Advanced Placement Statistics s1

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Advanced Placement Statistics s1


PHILOSOPHY, POLICIES AND EXPECTATIONS I believe that the expectations I have of my students should be the same expectations my students have of me. We should be prepared for class each day, be respectful of everyone in the classroom, cooperate and participate in the classroom activities and attempt to put forth 100% of our energy to focus on what is being taught. I believe that time is our greatest non-renewable resource and since we are committing this valuable time to our class our effort should reflect that value.

PHILOSOPHY  Respect every student as an individual with human concerns. I have always yielded the same in return therefore discipline problems rarely occur.  Help our students develop an appreciation for mathematics as a valuable tool and a realization that math is present and used in every aspect of life.  Present mathematical information as to facilitate the acquisition of mathematical knowledge so that our students may apply that knowledge to real life situations.  Create an environment in the classroom that is safe and fosters optimum learning.  Teach and model the skills necessary for our students to become lifelong learners.  Expose our students to different teaching and learning strategies.  Be fair, consistent and empathetic to our students and parents regarding their needs and concerns.  Follow district and school policies as stated.

COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is equivalent to a one-semester, introductory, non-calculus based college course in statistics. The topics for A.P. Statistics are divided into four major themes: exploratory analysis, planning a study, probability and statistical analysis. Students who successfully complete the course and examination may receive credit and/or advanced placement for a one-semester introductory college statistics course (depending upon the requirements of the university). ADVANCED PLACEMENT STATISTICS Course # 2410 Grade Level: 11-12 Prerequisite: Grade of B or better in Algebra II or Advanced Algebra II Length: Year This course meets UC/CSU (C) and District math requirements. This course is designed to provide students with an extensive and advanced study of the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. The AP Statistics course is built around four main concepts: exploring data, planning a study, probability as it relates to distributions of data, and inferential reasoning. A major research project and preparation for the AP exam is required. Students are required to take the AP exam.

Fall Semester Spring Semester 1. Exploring Data 8. Estimating with Confidence 2. Modeling Distributions 9. Testing a Claim 3. Describing Relationships 10. Comparing Two Populations or Groups 4. Designing Studies 11. Inference for Distributions of Categorical Data 5. Probability 12. More About Regression 6. Random Variables 13. Analysis of Variance 7. Sampling Distributions 14. Multiple Linear Regression

STUDENT RESPPONSIBILITIES NOBODY CAN PASS THIS CLASS FOR YOU. IN ORDER TO BE SUCCESSFUL YOU MUST TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE FOLLOWING:  Read and take notes on assigned pages in the textbook.  Take and review class notes.  Complete homework assignments.  Complete computer lab assignments, activities, and written projects as assigned.  Keep your work organized in a notebook to help you study.  Prepare and study for quizzes, chapter tests, final exams and the AP exam.  Get help when having difficulty with a topic.  Don’t allow work or extra-curricular activities to overload your schedule.

PARENT RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Make sure you student has time to study. Don’t allow work or extra-curricular activities to overload her/his schedule. 2. Make sure your student has a quiet, well-lighted place to study. 3. Make sure your student gets adequate rest and healthy meals so she/he can be alert and able to pay attention in class. 4. Ask your student about the class. Have them show you some of the work and explain what is being done in the lesson. MATERIALS NEEDED: Your covered textbook (The Practice of Statistics), spiral notebook for notes, a #2 pencil, pen, straightedge, colored pencils, a 3-ring binder (exclusively for AP Stats) with at least 8 dividers, lined paper, graph paper, and a graphing calculator. A TI-83+ or TI-84+ is recommended however a TI-83 will also be adequate. A TI-89 with the “Statistics with List Editor” application may also be used. All class demonstrations will use a TI-84+. The school may have graphing calculators available to check out for the school year. You must obtain a permission slip from Mr. Stowe and have your parents sign the liability waiver before you can check out a calculator from the library. A graphing calculator is mandatory for the AP exam.

ASSIGNMENTS: Homework Policies Procedures & Policies Homework will be assigned every class period and completed by the beginning of the following class period. We review the homework in class so homework must be completed. Students are assigned homework daily, but homework will only be collected at the end of the chapter. The majority of the assignments will have solutions provided (back of the text) for immediate feedback for the student and it will be necessary for students to have prepared questions when we go over the homework.

Parents are responsible for checking to see if the assignment has been completed and required to sign off on a homework assignment matrix verifying completion.

Students will receive a grade for the signed homework assignment matrix form

QUIZZES: There will be a daily quiz the first 10-15 minutes of each class period covering the previous class reading assignment and homework problems that have already been discussed. Students who are tardy will only be allowed the time remaining to complete the entire quiz. Quizzes will be cumulative.

GRADING: The course will be graded on a weighted percentage system.  Exams and quizzes – 90%  Homework and projects – 10%  Semester final – 10% of total semester grade. The first semester final exam will cover the entire semesters work. The second semester final will be cumulative from the beginning of the course. Tests will be comprised of multiple choice and free-response written questions. The free-response questions will be grade on the AP 0-4 rubric. Once a test is taken, it may not be retaken for a higher score. In case of absence, all tests must be made up within two days and taken outside of class time. The only extra credit available is provided on exams and students who take make-up exams due to absence are not eligible for the extra credit given for that particular exam.

GRADING SCALE: A+ 99-100% B+ 88-89% C+ 78-79% D+ 68-69% A 92-98 B 82-87 C 72-77 D 62-67 A- 90-91 B- 80-81 C- 70-71 D- 61-60 F 59% and below CHEATING: I do not tolerate cheating of any form in my classes. I make it a point to provide many different ways to succeed in my classes so cheating should not be an option. A grade of ZERO will be assessed and a referral to the administration for disciplinary action will be submitted.

BEHAVIORAL CLASS RULES: It is the right of each student to be provided an atmosphere in which the learning process is not hampered. To assure a proper learning environment in my classroom, the following rules will be followed-  Be respectful of others at all times. (No harassment of any kind!)  Follow directions the first time given.  Be in your seat, ready to work when the bell rings (not coming in the door, not at the pencil sharpener etc.) and a tardy is the same whether it’s 2 seconds, 2 minutes, or 20 minutes. There will be a consequence as stated by the school.  No gum, food or drinks (except clear water bottles with only plain water in them) in the classroom.  No iPods, cd players, hand-held games or entertainment devices of any kind at any time are allowed. Computers and calculators may be used for class work only. No game playing during class time.  Follow the stated dress code. I will immediately call for a campus supervisor to remove any student from class if they have violated the rules. (In this class, “the code” isn’t just a set of guidelines.)  Watch your language. No cursing of any kind will be allowed. The first time will be a warning, the second time will be a detention, the third time will be OCD, and the forth time will be Saturday School.  Be responsible for keeping your desk and surrounding area clean.  Do not write on desks or damage any property including your textbook.

You and your parents are to fill out the accompanying form indicating you have read and understand this syllabus then sign it on the designated lines. You are to turn in the signed form to Mr. Stowe and keep this syllabus in your statistics notebook. Please sign and return the bottom portion of this syllabus, and keep the information for your records. I have read and understand the components and expectations of Course Title and am aware of teacher’s contact information.

Printed student name ______Period ______Student Signature______Printed Guardian Name ______Guardian Signature______

Email address: ______

Phone number: ______

Please complete the survey below and return with your signature. Students will be required throughout the year to complete typed assignments for this course. Students will also be asked to participate in online research and/or discussions. Also, due to budget constraints, students may be asked to print handouts and worksheets from the teacher website from home.

Daily Usually Occasionally Never Student has access to a computer at home Student has access to the internet at home Student has access to a printer at home

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