Shawnee Mission Area Council of PTA/PTSA
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Shawnee Mission High School PTSA Standing Rules
SECTION I – Standing Rules Required by Bylaws
The name of this local unit shall be the Shawnee Mission South High School Parents, Teachers and Students Association (PTSA) a unit organized under the authority of the Kansas Congress of Parents and Teachers Association (the Kansas PTA), branch of the National Congress of Parents and Teachers (the National PTA). Local Units with student membership may be named Parent, Teacher, and Student Associations (PTSA).
1) Re: Article V: Section 4. Each member of this PTA shall pay annual dues of $10.00 to the organization. The amount of such annual dues shall include the portion payable to the Kansas PTA ($1.25) and the portion payable to the National PTA ($1.75)($2.25)
2) Re: Article VI: Section 2a. The officers of this local PTSA shall be a president, president- elect, three vice presidents respectively for the areas of programs, membership, and hospitality, a secretary, and a treasurer two co-treasurers. All Co-Chairs of these offices will retain only one vote per chair.
3) Re: Article VI: Section 2b. Officers shall be elected by ballot at the annual general meeting in March (on or before March 31). If there is but one nominee for any office, election for that office may be by voice vote.
4) Re: Article VI: Section 2c. Officers shall assume their official duties following the close of the April installation meeting with the following exception: the retiring treasurer shall continue to perform the duties of that office through June 30 at which time the books shall be sent to the auditing committee and all other records turned over to the new treasurer. Officers shall serve for a term of one year or until their successors are elected.
5) Re: Article VI: Section 3. There shall be a nominating committee composed of an uneven number, not less than three (3) members who shall be elected by this local PTSA at the January general membership meeting. The committee shall elect its own chairman.
6) Re: Article VII: Section 1. The president shall: i) preside at all meetings of the PTSA, and the executive committee meetings. ii) appoint all special committees iii) serve as an ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee; iv) coordinate the work of the officers and committees of the PTSA in order that the purposes may be promoted; v) sign all contracts on behalf of the PTSA; vi) perform such other duties as may be provided for by these standing rules, the bylaws, prescribed by the parliamentary authority, or directed by the board of managers or executive committee.
7) Re: Article VII: Section 2. The vice president(s) shall: i) act as aide(s) to the president; ii) in their designated order 1st vice president programs 2nd vice president membership, 3rd vice president hospitality, perform the duties of the president in the president’s or president-elect’s absence or inability of that officer to serve; iii) perform such other duties as may be provided by these bylaws, prescribed by the parliamentary authority, or directed by the president, board of managers or executive committee.
11/13.2013 Proposed Standing Rules 8) Re: Article VII: Section 3. The secretary shall: i) Keep an accurate account of all meetings of the PTSA; ii) be prepared to read the records of any previous meetings; iii) file all records; iv) have a current copy of the Uniform Bylaws and standing rules; v) maintain the membership roster and; vi) perform such duties as may be provided by these bylaws, prescribed by the parliamentary authority or directed by the president, board of managers or executive committee.
9) Re: Article VII: Section 4. The first co-treasurer shall: i) maintain a full account of the funds of the PTSA; ii) cause to be kept, a full and accurate account of the receipts and disbursements in the financial records belonging to the PTSA; iii) make disbursements in accordance with the budget adopted by the PTSA; iv) have checks or vouchers signed by two unrelated persons, the treasurer and one other officer (the president, president-elect, co-treasurer, or secretary); v) present a financial statement at every meeting of the PTSA and at other times when requested by the Executive Board; vi) be responsible for the maintaining a record of membership dues; vii) prepare or cause to be prepared an annual report for audit; viii) shall file appropriate 990-N; 990-EZ, or 990 Federal Tax Return on an annual basis at fiscal year end or as requested by the government; ix) each month prepare a monthly audit that will be reviewed and signed by an officer other than the co-treasurer, president, or secretary that will reconcile the bank statement with the check register; required for bonding insurance. Monthly audit forms are kept by the co-treasurer for review in a yearly audit. x) Perform such other duties as may be provided by these bylaws; prescribed by the parliamentary authority, or directed by the president, board of managers or executive committee. xi) The second co-treasurer shall cause to be kept, a full and accurate account of the receipts and disbursement pertaining to all Project Graduation activities; xii) The second co-treasurer shall make disbursements in accordance with the Project Graduation budget, adopted by the PTSA; xiii) Have checks or vouchers signed by two unrelated persons, the second co- treasurer and one other officer (President co-treasurer, or secretary); xiv)The second co-treasurer shall assist the first co-treasurer with the preparation of the annual report and assist with the preparation of the appropriate 990 form; xv) The second co-treasurer shall each month prepare a monthly audit that will be reviewed and signed by an officer other than the treasurer, president, or secretary that will reconcile the bank statement with the check register for all Project Graduation accounts. Monthly audits will be kept for review in a yearly audit;
10) Re: Article VII: Section 6. The president-elect shall: i) preside at meetings in the absence of the president or upon the president’s inability to serve; ii) assume the duties of the president in the event of the president’s resignation until the position is filled in accordance with the by-laws; iii) act as an aide to the president; iv) perform such other duties as may be provided by these bylaws, prescribed by the parliamentary authority, or directed by the president, board of managers or executive committee.
11) Re: Article VIII: Section 1a. Members of the Board of Managers shall be the elected officers and the school principal or a representative appointed by him/her. Regular meetings of the Board of Managers shall be held as designated by the Board at its first meeting. Special meetings of the Board may be called by the President or upon the
11/13.2013 Proposed Standing Rules request of a majority of the members of the board. The number of days notice required for a special meeting shall be upon five days written notice to each member of the board. Executive Committee of our PTSA shall consist of elected officers only.
12) Re: Article XII: Section 1. At least four Regular meetings of this PTSA shall be held each year: August (budget presentation), January (vote in Nomination Committee), March (vote on slate of officers), and April (installation of officers) with the dates and times and any additional meetings to be fixed by the president & school and announced prior to the beginning of the school year. At least five (5) days notice shall be given to the membership of any change of date.
13) Re: Article XII Section 3. The annual meeting shall be held in March.
14) Re: Article XII Section 5. A quorum for the transaction of business in any regular, special, or annual meeting of this PTSA shall consist of at least 7 members.
15) Re: Article XIII: Section 2. This local PTSA shall be represented in meetings of the Shawnee Mission Area Council PTA by the president, or appointed alternate.
16) Re: Article XIV. Section 1b. Delegates to the State PTA Convention and their alternates shall be PTSA members who volunteer to attend. Notifying the Board of Managers in March for their approval.
17) Re: Article XV. The fiscal year of the Shawnee Mission South High School PTSA shall begin on July 1 and end on the following June 30th.
Section II – General Practices
1) At least four meeting months of this local PTSA shall be: August September – General Meeting (Budget Presentation, Voted on at Back to School Night) January – General Meeting (Vote in Nominating Committee) March – General Meeting (Vote on Slate of Officers) April – General Meeting (Installation of Officers)
2) Nominating Procedures for this local PTSA shall be: Any General Meeting before January – Ask for volunteers to serve on the committee. January General Meeting – Vote in the Nominating Committee. February General Meeting – Committee presents the nomination slate. March General Meeting – Voting on slate. April General Meeting – Installation of Officers.
3) The executive committee shall meet as often as necessary with the necessary notice given.
4) Any PTSA member appointed for office or committee chair must be a member in good standing.
5) The Board of Managers shall determine standing Committees of this local PTSA. The committee will submit a written plan for approval by the Board of Managers.
6) Committee chairs shall maintain a PTSA procedure book that includes: current bylaws and standing rules, a job description, a chronological list of responsibilities, copies of reports,
11/13.2013 Proposed Standing Rules budget information, evaluation summary, suggestions, a completed year-end report, any other relevant information and a list of current officers and board members.
7) The executive board shall oversee committees without a PTSA chair and disburse any “miscellaneous” monies included in the budget.
8) Any officer or committee chairperson who fails to perform all duties shall, upon notice from the executive committee, be relieved of the position.
9) Year-End reports and all materials pertaining to the office or committee shall be prepared by the outgoing chairpersons and shall be delivered to the incoming officer or committee chair at a May exchange meeting or as soon as possible for those whose committee work continues through the month of May. A copy of any reports shall also be given to the incoming president for his/her notebook.
10) Upon retirement, the president shall be presented with a “past president” pin and a Kansas PTA Honorary Life Membership. The incoming president shall be presented with the “active president” pin and gavel. All purchases and arrangements are the responsibility of the treasurer.
11) A committee to consider nominations for Kansas PTA Honorary Life Memberships shall be appointed by the president. At least one membership, including pins shall be presented at the April meeting. (Examples – Retiring teachers, staff members, or outstanding volunteer) The co-treasurer is responsible for completing paperwork and purchasing pins the lifetime membership.
12) The PTSA secretary shall be responsible for sending appropriate cards as needed to families, teachers and staff. This applies to retirements and hospitalization.
13) Should a SM South student or a member of the immediate family, (mother, father, sister, or brother) a staff member, teacher, or their spouse dies, a memorial contribution of an amount of $25.00 or greater as determined by the board with a cap amount of $50.00 shall be given to the family.
14) The president(s), president-elect, and co- treasurers, and secretary shall have their signatures on file at the bank for all accounts. Two signatures are required on all checks. No two officers from the same family will sign the same check, nor should any officer sign a check made payable to them. No PTSA checks will be pre-signed. (Required for bonding insurance)
15) A budget and finance committee shall be appointed by the president, and shall include a member of the previous board. The first co-treasurer shall prepare the general budget, in consultation, as needed, with members of the budget and finance committee. The second co-treasurer shall prepare the Project Graduation specific budget. The proposed budget s shall be reviewed in August, at the first meeting of the executive committee, and shall then be presented for approval at the first meeting of the general membership (Back to School Night). The first general membership meeting may or may not be Back to School Night.
16) The executive committee shall be authorized to make expenditures up to a total of $1000 $3000 from the start of the fiscal year, July 1, until the budget is approved at the first general membership meeting. (Example of expenses: summer expenses for Raider Rally, and summer newsletter/postage)
17) The budget shall include an amount necessary to send the president, or an executive committee delegate, to the Kansas PTA Convention.
11/13.2013 Proposed Standing Rules 18) A voting member of the executive committee may request funds to attend Kansas PTA convention. The executive committee shall review a request and may approve it by a majority vote.
19) The president, president-elect, and legislative chairperson or their appointed replacements shall represent Shawnee Mission South at the Kansas PTA Legislative Conference. The budget shall include an amount necessary for delegate registration fees.
20) If a purchase will cause the total spent to exceed the budget line item, the purchase needs authorization: If the purchase will cause the budget to be $25.00 or less over the budget, the committee chair can give authorization. If the purchase will cause the budget to be $25.01 - $200.00 over the budget, the PTSA Executive Board can give authorization. If the purchase will cause the total budget to be more than $200.00 over the budget, a vote to amend the budget needs to be taken at a regular PTSA meeting. This includes any item of the general budget or the Project Graduation budget.
21) The principal and the PTSA president or their substitutes shall attend the Shawnee Mission Area Council Administrative Breakfast (or other administrative activity). The budget shall include an amount necessary for fees if needed.
22) Shawnee Mission South PTSA shall purchase bonding and liability insurance.
23) In spending of excess funds the following procedure must be followed: A committee formed. A written plan submitted by the committee at a general meeting for approval. No committee may spend more than half of the excess funds available. Also, the next year’s board is not obligated to past board’s decisions.
24) No PTSA or Project Graduation checks will be made payable to a PTSA member except to reimburse them for purchases they have already made. The purchaser should have a bona fide receipt to document these purchases.
25) Tax-exempt sales cannot be done with a personal check and then reimbursed by the PTSA. This is a requirement of the Kansas Department of Revenue. Tax-exempt sales must be purchased with a PTSA or Project Graduation check. Tax-exempt forms should not be pre-signed and copied.
26) All PTSA or Project Graduation bills should be mailed to the school’s address. During the summer, the new PTSA president should check with the school office for PTSA bills.
27) Each PTSA or Project Graduation check should be recorded on a PTSA disbursement form with the original invoices and/or receipts being paid by that check attached to the form. These forms are to be kept by the treasurer for review in a yearly audit.
28) At least two people should count any money received by the PTSA before either co-Treasurer receives the deposit Preferably two or more of the individuals responsible for collecting the money and the treasurer..
29) Those counting money should fill out a cash verification form showing the total amount of cash and the total amount of checks that are being given to the treasurer.
30) Money collected will be given to the co-treasurer the day that it is collected or the next day. The co-treasurer will recount and record each deposit.
31) All deposits will be made by the co-treasurer and recorded on PTSA deposit form that indicates the portion of the deposit that is cash. These forms should be kept by the co-treasurer for a review in a yearly audit.
32) A photocopy of the checks in a deposit or a list of the checks deposited showing the name on the check; the number of the check, and the amount will be attached to the PTSA deposit form.
11/13.2013 Proposed Standing Rules 33) In addition to monthly bank reconciliation by the co-treasurers, bank statements will be reconciled with the check register each month by another PTSA officer (except for check signers). (Required for bonding insurance)
34) An audit committee of at least 3 members selected by the Executive Board will perform a yearly audit. Members cannot be check signers. Past co-Treasurers will attend the audit be available to answer questions only. Audit needs to be complete by July 31st.
35) To comply with bonding insurance requirements, bank statements must be reconciled with the check register, each month, by the treasurer and by another voting member of the executive committee.
36) If a co-treasurer’s report is not presented to the membership for two consecutive PTSA meetings, an audit committee will automatically audit the PTSA books. (see #38 for rules)
37) Shawnee Mission South PTSA shall not release member contact information, and shall conform to privacy policies of the Kansas and National PTAs, and SMSD.
38) Standing rules may be set aside, amended, or rescinded by a majority vote of the voting membership present at any meeting of the membership.
39) The Executive Committee can deem necessary a budget line item for the SMAC Clothing Center donation. The typical donation is $50 to $100.
11/13.2013 Proposed Standing Rules