General Meeting Minutes

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General Meeting Minutes

GENERAL MEETING MINUTES Monday, March 4, 2013 10:04 am – 11:45 am

1. Call to Order – Abe Oudshoorn

2. Mission Statement The London Homeless Coalition exists to advise, shape and coordinate community responses to homelessness, and related needs for the London area.

3. Introduction of and welcome to those in attendance Abe Oudshoorn, Chair Leana Zeyl, London InterCommunity Health Centre Jens Stickling, Westany Holdings Inc Brian Hryhorchuk, Service Canada/HRSDC Willy Van Klooster, COH Family Health Team Derek Dilabbio, Independent Grant Martin, London CAReS Kate Cowan, United Way Shelley Yeo, Women’s Community House Nancy Powers, Salvation Army Centre of Hope Melissa Hardy-Trevenna, London & St. Thomas Association of Realtors Deb Peckham, London Housing Advisory Ctte. Martha Connoy, Mission Services of London Jan Richardson, City of London Maggie Traynor, Independent Laura Downs, Information London/Healthline Michelle Lynne Goodfellow, LMHC Saundra-Lynn Coulter, London Abused Women’s Centre Doreen Hodgkinson, Elizabeth Fry Society Neil Watson, City of London Housing Consultant Len Sterling, Independent Judy Binder, CMHC Gordon Russell, Mission Services Mike Godin, CMHA Matthew Trevithice, Fanshawe Student Dean Astolfi, WOTCH Pam Hill, ADSTV Jan Regan, Recording Secretary

The details of the attendance sheets related to committees was provided to the Steering Committee.

4. Elections Update – Jens Stickling reported the current Terms of Reference state the Chair and Vice Chair are to be elected by the general membership. At the LHC Steering Committee held February 18, 2013 the committee considered and is making a recommendation that Abe Oudshoorn be appointed as the Chair and Grant Martin be appointed as the Vice Chair for the period of March 1, 2013 to February 28, 2015.

Motion: The LHC Steering Committee is recommending Abe Oudshoorn as Chair of the London Homeless Coalition for the period of March 1, 2013 to February 28, 2015. Moved: Jens Stickling Seconded: Grant Martin Carried.

Motion: The LHC Steering Committee is recommending Grant Martin as Vice Chair of the London Homeless Coalition for the period of March 1, 2013 to February 28, 2015. Moved: Jens Stickling Seconded: Abe Oudshoorn Carried.

4.1 General Darlene Ritchie, Executive Director, At Lohsa Native Family Healing Services will be on leave for some time. A get well card was circulated for best wishes.

Matthew Trevithice, Fanshawe Broadcast Journalism student requested permission to record today’s meeting for purposes of his note taking only. Approved.

Page 1 of 6 5. Approval of Agenda Motion: To approve the agenda for March 4, 2013. Moved: The agenda was moved for approval by Melissa Hardy-Trevenna Seconded: Shelley Yeo Carried.

6. Approval of Minutes Motion: To approve the minutes of February 4, 2013 Moved: The minutes were moved for approval by Melissa Hardy-Trevenna Seconded: Derek Dilabbio Carried.

7. Business Arising from February 4, 2013 minutes

7.1 Community Forum and Report re: Programs and Services Available to Meet the Needs of Young, Homeless Pregnant Women – Update (Gordon Russell) A meeting took place with the Children’s Aid Society (CAS), High Risk Infant Group and London Crisis Pregnancy Centre on Monday January 28, 2013. The discussions began in the fall of 2012 with regards to the closure of Bethseda. These three organizations are being encouraged to lead the response to meet the needs of young pregnant women particularly those at risk or experiencing homelessness. The group is in the process of scheduling the next meeting, and discussions will focus on the future of this group.

7.2 Community Plan on Homelessness – Direction 1.1 – Realign Housing & Homelessness Committees - Community Forum – Update (Gordon Russell) A second meeting was held March 1, 2013 with Jen Kirkham, Consultant, to review the results of the survey and to look at the system as a whole. A more focussed discussion will be scheduled towards the end of April 2013.

7.3 Terms of Reference A motion was made at the February LHC meeting that the incoming Steering Committee would review the current terms of reference and provide an update by March 31, 2013.

Due to the ongoing discussions and work being done on Direction 1.1:Realign Housing and Homelessness Committees, it was suggested that any changes to the terms of reference should be deferred pending the outcome of these discussions. A revised terms of reference will be in place before the next election.

Motion: To defer a full review of the current terms of reference pending the outcome of Direction 1.1:Realign Housing and Homelessness Committees. Moved: Abe Oudshoorn Seconded: Deb Peckham Carried.

8. Standing Items

8.1 Update from Steering Committee

i) Motion: To hold the London Homeless Coalition meetings to the Central Public Library, 2nd floor meeting room, starting April 8, 2013. Moved: Maggie Traynor Seconded: Nancy Powers Carried.

2 ii) Announcements The general membership were encouraged to contact Abe Oudshoorn to be placed on the agenda with information/presentations that would be of interest and value to the membership. The focus of these more detailed information presentations would be for such things as newly funded projects, initiatives, surveys, and programs that are in place.

Actions: a) Martha Connoy, Mission Services, will present on the SWLHIN Crisis Response. b) Derek Dilabbio asked to present on the Trades of Humanity.

8.2 City Updates – Jan Richardson, Manager, Homelessness

i) Community Plan on Homelessness Jan provided a brief history. The tipping point came in 2006/2007 with reaction from the community to the City a need to consider a Municipal Drug Strategy. It is encouraging to note the change in provincial funding and strategy. Changes in provincial directions include: - Long Term Affordable Housing Strategy - Social Assistance Review Commission - Mental Health and Addictions Strategy resulting in such programs/initiatives as: o ASH Housing o Tele-Health o Opioid Treatment Service o Community Day Withdrawal Management o London Mobile Crisis Response − Community Homelessness Prevention Iniativie

In 2010 London developed the London Community Housing Strategy and the London Community Plan on Homelessness.

Other initiatives such as the London Health Sciences Centre Pay for Results assists with the community dialogue.

All of the efforts assist in defining the role of the municipality and the opportunity to focus on housing stability.

The 2013 budget has passed and Jan thanked those who participated during the process and sent emails.

The Housing First Temporary Support Fund was established for the period of January 1, 2013 to March 31, 2013 to limit the disruption to individuals and families on social assistance as a result of the elimination of CSUMB and to allow for enough time to conclude the planning and discussions. This fund will not continue beyond March 31, 2013. The City will advise on programs and services that will be available for April 1, 2013.

The following questions were posed by the membership:

Q. What is CHPI and the specific parameters related to a proposed rent increase for a senior apartment complex?

A. Defer the conversation on Minto Housing in Cherryhill and the proposed rent increase to other business.

Page 3 of 6 The Provincial Community Homelessness Prevention Initiative (CHPI) is the consolidation of five provincially funded programs into one. The vision of CHPI is a better coordinated and integrated service delivery system that is people-centered, outcome-focused and reflects a Housing First approach to prevent, reduce and address homelessness in communities across Ontario.

Q. What types of changes will the shelter system experience on April 1, 2013?

A. Ongoing discussions continue with the shelter providers. As identified in the 2010 London Housing Strategy and London Community Plan on Homelessness, there are directions of shelter diversion. Our efforts will focus on shelter diversion and rapid housing once in shelter.

Q. Can you explain the timeline? - The Housing First Temporary Support Fund ends March 31, 2013 - A program will be implemented April 1, 2013 - A report will go to Council at the end of April

A. We have a commitment to support low income Londoners. Information will be circulated on the April 1 plan.

Q. Purchase of Service Agreements – will these go to tender and can any agency apply?

A. There will be some interim agreements put in place to prevent service gaps. Yes – A number of Request for Proposals and Tenders will be issued.

ii) Homelessness Partnering Strategy The fiscal year concludes on March 31, 2013. Brian Hryhorchuk, Service Canada will be doing an annual service review and site visit of the funded agencies in March. All currently funded programs will continue under their existing contract until March 31, 2014.

8.3 Memorial Update – Nancy Powers i) The Memorial Committee continues to meet prior to each LHC general membership meeting. There has been several phones as a result of local media articles and it is expected that more donations will be coming in. So far $9,000 has been raised. Grant Martin and Nancy Powers will be presenting at Kings College.

Action: Invite Kings College students to the April 8, 2013 meeting to recognize their fundraising efforts towards the memorial.

The site visit went well and efforts are progressing very well with Parks and Planning. Municipal Council approval is required on the site location and wording on a plaque.

Motion: To approve the following wording for the plaque: “Commemorating Lives Lost through Homelessness in London.”

There was some discussion around the use of the word ‘commemorating’ and suggestions for alternate words.

Amended Motion: To approve the following wording for the plaque: “Honouring and Remembering Lives Lost through Homelessness in London.” Moved: Melissa Hardy-Trevenna Seconded: Doreen Hodgkinson Carried.

Nancy reported that there are outstanding objectives in the overall plan: a) Develop a tracking system for deaths that occur; and

4 b) Planning services/events that will take place.

On behalf of the membership, Shelley Yeo thanked Nancy and the Memorial Committee for all their hard work.

9. Other Business

9.1 Website and Communications Abe provided an overview of the newly developed London Homeless Coalition website, facebook and twitter pages. It is formatted so that individuals can add themselves to the mailing list to a) volunteer for events only, or b) receive all announcements and meeting agendas and minutes. A newsletter will be developed to replace the email communications. The membership discussed ideas for content. Recommendation: To transition to a newsletter format to distribute the May meeting materials. Moved: Shelley Yeo Seconded: Kate Cowan Carried.

An email will be sent to the general membership 5-7 days prior to each meeting advising that the agenda and minutes are available.

Members were asked to consider volunteering to sit on the Communications Committee. This committee will look at policies, content, and sustainability of the website on a go forward basis.

Laura Downs, Information London/ has offered assistance to this committee.

Action: Contact Abe Oudshoorn if you are interested in sitting on the Communications Committee.

9.2 Soup N Bread The Soup N Bread is scheduled for April 26, 2013. Shelley will be confirming with the Covent Garden Market this week. Salvation Army will provide the truck, Mission Services will provide the soup, Women’s Community House will provide the chilli and volunteer students for the free store. Aside from providing the meal, the membership was asked if there was more they wanted to do, such as promoting the Memorial Project, and providing information on what the London Homeless Coalition does.

Actions: a) Doreen Hodgkinson will contact Angelos for the bread donation. b) Melissa Hardy-Trevenna will design a brochure for distribution and members of the LHC were asked to attend to greet and chat with individuals who attend. c) Recognition of Kings College students and their fund raising efforts will be announced.

9.3 Updates from Representatives Serving on Other Committees No report

10. Announcements

10.1 Crisis Response – Martha Connoy Martha provided a quick overview of the Crisis Response – a transitional case management service to provide any individual in crisis, not just those with a serious mental illness, with an immediate response/referral to an appropriate service provider for treatment. Caseworkers will work with individuals up to 90 days and carry approximate caseloads of 20 individuals. Action: Martha will provide more details at the April 8th meeting.

Page 5 of 6 10.2 LSRAG Survey - Deferred 10.3 Homes for Women - Shelley Yeo reported that the official local launch is scheduled for Friday, March 8, 2013 at 1:00 pm at My Sisters’ Place. 10.4 International Women’s Day – Friday, March 8, 2013 10.5 Addiction Services of Thames Valley – Pam Hill ADSTV is launching a new Community Based Opioid Treatment Program, funded by the Ministry of Health and Long-term Care through the Southwest Local Health Integration Network, designed to help improve the health outcomes of individuals with opioid addition. A survey and community engagement process will determine what the needs are.

Visit for more information on this and other programs that are available.

11. Next Meeting: Monday, April 8, 2013 (10:00am to 11:30am) Central Public Library, 141 Dundas Street, 2 nd floor meeting room. Meeting Adjourned: 11:35 am


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