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NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2000 Issue 11 & 12

INSIDE THIS ISSUE: ing them. If you have a Corvette to restore, you CHAIRMANS COMMENTS 1 need to make several decisions regarding what you want to do. Without some knowledge of what you J UDGING CHAIRMAN have, you could reduce the value of a Corvette con- 2 siderably. That’s why we encourage membership FUTURE ACTIVITIES 3 on new Corvette owners and people interested in REGIONAL PLANNING Corvettes who someday will own one. 3 ACTIVITIES 4 This past month I’ve had calls and e-mails from Corvette owners asking questions regarding their MEMBERSHIP cars. That’s good, because the word is out strong 4 enough that the NCRS can help you make the deci- MERCHANDISE sions you need to, regarding your car. One ques- 5 tion regarded restoring a Corvette the individual had CLASSIFIED ADS 7 owned since new. If you were a member and famil- MAP TO NOVEMBER MEETING iar with the Awards categories, you would know it’s 7 not the best decision to “restore” the car. You could OFFICERS 8 be eligible for the “Bowtie” award, which would have ARTICLES AND MISCELLANY historic value to the membership of the NCRS and potentially monetary value to the owner. The BOOK REVIEW 5 LETTER OF THANKS 6 Corvette is a 1957 prepped from the factory for for- CHAIRMANS RATTLE CAN COMMENTSTIPS 6 eign delivery to Europe. There could be some peo- CHRISTMAS PARTY FLIER ple interested in this Corvette for sure as not too many Corvettes were prepared for this delivery. If By Dennis Kazmierzak the documentation is with the car, a great deal can be learned. Let’s hope we will see the owner at our Well we are quickly approaching the end of 2000. next meeting and welcome him with his interest in When you start to look back on this year, there were this Corvette. a lot of changes that took place within the year that affected our hobby. The biggest change is what This coming month of November brings us the be- has happened in the stock market. Because of the ginning of the holiday season with Thanksgiving. down turn in the market, Corvette prices have gone The first of the four-day weekends to enjoy. It’s up. They went up because of the busi- amazing how much you can get done when you nesses also in the beginning of the year. This have the time. Of course you don’t want to forget caused an increase in parts prices across the your family and have your head under the hood all board. Restoration projects are a big costly under four days. Keep that in mind and make sure you taking for the majority of us in this hobby. This re- make it to Dirk’s special “Tech Session” on the dis- flects to membership also. assembly of his ‘85 C4. This will be one of our most intense tech sessions. Membership in a Corvette club especially one like ours, NCRS, is an interest in Corvettes and restor- And speaking of tech sessions, if you missed this Sun Valley as Founder candidates, instead of fram- past months meeting at Bill and Linda Lucia’s, you ing that yellow shirt, consider wearing it and doing a missed a good one. Bill did a great job of present- repeat appearance at another National Convention ing the “attitude” of judging and real parts observa- and expand your wardrobe! tion. This was done in a PowerPoint format. Very professional and educational. We hope to have this I’ve heard a rumor that Galveston in the summer is presentation made again for all members to see. If ‘yuck’…. Having lived in Houston (about 40 miles you’re into judging, this would be a must see for north) for ten years, I can tell you sea breezes your future. bathe the beaches during the day, evenings are de- lightful and the judging field will be indoors (air con- ditioned). Why not make next year’s vacation a Corvette holiday, munch down some truly fresh FROM THE JUDGING CHAIR- seafood, and renew your NCRS acquaintances? MAN I had a great time in Bowling Green, although I saw By Jack Humphrey a few spoiled sport attitudes. One couple I know from way up north arrived, scanned the judging ros- New Judging Guides ter, found they’d not been chosen for a National Recently, I received three freshly updated Technical Judging Team, climbed in their Corvette and Information Manual and Judging Guides. They con- checked out the same day! Now, I have to say sist of ‘56-57, ‘61-62, and ‘73-77 books. All are of that’s not my idea of fun…. the high information content structured like current mid-year and early shark judging guides. Hey, I wasn’t picked for judging either. So what? I noticed there were six open blanks for tabulations My hat’s off to Roy Signor and the National Team and I wrote my name down. I got to tabulate one Leaders who worked to improve our documentation. day and noticed a novice tabulator across the table Hey guys, the effort shows! For RMC members getting a fresh learning experience. Turns out ‘he’ with cars in these categories, I strongly suggest you was not female and, if memory serves, the novice make the modest investment through Cincinnati to across from me who’d figured out the volunteer an- update your library. Thought: Christmas is at hand gle as I had done was Dennis Kazmierzak! Hey, —why not let ‘Santa’ know what you’d like to see you got a Black Hat in judging? Why not get anoth- under your tree? PS: Santa, if he doesn’t drop a er in Tabulations…. clue, you can find the phone number for the NCRS Merchandise Center in any copy of Driveline that’s Other convention days, I showed up at ‘oh- laying around! dawn-thirty’ looked at the cars to be judged and vol- unteered as an Observer Judge. I was never reject- ed. I got to participate in both Bowtie and Flight ac- Bowling Green tivities where I learned a BUNCH and senior judges I cruised ‘Lil Red (my ’71 small block) to Bowling shot a few compliments my way for this/that obser- Green on the National Road Tour. Mike and Laura vation and my help. Hey, that’s what this club’s Barrington, RMC members visiting from the United supposed to be about—people helping people and Kingdom, rented a Ford Mustang convertible (they learning/enjoying our Corvettes. did check out a C5 rental, but passed due to cost) and came along for the fun. CB radios buzzed and Since I have a mid-year and an early shark, I dedi- the traditional fun of traveling cross-country with cated one day to expanding my knowledge. I NCRS folks in a convoy of classic Corvettes was looked up Brian Pearce, National Team Leader for non-stop. ‘78-82 Corvettes, and asked if I could OJ in me- chanical. I wanted to learn (what happens if/when At Bowling Green, we found other RMC members one of these late model sharks registers for an waiting including Howard and Barbara Loomis and RMC meet?). I figured I was in the presence of the Dennis Kazmierzak. For those who participated in world’s best teachers with an excellent field of study the ’99 Convention at Sun Valley, I assure you the samples. role of a returning Founder Award member is excel- lent! Not only is your car’s entry free, but you can Brian bent over backwards to accommodate and I also secure a fresh new yellow shirt! Turns out I re- had a blast! What I’m trying to say here is get your ally needed this perk since I managed to dump the attitude right. This is the NCRS National Conven- remainder of a bottle of red wine onto my Founder’s tion where ‘top drawer’ awards hang in the balance. shirt the night before we joined the Road Tour. Bot- The cars deserve the closest scrutiny our club can tom line: there are quite a few of us who stormed muster and the cream of the crop judges turn out. Even though this was the largest National Conven- in the early 70’s. This particular rendition employed tion ever, expect there’ll be more qualified judges a Chevrolet dual rotor Wankel center mounted on a then there are National Judging Team slots to go Porsche 914 chassis with a one of a kind hand laid around. This doesn’t mean you’ve been passed body. over or ‘slighted’. You can still participate in your club’s convention, have fun, and learn without being Front and center in the cockpit were ‘Lil Red’s seats an official member of a National Team…. and emergency brake! Small wonder as ‘70-73 Corvette seats are almost identical and this experi- I encouraged Mike and Laura Barrington along mental prototype was built in 1971. What is differ- these lines. Laura had never judged a Corvette in ent in the XP’s interior is the lack of seat movement! her life and Mike was bearly beyond Level One sta- tus. But, both had restored their ’61, had attended The seats are fixed in position. Driver adjustments NCRS meets in England, and were equipped with are made by the steering column and the right attitude. Guess what? Dennis Clark, ‘61- brake/clutch/accelerator assembly moving as a 62 National Team Leader and former National swing-arm ‘pod’. Tom acquired the car from where Judging Chairman, was pleased to put them to work it had been stored for nearly thirty years (the roof of as Observer Judges. Now, Laura has a good shot a Vauxhaul facility) and had just completed a full at being the first female outside North America to restoration. The car was brought onto the judging capture a Level One judging pin! Neat, eh? field, parked on a carpet, draped with tarpaulins and surrounded with potted flowers. After judging activi- JOE (Jolly Olde England) ties were complete on Saturday, we gathered for In September, a handful of brave RMC folks cocktails (very civilized), heard Tom recite the story crossed the Atlantic to play in the English sun. For of the XP-987 and witnessed it’s unveiling. I swear a while it looked like this would be an oxymoron, but the only sound for a full five minutes after the tarp the sun actually DID shine! In attendance at Flight dropped away was Corvette Mike drooling at the 2000, were Gary Steffens, Eckhard Pobuda, Ralph prospect of adding this “one-of” to his dealership in- and Sharon Ridge, and myself. Gary brought his ventory! son Clint and after the meet, the three of us shared a rental car (hire car) to do a little touring. British Cars present for Flight Judging numbered approxi- hospitality was extended us by Mike and Laura Bar- mately ten with the full spectrum of straight-axle to rington and Barry and Kaye Morris, so we consid- shark in attendance. We worked at a leisurely pace ered ourselves nicely ensconced on London’s north for two days teaching as we went and enjoying the side. But, I’m getting ahead of myself. questions and enthusiasm of our British cousins. When the sun went down (somedays a difficult feat The meet was held at Maidstone, to the south and in reckoning), upscale dining, pleasant conversation east of London, almost to the channel. This is and guest speaker lectures were the norm. where Leeds Castle is situated. The weekend set- ting featured vintage/concours automobile activities I was particularly impressed with Noland Adams! in the area repleat with a huge hot air balloon regat- The man’s a living Corvette legend but he was just ta. Registration began Friday, September 8th with another one of the group there. He answered Flight Judging that Saturday and Sunday. On Sun- any/all questions, gave out autographs, joked with day the clouds broke—the timing was perfect. The us and helped anywhere he could. What a guy! sky filled with hot air balloons of every description as we broke for lunch. Excellent! It’s too bad this meet is history because it WAS a slice of history that won’t be repeated. I’ve crossed Corvette Mike was a meet sponsor and brought his the pond twice now and have yet to be disappoint- wife to meet the ‘lads’. The meet had two featured ed. The UK crowd is alive and well keeping the speakers; James Schefter (All Corvettes Are Red) Corvette mystique up. If you haven’t thought about and Noland Adams. The ‘surprise’ of the meet was seeing the world through the eyes of NCRS and the unveiling of a long lost Corvette experimental your Corvette hobby, I strongly suggest you think prototype, the XP-987. The UK Chapter’s Judging again. You’ll make friends for life you won’t soon Chairman, Tom Falconer, is also a Corvette lore au- forget…. thor (you’ll find his books in the NCRS Merchandise Center) as well as owner/operator of a Corvette Last, it’s the attitude that counts. I saw UK mem- restoration/service center just outside London. bers with daily driver Corvettes apologizing for the condition of their car. Yet, they consumed the infor- The XP-987 was one of several theme variations on mation imparted by their judging sheets with gusto. a mid-engine Corvette that Zora experimented with When the awards banquet came, Second and Third Flight award certificates were received with joy and appreciation. There were no sour grapes regarding the judging process. It was truly an NCRS experi- The Board of Directors would like to say thank you ence where appreciation, learning and commradery to Bill and Linda Lucia for hosting the October counted more than the color of an award ribbon! Event at their home. We appreciate the help you did for the members of the Club, and continue to In the next issue, I’ll tell you about the period aircraft look forward to your knowledge and experiences as at the Goodwood vintage race the weekend follow- the year 2001 comes upon us. Thanks for your ing the Chapter Meet. This was an unreal event stepping forward and making our Club the best it that defies description. If a sky full of Spitfires, Hur- can be! ricanes, and Toronados gets your pulse climbing, stick around…. Our next General Meeting is scheduled for Novem- ber 18th, 2000, at 11:00 AM at Bear Creek High School, 3490 South Kipling Street, in Lakewood. FUTURE ACTIVITIES - 2001 (The auto shop is located on the back side of the school). Dirk Gaddis, the teacher for the auto By Dirk Gaddis shop program at Bear Creek, has invited us to tear down a C4 Corvette in his shop (he’s got big plans I’m just beginning to put together the activities for for the parts in his next project). While doing this, the coming year, and would love your input and Dirk has other “goulish goodies” in his shop for us comments. If you are thinking about putting together to view. For lunch, the plan is to walk across the a Tech. Session…now is the time to get it on the street to the “Eck’s Bar” for some lunch and liquid list! We will assemble a committee of volunteers to refreshments…now how can we go wrong there! create an informative and fun filled year. Please Dirk says there is plenty of parking, so if the weath- consider joining us in the planning process, some- er is nice, haul out those Corvette rocketships and time near the end of November. Give me a call mosey over to the school for a good time. How to (303) 771-8239. get there: Hampden (285) to Kipling Pkwy., North to the first right turn (Girton), then first left on Kipling Street. Drive past the Apartments, and you’re REGIONIAL PLANNING there. You’ll see a large car port and a set of 3 garage doors (this must be the place!). SEE THE MAP ELSEWHERE IN THIS NEWSLETTER! Things are moving along for the planning of the 2002 Durango Regional. Eckhard Pobuda and Dan The Christmas Party (yea!) has been finalized. Pyzel are the Chairmen. If you have any questions Nancy and Tim Gilmartin have secured their or can help out, please call Eck or Dan. clubhouse where they reside for DECEMBER 9th, starting at 6:30 PM. The clubhouse address is 8050 CURRENT ACTIVITIES East Jamison Drive in Littleton. NCRS-RMC will provide Prime Rib and Turkey as the main dishes, By Bill Bell with side dishes being brought by members with last names starting with A-H, desserts brought by th members with last names starting with G-P, and ap- NOVEM- 18 : General Meeting at Bear Creek High School – 11:00 AM petizers brought by members with last names start- BER ing with Q-Z. PLEASE RSVP TO BILL BELL Tech Session: C4 Tear Down (303-680-5863, EMAIL KOOLSPEED- By Dirk Gaddis [email protected] ) BY DECEMBER 1 ST , 2000, SO THAT WE CAN GET AN ACCURATE DECEM- 9th: RMC Holiday Party at Gilmart- in’s Clubhouse – 6:30 PM COUNT OF WHAT TO PURCHASE. ALSO, BER BRING YOUR OWN ALCOHLIC BEVER- AGES. The Club will provide pops. How to 20TH: General Meeting at Corvette JANUARY get there: I-25 to Dry Creek Exit, west on Dry Creek City to Jamison Drive, then south to the clubhouse. Also, please buy, wrap, and bring a gift for exchange (un- th FEBRU- 17 : General Meeting at der $15.00) to the party. This is always an interest- Lennartz’s Garage – 11:00 ARY ing proposition…and challenging at that!!! SEE Tech Session: ’63 Split Window THE FLIER ELSEWHERE IN THIS NEWSLETTER! This should be my last Newsletter article during my tenure as your Activities Chairman. I would like to thank all Club members who stepped forward and made our activities over the past 3 years fun, excit- ing, and rewarding. I hope that you all enjoyed the things we did, and shared those good times with your fellow club members. None of this can happen without your support and volunteering to provide your skills to those of us who “haven’t been there”. I would not want to single any one person out during my tenure, for fear of missing someone, however I must say that your President, Dennis Kazmierzak, deserves a “high five” from all of us. He has put in numerous hours supporting this Club in every way possible. Thanks Dennis, I truly have appreciated working with you and the other BOD these past years.

Dirk Gaddis is your incoming Activities Chairman for the next few years. Let’s all help Dirk out during his tenure as you all helped me. Thanks again, and as always:

This Clubs For You…Volunteer! And Stay Between The Lines, It’s Safer That Way…


By Jon Whiteley

RMC membership presently stands at 80. This in- cludes 15 new members so far for 2000.

Please welcome our newest RMC members:  Scott & Jayme Butler of Arvada -- green ’69 350/350 coupe  Gary & Candace Cederman of Castle Rock – silver ’63 split window coupe  Mikiel Kingsley of Broomfield – red ’63 roadster

You most likely met our newest members if you were at the last couple of meetings. NCRS-RMC

MERCHANDISE Corvette Water Leak and Wind Noise Solutions – Proven Diagnos- tic and Repair Procedures By Fred Koenig by Michael J. Davis NOVEMBER BLOW OUT A while back I reviewed a book written by experi- enced mechanic Michael J. Davis – Air Condition- SALE!! ing Strategies for ‘63-’82 Corvette. I found his ap- We have incurred a price increase on the hats. proach to keeping the interior of these Corvettes Through the month of November, get a hat at the cool very scientific and methodical. His most recent low price of $10.00. The price goes up to $11.00 offering, Corvette Water Leak and Wind Noise So- thereafter. lutions takes the same methodical approach.

We are sold out on the Steamboat Outerbanks Po- If you occasionally find yourself driving in the rain los, but still have some pins. Quantities are limit- and your old Corvette is anything like mine, you ed, so it’s first come, first served. HURRY! probably carry a towel in the car to keep yourself dry. Convertible and T-tops are nice when it’s sun- ny, but aren’t always tight when it rains. I am al- MERCHANDISE – IN STOCK ways looking for ways to keep my interior a little ITEM PRICE drier and I ordered this book as soon as I saw it. Golf Caps...Red, White, Gray, Maroon, $10.00 Natural/Green, and Natural/Blue Michael Davis presents several flow charts on lo- T- Shirts…Silk screened Front & Back $10.00 cating the source of water leaks and wind noise. (Gray) He suggests several tests and tools that can be Sweatshirts…Silk screened Front & Back $20.00 used to identify both types of leaks including some (Gray) I had never heard of such as ultrasonic tests and Short Sleeved Polo...White, Red, Blue & $30.00 leak detection powder. Gray Of course, after the diagnosis is made, the correct (RMC Embroidered) repair can be effected. Several chapters focus on repairing these leaks and tips are offered on repair Long Sleeved Polo...Dark Gray & Blue $35.00 of common Corvette leaks. Good information is of- (RMC Embroidered) fered on alignment of doors, door glass and deck Light Weight Polo…Short Sleeved (Teal ) $20.00 lids (C1 only, of course). There is an entire section Shop Coats…Gray (RMC Embroidered) $35.00 on removal and replacement/sealing of windshields Chambray (RMC Embroidered) $30.00 and back glass that includes the various tools Jackets (RMC Embroidered) $70.00 available and adhesives to be used. If you plan on Satin $75.00 doing your own glass R&R, then this section alone Corduroy $110.00 is a must. Wool Steamboat Hat Pins $1.00 If you own a steel-bumper shark and have been RMC Hat Pins $3.00 plagued by a persistent but as-yet-unidentifiable Name Tags $5.00 leak that wets your front carpet when it rains, Sec- tion 7 discusses the “Elusive Cowl Leak”. Making a On all Clothing items in XXL, please add $2.00 to definitive diagnosis of “Elusive Cowl Leak” is gen- the above quoted prices. erally a matter of ruling out all other possible sources of water leaks because the confirmation and repair of this leak requires the removal of a 8- ARTICLES and MISCELLANY 10 “ section of fiberglass from the trailing edge of the top of the front fender(s). The photos and draw- Book Review by Jon Whiteley ings help clarify the path of the leak into the interior and information is offered to repair both this leak and the overlying fiberglass once the leak is sealed. 7 The Rocky Mountain Chapter - NCRS

The final sections in this book cover a couple top- ics I’ve never seen covered elsewhere with respect to Corvettes. The first is diagnosing for possible previous collision damage. Though an expert re- pair job may have been performed, there may still be a slight separation of internal panels (invisible seams) that can allow water to leak. The second topic involves diagnosing possible flood damage. Flood damage may not produce new leaks but can be the source of numerous electrical gremlins and premature failure/deterioration of components and materials. You would certainly want to know this before purchasing a car (I believe there are only a couple states that have “flood titles” to identify cars that have been salvaged following a write-off by the insurance company following a flood). Michael also covers the various areas that must receive at- tention if your car is involved in a flood.

I found this book a valuable addition to my Corvette library and feel it is a must for any Corvette owner that does at least some of his or her own repair work. This softbound book can be purchased through NCRS for $18.00 (members) 8 The Rocky Mountain Chapter - NCRS lem on a Duntov car or other concours class LETTER OF THANKS Corvette. Perhaps you have a tip or two of your own that you can share. Here are five of mine. Laura and I would like to thank all members of the I’ve used them all on one car or another over the RMC for the very warm welcome in receiving us years and they work!!! during our recent vacation to Colorado. This we shall always remember. RATTLE CAN TIP # 6 (For the Junk Yard A very special thank you goes to the man who put Dogs) up with us and put us up, Jack Humphrey. Those buffalo steaks were the best. The caribou and elk So you like to visit the junk yard for those hard to went down well also. find parts right? They are cheap and easy to find, right? RIGHT!! First, leave your Corvettte T-shirt It was a privilege for us to be invited to attend the at home. This is an open invitation for the propri- RMC committee meeting and congratulate Dennis etor to raise the prices on the spot!!! Those of you on his new position with the NCRS as Regional Di- who are experienced will automatically move to- rector. ward the 60’s GM products for parts, full size Chevrolets, Pontiacs etc. But did you know that in We really enjoyed the Road Tour to BG and the the early to mid sixties that American Motors, AKA National event itself. A masterly learning curve. Rambler, used GM engines and components in Hopefully we shall try to attend as many NCRS their cars? That’s right. That 1965 Rambler 990 events in the States as allows. four door sedan just might have come equipped with a nifty little 250 HP Chevy 327 small block. On behalf of the NCRS UK Chapter I would like to Parts like the oil fill tube, valve cover bolts, thermo- thank those RMC members who made the trip stat housing, coil brackets etc. are all Corvette across the pond to attend the UK’s Chapter 2000 parts in disguise. Reminds me of the old saying event held at Great Danes recently and trust you “Under the skin of every Corvette beats the heart all enjoyed your stay with us. of an Impala, or is it a Rambler”!!!!!! RATTLE CAN TIP # 7 Best Wishes and hope to see you all soon, So the last time you had your mid-year judged the Mike & Laura Barrington exterior team docked you because the retainer UK Chapter founder member screw on your gas door lid has threads the entire length of the shaft. What to do???? All the repro parts come threaded and used screws are impossi- “RATTLE CAN TIPS” ble to find. OK, back to the hardware store. You can find a similar screw in the fastener section for (This is the second group of five tips. The original two bits. Just be sure to get the three or four inch five tips were published in a previous RMC news- long version that has only about half the length letter.) threaded. Cut the new screw to length using the repro as a pattern. This will leave you with a screw with no threads. For about $2 to $5 you can get a “Rattle Can” tips are intended to be cheap die and cut your own threads up to about an quick, easy and inexpensive tips that inch form the head of the screw. The thread count can solve a minor operational or aesthet- and pitch are not important because the screw ic problem on your Corvette. By quick I seats in a nylon bushing. There you have it. For mean one hour or less to complete. By easy I about $5.25 you have the correct retainer screw mean ANYONE can do them. By inexpensive I and no lost points!!! mean $5 to $7 max! Additionally, these tips usual- ly involve a product (spray paint, polish, preserva- RATTLE CAN TIP # 8 tive etc) that is available at most automotive or This is really a “Grocery Bag Tip” and I can’t take hardware stores . In many cases these tips credit for it. Here goes any way. When replacing will NOT PASS JUDGING STANDARDS, the battery in your mid-year put the battery into a nor are they intended to do so. For the couple of plastic bags from the grocery store. You most part, the tips work well for the “Driver” in your can use the handles to lower the battery into posi- collection. Once in a while, they will solve a prob- tion and then carefully cut the bag away and pull 9 The Rocky Mountain Chapter - NCRS the remnants out from under the battery. This is much easier than trying to hold onto the battery in John Deere makes a very nice semi-gloss black that tight space between the fender and exhaust enamel (TY6420) that works well on bumper brack- manifold!!! A slick tip and it works!! ets and other black parts. Try it!

RATTLE CAN TIP # 9 Krylon also makes a semi-flat (1613) black paint. It is flatter than the John Deere paint, and the con- Two items that always seem to get lost and or fail trast of the two looks very nice. to make a road trip of any distance (i.e. over ten miles) are valve stem caps and battery tray insula- Krylon also makes a green primer (1346) that is tor pads. Kids acquire the valve stem caps for great for gas line clips, brake line clips, or even their mountain bikes in parking lots during road that green primer look under the dash of mid- tours and the insulator pads vibrate out no matter years. how tight the retainer lid is!!! SO… Next time you are ordering a bunch of parts from one of the major suppliers tell them to throw in a set of both insula- tor pads and valve stem caps (correct for your CLASSIFIED ADS car!!!). I guarantee that you will need at least one of each at EVERY meet. (Those 800 level judges just live for this stuff!!!!) Besides, you can give both Our Classified Ads can be found on the sets away to a new member if you don’t use them!!!! Cost???? About five bucks per set. Web Page – If you’d like to include a pic- ture, contact Bob Davis for the “how to” instructions. RATTLE CAN TIP # 10

OK this one is not a rattle can tip and it’s not exact- For Sale: Beautiful Black 1997 Camaro – Auto- ly cheap. A better way to dry your Corvette after matic Coupe. V-6, 74,700 miles, Grey Cloth Interi- washing is to use the “California Water-Blade” from or. Below “Bank Loan” at $10,500. the California-Duster Company. The “blade” is Available: Secure, Alarmed, K-9 Protected, Cli- about 10 inches long and is made from super flexi- matically Controlled, storage space for your ble surgical grade silicone plastic. You simply Corvette. Patrolled daily. Make your winter squeegee the water off of the car and follow up reservations! with a soft terry towel to get the remaining water. It cuts down dry time, won’t scratch the paint and Dirk Gaddis (303) 771-8239 does not leave streaks. Cost: about $20 at Pep E-mail [email protected] Boys or over the Internet. For Sale: Two original ’65 Owners Manu- als. One is a first edition, and the other TIPS FROM OTHER NCRS is a second edition. Both manuals have CHAPTERS the card still in them, and they are in ex- cellent condition. $150.00 obo, or trade From The Sidepipe – Mike McCagh for ’65 parts. (Oklahoma Chapter) Martin Egan (307) 632-5806 E-mail [email protected] Need a voltage regulator for your mid-year? Most other GM vehicles of the 60’s have the correct reg- ulator but since the regulator is located under the For Sale: ’96 Flat Bed Trailer – 18 ft. with hoods of Olds, Pontiacs, Chevy, Buicks and Cad- 2 ft. dove -tail, 5 ft. Slide-in-ramps, tear- dy’s, the cad plating in the regulator frame is rusty. drop fenders, electric brakes on both Try Corvairs – no road salts or rain will have ac- axles, 7000 lb. capacity full channel cess to the voltage regulators in the rear engined Corvairs and their regulator frame usually needs tongue, bulldog hitch, 8000 lb. Warn only minor cleaning. Winch, Diamond plate tool box, on-board deep cycle battery, sport wheels with From the Off Road (Illinois Chapter) 10 The Rocky Mountain Chapter - NCRS new Bridgestone tires. Excellent Condi- tion. $2500. or best offer. Ralph Ridge (303) 660-8531 E-mail [email protected]

For Sale: Big block, forged steel crank, oval port (049) heads ($500.00). Heavy duty engine stand ($75.00). Wanted to Buy : 56-57 or 62 Driver Rick Landeira (303) 530-2455 E-mail [email protected]





(303) 982-8784 From Highway 285, exit on Kipling Parkway. Drive north to the first available right (Girton). Drive east to the first available left (Kipling Street). Proceed past the apartment buildings to the stop sign. At this point, you are looking at your destination…a large carport on the left side, and 3 large garage doors…that’s the place! Drive around the small parkway, towards the garage, and park. There is a side door to the garage, through the carport. 11 The Rocky Mountain Chapter - NCRS Advertising in the Rocky Mountain Chapter News- letter is free to all active members, for all Corvette related items or Corvettes for sale. Commercial ROCKY MOUNTAIN CHAP- advertising rates for the Newsletter are $15.00 for TER a business card, $25.00 for a ¼ page, $40.00 for a ½ page and $60.00 for a full page. All rates are OFFICERS quoted for 6 issues or one years printing. Contact the editor for further information. CHAIRMAN Dennis J. Kazmierzak [email protected] (303) 697-8428 Term expires: 12/31/2000 VICE CHAIRMAN Gary Nesmith [email protected] (303) 972-1663 Term expires: 12/31/2000 EDITOR Lisa Racz [email protected] (303) 771-8239 Term expires: 12/31/2001 JUDGING CHAIRMAN Jack Humphrey [email protected] (303) 526-9410 Term expires: 12/31/2001 AST. JUDGING CHAIR- Jim Lennartz MAN [email protected] (303) 674-0295 Appointed position SECRETARY Rick Reiff [email protected] (303)766-2654 Term expires: 12/31/2001 TREASURER Richard Sullivan [email protected] (303) 973-5262 Term expires: 12/31/2001 ACTIVITIES Bill Bell [email protected] (303) 680-5863 Term expires: 12/31/2000 MERCHANDISE Fred Koenig [email protected] (970) 669-8616 Term expires: 12/31/2000 MEMBERSHIP Jon Whiteley [email protected] (303) 526-2209 Term expires: 12/31/2000 TECHNICAL ADVISOR Gary Steffens [email protected] (303)762-8388 Term expires: 12/31/2001 COMMUNICATIONS Bob Davis [email protected] (303) 838-9529 Appointed position

Membership in the NCRS is open to persons interested in the restoration, preservation and history of the Corvette produced by the Chevrolet Motor Division of General Motors Corporation from 1953 through 1982. NCRS is not affiliated with Chevrolet or General Motors. Membership in the Rocky Mountain Chapter of the NCRS is open to all members of the NCRS National or- ganization. Dues are $30.00 for the first year, and are $20.00 per year for renewal. First year dues entitle the new member to a Chapter ball cap and membership name tag. Dues are to be sent to the treasurer. All editorial material can be sent to the editor. 12 The Rocky Mountain Chapter - NCRS


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