The Industrial Revolution Begins

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The Industrial Revolution Begins

The Industrial Revolution Begins Chapter 7 World History A

Section 1 1. Know what an anesthetic is. A drug used to prevent pain during surgery

2. Know who improved the steam engine in James Watt the late 1700s

3. Be able to describe how life changed People began working in factories instead of at home during the Industrial Revolution. People began using machines instead of working by hand People moved into cities from the rural areas More people worked in factories than on farms 4. Know who Abraham Darby was and what Abraham Darby developed a more cost effective way to resulted from his experiments. produce iron that was of better quality (less impurities) than previously made by burning coal to smelt the iron

5. Be able to describe what smelting is. Smelting is the separation of iron from its ore

6. Be able to describe the result of the The enclosure movement reduced the number of enclosure movement. people who farmed/herded, forcing them to find other work. As the fences went up, farms became larger

7. Know where the Industrial Revolution Great Britain began.

8. Be able to describe what Charles Charles Townshend and Jethro Tull both developed Townshend and Jethro Tull had in advancements in farming techniques that allowed for common. larger harvests

9. Be able to identify the major uses of high- Uses included the manufacturing of parts for steam quality iron. engines as well as the making of rails for the railroad industry 10. Be able to describe the significance of the Provided a power source for machinery and development of steam power to transportation. industrialization.

11. Be able to describe how the agricultural Agricultural production freed up workers to move into revolution helped to bring about the the city to work in industrial jobs. Labor was a major Industrial Revolution. resource needed for Industrialization.

Section 2 12. Know what an entrepreneur was. People that take financial risks by starting up a new business.

13. Know what a turnpike is. A toll road or other mode of transportation (rivers)

14. Know what an enterprise is. A business or organization in shipping, mining, railroads or factories

15. Know who invented the cotton gin and Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin as a way to remove what task it was able to accomplish. the seeds from the cotton fibers.

16. Know what industry was the first to The textile industry develop the use of factories.

17. Be able to describe how the slave trade The slave trade contributed to the rise of industry in contributed to the rise of industry in Britain because it created large amounts of wealth that Britain. people in-turn invested in new business and industry.

18. Know what grew as a result of the As steam power was developed and made better, development of steam power. railroads began to grow and it allowed for the building of factories farther away from rivers and streams.

19. Be able to describe how railroads were Railroads were improvements over canals because they improvements over canals. could follow the course of land instead of the courses of rivers.

20. Be able to describe what the putting-out The putting-out system was a system used prior to the system was. development of factories where cloth was produced in individual homes 21. Be able to list several reasons why the An abundance of land and natural resources Industrial Revolution began in Britain. An abundance of labor created by the enclosure movement An abundance of capital ($$)

22. Be able to describe how labor and capital Capital was the investments and machinery combined combined to create the Industrial with workers in order to mass produce in factories. Revolution.

23. Be able to identify and describe several Flying shuttle technological advances used in the textile Spinning jenny industry. Water frame Spinning mule

24. Possible Essay Topic be able to explain Factories which were located in cities how the invention of machines such as the spinning jenny and the water frame changed the location where people worked.

Section 3 25. Know what urbanization is. Urbanization is the process where people move from rural areas into cities

26. Know what a tenement was and from A tenement was a large, multi-story building that was which social class tenement dwellers divided into many small apartments that housed many were. families (most of whom had moved to the cities to work in the factories)

27. Know who the Luddites were. The Luddites were a group of factory workers that was frustrated with the job losses because new labor saving machinery was being put in factories. They smashed equipment and burned factories

28. Know what the factory acts were and why The factory acts were passed in an attempt to reform they were passed. child labor by reducing the work day to 12 hours for children and to remove kids under 8 or 9 years of age from the cotton mills.

29. Be able to identify several reasons most Most factor workers were women because they could early factory workers were women. be paid less than men, because the factory owners thought they would adapt easier and that they were easier to manage 30. Be able to identify several long term More factories opened creating more jobs results of the Industrial Revolution. Improved working conditions from reform measures Labor unions earned better pay working conditions Increased wages Costs of travel decreased making it affordable for more people 31. Be able to respond to the question “are the Back up your opinion on this results of the Industrial Revolution worth the human cost?”

32. Be able to describe some of the harsh Dirty cities, tenement buildings, long hours, low pay, living and working conditions the working dangerous conditions, children and women paid less class endured in cities and how they coped than men with these conditions. Section 4 33. Know who Thomas Malthus was and A British economist that studied the effects of about what topics he wrote and why he population explosion. He tried to apply natural laws to discouraged vaccinations. the world of business and economics

34. Know what proletariat means. Proletariat means the working class

35. Know what utilitarianism is. Utilitarianism is determining the utility or usefulness of laws and actions, with the goal of providing the greatest happiness for the greatest number of citizens

36. Know who Karl Marx was and what he Marx was a German philosopher that saw utopian believed. ideas and unrealistic. He developed the idea of scientific socialism where he believed that struggles between social classes would ultimately lead to a classless society 37. Be able to identify the differences between Capitalism is based on free-enterprise and the laws of communism and capitalism. supply and demand, with little to no government involvement. Communism is when production is entirely controlled by the government.

38. Know who Robert Owen was. Robert Owen was mill owner and a utopian thinker that set up a model community in Scotland so he could implement his utopian ideas. He refused to use child labor in his factories.

39. Be able to cite several goals of Goals of communism include the elimination of social communism. classes so that wealth and power could be shared equally by all members of a society

40. Know who Jeremy Bentham was and what Bentham was utilitarian thinker who believed that he believed regarding society. laws should be judged by the amount of pleasure or pain that they bring.

41. Be able to describe David Ricardo’s “Iron The IRON LAW OF WAGES predicted that as wages Law of Wages.” went up, so would the cost of living, thus keeping the standard of living the same for the poor families

42. Know what the doctrine of utilitarianism Utilitarianism is idea that society should provide was. happiness to the greatest number of citizens possible, ultimately through individual freedoms.

43. Be able to explain Karl Marx’s view of the Marx viewed the working class as being in a constant working class and the response to struggle with the proletariat (the “haves” versus the Marxism. “have-nots”). In the beginning, many agreed with it but over time, it lost its appeal…partly because the ideas of Marx were not practices exactly as he had imagined it. 44. Know what laissez-faire economists Laissez-faire economists believed that the cure for believed was a cure for poverty. poverty was the removal of governmental restrictions on market economies.

45. Be able to describe what the socialists saw The socialists saw the solution to poverty and justice as as a solution to poverty and injustice. a shared ownership of the means of production by the people

46. Possible Essay Question: Describe why Adam Smith thought that laissez-faire economics would benefit everyone in society and if you agree or disagree with that theory.

47. Know all of the economic theories we learned in section 4 and what economic systems they led to. Be able to describe the theories and economic systems.

Capitalism leads to Market Economy or Free Market

Communism and Socialism leads to Command Economy

All of the theories combined leads to a Mixed Economic System

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