December 2010 Board Meeting Minutes at Sherman Oaks Hospital, Sherman Oaks, CA

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December 2010 Board Meeting Minutes at Sherman Oaks Hospital, Sherman Oaks, CA

December 2010 Board Meeting Minutes at Sherman Oaks Hospital, Sherman Oaks, CA December 8, 2010

Attendance: Kevin Klapp, Sarah Chou, Leticia Hernandez, Lesli Fisher, Erin Mahoney, Neveen Abdelghani, Vahe Apelian, Rosemarie Brown, Jonathon Katz, Tanya (USC student), Jacqueline (USC student), Andrew (USC CSHP President-Elect), Chris Bruney

Absent: Karla Silver, Lorraine Cogen, Pio Juan Lansangan, Ian Rojas, Caterina Equinozio, Myungsun Shim, Sandra Sani, Julia Nguyen, Gene Borrelli, Bob Small, Doreen Schneider, Mei Wu, Divaker Rastogi

I. October meeting minutes approved a. Motion to approve by Vahe, seconded by Lesli & Leticia II. Old Business: a. NWI 2010 i. More people & vendors attended than RSVP'd 1. Next year Jonathan will make sure that vendors who just show up will pay 2. Plaquards for paid vendors so that they have an assigned table 3. Have checks go to Jonathan so he can keep track of who paid & keep better list of vendors ii. Hotel would not reduce # of plates, so we upgraded the meal to filet iii. Vegetarian meal could have been nicer iv. Venue not too crowded with v. Balloon colors were not good; better colors next year vi. Multiple e-mail blasts & snail mail were good vii. Vendor raffle—cannot accept cash b/c of PharmA, so wine basket next year viii.Speaker—probably would be okay to pay a little money to get a honorary speaker that will bring in a crowd; get a more dynamic/inspirational speaker 1. Dr. Michael Gottlieb for update on HIV/AIDS ix. Recommendation: have an agenda next year x. Parking tickets were confusing—talk w/hotel about having attendant or negotiate better parking situation xi. Should we go back to the Hilton or back to Odyssey xii. Action items—need to discuss treasury w/other organization xiii. Costs to split w/PPSFV $7,256.31: 1. Total bill from Hilton: $6,791.77, paid in full by us 2. Certificates $32.80; $300 in raffle, $131.74 for plaque xiv. Motion that we will not consider refunds or discounts to vendors unless formal complaint received from vendor (motion from Vahe, seconded by Lesli, motion approved by unanimous vote) b. Winter Charity – Sarah i. Dec 18th can distribute gifts w/church or Dec 21st have event for former residents of homeless shelter; or we can drop off gifts & they will distribute ii. Motion by Erin to drop off gifts, seconded by Vahe iii. Sarah will drop off gifts & try to get picture donating gifts; Sarah will let others know when she will go to see if anyone else can join; give them a BIG Christmas Card from SFVSHP with the gifts; tentative date 12/17 at 5pm III. New Business: a. PR/CE – Leticia i. Attended CE at Windjammer on Nov 20th s/SoCal Chapter of CSHP 1. Money divided btw charities ii. Diabetes talk on incretins in Beverly Hills was standing room only for SoCal Chapter; was open to multiple chapters to come iii. Should we join resources with other chapters for CE? Leticia will discuss w/Gene at SoCal Chapter b. Student Rep – Andrew i. Would like to restart a mentorship program—will make more structured ii. Would like organization to commit to 2-3 days per year for meetings/mixers btw mentor & mentee rather than just phone/e-mail (including 1 day as reception at Seminar) iii. Jonathan is volunteering to help coordinate a “retreat” for mentors & mentees—will wait to see what the USC students are interested in iv. Suggestion by Jacqueline is there should be more pressure/responsibility on students to reach out to mentors v. Suggest students should come to meetings more regularly vi. Action item—Andrew is to put together group of 5-6 students w/ a date available for a mixer & their interests so we can get contacts for them c. PR – No report d. Website – Lesli i. Lesli completed training & started to update website & updating events ii. SoCal chapter does member spotlight iii. E-mail Lesli with pictures to post on website e. Treasurer’s Report – Neveen i. Checking: $6,951.35 1. Several reimbursement checks given, paid Hilton 2. All reps for Seminar were < agreed $1000 a. Kevin $898.02 b. Gene $676.75 c. Leticia $969.82 d. Rosemarie $870.42 ii.Investment CD total: $11,950.61 (from October 31) f. Board Liason’s Report – No report g. Membership Report – No report h. New Practitioner/Resident Report – Divaker & Sarah, No report i. President’s Report – Kevin i. Installation Dinner 1. Lesli will decide on date & venue will be Bistro Garden. Jonathan will get vendor. ii. Contact Megan from CSHP for nominations & elections; also ask cutoff for # of delegates; will give 2 wks for voting on positions 1. Need new treasurer, president-elect, 4 board of directors (3 vacant), membership, 2-3 delegates, secretary 2. Remove Lorraine from board of director & Karla wants to give up her seat, Dale gives up his seat as well for board of director iii. Nominations for board positions for 2011: 1. Kevin nominates Rosemarie for delegate 2. Leticia nominates Leticia for delegate 3. Neveen nominates Sandra for Board of director 4. Lesli nominates Erin for President-Elect 5. Erin nominates Sarah for Secretary 6. Neveen nominates Divaker for Board of director 7. Potentially 1 more Board of director & treasurer position 8. Kevin will blast e-mail to members to nominate for positions

Meeting adjourned at 9:18 pm. Next meeting Jan 12th at Sherman Oaks Hospital.

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