Timetable of the World Wars and the Kings of the East (No. 272B)

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Timetable of the World Wars and the Kings of the East (No. 272B)

Christian Churches of God No. 272B

Timetable of the World Wars and the Kings of the East

(Edition 1.0 20131228-20131228)

This text deals with the sequences and timings of the conflicts that will come to be known as World Wars I, II and III and the Battles that involve the Wars of Armageddon and the Vials of the Wrath of God. It adds to the Outline Timetable of the Age which events are also listed in paper 272.

Christian Churches of God PO Box 369, WODEN ACT 2606, AUSTRALIA

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(Copyright © 2013 Wade Cox)

This paper may be freely copied and distributed provided it is copied in total with no alterations or deletions. The publisher’s name and address and the copyright notice must be included. No charge may be levied on recipients of distributed copies. Brief quotations may be embodied in critical articles and reviews without breaching copyright. This paper is available from the World Wide Web page: http://www.logon.org and http://www.ccg.org Page 2 Timetable of the World Wars and the Kings of the East

Timetable of the World Wars and the Kings of the East

It is worthwhile examining the activities at the revolutionary government began nationalizing beginning of the twentieth century and the all assets in Egypt. Subsequently, anti- sequence of the wars that occurred exactly Christian and anti-European Arabs infiltrated 100 years ago. Alexandria and began terrorizing the populace eventually seizing parts of the city. From the Jubilee of 1877 the Islamist and Arab nationalist opposition to Europeans had A British Naval bombardment of Alexandria been developed to the extent that by 1882 managed to counter the revolutionary terror in opposition to European influence and the streets of the city. However, nationally it settlement in the Middle East led to growing had little effect on the opposition. To prevent tension amongst native groups and leaders, the intervention of outside powers or the especially in Egypt which then, as now, was seizure of the canal by Islamists in the most powerful, populous, and influential conjunction with an Islamic revolution in the of Arabian nations. The most dangerous British Empire of India, the British led an opposition during this period came from the Anglo-Indian expeditionary force at both ends Albanian and Mamluke dominated Egyptian of the Suez Canal in August 1882. At the army which saw the reorientation of same time French forces landed in Alexandria economic development away from their and the northern end of the canal in control as a threat to their privileges. They conjunction with the British Forces. Their then, as now, in the Egyptian modern Army conjoined forces then manoeuvred to meet the had a distinct place in Egyptian society and Egyptian army. The combined Anglo-French- they are still more or less playing out the part Indian army easily defeated the Egyptian they were acting in Nineteenth century Egypt. Army at Tel El Kebir in September and took Their direction of influence has simply control of the country putting the Khedive changed and is less terrorist aligned. Tewfiq back in control.

A large military demonstration in September The purpose of the invasion had been to 1881 forced the Khedive Tewfiq to dismiss restore political stability to Egypt under a his Prime Minister and rule by decree. government of the Khedive and the Hundreds of European and allied Egyptian international controls which had been put in persons were murdered and thousands more place to streamline Egyptian financing since were targeted for terrorism. Many of the 1876, which was the Biblical Sabbath year Europeans retreated to specially designed and Jubilee of 1876-77. Some think it quarters suited for defence or to heavily unlikely that the British expected a long-term Christian and European settled cities such as occupation from the outset; however, Britain's Alexandria. Chief Representative in Egypt at the time, Lord Cromer, viewed Egypt's financial As a result, in April 1882, France and Great reforms as part of a long-term objective. Britain sent warships to Alexandria to bolster Cromer reportedly took the view that political the Khedive amidst a turbulent climate and stability needed financial stability, and protect European lives and property. In embarked on a program of long term opposition, Egyptian nationalists spread fear investment in Egypt's productive resources, of invasion throughout the country to bolster particularly the cotton industry which was the Islamic and Arabian revolutionary action. The mainstay of Egypt’s export earnings. Khedive Tewfiq moved to Alexandria for his own safety. Army officers led by Ahmed In 1906, British rule in Egypt was questioned Urabi had begun to take control of the with the Denshaw Incident. The German government. By June 1882, Egypt was in the Empire set up what was to become a serious hands of nationalists opposed to European long-term problem which would carry on into domination of the country and the new army two world wars and then into post WWII Timetable of the World Wars and the Kings of the East Page 3 conflicts and on into what will be WWIII at lasted until 1936. In 1939 the British Forces the end of this final period up to the Jubilee of were back in occupation of Egypt for WWII. 2027. By 2006 the financial crisis that was to The Axis forces were defeated decisively at disrupt the global system was set up and in El Alamein. The pro-Nazi French Foreign 2007 was unleashed in Europe and the Rest of Legion in Syria was then defeated by the the World by corruption in the US and in Australians before their return to the Pacific Europe. The Germans, from 1906, began re- Theatre. organizing, funding, and expanding anti- Christian, anti-European, and especially anti- In 1953, Egypt declared independence and in British revolutionary nationalist movements. 1956 seized the Suez Canal. This was part of For the first quarter of the 20th century, the prophecies concerning the fall of Egypt Britain's main goal in Egypt was penetrating and its seizure of independence in a sequence these groups, neutralizing them, and of 2520 years or seven prophetic times from attempting to form more pro-British 605 BCE to 565 BCE with Egyptian nationalist groups with which to hand on independence (thus 1956 with Suez) and then further control. This was thwarted and by the to 525 BCE with Cambyses’ Invasion. 2520 beginning of World War One (WWI) years from Cambyses’ Invasion and Germany had successfully formed a series of occupation of Egypt was 1996 which marked revolutionary nationalist and liberation groups the end of the Time of the Gentiles within the against Anglo-French colonial authorities prophecies of Daniel (see the paper Fall of around the world. Most of these groups Egypt (No. 036) and Fall of Egypt Part II continued on to form post-WWII anti- (No. 036_2)). colonialist groups which eventually forced the removal of British and French rule in Africa, In 1897, the Sixth year of the cycle, we saw India, and Asia. British colonial authorities the First Zionist Congress held. This set in attempted to reorganise and develop their less train a number of events that also saw the radical opponents with entrance into the British Empire move towards establishing the League of Nations, including the peace treaty Jewish Homeland. of Versailles. The very nature of its punitive actions against Germany and the Nationalist In 1912, the Sabbath Year, the Italians began ambitions of the Nazis saw the League to move into North Africa also. As we saw, doomed to failure as it could not control the the European nations began to move towards nations involved. The Anglo-French world war with the actions of Germany and agreements (Sykes Picot Treaty) set the stage the Austro-Hungarians. Between 1912 and for the later divisions and Islamist conflicts 1914 Europe began to stumble into WWI almost one hundred years later. Syria was one through its imperialist ambitions. By 1916 such agreement from the French as was the Europe had developed into the major West African nations, and as was Egypt and conflagrations that saw the demise of massive Palestine and East Africa for the British and numbers of its people (e.g. The Somme and the divisions in Asia also. German intrigue the Western Front and with Russia on the continues to this day and Germany has Eastern Front). This conflict was exactly worked with Iran to undermine the effort of seven prophetic times or 2520 years from the the Europeans and the US to deal with Iran in Battle of Carchemish and the establishment of Geneva in 2013 and on into 2014 as we will the Babylonian Empire. see below. In 1917, The Commonwealth forces took In part of the reorganisation in Egypt, the Palestine at Beersheba. Then the Balfour Wafd Party was invited and promised full Declaration was made for the establishment independence in the years ahead. British of the Jewish Homeland and Australia took occupation ended nominally with the UK's Jerusalem. That sequence of events is 1922 declaration of Egyptian independence, explained in the paper The Oracles of God but British military domination of Egypt (No. 184). Page 4 Timetable of the World Wars and the Kings of the East

the End, we see the Islamist conflicts in the In 1918, the Ottoman Empire fell with the Middle East developed to the point of defeat of Germany and was ultimately placed genocide and the call by Egypt under the as a NATO ally with the Northern forces of Muslim Brotherhood and with Iran for the the biblical King of the North. genocide of Israel from 2013. Syria was placed in civil war and in 2014 in May will be Because Italy fought on the Allied side at the end of the 40 years from their last against the Germans and Austro-Hungarians attempt at the occupation and genocide of in WWI they kept their African possessions Israel in the Yom Kippur War. God will deal through until WWII. Mussolini established with them after the Second Passover. At fascist rule in Italy and joined the Axis present Syria is being forced to remove its powers. As a result the significant Italian biochemical weapons so critical in the war of forces in Africa engaged the Allied forces the Fifth Trumpet. The Norwegians are trying there in East Africa from 1940-1941. The to facilitate that now. Delay is the key word Italians were defeated in East Africa at the and Iran is also delaying any controls as we Battle of Gondar in November 1941. The will see. The Middle East will then be faced North African Campaign took place on the with the major wars that they saw from 1914- Italian declaration of war on 10 June 1940 to 1918. These wars will involve Europe as it 13 May 1943. It included campaigns fought in did in 1914-1918. Russia will also be the Libyan and Egyptian Deserts as the involved as it was before 1918 until their Western Desert Campaign, (also known as the conflict saw them withdraw under the Desert War) and in Morocco and Algeria in Bolshevik revolution. Operation Torch and In Tunisia under the Tunisian Campaign. The Italian forces under The four years of this conflict of 1914-1918 the 10th Army collapsed under the Allied will see the 100 year span from 2014-2018 counter offensives in Operation Compass but the 100 years from the Seven Times of from November 1940. The Germans Carchemish will end in 2016. We would thus reinforced them with Rommel and the Afrika expect the period of 2016-2018 to be the most Korps, and they were finally defeated at the conflagratory. 2014-2016 may well see Second Battle of El Alamein. Operation Torch Russia involved in the World War with the in late 1942 was fought by US forces to Kings of the North fighting and then satisfy Russian demands to draw German occupying the Middle East ruling from forces away from the Russian front and Palestine and from Gaza to Jerusalem. allowed the US to fight on a limited front in North Africa. It was fought against Vichy The period to 2018 would expect to see the French forces allied with the Germans and Great War of WWIII continue until this who subsequently capitulated. period and then from 2018 to 2025 we would expect to see the Messiah deal with the world It is important to now look at the situation 100 under the Vials of the Wrath of God. The years later. From the Zionist conference of agreement on the Armistice was reached prior 1897 we see in 1997 the establishment of the to the date in November and we would expect Empire of the Beast with the last union of the to see the activities of the Messiah from the Ten Toes of Daniel chapter 2. This will see Last Holy Day of Tabernacles 2018 to the Jerusalem occupied within the Thirty years beginning of the Sabbath year on 1 Abib and before the Advent of the Messiah. They 2019. will rule there for forty-two months and will be defeated and removed from there by the The period 1947-1997 or 50 years saw the Messiah. War for Jewish Independence fought and the Arab armies defeated. This last 50 years was From the Sabbath year 2012, exactly 100 the last period until the end of the Time of the years from the conflicts in the occupation of Gentiles and in 1997 the structure of the North Africa and the beginning of the Wars of Empire of the Beast was formed for the Last Timetable of the World Wars and the Kings of the East Page 5

30 years of the Last Days (see also the papers PLA are dealing with a likely 50 year plan for World War III: Part I The Empire of the these wars and the published areas of Beast (No. 299A) and WWIII Part II: The reclamation are enough to make the entire Whore and the Beast (No. 299B)). Asia and the Pacific feel somewhat nervous. One could observe it is just like it was in pre- In 1967, Jerusalem was retaken in the Six Day WWI, and we have observed that is so in the War. This event was part of the Heavenly West and it seems that these Eastern nations Signs (see the paper The Heavenly Signs of are also bumbling along to chaos from China the Sixth Seal in Context (No. 38B)). This to Japan to the Koreas and to India and period 1967-1997 was the period of the Pakistan and South East Asia. Indonesia is Mourning for Aaron as the Temple was building up at a faster rate than ever in its reclaimed but unable to be occupied except entire history. for the Wailing Wall. In 1997 we saw the beginning of the end of the last thirty years in Geoff Wade says: “A more troubling example the wilderness. This was the Mourning for of irredentism can be seen in an article which Moses. At the return of the Messiah for the appeared on the website of the Chinese news period prior to 2025 we will see the First agency Zhongguo Xinwenshe (Chinese, Resurrection of the Dead (see the paper English translation here) in July this year. Heaven Hell or the First Resurrection of the Entitled ‘Revealing the Six Wars China Must Dead (No. 143A)). At the end of this period Fight in the Coming 50 Years’ (曝光中国在 we will see the restoration and relocation of 未来 50 年里必打的六场战争), the article is the nations at the Jubilee of 2027, and the another manifestation of the hyper-nationalist beginning of the millennium in the Holy Land attitude seen within some parts of the PLA. under Messiah and the new world government However, that an article of this nature was of the Messiah from 2028-3027, with the carried by a PRC national news agency Second Resurrection of the Dead and the suggests that it was approved at a very high Great White Throne Judgment No. 143B) level. The six ‘inevitable’ wars suggested in from 3028-3127. the article’s title are presented in the chronological order in which they will take The Kings of the East place: Above we dealt with the sequence of events The war to unify Taiwan (2020–2025) th from the 117 Jubilee in 1886-7 dealing with The war to recover the various islands of the the build up to the wars of the end. Those South China Sea (2025–2030) dates and sequence are being added to the text The war to recover southern Tibet (2035– of the paper Outline Timetable of the Age 2040) (No. 272). The war to recover Diaoyutai and the Ryukyus (2040–2045) Here we will deal with the development of the The war to unify Outer Mongolia (2045– wars in the East over Asia and the Pacific and 2050) (a claim from the Qing Dynasty) the lead up to the move against Messiah in the The war to recover the territory seized by Middle East by these armies of the Kings of Russia (2055–2060) the East. The Chinese Communist party and Claims to Taiwan have been a part of PRC the People’s Liberation Army are preparing policy since 1949, and military action has for a series of wars of reclamation. Their never been ruled out, but a specific timetable propaganda organs are publishing the likely for such action has never been suggested. In plans of the sequence and the timings of these a remarkable coincidence, the Taiwan wars of reclamation. The Australian Strategic military has just announced that the PRC will Policy Institute (ASPI) blog The Strategist have the military capacity to take Taiwan by has published (26 Nov 2013) an article on 2020. In terms of a South China Sea war, those perceived necessary wars by Geoff little imagination is needed to see the current Wade, visiting fellow of the College of Asia argy-bargy in the region extending into a and the Pacific of the ANU, to that effect. The military conflict. Regarding the third Page 6 Timetable of the World Wars and the Kings of the East proposed war, China’s claims to the Indian Moab and the main part of the Ammonites. [42] state of Arunachal Pradesh (PDF) have been He shall stretch out his hand against the countries, and the land of Egypt shall not escape. [43] He a thorn in China-India relations for decades, shall become ruler of the treasures of gold and of but the extent of Chinese claims over Tibetan silver, and all the precious things of Egypt; and the cultural areas in the Himalayas remains Libyans and the Ethiopians shall follow in his unspecified.” train. [44] But tidings from the east and the north shall alarm him, and he shall go forth with great The 2020 date would involve the Taiwanese fury to exterminate and utterly destroy many. [45] And he shall pitch his palatial tents between the alliances anyway but it will happen before sea and the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall then. We will see from the 1938 map come to his end, with none to help him. published by China below that the areas claimed extend far beyond China’s Note in the sequence the King of the North is boundaries and include all of Tibet and the forced to occupy and fight wars with the area of Northern India with the states from Middle East system but then he is alarmed by Southern Tibet all the way east to the Malay news from the East and the North and then Peninsular and right up to the islands in the goes out to utterly destroy many. The War of East China Sea in current dispute with Japan the Fifth Trumpet forces the NATO forces to and all the way around Japan and including occupy the Middle East. However the the Russian territories in dispute with Japan military alliances of Russia and China drag and into the Russian and Mongolian them into the War of the End or WWIII territories themselves. China will extend proper. This is the War of the Sixth Trumpet these territories into Indonesia in accordance which kills a third of mankind. It is all out with their claims under the Yuan dynasty as thermonuclear war. China has been called into we saw in the text in Mysticism (Mysticism this by its alliances, and as a result of its Chapter 8 East Asia - China and Japan (No. agreements the six wars it sees as necessary B7_8); Mysticism Chapter 9 South East Asian will be achieved by consensus in the Systems (No. B7_9)). reorganization and the rapid and escalating wars. With the destruction of the King of the The time frame of 50 years is unfortunately North by Messiah they are then forced to far too extended as Bible prophecy tells us. either capitulate or fight. They were allowed Revelation 16:12 shows us that the drying up to reorganise by the King of the North in the of the Euphrates system is preparatory to the conflicts at the end of the Sixth Trumpet but coming of the Kings of the East over them on they were dependent on the King of the North the march to Jerusalem. These armies are to for so-called world peace. The time frame of be brought down to Armageddon to be the wars before Messiah are as follows. destroyed. They will come down after Between 2014-2015 NATO is forced to Messiah destroys the forces of the Kings of occupy the Middle East in the nations listed the North at his return. Thus if the six from 11:40-43. Russia, with the complicity of thousand year structure, under the 120 China, forces the escalation of the War of the jubilees from the closure of Eden, is the time Fifth Trumpet which is a biochemical war frame, then they have to be brought down into the release of the Four Angels at the from the destruction of the king of the North, Euphrates from Tartaros for this final phase. as we see from Daniel 11:40-45. The war of In this war a third of mankind are killed. The the end under Messiah is prophesied from destruction is so great that Christ is then sent Daniel 12:1-3 as follows. back as we have examined in the paper Advent of the Messiah (No. 210A). Daniel 11:40-45 "At the time of the end the king of the south shall attack him; but the king of the Daniel 12:1-3 [1] "At that time shall arise Michael, north shall rush upon him like a whirlwind, with the great prince who has charge of your people. chariots and horsemen, and with many ships; and And there shall be a time of trouble, such as never he shall come into countries and shall overflow has been since there was a nation till that time; but and pass through. [41] He shall come into the at that time your people shall be delivered, every glorious land. And tens of thousands shall fall, but one whose name shall be found written in the book these shall be delivered out of his hand: Edom and Timetable of the World Wars and the Kings of the East Page 7

(RSV).  The South American nations that ally themselves with them and have a Then the sequences of the First and Second military power. Resurrection will be set in motion: [2] And many of those who sleep in the dust of the The North Koreans may well force a conflict earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. [3] And as a result of the rise of the military power of those who are wise shall shine like the brightness the generals under Kim Jong-un. The shock of the firmament; and those who turn many to caused by the execution of Chang Song-thaek righteousness, like the stars forever and ever. (and the arrest and future execution of many of the family of this uncle of Kim Jong–un) From the First Resurrection we see the elect contrary to ancient Confucian ideals has given put together in Jerusalem and then Christ rise to speculation, re Kim’s wife and serious having destroyed the Antichrist, and the False unrest. The South Korean intelligence system Prophet brings the Forces of the North or is expecting a military action before April NATO down to Armageddon in the valley of 2014. This may well precipitate, through this the splitting of the Mount of Olives. This bumbling ineptitude, the wars in the East as it sequence begins the Vials of the Wrath of did in the West a century before it. The God (see the paper Wars of the Last Days and security zone imposed over the Japanese the Vials of the Wrath of God (No. 141B)). claimed islands may have the same effect. So The alliance of the Kings of the East would be also the conflicts with Vietnam and the reorganised under the Beast Power after their Philippines in the South China Sea, which defeat by NATO in the War of the Sixth may well bring in India. The Islamic conflicts Trumpet as were the old Soviet systems. This would cause Chinese involvement from the was prior to the Witnesses being sent by God Russian alliance with Iran and Syria and the to Jerusalem. They preached for 1260 days Chinese Alliance with Pakistan causing a and then were killed and allowed to lie in the conflict of interest with Saudi Arabia. From streets for 3.5 days and then were resurrected Passover 2014 the military actions will at the advent of the Messiah (see the paper continue to escalate both in the West and in The Witnesses (including the Two Witnesses the East. (No. 135)). At this time Michael shall take charge with the shout of the Archangel and Every single military power on the planet will the sound of the Trumpet and the war be annihilated if not before then finally at machines of these nations will be Armageddon (see the paper War of Hamon- systematically destroyed and subjugated. All Gog (No. 294) as well as the Wars of the Last the NATO forces and its financial systems Days and the Vials of the Wrath of God (No. and its religious structure will be destroyed. 141b) above). The nation of Israel and the The entire North American military systems nations that are part of its federation through will be destroyed. Jordan and Lebanon and Syria and Southern Iraq will establish a regional clean-up squad Who are the Kings of the East? and they will spend seven months burying the They are every military power in the Asia dead and then seven years with a designated Pacific Region. branch that continues burying those found and  India and its religious system. the refuse. The materials and supplies will  The Pakistanis that rebuilt their provide metals and supplies for the federation military forces after the War of the of Israel and allied nations for years to come. Sixth Trumpet from 2014-2015. None of these things need to happen. Not one  The Chinese and the nations within single nation of the Kings of the East needs to their border of influence including the be destroyed with their armies. They simply South East Asian Nations. have to repent but they do not. The Hindus  The Japanese. and Buddhists and Animists and those  The Philippinos and the Pacific Muslims that do not understand the Koran, nations. and the Talmudic Judaisers, and the Page 8 Timetable of the World Wars and the Kings of the East

Mariolaters and Sun cult worshippers in the The Coming Wars Trinitarian system not destroyed in Europe As mentioned above, South Korean will all be dealt with and subjugated. The intelligence is certain that North Korea will beings of the First Resurrection of the Great act militarily before April 2014 to cover up Multitude will be sent out to the nations of the their problems at home. Kim Jong-un made world. They will destroy every religious his announcement telling a large composite system on this planet and restore the Laws of unit on 25 December to prepare for war at God and the Sabbaths, New Moons and immediate notice. Deaths and assassinations Feasts and will enforce them on pain of death are also possible in this situation. The Ukraine (Isa. 66:23; Zech 14:16-19). This is Scripture is reaching crisis also. In Asia it is just like it and Scripture cannot be broken (Jn. 10:34- was in 1914 in Europe. Add the Middle East 36). to the mix and it will blow anytime.

The restoration of Israel will be effected by a Russians have issued the following article massive Exodus greater than that from Egypt. headed Gulf monarchies afraid of Iran, They will be identified and sent to Israel by getting ready for big war on 24 December, all conveyances, on horses and chariots and with the sub-title Arab Persian Gulf wagons and by every means to re-establish kingdoms are building a 100,000-strong their clans and people (Isa. 66:15-23). Every collective defense force to counter an alleged nation will send its representatives to the threat from Iran. Temple which will be rebuilt at Jerusalem and they will worship there at the Feast and take “In the middle of December, the Cooperation their instructions back to each nation when Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, which they have finished at the Temple. There will comprises Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, the be no more war for a thousand years from United Arab Emirates, Oman and Saudi 2025 to the release of Satan from 3019 for the Arabia, unveiled plans to establish a joint final conflict and the Second Resurrection of military command with headquarters in the Dead. (See the paper Second Resurrection Riyadh. A Saudi general is expected to be of the Dead and the Great White Throne appointed the joint troops’ commander. The Judgment No. 143B) .) Gulf monarchies already have a similar though smaller rapid reaction force. Its As Geoff Wade says: “None of the above expansion indicates that political and military wars are endorsed by current PRC policies, cooperation between the Gulf Arab nations and some Chinese claim that the article has entered a new level, said Yelena represents only the views of radical hyper- Melkumyan, a Russian orientalist and nationalists. However, the claims to professor at the Russian State Humanitarian territories which this article avers need to be University’s Middle East Department. ‘recovered’ through warfare are long- standing and are remarkably congruent with ‘ The Gulf monarchies are beefing up their a 1938 map of ‘China’s shame’ authorised by joint troop contingent and are giving the Ministry of the Interior of the Republican significantly more attention to military Government which shows the areas torn from cooperation. On the one hand, they seem to China by imperialists—European and continue doing what they were doing in the Japanese. (See map below) The ‘lost’ Chinese past, but on the other hand, new realities are territories on this map include not only the forcing them to focus more on defense Russian Far East, the Ryukyus, Taiwan and matters. They fear a growing threat from the South China Sea, but also Korea, Iran. Tehran is currently in talks with Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, the Washington. It signed a preliminary nuclear Malay Peninsula and Singapore, Myanmar, agreement in Geneva. So the Gulf nations Nepal, parts of Pakistan and most of Central realize that things are beginning to change. Asia.” Enough to make us all worry is it not? In the past, they hoped for the deterring role of the United States in confrontation with Timetable of the World Wars and the Kings of the East Page 9

Iran, but now they have to rely more on their defense alliance may potentially have a own,’ Prof. Melkumyan told the Voice of negative impact on the region as it actually Russia. fuels tension between Riyadh and Tehran. More details are at ‘The Gulf nations have much in common – all http://voiceofrussia.com/2013_12_24/Gulf- of them monarchies, all Sunni-dominated and monarchies-afraid-of-Iran-getting-ready-for- all thriving thanks to hydrocarbons. Yet, it big-war-2697/ would be wrong to think that their alliance is monolithic. There are in fact deep differences The Russians are faced with the consequences inside the bloc. However, the rise of their of their alliance with Iran and the fact that Shia big neighbor – Iran - has prompted them they may well be plunged into full scale war to drop petty squabbles and team up against with the West over this escalation and the a common threat,’ said Vasily Kuznetsov, a views of the Sunni alliance against their Shia senior research fellow at the Institute of opponents in Iran and Syria. The major cause Middle East of the Russian Academy of of the problem is that the Russians and Sciences. Chinese simply do not understand that their failure to deal with the Syrian crisis and their “ The situation in the Persian Gulf is misuse of the powers of the Security Council becoming more serious. There are two has simply caused the Middle East to regard equally strong rival powers – Saudi Arabia them as worse than useless and an actual and Iran. The Gulf Cooperation Council was threat to world peace and they must simply specifically designed to unite the Gulf prepare to deal with Iran themselves and if monarchies against Iran. The threat is real necessary Russia as well. This alliance will and it’s a no-nonsense fight. But no Gulf be 100,000 troops. By the time this is army has any chance against the Iranian finished it will be 200,000,000 troops and one army as far as combat efficiency is third of the world will be dead and the further concerned. No matter how well it is armed, devastation will simply escalate until Christ is the Iranians will still be better at war. Still, I sent back on the death of the Two Witnesses would say that a military conflict between the after their 1260 days teaching and 3.5 days in Gulf nations and Iran looks pretty unlikely for the streets (see the paper The Witnesses a variety of reasons, above all, the highly (including the Two Witnesses) (No. 135)). It is pragmatic nature of both the Iranian and only then that these morons in the US that Saudi regimes. The establishment of the joint teach that Herbert Armstrong was Elijah will Gulf defense seems to me a political move actually get the message that they were wrong and a positive one for the Gulf nations as it and they are in the Second Resurrection with shows their ability to reach consensus, rather all the others that were wrong and taught false than a response to new realities in the doctrine including that idolatry. So also with security sphere.” the Talmudic Jews in Jerusalem and the Sunni and Shia Muslims that also taught false The reporting journalist Sergey Duz also doctrine and inflicted this disaster on the suggested that it could also be a pick at world. Modern Christianity does not Washington which, in Riyadh’s opinion, is understand that it is they based on Sunday going too far in adjusting its relations with worshipping Trinitarianism that is the central Tehran. One needn’t be a prophet to system of Antichrist that Christ will return to understand that Riyadh’s ‘independent’ destroy and wipe from the face of the earth foreign policy ends one meter from the line of (see the paper Doctrine of Antichrist (No. the breakup of strategic partnership with 243B)). Washington. The United States is Saudi Arabia’s sole security guarantor in the Middle Iran and Germany East. It is now common knowledge throughout the world that Iran and Germany are in talks in It is the Russian view that the Persian Gulf Germany discussing what is occurring in the Page 10 Timetable of the World Wars and the Kings of the East

Geneva conference with the Western Nations Russia. Both have announced movement into regarding their removal of a nuclear these areas of laser, cyborg, robotics and production capacity. Germany is coming to space based systems and IT technologies. So an agreement regarding the oil pipeline from there is no doubt as to Russia’s views. Putin Iran across into Europe and the oil supplies made mention of futuristic weaponry last year guaranteed by the removal of sanctions. The in a presidential campaign article. full details of this activity will emerge in the "Space-based systems and IT tools, especially problems that follow and the Germans will in cyberspace, will play a great, if not now face the problems that for the last 120 decisive role in armed conflicts. In a more years are of their own making. The sanctions remote future, weapon systems that use regarding the machinery used for the different physical principles will be created enrichment of uranium in the centrifuges is (beam, geophysical, wave, genetic, being exempted from the sanctions against psychophysical and other types of weapons). Iran by Germany plus many other things. All this will provide fundamentally new instruments for achieving political and The end result will see the escalation of the strategic goals in addition to nuclear conflict such that the EU and Russia cannot weapons," he wrote. be trusted and what they may end up doing is anyone’s guess. US action may well see some Phsycotrophic or psychophysical warfare and strange bedfellows and we will see in all this drugs will be used widely. We have been the Antichrist emerge very soon. testing these methods for decades. We are on the verge of destroying the human race with The US is also very concerned over the science we barely understand. Iranian development of new centrifuges. This is now so much so that US Democrat and We can trust nobody. Our trust must be in Republican joint worries re the new Iranian God. Pray that we get the Witnesses soon as centrifuges are calling for the requirement for we cannot see the Messiah until 1263.5 days tougher sanctions. This is opposed by US after the witnesses take up their places on the President Obama but they will get a new bill Temple Mount. Scripture cannot be broken passed through congress with a joint and the world has to be formally warned. Democrat and Republican vote with a 67 plus God has said he will send us the prophet majority which will make the bill veto proof. Elijah before the great and terrible day of the Lord to turn the hearts of the fathers to the One does not have to be all that bright to see children and the children to the fathers lest he that the development of much faster strikes the earth with a curse (Mal. 4:5-6). He centrifuges to enrich uranium is totally will come with his ancestor Enoch and we unnecessary for nuclear power generation. will see the Nexus of the Law of God The speed is only necessary if one determines reintroduced. to make a nuclear weapon more speedily.  Iran’s development of these much faster Map A attached. centrifuges telegraphs an intention to make nuclear weapons as fast as possible.

This is also accompanied by a move into more futurist weaponry for an advanced military capacity both by the US and by Timetable of the World Wars and the Kings of the East Page 11

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