Sutton Courtenay Parish Council s3
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A meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Village Hall, Sutton Courtenay on Tuesday 1st September, 2009 Present: Councillors: M. Jenkins, (Chairman), W.Hanks (Vice-Chairman), Mrs. R. Atkinson, C. Campbell, Ms. T. Field, D. Hignell,
Clerk: Mrs. L. Martin 4 members of the public Cllr. G. Duffield (District Councillor) Joined by Cllr. E. Braclik
2009/173 Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence had been received from Cllr. A. Black and also from Cllr. S. Lilly (County Councillor).
2009/174 Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest.
2009/175 Minutes of the annual meeting of the Council held on 7 th July, 2009 These were agreed and signed as a true record of the proceedings.
2009/176 Matters Arising from the minutes held on 7 th July, 2009
Drayton Road – Peewit Farm The Clerk had requested an update report from the planning enforcement officer.
Recreation Ground – Dog Fouling The Clerk had requested an update on the District Council’s campaign over the Summer period.
2009/177 County Councillor’s Report In the absence of Cllr. Lilly, the Clerk reported that he had confirmed he would attend a pre-meeting on Thursday 3rd September, and Cabinet meeting on 7th September at County Hall.
2009/178 District Councillor’s Report Vale of White Horse District Council Cllr. Duffield provided information on the administration of the District Council since it had become more in partnership with South Oxfordshire District Council.
Planning Issues Cllr. Duffield reported the following: Incinerator – At a meeting of County Council’s Cabinet on 7th September the preferred bidder probably would be chosen but the incinerator application had not been through the planning process.
67 Hulgrove Barn An appeal had been lodged against the refusal by the Vale of White Horse District Council to permit the property extension and private nature reserve Thames Water - Reservoir The Water Resources Management Plan had been called in by the Secretary of State. Cllr. Duffield advised the Parish Council to think what it wished to do in this regard. Didcot Expansion Local people had differences of opinion in regards to the expansion of Didcot, with some preferring development North of the town and others for the West of the town, and some also preferring development on the outskirts of Oxford at Grenoble Road. He suggested, that the Oxford expansion was the best solution as this would, in part, stop the local division that was occurring.
Cllr. Braclik joined the meeting.
WRG – Liaision Committee The Chairmanship of this Committee and who should hold that role would be raised at the next Liaison Committee on 2nd September.
Cllr. Duffield left the meeting.
2009/179 Matters raised by Councillors for information
Incinerator Planning Application A question was raised as to when the final report from the Council’s consultant Alan Watson would be received. The Clerk responded that she understood he would be working on finalising this from early September, so should be available shortly.
Asda Warehouse – Sutton Courtenay Concerns were raised that the Parish Council had not been included in the formal opening of the new warehouse. A request was made to write to Asda to remind the company of its location in Sutton Courtenay.
RWEnPower – Noise monitoring Cllr. Hanks confirmed that one of the noise monitoring points was at 37 Harwell Road.
Millennium Common – New Dog Waste Bin Cllr. Braclik placed on record his thanks for the installation of a new dog waste bin at the Millennium Common. The Clerk was to pass these to those responsible.
Drayton Road – Cycle Track It was reported that brambles at eye level were overhanging the cycle track. This would be passed on to the County Council.
68 RWEnPower – Fencing parallel to railway It was reported that a new fence with razor wire had been installed from Sutton Courtenay Lane towards the main entrance of the “A” station. The Clerk was asked to check whether this needed planning permission.
2009/180 Police Matters There were no police matters arising.
2009/181 Public Participation
Barretts Way – Trailers It was reported that the trailers and boats mentioned some weeks earlier were still on the verge. The Clerk confirmed the matter had been reported to the County Council and the Police. She would check the position.
High Street, Lady Place – Parking on verge It was reported that parking was still taking place on the verge outside the properties owned by the Oxford Citizens Housing Association. It was understood that there was a requirement for parking to be in the recognised parking area to the rear. The Clerk confirmed that OCHA had been reminded. She would check the position and ask them to remind their tenants.
7 Harwell Road – Proposed Development Council was reminded that the proposed development site flooded from time to time and asked Council to advise the District Council of this when a detailed planning application was lodged.
2009/182 Planning Applications
a) Decisions on previous applications
Fell 1 Laburnum 21 High Street Permitted 31st July, 2009
Remove Mature Leyland Cypress Screen 12 Chapel Lane Permitted 21st July, 2009
SUT/20432/1 Erection of 2 semi-detached dwellings 93 Bradstocks Way Permitted 23rd July, 2009
SUT/20902 Erection of detached garage and replacement of dilapidated porch 15 Tullis Close Permitted 30th July, 2009
69 SUT/59/34 (g) Variation of condition of Planning Permission SUT.59/34(f) to extend the opening time by two hours from 8.00 a.m. to 6.00 a.m. Belfor Relectronic (UK)Ltd 153 Milton Park Permitted 28th July, 2009
SUT/11707/6 Erection of new detached residential dwelling with attached 3 bay garage. Proposed removal of existing tarmac tennis court Millswathe, Mill Lane Permitted 7th August, 2009
SUT/12063/27-A Erection of 1 x fascia sign and 1 x totem welcome sign Asda Distribution Depot, Sutton Courtenay Lane Permitted 30th July, 2009
SUT/14286/2 Demolition of existing dwelling. Erection of new five bed dwelling with single detached garage 19 Harwell Road Permitted 13th August, 2009
SIT/12063/26-D Reserved matters application (outline SUT/12063/21- X) for erection of building for storage and distribution warehouse (B8) or employment (B2) with ancillary works Land South of Nature Reserve, Sutton Courtenay Lane Permitted 13th August, 2009
SUT/19470/7 Erection of 3x3 bed terraced dwellings and 2x3 bed semi-detached dwellings. Erection of double garage Amey site, Appleford Road Permitted 9th July, 2009
Appeal – 52 Tyrrells Way Against refusal by Vale of White Horse District Council to permit a 2 storey 1 bed dwelling on land at the rear Appeal Dismissed 6th August, 2009
b) Applications dealt with prior to the meeting
Consolidation of existing operations at the gas utilisation compound (previously permitted through three separate consents) together with the installation of additional landfill gas flare, compression fan and site office, Sutton Courtenay landfill site For: Infinis Ltd Comments: No noise assessment appeared to have been undertaken. If approved conditions should be imposed to ensure minimum impact on surrounding area regarding noise and odours. No winding up date was specified. A fixed date should be given, and not left to the general 70 winding up of the landfill operations. The new flare is 1.5 times the capacity of the 2 existing ones and at least 3m higher. Conditions should be imposed so that the flare is not visible at the receptors.
SUT/15770/2 Erection of two storey side extension. Alterations to existing conservatory to provide solid walls and roof. The Granary, All Saints Lane For: Mr. G. Taylor Comments: Council had no objections
Cllr. Warwick substituted for Cllr. Campbell on the working group, but declared a Personal and Prejudicial interest in the following application and did not contribute to the formation of the comments submitted by the Parish Council in this application.
SUT/16369 Loft conversion with two front dormers River View, Appleford Road For: Mr and Mrs. P. Draper Comments: Council had no objections
SUT/12063/26-D Reserved matters application following outlines permission SUT/12063/21-X. Erection of building for storage and distribution warehouse (B8 or B2) with ancillary works. Land south of Nature Reserve, Sutton Courtenay Lane For: RWEnPower Comments: Parish Council requested a routeing agreement to ensure that all vehicles are directed away from Sutton Courtenay village. The village too has had problems with foul drainage, and any sewer connection should not be to the system that serves Sutton Courtenay.
Cllrs. Hanks and Jenkins declared personal and prejudicial interests in the following application and did not contribute to the comments submitted by the Parish Council in this application.
SUT/2697/5-X Outline application for 4 dwellings 7 Harwell Road For: Mr and Mrs. R. Mathews Comments: Council had no objection as there was an existing dwelling which occupied the site. Of concern was the sharing of a 4m private drive next to 5 Harwell Road, and that parking on Harwell Road and the location of the access near to the roundabout junction would be problematical. Reference was made to the sewerage blockages and problems.
SUT/570/25 Conversion of existing building to create a guest house annexe. Demolition of existing building and construction of new single storey extension. The Manor House, Church Street For: Mr. A. Warne 71 Comments: Council has no objections providing the building is retained in single ownership and is not separated from the Manor House. The historical relationship of these two buildings is important and should be retained.
Work to Trees – 3 sycamores, 1 chestnut, 1 beech – pruning, crown lifting, crown reduction Lady Place For: Manor Management Ltd Comments: Council had no objections
SUT/20942 Extension and alterations 3 Hillyard Barns For: Mr and Mrs. D. Davies Comments: Council had concerns regarding the possible loss of light from the rear window of the adjoining property
SUT/18187/2 Demolition of garage and erection of 2 storey side extension 8 Southfield Drive For: Mr M. Ghadimi Comments: Council had no objections
c) Applications for consideration at the meeting
SUT/177734/3 Conversion of existing extension to form separate dwelling with alterations to access and parking layout 89 Bradstocks Way For: Mr. P. Enoch Comments: Council had no objections, but concerned regarding impact on sewerage system and traffic implications at the end of this cul-de-sac
SUT/5851/11 New garage to parking area Southfield, Old Wallingford Way For: Mr. W. and J. Stockdale Comments: Council had no objections, but asked that the trees close to the site be protected
Energy from Waste Incinerator infrastructure plus that for combined heat and power, incinerator bottom ash processing plant facilities, visitor and office accommodation and landscaping. Sutton Courtenay landfill site For: Waste Recycling Group The Clerk reported that the County Council had written to WRG asking for details of the changes from the previous application to be itemised. Once these had been received a further 21day consultation period would
72 be permitted. This meant that the deadline for comments was likely to be around the end of September or early October. Council felt it was important to have its consultant’s report before commenting and given the additional time in which to comment it was
RESOLVED: (i) that this application be deferred to the next meeting (ii) that the working party meet following receipt of the consultant’s report to prepare a report for Council for its next meeting.
d) Planning Correspondence Council noted that appeals had been lodged against the refusal by the Vale of White Horse District Council to permit the following applications:
SUT/20321/1 Extension and alterations to dwelling. Change of use of land to private nature reserve – Hulgrove Barn, Drayton Road
SUT/20472/2 Erection of new dwelling on land opposite 67 High Street
2009/183 Incinerator Working Party Report Council noted a report from the Incinerator Working Party. This had met to discuss any submission to the meeting of the County Council’s Cabinet on 7th September. The proposed submission was considered by Council. Council also considered sending a representative to address the Cabinet at the meeting.
With the agreement of Council, the Chairman suspended the meeting to allow comment from a member of the public. He referred to data collected by other parties.
The Chairman reconvened the meeting. Council noted that it had received a copy of Schedule 5 Notice under the Environmental Permitting Regulations 2007 which was the Environment Agency’s formal request to WRG to clarify and submit further information in connection with its Environmental Permit application. 24 items were listed.
RESOLVED: (i) that the submission to Cabinet be ratified subject to adding the additional data referred to (ii) that either Cllr. Jenkins or Cllr. Hignell attend the meeting of Cabinet on 7th September and speak on behalf of the Parish Council
2009/184 RWEnPowerLiaison Committee – Report Cllr. Hanks gave a report on a meeting of this Committee which he attended on 13th July. There had been no power generation at Didcot “A” since the last Committee meeting, with only 19 hours in April. At Didcot “B” the new
73 module 5 turbines were undergoing testing and it was likely that recommissioning would be from early September. Module 6 had continued at full output throughout the last few months with no accedences.
2009/185 Harwell Chilton Campus Local Stakeholder Group Cllr. Hanks gave a report on a meeting of this Committee which he attended on 16th July. There had been a tour of the site. The site was now managed by Goodman Estate Managers. Decommissioning had experienced some delays, but was almost complete. A new liquid waste facility was to be built in 2010 to enable closure of the active pipeline. A purchaser for UKAEA was likely to be found by the end of the year.
2009/186 Recreation Ground Council received a report from Cllr. Hignell on the state and condition of the play equipment. There was slight movement on the grinding rail at the skatepark which needed monitoring, and there appeared to be a shortage of dog waste bins on the dog walkers path at the Southern end as dog faeces was being placed in the litter bins. In addition the dog waste bin at the North Eastern corner had gone missing.
Council noted the RoSPA safety inspection report. This had reported that the pathways and multi-use area needed monitoring for trip hazards, and had identified broken glass in and near the youth shelter. Cllr. Hanks had checked this point and reported that all glass had been cleared. Weed growth under the rotating platform required treating. The report had also recommended bike racks, boot cleaners, signage and road nameplates.
RESOLVED: (i) that Cllr. Braclick undertakes the play equipment inspections on a weekly basis and litter clearing in the recreation ground until the October meeting of the Council. (ii) that the missing dog waste bin be reported to the Vale of White Horse District Council (iii) that a list of the locations of the dog waste bins be put in Sutton Courtenay news (iv) that a notice be placed on the litter bin advising that it was for litter only (v) that investigations be made for costings for the provision and emptying of dog waste bins on the dog walkers path.
2009/187 Oxfordshire County Council – Local Transport Plan (LTP3) Consultation on the Plan objectives Council noted the Plan.
RESOLVED: that no comments be submitted to the County
74 Council.
2009/188 Land Rear of Church – All Saints Lane – Willow Trees Council noted that complaints had been received from the Vale of White Horse District Council that the large refuse lorry could not gain access easily along All Saints Lane owing to overhanging willow trees at the rear of the Church. The Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman under delegated powers in accordance with Standing Orders instructed a contractor. In addition a branch from one of the trees had snapped and bent into the Churchyard. This too had required work.
RESOLVED: that additional spending of £350 on essential works to the willow trees, All Saints Lane be ratified.
2009/189 Casual Vacancy Council noted that following the resignation of Cllr. Vaughan a casual vacancy had been declared. The Vale of White Horse District Council had confirmed that the vacancy could be filled by co-option. The vacancy had been advertised, and an article had appeared in the September edition of Sutton Courtenay News. The vacancy would be filled at the next meeting when there had been time for candidates to register their interest. The Clerk was asked to ensure that each candidate submitted a brief curriculum vitae and was available to attend the meeting in case Council wished to ask questions.
2009/190 Cemetery – Transcription of grave stones Council considered a request from the Oxfordshire Family History Society for access to the Cemetery to record the inscriptions on the headstones.
RESOLVED: that permission be granted to the Oxfordshire Family History Society to access the Cemetery for the purposes of recording the inscriptions on the headstones.
2009/191 Direct Information Service Council considered whether to subscribe to the Direct Information Service which was a bi-monthly magazine for Local Councils, at a cost of £90. Council noted that it already subscribed to the Oxfordshire Association of Local Councils which provided updates on issues affecting Councils.
RESOLVED: that this Council not subscribe to the Direct Information Service.
2009/192 Thames Water – Water Resources Management Plan Council noted that the Secretary of State had called for a public inquiry into the 75 Plan, and noted a press release by the Vale of White Horse District Council welcoming this decision. Council considered whether it would wish to make further representations at the inquiry, and considered written representations, requesting to address the inquiry itself, or joining with other parishes.
RESOLVED: that this Council investigate joining with other parishes, such as the “Reservoir Affected Parishes” group to jointly address the inquiry.
2009/193 Correspondence a) Vale of White Horse District Council – Parish Information Sheet b) Vale of White Horse District Council – The Swan Public House - Lighting Council noted that the lights affixed to the wall were considered de minimis, but that planning permission was required for the free standing pole floodlight. The tenant had been advised to apply for permission. c) Abingdon and District Citizens Advice Bureau – Annual Report 2008/2009 d) Oxfordshire County Council – Countryside Service Annual Report 2009 e) Oxfordshire County Council – Highways Annual Report 2008/2009 f) Oxfordshire County Council – Works to Trees Notification received that crown lifting would take place on 5 trees outside 59/61 Milton Road and on 1 tree outside 12 Church Street. g) WRG – Press Release on the lunch of a £10 million fund for biodiversity projects in the UK administered by WREN h) RWEnPower – Letter advising on noise level surveys during August when only the “B” station was running. i) Sutton Courtenay Local History Society – “Providing for the needy: Six poor widows of Sutton Courtney” Information regarding an illustrated talk on the local charities 20th September 7.30 p.m. All Saints Church.
2009/194 Accounts Council noted the list of cheques to be signed and authorised payments totalling £5154.65 in respect of administration costs, dog waste bin emptying, highway verge cutting, works to trees, and play area safety inspection report.
2009/195 Date of Next Meeting Council agreed that the next meeting of the Council would take place on Tuesday 6th October, 2009 at 7.30 p.m. in the village hall.
The meeting closed at 9.20 p.m.
Signed ...... Date ......