Forest Ridge Forerunner

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Forest Ridge Forerunner

Forest Ridge Forerunner For the Week of January 19-23, 2015 Website: Our phones are answered M-Th 8:30-4:15, F 8:30-4:00 School Hours 9:15-3:45 p.m. Students may enter the building at 9:00 a.m. Lunch price: $2.75, Milk: $.50 Dates to Remember

January 19 Martin Luther King Holiday – Schools and Offices Closed 21 3:45 KidzArt 22 Professional Learning Day – All schools close 3 hours early 5:00-8:00 Chick-fil-A Fundraiser at Johns Hopkins Road location 23 End of 2nd Quarter – All schools close 3 hours early 26 3:45 Whiz Kids 3:45 Newspaper Writing 27 3:45 Jr. Minecraft gr. 1-3 3:45 Minecraft gr. 4 & 5 28 3:45 KidzArt 29 3:45 Bricks for Kids Jr. Robotics 3:45 Bricks for Kids Cranium Contraptions From the Principal's Desk... Hello Forest Ridge Families! The end of the 2nd marking period is quickly approaching. February conferences are scheduled for February 12 and 13. Parent-teacher conference registration will again take place through our web-based application, pickAtime. There are a wealth of parent resources available as you prepare for your child's conference. Electronic resources are available to you through the Howard County Public School System website or our newly developed HCPSS mobile app. Please visit Please note that all Howard County Public Schools will offer a fewer number of conference slots this year during the February parent-teacher conferences due to a revised school calendar. The number of slots offered reflects recent trends with regard to parent attendance during February conferences. Parent participation is strongly encouraged but remains optional. Attendance during February conferences will continue to be closely monitored to determine if future adjustments to the school calendar are needed. As always, if you're unable to obtain a conference slot during the conference window, you can call or email your child's teacher to arrange for an alternative conference time. At FRES, we were very pleased to have strong parent participation during the November Conference Period. We hope to have the same for February conferences, which will be focused on mathematics. Please remember you will be signing up with your child's mathematics teacher for this round of conferences. Conference dates will be Thursday, February 12 and Friday, February 13. Some teachers will be available during the mornings of February 9, 10, and 11. Conferences are scheduled online using the "pick-A-time" system. FRES will open scheduling on January 26 at 9:00 am, and will close on February 10 at 11:00 pm. You can find the link to pick-A- time at The FRES Staff is committed to the home school partnership and we will make every effort to accommodate parents at an alternative time, should conference slots be full. If you are unable to schedule conferences during these available dates, please contact your child's teacher directly. Thank you for your strong home-school partnership! Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. Student News... Congratulations to our latest group of Eagle Egg winners! They were: Jayden Lu, Grant Pisone, Annika Vallurupalli, Cody Lamberth, Lauren Johnson, and Izabell Stalnaker. Our grade totals for the last two weeks were: K - 749 1 - 530 2 - 605 3 - 550 4 - 437 5 - 265 Forest Ridge News... Boxtops Update FRES recently received a check in the amount of $1,868.70 from the Boxtops for Education program! We would like to thank everyone in our FRES community who contributed in any way to the collection of Boxtops and give a big "Thank You" to Mrs. Lauren Giles, our Boxtops coordinator, for all her time and effort on our behalf. We are pleased to share with you that the funds will be used toward the purchase of iPad Mini's for instruction.

From the PE Department The cold, messy weather has arrived. Please remember to have children place sneakers in their back packs on days when they have physical education. Tennis shoes are required for all students to be able to fully participate in physical education classes safely.

Related Arts Open House The Related Arts Team would like to invite parents to their “Open House” sessions according to the schedule below on Thursday, February 12 or Friday, February 13, during parent-teacher conferences. Bring any questions about our classes, curriculum, or just stop by to say "hi." We would love to meet you! Please understand that this time is for general information only. If you have individual questions regarding your child's progress please plan to contact your child's teacher directly, to make a separate conference at another time to address those questions.

Art Ms. Murray: Thursday, February 12, 1:30-4:00 pm in the Art Room

Music Mrs. Kepp & Mrs. Patterson: Thursday, February 12, 3:00-4:00 pm and 5:00-6:00 pm in the Music Room

PE Mrs. Goodwin and Ms. Borth: Thursday, February 12, 5:00-6:15 pm in the Gym Mrs. King: Friday, February 13, 1:30-2:45 pm in the Gym

Technology Mrs. Pietryka & Ms. Yost: Friday, February 13, 1:30-2:30 pm in the Technology Classroom

PTA News...

Happy middle of winter! I was able to escape the freezing cold for a few days and visit my newest nephew in Florida last week. What an experience having to dress for winter for my trip back after being in flip flops and shorts for a week! I have to say I melted a little before I got on the plane to come home. We had a great PTA meeting on Tuesday and set up our spring events including our carnival, auction and an Orioles game day! I think if I keep thinking warm thoughts, spring will come soon so we can have all these activities. Please check out our website as we will be updating all the events to come. Also, please check your child's backpack today and tomorrow to see how you can help with the auction. That file is also on our website as well.

WARMLY, Amanda Fields PTA President

Yearbooks Plans are currently underway for the 2014-2015 yearbook. We would like to showcase all the great FRES activities and events that have taken place over the school year. Please consider sharing your great photos of the school field trips and other school events in this year’s yearbook. The pictures should represent the school’s group/team activity or event, rather than focusing on the child. Please forward the picture(s) electronically to ([email protected]), in a jpeg file format, with the event name/description, date and class level (e.g. K-class Farm Trip, Oct. 11, 2014). Please submit the pictures soon so we can get working on the yearbook, but no later than February 27, 2015. If you are sending more than one event, please separate them in different files labeled appropriately. Thank you for your assistance!! Penny Keller/PTA Yearbooks, [email protected]

Don't forget to sign up for these great after school activities there is still room available!!! Visit our website at for more details!

Little Scholars Whiz Kids--Grades K-2. Mondays Starting January 26th. $104. Grab your goggles and lab coat…we are heading on a scientific discovery mission! In this class we’ll explore the world of science through everyday objects, experiments and encounters. Whiz Kids is designed to enhance the STEM education philosophies taught in your child’s science class. Sign up at Questions contact Leslie at [email protected]

Little Scholars Newspaper Writing--Grades 3-5. Mondays starting January 26th. $104. Ladies and Gentlemen, get it hot off the press! The second edition of the school newspaper needs your help! Students will enjoy this creative and exciting class as they create authentic newspaper stories. As they are transformed into reporters and editors, the outcome will be to publish their own school newspaper. Various aspects of newspapers are covered, including parts of a newspaper, writing an article, reading habits, advertisements, and layout and design techniques. Sign up at Questions contact Leslie at [email protected]

**NEW**Jr. Minecraft Programming--Grades 1-3. Tuesdays starting January 27. $185. Using a custom mod called "Computercraft", students will learn how to program robots called "Turtles" inside the world of Minecraft. Kids will utilize problem solving skills by learning how to program their robots to complete various tasks and objectives such as programming their turtles to automatically build, mine and craft items and structures. They will be introduced to programming if-then-else statements, for while-loops and implement their own functions using Lua, a simple scripting language. Looking for a fun way to introduce your child to programming? Why not do it using a game they love! Note: Basic reading skills required. Experience playing Minecraft preferred, but not required. Sign up at:

**NEW** Minecraft Programming--Grades 4th & 5th. Tuesdays starting January 27. $185 In this class, students will learn how to create and program their own custom robots using the popular game Minecraft. Introduce your child to some Lua and learn how to program robots to complete various tasks like automatically build mine and craft items and structures! Determine how each of your own robots behave. They will write if-then-else programming statements, for-while loops and implement their own functions using Lua, a simple scripting language. Does your child love playing Minecraft? Introduce some programming basics in a game they love! Sign up at

KidzArt—Sign up for Session #3- Wednesdays starting February 4--All Grade Levels--$170. Create your own masterpieces using a variety of media such as markers, Oil pastels, charcoal, watercolors and many more. (There will be 4 sessions throughout the year). Sign up today at

In the Community...

From the GT Department Attaining success requires resiliency in order to overcome challenges along the way. Yet many advanced learners expect to “get the right answer” on their first attempt and once faced with truly challenging situations, give up before trying. All interested parents are invited to attend the G/T Parent Academy "Building Resiliency in Advanced-Level Learners" at Atholton High School on Thursday, February 5, 2015 from 7 - 8:30 p.m. Dr. Angela Housand, Assistant Professor and Gifted Program Coordinator at University of North Carolina Wilmington, will share her expertise.

This session provides parents with strategies to support high potential youth as they engage in the struggles that lead to meaningful SUCCESS.

Road to Kindergarten Workshops HCPSS will present a series of free workshops for parents with children preparing to enter kindergarten next fall. The workshops will cover expectations for school readiness, details about the HCPSS kindergarten program, support resources and registration details.

Child care will be available at each session for children ages 2 and older.

Tues., January 20, 2015 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. Wilde Lake High School 5460 Trumpeter Road, Columbia, 21044

Thurs., January 29, 2015 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. Long Reach High School 6101 Old Dobbin Lane, Columbia, 21045

Wed., February 4, 2015 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. Marriotts Ridge High School 12100 Woodford Drive, Marriottsville, 21104

Mon., February 9, 2015 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. Hammond Middle School 8110 Aladdin Drive, Laurel, 20723

SNOW DATE – **Will only be held if one of the above sessions is canceled ** Tues., February 17, 2015 Howard High School 6:30 – 7:30 P.M. 700 Old Annapolis Road, Ellicott City, 21043

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