Course Description s20

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Course Description s20

Algebra 1.5 Spring 2007 Miss George E-mail: [email protected] Home Page: Phone: 717-334-6254 ext. 6407

Course Description: Algebra 1.5 is a course which advances the abstract reasoning skills developed in Algebra 1. Continued emphasis will be placed on learning how to translate English statements into algebraic expressions. Real-life problems involving probability and statistics will also be discussed. A calculator is recommended for this course.

- Taken from the Course Selection Guide

The topics covered in this course will span chapters nine through fifteen of your textbook.

Attendance: In mathematics, topics build upon one another, and if a student does not grasp one topic, he or she may struggle with the next. This is why attendance and participation are a must. Do not get behind in your course work. The school has accepted rules and procedures for dealing with unexcused absences, class cuts, and tardies. Absences, cuts, and tardies will affect your mastery of the subject, and therefore your grade.

Grading: Your marking period grade will be calculated by using the following percentages:

40% Tests 30% Quizzes 10% Homework 10% Notebook Checks 5% Classwork 5% Participation

Tests will be given at particular points throughout the semester. You will be given plenty of time, at least three days, to prepare.

Quizzes will be given every Friday, and you will be able to use your weekly notes, so make sure to take good notes and come prepared for class. Homework will be given four nights a week. It will be reviewed, as necessary, each day and is the place for you to learn from your mistakes. Homework will be given either a four, two, or zero based on the level of completion. If a student’s homework is late, he/she may turn the assignment in late for half credit.

Notebook checks will be given throughout the semester. You will be warned one to two days in advance as to when a check will occur. These checks will usually occur the class period before a chapter test.

Classwork consists of any worksheets, including those completed in flex, projects or other work that is started inside the classroom and not considered homework. Again, if work is late, the student may turn in the assignment for half credit.

Participation consists of attendance and the amount each student contributes to classroom discussions.

A student earns his or her grade according to the following grading scale:

A 94% to 100% B- 83% to 84% D+ 71% to 72% A- 92% to 93% C+ 81% to 82% D 67% to 70% B+ 90% to 91% C 75% to 80% D- 65% to 66% B 85% to 89% C- 73% to 74% F 0 TO 64%

Extra-Help: Extra-help will be available on Tuesdays and Wednesdays after school from 2:30 until 4:00. If more help is needed or these times do not suit, address this issue with the teacher.

Absences: In the event of an absence, the following guidelines are in place:  Within one week of the student’s return to school, in-class (classwork) and out-of-class (homework) assignments are due. This work will receive full credit. If the work is not turned in by the one week deadline, the work will then be considered late and receive half credit.  Within two weeks of the student’s return to school, all tests and quizzes must be made up. These will not be made up during class time. The student must make other arrangements, such as before or after school or during flex, to complete these missing assignments. Students are also expected to get class notes from another student. Worksheets and assignments can be picked up from the teacher or found on the class web page.

Materials Needed for Class:

 Textbook: Algebra: Concepts and Applications by Glencoe, which must be covered and brought to class every day.  3-ring binder or a folder and spiral notebook to keep track of notes, classwork, and homework. In order to have successful notebook checks, it is essential to be organized. Having one of these two materials will help.  All work must be done in pencil. If work is not completed in pencil, the assignment will be returned and the student will be asked to resubmit the assignment in pencil.  A calculator is a very important tool in mathematics. That is why it is required that each student have a scientific calculator with a fraction key for this course.

If a student plans on attending college, I would recommend purchasing a graphing calculator. As an Algebra class, the students will be shown how to use the calculators correctly, as well as using the calculators to complete investigations throughout the semester. Not only will the students use the calculators throughout high school, these calculators are now used on state assessments, as well as college entrance exams. The TI-83 and the TI-83+ are the two models that will be used in the classroom. If interested, these models can be purchased at Staples, Wal-Mart, or Ebay.

Classroom Behavior: While I am speaking to the class, I expect the class to be listening and not speaking. When I am not addressing the class, you may move around as necessary (sharpen pencil, get a tissue, etc.). You may not leave the classroom without permission. If you are excused from the classroom, you must get your agenda signed, as well as signing the classroom log. Lateness and misbehavior will not be tolerated. The consequences for not abiding by these rules are (1) a verbal warning, (2) phone call to parent(s)/guardian(s), (3) lunch/after school detention, (4) office referral.

Student Expectations:  Come to class on time.  Bring all necessary materials to class everyday.  Listen to directions the first time they are given.  Show respect for yourself, your peers, and the teacher.  Try your best! Teacher Expectations:  Be prepared to teach a lesson everyday.  Listen to each student when he/she is asking a question or making a comment.  Return papers and tests as soon as possible.  Provide help when needed.  Treat all students fairly.


Students: Take this syllabus home and have a parent or guardian sign this form indicating that he/she has seen and read these rules and expectations. This portion of the syllabus should be returned at the beginning of the next class session and will be the first homework assignment worth 10 points.

Parents: Please provide your e-mail address (if you have one) so that I may keep in touch with you regarding your child’s progress.

______Student Name and Mod # Course Name

______Parent(s) or Guardian(s) Signature

______Parent(s) or Guardian(s) E-Mail Address (Please print clearly.)

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