Lorain County JVS Preschool Four-Year-Old Preschool Report Card 2014-2015

Name: ______Teacher: ______Date: ______Listening/Speaking Skills Listens quietly and attentively Responds appropriately to questions Math Skills Speaks clearly Identifies colors Communicates in sentences with details Matches colors Expanding vocabulary Identifies shapes Waits turn when speaking in a group Matches quantity to symbol up to 20 Engages in conversation with peers Counts to ______Identifies numbers 0-20 Social/Emotional Skills Orders whole numbers up to 20 Accepts and responds to teacher’s authority Uses quantitative concepts to compare (tall/short) Respects and shows concern for peers Sorts objects by an attribute (color, shape, size) Plays cooperatively with peers Creates patterns Has appropriate control over feelings Sequences different sizes; big/medium/small Identifies human feelings (sad, happy). Graphing data Follows routines independently. Identifies penny, nickel, and dime Works well in small groups. Solves addition & subtraction story problems

Fine Motor Skills Language Arts: Phonemic Awareness Skills Holds pencil with tripod grasp Says the alphabet: Uses scissors correctly Identifies uppercase letters: ___ out of 26 Uses glue and paste Produces letter sounds: ___ out of 26 Assembles puzzles Segments words into syllables: __ out of __ Strings beads Prints some letters of the alphabet Molds with playdough and clay Recognizes when words share the same sound Manipulates small pieces Identifies rhyming words ___ out of ___

Gross Motor Skills Language Arts: Reading Readiness Skills Walks up and down stairs with alternating feet Prints first name Walks (forward and backward) Orally communicates positional words (in, out) Runs Identifies days of the week Jumps in place (two feet together) Identifies the author/illustrator of a book Balances (left foot, right foot) Understands basic reading concepts Hops (one foot, two feet) Answers questions about age-appropriate text Throws overhand Generates topics for writing Throws underhand Participates in recitation of books, poems, songs Catches a ball Compares and contrasts objects Bounces a ball Completes a forward somersault Personal Data Skills Gallops Recites phone number Skips Recites address Participates in games Identifies own name in print Lists family members ______Shares personal experiences from home Big-Girl Teacher’s Signature

______E Excellent Preschool Director/Teacher Signature S Satisfactory D Developing NA Not Assessed/Not Taught Yet