SEEM Collaborative Board of Director S Meeting

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SEEM Collaborative Board of Director S Meeting

92 Montvale Avenue, Suite 3500, Stoneham, MA 02180 ~ p. 781-279-1361 ~ f. 781-279-0292

SEEM Collaborative Board of Director’s Meeting SEEM Administrative Office October 2, 2013 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM

Superintendents Ms. Joanne Benton – Wilmington Dr. Les Olson - Stoneham Ms. Kathy Willis – North Reading Ms. Cyndy Taymore – Melrose Mr. Mark Donovan, Woburn Dr. Sandra Halloran, Interim Assistant Superintendent, Wakefield

Special Education Directors Ms. Mary Houde, Wilmington Ms. Lisa Howard, Saugus

Collaborative Staff Cathy Lawson, Executive Director Greg Zammuto, Director of Finance and Operations

Absent Superintendents Dr. Thomas Jefferson – Lynnfield Mr. William McAlduff, Winchester Dr. Stephen Zrike, Wakefield Mr. Michael Tempesta, Saugus Dr. John Doherty, Reading 92 Montvale Avenue, Suite 3500, Stoneham, MA 02180 ~ p. 781-279-1361 ~ f. 781-279-0292

A. Meeting called to order by Chair of the Board, Ms. Joanne Benton at 9:15 AM. Introduction of new members. Lisa Howard, Director of Pupil Personnel Services and Special Education from Saugus was in attendance in place of Mr. Michael Tempesta and Dr. Sandra Halloran was in attendance for Dr. Stephen Zrike, who both had prior commitments.

B. Public Comment – There were no public comments.

C. Agenda – Motion to accept as enclosed – approved by all.

D. Approval of the general session minutes from June 19, 2013 – Motion to accept with spelling correction of Mr. Mark Donovan and Dr. Les Olson, by Mr. Mark Donovan, seconded by Ms. Kathy Willis, all in favor.

E. Administrative and Committee Reports

a. Executive Director’s Report – Ms. Cathy Lawson  Educator Evaluation is being implemented this year. Collaborative is using Teachpoint and just finished up goals with the teachers and admnistrators.  Ms. Cathy Lawson provided an update on progress towards implementation of Chapter 43. The Commission made final recommendations. There were recommendations that there be incentive for consolidation of collaboratives where appropriate. They did recommend a state-wide network to simplify communication for state-wide initiatives etc. An Executive Director and Board member from each region will come together to meet and discuss setting up a structure that will be beneficial to member districts as well as the commissioner. Our region would include, SEEM Collaborative, Northshore Education Consortium, CREST Collaborative (formerly Greater Lawrence Collaborative) and Merrimack Special Education Collaborative. Board member actions to be taken annually were reviewed as a reminder. Quarterly report must be done 4 times a years. The collaborative agreement has been submitted and being reviewed for a third time. The Annual Report must be submitted by the first of the year and training for new Board members has to be done. There has been minimal response for an independent board members. DESE has recommended to the legislature that liaisons, not Board members attend Board meetings around the state who will not have voting privileges.  Ms. Cathy Lawson provided an update on SEEM programs and services. 1. Program enrollment as of 9/2013 is 293 students. 2. Key program development focus areas are the educator evaluation, literacy, evidence based practices for positive behavior support, transition, technology integration and 21st century skill development. 3. Curriculum Investments were reviewed and include: a. Literacy with Wilson Fundations in the elementary classrooms as well as Rode to Reading at the Beebe School, and Visual Phonics at the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Program. 92 Montvale Avenue, Suite 3500, Stoneham, MA 02180 ~ p. 781-279-1361 ~ f. 781-279-0292

b. Vocational – The last part of a multi-year investment with Project Discovery Transition System for the intensive special needs programs has been purchased. c. Core Curriculum at the Middle and High School – History, Science, English and Biology at the alternative High School, and History and Health Curriculum at the Middle School. d. Technology investments as a result of the Strategic Planning Process include purchase of iPads and computer replacement. Wifi has been put into place in all buildings. The Mac lab has been set up at the High School for graphic arts and other programs. The new website is complete and live and includes a blog for news and updates and online registration for professional development. Tech point staff have been identified in each program. They will work with the technology staff to offer site based tech support as well as training.

 District Based Services and Support Provided 1. Job Alikes will continue this year with Preschool Directors and Educational Team Leaders as well as Department Heads. The main expansion will be the Department Head Job Alike. The curriculum directors did another institute this summer for K-8 teachers across member districts and worked on common assessments. FY14 group will focus on DDMs and common assessments in math. Another area of focus will be across district PD and ELA maps. b. Planning and Assessment Committee  Mary Houde reviewed the minutes from the Planning and Assessment Committee held on 9/12/2013.

Technology Investments as a result of the Strategic Planning Process include purchase of iPads and computer replacements. Wifi has been put into place in all buildings. The Mac lab has been set up for the High School for Graphic Arts and other programs. The new website is complete and includes a blog for news and updates and online registration for professional development. Tech point staff have been identified in each program. This is a small stipend position. They can offer tech support as well as training. 1. Job Alikes a. Curriculum Directors – currently looking into having SEEM apply to be vendor through which district teachers apply to become an SEI trainer. Math workshop 4/29 & 4/30, teachers will complete trimester 3 unit assessments. b. Next Department Head Job Alike May 9, focus on district determined measured. 2013 Summer Math Institute 7/9 through 9/11. Session Choices were reviewed. c. Transition Services Job-Alike – Working on creating a transition resource manual for all participating districts. Last meeting focused on transition assessments used across districts. 92 Montvale Avenue, Suite 3500, Stoneham, MA 02180 ~ p. 781-279-1361 ~ f. 781-279-0292

d. Preschool Directors are meeting today. Sally Grimes, reading consultant, will attend to discuss across district pre-K literacy needs.  Professional Development – upcoming PD offerings were reviewed. 1. Wilson Level 1 Certification in August. 2. Safety Care and CPI offered on an ongoing basis. Safety Care for districts and families offered. 3. Applied Behavior Analysis – 5 day workshop starting this week. 4. Breaking the Behavior Code – Understanding and Teaching Students with Oppositional and Anxiety Related Behavior upcoming on June 28th. 5. Common Core Math K-8 assessment development for Trimester 3 is coming up April 29-30. 6. Social Thinking – Michelle Garcia Winner held in conjunction with Northshore Education Consortium on April 10th and attended by 325 people.  Planning and Assessment Committee 1. Ms. Mary Houde reviewed the minutes of the Planning and Assessment Committee from 9/12/2013. Focus was on introduction of new members, as well as, new SEEM staff, program updates, Chapter 43 regulations, Job alikes, new online registration system for PD, SEEM facilities update and DDMs.  Personnel Report as of 9/23/2013 – Ms. Cathy Lawson presented the Personnel. Additions include part time grant writer, behavior support staff at Campus, and a school psychologist. Most turn over is from our extended year program or openings due to transfers. This report will be sent to the superintendents electronically for their quarterly reports. Motion to approve the personnel report by Ms. Cyndy Taymore, seconded by Dr. Les Olson, all in favor.  Enrollment Report- Mr. Greg Zammuto reviewed the Enrollment report as of June 30, 2013. Student FTE was 24.83 higher than what was budgeted for the year.  Revenue and Expense Report – Mr. Greg Zammuto reviewed the unaudited Revenue and Expense report as of June 30, 2013. This is based on tuitions received and expenses paid out, and indicates a surplus of $364,180.  Profit and Loss Summary – Mr. Greg Zammuto reviewed the profit and loss summary for 7/1/2013 through 6/30/2013. This includes the OPEB obligation so this report shows a deficit of $393,924.11.  Enrollment Report as of 9/20/2103 – Mr. Greg Zammuto reviewed the Enrollment Report. Currently we are behind by 56 FTEs, mainly due to the Assessment Center. It’s early in the school year and these tend to come in further into the school year.  Revenue and Expense as of 8/31/2013 – Mr. Greg Zammuto reviewed the Revenue and Expense report. The format has been changed to try and be more in line with how our budget looks. Mr. Zammuto explained the tuition and expense detail regarding the Extended Year program. Since the EYP starts in June we will have a few days in June that are included in this year’s budget.  YTD Profit and Loss Summary for July 1, 2013- August 31, 2013 was reviewed by Mr. Greg Zammuto. 92 Montvale Avenue, Suite 3500, Stoneham, MA 02180 ~ p. 781-279-1361 ~ f. 781-279-0292

 Facilities Update – Mr. Greg Zammuto provided an update on the Facilities. We put out an RFP to hire a Real Estate Consultant. The company hired is Jones, Lang, Lasalle. They will help identify space and then we will decide to move forward or not. In July a group toured the South Shore Educational Collaborative, which just opened. We also reached out to the architect for that project. He will work with us in developing space needs for our programs so when we develop the RFP for the actual space we will know what information to include. When the draft of the RFP is developed, it will be reviewed by our attorney. Also, we have looked into Cummings property space which is empty adjacent to our office, suite 3400; this would accommodate expansion of professional development and of office space. The cost would be roughly $41,000. We are looking into whether we can increase professional development to provide the revenue to cover this cost.

F. Old Business – Ms. Cathy Lawson presented the Anti-Bullying Policy for a first reading. Motion by Dr. Les Olson to waive the first reading so the Anti-Bullying Policy can be approved, seconded by Cyndy Taymore. Motion to accept the Anti-Bullying Policy as written by Mr. Mark Donovan, seconded by Cyndy Taymore.

G. New Business a. Executive Director’s Goals – Ms. Cathy Lawson reviewed the draft of her Evaluation Goals. SMART Goal I Professional Practice Goal: Implement the educator evaluation system effectively. Goal II, Student Learning Goal: For the alternative track, to establish a baseline performance level for ELA and Math MCAS scores for all students and work towards increasing the students 2014 MCAS scores by 10%. Goal III, Student Learning Goal: For the Intensive Special Needs track to establish a system for collecting data for the portfolio assessment that targets reading and functional objectives that will be used as a baseline to measure individual student progress. Goal IV, Management and Operations Goal: Establish a clear and documented formal budget process to be added to the Business Office Procedures and Accounting Procedures Manual. Continue to work on facilities and have a recommendation by the end of the school year. Investigate student information systems to improve communication. Continue goal of creating a 21st century learning environment by implementing the technology strategic plan developed in FY13. Goal V, Family and Community Engagement: Provide leadership by increasing family and community engagement by providing a more inclusive, welcoming and culturally competent environment throughout the Collaborative. Goal VI Professional Culture, Provide leadership that promotes success for all students by nurturing and sustaining a school culture of reflective and high expectations and continuous learning for staff. Motion to accept the Goals set forth by the Executive Director by Ms. Cyndy Taymore, seconded by Dr. Les Olson, all in favor.

H. Other Business Brought Before the Board – a. The April meeting date needs to be changed because 4/23 is April Vacation week. The committee agreed to move the April meeting date to April 16, 2014. b. The Grant Writer has been on board since August. Ms. Cathy Lawson gave an update on what she’s been working on. She is working on the CIC grant right now. She’s been working with SEEM programs and with the district curriculum directors. She provides weekly updates to the curriculum directors and to Cathy. She will be invited to the 12/4 meeting to give an update. 92 Montvale Avenue, Suite 3500, Stoneham, MA 02180 ~ p. 781-279-1361 ~ f. 781-279-0292

I. Future Meeting Dates and Agenda Items – 12/4/2013 a. Report of Audited Financials – Fritz Deguglielmo, LLC b. Revised Collaborative Agreement c. Update from Grant Writer

Motion to adjourn was made by Dr. Les Olson at 10:10 am, seconded by Mr. Mark Doherty, all in favor.

Respectfully submitted by, Catherine Lawson, Executive Director

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