2012-2013 Oregon Department of Education OHS Prek Required Submissions & Communications
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2012-2013 Oregon Department of Education OHS PreK Required Submissions & Communications
Date Required Submission June 1, 2012 Grant Agreement Packet DUE. Packet will be available to grantees May 1. Email electronic copy, mail hard copy with original signatures. TBD Program Information Report (PIR) submission for 2011-2012 Program Year Opens. Due date for Federal PIR & State Addendum TBD. August 16, ODE PreK Data Base opens for 2011-2012 data. Link for electronic submission will be sent to grantees. Submissions must be completed 2012 by Sept. 28, 2012. Program Information Report (PIR) submission for 2010-2011 Program Year closes. Copy of Federal PIR & State Addendum DUE. Email TBD to assigned ODE specialist. Budget Workbook with 2011-2012 Expenditure Report and 2012-2013 Budget sections completed DUE. Email Excel workbook to assigned ODE specialist. Updated Site and Service Workbook DUE. Email Excel workbook to assigned ODE specialist. Sept. 1, 2012 Copies of School Readiness Goals and Related Data DUE. Email to assigned ODE specialist. Program Staff Update/Organizational Chart DUE. Email to assigned ODE specialist. Copy of most recent Annual Report DUE. Email to assigned ODE specialist. Copy of most recent Audit DUE. Email to assigned ODE specialist. Sept. 28, 2012 ODE PreK Data Base for 2011-2012 data closes and all submissions must be completed. 15th of each Monthly Report Form with data that reflects the status of the program as of the 1st of each month DUE. Email completed Excel form to month assigned ODE specialist: (Oct - May) The 2011-2013 Biennium ends June 30, 2013. Please watch for requests/reminders for information related to close-out of the biennium starting in January, 2013.
Required Communications All grantees* must request prior approval before taking any of the following actions, unless those actions were approved in the most recent state Continuation Grant. Change in scope or design of the program including significant changes in Change in Head Start Director or other key management staff hours or days of service or program option, or adding or reducing enrollment positions/structure Closure of a site resulting in the reduction/elimination services in a specific Absence of Head Start Director for more than three months catchment area/community. Please Note: Moving a site within a catchment Reduction in Head Start Director's time by 25 percent or more area/community while maintaining the same level of service does not require Change in service area or target population prior approval, however the grantee is required to notify ODE of the reason for Budget line item shifts larger than 10% of the total award the change, the location, and updated contact information. Construction or purchase of facilities Equipment purchases costing more than $25,000 that have not already been Major Renovations approved in the agency’s Continuation Grant. Equipment is defined as tangible, Increased funding for indirect costs non-expendable, personal property having a useful life of more than one year and an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more per unit * Jointly funded grantees MUST contact BOTH their RX AND their ODE program specialists when requesting prior approval, waivers or other program variations. All grantees must notify their assigned state specialist if/when: Program activities have been seriously affected by and/or temporarily suspended due to an emergency or natural disaster A parent, community member, or employee has made a serious allegation against the grantee The grantee is covered in local, state, regional or national press (good news, too!) The program office will be closed for more than two weeks (emergency contact information will be requested)
All grantees must notify ODE & complete the appropriate paperwork WHENEVER there are changes in approved users of the Electronic Grants Management System (EGMS) or PreK Data Base Jointly-funded grantees must send ODE copies of the following documents as soon as available: New or revised Federal Financial Assistance Awards (FAAs) Any federal monitoring reports along with program responses/actions and follow-up communications Notices and communications regarding recompetition and applications for designation renewal Please Note: If a jointly-funded grantee submits information in a federal grant that differs from what was submitted in a state grant, the grantee must notify the state of the changes being made. Oregon Department of Education OHS PreK 2011-2012 Specialist Assignments and Contact Information ODE State Specialists Assigned to OHS PreK Grantees Other ODE Staff
The specialist is the grantee’s primary point of contact at ODE. Unless otherwise noted, The following ODE staff members also work with OHS communications, questions, or concerns should be directed to the grantee’s assigned PreK grantees. Grantees may be directed to contact specialist. If the assigned specialist is unavailable, please contact the other OHS PreK one of these staff members for specific types of specialist or a listed ODE staff member. information.
Laurie Danahy, OHS PreK Specialist Kara Williams, OHS PreK Specialist Laura Allran, Office Support Specialist 503-947-6500…… [email protected] 503-947-5728…… [email protected] 503-947-5674...... [email protected] Office Hours: Monday – Friday 7:45 – 4:15 Office Hours: Monday-Friday 7:30 – 4:00 Laura sends/receives many of the electronic forms Telecommute Thursdays-available by email or Telecommute Wednesdays-available by email or and documents; helps track submissions and data; phone message phone message and maintains the OHS PreK web pages. OPK Grantees assigned to Laurie: OPK Grantees assigned to Kara: Community Action Head Start of Marion & Albina Head Start Dell Ford, Oregon Head Start Collaboration Polk Specialist Clackamas County Children’s Commission Community Action Team 503-947-5810...... [email protected] Clackamas ESD PreKindergarten Community Services Consortium Dell works on statewide issues and collaboration Community Action Head Start of Washington Kids and Company of Linn County projects involving OHS PreK, Tribal, and County Migrant/Seasonal grantees and other Eastern Oregon Head Start North Central ESD Early Education Head Start organizations/agencies concerned with young Head Start of Harney County OSU Child Development Center children and families. Head Start of Lane County Salem-Keizer Head Start Head Start of Yamhill County South Coast Head Start Klamath Family Head Start Umatilla-Morrow Head Start Nancy Johnson-Dorn, Early Childhood Director Malheur County Child Development Center United Community Action Network 503-947-5703...... ……………. nancy.johnson- Mid-Columbia Children’s Council [email protected] Mt. Hood Community College Head Start Nancy is the Director of the Early Childhood Unit, Neighborhood House which includes both the Early Intervention/Early NeighborImpact Childhood Special Education (EI/ECSE) and OHS PreK Oregon Child Development Coalition programs. Portland Public Schools Southern Oregon Child & Family Council
The Children’s Learning Center
Unless otherwise instructed, communications/submissions may be submitted electronically or by mail. Mail should be sent to the appropriate individual using the following address: Attention: (staff member’s name) Oregon Department of Education Office of Student Learning and Partnerships 255 Capitol St. NE Salem, Oregon 97310-0203
It is a policy of the State Board of Education and a priority of the Oregon Department of Education that there will be no discrimination or harassment on the grounds of race, color, sex, marital status, religion, national origin, age, sexual orientation or disability in any educational programs, activities orb employment. Persons having questions about equal opportunity and nondiscrimination should contact the State Superintendent of Public Instruction at the Oregon Department of Education, 255 Capitol Street NE, Salem, Oregon 97310; phone 503-947-5740; or fax 503-378-4722. 1