Centennial High School s1

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Centennial High School s1

Centennial High School 2009-2010 Health 1 Classroom and Grading Policies Mr. Franzke, Mr. Child, Mrs. Ree Email [email protected],[email protected],[email protected]


1. Attendance and Tardy Policy: A. Follow the attendance policy as stated in your handbook. B. BE ON TIME, EVERY DAY!

2. Classroom Discipline: A. Come prepared and ready to learn. B. Do what is right! C. Respect each other, classroom materials, and curriculum. D. Personal electronic devices are not allowed during class time. This is a school wide policy. 1st- Confiscate item, warning and returned to student after class. 2nd- Confiscate, referral, after school detention is assigned and item sent to Debbie Huecker in the office. 3rd- Same as second offense but parents will pick up item from the office. This is out of respect for me and fellow classmates to create the best Learning Environment free of distractions.

3. Grading System: Class work is worth 20%, Projects/Presentations etc.. 30%, Unit Tests 50%. A. Point System: 90-100= A 80-89= B 70-79= C 60-69= D 59-Below= F B. If your absence is unexcused on the day an assignment is given you will Not be allowed to make the work up. C. If an assignment is “late” you can always turn it in for 70% of the total points. The last day to turn in late work is the last class for each unit throughout the semester. E. Material Needed for Class: Pens, Pencils, Paper, 3 Ring Binder for Health.

Cut here______I understand the policies listed above, and will abide by the rules of this class.

______Students Full Name (Print)

______Student Signature Parent Signature Date Health 1 Course Outline 1. Weight Management

Course Goals: The students will be able to: - Learn the benefits of fitness (mental, physical, social) - Be award of their body composition and the relationship to overall health. - Learn to take their target heart rate and determine healthy ranges for their fitness level. - Learn why good nutrition is important. - Know the standards to achieve good nutrition. (pyramid guidelines, nutrient amounts.) - Learn to read labels and assess healthy choices vs. poor choices according to the USRDA. - Become more aware of the different diseases linked with poor nutrition, ie. Heart disease, diabetes, and eating disorders.

2. Substance Use/Abuse

Course Goals: The students will be able to: - Become aware of the effects and risks of alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana. - Learn refusal skills regarding drug resistance. - Become more aware of treatment options available. - Learn about consequences associated with alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana use/abuse (mental, physical, social) - CIM Speech Opportunity.

3. Human Sexuality

Course Goals: The students will be able to: - Learn the parts/functions of the male/female anatomy. - Lean the difference between healthy/unhealthy relationships and the warning signs of an abusive relationship. - Understand the process of fertilization. - Become aware of the birthing process. - Become aware of options available to family planning.

4. Communicable Disease

Course Goals: Students will be able to: - Learn the different types of pathogens. - Learn current trends regarding STI’s - Learn how STI’s can be prevented/spread/treated.

5. Mental Health

Course Goals: Students will be able to: - Learn about the stress response and effects on the body. - Learn the “flight/fight” response related to eustress/distress. - Learn about depression and causes. - Learn warning signs/symptoms/risk factors associated with suicide.

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