Instructions for Submitting the Application Package
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Undergraduate Research Awards 2015 Competition
Instructions for Submitting your URA Application and Request for Official Transcript E-Package
*Please read thoroughly*
Only ONE application per student will be accepted
Important: Handwritten applications will not be accepted.
Students are responsible for submitting the final application and request for official transcript e-package by February 25, 2015 at 4:00 pm.
Non-UOIT students: You must provide non-UOIT transcripts in hard copy to the Office of Research Services, Campus Corners rm. 2330 by February 25, 2015 at 4:00 pm or mail to (by the deadline):
Office of Research Services Campus Corners 2330 University of Ontario Institute of Technology 2000 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 7K4
• Select the research project(s) you would like to work on by reviewing the Research Project Summaries on our website. Each project includes a student tasks and responsibilities section, listing the duties you would be expected to perform. We encourage students to choose two projects that they are interested in in case their first choice is awarded to another student. • Successful students will receive an undergraduate research award to work on one of the projects they listed on their application form. • You may apply to projects outside your faculty as long as you have the required skills and qualifications.
Important: Instructions for Submitting your URA Application and Request for Official Transcript E-Package
• Students must contact prospective supervisors prior to the application deadline to obtain the supervisor’s approval. It is recommended that students contact faculty via email well in advance of the deadline to set up an appointment and provide their application materials. Students should bring a print out of their transcript to this meeting, and any other information requested by the supervisor. Supervisors may want to meet in person, or they may consider email correspondence with candidates sufficient; the form of the meetings is up to the discretion of the supervisor.
• In order to be considered for a project, students must obtain their prospective supervisors’ e-signatures on the application form.
Whether you are using a Mac or a PC, you will require the latest version of ADOBE ACROBAT READER XI in order to complete the application form. This software is freely available on the Adobe website. This will enable you to fill in, e-sign, and save the document, and forward the e-package to your chosen faculty supervisor(s) to obtain their e-signature(s).
The e-package is available for download on our website.
Important: Your e-signature is required twice – at the bottom of page 1 and page 3.
3.1 Page 1 – General Information, Faculty Supervisor(s)’ E-Signature(s) and Student’s E-Signature Complete all mandatory fields in the application form. List the summer research project(s) (2 max) you would like to work on, in order of preference. NOTE: To be considered for a specific project students must obtain the faculty supervisor(s)’ e-signature(s) on their application form. See step 4.
3.2 Page 2 – Statement of Interest (maximum 1 page, single spaced) Describe: Which research project(s) you are applying to and why.
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How this research position would enhance your studies. What skills and experience you can contribute to the project. How this opportunity will assist you in meeting your academic and/or career goals.
Important: Only ONE Statement of Interest is required. If you are applying to two research projects you should discuss both of them in your statement. Do not submit a CV (Resume) with your application package – if you do so, it will be removed from your application.
3.3 Page 3 – Request for Official Transcript • Fill in your last name, first name, and student number • Fill in the date **Non-UOIT students: Original transcripts from your own academic institution must be submitted with your application package. You are advised to order your transcripts as soon as possible to avoid missing the application deadline. Incomplete applications will not be considered and late submissions will not be accepted. Drop off or mail non-UOIT transcripts by February 25, 2015 at 4:00 pm to the Office of Research Services, Room CC2330.
3.4 Pages 1 and 3 – Insert your e-signature Click on the signature field to start the signing process. Follow the on-screen instructions to insert a new or existing digital signature. Digital signature instructions. IMPORTANT: be sure to insert your signature at the bottom of page 1. If you are a UOIT student, your signature is also required on the transcript request form, found on page 3.
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Ensure your application form is complete (including your e-signature) before proceeding to this step!
Save your completed e-package to your computer as follows: [LASTNAME]_2015_URA_Application.pdf Compose an email to your faculty supervisor to request consideration for their research project. Attach your application form to this email. Ask the prospective supervisor to add his or her e-signature and return the e-package to you, if he or she is willing to have you work on their project. NOTE: Prospective supervisors may wish to meet with you or review additional information (e.g. CV, transcript) prior to signing your application form. If you have listed two faculty supervisors, you must first collect one signature and then the other on the same electronic form.
Save your completed form as [LASTNAME]_2015_URA_Application.pdf and email it as an attachment to [email protected] by 4:00 pm on Wednesday February 25, 2015. Early submission is encouraged. You will receive an automatic reply from the Student Research email as soon as your email is received. If you do not receive the automatic reply, please resend your email. You will also receive a personal confirmation from an ORS team member within a few days of submitting your application confirming that we are able to open the application document and that it is complete. If you do not receive this personal confirmation within 5 business days of submitting your application, please contact [email protected].
Non-UOIT students: Drop off non-UOIT transcripts by 4:00 pm on February 25, 2015 to Office of Research Services, Campus Corners, CC2330 or mail to (by the deadline):
Office of Research Services Campus Corners 2330
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University of Ontario Institute of Technology 2000 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 7K4
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