Overview Of Proposed RN- BSN Curriculum Start Date May 2010
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Overview of Proposed RN- BSN Curriculum Start Date Summer 2010 Submitted to SON Curriculum Committee October 20, 2009
Task Force Members
Chair: Laura Blank Members: Vicki Black-Bishop, Laura Crouch, Karine Crow, Sally Doshier, Ro Haddon, Susan Rieck and Debera Thomas
Rationale for Proposing a New Curriculum /Plan Change
In the spring semester of 2009, the Dean of the School of Nursing appointed a task force to review the RN- BSN program for currency and responsiveness to market demand. The task force conducted an extensive review of current BSN courses using the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Essentials of Baccalaureate Education (2008), the current School of Nursing Baccalaureate Program Outcomes, and Analysis of BSN Program Outcomes and Recommendations for Curricular Improvement. Both theory and clinical syllabi were reviewed. Results were tabulated and compiled. In addition, a secondary review of the proposed curriculum/plan change and syllabi was conducted by the appropriate content expert among the faculty to ascertain currency, as well as scope and depth of content or clinical application.
Areas for curricular improvement and efficiency were identified in this process. Course/content sequencing, level and depth of coverage, and consistency of course content were examined. Questions about responsiveness to a competitive market became evident during the examination process.
Analysis of the curriculum has been ongoing. However, a systematic review using latest AACN Essentials of Baccalaureate Education (2008) was necessary. Along with content areas, other forces have relevance to the curriculum and are considered in the analysis.
Program evaluation data and recommendations indicated the following areas for curricular improvement
Clarifying personal and professional values and analysis of ethical situations and caring practice.
Introductory courses to the RN-BSN program (NUR 302/304). . Non-Healing Community College graduates were required to take both courses (NUR 302/304). Analysis did not demonstrate improved
11/25/2017revised outcomes, just additional units required. Decision made to have one introductory course for all students.
Genomics, gerontology, health care policy, informatics and palliative care are addressed in short courses. With this approach, students were unable to achieve a coordinated approach to integration or application of this content.
Revised standards from AACN dictate a review of the curriculum in terms of meeting the new essentials for baccalaureate nursing education
Increased competition for students and student demand for shorter programs due to the rising cost of education indicate the need to decrease the number of credits and shorten the length of the program. In addition, the Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR) supports innovative programs that shorten the time to graduation.
Highlight of Proposed Curricular/Plan Change
Program plan allows students to graduate with 30 credits in nursing within 12 months.
NUR 320 Palliative Care will increase by one unit and will add patient educational content according to the AACN Essentials of Baccalaureate Education, providing a better context for application.
NUR 321 Gerontology will increase by one unit and will add patient educational content according to the AACN Essentials of Baccalaureate Education, providing a better context for application
NUR 330 Nursing as a Discipline and Profession will address the need for more content in personal and professional values clarification and analysis of ethical situations and caring practice.
NUR 420 Family Nursing Roles explores the role of nurses working with families, including application of theories to understand how families function and cope with stress. It will include genomics, providing a better context for application.
NUR 424 Manager of Care/Health Care Systems provides the RN an overview of healthcare policy, finance and regulatory environments and how the application of information technology affects quality nursing care outcomes. This course combines the short courses of health policy and informatics, providing a better context for application.
11/25/2017revised “Mapping” of Proposed Course to the Essentials for Baccalaureate Education (AACN, 2008) and School of Nursing Program Outcomes
Proposed Course Baccalaureate Essentials SON Outcomes
BIO 201, 202, 205, and Essential I: 320 (15 hours) PSY 101 and 240 (6 hours) Liberal Education for NTS 256 or NTS 135 (3 Baccalaureate Generalist hours) Nursing Practice STA 270 or PSY 230 (3-4 hours) NUR 320 Palliative Care Essential II: Leadership-Management
NUR 321 Gerontology Basic Organizational and Integrate established Systems Leadership for principles of NUR 420 Family Nursing Roles Quality Care and Patient management and Safety leadership into NUR 424 Manager of professional practice. Care/Health Care Systems
NUR 427 Public Health Nursing
NUR 450 C Advanced Applied Nursing
NUR 408 Fieldwork
NUR 320 Palliative Care Essential III: Critical Thinking
NUR 321 Gerontology Scholarship for Evidence Integrates the essential Based aspects of critical NUR 390 Evidence-Based Practice thinking towards Practice and Nursing Research reflective professional practice NUR 420 Family Nursing Roles
NUR 424 Manager of Care/Health Care Systems
NUR 427 Public Health Nursing
NUR 450 C Advanced Applied Nursing
11/25/2017revised Proposed Course Baccalaureate Essentials SON Outcomes
NUR 424 Manager of Essential IV: Leadership-Management Care/Health Care Systems Regulatory requirements through electronic data Integrate established monitoring systems principles of management and leadership into NUR 450 C Advanced Applied Information Management and professional practice. Nursing Application of Patient Care Technology NUR 408 Fieldwork
NUR 424 Manager of Essential V: Culture Care/Health Care Systems Healthcare Policy, Finance, Incorporate cultural NUR 427 Public Health and Regulatory Environments competency into Nursing professional practice in diverse settings.
Integrate established principles of management and leadership into professional practice.
NUR 427 Public Health Essential VII: Clinical Competency Nursing Clinical Prevention and Synthesize theory and Population Health evidence-based research in the direct and indirect delivery of care within professional practice.
Incorporate cultural competency into professional practice in diverse settings.
11/25/2017revised Proposed Course Baccalaureate Essentials SON Outcomes
NUR 330 Introduction to Essential VIII: Accountability Nursing as Discipline and Profession Professionalism and Incorporate ethical and Professional Values legal principles and NUR 427 Public Health professional standards in Nursing practice.
NUR 450 C Advanced Applied Nursing
Professional values in every course
NUR 307 RN Health Essential IX: Clinical Competency Assessment Baccalaureate Generalist Synthesize theory and NUR 320 Palliative Care Nursing Practice: This evidence-based research Essential includes practice in the direct and indirect NUR 321 Gerontology focused outcomes that delivery of care within integrate the knowledge, professional practice. NUR 420 Family Nursing Roles skills, and attitudes delineated in Essentials I - VIII into the nursing care of individuals, families, groups, communities, and populations in a variety of settings.