Rules, Customs and Informationin General from the Bishop and Bishop-In-Council

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Rules, Customs and Informationin General from the Bishop and Bishop-In-Council


1. Parish Buildings and Grounds

(a) It shall be the responsibility of the parish council (or the Local Committee where it applies) to keep the church, the church hall and other such buildings, together with the grounds surrounding them, in a clean and tidy condition at all times.

(b) The care of the rectory and the grounds surrounding it shall be the responsibility of the parish priest. Where expansive grounds with lawns, hedges and flower-beds exist it shall be the responsibility of the parish council, on the recommendation of the Rector, to provide for their care and upkeep.

2. The Rectory Overhead Expenses

(a) The cost of all overhead expenses on the Rectory shall be a charge on the parish council. Parish priests are urged to act responsibly in the use of light and heat.

(b) In the case of the use of the Rectory telephone all private calls shall be listed and their cost refunded to the parish council.

3. The Parish Car

(a) The purchase and maintenance of the parish car is the responsibility of the parish council. The

RULES Page 1 Last Amendment 2010 care of the parish car is the responsibility of the parish priest. He shall keep it clean and tidy at all times and shall make sure that it is serviced regularly at the garage.

(b) When the parish car is used for private purposes the miles of travelling shall be listed and the cost of the petrol used shall be refunded to the parish council. (See Licensing Statute, Section 15).

(c) For the use of the parish car during annual leave. (See Licensing Statute, Section 15).

(d) Travelling outside the parish for Diocesan purposes is not private travel.

4. Faculties

(a) Forms of consent are required by the Bishop and the Diocesan Trustees before certain works may be carried out in a parish. (See Parochial Statute, Section 11 (c) (i). Faculty forms in duplicate (supplies by the Diocesan Secretary) should be lodged in time for consideration by the Trustees before work of any kind proceeds.

(b) The Diocesan Trustees require parish council to comply with Municipal and Board of Health By- laws regulating the erection of churches, halls, rectories, etc.

(c) All monies for such building purposes shall have been lodged with the Diocesan Trustees who shall sign all contracts. When the advance of monies held by the Trustees is required, the Architect's Certificate or other required notice must be presented at Church Office three clear business days before payment can be made.

RULES Page 2 Last Amendment 2010 RULES Page 3 Last Amendment 2010 5. Insurances

In all matters concerned with Insurance parish councils are advised to contact the Diocesan Secretary at Church Office, before taking any action.

6. The Blessing of Buildings

The following requirements are necessary before a building is consecrated or dedicated:

(a) Timely notice must be given to the Bishop of the proposed date for the Ceremony.

(b) The Bishop must be consulted before the name of the Patron Saint is decided.

(c) The Diocesan Trustees must be satisfied that the prescribed rules and regulations of the Diocese have been kept.

(d) A Form of Petition (supplied by the Diocesan Secretary) containing the signatures of the Churchwardens and Parishioners must be ready for the Bishop before the commencement of the service.

(e) An inventory of the furniture and ornaments, which shall be available at the time of consecration shall be lodged at Church Office.

(f) The church must be furnished with an altar, fair linen cloths, the sacred vessels for Holy Communion, a credence table, a Bible, Prayer Book, a font together with seats and kneelers at least.

RULES Page 4 Last Amendment 2010 RULES Page 5 Last Amendment 2010 7. The Function and Duties of the Archdeacon

(a) Bishop

(i) The Archdeacon acts as the representative of the Bishop. He is directly responsible to the Bishop.

(ii) The role of the Archdeacon is to be understood primarily as a pastoral one. Under the Bishop he has a pastoral relationship with the clergy and their families.

(iii) The office and function of the Archdeacon in no way precludes priest or people from direct contact with the Bishop, as they may require it.

(iv) In the event of any dispute arising in a parish which may require enquiry or mediation, the Bishop may depute the Archdeacon to visit the parish to conduct an enquiry or to give counsel to the parties concerned. He should report any results or recommendations to the Bishop as soon as convenient afterwards.

(v) As required by the Bishop the Archdeacon Recognises a New Ministry.

(vi) The Archdeacon should advise the Bishop as necessity arises upon any matters relating to the well-being of the clergy, lay officers or parishes which may require the Bishop's attention.

RULES Page 6 Last Amendment 2010 RULES Page 7 Last Amendment 2010 (vii) As required by the Statutes he should be aware of the holiday arrangements of the clergy on advice from the Area Dean.

(viii) The Archdeacon is ex-officio a member of the Bishop-in-Council and of certain other diocesan committees and acts as an advisor to the Bishop in matters concerning the well-being of the diocese as a whole.

(b) Clergy and Staff

The Archdeacon encourages the clergy and staff:

(a.i) In praying, the saying of the Daily Office and the regular celebration of the Eucharist.

(a.ii) In the role of preaching, teaching and discipling, thus equipping the church for ministry.

(a.iii) To care for their people, to visit regularly and be known in the parish.

(a.iv) The Archdeacon is available for referral of problems that may arise through any inadequacy or breakdown of relationship within a parish.

(c) Parishes

At least once every three years the Archdeacon should make a formal visitation of each parish. This should be arranged in advance so that the parish priest and churchwardens may have everything ready for inspection. The visitation should involve the examination of the following:

RULES Page 8 Last Amendment 2010 (i) All properties, churches, halls, rectories and other buildings including the fabric of buildings and the furnishings of churches.

(ii) Sacred vessels, linen, vestments and other articles used for divine service and the administration of the sacraments.

(iii) Whether there has been any addition, alteration or removal of items in the church without the Bishop's faculty.

(iv) Registers of services, baptisms, confirmations, marriages and burials.

(v) A roll of Parishioners.

(vi) Preservation of historical records.

(vii) The adequacy of the insurance coverage on buildings.

(viii) Arrangements for the Liturgy and the administration of the sacraments.

The formal visitation should include a meeting with lay officers of the parish for mutual consultation.

(d) Vacant Parishes

(i) The Area Dean is responsible for ministry within a parish when there is no resident priest.

(ii) He will consult with the Bishop and/or the Archdeacon of the Diocese in such

RULES Page 9 Last Amendment 2010 vacancies.

(e) Information required by the Archdeacon

(i) Every priest, deacon, and full-time licensed lay worker shall notify the Archdeacon when he intends to take annual leave, together with the arrangements for Sunday services, emergencies and other necessary duties.

(ii) For the pastoral care of the parish, the Archdeacon shall be informed by the parish priest when he intends to be absent from the parish for more than forty-eight hours.

(iii) When a parish priest resigns from a parish he shall forward the following information to the Archdeacon:

a) Whereabouts of keys of parish buildings.

b) Whereabouts of parish registers and records.

c) Names and addresses of aged and infirm people who may need personal ministry.

d) Communion of the Sick and Aged:  Names and addresses  Times  Customary form of service

e) Possible candidates for Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation, etc.

RULES Page 10 Last Amendment 2010 f) Any fixtures already arranged -Baptisms, Marriages, social functions, etc.

g) Customary arrangements for sacramental confession, and form used.

h) Customary festivities, celebrations and social events in the parish.

i) Bookings of events and occasions to take place in the parish.

j) List of key people in various parish positions and organisations (include addresses).

k) Necessary information on customary liturgical practices and the times of Services both Sunday and weekday as at present existings.

l) Lists of difficult situations, ie. ministry to those who should receive special pastoral care - lapsed church members, those estranged by marriage breakdown, etc.

m) Other relevant information.

8. The Function and Duties of the Area Dean

The Area Dean is responsible to the Bishop for the Deanery, in relation to the clergy, deanery life, and vacant parishes.

RULES Page 11 Last Amendment 2010 (a) Clergy

(i) The Area Dean is to be the Chairman of the Deanery Chapter, which will meet at least four times a year.

(ii) The Area Dean will be an encourager to the Clergy within the Deanery.

(b) Deanery Life

The Area Dean is to encourage members of the parishes to meet together from time to time to consider matters pertinent to the Deanery, eg.

 Parish based ministries  Collaborative Ministries and the sharing of resources within the Deanery  Training of pastoral assistants

(i) He is responsible, with the incoming priest and the Churchwardens, for the Recognition of a New Ministry.

(ii) The Preparation for Recognitions:

a.i.a) The Rectory to be clean and ready for occupation, and its grounds neat and tidy.

a.i.b) The Liturgy for Recognition will take place within the context of the Eucharist.

 See Bunbury Customary R1.  Hymns should be chosen by the

RULES Page 12 Last Amendment 2010 Area Dean in consultation with the priest - elect and the Organist.

RULES Page 13 Last Amendment 2010 c) Have invitations sent to:

 Neighbouring clergy  Priest and Ministers of other churches  Civic dignitaries  Anyone the Priest-elect wishes to invite.

d) Have the occasion well advertised.

e) Have seating reserved for:

 The Bishop  The Archdeacon  The Area Dean  Visiting Clergy (including those of other churches)  The Registrar  Priest's family  Other invited guests

f) Have servers arranged and rehearsed.

g) Instruct the Churchwardens as to their role in the service (they need to know the full name of the Priest- elect).

h) Have sidesmen available to welcome those who come and to show invited guests to their places.

RULES Page 14 Last Amendment 2010 i) A place for the clergy to robe.

RULES Page 15 Last Amendment 2010 j) Arrangements made for a parish welcome.

 The Area Dean should be the Chairman.  Speakers chosen and informed. Speeches brief please.  Seating arrangements for official party, including the Priest's wife and family.  Supper arrangements.


I give and bequeath to The Bunbury Diocesan Trustees whose receipt shall be valid and sufficient discharge of the same to be held in trust for or be applied for ecclesiastical purposes in connection with The Anglican Church of Australia.

(If it is desired to make a specific bequest insert instead the particular Diocesan Fund, or the name of the parish, as the case may be, for which the bequest is intended. But if the Testator prefers to leave the appropriation of this bequest to the discretion of the Diocesan Trustees, instead of “to be held in trust for”, etc, he may substitute the words “to be applied at the discretion of the said Trustees”, or if the Testator prefers, he may substitute the words “to be applied at the discretion of and subject to the direction of the Diocesan Council”).

RULES Page 16 Last Amendment 2010

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