Blind Foundation news December 2016

Welcome to your Blind Foundation News update for December 2016. As this is the last update of the year, I want to reflect back on what we’ve achieved since the start of this financial year on the 1 July. If there is anything within this update that you would like to know more about then please get in touch with the communications team, whose details are at the end of this update.

Client Services

 Since June, over 5000 clients have received our services.

 We have surveyed 2096 of these clients and in November, 97.8% reported. They were satisfied with the services they received. Guide Dogs

 So far this year (please note this is from 16 January up to now) we have:

o 87 pups born (our next litter is due 6 January). o 33 new handler / dog teams graduated (seven more currently in training). o 213 handlers working around New Zealand.

 Guide Dogs has been re-accredited by the International Guide Dog Federation (IGDF) for the next five years.

 The International Guide Dog Federation (IGDF) held its bi-annual seminar in May:

o During the seminar events, Paul Metcalf, National Manager Guide Dogs was re-elected to the Board for a second term and also appointed the position of Chair/President. The appointment is a great indication of the reputation our guide dog service holds around the world.

Accessible Format Services (AFS)

 AFS provided significant support in making the local body elections more accessible across the country. Auckland Council looked to us to support them and saw all candidates profiles available in Daisy audio and on TIS.

 The AFS team continue to improve their web accessibility skills. This year the team has worked with many different organisations (including the DIA and Auckland Council to name a couple) towards making their web sites work for everyone.

Page 1 of 3 CVR  They’ve been on many adventures, from increasing our offerings in local regions through to the epic 7 Day Challenge. It is great to see them reach more clients and offer more activities.

Other news

 November eNewsletter - Gear up for the festive season with our Christmas bumper edition. Last month, we shared highlights from our Youth SEED leadership programme, activities in the lower South Island, some top gift ideas for Christmas, plus more!

 Blind Foundation business planning meeting -The Blind Foundation is seeking interest from clients to participate in a business planning day.

 Sharing the gift of reading for 25 years – To celebrate International Volunteers Day on 5 December, we share an entry written by one of our amazing volunteers, who is celebrating 25 years of service this year.

 Outlook summer edition now available – Read about the adventures of the team who took on the epic 7 Day Challenge, be inspired by people achieving their dreams and check out Julie Woods’ recipe for using up those leftover Christmas puddings you’re bound to end up with.

Staff profile This month we get to know Rochelle Corrigan a Puppy Development Assistant/Guide Dog Trainer. Rochelle is in charge of supervising the guide dog puppies on the puppy programme. She is responsible for the pups on the North Shore, Auckland. She also trains dogs to guiding standards. A typical day sees Rochelle out and about around Auckland visiting puppies under her supervision and assessing how they are developing. During assessments, she looks at how the puppy is doing in their current environment. She also offers advice to the puppy walker as to how to help and train them. "The main aim of my job is to help and assist puppy walkers in the raising of our guide dog pups. I am always looking at how the pups are doing in relation to the whole guide dog colony and their potential to become a guide dog. I am also a qualified trainer so I often have a training dog on the go as well," she says. Working with puppies every day makes for some memorable work stories, but seeing them graduate to working guide dogs makes her happiest. Rochelle loves the variety in her job and working with the guide dog development team. Rochelle has been working at guide dogs for 15 years. She started working at the kennels after completing tertiary study and loved it so much she never left.

Page 2 of 3 Photo of Rochelle and her family. Equipment Display Days

There is currently no equipment display days scheduled for the remainder of 2016. Dates for 2017 will be available in the upcoming Outlook magazine and on the events section of our website. For further information on any of the above, please contact the Communications Team at [email protected] or 0800 24 33 33.

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