Class Level: Middle School High School s1

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Class Level: Middle School High School s1

Conversation Card Game for Advanced Level English Students –

Lesson Plan& Game Matrix Class level: Middle School – High School Lesson Time: 60 minutes

English level: Beginning Expected number of students: 20 - 40

Context: Forming, practicing and understanding simple conversations.

Teaching aids: White/chalk board, scripted conversations that were made for this lesson, and a soft foam ball for playing conversation hot-potato Learner objectives: Teacher aims: For all students to speak in English in a structured lesson Involve all students in an engaging that provides support and guidance as needed. Students lesson. should also have the opportunity to practice correct Teach a fun lesson with a game that pronunciation, practice grammar skills and practice adapts to the learner’s abilities. constructing simple conversations. Procedure Phase Timing

This lesson can be done with students not having any prior experience in having practiced scripted conversations.

These are scripted conversations. This means that the students and the teacher will read the conversations as a guide and add information words where needed. The purpose of this lesson is to give student a chance to practice speaking in English in a low pressure situation where they can easily succeed.

Begin the lesson by asking the students about themselves. Use the questions that the students will need to answer during the game as a Engage/ 10 minutes guide for the questions during the engagement portion of this lesson. Everyone is an expert on themselves and there is no lack of information to Study talk about.

Conversation Card Game for Advanced Students: 35 minutes 1. Students assemble into teams of four. Activate 2. On student from the first team comes to the front of the class to pull a card face down from a deck of cards to answer the corresponding question. Team members rotate who pulls the card. 3. The team member who pulled the card has the option of answering the question pulled or pass the question onto a different willing team member. It the question is passed the student who accepted the question and attempted to answer it gets immunity from answering questions for the next three rounds (within four rounds every team member should have answered a question despite questions being handed off). 4. If the team that pulled the question declines the question (both the student that pulled the card and the other eligible team members that did not answer yet) the question can be stolen by the next team at play.

5. The next team at play automatically gets one free point (in addition for any points they might earn from answering the question) for attempting to answer a question that was rejected by the previous team.

6. Continue to pull cards until twelve rounds have passed and each student has had the opportunity to answer three questions during the game.

Closing Activity

1. The teacher reviews the open Conversations from this lesson by 15 min asking the class which questions they can remember form the lesson. minutes

2. Ask the students to elaborate on which questions they found to be the Closure/ most interesting, easy to answer, and difficult to answer and why. Study 3. The, gently toss the foam ball to a student to practice some of the conversations from the lesson. Allow the students to take control of the questions and answers. Allow students to ask the teacher questions from the matrix so that the students can gain more experience in conducting English conversations.

4. Have student continue to ask and answer questions until every student has had the chance to both ask and answer a question.

Please see the next couple of pages to review the conversation matrix, game directions, and the scoring for the Conversation Card Game.


CARDS ♠ SPADES ♠ ♥ HEARTS ♥ ♣ CLUBS ♣  DIAMONDS  Would you eat bugs if you Would you rather be Should children be allowed Should parents make ACE were lost in a forest for a a hammer of a nail? to stay up all night? Why/ their children to chores in week? Why? Why? Why not? the house? Why? What would you do if you What would you do Would you rather be Are there animals that KING were the last person on if you found a lot of famous or very smart? people have not earth? money? Why? discovered yet? How? QUEE What is the greatest Can money buy Should people be told they What is the best subject N quote you know? love? Explain. can only have one child to study? Why? Can a person forgive, but Do you want to be Does the style of your Will people look different JACK not forget a crime against rich? Why or Why clothes change the way you 1,000 years from now? them? not? feel? How? Explain. Tell about the last book What sport do you Do you like to watch or play What kind of movies do TEN you read. like to play? Why? sports? Why? you like? Why? Can people have world Can money buy Describe your favorite Where is your favorite NINE peace? Explain. happiness? Explain. video game? place to go why?

What superpower would Which is better: What is better to have: a Describe your perfect EIGHT you want? Why? dogs or cats? Why? motorbike or a car? Why? day?

SEVE Tell about the last dream Describe your Can a poor person be Describe the strangest N you had. favorite movie. happy? Explain. thing you ate? Describe your favorite Is it best to be rich? Who is the best Who is the best person SIX book. Why? actor/actress? Why? you know? Why? What is the best Should smoking cigarettes Should people live without Why do you like your type of candy? FIVE be against the law? money? Why? favorite band? Why? What is the best part of What kinds of foods Is it okay for a person to Are beauty contests bad FOUR the body? Why? do you like? Why? steal if they are poor? or good? Why?

THRE Is bigfoot real? How do Can people live Should college/university How did you learn to read? E you know? without money? be free? Why? Should all food be free? Should all medical Explain the meaning of Should zoos be allowed TWO Why? care be free? Why? your favorite song. to exist? Why?

Scoring Guide 4 points: The answer was complete and detailed in responding to the question.

3 points: The answer responded to the question mostly completely and accurately.

2 points: The answer responded to about half the question.

1 point: An attempt was made to answer the question, but it failed to correctly respond. 0 points: No answer:

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