professions in Canberra and the region partner with ACT education providers to:  drive initiatives and research in mutually agreed disciplines and areas of national and local significance to promote the economic development of the region  offer scholarships, mentoring programs and work placements to students.


The ACT Government supports partnerships between industry and the professions in Canberra and the region and ACT education providers to drive initiatives and research in mutually agreed disciplines and areas of national and local significance to promote the economic development of the region. Such initiatives would be included in the ACT tertiary education strategic plan to be developed by LCC and would be informed by discussions at council level, with stakeholders and through expert advice.


Canberra should further position itself as an education services hub. It should promote itself as a learning capital, acknowledging the significant contribution education and innovation make to the ACT and region economy. This will attract knowledge intensive industries to locate and grow within the region.


This will be an element of the vision for tertiary education in the ACT and LCC will promote collaborations to enact relevant strategies. It is envisaged that any additional strategies will build on the promotional activities of existing groups and individual institutions.


Enhance the quality of career counselling in the ACT by:

 developing and implementing a revised and expanded model of career advice and counselling that would be extended to people of all ages seeking to enter/re-enter the workforce or to change careers  support for initiatives for students in primary education and their families in recognition that career advice and information can link curriculum content with careers to inform student choices  coordinating and aligning current individualized career advice provisions in schools and tertiary institutions with input from industry and employer stakeholders  further developing accelerated pathways for high achieving secondary students to commence university and vocational courses as a functional element of senior secondary courses  expanding specialist career advice by promoting professional training within business and human resource organisations as well as school support staff, specifically providing wider access to the Certificate IV in Career Development.


It is anticipated that DET decisions following the consultation on the future of ACT high schools and colleges will propose strategies in the secondary school sector which will enact the Taskforce recommendations on careers advice. The LCC will need to monitor the evolving situation to determine any additional strategies required to expand career services to a wider group of individuals. This would include negotiations with institutions and other stakeholders.


That the ACT Government promote improved workforce planning and development to support enhanced strategies in the capital region. This might include:

 researching workforce planning models to inform a capital region plan  closer collaboration between relevant government agencies that drive and shape workforce development needs and research  integration of workforce needs into existing marketing campaigns and attraction and retention strategies  improved data sharing among stakeholders  linking workforce planning to funding initiatives and support.


The workforce development and planning is the responsibility of a range of stakeholders across industry, institutions and government. The ACT government accepts that it has an important role to play in workforce planning and skills development.


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