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THE NEWSHERALD of HARTFORD BAPTIST CHURCH 105 E Burch Street Hartford, AL 36344 E-mail: [email protected] or Any staff member at [email protected] Office Phone: 334-588-2236 Christian Life Building Phone: 334-588-2588 Website: Pastor – Rev. Chris Kroll – Cell#334-449-0205 Associate Pastor/Music/Adults – Rev. Bruce Spivey – Cell#334-449-3800 Interim Youth/Recreation – Ryan Stinson

September 26, 2011 of God, are designed to be on mission. When you are on a mission, you are Psalm 25:1-5 – “1To You, O aware and energized. May we seek LORD, I Lift up my soul. 2O My God, Him individually and corporately, I trust in You; Let me not be trust His ways, pursue Him and His ashamed; Let not my enemies path above all else and then rejoice as triumph over me. 3Indeed, let no one He blesses! Have a blessed week! who waits on You be ashamed; Let those be ashamed who deal In Him, treacherously without cause. 4Show Bro. Chris me Your ways, O LORD; Teach me ******** Your paths. 5Lead me in Your truth YOUTH NEWS and teach me, For You are the God of Those who will be serving as our new my salvation; On You I wait all the Youth/Recreation Search Committee are day.” Mike Kinman, Stacey Brackin, Stewart I love the opening verses of Rivenbark, Angie Adams and Doug this Psalm. I have been challenged by Bailey. Paul Fondren is the alternate it this week and wanted to share it member. Please remember this with you. This Psalm is a plea for committee in your prayers as they begin deliverance and direction. In the the process of finding a new midst of a difficult world that does Youth/Recreation Minister for HBC. not think with the Mind of Christ, this ******** Psalm contains a very timely charge DIRECTOR OF CHILDREN’S for us. As we lift our soul to God, MINISTRIES place our trust in Him, we will be Paul Dickerson, who has already been upheld by Him. What a thought, what working with our children for quite a a promise! What could be better than while, is now officially our Director of having the All-Powerful, Unlimited Children’s Ministries. Please pray for God upholding you? Paul and his wife, Brooke, as they work As we lift ourselves to Him together to reach children for the and trust Him in everything, we can Lord. If you need to reach Paul, his trust the paths that He lays out for us. number is 334-449-0260. Are you longing for God to show you ******** His paths? Are we as a church seeking **If you would like to receive your God’s path? I pray that we seek His newsletter by e-mail, contact us at path above all else. We, as the people [email protected].** “COURAGEOUS” be awarded. Sign-up sheet is on the Sunday, October 2nd vestibule table.

Tickets - $7.00 GCHS FUNDRAISING GOLF We will leave the church at 2:30 TOURNAMENT p.m. The movie begins at 3:30 p.m. Friday, November 11 th Please sign the sheet on the For more information contact David vestibule table. Ticket money is now Schutz at 588-2295 or Susan Bailey at due. If you will need a nursery, 360-0637. Entry deadline is November please call the office no later than 4th. Wednesday. GIFTS **The Sing-A-Long at Hartford GENERAL FUND Healthcare will be Tuesday, September In Memory of Paul Shipes: Robert & Carol 27th, at 2:00 p.m. Everyone is invited! Coe In Memory of Sue Smith: Robert & Carol Coe, Quilla Howell BROTHERHOOD BREAKFAST In Honor of Archie & Sue Fondren: Ruth SS Next Sunday at 6:45 a.m. Class (Note time change) In Honor of Ruth SS Class: Lamar & Mary Speaker will be Wayne Outlaw Brackin All men are invited! MAINTENANCE FUND In Memory of Sue Smith and Paul Shipes: Earl & Jo Farmer WMU QUARTERLY MEETING MUSIC MINISTRY HBC will host the Geneva Baptist Association In Memory of Coaston & Dean Myers: J.B. Quarterly WMU Meeting on Thursday, October th & Frankie Roland 6 , at 6:00 p.m. in our Fellowship Hall.

SYMPATHY ADVENT DEVOTIONAL BOOKS Our HBC family extends heartfelt sympathy It’s time to begin preparing for the Advent to Sue Ellen Thompson and family in the Devotional Books. The theme this year is “In A loss of her dad, Max Phillips. May God Bless Little Baby’s Eyes, Jesus Took Us By Surprise.” You during this time of sorrow and Please pray about this project and volunteer to bereavement. contribute one daily devotional. You will be given a date and verse and will write your WELCOME NEW MEMBERS personal reflections on that Bible verse. Contact By transfer of letter: Jeff & Evette Cary Hatcher at [email protected] or by Brackin and sons phone (449-6232) if you are willing to write a By statement of faith: Gene & Betty devotional. Deadline for submissions is October McGill 15th.

LADIES BIBLE STUDY began on **Fifth Quarter will be held at Sardis Tuesday, September 20th, 9:00 a.m. this Friday night following the GCHS The study is “Beloved Disciple” by Beth football game. Moore. 2 If you would like to attend, come to **E will meet at the Craig’s next th the Fellowship Hall at 9:00 on Tuesday Tuesday, October 4 , at 6:30 p.m. morning. UPWARD BASKETBALL AND CHEERLEADING We are in the process of enrolling volunteers to help with our Upward Program this year. If you will help in any HBC FALL SCRAMBLE way, please call the office or let Brandon Saturday, October 1 st in Bonifay Shields know. Registration will be October Begins at 8:00 a.m. Leave the church 24th, 25th, and November 1st. at 7:00 a.m. Cost is $30.00. Prizes will REMEMBER EVERY CHILD IS A Sunday School – 9:00 a.m. WINNER! Church Wide Fellowship Time / Library Open – 9:50 – 10:10 a.m. Morning Worship – 10:15 a.m. No Evening Services – All those who purchased a ticket will need to be at FALL FESTIVAL the church ready to leave by 2:30 Our Fall Festival is coming up on October p.m. 31st. More information will be announced If you would like to pick up your ticket about this later. In the mean time, we will early or if you have questions, please need donations of individually wrapped call or come by the office. If you need candy. This candy can be brought to the the nursery, call the office by church office. Wednesday.

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2 nd SUNDAY MORNING FELLOWSHIP DEACONS OF THE WEEK Theresa Sorrells/Leesa Fleming Shannon Vinyard-A.M./Levonne Outlaw-P.M. ELEVATOR OPERATOR USHERS Jerry Moseley Larry Galloway, Chmn. Aubrey Bright GREETERS OF THE WEEK Johnny Crutchfield Mutt Brannon/Harold Hicks Ronnie Outlaw NURSERY – A.M. SOUND SYSTEM Jo Ann Bush/Johnnie Ruth Crutchfield Gary Kinman NURSERY – P.M. Diane Holcomb MEDIA SHOUT OPERATOR Ryan Tate – A.M. OUR RECORD – 9-25-11 Linda Howell – P.M. Sunday School – Total – 255 (On Campus – 215 TELLER COMMITTEE Off Campus – 40) Jerry Moseley/Herman McNeal Discipleship Training – 55

FLOWER COMMITTEE FINANCIAL REPORT – 9-25-11 Flowers given In Memory of Hubert, Neda & Budget Receipts - $7,542.62 Ernest Pelham, Ernest Sorrells, Roy Lee Maintenance 6% of Undesig. - $481.00 Hicks, Enoch & Daniel Efurd and Justin Bus Ministry - $40.00 Ketchum by Mryna Loy Peacock, Sybil Hicks Library - $50.00 and Jean Efurd Maint. Fund - $570.00 Music Ministry - $25.00 CHILDREN’S CHURCH(Preschool) Scattering Seeds - $400.00 Mary Charles Ward/Amy Hales General Fund - $100.00 KID’S WORSHIP(1 st -6 th Grade) Gideon Offering - $562.00 Paul & Brooke Dickerson/Stewart PRAISE THE LORD! Rivenbark/Paige Pouncey OUR HOSPITALIZED Betty Orr – SAMC Jim Miller - Flowers

SUNDAY SCHEDULE, OCTOBER 2 nd Brotherhood – 6:45 a.m. WEDNESDAY NIGHT SCHEDULE September 28 th 5:30 – 6:00 p.m. - Supper 6:00 – 6:25 p.m. – Library Open 6:30 p.m. – Mid-Week Prayer Meeting Youth and Children’s Activities 7:45 p.m. - Adult Choir Practice

WEDNESDAY NIGHT SUPPER MENU Baked Ham Au Gratin Potatoes String Beans Rolls Dessert

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