Of the Academic Senate Meeting s1

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Of the Academic Senate Meeting s1

Minutes of the Academic Senate Meeting January 18, 2006

PRESENT Alex, Almaraz, Ballinger, Brock, Bustamante, Emerton, Flores, Fucalaro(Proxy- Bustamante), Garver, Goldman, Halati, Humber, Janger, Johannessen, Kashefinejad, Kauser, Kellner(Proxy-H. Lord), Klein, Kopplin, Langlois, La Roche, Leon, D. Lord, H. Lord, Marshall, Monemi, Morgan, Poulakidas, Rainey, Ritz, Sancho-Madriz(Proxy-Self), Self, Soe, Soroka, Speak, Turner, Jungo(Proxy-Speak after 4 p.m.)

ABSENT: Stoner, Tilford

GUESTS: M. Ortiz, C. Clark, P. Rosenkrantz, K. Dickson, L. Manske, J. Nofflett, P. Farris, T. Morales, B. Hacker, G. Hamilton, R. Fremont, C. Pinter-Lucke, L. Rotunni, C. Bartell, D. Straney, D. Hoyt, L. Turner, D. Levin, M. Kasimatis, J. Chesser

1. Minutes – November 16, 2005

M/s/p to approve the minutes as written.

2. Information Items

a. Chair's Report

WASC Executive Committee – The WASC Executive Committee is working on the language for the themes. Input from the university community will be solicited. The proposal is due in May. The website will have further information.

Vice President for Student Affairs – Members of the Executive Committee and the Senate standing committee chairs have been invited to meet with the candidates.

Chair Flores stated that yesterday he and Vice Chair Self met with President Ortiz. New quarter and new year, they had a productive discussion about shared governance and how it will progress.

 Information Security – Debra Brum

Debra Brum gave a presentation on IT Security. The PowerPoint presentation is available at http://www.csupomona.edu/~iit/ppt/

b. President’s Report ACADEMIC SENATE MINUTES --- JANUARY 18, 2006 2

President Ortiz addressed the issue of Fall Registration being moved from Fall to Spring. He stated that the timing is an issue. It is better to have students register before they leave for the summer. President Ortiz informed the Senate that he, Chair Flores, and Vice Chair Self had a discussion yesterday. The Cabinet discussed the issue at the December 15 meeting, Senate Chair Flores was in attendance. The timeline allowed time for consultation with the Academic Senate. The information did not include that. A referral has been generated to address the issue.

A senator stated that some department chairs have asked that the deadline for fall schedules be extended.

Library Grant – The University has been granted a $2,129,397 Title V Hispanic- Serving Institutions (HSI) Grant from the U.S. Department of Education. The five- year grant will be used to strengthen library-based learning through a multimedia library collection, improved learning technology and teaching information literacy.

Board of Trustees -- The CSU Board of Trustees passed Executive Order No 966 which addresses Alcohol sales and Advertising. The Executive Order prohibits the sale of alcoholic beverages at any athletic event held in university owned or operated facilities and limits alcohol advertising to beer and wine on CSU campuses.

Governor’s Budget – The Governor has submitted a budget that proposes to buy out the student fee increase for this year. It could be problem next year if we should have a budget problem. The May Revise will have more information.

Founder’s Day Celebration – The Founder’s Day celebration is scheduled for March 5 at Pacific Palm.

President Ortiz stated that he had met with Jean Kellogg. Keith Kellogg left the university 1.4 million dollars. President Ortiz and Ms. Kellogg are discussing the best way to distribute the gift.

c. Statewide Senators' Report

The CSU Senate will meet on January 25, 26 and 27 in Long Beach.

d. Vice Chair's Report


AA-001-056 Order by Which Students are Permitted to Register AA-002-056 Change in Registration Timeline and Order AP-002-056 MS Structural Engineering Degree Name Change GE-003-056 ANT 360, Magic, Shamanism, and Religion GE-004-056 PLS 328, California Government ACADEMIC SENATE MINUTES --- JANUARY 18, 2006 3


AS-2176-045/AA Changes to Grade Appeals Policy and Procedure Revision – RESUBMITTED AS-2189-056/FA Follow-up Notification


Assessment Plan Review for B.A. in Theatre AS-2181-056/AP Assessment Plan Review for B.A. in Philosophy AS-2182-056/AP

Assessment Plan Review for B.S. in Economics AS-2183-056/AP

Assessment Plan Review for B.S. in Anthropology AS-2184-056/AP

Assessment Plan Review for B.S. in Social Sciences AS-2185-056/AP

Academic Program Review for the Horticulture/Plant & Soil Science Department AS-2186-056/AP

Assessment Plan Review for B.S. in Communication AS-2187-056/AP

e. CFA Representative's Report

Harriet Lord reported.

There will be a bargaining update meeting on January 19 at noon in Building 1, Room 203.

The CFA will conduct a rally at the Chancellor’s Office. Call Emma Gibson or the CFA Office at 4818 for more information.

f. ASI President's Report

Angelina Jungo reported.

The ASI is doing more outreach to market the campus.

ASI campus debates regarding Women’s Issue and the Role in Society will be done in the near future.

Budget deliberations will begin in the next couple of weeks.

The ASI needs an Academic Senate representative to the ASI Senate.

g. Staff Representative’s Report ACADEMIC SENATE MINUTES --- JANUARY 18, 2006 4

No report was presented. 3. New Business

4. Academic Senate Committee Reports - Time Certain 3:45 P.M.

a. FA-003-056, Revision of Appendix 15 A – SECOND READING

M/s/ to adopt the report.

Senator Halati presented the report.


The Faculty Affairs Committee recommends the followings:  Department chairs be appointed to a fixed three calendar years of service.  The position of the department chair be considered vacant at the end of the three years and procedures established in Appendix 15 be followed to fill the position.  The incumbent department chair may become a candidate for reappointment and there shall be no limit on number of terms that a department chair may serve.  The current department chair shall be evaluated in the Winter and Spring quarters of the second year of service.  Appendix 15A and 15B be amended as follows. (ATTACHMENT A)

The following amendment was presented.

Appendix 15A - Page 1 – Paragraph 3

The academic department chairs shall be appointed by the President to a term of three four calendar years. There shall be no limit on the number of terms that any faculty member may serve as the department chair.

Appendix 15B – Section I (Review Procedures) – Paragraph 1

University policy calls for the regular evaluation of department chairs to ensure effective administration of Cal Poly’s academic program. This formal review shall occur during winter and spring quarters of the second third year of each term of an academic department chair.


Committee Chair Halati stated the Senate asked for a change in the terms. The amendment addresses the concerns expressed by the Senate at the First Reading.

Questions were asked regarding the consultation. A senator asked if the department chairs, as a group, agreed to the document. Committee Chair Halati stated that he had made the presentation at the University Council of Chairs and ACADEMIC SENATE MINUTES --- JANUARY 18, 2006 5

they had the opportunity to comment. Also, all faculty were asked to comment via email.

A senator questioned whether there was a provision for recall. The appendix does provide a recall procedure.

A secret ballot was requested.

The motion to adopt the report as amended passed 28-4.

b. EP-002-056, Increase Number of Senate Meetings – SECOND READING

M/s/p to adopt the report.

Senator Morgan presented the report.


No recommendation is needed. The Bylaws allow the Executive Committee to schedule as many Senate meetings as it finds necessary. If the Executive Committee wants to establish a meeting schedule for the entire academic year, extra meetings could be scheduled on an “if needed” basis.

Passed. One nay vote

c. GE Area D1 Assessment Committee – SECOND READING

M/s to adopt the report.

Dan Lewis, Chair of the GE Area D1 Assessment committee, presented the report.


See Attachment B


Dr. Lewis explained that the report provides for the subcommittee to meet and develop a set of outcomes which will need approval of the Academic Senate. The survey tool has not yet been developed. Dr. Lewis stated that the Senate will approve each step.

The motion passed.

d. GE Assessment B2 – FIRST READING

M/s/p to receive and file the report. ACADEMIC SENATE MINUTES --- JANUARY 18, 2006 6

Senator Marshall, Chair of the GE Assessment B2 Committee, presented the report.


The GE Area B2 Assessment Committee recommends that the complete pilot assessment plan found as an appendix to this report be accepted. Attachment C

Input can be sent to Senator Marshall at [email protected].

This item will be a Second Reading on a future Agenda.

e. EP-001-056 , On-Line Voting – FIRST READING

M/s/p to receive and file the report.

Senator Morgan presented the report.


1. Conduct a pilot test with a Senate-conducted election in Spring 2006. If possible, the pilot test should be a non-Senate election such as URTP or Research Council. Obviously the pilot test election cannot be a one candidate election so we have to allow some leeway in choosing the election for the pilot.

2. All of the regular election procedures shall apply to the pilot test election. For example, if voters are given 10 days to return paper ballots the online election should run for 10 days.

3. The Elections and Procedures Committee shall evaluate the results of the pilot test in consultation with the Senate office staff, the Executive Committee, and faculty involved in the pilot test election.

4. After the evaluation of the pilot test the Election and Procedures Committee shall present a recommendation about the future use of online voting to the Senate. The Senate will vote on the recommendation.

5. If the Senate approves the move to online voting the Elections and Procedures Committee shall review Senate election procedures. Online voting will require modifications to our election procedures. Additional procedures will have to be developed to address potential problems such as system crashes during an election. Experience gained from the pilot test will be useful in developing election procedures.


Senator Morgan explained that this is in the investigation stage. Instructional ACADEMIC SENATE MINUTES --- JANUARY 18, 2006 7

Technology is looking at different ways to conduct on line voting.

A senator asked that the voting procedure be under the control of the Senate. If there are any changes in the voting process or procedure, the Senate should be notified in advance.

This item will be a Second Reading on a future Agenda.

5. Old Business

6. Discussion

a. Prioritization and Recovery (Phil Rosenkrantz/Kip Dickson)

Phil Rosenkrantz and Kip Dickson, Co-Chairs of the Prioritization and Recovery Committee for Academic Affairs, gave a PowerPoint presentation which can be accessed at http://www.csupomona.edu/~senate/presentations/index.htm

Detailed information about the committee is on the website at http://www.csupomona.edu/%7Eprpc/

 The senators brought up these points  Benchmarking  Similar to the JRC process  Is there an appeal process  Overly quantitative  Snapshot of a given point. How is this going to be a dynamic process?  Performing Art and Liberal Arts are more difficult to assess than others.  The assessment needs to be flexible

The meeting was adjourned at 5:05 p.m.

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