O Named After Andrew Jackson
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Jackson Era
Introduction o Named after Andrew Jackson o Jackson ‘shaped the times’, was opportunistic/seized the moment, symbol of the era o “Age of the Common Man” . Departure of wealthy dominating class Jacksonian Democracy o Rise of Democratic Society . Began before Jackson became president . Politics were changing . Hard to distinguish between American social classes . Quality of Opportunity Emphasized by era . Slavery was still present Discrimination was still active . Equality of opportunities – usually applied to white men Self-made men were heroes o Politics of the Common Man . Between 1824 and 1840, there were many major shifts in politics . Went into the hands of the common man White males in lower and middle classes were able to vote o 1824 – popular vote was 350,000 people total o 1840 – popular vote was 2.4 million . Political parties, campaign methods changed . Newspapers and educational opportunities helped people to be involved in politics . Factors Universal Male Suffrage o Began in west – all white males could vote and hold office o Eastern states began to pass laws – expansion of electorate Nominating Conventions o Met in a large hall and delegates from all over went in and nominated the candidate o First party to do this – the Anti-Mason Party Stronger Two-Party System o System will become more reachable to more people More Positions were Elected o More state and local officials were elected rather than appointed Rise of Third Parties o Only large parties would hope to win o However, smaller parties would emerge . Free-Masons, the Anti-Masons, Working Men’s Party o Good to shake things up, bring up new issues Spoils System o “To the victor goes the spoils” o Jackson believed in this . Felt like he could reform Spoils System a new round of people for each term said this was a democratic reform Jackson v. Adams o o 1824 Election . Split the republican party and ended the Era of Good Feelings . Jackson won more popular and electoral votes and still lost . Republicans nominated 4 candidates Adams Jackson Crawford Clay . Jackson won greatest number of votes, but it was still not the majority Went to House Henry Clay persuaded House to vote for Adams, who later made Clay secretary of state “Corrupt Bargain” o JQA Presidency . John Quincy Adams became president Was a very controversial president Alienated Jackson and his followers Asked for money for internal improvements . National Observatory . National University . Wanted to give government aid to manufacturing o Jacksonian followers did not agree with this 1828 o Congress enacted High protected tariff o Helped northern industries grow o South called it the “Tariff of Abominations” . South traded often with Europe Adams was more of a Whig than a Republican o Old Federalist Program and ideas o Revolution of 1828 . Adams ran against Jackson and Adams lost . Was a dirty election – Adams spread rumors against Jackson’s wife Accused Jackson’s wife, Rachel, of adultery . Number of voters had increased and Jackson won all states west of Appalachian He was a war hero, self-made man People admired him . Was a different president Had different ideas about government Believed legislation began with the president Vetoed more bills than any of the former presidents combined Did not have a college education Drew support from all groups Wanted to change role of presidency o Wanted to protect common man against abuses of rich o Opposed federal spending and debt o Interpreted Constitution narrowly Vetoed the Maysville Road Bill o Going to use federal money entirely in state of KY – pushed by Henry Clay Jackson’s Advisors o Informal advisors – Kitchen Cabinet o Official Cabinet had less influence on affairs and policies than his friends President Andrew Jackson o P.E. Affair . Peggy O’ Neil Eaton, Wife of Secretary of War – targeted by politicians wives; gossiped about her She had been raised at a boarding house and people said she was a prostitute . Jackson felt strongly because he believed that this was why his wife died earlier in his presidency . He tried to make other wives hang out with her Cabinet members and his Vice President, Calhoun, all resigned o Indian Removal . Jackson’s concept of democracy did not extend to Native Americans . Felt like it would only be humane to sent the NAs out west . 1830 – Indian Removal Act Forced the resettlement of thousands of Native Americans Predecessor to ‘Trail of Tears’ . Created Bureau of Indian Affairs to assist tribes in resettlement . Cherokee Nation v Georgia S.C said Cherokee nation was not foreign nation within the US . Worcester v. Georgia Georgia has no force in the boundaries of the Cherokee Nation . 1838 – Army forced 15,000 Cherokees along Trail of Tears where 4,000 died along the way o Nullification Crisis . Jackson favored States’ Rights If it didn’t interfere with the union . 1828 – South Carolina declared Tariff of Abominations unconstitutional Testing KY and VA Resolutions that state could declare federal law null and void This caused a big problem . 1830 – Daniel Webster debated Robert Haney whether or not states could do this . Jackson stated “Our Federal Union, it must be preserved.” Calhoun “Our liberties, next to the Union, are more dear” . 1832 – a new tariff was passed Jackson responded with force Encouraged Congress to pass a law, the Force Bill, that would allow him to take military action against SC Jackson also issued proclamation to people of SC that basically said that they were guilty of treason . But Jackson finally got Congress to lower the tariff – Compromise . Jackson was seen as a strong defender of federal minority . He was alarmed that antislavery movement in North was going to pick up . Prevented anti-slavery literature from going through mail . Bank Run by federal government Kept economy more stable President – Nicholas Biddle Jackson disagreed with bank and tried to kill it o Two-Party System o Characteristics . Democrats Favored local rule, limited government, free trade (no tariffs), equal opportunities Against monopolies, national bank, tariffs, high land prices Usually middle working-class people . Whigs Liked the American System o Tariffs o Bank o Internal improvements Didn’t like immorality, crime, and vice o Blamed immigrants for those problems Typically from NE, wealthier people o Jackson’s Second Term . Reelected in 1832 . Had to deal with consequences of killing the Bank of the United States Took all federal funds out of the bank and deposited them into smaller banks, or pet banks o Secretary of Treasury – Robert Taney This caused problems o Land prices became inflated because national bank could no longer control economy Government then required that all purchases of federal land be made in gold in silver o Showed that government didn’t have confidence in paper money o Sales of land plummeted Panic of 1837 o 1836 Election . Jackson stepped down . Party nominated Martin Van Buren who would continue Jackson’s policies . Whigs nominated 3 candidates from 3 different regions so Van Buren couldn’t get majority Plan didn’t work and Martin Van Buren won 58% of electoral vote o Van Buren and Panic of 1837 . One bank after another started to close and they were failing because they could not collect money from the people o “Log Cabin and Hard Cider” Campaign 1840 . Whigs were in a good position to win; economy was main issue Were better organized Wanted to counter the symbol of the democrats – Jackson Whigs nominated their own war hero – William Henry Harrison who was very similar to Jackson o Used Log cabin to symbolize William Henry Harrison’s humble origins o Put down Van Buren – ‘Van Ruin’ . 78% of all voters turned out Popular vote was evenly divided among Van Buren and Harrison Harrison swept most states in electoral votes – “Tippecanoe and Tyler Too’ . Harrison was 67, died within a month of inauguration Gave a long inaugural address in the rain, caught pneumonia and died . Whig Party was est. as a true national Party . Tyler took over