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Gauteng Department of Education



Reading and Date Weight Accumulative Writing and presenting Language structures and conventions COMMENTS viewing ing

Short story - Narrative paragraph Words: common, proper, countable, uncountable, Reading concrete, abstract Week 1 comprehension Sentences: simple, statements, simple present & and 2 past tense Date: 5 % Spelling & punctuation: full stop, comma, colon, semi-colon, capital & ______small letters 5% Poem Creative writing: Own poem Words: compound, complex nouns verbs, finite (poetic devices) verbs, pronouns: personal & possessive, articles Week 3 Word meaning: rhymes, borrowed words ,idioms, and 4 proverbs, alliteration, similes, metaphors, Date: 5 % interjectives / ideophone synonyms, antonyms Punctuation: full stop, comma ______

10% Drama – key Task 2 Words: common, proper, complex, collective nouns, Week 5 features Dialogue finite verbs, pronouns & possessive nouns and 6 Poem – key Sentences: simple sentences’ statements, simple Date: 5 % features present & past tense. Subject & subject verb agreement ______15% Week 7 Short story / Task 2 Words: singular & plural, adjectives, degrees of and 8 Folktale Review / Letter comparison (superlatives) Date: 5 % 20% Poem (poetic devices) ______

Works schedules for grade 07 – CAPS Home Language Page 1 Listening & speaking Short story Task 2 Words: prefix, suffix, Task 3: Test 1 strategies Reading processes Descriptive / root, auxiliary & finite Comprehension and Listening Poetry narrative essay verbs language comprehension Reading / Viewing for Sentences: subject & Group panel discussion comprehension predicate, subject verb agreement, main clause, Week 9 and 10 5 % dependent clause 25% Word meaning: synonyms & antonyms Punctuation & spelling: dictionary use, spelling patterns & rules


Language structures Date Accu Listening and Speaking Reading and Viewing Writing and Presenting Comments mulat and Conventions ive

Task 1 Youth Novel / Drama Narrative essay (paragraph conventions) Words: complex nouns, 30% Listening comprehension (Key features) predicate & object (dual Take notes & answer questions Reading / Viewing for use of some nouns), finite Tell a story comprehension verbs, adjectives: (written and/ visual text) comparative & superlative Sentences: subject & predicate, subject verb Week 1 and 2 agreement, simple sentences, statements, Date: simple present & past tense ______Word meaning: synonyms & antonyms, literal, figurative, emotive language Punctuation: full stop, comma, exclamation, question marks

Works schedules for grade 07 – CAPS Home Language Page 2 Listening comprehension of written Task 2 Advertisement / Poster Words: proper nouns, 35% texts / TV presentation Youth Novel / Drama gender, plural & singular, Different forms of oral Contextual questions adjectives: demonstrative communication: (Key features) & relative Task 1 Reading / Viewing for Word meaning: Week 3 and 4 (Debate on advertising) comprehension synonyms, antonyms, Date: (written and/ visual text) literal & figurative meaning ______Punctuation: colon, semi-colon Sentence level: direct & indirect speech, simple & compound sentences Task 1 Read instructional text like Instructions Words: adverbs, 40% Group/ class discussion on how instructional procedures prepositions of time, to give instructions / follow Poem (key features) place, movement, Week 5 and 6 procedures adjective: numerical Date: Prepared / unprepared Sentences: active & speaking passive ______Word meaning: idioms & proverbs Punctuation: apostrophe, hyphen Role play – Drama Youth Novel / Drama Drama review Words: transitive & Role play - Investigation (Key features) Paragraph conventions intransitive verbs 45% Sentence level: passive, present progressive, direct Week 7 and 8 and reported speech Date: Word meaning: synonyms, antonyms, ______literal and figurative Punctuation: colon, quotation marks, question marks, comma, full stop Task 2: Test 2 Task 3 : Mid-year examinations 50% (Week 3 and 4) Week 9 and 10 Literature: Contextual questions Paper 2: Comprehension, language and the use of literature Paper 3: Writing: One essay and one transactional writing

GAUTENG DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION TEACHING PLAN Grade 7 – English Home Language Term 3 - 2014

Works schedules for grade 07 – CAPS Home Language Page 3 Weight Accum Writing and Language structures DATE Listening and Speaking Reading and Viewing ing ulative Presenting and Conventions Comments

Listening comprehension on how Read a text on the importance of a questionnaire end how to Filling in questionnaires Words: common & 55% to fill in a form / questionnaire fill it in and / forms collective nouns Adverbs of manner & Different forms of oral Reading and viewing for comprehension time, adjectives communication on the use of a Sentences: noun questionnaire / form clauses & adjectival and Task 1 adverbial clauses, Panel discussions compound & complex Week 1 sentences 5 % and 2 Word meaning: synonyms & antonyms, homonyms Punctuation: question marks, ellipsis capitalisation, hyphen Abbreviations: initialism, acronyms, clipped & truncation Listen to a drama Youth Drama / Radio Drama Dialogue Words: proper nouns, 60% (dialogue/interview) (Key features) Written Interview plural & singular, adjectives: comparative Different forms of communication Poem (poetic devises & key features) & superlative Dramatisation - Word meaning: roots Adapting one genre to another of words Punctuation: colon, Week 3 5 % quotation marks, and 4 comma, full stop, apostrophe, question marks Sentence level: direct & indirect speech, complex with relative clauses Read a text on how to write a notice / agenda & minutes Task 2 Words: pronouns : 65% Task 1 Reading/viewing for comprehension written/visual text/graphs Notice / Agenda & personal, demonstrative Role play: Meeting procedure Minutes & possessive Sentences: simple Listening comprehension (written present & past tense, text/ TV presentation) direct & indirect speech, Week 5 5 % active & passive voice and 6 Word meaning: verbal extensions (derivatives) Punctuation: apostrophe, capitalisation, comma, full stop, colon

Works schedules for grade 07 – CAPS Home Language Page 4 Listen to and discuss current news Reading/viewing for information: newspaper article/ magazine Newspaper article Words: abstract & 70% based on newspapers and article / written speech concrete nouns, magazine articles prepositions, adjectives: Use of emotive & persuasive Write a Comprehension Test comparative & language superlative Sentence level: Task 1 chronological Prepared / unprepared (sequential) order, order reading of a newspaper article of importance, descriptive paragraph, Week 7 persuasive & emotive 5 % and 8 language, bias & prejudice, stereotypes, rhetoric devises Word meaning: synonyms, antonyms, literal and figurative Punctuation: question & exclamation marks, comma, full stop, quotation marks, ellipsis

Listening comprehension on Youth Novel / Short story / Drama / Radio drama Task 2 Words: complex nouns, 75% Directions Narrative / Pronouns: personal, Task 3: Test 3 Poetry Descriptive Essay relative, reflexive Comprehension and Task 1 Articles: definite, Language Give Directions Reading for comprehension eg Written & visual text indefinite, articleless OR Adjectives: comparative Literature Week 9 5 % & superlative and 10 Sentence level: subject & predicate, subject verb agreement, evaluation paragraph, simple sentences, statements

Works schedules for grade 07 – CAPS Home Language Page 5


Language Date Weight Accumu Listening and Speaking Reading and Viewing Writing and Presenting structures and Comment ing lative Conventions

Unprepared speech – introducing Youth Novel / Short story / Give Directions Words: complex 80% a speaker/ vote of thanks / telling Drama nouns, adjectives: a story comparative & Reading for comprehension superlative, Reading aloud (use written and visual text) prepositions: simple (one word), compound (two words), complex (three or more words) Sentences: simple & Week 1 compound sentences, 5 % and 2 adverbial & adjectival clauses Word meaning: synonyms & antonyms, literal, contextual, figurative, adjectives & adverbs Punctuation: semi- colon, inverted comma, full stop, apostrophe

Works schedules for grade 07 – CAPS Home Language Page 6 Listening comprehension (written Read a text with a Email, Poster/ Diary entries / Flyers Words: Pronouns: 85% text/ TV presentation diary/email/flyers interrogative, demonstrative, Different forms of oral Poetry / Folklore (key Nouns: indefinite & communication: features) collective, finite verbs, Debate / Group discussion: adjectives: Use of email/posters/diary comparative & entries/flyers superlative, prefixes, suffixes, roots Word meaning: antonyms, literal, Week 3 figurative, contextual 5 % Punctuation: and 4 quotation marks, question marks, comma, exclamation marks and font Sentence level: direct speech. Questions & prompts, subject-verb agreement, abbreviated statements & rhetoric questions Listening Comprehension Youth Novel / Short story / Preparation for Exam Words: auxiliary, 90% Drama / Folklore (Essays) finite verbs, Prepared speech adjectives: Poetry (key features & comparative & poetic devises) superlative Sentences: bias, stereotypes, prejudice, emotive & Week 5 manipulative 5 % and 6 statements and rhetorical questions Word meaning: synonyms, antonyms, contextual Punctuation: full stop, comma, exclamation mark, question mark

Works schedules for grade 07 – CAPS Home Language Page 7 Revision and preparation for Revision and preparation for Revision and preparation for examination (transactional Word level work: 95% examination (speaking & listening) examination (reading) text) collective, reflexive pronouns and stem Sentence level: simple, complex, compound sentences, Week 7 statements, subject- 5 % verb agreement, and 8 question forms, negation Word meaning: Synonyms, antonyms, figurative Punctuation: Revision Task 2: End of the year examination Task 1: Oral Week 9 100% Paper 1: Oral 5 % Reading aloud/debate/group discussion/(un)prepared Paper 2: Comprehension, language and literature and 10 speech Paper 3: Writing: One essay and one transactional writing.

Works schedules for grade 07 – CAPS Home Language Page 8

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