The Association of Student Assistance Professionals of New Jersey

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The Association of Student Assistance Professionals of New Jersey

The Association of Student Assistance Professionals of New Jersey

29th Annual Conference


Learn how to promote prevention, treatment, recovery, best practice, and continuous quality improvement with the use of evidence-based practices within Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services.

This conference is designed to provide new skills, techniques, methodologies and resources for treating the causes and effects of issues such as mental illness & substance abuse and dependence; family, school, health, sexuality & legal issues. This conference is also designed to provide education & resources on “sexting”, “cyberbullying,” self - injurious behaviors, anxiety in children, strategies for responding on the spot to bullying as well as workshops designed specifically for Administrators.


Counseling professionals, consumers, and families in the areas of substance abuse and mental health Student Assistance Counselors School counselors Social Workers Nurses Clinicians in the criminal and juvenile justice systems Domestic violence service providers Adolescent treatment professionals and educators School Administrators Interested others 2015 CONFERENCE SCHEDULE WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2015 “SACs: Key to 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm Early Registration Reception and Networking Successful Schools” Thursday, February 26, 2015

7:00 am to 8:30 am Registration / Breakfast 8:30 am to 9:30 am Welcome & Introductions STATE MEETING Kelly Brown, President The Scary Guy KEYNOTE 9:30 am to 10:30 am KIDS WITH VISION WILL CHANGE THE WORLD WITH THEIR HEARTS The Scary Guy has been called many names from individuals worldwide, including Agent For Change, Urban Dalai Lama, Warrior For Peace and a Mind-Waker. However, it is the children that we all teach today that Scary believes will create a change in the spiral of negative energy that we are experiencing worldwide. The Scary Guy – his legal name, changed sixteen years ago in a court of law – is CEO and owner of his companies KidsVisionHeart and VisionHeart. In the past 16 years on the road, he has worked with schools, police forces, military, and a host of communities and corporate organizations worldwide, helping over 10 million people around the world to achieve personal peace and triumph in their lifetime. He has dedicated his life to teaching others his powerful, solution based theories and concepts on human behavior and communication – a code that he has personally developed and lives by. In his own words, with his face, hands and neck fully tattooed, Scary says, “Look at me! If what I teach did not work as a solution, I would not be here today. With the amount of negative that I have received and would have reacted to, I would either be in prison or dead.” Scary describes bullying as a highly toxic behavior that is fundamentally detrimental to educational achievement, emotional and physical health, success in family structure, and the personal and work relationships at the heart of a person’s life. He says, “We are living in a time when suicide is reported at an all time high across the world’s media, and for many has become an uncomfortably common occurrence within our own communities.” The programs that Scary presents are about educating people to acquire the skills to process the negative in the moment that it is seen and heard from others, and to equip them with the knowledge for how not to absorb or become the impact of name-calling, harassment, intimidation and bullying in any way. “The only way this earth will change is when every man, woman and child takes an active role in teaching children how to teach Love.” The Scary Guy 1998 Break 10:30 am to 10:45 am SPONSOR/EXHIBITOR TABLES OPEN 10:45 am to 12:15 pm WORKSHOPS 1

HUMAN TRAFFICKING This workshop is designed to inform, empower and equip the community to unite in the 1-A Tina Minnis & Joni Whelan fight against Human Trafficking. We will discuss the definition and forms of human trafficking; the victims; and how the community needs to come together to help prevent and end this form of modern day slavery.

STATE OF THE EPIDEMIC Michael DeLeone will present a unique and eye opening perspective on the State of the 1-B Michael DeLeone Overdose Epidemic in NJ as well as show trends nationwide that will have direct implications on NJ. Be the first to view footage from his award winning, follow up, documentary, American Epidemic, and learn what we call all do collectively to find solutions. THE PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF EMDR EMDR has been shown to be an effective treatment for PTSD. This presentation details 1-C AND BRAINSPOTTING IN AN INPATIENT its use over 5 ½ years within an inpatient addiction treatment setting. The patients ADDICTION TREATMENT SETTING receiving this treatment had PTSD. Others have been suffering from trauma but only George Koren partially met criteria. A number of patients have been treated for grief reactions. Overall, the use of EMDR has been seen as successful within this population and setting. Criteria for success will be discussed. This involves reduction of in session and in treatment Subjective Units of Disturbance (SUDs). The Eight Stages of EMDR will be discussed. Follow-up in treatment and beyond will be touched upon. More recent work with Brainspotting over the past 4 ½ years within this population and setting will also be discussed. Some comparisons of EMDR and Brainspotting will be addressed. The basic tenets and process of Brainspotting will be presented. Its use with other disorders will also be addressed. Sponsored by Seabrook House 1-D LEGAL ISSUES RELATED TO SUICIDE This workshop will address the complex issue of suicidal ideation and related mental PREVENTION, STUDENT MENTAL health issues. Participants will have a preview of a comprehensive new online resource HEALTH AND STUDENT SAFETY developed by LEGAL ONE, in consultation with the American Foundation for Suicide Dave Nash, Esq. Prevention and University Behavioral Health Care at Rutgers University. The workshop will include a review of real-world scenarios, and a review of best practices and legal principles that apply in addressing students at risk of suicide and/or harm to themselves or others. 1-E SUBSTANCE ABUSE IN ADOLESCENTS: THE As a Mental Health Professional and mother of a young adult who is an addict and in EFFECTS ON FAMILY & POSSIBILITIES OF long term recovery, I will share my story of hope and healing. I will also focus on the GROWTH IN RECOVERY effects of substance abuse & addiction and provide strategies for SACs to utilize with Randy Brooks- Miller, RN-BC adolescents and their families. EATING DISORDERS AND THE SILENT We live in a world today where social media and peer pressure is to look a certain way 1-F EPIDEMIC and it is affecting our students every day. This workshop will examine how this can lead Jill Levin & Nancy Graham to a serious eating disorder such as anorexia, bulimia and binge eating disorder. Special attention will be given to contributing factors, health consequences and common triggers as well as some of the medical complication that can result from a serious eating disorder. The Renfrew Center’s treatment philosophy along with common treatment modalities will be presented, with special emphasis on the role of the educator in identifying an eating disorder and the way a family can participate in the recovery process. This workshop will address; anorexia, bulimia and binge eating disorders in today’s world with social media and peer pressure. Special attention to contributing factors, medical complications and philosophy for treatment at the Renfrew Center. The workshop will also discuss some treatment modalities and the role the family plays in recovery. 1-G KUNDALINI YOGA, MEDITATION, & During this session, attendees will assess their attitudes about using yoga, breathwork, PRANAYAMA mantra and meditation as realistic techniques for behavioral prevention and Devpreet Kaur intervention. Participants will learn about the latest medical research and results demonstrating positive outcomes with yogic techniques. They will experiment with various methods to address anxiety, stress, depression, repressed anger and conflict. Finally, participants will identify methods they intend to adopt for personal use and those they can apply in service to their student population. Break 12:15 pm to 1:30 pm LUNCH SPONSOR/EXHIBITOR TABLES OPEN

1:45 pm to 3:15 pm WORKSHOPS 2

MINDING YOUR MIND- Minding Your Mind is an organization dedicated to erasing the stigma surrounding 2-H ERASING THE STIGMA mental health. The goal is accomplished by sending young adult speakers to high Drew Bergman schools and middle schools to discuss their journey with the often avoided topic of mental health disorders. MYM speaker, Drew Bergman, will share his struggle with anxiety, depression, self-harm (cutting), and eventually a suicide attempt to educate attendees about positive and negative coping mechanisms, the importance of seeking help and the nature of true recovery. PROMOTING STUDENT RESILIENCE AND In addition to working on what we want to prevent in our schools (e.g., bullying, bias, 2-I BUILDING COMMUNITY IN SCHOOLS violence), it is critically important to focus on what we want to promote as well. This Christopher Irving and highly interactive workshop focuses on two equally important and interrelated goals: Dr. Judith Springer increasing student resilience and improving school climate. Participants will learn: Strategies for fostering students’ resilience; Relationship between resilience and social- emotional intelligence skills (“EQ”); How community-building enhances school climate and culture; Activities that foster both EQ and community DRUG TRENDS-HEROIN: THE OLD BUT Across the United States heroin abuse among first-time users has increased by nearly 2-J NEW DRUG: BATTLING THE HEROIN 60 percent in the last decade, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health EPIDEMIC. . Services Administration (SAMHSA). U.S. has experienced a 400% increase of emergency Douglas S. Collier, M.A. room visits regarding non-medical use of pain relievers and a significant increase of heroin treatment admissions. From 2010 – 2012, New Jersey’s drug fatality rate rose 40 percent, the second-biggest increase after Alaska’s, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. The course will highlight the prescription drug abuse epidemic and the users’ journey from opioid addiction to heroin addiction. Participants will learn the current data trends and problems that will prepare them to respond to this statewide and national crisis. Additionally, the attendee will be introduced to New Jersey’s comprehensive approach to reduce the misuse and abuse of prescription drugs, transition to heroin use, and to reduce the overdose deaths. 2-K LEGAL ISSUES RELATED TO SUICIDE This workshop will address the complex issue of suicidal ideation and related mental PREVENTION, STUDENT MENTAL health issues. Participants will have a preview of a comprehensive new online resource HEALTH AND STUDENT SAFETY developed by LEGAL ONE, in consultation with the American Foundation for Suicide David Nash, Esq. & Christine Moutier, M.D. Prevention and University Behavioral Health Care at Rutgers University. The workshop will include a review of real-world scenarios, and a review of best practices and legal principles that apply in addressing students at risk of suicide and/or harm to themselves or others. 2-L STUDENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAMMING This workshop will focus on how student assistance counselors are using a tiered IN NEW YORK STATE program model to address changing conditions and priorities such as increased opiate Ellen Morehouse use, bullying, softening attitudes about the dangers of marijuana use, the increased number of community coalitions, limited adolescent treatment options, and other emerging local and state issues. The variations in Student Assistance programming in NY State, the reasons for the variations, and the State’s role will also be discussed. 2-M “ TELL ME MORE”: A DEVELOPMENTAL Although suicide has recently moved up to the second leading cause of death in youth, STRATEGY FOR SUICIDE RISK few models exist that provide practical strategies for identifying at-risk students and ASSESSMENT IN SCHOOLS completing initial assessments in the school. “Tell Me More” is one of the only models Dawn Doherty that translates risk assessment into a format that is developmentally accurate, conversational and useful in various youth-oriented settings, from schools to private clinical practices. The workshop will review the theory that underlies this assessment model and demonstrates how a conversational technique can help diminish the reluctance of youth to talk about potential suicide risk. It will also review strategies for engaging parents/guardians in the process. 2-N TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR HEALTH Preventive care services are part of the Obama Affordable Health Care Act. According Dr. Dottie Atkins to the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force report, the U.S. spends more on health than any other country, yet our health system ranks 37th, well below many countries that spend less. The task force suggests several community preventive researched factors that may influence the health of our country. One such factor is empowering individuals, families, employers, schools and communities to put preventive services into practice. A growing number of people are turning to simple natural healing methods to promote their personal health. This workshop’s objectives are to empower the participants with various simple methods to control their physical and mental health using actions, activities and techniques. Break 3:15 pm to 3:30 pm SPONSOR/EXHIBITOR TABLES OPEN 3:30 pm to 4:45 pm WORKSHOPS 3 MINDING YOUR MIND- Minding Your Mind is an organization dedicated to erasing the stigma surrounding 3-O ERASING THE STIGMA mental health. The goal is accomplished by sending young adult speakers to high Drew Bergman schools and middle schools to discuss their journey with the often avoided topic of mental health disorders. MYM speaker, Drew Bergman, will share his struggle with anxiety, depression, self-harm (cutting), and eventually a suicide attempt to educate attendees about positive and negative coping mechanisms, the importance of seeking help and the nature of true recovery. FETAL ALCOHOL SPECTRUM This workshop will provide a general overview on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders 3-P DISORDERS: AN OVERVIEW including historical and epidemiological information, diagnosis of FAS, brain damage Quinn Ingemi, MA, LPC associated with prenatal alcohol exposure, developmental disabilities, and case management tips. 100 VOICES 1OO VOICES Speak Up empowers youth to be Up-standers rather than bystanders to 3-Q Sue Nobleman peer abuse. This is New Jersey's home-grown version of a Challenge Day Workshop: one part teen institute, one part challenge day and one part Olweus Bullying Prevention Program (OBPP) …. And culturally, very New Jersey. We will empower you to implement this program yourself or we will come do it for you, with much less expense and fuss POWERFUL MINDS Through his research, Scary has discovered that telling a person to ignore the negative 3-R The Scary Guy they see, hear or receive creates a very dangerous situation for them. In this session, Scary will share the importance of teaching children not to ignore words and show the power of learning to process them instead. Scary’s program removes the intangibility of words as an invisible energy and provides a concrete solution for what to do with negative words in the moment that a person hears them. Scary will describe how the outcomes for young people and adults alike have been very different once they were taught how to create a Powerful Mind! POVERTY MAINTENANCE FACTORS: This workshop will examine key social environmental and social policy factors that 3-S CAUSATION’S, PERCEPTIONS, AND contribute to the impoverished state of youth living in urban communities. Participants STEREOTYPES! will gain insight on how the cultural lens of professionals working with youth (teachers, Keva White, LCADC, LSW social workers, counselors, etc.) from poor communities can impact the therapeutic relationship, health outcomes and academic success. The presenter will present a philosophical framework for understanding causations of poverty from a social work perspective. THE ROADS TO RECOVERY: Participants will learn the risk factors for substance abuse among those with a 3-T CO-OCCURRING SUBSTANCE ABUSE disability; all different disabilities (mental, physical developmental, permanent injuries) AND DISABILITIES OF ALL KINDS and their different risks in regards to substance and alcohol abuse. We will look at the Beverly Burns Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Substance Abuse. We will also discuss the physical, programmatic and attitudinal barriers to treatment and how we can eliminate those barriers for those who need treatment. There will be an interactive game and the award winning film, ‘Silent Storm’ will be shown. Resources and referral information will be shared. KUNDALINI YOGA, MEDITATION, & During this session, attendees will assess their attitudes about using yoga, breathwork, 3-U PRANAYAMA mantra and meditation as realistic techniques for behavioral prevention and Devpreet Kaur intervention. Participants will learn about the latest medical research and results demonstrating positive outcomes with yogic techniques. They will experiment with various methods to address anxiety, stress, depression, repressed anger and conflict. Finally, participants will identify methods they intend to adopt for personal use and those they can apply in service to their student population.

5:00 pm to 6:00 pm WORKSHOPS 4 ASSEMBLY GLIMPSE Come out and preview the many school assemblies!

Friday, February 27, 2015 7:00 am to 8:00 am Registration / Breakfast SPONSOR/EXHIBITOR TABLES OPEN 8:00 am to 8:30 am Welcome & Introductions – Kelly Brown, President, ASAP-NJ JIM MULHERN AWARD PRESENTATION Dr. Michael Fowlin KEYNOTE 8:30 am to 9:30 am “ YOU DON’T KNOW ME UNTIL YOU KNOW ME” A one-person show that deals with the issues of race, discrimination, violence prevention, personal identity, suicide, gender equity, homophobia, and the emotional pain felt by special education children. In a gripping, fast paced, 75-minute performance, Michael Fowlin slips in and out of characters, both male and female, who “share their stories”. The characters share their stories in an often humorous, but at times, heartbreaking manner. Break 9:30 am to 9:45 am SPONSOR/EXHIBITOR TABLES OPEN

9:45 am to 11: 15 am WORKSHOPS 5 GOOD GRIEF!: BEREAVED Children come to school each day with their psychosocial histories accompanying them. For AA CHILDREN IN SCHOOLS children who have experienced the death of a loved one, relationship separations, or other Judith L. M. McCoyd, PhD, LCSW losses, this will likely negatively impact academic performance. We will discuss the developmental needs of children, how development intersects with grieving, and some of the best ways to support children in school settings as they grieve. BB LOVE FRAUD, ABUSIVE DATING What is the early warning sign that a relationship could turn abusive? It’s not control; its love AND SOCIOPATHS bombing—over-the-top attention and affection. Who engages in this behavior? Sociopaths. Donna Anderson Donna Anderson, author of ad “Red Flags of Love Fraud – 10 Signs You’re Dating a Sociopath”, teaches you to recognize exploitative relationships, whether the people involved are teens or adults, and what to do about them. You’ll also learn the truth about sociopaths: The number of disordered people may be 12% of the population, you can often see the signs in young people, especially teenagers, and no, they aren’t all serial killers. DRUG TRENDS-HEROIN: THE OLD Across the United States heroin abuse among first-time users has increased by nearly 60 CC BUT NEW DRUG: BATTLING THE percent in the last decade, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services HEROIN EPIDEMIC . . . Administration (SAMHSA). U.S. has experienced a 400% increase of emergency room visits Douglas S. Collier, M.A. regarding non-medical use of pain relievers and a significant increase of heroin treatment admissions. From 2010 – 2012, New Jersey’s drug fatality rate rose 40 percent, the second- biggest increase after Alaska’s, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. The course will highlight the prescription drug abuse epidemic and the users’ journey from opioid addiction to heroin addiction. Participants will learn the current data trends and problems that will prepare them to respond to this statewide and national crisis. Additionally, the attendee will be introduced to New Jersey’s comprehensive approach to reduce the misuse and abuse of prescription drugs, transition to heroin use, and to reduce the overdose deaths. DD AN INTRODUCTION TO THREAT The workshop will focus on the principles of threat assessment, differences between risk and ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT threat assessment, differences between risk and threat assessment and overview of Dr. Kostas A. Katsavdakis management strategies. CLINICAL TOOLS AND Addictive behaviors range from substance abuse to compulsive self-defeating behavior and EE APPROACHES TO WORKING WITH other activities which diminish positive self-growth and reduce self-efficacy. Confrontative INDIVIDUALS WHO HAVE approaches have been shown to reduce client participation, spur client non-participation, and ADDICTIVE OR IMPULSE CONTROL lead to early drop out. This workshop focuses upon using a collaborative solution focused BEHAVIORAL CHALLENGES skills developmental model to aid such clients. Techniques such as solution focused therapy Ange Puig, PhD and Motivational Interviewing will be emphasized. It views the road to recovery as trusting the client’s internal resources many of which have not yet fully discovered. Using didactic approaches, role plays, case examples and interactive exercises we will come to understand that the behavioral resources are in many cases greater than the “power” of the addictive element. SUBSTANCE ABUSE & THE LAW How the NJ Statutes mandating student assistance programs and prevention activities are FF BASICS accompanied by specific federal regulations. Review of the student rights amendment and Bill Kane, Esq. the confidentiality laws as related to SAC’s. This workshop is perfect for the novice SAC. GG TEACHING YOUTH TO MANAGE Learn practical mindfulness techniques that have been adopted and used successfully by ANGER, RESPOND POSITIVELY TO school-age children to promote self-regulation, enhance coping skills, and promote well- STRESSORS, AND BECOME being. Through hands-on demonstration lessons and experiential practices, participants will PHYSIOLOGICALLY AVAILABLE FOR learn strategies for personal use and for the youth with which they work; in addition to LEARNING USING RESEARCH- learning how these practices rewire the brain to support integration. BASED MINDFULNESS TECHNIQUES IN AND OUT OF THE CLASSROOM Jenny Mills

Break 11-:15 am to 11:30 am SPONSOR/EXHIBITOR TABLES OPEN Dr. Kevin Sabet, SAM Guest 11:30 am to 12:15 pm REEFER SANITY: 7 GREAT MYTHS ABOUT MARIJUANA Speaker What is the big deal about marijuana? Should it be legal? Is legalization inevitable? Is marijuana medicine? These questions and more will be answered by a three-time White House advisor on drug policy in this dynamic session about marijuana. You can’t miss this! 12:15 pm to 1:30 pm LUNCH SPONSOR/EXHIBITOR TABLES OPEN 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm WORKSHOPS 6

HARASSMENT, BULLYING, As Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz feared “Lions and Tigers and Bears”, many education HH INTIMIDATION…OH MY! professionals fear the New Jersey Anti-Bullying Law. Participants in this workshop will be Farrah Irving, Esq. immersed in the law and its application. From exploring the evolution of violence in schools to understanding how a mere omission could lead to a $10 million dollar settlement, participants will move through the law with the critical eye of an attorney who will act as Glenda the Good Witch and explain how it can be conquered. At the conclusion of the program, participants will meet the proverbial Great and Powerful Oz and no longer have to fear the Anti-Bullying Law. 100 VOICES 1OO VOICES Speak Up empowers youth to be Up-standers rather than bystanders to peer II Sue Nobleman abuse. This is New Jersey's home-grown version of a Challenge Day Workshop: one part teen institute, one part challenge day and one part Olweus Bullying Prevention Program (OBPP) …. And culturally, very New Jersey. We will empower you to implement this program yourself or we will come do it for you, with much less expense and fuss UTILIZING TRAUMA FOCUSED For most children and families, Trauma Focused Play Therapy works. Learn about Trauma JJ PLAY THERAPY Informed Care; reduce: secondary trauma, trauma reactions, as well as long term effects, Jan Puig utilizing playful warm-ups, play treatment interventions and playful assessments plus conventional tools for a range of traumatized children. The workshop will utilize audio-visual materials with case discussion. POWERFUL MINDS Through his research, Scary has discovered that telling a person to ignore the negative they KK Scary Guy see, hear or receive creates a very dangerous situation for them. In this session, Scary will share the importance of teaching children not to ignore words and show the power of learning to process them instead. Scary’s program removes the intangibility of words as an invisible energy and provides a concrete solution for what to do with the negative words in the moment that a person hears them. Scary will describe how the outcomes for young people and adults alike have been very different once they were taught how to create a Powerful Mind! HIB INTERVENTION AND Most schools are reasonably comfortable with the investigative procedures required to LL REMEDIATION address HIB-related complaints. But once a confirmed HIB is established, responding to the Andrew Yeager needs of HIB-involved students (particularly the perpetrator) continues to be a challenge for SACs and other school counselors. HIB is often an attempt to meet otherwise “normal” (and even healthy) psychosocial needs and goals, but unfortunately carried out inappropriately and at another’s expense. The most effective strategies for working with bullies and other aggressive students are based on identifying the motives that lead to bullying and helping these students find healthier ways to meet their needs and goals. This workshop will provide participants with specific counseling based intervention and remediation strategies, including assessment, treatment planning, and documenting progress. MM BUILDING A SCHOOL BASED CRISIS In the wake of a trauma or loss, schools make counselors available but were they prepared? RESPONSE TEAM The goal of this workshop is to explore guidelines and best practices to prepare schools to Barbara Maronski respond to a trauma or loss. The workshop will focus on three main topics: 1) Guidelines to developing an effective crisis response team; 2) An introduction to best practice skills to respond to a trauma or loss; and 3) Generic tasks common to most critical incidents. Have a safe trip home! CONFERENCE REGISTRATION - ONLINE

Only online registration will be accepted. Please go and click on the Conference link. For those using a Purchase Order, please print out the registration form once completed. This form must accompany the purchase order sent to ASAP-NJ. You may also pay for this conference through PayPal and check/money orders. *2 Days $295- (one Standard Membership included) *2 Days $105- Administrator Special (Must attend with their SAC. Add $50 to include membership) *1 Day $195- (one standard membership free) *1 Day $85- Administrator Special (Must attend with their SAC. Add $50 to include membership)

Executive Board and Committee Chair/members who qualify under the Conference Gratis rules may indicate this on the registration form. No walk-ins will be accepted unless payment or PO is presented on that day. **One Professional Development hour will be given for each workshop/seminar hour attended. CEUs for Alcohol/Drug Certification, Social Work, and NBCC are pending. HOTEL ACCOMODATIONS The Tropicana Casino and Resort is located at Brighton and the Boardwalk, Atlantic City, NJ. The facility is a full service hotel featuring a complimentary indoor swimming pool, fitness center, and internet service for hotel guests. Parking is an additional fee for your entire stay. A block of rooms has been reserved for our conference attendees at the rate of $51 (plus applicable taxes & fees) per room per night for single or double occupancy. If you are using a tax exemption, be sure to bring your documentation. Reservations can be made directly through the Tropicana Resort and Casino link found on the ASAP-NJ website,, or by calling 800-247-8767. Make your reservation by February 4, 2015 and mention the ASAP Conference for the reduced room rate. Committee Note: While the hotel attempts to regulate the climate, you may want to bring a sweater along to your workshops.

REFUND POLICY No refunds will be issued after January 20, 2015. Refunds requested before January 20th must be done so in writing to Conference Chairperson, Donna Gaudio, [email protected]. Accommodations for Disabilities: Requests for accommodations for disabilities should be directed to Donna Gaudio, Conference Chairperson, 856-262-8200 ext. 2276 or email [email protected] . Grievances/Complaints: Any grievance or complaint can be directed to Donna Gaudio. All such grievances will be responded to first verbally and then in writing, if necessary until they are resolved. STAY TUNED TO SEE WHO ALL OF OUR FABULOUS SPONORS ARE!!!!!!

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