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Signal Engineering, Inc. Proprietary

Signal Engineering, Inc. Proprietary

Signal Engineering, Inc


Signal Engineering, Inc.

6370 Lusk Blvd., Suite F206

San Diego, California



FAX: (619) 552-1429

Document No: 23300-4105

Document Revision: AF

Revision Date: September 13, 2000 Signal Engineering, Inc. Proprietary Signal Engineering, Inc. Proprietary

DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY New Revision Date Changes In New Revision AA 8-30-99 Preliminary ICD.

AB 1-21-00 Document changes: 1. Packetization (SOH, EOT, encoding character (‘#’ 23h), checksum) added to command requests and responses.

2. CTS signal added to RS232 interface.

3. Transmit Data command (Typecode 15h) replaced by Transmit command (Typecode 1Eh).

4. In Transmit command description, non- GOES satellite information deleted.

5. Control Interface connector J1 redefined as J4. Pin numbers and signals assigned to all J4 connector pins. AC 2-2-00 Document changes: 1. In Transmit command and Display Transmit Queue command descriptions, size of Reserved field immediately following Transmit Data Length field changed from 32 bytes to 31 bytes for HSB compatibility.

2. Page header changed from “SE100” to “SE120”.

3. Display Version Information command definition added.

4. Correction: In Transmit command and Display Transmit Queue command, range of Random Transmit Repeat Count is now 1..3 instead of 0..3.

5. In Display Self-Test Results command response, RF Supply Voltage Failure flag changed to Reserved.

6. In Display Self-Test Results command, the Self-Test Status Flags for Low Battery Voltage and RF PLL Lock Failure are now cleared immediately after a Display Self-Test Result command response has been sent back to the host. Signal Engineering, Inc. Proprietary

7. In Software Load command, flash sector erase-only option in LDCTL field removed. AD 6-26-00 Document changes: 1. Global Parameters commands added. 2. In Cancel Transmit command response, status = 01h (Illegal Request) may be returned if specified transmit is in progress. 3. In Generic Response Status Codes table, Status=0Bh added for Software Load command CRC error. 4. In Display Transmit Queue command in QE Page number field, MSBit is used to select display of 1st or 2nd 120 bytes of data in queue entry data page. 5. In Table 1 Control Connector, manufacturer information added for connector and mating cable connector. References to J4 deleted. AE 8-25-00 Document changes: 1. In Set Global Parameters command and Get Global Parameters response, add Runtime Code Select flag. 2. In Display Self-Test Results response, add result flags for: Flash RS232 Runtime Code CRC, Flash HSB Runtime Code CRC, Manufacturing Data CRC tests. 3. In Display Version Information response, add software version string. 4. Appendix B,C,D added containing tables of legal/illegal characters for GOES Domestic, GOES Random, and GOES International channel transmissions. AF 9-13-00 Document changes: 1. In Set Global Parameters command and Display Global Parameters response, description of Frequency Offset field corrected.

2. In External Interface Description section, LED blink pattern, Pushbutton Reset switch, Failsafe condition descriptions added. Table Of Contents


1. SCOPE ...... 1

1.1. PURPOSE ...... 1

1.2. OVERVIEW ...... 1


2.1. Government Documents ...... 1

2.2. Other Documents ...... 2


3.1. Control Interface ...... 2

3.2. LED Indicator ...... 5

3.3. Pushbutton Reset Switch ...... 7

3.4 Power Interface ...... 7

3.5 RF Interface ...... 7


i Signal Engineering, Inc. Proprietary

...... 8

4.1. SE120 Command/Response Type Code Summary ...... 8

4.1.1. User Function Type Codes ...... 8

4.1.2. Diagnostic Function Type Codes ...... 8

4.1.3. Miscellaneous Type Codes ...... 8

4.2. Response Status Code Summary ...... 9

4.2.1. Generic Response Status Codes ...... 9

4.2.2. Transmitter Error Response Status Codes ...... 9

4.2.3. Transmitter Error Response ...... 10

4.3. Transmitter Time and Date Functions ...... 11

4.3.1. Display Transmitter Time-of-Day Command ...... 11

4.3.2. Display Transmitter Time-of-Day Response ...... 11

4.3.3. Load Transmitter Time-of-Day Command ...... 12

4.3.4. Load Transmitter Time-of-Day Response ...... 12

4.4. Transmitter Configuration Functions

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...... 14

4.4.1. Display Transmitter ID Command ...... 14

4.4.2. Display Transmitter ID Response ...... 14

4.4.3. Set Transmitter ID Command ...... 15

4.4.4. Set Transmitter ID Response ...... 16

4.4.5. Query Command ...... 16

4.4.6. Query Response ...... 17

4.4.7. Display Global Parameters Command ...... 17

4.4.8. Display Global Parameters Response ...... 18

4.4.9. Set Global Parameters Command ...... 20

4.4.10. Set Global Parameters Response ...... 21

4.5. Transmit Queue Management Functions ...... 22

4.5.1. Transmit Command ...... 22

4.5.2. Transmit Response ...... 26

4.5.3. Display Transmit Queue Command

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...... 26

4.5.4. Display Transmit Queue Response( Transmit Parameters) ...... 27

4.5.5. Display Transmit Queue Response( Data ) ...... 30

4.5.6. Display Transmit Queue Response( Error Status) ...... 30

4.5.7. Cancel Transmit Command ...... 31

4.5.8. Cancel Transmit Response ...... 32

4.6. Transmitter Diagnostic Functions ...... 33

4.6.1. Reset Transmitter Command ...... 33

4.6.2. Reset Transmitter Response ...... 33

4.6.3. Initiate Self-Test Command ...... 34

4.6.4. Initiate Self-Test Response ...... 34

4.6.5. Display Self-Test Result Command ...... 35

4.6.6. Display Self-Test Result Response ...... 35

4.6.7. Send Fixed Channel Command ...... 37

4.6.8. Send Fixed Channel Response

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...... 37

4.6.9. Display Version Information Command ...... 38

4.6.10. Display Version Information Response ...... 38

4.6.11. Software Load Command ...... 39

4.6.12. Software Load Response ...... 39




APPENDIX B: Legal Data Characters: GOES Domestic Channel Self-Timed Transmissions ...... 42

APPENDIX C: Legal Data Characters: GOES Random Mode Transmissions ...... 43

APPENDIX D: Legal Data Characters: GOES International Channel Transmissions ...... 44

v SE120 ICD



This document defines the protocol used to control the operation of Signal Engineering's SE120 Transmitter via its control interface.

The document includes the electrical and physical interface requirements, as well as the interface's software protocol and packet structures.


The functions supported by the SE120's host interface fall into three major categories:

1. Time-of-Day Functions: Monitoring and setting the SE120's time-of-day clock.

2. Transmit Management Functions: Transmitting data to a satellite by controlling the SE120's transmit queue. Items may be added to, deleted from, or examined on the transmit queue. Each transmit queue entry contains control parameters, including the time and date of transmission, the channel number and transmit preamble type, as well as the data to be transmitted.

3. SE120 Diagnostic and Maintenance Functions: These functions include initiating and reviewing the status of the SE120's Self-Test and sending continuous carrier on a specified channel for calibration purposes.


5 Government Documents


(16Nov81) CERTIFICATION STANDARDS (Revised November 1981)




Signal Engineering, Inc. Proprietary 1 SE120 ICD


6 Other Documents


8 Control Interface

The control connector contains a interface through which control information, status information and data are passed to and from the SE120. Table 1 lists the signal assignments for each pin on the connector.

Pin # Signal Signal Description Type 1 NC No Connect 2 GND Ground Ground 3 NC No Connect 4 GND Ground Ground 5 NC No Connect 6 GND Ground Ground 7 RES Reserved (Must be No Connect at host end) 8 RES Reserved (Must be No Connect at host end) 9 RES Reserved (Must be No Connect at host end) 10 RES Reserved (Must be No Connect at host end) 11 232RTS Input Request To Send, RS232 compatible 12 232CTS Output Clear To Send, RS232 compatible 13 232RXD Input Receive Data, RS232 compatible 14 232TXD Output Transmit Data, RS232 compatible

SE-120 Bulkhead Connector: 3M 2514-6002 (Low profile 14-pin box header)

Mating Flat Cable Connector: 3M 3385-6600 (14-pin socket connector, open-ended for daisy-chaining) or 3M 3385-7600 (14-pin socket connector, closed-ended for line termination) 3M 3448-3014 (Clip-on strain relief for 14-pin socket connector) ADDITIONAL NOTES:

1. Input signals are from the external host to the SE120.

2. Output signals are from the SE120 to the external host.

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The following rules define the SE120 Command/Response structure and protocol.

1. The physical control interface of the SE120 consists of:

a) A Transmit Data (TXD) signal.

b) A Receive Data (RXD) signal.

c) A control signal (RTS) used by the external host to wake the SE120 from low-power sleep mode.

d) A status signal (CTS) used by the SE120 to indicate ready to receive commands.

e) A signal ground.

2. Data transmission is asynchronous using 1 stop bit, 8 data bits, and no parity at 9600 Baud.

3. All transactions between the external host and the SE120 are of the command/response type. A command request packet is sent to the SE120 by the host and the command response packet is sent back to the host by the SE120. The SE120 never sends unsolicited data to the host.

4. Before each command transaction, the host wakes the SE120 from low-power sleep mode by asserting the RTS signal on the control interface. The SE120 will be ready to receive a command packet within 12 milliseconds after the RTS signal is asserted by the host. When the SE120 is ready to receive a command it will assert the CTS signal.

5. After asserting the RTS signal, before it sends a command to the SE120, the host must EITHER:

a) Wait at least 12 milliseconds. OR

b) Wait until the SE120 asserts the CTS signal.

6. The SE120 will not return to low-power sleep mode as long as the host is asserting the RTS signal. After RTS is de-asserted, the SE120 will return to low-power sleep mode if no other tasks need to be performed. The SE120 will leave CTS asserted until the host de-asserts the RTS signal.

7. All packets begin with an ASCII SOH (01h) character, and are terminated with an ASCII EOT (04h) character. Each packet contains a Type Code field, an 8-bit checksum field, and a 1-byte reserved field.

8. The checksum field of each packet contains the 8-bit arithmetic sum (carry discarded) of all packet bytes following the SOH (start of packet) character and preceding the EOT (end of packet) character.

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9. When a packet is transmitted, the SOH (01h) and EOT (04h) characters may appear only once each in each packet, at the start and end, respectively, of the packet. Any packet byte which contains a value of 01h, 04h, or 23h must be replaced with two characters before the packet is transmitted: an ASCII ‘#’ (23h) character, followed by the 1’s complement of the original byte value.

a) When a packet is received, the receiver re-constructs the original packet by replacing each pair of bytes whose first byte is an ASCII ‘#’ (23h) character, with the 1’s complement of the byte following the ‘#’ (23h) character.

10. The SE120 will respond to any command sent by the host with a Transmitter Error Response packet if any of the following errors are detected:

a) A Command received from the Host is too long or too short.

b) The received Command contains an invalid Type Code.

c) The SE120 is unable to allocate internal memory to perform the requested function.

11. In all other cases, the SE120 will respond to Commands sent by the host computer with the particular Response defined for each function.

12. Any Command fields defined as “reserved” should be set to zero by the host.

3.2. LED Indicator

A single green LED indicator is mounted on the top edge of the transmitter Printed Wiring Board, next to the Pushbutton Reset switch.

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LED Indicator Blink Patterns LED Blink Pattern Description (Immediately after Power-up initialization started. power-on)

Blink ON, then OFF 1 time.

(Following single ON/OFF RS-232 control interface enabled (HSB control LED blink immediately interface disabled). after power-on) Power-up initialization complete, ready to receive commands. Blink ON, then OFF 2 times.

(Following single ON/OFF HSB control interface enabled (HSB control interface LED blink immediately disabled). after power-on) Power-up initialization complete, ready to receive commands. Blink ON, then OFF 4 times.

(Following a 60-second post-transmit interval is in progress. The transmission) transmitter will enter this state after its RF output is turned off either by a Reset command or by the Blinking ON/OFF normal completion of a data message transmission. When continuously for 60 60 seconds has elapsed after RF output is turned OFF, seconds. the LED will go OFF.

If the transmitter’s RF output is turned ON again during this 60-second post-transmit interval via the Send Fixed Channel command, then a Failsafe condition will occur. ON Continuously. Failsafe condition has occurred. The Pushbutton Reset switch must be pushed to clear the condition. A power cycle or reset command will NOT clear this condition.


A catastrophic error has occurred. The transmitter is not operable.

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3.3. Pushbutton Reset Switch

The Pushbutton Reset switch is located on the top edge of the transmitter’s Printed Wiring Board next to the LED indicator, and can be accessed through a hole in the top of the transmitter’s housing. The sole purpose of this switch is to clear a Failsafe condition.

Per NESDIS specification, GOES 100 Bit/Second DCP transmitters must include a “Failsafe” feature which prevents continuous transmission. In particular, a DCP transmitter may not transmit for more than 4.5 minutes and may not transmit again for 60 seconds after a transmission has completed. If either of these conditions occurs, the transmitter’s Failsafe feature is required to disable its RF output.

The SE-120 transmitter will go into a Failsafe state if one of two events occur:

1. The transmitter’s RF output is turned on and left on for more than 4.5 minutes.

2. The transmitter’s RF output is turned on again (via Send Fixed Channel command) before the 60-second interval has elapsed following any sort of transmission.

The transmitter’s software prevents normal self-timed or random data message transmissions from violating either of the Failsafe conditions. Unless a hardware failure occurs, the only way a Failsafe condition can happen is for the operator to cause the condition by manually turning on the RF output via the Send Fixed Channel command (to transmit unmodulated carrier).

If a Failsafe condition occurs, the transmitter’s LED indicator will be turned ON continuously, its microprocessor is reset, and its RF output is disabled. The only way to clear a Failsafe condition is for the operator to push the Pushbutton Reset switch. A power cycle or Reset command will NOT clear a Failsafe condition.

3.4 Power Interface

Pin # Signal Description

1 +12 Volts 11-15 Volt DC input (12-Volt nominal).

2 12 Volt Return

Mating Connector:

AMP Part Number: 1-480318-0

3.5 RF Interface

50 Ohm, SMA connector, male.

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10 SE120 Command/Response Type Code Summary

11 User Function Type Codes

The following table contains the type codes for all SE120 commands and responses for "User" functions: functions performed as part of normal operation.

User Function Type Codes 10h Display Transmitter ID 11h Set Transmitter ID 13h Load Transmitter Time-Of-Day 14h Display Transmitter Time-Of-Day 16h Cancel Transmit 17h Display Transmit Queue 18h Query 1Dh Display Version Information 1Eh Transmit

12 Diagnostic Function Type Codes

The following table contains the type codes for all SE120 commands and responses for Diagnostic functions: special functions used to calibrate, test, or troubleshoot the SE120.

Diagnostic Function Type Codes 76h Reset Transmitter 77h Display Self-Test Result 78h Initiate Self-Test 7Ah Send Fixed Channel 7Ch Software Load

13 Miscellaneous Type Codes

The following table contains the type codes for SE120 responses, which don't fall into any other category. The Transmitter Error Response packet is the SE120's response to a corrupt or invalid Request packet from the host.

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Miscellaneous Type Codes F0H Transmitter Error Response packet

14 Response Status Code Summary

15 Generic Response Status Codes

The following table contains the SE120 response status codes for general types of errors.

Generic Response Status Codes 00h Operation Completed Successfully 01h Rejected: Illegal Request 03h Failed: Specified Item Not Found 04h Rejected: Invalid Transmit Start Date/Time 05h Rejected: Requested Transmit Overlaps Another Scheduled Transmit 06h Rejected: Invalid Transmit Channel Number or Preamble Code 07h Rejected: Invalid Random Transmit Interval 08h Failed: EEPROM Update Error 09h Rejected: Invalid Random Transmit Repeat Count 0Ah Rejected: Time-of-Day Clock Not Loaded Yet 0Bh Failed: CRC Error On Software Load Command Data

16 Transmitter Error Response Status Codes

The following table contains the SE120 response status codes, which may be returned in a Transmitter Error Response.

Transmitter Error Response Status Codes 01h Received Command Too Long 02h Received Command Too Short 03h Received checksum is invalid 04h Received command type code is invalid 06h Unable To Allocate Memory For Operation

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17 Transmitter Error Response Title : Transmitter Error Response. Description : Reports errors detected in commands received from the Host. Response : N/A.

Pos Byte Name Description 0 01h SOH Start of Packet 1 RES Reserved 2 F0h TYPE Type Code 3 SS Received Command Error Status 01h = Command is too Long. 02h = Command is too Short. 03h = Invalid Checksum in received packet. 04h = Illegal Type Code. 06h = Unable To Allocate Memory For Operation. 4 CS Checksum 5 04h EOT End of Packet ADDITIONAL NOTES

1. A Transmitter Error Response is returned by the SE120 when the command received from the host contains errors indicating that the command may be corrupt.

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18 Transmitter Time and Date Functions

19 Display Transmitter Time-of-Day Command Title : Display Transmitter Time-of-Day Command Description : Display Current Transmitter Time-of-Day. Response : Display Transmitter Time-of-Day Response

Pos Byte Name Description 0 01h SOH Start of Packet 1 RES Reserved 2 14h TYPE Type Code 3 CS Checksum 4 04h EOT End of Packet

20 Display Transmitter Time-of-Day Response Title : Display Transmitter Time-Of-Day Response Description : Returns the current Transmitter Time and Date and status for the command. Response : N/A

Pos Byte Name Description 0 01h SOH Start of Packet 1 RES Reserved 2 14h TYPE Type Code 3 SS Status 00 = Completed OK 4 00h RES0 Reserved 5 TOD6 Current Year (Years since 1992) Range: (0...) Example: 1992 = 00h, 1993= 01h 6 TOD5 Current Day (MSB) (Day=1 indicates Jan 1) Range: (1..365) or (1..366) In Leap Years Example: Jan 2 = 02h, Feb 1 = 20h 7 TOD4 Current Day (LSB) 8 TOD3 Current Hour Range: (0...23) 9 TOD2 Current Minutes Range: (0...59) 10 TOD1 Current Seconds Range: (0...59) 11 TOD0 Current 1/10 Seconds Range: (0...9) 12 CS Checksum 13 04h EOT End of Packet

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DATE YEAR DAY HOUR MINUTES SECONDS Feb 2,1992 0 33 13 20 30 1:20:30 PM Jan 1,2002 10 1 0 0 0 12:00:00 AM

21 Load Transmitter Time-of-Day Command Title : Load Transmitter Time-Of-Day Command Description : Load transmitter's TOD clock with the Time and date. Response : Load Transmitter Time-Of-Day Response

Pos Byte Name Description 0 01h SOH Start of Packet 1 RES Reserved 2 13h TYPE Type Code 3 00h RES0 Reserved 4 TOD6 New Year (Years since 1992) Years Range: (0...) Example: 1992= 00h, 1993= 01h 5 TOD5 New Day (MSB) (Day=1 indicates Jan 1) Range: (1..365) or (1..366) In Leap Years Example: Jan 2 = 02h, Feb 1 = 20h 6 TOD4 New Day (LSB) 7 TOD3 New Hour Range: (0...23) 8 TOD2 New Minutes Range: (0...59) 9 TOD1 New Seconds Range: (0...59) 10 TOD0 New 1/10 Seconds Range: (0...9) 11 CS Checksum 12 04h EOT End of Packet

22 Load Transmitter Time-of-Day Response Title : Load Transmitter Time-of-Day Response Description : Returns status for Load Transmitter Time-of-Day Command. Response : N/A

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Pos Byte Name Description 0 01h SOH Start of Packet 1 RES Reserved 2 13h TYPE Type Code 3 SS Transmitter Status. 00 = Completed OK. 4 CS Checksum 5 04h EOT End of Packet

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23 Transmitter Configuration Functions

24 Display Transmitter ID Command Title : Display Transmitter ID Command Description : Display current transmitter Platform ID. Response : Display Transmitter ID Response

Pos Byte Name Description 0 01h SOH Start of Packet 1 RES Reserved 2 10h TYPE Type Code 3 CTL Control Field: 00h = Display currently active GOES Platform ID. 01h = Display default GOES Platform ID stored in EEPROM. 4 CS Checksum 5 04h EOT End of Packet

25 Display Transmitter ID Response Title : Display Transmitter ID Response Description : Returns current platform ID and command status code. Response : N/A

Pos Byte Name Description 0 01h SOH Start of Packet 1 RES Reserved 2 10h TYPE Type Code 3 SS Transmitter Status. 00 = Completed OK 4 ID3 Platform ID (MSB)

GOES: The Platform ID is a unique 31-bit BCH code that NESDIS assigns to each operational GOES Transmitter.

For each type of platform ID, the ID is contained left- justified, zero filled to the right in the 4 byte ID field.

5 ID2 6 ID1 7 ID0 Platform ID (LSB) 8 CS Checksum 9 04h EOT End of Packet

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See the description of the Set Transmitter ID Command for an explanation of the two options allowed by the Control field in the DTID Command .

26 Set Transmitter ID Command Title : Set Transmitter ID Command Description : Set the Transmitter's Platform (BCH) ID. Response : Set Transmitter ID Response .

Pos Byte Name Description 0 01h SOH Start of Packet 1 RES Reserved 2 11h TYPE Type Code 3 CTL Control Field: 00h = Set the currently active GOES Platform ID equal to the contents of ID3..ID0, but don't overwrite the default GOES Platform ID in EEPROM. 01h = Set the currently active GOES Platform ID equal to the contents of ID3..ID0 and overwrite the default GOES Platform ID in EEPROM with the contents of ID3..ID0.

4 ID3 Platform ID (MSB)

(See Additional Notes)

5 ID2 6 ID1 7 ID0 Platform ID (LSB) 8 CS Checksum 9 04h EOT End of Packet ADDITIONAL NOTES


1. A default Platform ID is stored in non-volatile memory. Typically, it is set once when the transmitter is installed and never changed. The Platform ID which is contained in the preamble sent with each transmission (i.e. the "currently active Platform ID") is set equal to the default Platform ID after a transmitter power cycle or a transmitter reset.

2. The new Platform ID should be set using the No-Update option (00h) in the STID Command Control Field if the user has a requirement to change the Platform ID frequently (if the transmitter is used as part of a test set, for example). This is because there is an upper limit on the number of times that the EEPROM used to store the default Platform ID can be updated.

3. If the no-update option (CTL=00h) is specified, the SE120 will use the new Platform ID only until the next power cycle or reset, at which time

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the Platform ID will revert to the default ID saved in non-volatile storage.


1. The National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS) is responsible for assigning the "Address Word" (or Platform ID) for each DCP in operation, and authorizing access to the GOES satellite.

2. The Platform ID consists of a 31 bit "Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem" code that is left justified in a 32 bit field with the Least Significant Bit set to zero. The Platform ID is issued by NESDIS as 8 hexadecimal characters representing the left justified 32-bit field. As an example, the Platform ID "01020304", corresponds to (0000 0001 0000 0010 0000 0011 0000 010 - MSB sent First). The contents of bytes ID0...3 would be ID3 = 01h, ID2 = 02h, ID1 = 03h, and ID0 = 04h.

27 Set Transmitter ID Response Title : Set Transmitter ID Response Description : Return status for the Set Transmitter ID command. Response : N/A

Pos Byte Name Description 0 01h SOH Start of Packet 1 RES Reserved 2 11h TYPE Type Code 3 SS Transmitter Status. 00h = Completed OK. 08h = Failed: EEPROM Update Error. 4 CS Checksum 5 04h EOT End of Packet ADDITIONAL NOTES

1. If EEPROM update fails, transmitter will use new Platform ID only until next transmitter power cycle or reset, at which time the Platform ID used will revert to the default ID stored in the EEPROM.

28 Query Command Title : Query Command Description : Interrogate transmitter to see if it is powered up. Response : Query Response

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Pos Byte Name Description 0 01h SOH Start of Packet 1 RES Reserved 2 18h TYPE Type Code 3 CS Checksum 4 04h EOT End of Packet

29 Query Response Title : Query Response Description : Return the status for the Query command. Response : N/A

Pos Byte Name Description 0 01h SOH Start of Packet 1 RES Reserved 2 18h TYPE Type Code 3 SS Status. 00h = Completed OK. 4 CS Checksum 5 04h EOT End of Packet

30 Display Global Parameters Command Title : Display Global Parameters Command. Description : Display current transmitter global parameters. Command: : N/A

Pos Byte Name Description 0 01h SOH Start of Packet 1 RES Reserved 2 1Ch TYPE Type Code 3 CS Checksum 4 04h EOT End of Packet

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31 Display Global Parameters Response Title : Display Global Parameters Response. Description : Return current transmitter global parameters. Response : N/A

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Pos Byte Name Description 0 01h SOH Start of Packet 1 RES Reserved 2 1Ch Type Type Code 3 SS Status 00h = Completed OK. 4 FREQOFF1 Frequency Offset (0..500 Hz) (MSB) 5 FREQOFF0 Frequency Offset (0..500 Hz) (LSB)

6 FRQOFFSIGN Frequency Offset Sign Flag =00h: Positive Frequency Offset. =01h: Negative Frequency Offset. 7 RES0 Reserved ...... 12 RES5 Reserved 13 RCSF Runtime Code Select flag: =01h: Load HSB Runtime Code Image. <>01h: Load RS232 Runtime Code Image. 14 RES7 Reserved ...... 35 RES28 Reserved 36 CS Checksum 37 EOT End of Packet

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1. Frequency Offset is a 2-byte binary field containing the offset (0 to 500) in Hz (approximately) by which the transmit frequency will be corrected.

2. The transmitter software converts the value in the Frequency Offset field to a voltage which is applied (via a D/A Converter) to the frequency adjustment input of the transmitter’s Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator (TCXO). Since the exact frequency change versus voltage characteristic is slightly different for each TCXO, the value in the Frequency Offset is only an approximation of the actual frequency adjustment. To achieve a very precise frequency adjustment, the transmitter’s output frequency may need to be measured and the value in the Frequency Offset field modified several times before a final value is arrived at.

3. The sign of the frequency correction applied is determined by the contents of the Frequency Offset Sign Flag field:

=00h : Positive Frequency Offset. Transmit frequency will be INCREASED by the number of Hz (approximately) specified in the Frequency Offset field.

=01h : Negative Frequency Offset. Transmit frequency will be DECREASED by the number of Hz (approximately) specified in the Frequency Offset field.

4. Runtime Code Select Flag is a 1-byte binary field whose value determines which of the two runtime software images is loaded after power-up:

=01h: HSB runtime software image is loaded after power-up. If this software image is selected, then after the next power cycle, the transmitter will only respond to its HSB interface. To enable the RS232 interface and disable the HSB interface, set the Runtime Code Select Flag = 00h (or any value other than 01h) using the Set Global Parameters command, then cycle the power to the transmitter.

<>01h: RS232 runtime software image is loaded after power-up if Runtime Code Select Flag contains any value other than 01h. If this software image is selected, then after the next power cycle, the transmitter will only respond to its RS232 interface. To enable the HSB interface and disable the RS232 interface, set the Runtime Code Select Flag = 01h using the Set Global Parameters command, then cycle the power to the transmitter.

WARNING! Make sure that you don’t change the state of this field unless you really want to select the other command interface.

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32 Set Global Parameters Command Title : Set Global Parameters Command. Description : Set transmitter global parameters. Command : N/A

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Pos Byte Name Description 0 01h SOH Start of Packet 1 RES Reserved 2 1Bh Type Type Code 3 FREQOFF1 Frequency Offset (0..500 Hz) (MSB) 4 FREQOFF0 Frequency Offset (0..500 Hz) (LSB) 5 FRQOFFSIGN Frequency Offset Sign Flag =00h: Positive Frequency Offset. =01h: Negative Frequency Offset. 6 RES0 Reserved ...... 11 RES5 Reserved 12 RCSF Runtime Code Select flag: =01h: Load HSB Runtime Code Image. <>01h: Load RS232 Runtime Code Image. 13 RES7 Reserved ...... 34 RES28 Reserved 35 CS Checksum 36 EOT End of Packet

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1. Frequency Offset is a 2-byte binary field containing the offset (0 to 500) in Hz (approximately) by which the transmit frequency will be corrected.

2. The transmitter software converts the value in the Frequency Offset field to a voltage which is applied (via a D/A Converter) to the frequency adjustment input of the transmitter’s Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator (TCXO). Since the exact frequency change versus voltage characteristic is slightly different for each TCXO, the value in the Frequency Offset is only an approximation of the actual frequency adjustment. To achieve a very precise frequency adjustment, the transmitter’s output frequency may need to be measured and the value in the Frequency Offset field modified several times before a final value is arrived at.

3. The sign of the frequency correction applied is determined by the contents of the Frequency Offset Sign Flag field:

=00h : Positive Frequency Offset. Transmit frequency will be INCREASED by the number of Hz (approximately) specified in the Frequency Offset field.

=01h : Negative Frequency Offset. Transmit frequency will be DECREASED by the number of Hz (approximately) specified in the Frequency Offset field.

4. Runtime Code Select Flag is a 1-byte binary field whose value determines which of the two runtime software images is loaded after power-up:

=01h: HSB runtime software image is loaded after power-up. If this software image is selected, then after the next power cycle, the transmitter will only respond to its HSB interface. To enable the RS232 interface and disable the HSB interface, set the Runtime Code Select Flag = 00h (or any value other than 01h) using the Set Global Parameters command, then cycle the power to the transmitter.

<>01h: RS232 runtime software image is loaded after power-up if Runtime Code Select Flag contains any value other than 01h. If this software image is selected, then after the next power cycle, the transmitter will only respond to its RS232 interface. To enable the HSB interface and disable the RS232 interface, set the Runtime Code Select Flag = 01h using the Set Global Parameters command, then cycle the power to the transmitter.

WARNING! Make sure that you don’t change the state of this field unless you really want to select the other command interface.

33 Set Global Parameters Response Title : Set Global Parameters Response. Description : Returns Status from the Set Global Parameters Command. Response : N/A

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Pos Byte Name Description 0 01h SOH Start of Packet 1 RES Reserved 2 1Bh Type Type Code 3 SS Status 00h = Completed OK. 08h = Failed: EEPROM Update Error. 4 CS Checksum 5 04h EOT End of Packet

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34 Transmit Queue Management Functions

35 Transmit Command Title : Transmit Command Description : Contains the control parameters for the transmission and the data bytes to be transmitted. Response : Transmit Response

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Po Byte Name Description s 0 01h SOH Start of Packet 1 RES Reserved 2 1Eh TYPE Type Code 3 FLAGS Control Flags BIT7 : Transmission Mode Control = 0 Self-Timed Mode: Transmission occurs at the time specified in the Transmit Start Time field.

= 1 Random Mode: The SE120 will transmit this message at a random starting time within the specified random transmit interval. GOES: BITS[2:0] : Random Transmit Repeat Count Range: ( 1...3) (the number of times within the specified random transmit interval that the transmitter will transmit the message data at a different randomly generated transmit start time)

4 TOD7 Not used for self-timed transmissions 5 TOD6 Transmit Start Time( Year) (Number of years since 1992) Range: (0...)

Example: 1993 = 01h 6 TOD5 Transmit Start Time( Day)(MSB) (Day=1 indicates Jan 1) Day Range: ( 1...365) or ( 1...366) In Leap Years

Example: Jan 2 = 02h, Feb 1 = 20h 7 TOD4 Transmit Start Time( Day ) (LSB) 8 TOD3 Transmit Start Time( Hour) Range ( 0...23) 9 TOD2 Transmit Start Time( Minute) Range ( 0...59) 10 TOD1 Transmit Start Time( Second) Range ( 0...59) 11 00h RES0 Reserved 12 TAG15 Tag field (MSB) The TAG field is NOT transmitted, but is provided for user identification of transmit queue entries. Typically, the field contains the filename for the data to be transmitted.

...... 27 TAG0 Tag Field (LSB) 28 PC GOES: Transmit Preamble Code: 00 = Short Preamble (1.44 sec.)

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(Random or Self Timed Transmissions)

01 = Long Preamble (7.76 sec.) (Self Timed Transmissions only)

29 CN1 Transmit Channel Number (MSB) GOES: 1 to 199 : GOES Domestic Channels 202 to 266 : International Channels : Even Numbered Channels Only.

30 CN0 Transmit Channel Number (LSB) 31 DATALEN1 Transmit Data Length (MSB) (Specifies the number of data bytes to be transmitted, contained in command byte positions 64... N+63) 32 DATALEN0 Transmit Data Length (LSB) 33 Reserved ...... 63 Reserved 64 DATA1 Transmit Data Byte1 ...... N+ DATAN Transmit Data ByteN 63 N+ CS Checksum 64 N+ 04h EOT End of Packet 65 ADDITIONAL NOTES


1. If the Transmit Data Length specified is equal to zero, then the Transmit Data command should not include any data bytes (i.e. Transmit Data Byte1..N). In this case, the transmission made will consist of just the specified transmission preamble and End-Of-Transmission pattern.

2. "Random Transmission" refers to a mode of transmission which conforms to the NESDIS RANDOM REPORTING DCP RADIO SET Certification standard. For random transmissions, the Repeat Count specifies the number of times that the same downloaded data is to be transmitted within the specified interval. The SE120 will automatically compute/find up to three random transmission start times within the specified interval which don't overlap or fall within the 60 second "No Transmit" delay interval at the end of any other scheduled transmissions.

3. For random mode transmissions, the TOD7-TOD0 field defines the Random Transmission Interval Start Time and Random Transmission Interval Length for the transmission(s) to be attempted as follows:


TOD7-TOD4: Random Transmit Interval

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TOD7 = Number of Hours in the Interval.

TOD6 = Number of Minutes in the Interval.

TOD5 = Number of Seconds in the Interval.

TOD4 = Not used.

TOD3-TOD0: Random Transmit Interval Start Time

T0D3 = Random Trans. Interval Start Time( Hour)

TOD2 = Random Trans. Interval Start Time( Minute)

TOD1 = Random Trans. Interval Start Time( Seconds)

TOD0 = Not Used

4. The Random Transmit Interval is assumed to start at the specified time on the current day, unless the specified start time has already passed, in which case it is assumed to start at the specified time on the day after the current day.

5. The SE120 forces all random mode transmissions to use the short transmission preamble (per the NESDIS standard).

6. A Random Transmission Interval may be specified which crosses the boundary between the current day and the following day. For example, if the current day is JAN 1, the random starting time is 23:00:00, and the Interval is 2 hours (02:00:00), then the random transmit window will occur between JAN 1, 23:00:00 and JAN 2, 00:59:59.

7. The DATA field contains the actual data to be transmitted to the satellite (3250 Data Bytes maximum = maximum number of data bytes which can be transmitted @100 BPS in 4 minutes and 20 seconds).

8. Data Transmission Order:

a) Data bytes are transmitted in the order in which they are received from the host.

b) Each data byte is transmitted least significant bit first.

9. Each byte in the DATA Field contains one 7-bit ASCII character plus a parity bit. The SE120 forces ODD parity into the most significant bit of each byte of data before transmitting the byte (per NESDIS), so it is not necessary for the host to generate and include parity in each of the transmit data bytes before downloading the data into the transmitter.

10. The following ASCII control characters are NOT allowed in a DCP message: DLE(10h), NAK(15h), SYN(16h), ETB(97h), CAN(98h), GS(9Dh), RS(9Eh), SOH(01h), STX(02h), ETX(83h), ENQ(85h), ACK(86h), and EOT(04h). The SE120 translates any illegal character encountered in the transmit data into a '/' (ASCII(2Fh)) character before transmitting the data.

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11. The data transmission rate is fixed at 100 bits/second.

12. The duration of all GOES transmissions must be less than 4 minutes and 20 seconds. The SE120 will terminate all transmissions with the End-of- Transmission pattern if the duration of the transmission reaches 4 minutes and 20 seconds.

13. At the selected transmit start date/time, the SE120 transmits the preamble (Short/Long) selected, followed by the data in the TRANSMIT DATA field, followed by the required EOT pattern. (Note: the SE120 always terminates a Message with the EOT pattern required for the specified transmit channel: 1- byte EOT for domestic GOES channels, 4-byte IDCS EOT pattern for international channels).

14. The SE120 will not permit another transmission to be made for 60 seconds following the transmission of the last bit of the End-Of-Transmission (EOT) pattern (per the NESDIS standard). The SE120 transmit queue entry for each just-completed transmission will not be purged until after this 60 second post-transmission interval has elapsed.

36 Transmit Response Title : Transmit Response Description : Returns the status for the Transmit command. Response : N/A

Pos Byte Name Description 0 01h SOH Start of Packet 1 RES Reserved 2 1Eh TYPE Type Code 3 SS Status 00h = Completed OK. 01h = Illegal Command. 04h = Rejected: Invalid Transmit Start Time. 05h = Rejected: Transmit Overlaps Another Scheduled Transmit. 06h = Rejected: Invalid Transmit Channel Number or Preamble Code. 07h = Rejected: Invalid Random Transmit Interval. 09h = Rejected: Invalid Random Transmit Repeat Count Value. 0Ah = Rejected: Transmitter Time Not Loaded Yet. 4 CS Checksum 5 04h EOT End of Packet ADDITIONAL NOTES

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37 Display Transmit Queue Command

Title : Display Transmit Queue Command Description : Displays transmit parameters, or the data to be transmitted for the specified transmit queue entry. Response : Display Transmit Queue Response

Pos Byte Name Description 0 01h SOH Start of Packet 1 RES Reserved 2 17h TYPE Type Code 3 QE Transmit Queue Entry Number (1...N, for N transmit queue entries) 4 QPN Transmit Queue Entry Page Number field Bit[7]: Queue Entry Page Section Select Flag = 0: 1st half of QE page. = 1: 2nd half of QE page. Bit[6:0]: QE Page Number = 01: Transmit Parameters of QE. = 02...N: A page (240 bytes max) of transmit data.

NOTE: For transmit queue entry data pages containing data to be transmitted (i.e. QE pages 02..N), Bit[7] Queue Entry Page Section Select Flag specifies which half of the QE page is to be displayed.

If the 1st half of QE page is selected, then up to 120 bytes of data, starting with the 1st byte of data in the page, are returned in the response.

If the 2nd half of QE page is selected, then up to 120 bytes of data, starting with the 121st byte of data in the page, are returned in the response.

This feature allows all data contained in any transmit queue entry to be displayed/retrieved for test purposes.

If QE Page Number = 01 (i.e. 1st page of transmit QE), then Bit[7] Queue Entry Page Section Select Flag is ignored, and only the defined transmission parameter information (contained in the 1st QE page) is returned in the response. 5 CS Checksum 6 04h EOT End of Packet

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38 Display Transmit Queue Response( Transmit Parameters)

Title : Display Transmit Queue Response( Transmit Parameters) Description : Displays transmit parameters for the specified transmit queue entry. This is the format of the response to a Display Transmit Queue Command with Queue Page Number = 01h.

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Po Byte Name Description s 0 01h SOH Start of Packet 1 RES Reserved 2 17h TYPE Type Code 3 SS Status = 00h (Completed OK) 4 NFP Number of free pages (240 transmit data bytes/page) available in transmitter memory. 5 FLAGS Control Flags BIT7 : Transmission Mode Control = 0 Self-Timed Mode: Transmission occurs at the time specified in the Transmit Start Time.

= 1 Random Mode: The SE120 will transmit this message at a random starting time within the specified random transmit interval . GOES: BITS[2:0] : Random Transmit Repeat Count Range: ( 1...3) (the number of times within the specified random transmit interval that the transmitter will transmit the message data at a different randomly generated transmit start time)

6 00h RES0 Reserved 7 TOD6 Transmit Start Time( Year) (Number of years since 1992) Range: (0...)

Example: 1993 = 01h 8 TOD5 Transmit Start Time( Day)(MSB) (Day=1 indicates Jan 1) Day Range: ( 1...365) or ( 1...366) In Leap Years

Example: Jan 2 = 02h, Feb 1 = 20h 9 TOD4 Transmit Start Time( Day ) (LSB) 10 TOD3 Transmit Start Time( Hour) Range ( 0...23) 11 TOD2 Transmit Start Time( Minute) Range (0...59) 12 TOD1 Transmit Start Time( Second) Range ( 0...59) 13 00h RES1 Reserved 14 TAG15 Tag field (MSB) The TAG field is NOT transmitted, but is provided for user identification of queue entries. Typically, the host loads this field with the filename for the transmit data.

...... 29 TAG0 Tag Field (LSB) 30 PC GOES:

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Transmit Preamble Code: 00 = Short Preamble (1.44 sec.) (Random or Self Timed Transmissions)

01 = Long Preamble (7.76 sec.) (Self Timed Transmissions only)

31 CN1 Transmit Channel Number (MSB) GOES: 1 to 199 : GOES Domestic Channels 202 to 266 : International Channels : Even Numbered Channels Only.

32 CN0 Transmit Channel Number (LSB) 33 DATALEN1 Transmit Data Length (MSB) 34 DATALEN0 Transmit Data Length (LSB) 35 Reserved ...... 65 Reserved 66 CS Checksum 67 04h EOT End of Packet

39 Display Transmit Queue Response( Data ) Title : Display Transmit Queue Response( Data) Description : Returns a page (1...240 bytes) of data to be transmitted from the specified transmit queue entry. This is the format of the response to a Display Transmit Queue Command with Queue Page Number = 02...N. Response : N/A

Pos Byte Name Description 0 01h SOH Start of Packet 1 RES Reserved 2 17h TYPE Type Code 3 SS Status 00h = Completed OK 4 DATA1 Data Byte1 ...... N+2 DATAN Data Byte N N+2 CS Checksum N+2 04h EOT End of Packet

40 Display Transmit Queue Response( Error Status) Title : Display Transmit Queue Response( Error Status) Description : Returns the status for a Display Transmit Queue Command in the event that the Command cannot be completed. Response : N/A

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Pos Byte Name Description 0 01h SOH Start of Packet 1 RES Reserved 2 17h TYPE Type Code 3 SS Status 03h = Specified Transmit Queue Entry or Queue Entry Page Not Found. 4 NFP Number of free pages (240 transmit data bytes/page) available in transmitter memory. 5 CS Checksum 6 04h EOT End of Packet

41 Cancel Transmit Command Title : Cancel Transmit Command Description : Cancels a scheduled transmission, specified by its transmit start time. Response : Cancel Transmit Response

Pos Byte Name Description 0 01h SOH Start of Packet 1 RES Reserved 2 16h TYPE Type Code 3 00h RES0 Reserved 4 TOD6 Transmit Start Time( Year) (Number of years since 1992) Range: (0...)

Example: 1992 = 00h, 1993 = 01h 5 TOD5 Transmit Start Time( Day)(MSB) (Day=1 indicates Jan 1) Day Range: ( 1...365) or ( 1...366) In Leap Years

Example: Jan 2 = 02h, Feb 1 = 20h 6 TOD4 Transmit Start Time( Day ) (LSB) 7 TOD3 Transmit Start Time( Hour) Range ( 0...23) 8 TOD2 Transmit Start Time( Minute) Range (0...59) 9 TOD1 Transmit Start Time( Second) Range ( 0...59) 10 RES1 Reserved 11 CS Checksum 12 04h EOT End of Packet

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42 Cancel Transmit Response Title : Cancel Transmit Response Description : Returns the status for the Cancel Transmit command. Response : N/A

Pos Byte Name Description 0 01h SOH Start of Packet 1 RES Reserved 2 16h TYPE Type Code 3 SS Status 00h = Completed OK. 01h = Illegal Request (transmit already in progress). 03h = Specified Transmit Queue Entry Not Found. 4 CS Checksum 5 04h EOT End of Packet ADDITIONAL NOTES

1. If the specified transmission is already in progress, the transmitter will return a status of (01h) Illegal Request.

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43 Transmitter Diagnostic Functions

44 Reset Transmitter Command Title : Reset Transmitter Command Description : Execute a “Soft” reset and re-initialize internal variables. Response : Reset Transmitter Response

Pos Byte Name Description 0 01h SOH Start of Packet 1 RES Reserved 2 76h TYPE Type Code. 3 00h RES0 Reserved 4 CS Checksum 5 04h EOT End of Packet ADDITIONAL NOTES

1. A reset will reset all transmission hardware to its power-up default (i.e. it will power OFF the digital frequency synthesizer and RF hardware sections).

2. The Time-of-Day clock is cleared.

3. Any pending GOES transmissions will be discarded.

45 Reset Transmitter Response Title : Reset Transmitter Response Description : Acknowledges Reset Transmitter Command before performing reset. Response : N/A

Pos Byte Name Description 0 01h SOH Start of Packet 1 RES Reserved 2 76h TYPE Type Code. 3 SS Transmitter/ Status. 00h = Completed OK. 4 CS Checksum 5 04h EOT End of Packet

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46 Initiate Self-Test Command Title : Initiate Self Test Command Description : Re-execute Power-up diagnostics, reset transmitter. Response : Initiate Self Test Response

Pos Byte Name Description 0 01h SOH Start of Packet 1 RES Reserved 2 78h TYPE Type Code 3 CS Checksum 4 04h EOT End of Packet

47 Initiate Self-Test Response Title : Initiate Self Test Response Description : Acknowledges Initiate Self Test Command before executing the self-test. Response : N/A

Pos Byte Name Description 0 01h SOH Start of Packet 1 RES Reserved 2 78h TYPE Type Code. 3 SS Status. 00h = Completed OK. 4 CS Checksum 5 04h EOT End of Packet ADDITIONAL NOTES

1. The self-test performed is the same one done at power-up. After the self-test completes, the SE120 will undergo the same hardware and software initialization as that caused by a Reset command.

2. The transmitter self-test takes approximately 15 seconds to complete. The user should wait at least that long after receiving the Initiate Self-Test Response before attempting to issue subsequent commands to the transmitter.

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48 Display Self-Test Result Command Title : Display Self-Test Result Command Description : Display the result of the most recent execution of the transmitter’s self-test. Response : Display Self-Test Result Response

Pos Byte Name Description 0 01h SOH Start of Packet 1 RES Reserved 2 77h TYPE Type Code 3 CS Checksum 4 04h EOT End of Packet

49 Display Self-Test Result Response Title : Display Self-Test Result Response Description : Returns the result of the most recent execution of the transmitter’s self-test. Response : N/A

Pos Byte Name Description 0 01h SOH Start of Packet 1 RES Reserved 2 77h TYPE Type Code. 3 SS Status. 00h = Completed OK. 4 STSF0 Self-Test Status Flags Byte0 5 STSF1 Self-Test Status Flags Byte1 6 RES0 Reserved 7 RES1 Reserved 8 RES2 Reserved 9 RES3 Reserved 10 RES4 Reserved 11 TT Transmitter Type: (Specifies the type of transmissions supported by the transmitter). 00 = GOES only

12 CS Checksum 13 04h EOT End of Packet ADDITIONAL NOTES

1. The self-test performed is the same one done at power-up. After the self-test completes, the SE120 will undergo the same hardware and software initialization as that caused by a Reset command.

2. The transmitter self-test takes approximately 15 seconds to complete. The user should wait at least that long before attempting to issue subsequent commands to the transmitter.

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3. The Self-Test Status Flags contain the results of the most recent execution of the transmitter’s self-test and are defined as follows:

Self-Test Status Flags


BIT0=1 Reserved

BIT1=1 Reserved

BIT2=1 Battery Voltage < 10.0 Volts

BIT3=1 Software Boot Code Flash CRC Error

BIT4=1 RS232 Software Flash CRC Error

BIT5=1 Temperature Sensor Test Failure

BIT6=1 TCXO DAC Test Failure

BIT7=1 Reserved


BIT0=1 HSB Software Flash CRC Error

BIT1=1 RF PLL Lock Failure

BIT2=1 TOD Interrupt Test Failure

BIT3=1 Modulation Interrupt Test Failure

BIT4=1 Manufacturing Data Flash CRC Error

BIT5...7 Reserved

4. Transmitter Type = 00h (GOES) indicates that the transmitter supports only GOES transmissions.

5. If the transmitter aborts a transmission because it detects a low-battery condition or a RF PLL lock failure condition, it will set the corresponding bit of the Self-Test Status Flags at the time of the failure. The flag will remain set until the next power cycle or reset.

6. All Self-Test Status Flags are cleared after a Display Self-Test Result command response has been sent back to the host.

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50 Send Fixed Channel Command Title : Send Fixed Channel Command Description : Send unmodulated carrier on specified Channel Number. Response : Send Fixed Channel Response

Pos Byte Name Description 0 01h SOH Start of Packet 1 RES Reserved 2 7Ah TYPE Type Code 3 SC Satellite Code: 00 = GOES 4 00h RES1 Reserved 5 CHAN1 Transmit Channel Number (MSB) 6 CHAN0 Transmit Channel Number (LSB) 7 CS Checksum 8 04h EOT End of Packet

51 Send Fixed Channel Response Title : Send Fixed Channel Response Description : Return status of the Send Fixed Channel Command. Response : N/A

Pos Byte Name Description 0 01h SOH Start of Packet 1 RES Reserved 2 7Ah TYPE Type Code 3 SS Transmitter/ Status. 00h = Completed OK. 4 CS Checksum 5 04h EOT End of Packet

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52 Display Version Information Command Title : Display Version Information Command Description : Display transmitter hardware and software version information. Response : Display Version Information Response

Pos Byte Name Description 0 01h SOH Start of Packet 1 RES Reserved 2 1Dh TYPE Type Code 3 CS Checksum 4 04h EOT End of Packet

53 Display Version Information Response Title : Display Version Information Response Description : Return transmitter hardware and software version information. Response : N/A

Pos Byte Name Description 0 01h SOH Start of Packet 1 RES Reserved 2 1Dh TYPE Type Code 3 SS Transmitter/ Status. 00h = Completed OK. 4 Reserved (16 chars) .. 19 20 Software Build Time: .. ‘hh:mm:ss’ 27 where: h, m, s are ASCII numerals ‘0’..’9’ 28 Reserved (8 chars) .. 35 36 Software Build Date: .. ‘mm/dd/yyyy’ 45 where m, d, y are ASCII numerals ‘0’..’9’ 46 Reserved (78 chars) .. 123 124 CS Checksum 125 04h EOT End of Packet ADDITIONAL NOTES

1. All version information fields contain printable ASCII characters only.

2. All Reserved fields are filled with ASCII Space (20h) characters.

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54 Software Load Command Title : Software Load Command Description : Writes a block of software object code to flash memory. Response : Software Load Response

Pos Byte Name Description 0 01h SOH Start of Packet 1 RES Reserved 2 7Ch TYPE Type Code 3 LDCTL Load Control =00: Erase sector of flash and write data to flash. 4 SADDR3 Flash Start Address Byte3 (MSB) 5 SADDR2 Flash Start Address Byte2 6 SADDR1 Flash Start Address Byte1 7 SADDR0 Flash Start Address Byte0 (LSB) 8 RES1 Reserved 9 RES2 Reserved 10 CRC1 CRC MSB over 4K byte block of data (DATA1..DATAN) 11 CRC0 CRC LSB over 4K byte block of data (DATA1..DATAN) 12 DATA1 First data byte of 4K byte block … … 12+N DATAN Last data byte of 4K byte block CS Checksum 04h EOT End of Packet

55 Software Load Response Title : Software Load Response Description : Return status of the Software Load Command. Response : N/A

Pos Byte Name Description 0 01h SOH Start of Packet 1 RES Reserved 2 7Ah TYPE Type Code 3 SS Transmitter/ Status. 00h = Completed OK. 4 CS Checksum 5 04h EOT End of Packet ADDITIONAL NOTES

1. 16-bit CRC over 4K byte block of data in command request packet uses CRC CCITT algorithm (polynomial = 1021h). SE120 will calculate CRC over the block of data and compare result to CRC included in command request packet. If CRCs

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don’t match, a bad status is returned in response and write to flash will not be performed.


A.1 SE120 INITIALIZATION/ CONFIGURATION Host SE120 Description Assert RTS Þ Wake up SE120 Ü Assert CTS Host checks if SE120 is QUERY Command Þ powered up and has completed its self-test.

Ü QUERY Response SE120 is powered up and has completed its self-test, so it responds with status=OK.

SET TRANSMITTER ID Host sends new Platform ID and Command specifies that ID is to be (CTL=Default ID) Þ stored in non-volatile memory (overwrite old default ID).

Ü SET TRANSMITTER SE120 sends response after ID Response Platform ID update is complete.

DISPLAY TRANSMITTER ID Host reads current default Command transmitter Platform ID back (CTL=Default ID) Þ to verify update.

Ü DISPLAY TRANSMITTER SE120 returns response ID Response containing current default Platform ID (stored in non- volatile memory).

LOAD TRANSMITTER TIME Host loads SE120 time-of-day Command Þ clock.

Ü LOAD TRANSMITTER SE120 sends response after TIME Response loading of time-of-day clock is complete. SE120 is now ready to make transmissions.

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A.2 SCHEDULING A TRANSMISSION Host SE120 Description Assert RTS Þ Wake up SE120 Ü Assert CTS Host sends a TRANSMIT Command, TRANSMIT Command containing the control (Transmit Parameters, parameters for the requested Data) Þ transmission (Transmit Date/Time, Channel, etc), and the data to be transmitted.

Ü TRANSMIT SE120 checks for transmit Response parameter errors and for (Status=00h (OK)) overlap with other scheduled transmissions. If no errors, SE120 queues and schedules the transmission and returns TRANSMIT Response packet containing completion status for the command.


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APPENDIX B: Legal Data Characters: GOES Domestic Channel Self-Timed Transmissions

Legal Data Characters: GOES Domestic Channel (1..199) Self-Timed Transmissions

MSN Least Significant Nibble : Bits [3..0]

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F

0 NUL BEL BS HT LF VT FF CR SO SI 00h 07h 08h 09h 0Ah 0Bh 0Ch 0Dh 0Eh 0Fh 1 DC1 DC2 DC3 DC4 EM SUB ESC FS US 11h 12H 13h 14h 19h 1Ah 1Bh 1Ch 1Fh 2 SP ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 20h 21h 22h 23h 24h 25h 26h 27h 28h 29h 2Ah 2Bh 2Ch 2Dh 2Eh 2Fh 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? 30h 31h 32h 33h 34h 35h 36h 37h 38h 39h 3Ah 3Bh 3Ch 3Dh 3Eh 3Fh 4 @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O 40h 41h 42h 43h 44h 45h 46h 47h 48h 49h 4Ah 4Bh 4Ch 4Dh 4Eh 4Fh 5 P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ 50h 51h 52h 53h 54h 55h 56h 57h 58h 59h 5Ah 5Bh 5Ch 5Dh 5Eh 5Fh 6 ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n q 60h 61h 62h 63h 64h 65h 66h 67h 68h 69h 6Ah 6Bh 6Ch 6Dh 66h 6Fh 7 p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ DEL 70h 71h 72h 73h 74h 75h 76h 77h 78h 79h 7Ah 7Bh 7Ch 7Dh 7Eh 7Fh NOTES:

1. SE-120 sets the MSBit (Parity Bit) of each 8-bit data character it receives to zero before checking for illegal characters, so any data characters containing values in the range 80h..FFh are converted to the range 00h..7Fh.

2. All illegal ASCII character values are shown as blank entries in the above table.

3. SE-120 changes all illegal characters to ASCII ‘/’ (2Fh) characters and generates odd Parity for each data character just prior to transmission.

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APPENDIX C: Legal Data Characters: GOES Random Mode Transmissions

Legal Data Characters: GOES Random Mode Transmissions

MSN Least Significant Nibble : Bits [3..0]

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F



2 SP 20h 3 ? 3Fh 4 @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O 40h 41h 42h 43h 44h 45h 46h 47h 48h 49h 4Ah 4Bh 4Ch 4Dh 4Eh 4Fh 5 P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ 50h 51h 52h 53h 54h 55h 56h 57h 58h 59h 5Ah 5Bh 5Ch 5Dh 5Eh 5Fh 6 ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n q 60h 61h 62h 63h 64h 65h 66h 67h 68h 69h 6Ah 6Bh 6Ch 6Dh 66h 6Fh 7 p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ DEL 70h 71h 72h 73h 74h 75h 76h 77h 78h 79h 7Ah 7Bh 7Ch 7Dh 7Eh 7Fh NOTES:

1. SE-120 sets the MSBit (Parity Bit) of each 8-bit data character it receives to zero before checking for illegal characters, so any data characters containing values in the range 80h..FFh are converted to the range 00h..7Fh.

2. All illegal ASCII character values are shown as blank entries in the above table.

3. SE-120 changes all illegal characters to ASCII ‘/’ (2Fh) characters and generates odd Parity for each data character just prior to transmission.

4. GOES random mode transmissions use a “modified ASCII” format, where all data characters must have Bit7 (of Bits 8..1) set =1. The two legal exceptions are the ASCII ‘?’ (3Fh) and Space (20h) characters. Random mode transmissions are only permitted on GOES domestic channels (1..199).

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APPENDIX D: Legal Data Characters: GOES International Channel Transmissions

Legal Data Characters: GOES International Channel (202..266) Transmissions

MSN Least Significant Nibble : Bits [3..0]

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F

0 LF CR 0Ah 0Dh 1

2 SP ' ( ) + , - . / 20h 27h 28h 29h 2Bh 2Ch 2Dh 2Eh 2Fh 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : = ? 30h 31h 32h 33h 34h 35h 36h 37h 38h 39h 3Ah 3Dh 3Fh 4 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O 41h 42h 43h 44h 45h 46h 47h 48h 49h 4Ah 4Bh 4Ch 4Dh 4Eh 4Fh 5 P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 50h 51h 52h 53h 54h 55h 56h 57h 58h 59h 5Ah 6



1. SE-120 sets the MSBit (Parity Bit) of each 8-bit data character it receives to zero before checking for illegal characters, so any data characters containing values in the range 80h..FFh are converted to the range 00h..7Fh.

2. All illegal ASCII character values are shown as blank entries in the above table.

3. SE-120 changes all illegal characters to ASCII ‘/’ (2Fh) characters and generates odd Parity for each data character just prior to transmission.

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