Webcv Reference Guide For

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Webcv Reference Guide For


Version 1.0 January 2014 Table of Contents

INTRODUCTION...... 3 DETAILED EXPLANATION OF SECTIONS...... 4 1. PERSONAL INFORMATION...... 4 Personal Data Summary...... 4 University Rank History...... 5 University Appointments...... 5 Addresses and Coordinates...... 5 2. EDUCATION, AWARDS AND CAREER EXPERIENCE...... 5 Education...... 5 Postgraduate, Research and Specialty Training...... 6 Qualifications, Certifications and Licenses...... 7 Professional Associations...... 7 Positions Held and Leadership Experience...... 8 Honours and Career Awards...... 10 Other Noteworthy Activities...... 11 3. RESEARCH ACTIVITIES...... 12 Research Statements...... 12 Patents and Copyrights...... 12 Grants, Contracts and Clinical Trials...... 13 Salary Support and Other Funding...... 14 Publications...... 15 Presentations and CE Activities...... 17 Peer Review Activities...... 19 Other Research and Professional Activities...... 20 Financial Conflicts...... 20 4. TEACHING ACTIVITIES...... 21 Introduction and Teaching Philosophy...... 21 Teaching...... 21 Clinical Supervision...... 23 Research Supervision...... 24 Mentorship...... 25 Innovations and Development in Teaching and Education...... 25 Aggregate Teaching Evaluations...... 26 5. ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIVITIES...... 27 6. CREATIVE PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES (CPAS)...... 29 Introduction to CPA...... 29 Creative Professional Activities...... 29

WebCV Reference Guide for LMP 2 WebCV Reference Guide for LMP Faculty and Their Delegates

Introduction This document is a reference guide to all the categories and sections found in WebCV All Activities View. WebCV is a robust system and very detailed in nature. This is by design to facilitate the recording of data at a level of detail required for CVs, Teaching and CPA dossiers reviewed at the decanal level during promotion. This guide is designed to help Faculty and their delegates enter their activity data consistently and in the appropriate sections. Each section is indexed and bookmarked for easy reference to specific types of records. The Guide is organized according to all sections in the WebCV All Activities View. Each section in this guide includes: 1. Description of the information recorded 2. List of fields and data expected to be entered based on LMP annual activity requirements and U of T promotion requirements 3. Some general guidelines for data entry to facilitate clean reporting and data management 4. List of printable reports in which the section appears, and examples of how the data appears in the CV Report

Data Management Tip: Focus on those areas of Activity that are Relevant to the Faculty Member Not all faculty will have annual activities to report in all sections of this document or in WebCV. To facilitate quick updates, we recommend you highlight the sections in this Guide that are most relevant to your areas of activity.

WebCV Helpdesk This Guide does not include information on how to use the functions in the WebCV application, like bulk updating records or using the CommonCV function. For information on functions, go to the WebCV Helpdesk website at: http://webcv.utoronto.ca. The WebCV Help Desk is highly knowledgeable about the WebCV system and are very responsive to WebCV questions, they can be contacted at: Phone: (416) 946-3289; E-mail: [email protected]

WebCV Reference Guide for LMP 3 Detailed Explanation of Sections This section outlines the type of information/activities that should be placed into each of the sub-menus under the All Activities View. Data Management Tip: Pick Lists and Drop-Down Lists Values available in Pick Lists and Drop Down lists are often used for section sub-headings. For example, Role and Activity Type in Peer-Review Activities or Geographical Scope and Institution/Organization in Administrative Activities. As much as possible, use items in the Pick Lists and Drop Down Lists to preserve consistent section organization throughout the printed reports. If a field does not contain the appropriate choice, “Other - Please Specify” options are generally available.

1. Personal Information This section contains personal information about the Faculty member. Most of the pages under this section do not print on reports but are used for administration. Some pages are read-only. In case the information is incorrect on read-only pages, please send the details using the support link within WebCV or emailing directly to m edicine . w ebc v @u t o r on t o . c a .

Citizenship / Immigration You may enter your citizenship and immigration details on this page. None of the fields in this section are required for University of Toronto Appointment processes and thus are not printed on any of the WebCV Reports. Some of the fields on this page are used during the CommonCV Export.

Personal Data Summary This section contains information such as your given name and family name, date of birth, gender, etc. All information on this page may be edited. Note: your personal information such as your date of birth, CPSO # and CMPA # do not print on any of the WebCV reports. Required Fields for Annual Activity Reporting Reports Family Name CV Report Given Name Annual Activity Report Teaching and Education Report CPA Report

Data Management Tip: Bio-sketch A bio-sketch may be entered on this page and a photo uploaded, if desired. The photo and the information entered on the Bio-sketch field prints on the Bio-Sketch handout report.

WebCV Reference Guide for LMP 4 University Rank History The information is read-only. If there are any changes to make, please send the details using the support link within WebCV or emailing directly to m edi c ine . w eb cv @u t o r o n t o . c a .

University Appointments The information is read-only. If there are any changes to make, please send the details using the support link within WebCV or emailing directly to m edi c ine . w eb cv @u t o r o n t o . c a .

Addresses and Coordinates You may keep a record of multiple addresses in WebCV, however only the address with “Yes” selected for the “Print in CV?” Field will appear on the CV Report. Required Fields for Curriculum Vitae Reports Print in CV? - Yes/No CV Report Type - e.g. Home, Primary Business, etc. Address Line 1 Country Province/State - where applicable City Postal or Zip Code Telephone

2. Education, Awards and Career Experience This section of WebCV contains educational details and career experience of the Faculty member.

Education This page contains all the degrees awarded by different universities. MDs, Bachelor’s Degrees and Graduate Level degrees should be entered here. Records for Postgraduate Training should be entered in the next section. Required Fields for Curriculum Vitae Reports Institution/Organization CV Report Department CPA Report (if “Attach to CPA” is selected) Degree - e.g. PhD, MSc, BA, BSc, MD, etc. Country Province/State - where applicable City Subject/Discipline Start - End Dates - Year and Month

WebCV Reference Guide for LMP 5 Examples: Degrees 1997 Jul - 2001 Jun MD, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada 1992 Jul - 1996 Jun BSc, Biology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

1987 Sep - 1992 May PhD, Pathology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Supervisor(s): Dr. J. Smith

Postgraduate, Research and Specialty Training This page contains details about all the postgraduate, research and specialty trainings that do not award any certificate or diploma at the time of completion. Residency Training, Clinical and Research Fellowships and Postdoctoral Training should be entered here. Required Fields for Curriculum Vitae Reports Institution/Organization CV Report Department/Program CPA Report (if “Attach to CPA” is selected) Subject/Discipline Start - End Dates - Year and Month Title/Position Country Province/State - where applicable City


Postgraduate, Research and Specialty Training 1992 Oct - 1995 Sep Postdoctoral Fellow, Cardiovascular Pathology, Pathology, UCLA, United States, California, Los Angeles. Supervisor(s): Dr. John Smith 1990 Jul - 1991 Jun Clinical Fellow, Angioplasty, St. Michael’s Hospital, Cardiology, Supervisor(s): Dr. Holmes 2005 Jul - 2010 Jun Resident, Anatomical Pathology, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario

WebCV Reference Guide for LMP 6 Qualifications, Certifications and Licenses This page contains details about the received qualifications, certifications, and licenses. One can also include advanced courses or workshops attended during the career. The records on this page essentially have an awarded diploma, certificate, or license. Required Fields for Curriculum Vitae Reports Title CV Report Institution / Organization CPA Report (if “Attach to CPA” is selected) Country Specialty Start - End Dates - to enter a single date, select (--) in the “End Date" field


Qualifications, Certifications and Licenses 2000 Dec Fellow, Royal College of Physicians of Canada (FRCPC), Neurology, 123 1995 Diplomat, American board of Internal Medicine 1994 Specialist Certification, Cardiology, United States 1990 Licentiate, Medical Council of Canada, Ontario 12345

Professional Associations List memberships in Professional Associations on this page. Committee Work and other Leadership Roles should be entered in the Administrative Activities section. Required Fields for Curriculum Vitae Reports Start - End Dates - to enter a single date, select (--) in the CV Report “End Date" field CPA Report (if “Attach to CPA” is selected) Association Name


Professional Associations 2005 - present American Society of Matrix Biology 1998 - present Canadian Cardiovascular Society 1997 - present American Heart Association Scientific Council on Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Medicine 2005 - present Canadian Association of Pathologists 2005 - present College of American Pathologists

WebCV Reference Guide for LMP 7 Positions Held and Leadership Experience This page contains details regarding the current and previous university, hospital, clinical, research, and consulting job experiences. Important leadership positions may also be entered on this page, for example, Department Chair/Chief, Director/Program Director, Head, etc. Required Fields for Annual Activity Reporting Reports Title/Position CV Report Type - see explanation of position type below Annual Activity Report Institution/Organization Teaching and Education Report (if attached to Audience in Department TER or Research Title in TER) Faculty/School - use if Type = University, University - Rank CPA Report (if attached to CPA Title) or University - Cross Appointment Start - End Dates - Year and Month Country Province/State - where applicable City

Data Management Tip: Explanation of Position Types

Position Type Used for

Clinical Non-Hospital based Clinical work (e.g. private practice) Consulting Any consulting work done outside your primary Hospital or University Appointment Hospital Hospital Appointments and Positions (e.g. Staff Pathologist, Chief of Service, Medical Director) Research Research Positions outside of a University (e.g. Senior Scientist at a Research Institute or a Hospital) University Positions at a University that are not related to rank (e.g. Chair, Head, Program Director, SGS Appointment etc.) University - Rank Primary Department Appointment at a University (e.g. Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor) University - Cross Cross Appointments to departments other than the departments that appear in University - Rank Appointment Work Interruptions Maternity Leaves, Sabbaticals, Academic Leaves, etc

WebCV Reference Guide for LMP 8 Examples

Current Appointments 2013 Sep - present Associate Professor, Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada 2013 Sep - present Associate Professor, Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Graduate Supervision 2012 Jul 1 - present Director of Undergraduate Medical Education, Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto 2009 Apr - present Staff Pathologist, Anatomical Pathology, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada 2006 Jul - present Full Member, School of Graduate Studies, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Previous Appointments HOSPITAL 2006 Jul - 2009 Apr Staff Pathologist, St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada UNIVERSITY 2006 Jul - 2012 Jun Program Director, Neuropathology Residency Training Committee, Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto UNIVERSITY - CROSS APPOINTMENT 2006 Jul - 2013 Sep Assistant Professor, Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Graduate Supervision UNIVERSITY - RANK 2006 Jul - 2013 Sep Assistant Professor, Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada WORK INTERRUPTIONS 2009 Dec 1 - 2010 Aug 31 Maternity Leave, Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada 9 months leave

WebCV Reference Guide for LMP 9 Honours and Career Awards All the received or nominated professional honours and career awards including teaching awards are entered on this page. These exclude research grants, any personal funding, or patents and copyrights awarded. Student/Trainee Awards are those awarded to Students/Trainees under your supervision. Required Fields for Annual Activity Reporting Reports Start - End Dates - Year, Month; to enter a single award CV Report date, enter (--) in the “End Date” field Annual Activity Report Geographical Scope - International, National, Teaching and Education Report (if Award Type = Teaching Provincial/Regional, Local Award) Award Type - Distinction, Research Award, Teaching Award, CPA Report (if attached to CPA Title) Student/Trainee Award Faculty - this field is active for Award Type = Teaching Award Department - this field is active for Award Type = Teaching Award Primary Audience - this field is active for Award Type = Teaching Award Award Status - Nominated, Received Institution / Organization Award Name Student Name - Required if Award Type = Student/Trainee Award Country Province/State - where applicable City

Data Management Tip: Award Type

Distinction: use this award type if none of the other types are suitable for the award in question Research: any award where conducting or producing research was a condition of the award Teaching: any award recognizing Teaching Activities within the University of Toronto Student/Trainee Award: awards received by your Students/ Trainees while you were supervising them

Examples Distinctions and Research Awards Received NATIONAL 1999 Donald Penner Award for Best Resident Poster Presentation, Canadian Association of Pathologists Meeting, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. (Distinction) 1993 Medical Research Council of Canada Summer Scholarship, University of Toronto, Department of Biochemistry, Canada. (Research Award) 1990 - 1992 Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada Junior Research Traineeship,

WebCV Reference Guide for LMP 10 Examples University of Toronto, Canada. (Research Award) 1989 John D. Schultz Science Student Scholarship, Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada (Distinction) Teaching Awards Received LOCAL 2009 Jun Undergraduate Teaching/Education Award, Dept of Lab. Medicine & Pathobiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (Undergraduate MD) 2009 May Kalman Kovacs Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Medical Teaching, Department of Laboratory Medicine, St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (Undergraduate MD) 2003 Jul - 2004 Jun Outstanding Tutor for Problem Based Learning, Fitzgerald Academy, St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (Undergraduate MD) 2003 Jul - 2004 Jun Residents’ Best Teacher Award, Dept of Lab. Medicine & Pathobiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (Postgraduate MD)

Other Noteworthy Activities This page is for noteworthy activities not accounted for as Educational or Administrative activities should be entered on this page. NOTE: data entered on this page does NOT appear in the CV Report. Required Fields for Annual Activity Reporting Reports Start - End Dates - Year and Month Annual Activity Report Type Teaching and Education Report (if attached to Audience in Description TER or Research Title in TER) Country CPA Report (if attached to CPA Title) Province/State - where applicable City


Other Noteworthy Activities 2010 - present Committee Member, Neighbourhood Beautification Program, City of Toronto 2009 Competitor, Toronto Waterfront Marathon

WebCV Reference Guide for LMP 11 3. Research Activities This section contains all the research related activities including research funding, presentations given and articles published.

Research Statements This page contains research statement(s) describing the Faculty member’s research interests. If the research interests are in education, select “Attach to TER” so the record is also included in the system generated Teaching and Education Report. Examples below outline some titles only and not the actual descriptions. Required Fields for Curriculum Vitae Reports Title/Subject CV Report Description Teaching and Education Report (if attached to Research Title in TER) CPA Report (if attached to CPA Title)

Examples (showing only Title/Subject)

2001 - present Studying the functionality of different parts of brain. 2003- present Develop Academic Leadership in the department. 2002 – 2004 Finding the root cause of cancer.

Patents and Copyrights This page contains information regarding the patents and copyrights that have been applied for, and granted. Required Fields for Annual Activity Reporting Reports Title CV Report Status - Applied, Granted Annual Activity Report Type - Copyright, Patent Teaching and Education Report (if attached to Audience in Date of Issue - Year and Month TER or Research Title in TER) Country CPA Report (if attached to CPA Title) Joint Holder Names - if applicable/available


2008 Dec Finding the root cause of cancer, Copyright. Did thorough research in finding the root cause of cancer, Granted, 1111, Canada 2007 Feb Invention of tablets for the common cold, Patent. I did my research in the lab and invented tablets for the common cold, Granted, 2222, Canada

WebCV Reference Guide for LMP 12 Grants, Contracts and Clinical Trials Enter details about research funding awarded or applied for on this page. Required Fields for Annual Activity Reporting Reports Funding Type - Clinical Trials, Contracts, Donations, Grants, CV Report Industrial Grants, Research Fellowships Annual Activity Report Role - Co-Investigator, Collaborator, Co-Principal Teaching and Education Report (if attached to Audience in Investigator, Principal Applicant, Principal Investigator, TER or Research Title in TER) Principal Site Investigator, Site Investigator CPA Report (if attached to CPA Title) Grant Status - see explanation of Grant Status below Peer-Reviewed - Yes/No Title Funding Source Funding Program Name - if available/applicable Total Grant Amount - use only numerals in this field. Currency, commas, periods are not necessary Currency - e.g. CAD, USD Name of Principle Investigator - enter this field if current faculty is not PI for this grant Collaborators - if available/applicable Start - End Dates - Year and Month

Data Management Tip: Selecting Grant Status The Grant Status value selected affects which report the record appears in.

Status Reports Funded - grants awarded, including pending grants CV Report Annual Activity Report Applied - grants applied for, but the final outcome is Annual Activity Report unknown Declined - grants which were awarded to the Faculty CV Report Member, but were turned down. Annual Activity Report Rejected - grants applied for, but were not awarded. Annual Activity Report

WebCV Reference Guide for LMP 13 Examples


2013 Jan - 2018 Mar Principal Investigator. Defining the role of type VIII collagen in atherosclerosis plaque stabilization. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Grant. 522,179 CAD. [Grants]. 2012 Jul - 2015 Jun Principal Investigator. Cadherins and the regulation of smooth muscle cell function. Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada (HSFC). Grant. 330,258. [Grants]. 2012 Jun - 2013 May Co-Investigator. A genetic analysis of patients with Tarlov cysts. Tarlov Cyst Disease Foundation’s 2012 Tarlov Cyst Research G. PI: Murphy, Kieran. Collaborators: Morel, Chantal; Goldman, Aaron. 30,000 CAD. [Grants]. 2011 Jan - 2012 Nov Co-Principal Investigator. Tumour-Associated Macrophages as Predictors of Survival in Paediatric Hodgkins Lymphoma. Physicians Services Incorporated Foundation (The) (PSI). Collaborators: Gupta S, Punnett A. 13,000 CAD. [Grants].

Salary Support and Other Funding This page contains information about awarded personal salary support, trainee support, and any other funding not accounted for as research grants. Required Fields for Annual Activity Reporting Reports Funding Type - Personal Salary Support, Trainee Salary CV Report Support Annual Activity Report Funding Title Teaching and Education Report (if attached to Audience in Funding Source TER or Research Title in TER) Country CPA Report (if attached to CPA Title) Province / State - if applicable City Total Amount - use only numerals in this field. Currency, commas, periods are not necessary Currency - e.g. CAD, USD Start - End Dates - Year and Month Student Name - if Funding Type = Trainee Salary

Examples: Personal Salary Support 2012 Jan - 2016 Dec New Investigator Award. Canadian Institutes of Health Research. 300,000 CAD. Ontario, Canada. Trainee Salary Support 2011 Sep - 2012 Jun Ontario Graduate Scholarship Program. Trainee Name: Jane Smith. Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges, & Universities. 15,000 CAD. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 2010 Sep - 2011 Aug CIHR CGS Banting and Best Masters Award. Trainee Name: John Smith. Canadian

WebCV Reference Guide for LMP 14 Institutes of Health Research. 17,500 CAD. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Publications This page contains information regarding published, submitted, or accepted/in-press research related work. It includes abstracts, books, book chapters, journal articles, case reports, and manuals. “In preparation” manuscripts can be recorded here as well. Required Fields for Annual Activity Reporting Reports Publication Type - Abstract, Journal Article, Book, etc CV Report Peer Reviewed? - Yes/No Annual Activity Report Role - Principle Author, Senior Responsible Author, etc. Teaching and Education Report (if attached to Audience in Publication Status TER or Research Title in TER) Date - Year and Month CPA Report (if attached to CPA Title) Author(s) Title - Article Title, Book Title, Chapter Title, etc. Journal Name/Book Title Volume Issue Page Range Journal Impact Factor - for Promotions documents Trainee Publication - select this check box for trainee publications Trainee Details - if Trainee Publication = Yes

Data Management Tip: Using PubMed ID to populate publications fields

For those Publications that are indexed in the PubMed database, the PubMedID for the publication can be used to auto- populate many of the fields in this page. Enter the PubMed ID in the PubMed ID field and click “Go”. The Publication Type, Publication Status, Date, Authors, Title, Journal Name, Volume, Issue and Page Range will be populated from the PubMed database.

Examples of some common publication types:


Journal Articles 1. Coronel J, Roper MH, Herrera C, Bonilla C, Jave O, Gianella C, Sabogal I, Huancaré V, Leo E, Tyas A, Mendoza A, Caviedes L, Moore D. Validation of MODS for rapid, direct rifampicin and isoniazid drug susceptibility testing in patients receiving TB treatment. Clinical microbiology and infection : the official publication of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. 2013 Sep 21. Coauthor or Collaborator. 2. Wilcoxen TE, Venesky MD, Rensel MA, Rollins-Smith L, Kerby JL, Parris MJ. Dietary protein restriction impairs growth, immunity, and disease resistance in southern leopard frog tadpoles. Oecologia. 2012 May 1;169(1):23-31. Principal Author. 3. Burns MJ, Nixon GJ, Foy CA, Harris N. Standardisation of data from real-time quantitative PCR methods - evaluation of outliers and comparison of calibration curves. BMC biotechnology. 2005 Dec 7;5:31. Senior Responsible Author.

Editorials Baker K. The temper thing. American heritage. 2000 Jan 1;51(3):86-90. Principal Author.


Books 1. Boerner S and Asa S. Biopsy Interpretation of the Thyroid. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Philadelphia, 2010.

Book Chapters 1. Debra Hawes, Shan-Rong Shi, David J. Nabbs, Cliver R. Taylor, Richard J. Cote. Immunohistochemistry. In: Noel Weidner, MD, Richard J. Cote, MD, FRCPath, Saul Suster, MD, and Lawrence M. Weiss, MD, editor(s). Modern Surgical Pathology. Second Edition. Volume One. New York (United States): Elsevier; 2009. p. 48-70. Principal Author.

Presentations and CE Activities On this page, enter:  Presentations at conferences and annual meetings  Presentations directed at Continuing Education, for example, Grand Rounds, Faculty Development, and Patient and Public Education  Visiting Professorships  Media Appearances Types of Presentations and CE Activities Abstracts, Posters or Podium presentations, Workshop Facilitation, Panel Discussant, Panel Chair, Lectures, Keynote Speaker/Presenter

WebCV Reference Guide for LMP 16  Conference Organization or Conference Committee Chair activities should be entered in the Administrative Activities section  Seminars, Lectures, Hospital Teaching Rounds, Labs, PBL Teaching, as part of a core teaching curriculum should be entered in the Teaching section

Required Fields for Annual Activity Reporting Reports Type - Abstracts and Other Papers, Invited Lectures and CV Report Presentations, etc. Annual Activity Report Geographical Scope - International, National, Teaching and Education Report (if attached to Audience in Provincial/Regional, Local TER or Research Title in TER) Date - Year, Month and Day CPA Report (if attached to CPA Title) Trainee Presentation - select this check box for trainee presentations Presentation Role - Speaker, Invited Lecturer, Chair, etc. Title Organizer - For conferences and Professional Association Meetings, enter the full name of the organizer Country Province / State - where applicable City Presenter(s) - enter the names of other presenters here, where applicable/available

Data Management Tip: Attach to Teaching and Education Report Attach records on this page to an Audience in the TER to have them appear in the Teaching and Education Report.


INTERNATIONAL Abstracts and Other Papers 1992 Speaker. Phylogenetic specificity of prolactin gene expression with conservation of Pit-1 function. Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology. Tamarron, Colorado, United States. Presenter(s): Elsholtz, H.P. Majumdar-Sonnylal, S. Xiong, F. Gong, Z. and Hew, C.L. (Abstract #858). Invited Lectures and Presentations 1997 Nov 14 Invited Lecturer. “Heterotrimeric G proteins and insulin action”. NIDDM Minisymposium (Eli Lilly and Company). Indianapolis, Indiana, United States. 2013 May 19 Facilitator. Luncheon Workshop. American Society of Transplantation. Seattle, Washington, United States. Presenter(s): Adeyi OA, Mengel M. I was invited to serve as the moderator of this international workshop, one of many key events at the annual American Transplantation Congress, co-hosted by the American Society of Transplantation and American Society of Transplant Surgeons. NATIONAL

WebCV Reference Guide for LMP 17 Examples Invited Lectures and Presentations 1995 Apr 28 Invited Lecturer. “Pit-1 as a terminal second messenger for inhibitory hormone signals”. Department of Medical Biochemistry and the Endocrine Research Group, University of Calgary. Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Media Appearances 2008 Oct 2 Speaker. Death investigation in Ontario. Interviewer: CTV. Canada am. CTV/CFTO TV. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. I described the reform of the forensic pathology in Ontario. Dr Andrew McCallum also appeared on the program PROVINCIAL / REGIONAL Invited Lectures and Presentations 1994 Oct 3 Invited Lecturer. “Inhibitory mechanisms in the dopaminergic regulation of the prolactin gene”. Department of Physiology, Queen’s University. Kingston, Ontario, Canada.

WebCV Reference Guide for LMP 18 Peer Review Activities Manuscript Review, Grant Reviews (Internal and External), Review Panels/Committees, Section Editing, Editor, Promotion Reviews should be entered on this page. Required Fields for Annual Activity Reporting Reports Role - Editor, Reviewer, Internal or External Grant Reviewer, CV Report Member, etc. Annual Activity Report Activity Type - Associate or Section Editing, Grant Reviews, Teaching and Education Report (if attached to Audience in Manuscript Reviews, etc. TER or Research Title in TER) Journal/Section CPA Report (if attached to CPA Title) Institution/Organization - for Grant Reviews Start - End Dates - Year


EDITORIAL BOARDS Editorial Board Member 2010 Jan - present Reviews in Infection, Number of Reviews: 2 MANUSCRIPT REVIEWS Reviewer 2009 - present Canadian Medical Association Journal, Number of Reviews: 8 GRANT REVIEWS External Grant Reviewer 2011 National Science / Engineering Research Council, Discovery Grants, Number of Reviews: 2 2009 National Science / Engineering Research Council, Discovery Grants 2006 National Science / Engineering Research Council, Discovery Grants Reviewer 2003 - 2004 Hospital for Sick Children/Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Operating Grants, New Investigators Grants Program

WebCV Reference Guide for LMP 19 Other Research and Professional Activities Any research related or professional activities that do not fit in other Research pages are entered on this page. These activities include clinical, educational, research, industrial, social, and administrative projects and workshops. Thesis projects can also be entered on this page. Required Fields for Annual Activity Reporting Reports Institution/Organization CV Report Activity Type - Research Project, Thesis Project, etc. Annual Activity Report Role Teaching and Education Report (if attached to Audience in Start - End Dates - Year and Month TER or Research Title in TER) Title CPA Report (if attached to CPA Title)


RESEARCH PROJECT 1998 - 2000 Molecular Genetics Fellow. Development of improved diagnostic tests for mutations causing Tay-Sachs and Canavan disease. The Hospital for Sick Children. Supervisor(s): Peter N. Ray, Ph.D., FCCMG, FACMG 1997 - 1998 Career Development Fellow. Gene therapy for hemophilia B using microencapsulated recombinant cells. Canadian Red Cross Society, McMaster University. Supervisor(s): F. Ofosu, Ph.D. & P.L. Chang, Ph.D. THESIS PROJECT 2000 - 2008 PhD student. Phosphorylated motif recognition and mechanisms of cell signaling in actin-cytoskeletal regulationPhosphorylated motif recognition and mechanisms of cell signaling in actin-cytoskeletal regulation. University of Toronto, Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute, Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Ontario. Supervisor(s): Dr. T. Pawson

Financial Conflicts Details regarding possible conflict of interests should be entered on this page. These records will appear only on the Annual Activity Report.

Example The Faculty member is paid by a pharmaceutical company to do research for them while employed at one of the University affiliated Research Institutes.

WebCV Reference Guide for LMP 20 4. Teaching Activities This section contains details of teaching and education activities. These activities include all formal and informal teaching, mentorships, research and clinical supervision, educational development, and teaching evaluation scores. For detailed instructions on how to identify and enter teaching data please see the WebCV Guide - Teaching Activities (How to Enter Records) and Understanding Educational Levels which can be found at the WebCV Project website: http://webcv.utoronto.ca/user-guides.

Introduction and Teaching Philosophy Introduction to the Teaching and Education Report and detailed Teaching Philosophy is entered on this page. This is mostly narrative description and is used in the Teaching Dossier during promotions and reviews. Required Fields for CV and Teaching Reports Reports Introduction to Teaching & Education Report - appears in CV Report TER Report Teaching and Education Report Teaching Philosophy - appears in CV Report


TEACHING PHILOSOPHY From early in my career, I have had a particular interest in education and professional development, and a strong motivation to facilitate the learning of not only pathology trainees, but also qualified colleagues. Since the beginning, my approach to teaching has been based on three major principles: facilitating learners’ sense of autonomy and personal responsibility; treating learners with respect; and encouraging trainees and colleagues to see themselves as collaborators with multiple roles to play in patient care.

Teaching On this page, enter:  All formal seminars and lectures given at any level as part of a core curriculum (i.e. targeted to any audience level)  Formal and informal teaching rounds  Extra- departmental teaching activities Types of Teaching Activities Course Coordination / Direction, Seminars / Lectures, Small Group or PBL Teaching Workshops, Examinations, Teaching Rounds Simulations, Labs, Practicum, Individual Consultations Peer Coaching, Remediation, etc.

 Clinical Supervision details are entered on the Clinical Supervision page  Summer Students and Undergraduate Project Students supervised during a Research Project should be entered under Research Supervision

WebCV Reference Guide for LMP 21  Invited lectures should be entered on the Presentations and CE Activities page.  Workshop Facilitation, Seminars or Panel Discussions at a conference or Continuing Education event should be entered on the Presentations and CE Activities page. Required Fields for Annual Activity Reporting Reports Start - End Dates - Year and Month Annual Activity Report Faculty Teaching and Education Report University Department CPA Report (if attached to CPA Title) Primary Audience - Undergraduate Education, Graduate Education, Undergraduate Medical Education, etc. Activity Type - Lectures, Seminars, Examinations, Formal Teaching Rounds, etc. Activity Title - use this field to enter Course Codes, Lecture Titles, etc. Location of Teaching Number of Students Total Hours

Data Management Tip: Teaching across multiple academic sessions To ensure Teaching Activities appear in the Teaching and Education Report in the correct academic session, enter a separate record for each academic year in which activities are undertaken. For example, if the same course/lecture has been taught for the past five years, enter five separate teaching records for each year.

Examples as they appear in the Annual Activity Report and Teaching and Education Report

2010/09 - 2010/12 LMP1025, Faculty of Medicine, Dept. of Lab. Medicine & Pathobiology Lecturer Total Hours: 4 Number of Students: 30 2011/01 - 2011/05 LMP405, Faculty of Medicine, Dept. of Lab. Medicine & Pathobiology Course Coordinator Total Hours: 16 Number of Students: 23 2011/09 - 2011/12 LMP1025, Faculty of Medicine, Dept. of Lab. Medicine & Pathobiology Lecturer Total Hours: 4 Number of Students: 25

WebCV Reference Guide for LMP 22 Clinical Supervision

Supervision of Types of Activities Residents, Clinical Fellows, Medical Students, Post-doctoral Sign-out, Clinics, Frozen Sections, Lab sessions, Reviewing Diploma Trainees in Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Slides, etc. Microbiology

Required Fields for Annual Activity Reporting Reports Start - End Dates - Year and Month Annual Activity Report Faculty Teaching and Education Report University Department CPA Report (if attached to CPA Title) Primary Audience - Residents and Clinical Fellows should be entered as “Postgraduate MD.” Type of Supervision - Elective, Assigned Role Activity Description Location of Supervision Number of Students Total Hours

Examples as they appear in the Annual Activity Report and Teaching and Education Report

Clinical Supervision: Departmental Education UNDERGRADUATE MD 2012 Jul - 2013 Jun Elective Supervision. Laboratory/Pathology/Radiology Supervisor. Year 4, Dept of Lab. Medicine & Pathobiology, Faculty of Medicine. Location of Teaching: St. Michael’s Hospital. Supervised medical students, usually in their final year of training, who did electives or selectives in Pathology; reviewed gross and microscopic pathology, histology, and discussed clinical-pathological correlations with emphasis on mechanisms of disease and disease prevention. Student Name(s): Emily Smith; Tiffany Aching; Howard Jones; Jane Jacobs; Michael Wright. Number of Students: 5 Total Hours: 100 Clinical Supervision: Departmental Education POSTGRADUATE MD 2012 Oct - 2012 Dec Assigned Supervision. Laboratory/Pathology/Radiology Supervisor. Subspecialty, Clinical Biochemistry, Dept of Lab. Medicine & Pathobiology, Faculty of Medicine. Location of Teaching: University Health Network. General Pathology residency program. Rotation in Clinical Biochemistry. Number of Students: 1

WebCV Reference Guide for LMP 23 Research Supervision Supervision of Types of Activities Undergraduate Summer Project students, Undergraduate Research Project Supervision, Examination Committee Work, Project Course students, Master’s and PhD students, Thesis Committee Work Postdoctoral/Postgraduate Research Fellows

Required Fields for Annual Activity Reporting Reports Start - End Dates - Year and Month CV Report Faculty Annual Activity Report University Department Teaching and Education Report Primary Audience - Undergraduate Education, Graduate CPA Report (if attached to CPA Title) Education, Undergraduate Medical Education, etc. Year/Stage Role Collaborators - if applicable/available Student Name Level of Study Student’s Awards Attained Research Project Title

Data Management Tip: Supervision of students across multiple levels/programs If a student has been Supervised by the Faculty member at more than one level or in more than one program (e.g. as a Master’s Student and a PhD Student), enter a separate record for each level/program in which that student was supervised.

Examples GRADUATE EDUCATION 2012 Sep - 2016 Jun Thesis Committee Member, Dept of Lab. Medicine & Pathobiology, Faculty of Medicine. Student Details: John Smith Degree: PhD Research Project: JAK2 deletion in hepatocytes leads to accelerated atherosclerosis

2012 Jul - 2016 Jun Primary Supervisor, Pathology, Dept of Lab. Medicine & Pathobiology, Faculty of Medicine. Student Details: Mark Laballe Degree: PhD Research Project: DDR1 in vascular calcification in atherosclerosis and diabetes Awards: University of Toronto Fellowship UNDERGRADUATE EDUCATION 2012 May - 2013 Aug Primary Supervisor, Pathology, Dept of Lab. Medicine & Pathobiology, Faculty of Medicine. Student Details: Simon Cole, Student's Current Position: Project Student, Summer Student, Student's Current Institution: University of Toronto Degree: B. Sc. Research Project: DDR1 in the Heart Valve

WebCV Reference Guide for LMP 24 Examples Awards: Life Sciences Award, University of Toronto

Mentorship Information regarding formal and informal mentoring of students, residents, fellows, other professionals and junior faculty as well as preceptorships and observerships is entered on this page. Required Fields for Annual Activity Reporting Reports Start - End Dates - Year and Month Annual Activity Report Primary Audience - Undergraduate Education, Graduate Teaching and Education Report Education, Undergraduate Medical Education, etc. CPA Report (if attached to CPA Title) Mentor Purpose/Responsibilities Type of Mentee/Preceptorship Mentee Name Mentee Title/Position


2012 Dec Hugh Clarence, Observer. Dept of Lab. Medicine & Pathobiology, Faculty of Medicine. (Formal, Total Hours: 15) IMG observership in gynecologic pathology.

Innovations and Development in Teaching and Education This page contains information regarding educational development activities such as creating a seminar/lecture series for residents in a department at a hospital or introducing a new curriculum at the Faculty level.  Course creation  Curriculum development NOTE: Course coordination activities should be entered in the Teaching section.

Required Fields for Annual Activity Reporting Reports Start - End Dates - Year and Month CV Report Faculty Annual Activity Report University Department Teaching and Education Report Primary Audience - Undergraduate Education, Graduate CPA Report (if attached to CPA Title) Education, Undergraduate Medical Education, etc. Title Description

WebCV Reference Guide for LMP 25 Examples

2011 - 2012 Professional Masters in Forensic Medical Science. Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto. New graduate program planning & design - with M. Pollanen (2nd draft to be reviewed by Vice Dean, Graduate Affairs, Faculty of Medicine). 2011 - 2012 LMP2125: Global Health and Emerging Infectious Diseases. Dept of Lab. Medicine & Pathobiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto. With C. Guyard and R. Melano (pending review of Dept. Curriculum Committee).

Aggregate Teaching Evaluations Annual aggregate teaching effectiveness scores from MedSIS, POWER, and others can be entered on this page. Scores received for teaching a specific course or supervising a specific clinical activity should be entered with the records on the Teaching and Clinical Supervision pages. Required Fields for Annual Activity Reporting Reports Start - End Dates - Year, Month Annual Activity Report Faculty Teaching and Education Report University Department CPA Report (if attached to CPA Title) Primary Audience - Undergraduate Education, Graduate Education, Undergraduate Medical Education, etc. Source - MedSIS, POWER, Other Number of Student Evaluations Teaching Evaluation Score

WebCV Reference Guide for LMP 26 5. Administrative Activities This section contains details of educational and other administrative activities. Administrative activities include all the professional committees the Faculty Member is associated with. For detailed instructions on how to enter Administrative Activity data please see the WebCV Guide - Administrative Activities (How to Enter Records) which can be found at the WebCV Project website: http://webcv.utoronto.ca/user-guides

Types of Administrative Activities Hospital contributions, Research committees, Scientific Advisory Boards, Committee Membership/Work at Professional Associations, Conference Organizing Committees, Educational Administration, Departmental Reviews, Staff/Faculty Search Committees

Required Fields for Annual Activity Reporting Reports Start - End Dates - Year and Month CV Report Geographical Scope - International, National, Annual Activity Report Provincial/Regional, Local Teaching and Education Report (if the record is tagged as Educational Administration - Yes/No Educational Administration) Faculty - only if Educational Administration = Yes CPA Report (if attached to a CPA Title) University Department - only if Educational Administration = Yes Primary Audience - only if Educational Administration = Yes Institution / Organization - enter top-level Institution Name only (e.g. University of Toronto) Committee Name Country Province/State (if applicable) City Administrative Activity Role Start - End Dates - Year, Month

Data Management Tip: Multiple roles within a committee For those activities where the Faculty Member has served in more than one role, enter the Start and End Dates for the whole time they’ve on that committee. For each role, enter the specific start and end dates in the Administrative Activity section at the bottom of the form.

WebCV Reference Guide for LMP 27 Examples

INTERNATIONAL Gynecologic Oncology Group 2013 Jan Member, Rare Tumors, United States. Total Hours: 5 2012 Jul 1 - 2013 Jun 30 Reviewer, Pathology Reviewer, United States. Total Hours: 28 NATIONAL Canadian Academy of Clinical Biochemistry 2011 - present Chair, Maintenance of Competence Committee, Continuing Education. 2010 - present Member, Certification Committee, Graduate Education. 2010 - present Member, Training Program Accreditation Committee, Graduate Education. PROVINCIAL Ontario Medical Association 2010 - present Member, Chemistry Scientific Committee, Quality Management Program – Laboratory Services. LOCAL University of Toronto 2009 - present Member, LMP Research Space Management Committee - Medical Science Building, Dept of Lab. Medicine & Pathobiology, Faculty of Medicine. Chair: Dr. R. Hegele 2011 - present Chair, School of Graduate Studies Awards Committee, Graduate Education, School of Graduate Studies. 2009 - 2011 Member, School of Graduate Studies Awards Committee, Graduate Education, School of Graduate Studies. Chairs: Dr. Berry Smith, Dr. Luc de Nil

WebCV Reference Guide for LMP 28 6. Creative Professional Activities (CPAs) This section contains details of your creative professional work. Details under this section are used to compose your Creative Professional Activities (CPA) report for promotions and reviews.

Introduction to CPA The introduction to your Creative Professional Activity Report including how the CPA report is organized is entered on this page. This is mostly narrative description. Data Management Tip: Composing your narrative To prevent loss of work, compose the Introduction to your CPA Report in Microsoft Word or another word processing program first, and then cut and paste the text into the text field on this page.

Creative Professional Activities This page contains the narrative description including the impact of the professional activities considered as creative. For information on Building a CPA Dossier in the context of Laboratory Medicine, please see the LMP Promotions Task Force – Creative Professional Activity Report on the LMP Website: http://www.lmp.utoronto.ca/faculty/information-existing-faculty-members For general information on creative professional activities, please refer to the Faculty of Medicine promotion manual available on the Faculty of Medicine website: http://www.facmed.utoronto.ca/staff/appointment.htm Entries on this page can be considered as themes and are not primarily the actual activities performed. The activities performed in order to support these themes (such as a case report written or a presentation given) should be entered on their respective pages (case report on Publications page and presentation on Presentations and CE Activities). These activities should be attached to the relevant Creative Professional Activity Title using the “Attach to CPA Title” feature on the activity’s page. Creative Professional Activities in Education are also entered on this page and can be included in Teaching and Education Report by checking the “Attach to TER” checkbox.

WebCV Reference Guide for LMP 29

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