I. Welcome/Roll Call to Establish Quorum
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SAC Minutes November 1st , 2016
Members in Attendance: Dr. Sherri Wilson, Kayla Rodriguez, Dr. Natalie Lynch- Walsh, Stefonia Bush, Kimarya Carter-Martin, Horace Fearon, Cynthia Gilmore, Bunny Hibbert, Dana Kennedy, Dr. Takesha McCray, Stephanie Osenkowski, Laronda Simons, Dr. Claudette Spence, Erica Swain, and Kathleen Wright.
Members NOT in Attendance: Julia Chery, Julie Vitale, Nadine Burton, and Leoine Wright
Quorum Established: YES
Guest in Attendance: Selima Watson, Christine Clock, David Greenfield, Daryl Blakely, Wendy King, Raymong Persaud, Ramal Williams, Debra Freeman, Dorothy Clarke-Clair, and Pamela VanHorn
I. Welcome/Roll Call to Establish Quorum Dr. Takesha McCray opened the meeting at 5:00pm and proceeded with introductions of co-chairs, herself and Ms. Kimarya Carter-Martin.
II. Approval of Minutes Minutes from October 4, 2016 were reviewed. A minor typo on the word ‘Octoberfest’ needed to be change in the announcement section. Dr. Sherri Wilson made a motion to approve the minutes. Dr. Claudette Spence second the motion.
III. SAC Membership We are in compliances and can officially conduct a SAC Meeting. (More than 50% of the people present are non-school board employees)
IV. Principal’s Report Dr. Wilson discussed the success of the Town Hall Meeting. About 125 parents showed. District reps were active within the meeting. She also discussed the partnership with after school fencing program.
Second quarter marking period started. Data chats and formative assessments are happening as well.
Wendy King and Daryl Blakely spoke about PTA/PTSA. Wendy King is the president of the Broward County Council PTA/PTSA, while Daryl Blakely is an Area Vice President. They discussed that this was oldest child advocacy program. They care for the safety and well-being of all children, they teach teachers how to run PTA, they hope to get men involved, and that all parents are involved to support their child’s education. The dues are $3.50 $3.50 for each membership and a one-time $125 fee are sent to PTA to cover national affiliation fees, federally sanctioned budget audits, resources, and trainings.
Ms. Clock organized a survey to review the interest of stakeholders and interest in PTSA, travel, fundraising, and vendors. This gives the community at time to speak back. The survey will be up for 2-3 weeks online.
Ms. King ended by reviewing the cost related to PTA/PTSA and stated that weekly emails are sent on trainings, legislations, and the checking of tax payments.
Dr. Wilson added that the dues would be added to the survey so everyone is aware of the dues.
V. Review SAC Bylaws Members were asked to read through the bylaws at 5:29pm. It was stated that no major changes were made while members were reading.
Dr. McCray stated that the words that are in bold can be changed. Dr. Natalie Lynch-Walsh stated that you’re a member of the council for two years, but officers are elected annually.
Dr. Sherri Wilson made a motion to approve the bylaws at 5:34pm. Kathleen Wright second the motion.
VI. District Advisory Updates Handouts of Central Area Advisory Meeting from October 20th were included in the folder. The handout included future dates including Ed Talk on November 5th, the Magnet Innovative Showcase that will take place on November 16th, which Plantation Middle will be involved in, and that the next Central Area Advisory Meeting will be conducted on November 17th at Piper High School.
Handout on the Broward County Public Schools New Release from October 21, 2016 was also included. As members were reading the article, Dr. Lynch-Walsh stated that PROMISE doesn’t include students from alternative high schools.
VII. 2017 SAC Dates Folders included proposed dates for the rest of the school year. There will be one meeting in the morning and dates will be changing from Tuesday to Thursday so they aren’t conflicting with other schools in the area.
Dr. Claudette Spence made a motion to approve the minutes. Ms. Carter-Martin second the motion.
VIII. Announcements Dr. Wilson stated that the school has begun a partnership with Oxford University Press. We will also be using IB aligned textbooks and continue to receive trainings (March 2017) for the IB World.
Dr. Wilson also talked about the new partnership with cricket and the start of a cricket club at the school.
Dr. Wilson introduced Nadia Clark- Office of Family Community Engagement (FACE). Ms. Clark talked about what engagement was and hopes to improve the involvement at our school.
The announcements continued with a reminder of the FFEA can food drive that will continue until November 21st.
Ms. Carter-Martin stated that debate judges were needed for Wednesday nights at Attucks Middle School. Hoping for parent volunteers.
Dr. Lynch-Walsh stated the needs of the track and gym bathroom.
Dr. Wilson introduced the members of SAC. SAF position needed clarification from the District and will be discussed at the next SAC Meeting.
Dr. Wilson ended the announcements with a raffle including cricket tickets.
IX. Adjournment Meeting was adjourned at 6:00pm. Ms. Erica Swain approved the motion.